89-1621 �
� �t.
City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. `��•
i � i
Voting Assessment No. 0072
Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and xpenses for File No. 18336 Assessment �� 0071
1,2,3,4 File No. 18321 Assessment �1� 0070
File No. 18392 Assessment 4�0073
File No. 18430 Assessment 4� 0076
File No. 18423 Assessment ��' 0074
File No. 18425 Assessment 4� 0075
File No. 18434 Assessment �1� 0077
File No. 18510 Assessment 4� 0078
� File No. 18525 Assessment � 0079
r File No. 18550 Aasessment # 0100
the ope�tating costs fo� the bove Standa�d St�eet Lighting System fo�
the following:
3 18390 No�th s�de of Fo�d Pa�kway �om Mississippi Rive� Blvd to 713. 02 feet
(0072) east of Kenneth St�eet ;
South s�.de of Fo�d Pa�kway �om Mississippi R�ve� Blvd to 587. 13 feet
east of Kenneth St�eet ;
West s�de of Cleveland A enue f �om 95 . 65 feet no�th of Scheffe�
Avenue to 265 feet south o Fo�d Pa�kway and
East side of Cleveland Ave ue f�om 240 feet no�th of Eleano� Avenue
to 222 feet south of Fo�d Pa�kway known as the Fo�d-Cleveland Above
� Standa�d Lighting A�ea fo� the months of Janua�y th�u Decembe� , 1989.
P�elimina�y O�de� No 88-1546 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988
Final O�de� No. 88-1711 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988
1 18336 Both sides Selby Avenue f� m A�undel St�eet to Vi�g�nia St�eet ;
(0071) East side A�undel St�eet f om Selby Avenue to 172. 5 feet south and
Both sides Weste�n Avenu f �om 120 feet south of Selby Avenue to
Dayton Avenue known as the Selby - Weste�n Attea Above Standa�d St�eet
Lighting fo� the months of Janua�y th�u Decembe�, 1989.
P�elim�na�y O�de� No. 88-1545 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988
Final O�de� No. 88-1710 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988
2 18321 Both sides of East Fifth St�eet f�om Wall St�eet to Jackson St�eet ;
(0070) Both sides of East Sixth St�eet f�om Wall St�eet to Jackson St�eet ;
Both sides of Sibley St�e t f�om Fou�th St�eet to Seventh St�eet ;
Both sides Wacouta St�eet f�om Fou�th St�eet to Seventh St�eet and
East side of Jackson St�e t f�om F�.fth St�eet to Sixth St�eet known as
the Lowe�town Above Stan a�d St�eet L�ghting A�ea fo� the months of
Janua�y th�u Decembe� 198 .
P�elimina�y O�deg N . 88-1544 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988
Final O�de� No. 88-1709 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1989
1 18392 Both sides of G�and Aven e f�om 260 feet west of V�.cto�ia to 100 feet
(0073) east of Dale St�eet ;
Both sides of V�cto�ia t�eet f�om 150 feet no�th of G�and to 150
feet south of G�and ;
West side of St. Albans t�eet f�om G�and to 150 feet no�th of G�and
and East side of Dale S �eet f�om G�and to 150 feet no�th of G�and
known as the G�and-Dale- �cto�ia Above Standa�d St�eet Light�ng A�ea
fo� the months of Janua� th�u Decembe� , 1989.
P�elimina�y O�de� o. 88-1547 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988
Final O�de� No. 88-1712 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988
2 18430 No�th s�de Exchange St� et f�om St. Pete� St�eet to Ceda� St�eet ;
(0076) South side Exchange St� et f�om Wabasha St�eet no�th to Ceda� St�eet ;
South s�.de Exchange St� et f�om St. Pete� St�eet to 150 feet east of
St. Pete� St�eet fo� th No�th Wabasha A�ea Above Standa�d St�eet
Lighting A�ea fo� the m nths of Janua�y th�u Decembe�r , 1989.
P�elimina�y O�de� No. 88-1550 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988
Final O�de� No. 88-1715 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988
3-4 18423 Both sides of G�and Av nue f�om Snelling Avenue to about 150 feet
(0074) west of Fai�view ( 167 f et no�th side , 144 feet south side ) fo� the
G�and Avenue West A�ea Above Standa�d St�eet Lighting A�ea fo� the
months of Janua�y th�u Decembe� , 1989.
P�elimina�y O�de No. 88-1548 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988
F�nal O�de� No. 88-1713 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988