89-1649 wHiTE - C�Tr CLERK COl1flC11 �j� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAI T PAITL �{(/�� BLUE - MAYOR File NO• - � Council Re olution �y�, Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ���I�9 Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #16204) or a Class A Gambling Location License by Bram Corporation D A Arcade Bar at 932 Arcade Street, be and the same is hereby app oved/��ecl. COUNCIL MEMBERS equested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Dimoed �� [n Favor Goswitz � Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson ��P � 'i i��� orm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' � Certified Pa.s Counc.il re ry BY g �y gy, Approved b�y �lavof: D� '�f � � pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council J --- ' gy � ��'�`��'", BY - a�init� S EP 2 � 1989 ��7-�� DEPARTMENTlOFFICEICOUNGL OATE IW:pATED Fi nance �i cense G EEN SHEET No. 5Q 15 CONTACT PERSON R PFIONE ��T� INITIAUDATE ENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 ��, A OHNEY �cm�c�� MUBT BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO � p0 pIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SEHVICEB DIR. 9-�4�89 ❑ voR toR assisT�an ��i 1 R TOTAL N OF SKiNATURE PAt�ES (CLIP ALL LOCA OR SIQNATUR� ACTION REOUE87ED: Approval of an application for a Clas A ambling Location License. Notification Date: 8-24-89 e in Date: 9-14-89 R C�AMENDA :Approw W c►Ry�ct(i� C011Nf�l H REPORT AL _PlANP11N0 OOMMISSION _CINIL 8ERVICE COAAMISSION ��Y� PMONE N0. _q8 COMMITTEE _ _3T/1FF _ • OO�AAAENT8: _D18TAICf OWRT _ SUPPORT8 WNICFI COUNpI OBJECTIVE9 INIIIATINti PR06LEM�IS�JE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.Nllat,Wlien.Wl�rs�NfiY). Bram Corporation DBA Arcade Bar at 932 Ar ade Street requests City Council approval approval of its application f r Class A Gambling Location License. This license will allow the liquor est bl shment to lease space to a charitable organization (Frost Lake Bo st r Club) for the sale of pulltabs and/or tipboards. All fees and applic ti ns have been submitted. All required divisions - Zoning, Fire, Pol ce and License have given their approval . ADVMITA(iE81F APPFIOVED: If Council approval is given, Arcade B r ill be able to lease space to a charitable organization for pulltab/ti bo rd sales. o�vu�r�s��aoveo: NOTE: 7-21-88 the Arcade Bar received an 1 day suspension for illegal � gambling and other violations. The suspe ion was served 8-7-88 to 8-17-88. The one year waiting period for charitabl gambling has expired. DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVEA: Council Research Center. AUG 291989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = T VENUE 91lDOETED(CIRC�E ONE) YE� NO FUNDING SOURCE A I NUMSER FlNANGAL INfORMATION:(EXPLAII� . : . . ��-/l�� DIVISION OF I,ICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINISTRATI�N DATE ��� O / � � � p S INTERPF.PARTMFNTAi. REVIEW CHECKLIST A.pp Pr cessed/Rece ved y Lic Enf Aud Applicant IrQ rn ���Y['-�(dY) Ho e Address �O�7 � ,�G rG�a y � � _�__, Rusiness Iv'ame �Cll� �� Ho e Phone �� �r �3 3I . Business Address G3� A-rca.dQS�• Ty e of Lic.ense(s) CldlSS (-f C�u,mbl�+� Business Phone �7y� 9ao� �� C(,�,-1" (b �•� «'S� Public Hearing Date ���-{ Li ense I.D. �� �(p aO � at 9:00 a.m. in the Council ham ers, �r � 3rd floor City Ha11 and Courthouse St te Tax I.D. �t s � Cf (p b a� llate Notice Sent; � Q De ler 4� ��A^ to Applicant � 0� /�� � ' �� red ral Pirearms �� N /T Pub.lic He�.iring �r�+ 5 nv-k�re DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A rove Bldg I & D ������ � �� � � Health Divn. , � �� � i Fire Dept. i � � g'��� � 0 � I � Police Dept. ,.� ���/ri I �r� t ��� l O K- � License Divn. � �I� ' Q lL City Attorney � � �5���• ��� Date Received: Site Plan _ ��� � p� � To ouncil Research O Z� Lease or Letter ` �( Date from Landlord � � u � � ' � TO BE COMPLETED Y BAR OWNER N �/�� Application No. Date Receiv By . � � CITY OF SAINT PA , MINNESOTA CHARITABLE GAMBLI G LOCATION • Directions: This form must be filled out with a typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, bq each partner, by eac person who has interest in, excess of . Sx in the corporation and/or associ tion in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of license) � /�� � Z. Located at (address) C S , 3. Name under which business is operated � 4. True Name /� �. /� Phone 77�" 9v([3� (First) (Middle) ( iden) (Last) 5. Date of Birth 3 � i S P1 ce of Birth S�� � I �V� (Month, D y, Year) 6. Home Address t�L ST• Home Phone 7 7�'d.3.�� 7. Have you ever been convicted of any gamblin violations? Y� S I` Aj � ?" 8. List licenses which you currently hold at t s location. � r /S'���✓c � ' •���✓��' . �/'!l, �;'�""� /�,�'!�/t�`� � �,�`f��%C,� � �'��' �/�E`TT�S � 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAI�LING BOOTH ILL BE LOCATED ANY FALSZFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL S MITTID WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have answered al of the above questions, and that the informatioa contained thereia is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have rec ived no money or other considerations, directlq, or indirectlq, in connection with this icense, from anq person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other than alrea y disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. . State of Minnesota ) j ) ss • Countq of Ramsey ) � , Subsczibed and sworn to before me this / "' c���1 daq of ��(.t -r- ig �� (Signature of A licant) . ������ � � �� � . Notary Public, Ramseq Countq, M nesota �'`:i,�, ,� . � � hty i.ai;� = =- , My Commission expires r,n,vvwvww•���v���v�""`"'^"'��• -►-- . . ^,�-^- , '-—<r—r---� . � �. .. ..A,mc-� . . �"ME,�4T•''�,,,-�:.�.�.':�s'fi a_c.'=-�+�..,y,7ldP..�a���.r:,�ar.r>.o..--_ • . _ .=. 1��f� ' -� City of Sdint aul Department of Finance and anagement Services D,,,_.����� License anct Perm t Division c�� 203 City H 1 St. Paul, Minnesota 55 2-29&5056 APPLICATION FO LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New• Rene . � � � � � oace i9� Code No. ; Title of License From ��!l 1�To ��� 19� � �� . n �oo � ApplicanUCompany Na ` �� ��E� - ,00 e�s��aSSName ,o0 3 �'. 06 Business Address Phone No. 100 .,��.��1-�'C_�'_�-- 100 Mail to Address Phone No. 100 Manager/Owner•tJame - ' 100 100 AtanagerlGwner-Home AOdress Pho�e No. 4098 Application Fee 2, 50 Received the Sum of 100 ,D .Manayer/Owner-City,Siate 8 Zip CoOe 100 Total 100 = ` , � - License Inspector �: � By: ��a�Z- Siynature ot Appl/eant Bond: ' Company Name P icy No. Expiration Date Insurance: Company Name Po icy No. Expiralion�ate Minnesota State Identification No. ���� �O�02� Soci Security No. Vehicle Inb�mation: Serlal Number Plats Ny�r►pe[ �th@(: THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR A PLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for license will eilher e granted or rejected subject to the p�ovisions of the zonfng ordinanCe end completfon of the inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoninp and! r LiCense Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETU ED CHECKS G�'� �� �/�?o� �_. �,���� �'-a17�9 �' �, / �� � t � � . , . ���`1Z� � - TO BE COMPLETED BY BAR OWNER i under�cancl ancl will uphold che ordinance am nding Chapcer 4Q� of chc St. Paul Legislac.ive Code (Incoxicating Li�uo ) . I further underscnnd chac Eailure co comply m y resulc in the sti�pension or revocacion oti . , On Sale Liquor �nd corres onding licenses. G"� 4/ , �� I�I��. Signacure l,� Est3blishmenc �� d � �ate Recurn co: License v Pernic Divisian Room =U3, Cicy Ha11 St. Paul , �tN 551U2 Please retain the attached ordinance for your re ords. 3/sb , . ' � _ s���vfi ��u L �� � co u�-cl� �U�I�L� .r. R,i��T = �0 lT�E . ������ �p� �T�A�za� �CEtVED . p�G o 21989 � GITY CLERK � _ � � =' �i0. � Dear Property Owner: L 16204 . 4 Application for a Class A Gambling Location license. This license will allow the iquor establishment to lease �tf��Q S�. space to a charitable o ganization (Frost Lake Booster • Club) for the sale of p lltabs and/or tipboards.. ���I I�,''��� Bram Corporation dba Ar ade Bar L.�d�c����JL� 932 Arcade Street r.—,� —. Sept. 14, 1989 9:�J0 a.W. � L �' -�. �,r`�C C�c7 Couac=L C'saaoers 3r� �?oar C+c7 cal! - Cau=-_ ausa 3y r�,c�sa aad ?��c iT�ios, De�ar-'�e=c oc :�=�¢cs a=� i — w.�ag�eac Serr.ces, o� 203 C+�� cat: - C�ur: :.�c:sa, �Q _!C r. S L��- Sai:c p3uL, w.r...,.�cca 298-��750 � � - : � daca �g be c�aa;e�. w�c�oat t�e ensa�c a^_1/or tie�:L=c;s oz Cs= L.:_csnsa �a °_�..T � Di�r_s;oz. := i.s s' �a�s�aa c�at c4c: c�?= t`�e C==; C�a:'.:.' s Oi=-=� ac Z°8-LL"_3 L =_ �ou �.�s: �c�n=��t_o�.