89-1607 � , WHITE - CI7V 'CLERK � ' COLLI1C11 - / y PINK - FINANCE � '� CANARV - OEPARTMENT � • GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BLUE - MAY'tlR File NO• � � � - _ C ncil Resolution . , �._ ,�� Presented By • �..�i/.�f ` �'r o�-�'� �e o � � " -J Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul is in ye 4 of a 10 year capital improvement project to separate storm and sanitary sewers at an estimated total cost of $154 million; and WHEREAS, in 1988 the project was re 'nanced through the sale of $78.450 million in Sewer Revenue Bonds; and WHEREAS, C.F. 88-611, adopted Ma.y 5, 1988 directed the sum of$14.4 million of Sewer Revenue Bond proceeds representing rei bursement for past capital e�enditures related to sewer separation improvements be placed in a separate account in the capital improvement fund and frozen pending ther Council action; and WHEREAS, C.F. 88-1205, C.F. 88-1206 nd C.F. 88-1207 have been adopted authorizing $2.5 million of said proceeds be dedicat d for Riverfront improvements in the 1990-91 CIB schedule, the expenditure of $1 mi ion for design work at Harriet Island and the levee and $500,000 for the reconstructio of Kellogg Park; and WHEREAS, this program was designed a joint partnership with the federal and state governments with an annual commitme of $5.8 million and $4.8 million, respectively; and WHEREAS, this federal and state fun ng is essential to complete this project in the established 10 year time frame; and WHEREAS, in 1990 the federal grant is projected to be $1.9 million, in 1990 no federal grants will be issued and the future o state support is uncertain and dependent on legislative action; and WHEREAS, there will be an estimate shortfall of $3.9 million in 1990 and greater amounts beginning in 1991; and COUNCIL MEMBERS v Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays '}��� Dimond ��' t.o� � � �_ f�`�,._ In Favor Goswitz j j � • s�ch"b�� ' r� ' r� _ Against BY Sonnen ! �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By gy. A►pproved by {Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By _ �.. ��..,_� � .. � . A� . ..y���...,�� ¢ �� '�P !� F`y y� � f r '. � ` �'� , Y . . . �: _ wMiTE — ci�v l�f�. �,�`` �a '�P�NK — FIN N � G I TY A�NT PA I�L C.ouncil ,.in,�►�,� .CwNARr —OEP �}'�t��T �.ri r• [�'lle `N V. �/ � � � �#?��LUE�. .^MA� _ - � . . � � . . � - • : � . I � :: __: .;: �-� � . . „ .. � . ,._ � ` . C n � Re��ol�tion `.� � � _ � - � - _ . . - . :�� _. . _.,,� J� . . .. Pres ed- i::` �� �/' � . � __ �R o Coma�ittee: _ Dake �'�/•2" ' � , _; : ' �. . Y: ' Dut of Committee By Date ' ., . r . ' " . . . � . �:. . . - " ' . ;� s. , . � �� ? �. r :,. , .. , . . . . ,, � T . . . . . � .' . ; . _ �. . �� � � . . . � ' .' ,� " ., ' ,- � � � ... �� � . .. - � .�+` . . ✓• : 'VVI�RE�, the City of St. Paul is�`' ye � 4 of a 1@:�year capital imp�o�+eme�t project to ;:_,�t. . ` ..� �separate sfi�rm and sanit�uy sewers a _an estim$ted�total oost of�154 million; and � � �- _ ,e • � V�HERE�4S, in 1988'the project re oed thiougb �he sale of ��8.450 m�ion i�-:, . • . ;. Sewer Revenue�Bonds; and ;. � � : ` ` -, : . :. : :�� '� ..r� . :� � ., - _ :, � � WHEREAS,G.F. 88-6 i 1,,adopted M,l S 19� dir�teri t�e s�im of�14.4 mfllion of Sewer � R�venue,Ba�d-���oc�ee�is represen�g ' b�sem�n��or p�t capita� �;�p�ht�i.tures r�ated ' to sewef separa.tion improvemen�s plaoed in a segarate ac�ount .in t�e capital : improve�ent f�nd and frozen pen ` er Gpunc�i action; and '�' • .. : � _ � - ,:: ,..._ . � � : �� '��.WH�, C�� 8&1�05, C�.=88- : C.F:�.8&1207�a.ve been:adopterl authorizin�g � . � ' �•. �2.5 mil�on of�aid proceeds be d t r� for R�e�on��unprpventents in the 1�90-91 ,�, � = ' CIB scl�c�ule, the expenditure of S1 ' 'on for design woxk at Harriet Island and tiie ` ' ijj; levee and �500,000 �or the recanstru 'o of Kellogg Park; and - � � �' WHEREAS, this program was design d a joint partnerslup with the federal and sta.te � � ; �% governments with an annual commi e of �5.8 million and �4.8 mill�on; respeetively; - � �` , .� 4� . and �, � �::., � F' . _ � , ; ' : �_. • , ;>, J ;..r ::� ' . , , �.: :� � W�RE�S, t�is f�deral and stat�.- is essential to complete this project in the esta.blished 10 year,fime frame, and - � � ::. ` ' -.��..�a,. ;p« _ �VH�REAS, in 1990 the federal gran �s rojected to be �1.9 million, in 1990 no federal grants will be issued aaid the future of state support is uncertain and dependent vn � - , leg'�1a.tive ac�ion; and _ . �� WHEREA5, there will be an shortfall of 53.9 milliort in�:,1�9d'and gr�ater � amo�nts be ' ' in 1991; and = ' . : ,, �8 , . �:. , , , . , .., . COU MEMBERS Request� Deportment of: � - , . � -: Yeas Nays ; � : � �i=� ;Dimond r . : _ ��s �: f,. In Fav r e� Goss►ttz ,�— - ;a � � '� Agains By s��n� ,,, ' Sonuen �: ' ' � �V'�SOn :, "" Form Approved by City Attomey Adoptet!by Eouncil: Date Certified Passed by�ouncil Secretary BY By'� � _� �' , .,. ' lhpprovetl by�lavor: Date � � " : Ap.P'coved by Mayor-[or'Sub�€s,sion to Conncil , ' . . . , . _ B�► ___- . By : �_ _ _ .�� : �. �� _ . � 4 a �:. WMITE -.CITV�,'LER1C: � ��,C � � � . -� �PINK - FINAN�E� - � " �.. .��,�.� ('j I TY O�P' �� �A I NT PA�IT L Council- � �� � CANARY - DEPARTME,�f � •i r �j��r� '- BLUE -MAWp�R File NO. ~ Ivv � � ?�����; � Co� n�i Resolution : . , .� ; ��i/� ,� Presented By - :-�s ,. y� ' ~- . , _ � �---"" ���,.,.;�� e o , Committee: Date ���'Z��� �- � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul is in ye 4 of a 10 year ca.pital improvement project to separate storm and sanitary sewers at�an estimated total cost of $154 million; and WHEREAS, in 1988 the project wasl re ,ced through the sale of $78.450 million in Sewer Revenue Bonds; and WHEREAS, C.F. 88-611, adopted M� 5, 1988 directed the sum of$14.4 million of Sewer Revenue Bond proceeds represe�ting ei bursement for past capital e�cpenditures related to sewer separation improvements e laced in a separate account in the capital improvement fund a�d frozen pendin er Council action; and VV:H�REAS, C.F. 88-1205, C.F. 88-12 d C.F. 88-1207 have.been adopted authorizing , $2.5 million of said proceeds be dedi at d for Riverfront improvements in the 194.0-91 CIB schedule, the expenditure of $1 ' 'on for design work at Harriet Island and the " levee and $500,000 for the reconstruct on of Kellogg Park; and WHEREAS, this program was design�d a joint partnerslup with the federal and state _ governments with an annu�l,commi�en of �5.8 million and $4.8 million, respectively; and � i WHEREAS,. this federal and state fu�n ' g is essential to complete this project in the established 10 year time frame; and _ WHEREAS, in 1990 the federal grant is rojected to be 51.9 million, in 1990 no federal grants will be. issued and the future fof tate support is uncertain and dependent on legislative action; and WHEREAS, there will be an estimat d hortfall of $39 million in 1990 and greater . amounts beginning in 1991; and ,, :� COUNCIL MEMBERS � � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I Dimond ��g [n Favor coswitz Rettman scbe�n� Against � By Sonnen I Wilson I Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary 4 BY . By� � A►pproved by iV�avor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Gouncil . � B . By � Y i , i ` ..,.��+ �,.. ., , . � . _ ._.-.. . �. .� �`,�. .�r . . i�1.�. .� . . ., �;. .�. -� ... .. WHITE �CITV�CL�. � � ��.. " , � � .. PINK . . :.. � .. CANARV - DEPAR�T��rr :"�;.t .����_. G I TY OF �A I NT PA U L Counci �j� . QIUE -MArbR c11C NO•���� � ��il"�' � � Ca�n i Resolution � .� � . _ : � , � � , �,;� Pcesented By ` �'� t� , . � �RefeEred-'I`o��--� - Committee: Date � ��'"� �� Out of Committe.e By Date WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul is ' ye 4 of a 10 year capital improvement project to separate storm and sanitary sewers at an estimated total cost of S 154 million; and WHEREAS, in 1988 the project was re ced through the sale of �?8.450 million in Sewer Revenue Bonds; and x WHEREAS, C.F. 88-611, adopted Ma 5, 1988 directed the sum of$14.4 million of Sewer Revenue Bond proceeds representing e' bursement for past capital expenditures related to sewer separation improvements laced in a sepaxate account in the capital improvement fund and frozen pen ' er Council action; and WHEREAS, C.F. 88-1205, C.F. 88-12 d C.F. 88-1207 have been adupted authorizing - �2.5 million of said proceeds be de t d for Riverfront improvemen#s in the 1990-91 CIB schedule, the expendituze of $1 ' `on for design work at Harriet Island and the levee and $500,000 for the reconstru 'on of Kellogg Park; and WHEREAS, tlus program was design d a joint partnership with the federal and state governments with an annual commi en of $5.8 million and $4.8 million, respectively; and ' WHEREAS, this federal and state d' g is essential to complete this project in the established 10 year time frame; and �` WHEREAS, in 1990 the federal grant is rojected to be x1.9 million, in 1994 no federal grants will be issued and the future of state support is uncertain and dependent on - legislative action; and WHEREAS, there will be an estima ed shortfall of $3:9 million in 1990 and greater amounts beginning in 1991; and � � COUNCIL MEMBERS Req�ested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Fav r �� Reaman . ��� Against By Sonnen �V'�son - Form Approved by City Attorney ;� Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}• A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . . gy _:BY e > WHITE • . P�NK � F�7qNCLEqK CANARY N CE BLUE � MAy�ARTMENT • ` � Oq L�- _.. _ .. -``. �.. �i... • j Z. Y p�, . CO y� SA I N T �A U L Council presented gy � �1/� �„CZ ReSOIu . File IVQ. O`f��� Referred �10„ � To �ur of C�mmittee gy C�mmi ttee: Date Da te th�e f�bs� there will be a , , e it II in�'ea�e . RES�L�D � S wer rates for 1990 estimate , that the C1 d at lsq. of the Participate in the �n °f St. Paul rec , now, that it State ��in�1 of the Se es that the of 117i�esota is federal can no lon e tot y de e r SeParation g°Ve�'nment project; and be it g r continue to raise nde on the whi PrO�ect, that the �o �Il no further Se�'er ates to he1 � °f the state 1e �tment �SOL�D p finance the glslat�e �d remain of the that �e c1tY will re sewer se $14.42 turn the Paration separation pro �llion previousl �nd both jn�'eases in �am in an e�o� to Y dedicat for princip� and acc proper�, t�es stabilize the s riverfront �ed interest , assessments er rates development to , that and fee for Se and hold do the sewer rvices. �Prolected overall Ye SOUNCIL MEMBERS �� Nays Gosw;tz ReqUes Rettman d bY ��rtment of: Scheibe! _�� (n Fa vor Sonnen W;ison �-- A gai ns t Adopted b ey Y Council; Certifiecl �ate ��Sg� ��CoUn��( CA,.ret Forrn A By �ry pP� ved by C�ty qttorney �Pproved b By Y �'Navor: Date gy --_ �. �—� APP�oved bY Ma or Y for Submission to � �� @ Council Y � � -� � �_��� . . DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNqL DATE IN TED c�tr cQ��lz 8-3i-s GREEN SHEET No. 5 2 6 5 CONTACT PERS�1 6 PHONE INRIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Wi 11 i am Wi 1 s on �� ❑c�rr nrroRN�r �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON WUNCIL AQENDA BY(DKf� ROUTI �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MQT.SERVICES DIR. � �.� �MAY�i(OR ASSIBTANn � TOTAL M OF SIQNATURE PAGES (CLIP L ATIONS FOR SIGINATUR� ACT10N REGUESTED: Approval of a resolution requir'ng he return of the funds that remain of the $14.4 million "clawback" from t e le of sewer revenue bonds to the sewer , separation program �coM�onrbris:naw�W a�(� COUNq MITTEFJRESEAfiCH REPORT OPTIONAI. _PLANNINO COI�AMIBSION _qVIL SERVICE COAAMISSION ��YSt PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE — COMMEN 8: _BTAFF _ _DI87AICT OOURT _ SUPPORTS WMICN ODUNpL�JECTIHE4 INfMTNO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What.Whsn.Where,Wh�: The federal government has with ra its commitment to the 10-year separation program and the state commitmen r ains uncertain. By returning the .funds to the program sewer rates can be ta ilized and reduced significantly from those proposed for 1990. i ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: City can maintain its commitmen t hold down property taxes, fees and assessments by stabilizing sewe r tes and reducing future increases significantly. DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: Other funding for redevelopment of the ri.verfront must be found. I i � � ( � as�v�wr�oes iF nror�ROVeo: II Sewer rates will increase 15% f x 990 and h�ghex for the xemaining years of the separation project in order to cover shortfalls created by the loss of federal and state support. Council Research Center, S E P 11989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION C08T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER FlNANqAI INFORMATION:(IXPWN)