99-1152Council File # �f q — l �,5 � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # l C7 S C� � Committee Date Resolution Directing the Preparation of a Council Research Prob[em Properties Study 1 WHEREAS, problem properties in the City of Saint Paul contribute to the deteriontion of the City's neighborhoods 2 and its quality of life; and 3 WHEREAS, problem properties aze characterized by having multiple and often repeat property code violations and 4 criminal behavioral problems; and 5 WHEREAS, effective methods for addressing problem properties involve a number of City departments and non- 6 City agencies, including Code Enforcement, Fire, Planning and Economic Development, the City Attomey's Office, 7 the Housing Information Gffice, the Office of Licensing, Inspection and Environmental Protection, Ramsey Counry 8 Social Services and the court system; and 9 WHEREAS, the complex nature of the policies applied by these departments and agencies necessitate not only 10 coordination of policy development, but also coordination of policy implementation; and 11 WEIEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council directed the development of chronic problem proper[ies report in 1994-95; 12 now, therefore, be it 13 RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau1 City Council finds it timely to revisit the City's polices and activities affecting 14 problem properties in order to ensure that the City's policies and activities aze as efficient and effective as possible 15 and take into account the latest best practices in this area; and be it 16 FURTFiER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs Council Research to prepaze a study examining 17 current policies and p a nd vi able po licy and p ractice opt ions available. ` Requested by Department of: � Adoption Certified by Counci] Secretary B ''� � , � _� . ` �_ Approved by ayor: Date By: � ��.�-.� � � � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ��-�.,,,:s ��-�.�--�. Adopted by Coimcil: Date � � _ \ �`LQ �_ qq_�LSa— iz-/• 94 GREEN SHEET No 1 Q4�02 xNd�ACT PERSON & PFiONE K�yLarriry z�G-s� �o NUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENQ4 BY (OAT� /2-/• 49 �,�--'� ". � TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES ��.,�,.� ❑ arc�noutv ❑ arcaswc ❑ �.,�. � ❑ .«,�,�.�, ❑ WxoRlutuescunl ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIOMS FOR S►GtSA7UR� R CSOICc�jAn u�CG�Ng 'F� �L�-fJd�' O{Gfi CokHUI lLCSPQlY P�°Io�l/n �/�er /'�S S7T���, ✓ PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPROVED OF TRANSACTION t Has Mis pe�soMrm ever Marked under a cwY�ac[for thie depaAment? YES MO Fias tlec D�soMrm e�er been a dlY emPlaYee7 YES NO Dces tfus Pa��rm 0� a sidll not nwmallyP� bY airy arreM city emPbyeel YES IJQ Ic ihie D�� a tergeted ventlor? res wo fA3T/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUI�ER (�aM Council File # �f q — l �,5 � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # l C7 S C� � Committee Date Resolution Directing the Preparation of a Council Research Prob[em Properties Study 1 WHEREAS, problem properties in the City of Saint Paul contribute to the deteriontion of the City's neighborhoods 2 and its quality of life; and 3 WHEREAS, problem properties aze characterized by having multiple and often repeat property code violations and 4 criminal behavioral problems; and 5 WHEREAS, effective methods for addressing problem properties involve a number of City departments and non- 6 City agencies, including Code Enforcement, Fire, Planning and Economic Development, the City Attomey's Office, 7 the Housing Information Gffice, the Office of Licensing, Inspection and Environmental Protection, Ramsey Counry 8 Social Services and the court system; and 9 WHEREAS, the complex nature of the policies applied by these departments and agencies necessitate not only 10 coordination of policy development, but also coordination of policy implementation; and 11 WEIEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council directed the development of chronic problem proper[ies report in 1994-95; 12 now, therefore, be it 13 RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau1 City Council finds it timely to revisit the City's polices and activities affecting 14 problem properties in order to ensure that the City's policies and activities aze as efficient and effective as possible 15 and take into account the latest best practices in this area; and be it 16 FURTFiER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs Council Research to prepaze a study examining 17 current policies and p a nd vi able po licy and p ractice opt ions available. ` Requested by Department of: � Adoption Certified by Counci] Secretary B ''� � , � _� . ` �_ Approved by ayor: Date By: � ��.�-.� � � � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ��-�.,,,:s ��-�.�--�. Adopted by Coimcil: Date � � _ \ �`LQ �_ qq_�LSa— iz-/• 94 GREEN SHEET No 1 Q4�02 xNd�ACT PERSON & PFiONE K�yLarriry z�G-s� �o NUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENQ4 BY (OAT� /2-/• 49 �,�--'� ". � TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES ��.,�,.� ❑ arc�noutv ❑ arcaswc ❑ �.,�. � ❑ .«,�,�.�, ❑ WxoRlutuescunl ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIOMS FOR S►GtSA7UR� R CSOICc�jAn u�CG�Ng 'F� �L�-fJd�' O{Gfi CokHUI lLCSPQlY P�°Io�l/n �/�er /'�S S7T���, ✓ PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPROVED OF TRANSACTION t Has Mis pe�soMrm ever Marked under a cwY�ac[for thie depaAment? YES MO Fias tlec D�soMrm e�er been a dlY emPlaYee7 YES NO Dces tfus Pa��rm 0� a sidll not nwmallyP� bY airy arreM city emPbyeel YES IJQ Ic ihie D�� a tergeted ventlor? res wo fA3T/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUI�ER (�aM Council File # �f q — l �,5 � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # l C7 S C� � Committee Date Resolution Directing the Preparation of a Council Research Prob[em Properties Study 1 WHEREAS, problem properties in the City of Saint Paul contribute to the deteriontion of the City's neighborhoods 2 and its quality of life; and 3 WHEREAS, problem properties aze characterized by having multiple and often repeat property code violations and 4 criminal behavioral problems; and 5 WHEREAS, effective methods for addressing problem properties involve a number of City departments and non- 6 City agencies, including Code Enforcement, Fire, Planning and Economic Development, the City Attomey's Office, 7 the Housing Information Gffice, the Office of Licensing, Inspection and Environmental Protection, Ramsey Counry 8 Social Services and the court system; and 9 WHEREAS, the complex nature of the policies applied by these departments and agencies necessitate not only 10 coordination of policy development, but also coordination of policy implementation; and 11 WEIEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council directed the development of chronic problem proper[ies report in 1994-95; 12 now, therefore, be it 13 RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau1 City Council finds it timely to revisit the City's polices and activities affecting 14 problem properties in order to ensure that the City's policies and activities aze as efficient and effective as possible 15 and take into account the latest best practices in this area; and be it 16 FURTFiER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs Council Research to prepaze a study examining 17 current policies and p a nd vi able po licy and p ractice opt ions available. ` Requested by Department of: � Adoption Certified by Counci] Secretary B ''� � , � _� . ` �_ Approved by ayor: Date By: � ��.�-.� � � � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ��-�.,,,:s ��-�.�--�. Adopted by Coimcil: Date � � _ \ �`LQ �_ qq_�LSa— iz-/• 94 GREEN SHEET No 1 Q4�02 xNd�ACT PERSON & PFiONE K�yLarriry z�G-s� �o NUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENQ4 BY (OAT� /2-/• 49 �,�--'� ". � TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES ��.,�,.� ❑ arc�noutv ❑ arcaswc ❑ �.,�. � ❑ .«,�,�.�, ❑ WxoRlutuescunl ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIOMS FOR S►GtSA7UR� R CSOICc�jAn u�CG�Ng 'F� �L�-fJd�' O{Gfi CokHUI lLCSPQlY P�°Io�l/n �/�er /'�S S7T���, ✓ PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPROVED OF TRANSACTION t Has Mis pe�soMrm ever Marked under a cwY�ac[for thie depaAment? YES MO Fias tlec D�soMrm e�er been a dlY emPlaYee7 YES NO Dces tfus Pa��rm 0� a sidll not nwmallyP� bY airy arreM city emPbyeel YES IJQ Ic ihie D�� a tergeted ventlor? res wo fA3T/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUI�ER (�aM