89-1639 WHITE - CITV CLERf( PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council {/�f/) / n CANARY - DEPARTMENT j y� �(//�7 BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �� � �� a { Co ci Resolution �'� __,� Presented By rred Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the pro er City officials are hereby authorized and directed to xecute an Agreement granting $1, 000 . 00 to FROGTOWN FESTI AL INC. for the purpose of staging the Frogtown Festival; to b held September 29 , 30 and 31 , 1989 and conducted in accordance with Council approved guidelines dated August 12, 1987; a c y of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the epartment of Finance and Management Services. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond COMMUNITY SERVICES/PARKS & RECREATION: �nS IR VO[ �ii�. - Rettman Sc6eibel fl _ A ga n s t , Sonnen Wilson ��P � �fi $9 Form rove by Cit <Att r y Adopted by Council: Date � 7 Certified P s by Cou .' S a BY �_`�G $� , Bl _ Appro ,by \�t vor: ate _ L � � ��� Appr ed by Mayor for Submi io�to Council ��_� B p�,� S E P 2 3 989 i ������ DEPARTMENT/OFFI�UNqL D E IN IATED � � � � COMMUNITY SERVICES -a -s9 GREEN SHEET No. OONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNqI B i l l Pe te r s o n 2 9 2-7 415 � cmr arroRNev �ciTV c�wc MUBT BE ON(�UNqL MiENDA BY(DA7� �BUDOET DIRECT�1 �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICEB DIR. s �MAYOR(OR AS818T � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 5 ( IP L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Signatures of Dept. of Commu it Services Director, City Attorney, Mayor, City Council, Dept. of Finan e Management Services Director. �COMMENDATION3:Approve(A)a Rsjsct(R) I COMMITTEEI�SEAFiCl1 f�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE C�� YS PHOPIE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFF E � vED — — � � ,/ � _DISTRICT OOURT _ 8UPPORT3 WHICH OOUNdI OBJECTIVE? A��j 3 0 �[�8 Recreation bAAYC�R`S � IC � 9 INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORILNITY(Who,Whet,Wh�n,N/hxe, � ����� Frogtown Festival Inc. seeks un ing for their festival to be��ld Sept. 29, 30, 31, 1989. � � ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Frogtown area residents and b si esses would benefit from this event which is intended to promote, unify an strengthen the community. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None. � DISAOVANTAQE8 IF NOT APPROVED: i Portions of their event would �r bably have to be cut. Councfl Research Center �I AUG 31 i989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ; O O O COST/REVENUE dUDQETED(GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE 3 2 5 - S e c i a 1 S@ Y'V 1 C e ACTIVITY NUMBER 2 314 3 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE CiREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.29&4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are prefened routings for the flve most frequent types of dxuments: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. arants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Ciry Attorney 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAseistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accountfng 6. Chief AxountaM, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget CAUNqL RESOLUTION (all others) ReWsion) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiatinp Department Director 2. DepartmeM Accountar�t 2• CitY AttamBY 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. Ciry Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Ciy Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of psges on which signatures are required and paperclip each of these pages. ACTION RE�UESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronobgi- cal order or order of importance,wh�hever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council obJective(s)your project/request supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE�UESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or condftions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simpy an annual budget prxedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific wa in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benent from this pro�icUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue7 FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addreasing,in general you must answer two questiona: Haiv much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? , ��/��9 � < .. _. .� �� ���R /d � '�Wf�'[�� � �A�� M �, �y:� � � y(%, / ��✓,f/ , u U� 2 2 i989 �, D�'.r ,• _ � , A G R E E M E N T & � �� ����,` �..�;�►,�y�•�.{��,'S THIS AGREEMENT, made an entered into this day of , 1989 by and bet een the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "City") , and he FROGTOWN FESTIVAL, INC. (hereinafter referred to as 'Frogtown") . WHEREAS, on January 6, 987 the St. Paul City Council established a ommunity Festival Loan Fund and Grant Program, administered by the Division of Parks and Rec eation, for the purpose of assisting neighborhood estivals with expenses, startup costs and ins rance coverage; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul ity Council has approved rules and regulations t ensure the fair and equitable distribution f the funds; and WHEREAS, Frogtown has pplied for a grant in accordance with these r les and regulations. NOW THEREFORE, the pa ties agree as follows: 1 . That the City shall g ant to Frogtown the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1, 00. 00) for the purpose of helping to fund the Frogtown Fes ival to be held on September 29, 30 , and 31 , 1989 as more articularly outlined in Frogtown' s application attached ereto as Exhibit A and made a part of this Agreement. 2. That Frogtown will p epare and submit to the City a report outlining all expens s and revenues derived from the Festival and specifi ally detailing how the grant money was spent within 90 days after the completion of the festival noted above. Frogto n further will permit the Division of Parks and Recreation staff full access to its books and records concerning t e festival. 3. That Frogtown shall ubmit to the City a copy of the Frogtown' s liabilit insurance policy naming the City as an additional insured, said policy shall be forwarded to City by Se tember 20, 19 9 . 1 , , ��y/��9 4. That Frogtown understand this agreement is not binding until the City Council proves of it by resolution. Approved as to form: For the City: , �'-{ ,���i:� ���� Pa McCloskey, As istant leen Stack, Director City Attorney D�epartment of Community Services By Eugene Schiller, Director Department of Finance and FROGTOWN F STIVAL, I C. : Management Services �p ,` /��� ,� By tiwt.�.w•.. '"�- ����`�' Pres i dent By r��c,� Vice President 2 ��'/l 3q �n,�nn,�n CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,a��,,, o,�rr,n, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �o~e . . '.Yi'r� �: ,��'�01° �; DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION �,+, �� ., = 300 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street ��0j��,,;m.d�F St Paul, Min�esota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-292-7400 MAVOR August 8, 1989 Norrine Bohman Frogtown Festival, Inc. 379 West University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 Dear Norrine: Enclosed are four copies of he agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Frogtown Fes ival Incorporated for a $1,000 .00 grant from the Community Fe tival Fund. Please sign all four copies and return to me. We will then submit a resolution with yo r application to the City Council to approve the grant. If you have any questions out the grant, please call me at 292-7415. Sincerely, ;�--�-t^-'� Bill Peterson Assistant Manager of Spec ' 1 Services :encl. eos J �t �?,G '�/�� 9 , DIVISION O'F ARKS AND RECREATION COMMUNIT FESTIVAL FUND AP LICATION Date July 25, 1989 Check On : Loan Grant X Organization Name Frogtown Festiv 1 , InC. Description of Organization, br ' ef history Frogtown Festival , Inc. was established in 1987 when a representative group of residents began to plan a major event for the com- munity in an effort to unite as many c mmunity-based organizations, businesses and residents in both the planning and participation efforts. Both the 1987 and 1988 festivals were very successful and it is expected that th 1989 festival will be equally successful . The festival includes representation from not only residents living in the Frogtown neighborhood but also employers and employees in t e neighborhood. Non-Profit Status 503c Yes X No Don' t Know Project Coordinator lvame Norrine Bohman, Co-chair, and Morris Manning, Co-chair Addre s s c/o Wilder Foundation, 919 afond Avenue, St. Paul , MN 55104 Phone 642-4047 724-5858 day evening Project Description (purpose a d impact on area) : Attach additional information if needed) 1. To promote and give direction to he collective future as a neighborhood. 2. To resist apathy and hopelessness and to develop a unifying vision for the neighborhood. 3. To recognize the strengths of Fro town citizens in promoting Forgotwn as a good place in w ic to ive. 4. To reco nize and welcome all �Che different ethnic groups in Frogtown. 5. To have fun--to celebrate. ' Total Amount Requested From C mmunity Festival Fund:��A@@� � �,��v If this application is a requ st for a grant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (At ach additional sheets if necessary) . The Finance Committee of the Fro to n Festival is o timistic about raisin u to 1 0 0 in donations in addition this rant. , , � �����39 If this application is a request or a loan, how do you plan to repay it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . NA Please attach the following info mation to our application: 1 . Verification of nonprofit st tus and copy of organizational Articles of Exhibits A and B Incorporation 2. List of Officers or Director Exhibit C 3. Letter verifying organizatio ' s approval of the proposal Exhibit D 4 . Previous year' s budget and f nancial statement, if applicable Exhibit E 5. Current balance sheet and in ome statement, if applicable NA 6. Proposed budget (expenses a income) for the activity (Estimated line item budget including venue and expenses that will be made from loan or grant funds. Exhibit F 7. Evidence that insurance can be obtained by the organization Exhibit G 8. Plan for staging the festiv 1 event. Exhibit H District Council 7 District Council Review - Signa ure�1���� ��,��;��y��'1 �,.Cl Date of District Council Review ����-1,\�C� COMMENTS: Please send application to: Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and Rec eation 200 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN 15/FESTIVAL.APL ' � ���i-��31 , :nternal Revenue Service Department of the Treasury District Director � F 0 EOx a-�:�^a oFh �=-�� CHIC,�uO� IL 6069�? � Date: NIAY 2 3 �98a � mp f vyzr ldent i f i cat i��n htumber: �i-i��s9363 untar.t F'ers��n: hiS. 6. GADEOIS FR�GT04lN �'ESTIVAL INC ��ntact Trlephone Numbzr: 4d9 hfIDl�EST FEUERAL FLt1G SO E 5TH <31�) FFfi-127� ST FAUL, MN 551d1 Interne i Rev�nue C��de Szcti��n 501(c} (4) Acc��unting Feri��d Ending: December 31 F��rm y9�S Fequ i red: Yes Cav►�at App I i�s: Yes Dear Applicant E�ased an infc�rmatic�n suppl i�ds d assuning yc�ur c�perations ui 1 I be as statEd in yaur applicatian far rECOg itic�n uf er.emptit�n� �e have dEtErminEd yau ar� Euempt frc�ro F�d�ral incame t x undEr the provisic�ns af the Internal kevenue Cude sECtian indi�ated abc�vE Unless specificalty excEpted� y u arE liable for taxes under the Federal InsurancE Cc�ntributians Act tsacial ecurity taxES> ft�r each emplayee tc� ��hom yc�u pay t14G ar mt�rE during a calend r year. Ande unless e>:ceptEd+ yc�u are also liable fc�r tax undEr thE FEdera UnEmplayment Tar: Act fc�r each empluyee tc� �hr.�m yau pay ��0 a�- marE during a calEndar quarter if� during the current ar preceding calendar yEar� yau had �ne r�r mc�rE enplcryEES at any timE in each af 20 calendar sieeks c�r yc�u paid ��a s c�f �1�F00 ur roorE in any calendar quarter. If yc�u have any questi��ns buut Er,cise� emplay�►Ent ar ath�r Fedrral tar,rs� RleasE addrESS thEn ta this cffice. If your sourcES a•f suppart� ar yaur purpases, character� ar roEthc�d af ��pEratic.�n changee pl •rase let us kna s� s�E can cansider the effect af the chanqE c.rn yc�ur ��:empt status. In t F case c,f an amendment ta y�ur arganiza- tianal dr��ument c�r bytaws� plEas� s nd us a capy af thE amendEd dacument ar by t afis. A I sc�� yc�u shau I d i nf arm us c�f a 1 1 c hangES i n yc�ur nane ar add ress. The heading af this IEtter ind cates �+hEther you must file Fc�rm 990+ Keturn af Organisatic�n E>:Empt from ncanE Tax. If Yes is indicated� yuu are req u i rEd ta f i 1 e Ft�rm 990 ��n I y i f y �ur grass rECe i pts Eac h yEa r a rE nc�rma 1 I y mare tt�an ��5,040. If a r-rturr� is �quirEd, it must bE filed by th� 1Fth day af the fifth manth after th� end af yuur annual accUUnting pEriod. Th� lar� prc�vid�5 f�r a pEnalty t�f �10 a da e up ta a a�a>:imu�e +�f fF�000v y�hen a rEturn is filEd IatF� unless th-rre is rea cmablE cause far the dElay. This pEnalty L�ttEr 94?(C�0/CGi r � C���/G�9 _� �- , FROGTO�th! FESTIVAL IhC may a ts�? br chargtd i f a rzturn i s n�7 c��a�p i ete. 5��, p i ea�e make sure y�:,ur return i s c=�mp l ete bef��re y��u f i !e i t Y��u a re n��t req u i red t�� f i 1 e Fzd ra 1 i nc��me tar, r�turns un I es� y�3u arz sub,ject t�� thr tax ��n unrelated busi ess inc��me under s�cti��n 511 of the C��de. If y��u are sub,ject t�� th i s tax, y��u ust f i l e an i nc��me tar, return �3� F��rm 99U-T, Exempt Oryanizai;i��n Business nc+�me Tax Return. In this letter ►�e are n�t det�rmining ��hether any ��f y��ur resent or propused activities ar� unre- lated t;�adr �:,r business as defined i s�cti��n �13 ��f the C�1d�. Y��u nzed an �mp!�?yzr i dent i f i ca ,i��n n�lmbar even i f y��u have n�� en�p I��yzes. If an eiepl�_�y�yr id?ntificati�:,n numbe �eas n��t enterz�i ��n y��ur appticati�7n� a a nuMber ti.�i I 1 be ass i gne� t�:, yua an y��u �+.i 1 I bz adv i sed +�f i t. F 1 ease use that numb�r ��n a 1 I refurns y��u t i I c and i n a I 1 c��rresp��ndence r�i th the Interna I Revenuz Service. If the heading os this letter ndicates that a caveat applies� the caveat be I��ti� ��r �:,n the znc 1��sur? i s an i nt gra I part �7f th i s I zttrr. Eeca use th i s I etter c��u I d he I res��1 ve aay quzst i��ns ab��ut y��ur exempt status and private f��undati�3n stat � y��u sh��utd keep it in yuur permaoent rec��rds. If y��u have any questi�3ns, p I ase c��ntact the pers��n «h��se name and te t zph��ne nuaber a re sfi��rtn i n the ead i n g �f th i s t ettzr. Sincerely y��ursr ' • . G�l�Z�'�`'��` R. S. W i ntr��dc, Jr. . District Direct�a� LettEr 94�R�C1/CG? y ����/�D3 � - - � F�OGTO�IAI FESTIVAL IiVC � E�rcaus� yau ar� nat an arga�iz ticrn d�scribed in sFCtinn 170tc> c�; th� Cade� dc�nc�rs may nc�t dEduct carrtr i b t i c�ns tc� you. Yt�u shc�u i d adv i se yr�ur cc�ntributc�rs tc� that effECt. LEttEr 94S(C�Di CG? - ----_ �' �� .3 r:-f--, _ �:�.��:��� � �3 � , ��- / ARTICLES OF IN RPORATION OF FROGTOWN FE TNAL. INC. I, the undersiqned, for the purpo e .of forming a corporation pursuant to the provisions of the Nlinnesota Non-pr fit Corporation Act, Niinnesota Statutes, C;�apter 317, and all future laws amen atory thereof and supplementary thereto, do hereby adopt the followinq Articles o Incorperation: . AR CLE I. � � The name of this corporation shall be FROGTOWN FESTIVAL, INC. „ � AR C LE II. � This corporation is organized a d sha]1 be operated exclusively for civic and community welfare purposes, all s contemplated and permitted by Sections � � C 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue C de . of 1954. Within the framework and �, : limitations of the foreqoinq, this cor oration is organized and shall be operated C exclusively to engaqe in, advanc2, sup ort, promote and administer social welfare through betterment of the Frogtown ommunity as a whole. For such purposes, and not otherwise, this corporation hall have and exercise only such powers as are required by and consistent with he foreqoinq purposes. � AR ICLE III. _ This corporation shall not, in dentally or otherwise, afford or pay any pecuniary gain, dividends or other ec nia �!� P ry remuneration to its members/directors as such, and no part of the net inco e or net earninqs of this corporation shall, directly or indirectly, be distributed to or otherwise inure to the benefit of any member, director or individual. N part of the activities of this corporation .. _ y . � ............. .ss ..._�. ._. .. ... __-_�../ . - ' " ��� . . . . ����r-/�.39 shall he the carrying on of prooagan a or otherwise attemot�lg, to ini7uenc� leqislation, and this corperation shall t par�icipate in, or interfene in {including . the publishing or distributfnq of stat ments), any political campaiqn on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidat for public office. This corporation shall not lend any of its assets to any offi er, director, or member of this corporation or guarantee to any person the pay ent of a loan by any officer, director or member of this corporation. - � A TICLE N. The period of duration of c porate existence of this corporation shall �• be perpetuaL RTIC LE V. The registered office of this corporation shall be located in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State f Minnesota at 409 Midwest Federal Buildinq, _ / v 50 E. 5th Street. . . � � ' � - _•- =. RTICLE VI. � The name and address of th inccrporator who is a natural person of full age is John F. Bannigan, Jr., 40 Midwest Federal Buildinq, 50 E. Sth Street, , St. Paul. Ramsey County, Minnesot SS10L . .. _ .;,:_ � ARTICLE VII. : _ .,._L K; . The management and direct n of the business and affairs of this corporation shall be vested in a board of dire ors. The number, qualifications, term of office, . method of election, powers, thority and duties of the directors of this corporation, the time and plac of their meetinqs, and such other provisions with respect to them as are not inconsistent with the express provisions of these articles of incorporation shall be pecified in the By-1,aws of this corporation. -2- � . � ���'�/��9 , . The names and addresses of the embers of the firsz beard of directors of this cor�oration are: William Sands, 633 University Aven e, St. Paul, MN 5�104; Donald A. Evans, 417 Univeristy Av nue, St. Paul, MN 55104; � John F. Banniqan, Jr., 409 Niidwest ederal Buildinq, St. Paul, MN 55101. ARTIC E VIII. The officers, directors andlor m mbers of this corporation shall not be . personally liable to any extent whatso ver for any debts or obligations of this � corporation. ARTI LE IX. � This corporation shall have no capi a.l stock, either authorized or issued. • ✓ AR CLE X. This corpvration may be dissolve in accordance with the laws of the State ' of Minnesota. Upon dissolution of th s corporation, and after the payment of all liabilities and obligations of this cor ration and all costs and expenses incurred by this corporation in connection wi such dissolution, and subject always to the further provision of this Article X , any remaininq assets shall be distributed to and among such one or more corp rations, associations, and institutions that - - are then in existence, that are orga ized and operated exclusively for one or more purposes described in �Sections Ol(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and that are exempt from feder income taxes under Section SOl(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, all such proportions as shall be determined (I) by the board of directors of this cor oration if the dissolution of this corporation is not required by the laws of the tate of Minnesota then in existence to be conducted under court supervision, o (2) by a court of competent jurisdiction -�- v .__ _. . .... . _.. , _ , . ���'-��39 if the dissclution of this ccrper�::cn is equi;ed b;r ;�e la�.vs ,oc the State of Nlinneseta, then in e:dstenc� :� �s c�nduc;ed under court supervision. Notwithstandi:.q anythinq apparen*�f or :cpressly to the contrary hereinabove contained in this Article X, if any asse s are then held by this corporation in trust or upon condition or sub ject to a y e:cecutory or special limitation and if the condition or limitation occurs by re son of the dissolution of this corporation, such assets shall revert or be retur�ed transferred or conveyed in accordance with the ter;.is and provisions of such tru t, condition or limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have ereunto subscribed my name this 23rd day of July, 1987. � � � . � J n . Banniqa • r. � STATE OF b1INNESOTA) :� . )ss � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) .__. � On this 23rd day of July, 198 , persona]ly apoeared before me John F. . Banniqan, Jr. to me known to be th person described in and who executed the followinq Articles of Incorporation oi rogtown Festival, Inc. and he ac!cnowledged that he executed the same as his fr � act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. � ' � . . ' N'otary Public :�,.`�:. Carol Goracke-Eberhardt . �� NOTARY PUOUC—MINNESO7A ' • � •�. wasH�n,cro� cour,nr � � uY Cartrn. E�cp�a Jan. 12. 1990 a � � C,c-�.�'/�3 9 . � OFFICERS FROGTOWN FESTIVAL, INC. A. William S nds, President Norrine M. B hman, Vice President Norrine M. hman, Co-chair, 1989 Frogtown Festival Morris A. M ning, Co-chair, 1989 Frogtown Festival J C��/�3 9 FROGTOWN FESTIVAL P ANNING CO��MITTEE 1989 1�1ary Buschr+iann Steve & Trish Flannigan Carla Holland 655 Thomas Avenue W. Minnehaha ooster Club 265 Sherburne Avenue St. Paul , P�IN 55104 449 Lafond Av nue St. Paul , MN 55103 St. Paul , P1N 55103 Beverly Ryan Ray & Kathi Kirchoff 981 Beam Avenue 795 Lafond Avenue St. P,aul , MN 55109 St. Paul , MN 55104 Bill Ivory Bill Johnson Reverend Tim Kernan 5151 Eastwood Road 673 Farringto Street St. Adalberts Church , St. Paul , MN 55112 St. Paul , MN 55103 265 Charles Avenue St. Paul , MPI 55103 Manual Melendez Paul Prior Gloria Bogen 807 Lafond Avenue W. Minnehaha Recreation Center 767 University Avenue St. Paul , MN 55104 685 W. Minne aha Avenue St. Paul , MN 55104 St. Paul , MN 55104 Tom & Alice Walters Teresa ��lorrow 710 Lafond AVenue Wilder Foundation 919 Lafond Avenue St. Paul , MN 55104 St. Paul , MN 55104 Diane Cindrich Clark Armste d Kate Severin 595 Arundel Avenue 417 Universi y Avenue 763 Van Buren St. Paul , MN 55103 St. Paul , MN 55103 St. Paul , F1N 55104 �Jancy Benscoter Bill Sands Norrine Bohman Scheffer Recreation Center Western Bank and Insurance Wilder Foundation 237 Thomas Avenue 663 Universi y Avenue 919 Lafond Avenue St. Paul , MN 55103 St. Paul , MN 55104 St. Paul , MN 551�4 liazel Bennett Dr. John Hynan Wilder Senior Outreach 475 University Avenue 750 N. Milton Avenue St. Paul , MN 55103 St. Paul , MN 55104 MorriS Manning Tom & Judy ufman George Quinn Wilder Foundation 738 Thomas venue St. Agnes High School 919 Lafond St. Paul , M 55104 525 Thomas Avenue St. Paul , MN 55104 St. Paul , MN 55103 � (.�- �-�(O�l Gloria Thomas Mary Ellen R xin Model Cities Hlth. Center, Inc. District 7 P anning Council 430 N. Dale Street 379 Universi y, Suite 210 St. Paul , MN 55103 St. Paul , MN 55103 Dawn Goldschmidt Dr. Greg Hy an 368 Sherburne Avenue 475 Univers ty Avenue St. Paul , MN 55103 St. Paul , M 55103 . Mary Jean Mulherin Terry Valen ine 853 Minnehaha Avenue 486 Van Bur n Avenue St. Paul , MN 55104 St. Paul , M 55103 Harv Armstead Austin Abbo t 1740 Hillcrest Avenue 3205 Centur Avenue St. Paul , MN 55116 White Bear ake, MN 55110 Kris Barry Patricia Oh ans Wilder Foundation 841 Thomas venue 911 Lafond Avenue St. Paul , M 55104 St. Paul , MN 55104 Jerry Jenkins City of St. Paul Better Neighborhood Programs City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 Kate Anderson Jackson School 437 Edmund St. Paul , MN 55103 Choua Yang 1309 Topic Lane St. Paul , MN 55106 Dr. John Bennett 1625 �N. Ridgewood Lane Roseville, MN 55113 � � �t/�3 9 � D fll t_ o �� �� tlicr ,��t �� � ��:A / �-�-..� ,_h-�Yl '! \; �J/� ��i �� .,;! � F,�oc�Y��wN�:�,.;�� JUIy 26, 1989 t rn,�lou�nl'c:stiz�nl,l�ic. 3'9 �'Vc'�t l Tnir���r�if y A�n•ruir ,���if�*Z(II Snini 1'n��l,Mir►ru.::i�ln;ili).3 Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and Recrea ion 200 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul , MN 55102 To Whom It May Concern: I wish to verify, on behalf f Frogtown Festival , Inc. , that the Planning Committee of the Frogtown F stival approves the enclosed proposal to the City' s Community Festival F nd requesting monies for the festival . The Frogtown Festival will e held September 29, 30, and October 1 . As noted in the enclosed ap lication, the Finance Committee of the Frogtown Festival is actively raisin additional funds for the festival . In order for contributions to be tax ded ctible, District 7 Planning Council has agreed to act as fiscal agent for the Frogtown Festival . (Classified by the IRS as a 501 (c)(4) nonprofit organiz tion, the Frogtown Festival cannot receive tax deductible contributions; h wever, District 7 is a 501(c)(3) organization and is eligible to receive tax eductible contributions.) A copy of the letter from District 7 Council ag eing to be the fiscal agent for Frogtown Festival is attached. If you have any questions bout the activities of Frogtown Festival , please call me. (642-4047) Sincerely, r��t— - Nor ine M. Bohman Vice President, Frogtown F stival , Inc. Co-chair, 1989 Frogtown F stival attachment � ' �.�G�-/�39 Thomas • Dale , District 7 Planning Council, Inc. 379 University Avenue ;f;>;;<> St.Paul,MN 55103 ::_:_<`:'::::` 298-50G8 ::;LT,}��>: . April 7, 1989 Norrine Bohman Wilder Foundation 919 Lafond St. Paul, MN 551Q4 Dear Ms. Bohman: The Board of the Thomas Dale Distric 7 Planning Council met on March 23, 19i39 and voted to act as fiscal Agent for the Frogtown Festival providing that you provide us w.ith documentation that t e District Council is exempt from liability. I understand you have dicussed this atter with our Community Organizer, Sharon Mika, and that you will have loria Bogen work on this documentat_ion. Sincerelv <i% -�_, �� n Greg Ryan�teri resident Thomas Dale District 7 Planning Co cil, Inc. � , ��-/�39 Gloria . Bogen Attor y at Law � 767 Univ rsity Avenue - Saint Paul, innesota 55104 (612) 28-1640 24 April 1989 Board of Directors District 7 Planning Council 379 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 RE: Frogtown Festival Dear Board of Directors: Thank you for your offer to ac as the fiscal agent for the Frogtown Festival. Please be ssured that the Planning Council will not be responsibl for any debts incurred by the Frogtown Festival, since, s a Corporation the Festival is responsible for debts incur ed in its name. Also, in this same vein, ail monies dep sited on the Festival ' s behalf will be used only for F stival expenses. In fact the Planning Council could gua antee this by asking for receipts from the Festival and making the payments directly to the creditors. If the Planning Council needs nything else from the Festival to facilitate this ag eement, please let me know. Sincer ly, �%�'i L � Gloria E. Bogen � s..�I a � �-�y i�3 9 , , FINANCIAL REPORT FROOT WN FESTIVAL OCTOB R 25, 1968 DONATIONB� C I TY OF 6T. PAUL •1, 000. 00 WE9TERN 9TATE HANK �1� 000. 00 CLARK ARMBTEAD *1, 000. 00 DAVID VANLAND8CHOOT �200. 00 8TRANIK INC fi00. 00 - SPEEDY MARKET9 #800. 00 1 HT BANKS *s�0• �m BADOER LOUNOE •200. 00 WILLIARD9 LIGIUORB �200. 00 RON BAXON FORD *�s• �0 HYNAN CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC *800. 00 � WILDER FOUNDATION �1� 000. 00 ANDREW DAWKINB *S0. Q0 � N8P CO 8T P'AUL ♦100. 00 RYAN PLUMBINO � HEATINO *150. 00 RALPH L� ALLIER *1, 000. 00 AL H I E8 8R. l250. 00 TWIN CITIES USED APPL l►100. 00 MIDWAY CIVIC � COMMERCE ASS C. �100. 00 OENEVIEVE HAFNER �50. 00 KRAUS ANDER30N CONSTRUCTION +�300. 00 8T PAUL CHAMFiER ORCH DONAT I NS •204. 50 U. S. WEST COMMUN I CAT I ONS *700. 00 TOTAL DONATIONS *9� 429. 50 �vas�soss�o� SALES RECEIPTB� TEE SHIRTS #2, 784. 75 BUTTONB *38. 00 TA8TE OF FROOTOWN REBERVAT ONS #80. 00 P08TER8 �6. 00 9EER OARDEN *713. 46 PULL TAB9 SALE9 f975• 7B TOTAL SALE6 RECEIP 8 1�4, 597. 99 a�a�e��o��� TOTAL CASH I NFLOW8� 9�14,027. 49 mas�eanases NON CA9H DONATION9a CUPS, COFFEE& COCOA — PARA E #14. 00 TOTAL NON CASH DONATIONS ffi14. 00 nm=a�os=a�ee v . �� ��` ��3� � PAOE 2 EXPEDITURES� CATHOLIC CHARITIES �4. 78 WELLB d� M I LLER t BANNER) �175. 00 C I TY OF 8T PAUL +M340. 00 WELLS & MILLER +�19m. 37 POBTAOE � *51. 00 PRINTINO EXPENSE8 f7. 05 POBTAOE +115. m0 - 80LID OOLD SOUND- BAND �50. 00 PRO SHOP8 I NC- TEE 8H I RT �i, 676. Q�0 POSTMA9TER- STAMPB *50. Q0 INDEPENDENT DELIVERY SER 1►272. 50 WA LANO CO LIQUOR LIC. +M76. 00 � CITY OF 8T PAUL WAOES �140. 00 CITY OF 8T PAUL DAMAOE D P. 1100. 00 INDEPENUENT DELIVERY 9ER . 1272. 50 • CAA LETTER SERVICE 2000 FLYERS �3A. 69 CITY OF ST. PAUL - PARAD f38. Q�0 WEST END HU8INE88 A980C. PARADE �100. 00 3M CLOWN CLUB - PARADE •5Q�. 00 POWDER PUFF CLOWN CLUH - PARADE �100. 00 8T PAUL CLOWN CLUB - FAR DE �►125. 00 8T PAUL CHAM9ER ORCHEST *2� 000. 00 KEVINH HELLS - ENTERTAI ENT *125. 00 BRIAR PATCH CLOOOERS - " " *75. 00 TEDDY 9EAR BAND - " " �285. 00 COLONIBTB - " " �300. 00 SOL I D OOLD SOUND - " " +M295. 00 CITY OF 8T PAUL - LICEN ES ti13A.75 MN TIP POARD CO PULL TA 8 �234. 08 PETTY CABH FOR FESTIVAL B�OOTHS �9m. �0 OREO STEWART RINK CHARO HOXINO �1�0. 00 MANUEL MELENDEZ- INS. F R BOXINO �10. 00 CABH PRIZEB FOR MUTT SH W (NET> •A. OQ� OHB SPORTS INC - FUN RU t75. 00 POLICE 8ECURITY *980. 00 M. PRASKA REIMH. FAM. D Y PRIZES �29. 14 TIM KAUFMAN - 4 BARREL9 HEER �iQ�0. 00 W A LANO CO LIABILITY I 9URANCE •2� m24. 00 MARY HU8CHMANN REIMB RA ADE EXP •26. 71 HF I pORTAHLE BERV. - SAT LL I TE8 1�190. A0 CITY OF ST PAUL - HARRA ADES �170. Q0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $11, 37A. 57 asa�e��mam� J �,c�q-/(��3 I , PAOE 3 RESTRICTED FUNDBt COMPAS9 ORANT ♦500. 00 18T HANK FOUNDATION RANT •250. 00 TOTAL RESTRICTED INF OWS �750. 00 ��eQ�rsea^s� EXPENDITURE9 A980CI ED , WITH RE9TRICTED FUN � LARRY CREA REYMB. F R SUPPL. #75. 1� 9EITU JONEB REIMB F R HUPPL. *lA8. g5 , BEITU JONE9 CON9ULT NT FEE �450. 00 LARRY CREA REIMB. F R BUPPI.. *51. 13 . TOTAL EXPENDITURE8 SSOC. WITH RESTRICTED INFLOWS �764. 7A saaeaasa��a NET DEFICIT FROM G NTa (f14. 78) ea�=e��saae ACCOUNT BUMMARY� CASH HALAhCE i-1-8 �125. 6A PLUS CAFH INFLOWS �14,777. 49 LEBS EXPENDITURES (�12, 143. 35) CASH HALANCE 10-2g 8A , • a �� �,.�� Q�a�assa�ms / A�¢_. � -�a-�l � %�� �� � - � ��� ���-J � . C��--i�3� PAOE 4 FROOTOWN FEBTIVAL FINANCIAL REPOR ANALYBIS OF FUND RAISINO ACTIVITI 8i i) PULL TAHS CASH RECEIPTB *975. 78 EXPENDITUREB� PURCHA9E PULL TA96 �R152. 64 . LICENSE •63. 23 EXCIBE TAX #81. 44 TOTAL EXPENDITUREH *297. 33 NET RECEIPTS *678. 45 ...e..�.o.� 2) TEE SHIRT 9ALE8 CASH RECEIPTS: *2, 7A4. 75 EXPENDITUREB� COST OF TEE SHIRTS �1, 676. 00 NET RECEIPTB �1� 108. 7g emamass�aa� r C�"�-/�3� PAOE 3 3) BEER OARDEN 8ALE8 CASH RECIPTSi �713. 46 EXPENDITUREBi COST OF BEER !�i@0. 00 L I CENBE 1�73. 50 � LIQUOR LIC. INBURANCE •76. 00 TOTAL EXPENDITUREB� *251. 50 NET RECEIPTfi #461. 96 ,�s�esse���- 4) 8T PAUL CHAM�ER ORCHE8TRA CON ERT DONATIONSa #204. 50 EXPENDITUREB� COST OF ST PAUL CHAMBER ORCH. #2, 000. 00 NET DEFICIT: (f1, 795. 50> aeae=��s�e� . � . (�,��-/��9 PAOE 6 Sl19qRY IEDORT BIA6ET VA8 ACTUi� 19A8 1998 BUDBET 198A ACTI�I. VARIMCE Ii�E� .R�D ARI8ER8 TEE SHIRiS fP�IN.Oi f2,7B4.7S f7B1.75 Bll�TW9 f l,�.i0 139.IA N962.1i) TABLE F'EE8 {1�100.e1 fB0.01 1t921.N) - FlN Nl�l f3M.l0 /1.10 H310.0i) P08iER8 /SA.Oi tfi.lA (14�.0!) pl�L TA88 /P11.l0 1973.7A /77S.7B BEER �1.E8 N.lO t713.16 /713.�6 70T1�� 14,Sf1.0! t�,�97.g9 N7.99 DaWTIQJS: f16�800.08 =18,179.58 tf5�82�.5i1 IN0.l�E6 BRplTS TOTq. ItCQEi f20,55A.8A f14�777.�9 (f5,772.51) ...��... .� QPEN9E9t ADNiNISTRpTIVE fB,NA.88 f4,072.63 f3,9P7.37 PUBLICITY i PR t4,�.N 1949.Z6 f3�858.14 M19ICAl. ENTERTAIMENT t6,lBA.0! t3,33l.81 t2,670.ei CHILDREN i YOIJTH ACTIV. I1�Ni.0A i114.14 1995.66 PARADE j OT'FfR D�T'ER. 11�561.0i f3�68T.32 N2,137.3Z1 1IIT� EJIPEt15ESf f2�,931.l0 fi2,i43.35 19,416.65 .�.... ...�...... � IN�pf� f�59B.0Y f1�,717.49 (f5�T1Z.51) OIPEl�BE9t �0�56l.l0 11�,143.35 18,416.65 FETi fl.10 f2,634.1� f2�634.i� P[.119 BWIT�OIII� CA91 �.10 1125.B9 t125.89 IET CASII 1��2"a-98 !A.e0 f2,760.82 f2,760.e2 ..�....... � : � . (�` �_/(0 3 , � FROGTOWN FE TIVAL , INC . PROJECT D BUD�ET 1 88 IN OME . FUND RAISERS Shirts $2 , 000 . 00 Buttons 1 ,000 . 00 Table fees 1 ,000 . 00 Fun Run 300 . 00 Posters 50 . 00 Pull Tabs 200 . 00 $ , 5�0 . 00 Total DONATIONS Target Goal $ 16 , 000 . 0 Total Income $20 , 550 . 00 EX ENSES Administrative Cost $8 , 000 .00 Publicity E PR CoSt 4 , 000 . 00 Musical Entertainment 6 , 000 .00 Children E Youth Activities 1 ,000 . 00 Parade � Other Entertainment 1 , 550 .00 $20 ,550 .00 Total Total Expenses $20 , 550 . 0 R CAP Income $20 , 550 . 0 - Expenses 20 . 550 . 0 $ 0 Baiance r .' s � ��c_�� 3 9 FROGTOWN FEST VAL , INC . � PROJECTED BUDGET 198 INCO E FUND RAISERS � Shirts $3 ,000 .00 - Buttons 2 , 000 .00 . Tables 2 , 000 . 00 Fun Run 600 . 00 Posters 100 .00 Pull Tabs 300 .00 ,000 .00 Total • OONATIONS Target Goal S ] 7 ,000 .00 . Total lncome $25 ,000 .00 EXPEN ES Administrative Cost $ ,000 .00 Publicity E PR Cost ,000 .00 Musical Entertainment ,000 .00 Children E Youth Activities ,000 .00 Parade E Other Entertainment ,000 .00 5 5 ,000 .00 Total Expenses $25 ,000 .00 RECA Income $25 , 000 .00 Expenses 25 ,000 .00 0 � � (����3 9 , �'- WESTERN / KELLER / PA K INSURANCE AGENCIES 1740 RICE STREET•SAINT PAUL,MI NESOTA 55113•PHONE:(612)4,89-4119 July 26, 1989 To whom it may concern, On behalf of Mr. Morris Manning of the Frogtown Festival Committee we are securing insurance protection with egard to the festival. Our inquiries are pending, but we anticipate a c t of approximately $2,000 for the period September 2.7, 1989 through tober 1, 1989. If you have any further questions o this matter please contact me C/0 Western/Keller Agency, phone 48 -4119. Thank you. Sincerely, � ,, c� `� � / ic� -�`!/�/., `��:/,-/ / —--- - Robert A. Emberger Western/Keller Ins. Affiliated with WESTERN BAN and Fark Bank of St. Paul r ' �� 1989 FROGTOWN FESTIVAL , /� G� ��,39 (, d�� Te ativ ch dul KICK-OFF EVENT Ice Cream S cial , Community Photo, and Frog Race Saturday, 2 00 p.m. , August 26, 1989 Sponsored b the Wilder Foundation FROGTOWN FESTIVAL Friday. Sep ember 29, Saturday, September 30, Saturday, 0 tober 1 Fr;dav Senior Congr gate Dining Entertainmen Boxing Progr m Carnival Refreshments S ur a Pancake Brea fast FunRun Softball Tou nament Taste of Fro town Parade Bands Teen Dance Ethnic Oances nda Pancake Break ast Church Servic s Band Frog Race