89-1652 WHITE - CITY CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SA NT PAUL Council `/`�//� CANARV - OEPARTMENT Flle NO. ;l '���� BLUE - MAVOR Co ncil R solution ��� Presented By � `-__ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #440 1) for a Class A Gambling Location License by Thomas Enterprises, Inc. DBA Brown Derby Lounge at 567 Stryker Avenue, be an the same is hereby approved�_ COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Q B �he1�� __ Against Y Sonnen Wilson SEP 1 't f�� Form Approved by City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date . � � / Certified Yass d Council Sec ry BY By ' A►pprov �by avor,� flate _ � � � Approved bj1 Mayor for Submission to Council _ � �"_:� _ _ �j �� _, �c��`� BY �� S�p � � 1989 . � � � � . ��i��� DiVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT A.I)MINISTRA ION DATE � 31 � / g�7 �J INTERDF.PARTMENTAi., KEVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn roc ssed/Received by /�a Lic Enf Aud K � m onc� `�t o`i'�GS Applicant �171AS �ri r.D� ��S!-S_�V�C. Home Address 1�l�5 �Cc�/�h'f.a� t�ca-e� Rusiness lvame �yp�,�n �pr�J �.oun�� Home Phone �S5-O�j g0 T� Business Address �(��LS-�-v� ���' Type of License(s) c1�� �} ' C7�rnb�i� Business Phone `�CCc�'l�n L1 CQ�-, Sv Public Hearing Date q ���9_ License I.D. �{ ��03� at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �6 N��9' llate Notice Sent; Dealer 4� N1/'� to Applicant �02 — rederal Fi_rearms �� _�J�. Pub.lic Hearing g�l I �J�( D rst 3�o���'�� DATE INSPECTIU REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUT R) CUMMENTS Approved Not A roved � Bldg I & D 1 g�a� � � o�L Health Divn. � N� R ' ; Fire Dept. j � i $���ld�l � 0 /L i #- Yolice Dept. $I�1� f SQj'`i� 8��� o,� License Divn. � � ��4 � ! D� City Attorney � � �a(� � �� Date Received: Site Plan 71�I ��� � 3 To Council P.esearch � � Lease or Letter {� Date from Landlord � 3) 0 _ ___ .. --r— . . . _ •-•_ ,.- . - � _ - .-..... � .. . .... �rs_::.-:+� R-... ' - . o � _. . ' ' . . ." . ' . . - y�r�O3� - ' City f Saint Paul . - Oepartment of Finan e and Ma�agement Services ��/�sZ License a d Permit Division 2 City Hall St. Paul,.Min sota 55102•29&5056 APPLICATI N FOR LICENSE , CASH CHECK CtASS NO. Ne Renew 0 � x0 Oate t9� Code No. ., Title of License From ��+� 19v_LTo �—�� 19111 � � A a� � � ,� � � .��: � ApplltantlCompany Name r 100 ' �L ���� 100 Business Name V too .h����c�.��L/•��•< U / J 8usiness Add ss Phone No. 100 .��yy-L!'_�- 100 Mail to Address Phone No. / ` �oo i c� � �rl o � C� D• `j I� J �''n G ::> Manager)Qwner•Name v ,oo / o �I �G !�( Y� e L� ��-C� 100 AtanagedGwner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 Application Fee 2, 50 � –,L � L���--U�� Recelved the Sum of 00 (,� • �(. "�uLc.-� ��✓j ��s//,1/ a , ManayerlOwner•City,Stale 3 Zip Code �100 Total : �� i License InspeCtor By: C� —" Sig�ature ol Applieant Bond: � Company Name Policy No. Expiralion Date Insurance: . Company Name PoliCy No. Expiration Date Minnesota State Identification No. �a�����_ Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Sarial Number late Number Other: THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPUCATfON THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO�OPERATE.Your application for license w II either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions ot the zoning ordinance and completfon of the inspections by the Health, Fire, Zon ng andlor License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS ��,� �� '�3/ � � �., .� g-�-�1 � c� , � � • TO BE �OMP ETED BY BAR OWNER ����`�°� Application No. ' Date eceived By �. - CITY OF SA NT PAUL, MINNESOTA CHARITABLE GAMBLING LOCATION Dtrections: This form must be filled out with a typewriter or by printing in ink by the _ sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of SZ in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license ' will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS S JECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of license) ,•ro„i ��,�.t 2. Located at (address) �i' /� !' 1,��. 3. Name under which business is operate S%���,..,;,/ .p�� g y ��,,rn,�i - 4. True Name 8,,,/' .,,� �— Phone zyi�- 9�.�z ( irst) (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) 5. Date of Birth �— - -- �S Place of Birth �t . 02�'. �rav � (Month, Day, Year) 6. Home Address ,r,,� _ � ��_ Home Phone y5.� D�� 7. Have you ever been convicted of any g bling violations? N� 8. List licenses which you current�y hol at this location. d�'F � /z, wl,e � ¢ .� `t - 7`_ �,. 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAI�LING BOOTEi WILL BE LOCATED ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATE IAL SUBMITTID WILL RESUL.T IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have answ red all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true and orrect to the best of my knowledge and belief. I herebq state further under oath that I h e received no moneq or other considerations, directlq, or indirectly, in connection wit this license, from anq person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other tha already disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. . State of Minaesota ) ) ss � County of Ramaeq ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this �--�'�¢� �1�� (Signature of Applicant) day of 19 � ���"„� '�, ��M ��L.?�nr��,�C � a^`r� A Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mi sota � `'.'` ' �" "'�^ � My Commission expires � � y� � � :� :-1� � � ,,.��,�w. � � - � � �� - � . ��-i��� TO BE COMPL TED BY BAR OWNER i underscand ancl will uphold the ardi ance amending Chzpter a�� ot che St. Paul Legisiac.ive Co�le (IncoxicaLi g Lic�uor) . I Eurther underscand chac failure to mply may resulc in ctie si,spension or revocation ot . , On Sale Liquor an correspondins licenses. Sign ure �iz�.--�- � Establishmenc `7 � 3 �� - �� Oace Recurn co: . Licen�e v Pe:�ni� Division Room �U3, Cicy Hall St. Paul , !�M SS lU2 � Please retain the attached ordinance fo your records. 3/36 . � • - ����G�� s���vfi ��u� ��� �o u�-c�� �tTB�L� ��� R�.�IC- �O lL��: . �I�,� �� �P�T�A�Z�N RECEIVED � auG o 21989 C17Y CLERK , � _ � � y�. � Dear Property Owner: L 44031 : Application fo a Class A Gambling Location license. This license w uld allow the liquor establishment to PU'Z d S r, lease space to a charitable organization ( Westside/ • Westend Youth ockey) for the sale of pulltabs and/ or tipboards. �����L+ '�-1-�� Thomas Enterpr ses Inc dba Brown Derby Lounge J..�Q����aL� 567 Stryker A enue T.---,� —� Septembe 14, 1989 4��0 a.,�. � ��,�__.�. ��`�C Cic7 C�uac=1. saaoers, 3r� �Zoar Ci:.7 raL' - Cau:-_ ausa 3y i.`��sa aa' ?�-�c �{T_s+o�, �7e�ar—._e_c o= : -��cs -�.: f �� --- �+��� �rag�eaz Sa :cas. 3aa� 2�3 C��� caL� - Cour: �usa, L'tQ ���i.. J L.,��IT S3I:L �3LLj.. u CC3 ZaS-7OS0 • : ' �aCZ '.II�V be C:2a�_^. c�'iCt'10 C Ciile cIIII52aC �1/Cr s:.c�+'?8C=° oL CZ- L.�censa �� °��� � Ditr�;on. � = i.s su�g_st3d �:at pou ca?? t�e C:=: �'.�z�°.C� � QL��C_ dC �QB�.+i? i _� ; OLL '.Tt_SiI C.^.iZ�:'�•-�r=0t'- . , _ . , . ��--'��..s.� DEPARTME•NT/OFFICE/COUNGL DATE INI ATE . Finance/�icense GREEN SHEET No. 5��J6 CONTACT PER30N 6 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 � � �DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR ❑cm couNa� CITY ATTORNEY ��CRY(;LERK MUST BE ON OOUNqL AOENDA BY(DATE) �BUDOET DiRECTOR FlN.t M(�T.SERVICES WR. M T 9-14-89 ❑au►va+�oA�ssisTaNn Counci 1 R r TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (C•LIP A L L TIONS FOR SIQNATURE) ACTION REGUESTED: Renewal of an application for a Ga bling Manager's License. Notification Date: 8-29-89 Hearing Date: 9-�4-89 �co�Na►�s:�vw�•w a�cR► cou in�n�onT oPrw� _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _CIVIL SERVIC�COMMISSION �� �E�. _pB OOMMITTEE _ _BTAFF _ OOMME _018TRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHlpl COUNqI OBJECTIVE? fNIT1ATIPK�PROBLEM.ISBUE�OPPORTUNITY(Who.Wh�t.When.�Nh�►e�Nlh�: Mark Mules DBA Westside Youth H ck Association, 567 Stryker requests Council approval of his applica io for renewal of a Gambling Manager's License. All fees and application have been submitted. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: ' If Council approval is given, Ma k ules will manage the pulltab/tipboard sales for Westside Youth Hockey ss ciation at Brown Derby Counge, 567 Stryker Avenue. as�wvu�rr�s iF�oveo: DISADVANTAGEB IF NOT APPROVED: Council Research Center. SEP 11989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE OUDOETED(CIRGIE ON� YES NO FUNOINO 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN)