89-1621 � � �t. City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. `��• i � i RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSM�N AND By FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREO File No. 18390 Voting Assessment No. 0072 Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and xpenses for File No. 18336 Assessment �� 0071 1,2,3,4 File No. 18321 Assessment �1� 0070 File No. 18392 Assessment 4�0073 File No. 18430 Assessment 4� 0076 File No. 18423 Assessment ��' 0074 File No. 18425 Assessment 4� 0075 File No. 18434 Assessment �1� 0077 File No. 18510 Assessment 4� 0078 � File No. 18525 Assessment � 0079 r File No. 18550 Aasessment # 0100 the ope�tating costs fo� the bove Standa�d St�eet Lighting System fo� the following: 3 18390 No�th s�de of Fo�d Pa�kway �om Mississippi Rive� Blvd to 713. 02 feet (0072) east of Kenneth St�eet ; South s�.de of Fo�d Pa�kway �om Mississippi R�ve� Blvd to 587. 13 feet east of Kenneth St�eet ; West s�de of Cleveland A enue f �om 95 . 65 feet no�th of Scheffe� Avenue to 265 feet south o Fo�d Pa�kway and East side of Cleveland Ave ue f�om 240 feet no�th of Eleano� Avenue to 222 feet south of Fo�d Pa�kway known as the Fo�d-Cleveland Above � Standa�d Lighting A�ea fo� the months of Janua�y th�u Decembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de� No 88-1546 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�de� No. 88-1711 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 1 18336 Both sides Selby Avenue f� m A�undel St�eet to Vi�g�nia St�eet ; (0071) East side A�undel St�eet f om Selby Avenue to 172. 5 feet south and Both sides Weste�n Avenu f �om 120 feet south of Selby Avenue to Dayton Avenue known as the Selby - Weste�n Attea Above Standa�d St�eet Lighting fo� the months of Janua�y th�u Decembe�, 1989. P�elim�na�y O�de� No. 88-1545 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�de� No. 88-1710 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 2 18321 Both sides of East Fifth St�eet f�om Wall St�eet to Jackson St�eet ; (0070) Both sides of East Sixth St�eet f�om Wall St�eet to Jackson St�eet ; Both sides of Sibley St�e t f�om Fou�th St�eet to Seventh St�eet ; Both sides Wacouta St�eet f�om Fou�th St�eet to Seventh St�eet and East side of Jackson St�e t f�om F�.fth St�eet to Sixth St�eet known as the Lowe�town Above Stan a�d St�eet L�ghting A�ea fo� the months of Janua�y th�u Decembe� 198 . P�elimina�y O�deg N . 88-1544 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�de� No. 88-1709 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1989 1 18392 Both sides of G�and Aven e f�om 260 feet west of V�.cto�ia to 100 feet (0073) east of Dale St�eet ; Both sides of V�cto�ia t�eet f�om 150 feet no�th of G�and to 150 feet south of G�and ; West side of St. Albans t�eet f�om G�and to 150 feet no�th of G�and and East side of Dale S �eet f�om G�and to 150 feet no�th of G�and known as the G�and-Dale- �cto�ia Above Standa�d St�eet Light�ng A�ea fo� the months of Janua� th�u Decembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de� o. 88-1547 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�de� No. 88-1712 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 2 18430 No�th s�de Exchange St� et f�om St. Pete� St�eet to Ceda� St�eet ; (0076) South side Exchange St� et f�om Wabasha St�eet no�th to Ceda� St�eet ; South s�.de Exchange St� et f�om St. Pete� St�eet to 150 feet east of St. Pete� St�eet fo� th No�th Wabasha A�ea Above Standa�d St�eet Lighting A�ea fo� the m nths of Janua�y th�u Decembe�r , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de� No. 88-1550 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�de� No. 88-1715 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 3-4 18423 Both sides of G�and Av nue f�om Snelling Avenue to about 150 feet (0074) west of Fai�view ( 167 f et no�th side , 144 feet south side ) fo� the G�and Avenue West A�ea Above Standa�d St�eet Lighting A�ea fo� the months of Janua�y th�u Decembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de No. 88-1548 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 F�nal O�de� No. 88-1713 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988