89-1590 WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT /��// BLUE - MAVOR File �O. w Counci Resolution ���15�. ,� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Resolved that the proper city o ficials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Cooperative Agreement for Fair Housing Assistance Program Comprehensive Fundin'g C ntributions, Training and Incentive Funds with the United States De artment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) whereby HUD will reimburs . the City's Department of Human Rights the total amount of $25,350.00 or investigating Title VIII cases, for attendance at HUD - sponsored aining at National and Regional training sites and for doing community o treach and public education regarding fair housing laws. (A copy of aid Agreement shall be kept on file and on record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. ) COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Departm o : vimond H MAN RIGH Long in Favor Goswitz Rettman Q , , v�2 . scne�ne� Against Y Sonnen J seph er Brown, Director Wilson SEP — 7 � F rove y C't orn Adopted by Council: Date c' Certified Ya.s y ouncil et � '� �_� By 6lpprov Mavor: Date - 8198 App e by Mayor for Su sio to C6uncil PUBIlSa� ��p 16 1989 ._ ��- �� DEPARTMENT/OFflCElCa1NpL DATE I ITIA D 1 O O S HUMAN RIGHTS DEPARTMENT 8/2 /8 GREEN EET NO. �Nmwu�r� OONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE DEpARTMENT DIRE �— �CITY COUNCIL Dulce A. deLeon - 298-4288 N� AITORNEY �cmr«.e�c MUBT BE ON COUNqL AdENDA BY(DAT� BUDf3ET DIRECTOR FlN.d�MOT.SERVICEB DIR. MAYOR(OR/18SIST �� TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 6 (CLIP L OCATION8 FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION REWESTED: � SEE ATTACHED COUNCIL RESOL ION RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(/q a Reject(F� COU IL MiTTEEJREBEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N �ALY PMONE NO. _qB COMMITTEE _ COMM _STAFF _ _DISTRICT COURT _ I 8UPPORT8 WIiIGl OOUNqI 08JECfIVE7 INfTIA71N(i PROBLEM.188UE,OPPORTUNI7Y(Who,What,When,Where.Why): The Human Rights Department and the U.S,. partment of`Housing and Urban Deve1opment (HUD) desire to enter into an agreement wher by UD will reimburse the Human Rights Department for investigating Title VIII cases, for at en nce at HUD - sponsored training at National and Regional training sites and for doing om nity outreach and public education regarding fair housing laws. � ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Human Rights Department will receive a �to 1 amount of $25,350.00 from HUD which will assist in supporting the department's fair housin activities. � DI8/WVANTAOES IF APPROVED: � Additional work for the department. I DI$ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No financial assistance from HUD for th d partment's fair housing efforts. Cour�cif ��j�:���ch Center. , �iUG 3 �� i;u9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 25 3'�3O OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(GRCLE ON� YES NO �N�a�� i n & r e el . ���n Nu� 30150 flNANqAI INFORMATION:(DCPLAIN) I � ,r NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL ` MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINC3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, BdgtsJ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. ary nnomey 3. City Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Flnance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINiSTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2• Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 8. Chief Accountant, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER8 (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Ciry Attorney 3. MayodAssistant a. C�ry ae�k TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of peges on which signatures are required and a ercli each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Deacribe what the project/request seeks to accomplish fn etther chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Ind�ate which Council obJective(s)your proJecUrequest supports by Bsting the key word(s)(HOUSIN(�,RECREATION, NEICiHBORHOODS, ECONOAAIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMII'rEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUE3TED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Expiain the situation or conditions that created a need for your proJect or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget prxedure required by Iaw/ charter or whether there are speciflc ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will beneNt from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or majo�changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traTfic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative con�quences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver aervice?Continued high traific, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must ans�rer two qu�tions: How much is it � going to cost?Who is going to payt : . .:� . . . . . . . .. .. ,. .� ..� b U.S.DEPARTMENT OF HO ING ANO URBAN OEVELOPMENT � ASSISTANCE WARD/AMENDMENT /j. �;, / /�� � � 1. ASSISTANCE INSTRUMENT Z. TYPE OF ACTION L� Cooperative Agreement ❑ Grant �J Award O Amendment 3. INSTRUMENT NUMBER 4, AMENOMENT NUMBER 6. ACTION�VE DATE OF THIS . C NTR U FF205K89501g 9/22/gq � 7. NAME AND ADORESS OF RECIPIEN7 8. HUD ADMINISTERING OFFICE ' Regi�nal 0€€ice of F.H.E.O. St. Paul Department of Human Rights 626 West Jackson Blvd. , Room 401 515 City Hall Chicago, Illinois 60606-5601 St. Paul Minnesota 55102 ' NAME OF ADMINISTRATOR • TELEtHONE NUMBER ( Thomas Higginbothan (312) 353-7776 10. RECIPIENT PROJECT MANAGER �. HUO GOVERNMENT TECHNiCAL REPRESENTATIVE Chicago Regional Office - F.H.E.O. ' Dulce DeLeon �u . ��' o Inves i ation GTR - Barbara Knox (312) 353-3303 i 11. AS515TANCE AfiRANGEMENT 12. �AYMENT METHOO GTM - Claudia N�ChOls (312) 353-9322 . O Cost Reimbursement C� Treasury Check �3• HUD PAYMENT OFFICE . p CostSharing R�imbuneme DHUD Regional Accounting Division � (�S) Fixed Pria O Advma Ch�cic 626 West Jackson Blvd. , Room 401 � p p�� O letter of Credit Chicago, Illinois 60606-Sb01 14, ASSISTANCE AMOUNT 16. MUD ACCOUN7IN(3 ANO APPROPRIATION DATA Ptevian HUD Amount = —Q— s6�`f58q4�1AT10N NUMBEl1 11f�_EO AJ�Q1�N 18 E!1 FH —� 9u Huo ano��c rn��c�«� 2 , Totsl HUO Amamt S 2 Amounb Prwiously Obli�ted - ' ReciDient Amount S -0- Obliyation By This Action 2 Totsl Instrument Amuunt , Totsl Obliyation �e. oescRivnoN � COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR FAIR HOUSING A SISTANCE PROGRAM COMPREHENSIVE FUN�ING CONTRIBUTIONS, TRAINING AND INCENTIVE FU S This agreement consists of the following which is incorporated herein and made a . part hereof: 1. Cover Page, HUD-1044 (12-78) ' • 2. Schedule of Articles � Attachment A - Statement of Work Attachment B - Criteria for Processi g 3. Administrative�Requirements for Gran s 6 Cooperative Agreements 4. Assurances . Order of Precedence: Notwithstanding an provisions to the contrary, in the gvent of a conflict among any of the documents pertaining to the duties and respopg�bilities , � of the parties, the Statement of Work sh 11 take precedence over the Schedule of � Articles. The Administrative Requiremen s from 24 CFR Part 85 take precedence over � FHAP requirements from 24 CFR Part III t the extent that they are inconsistent. � 17. � Raipitnt b nqutnd to siqn�nd nturn th� (3)copies of th 18, ❑ R�cipi�nt b not hquind to fipn Mi�doeurrNnt doeument to HUD Administeriny O 1 1�. RECIPIENT 20. HUO fBY) eor e Lati er, Ma or N T DATE NAME ANO TITLE OATE � Sep rOW Thomas Higginbothan i ec or g�25�gg Cooperative Agreement Off. P P V E D M: HUD•1044(12•78) ugene Schiller Director, Finance & Mgm't. Services �ssis i�y t orne CONTRIBU7IONS AGREEMENT SCHEDULE OF ARTICLES ; 1 . SCUPE OF WORK (FIXED PRICE ) 'L . PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE , 3 . INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE 4 . CONDUC? UF WURK 5 . INSTRUMENT AMOUNT , PAYMENT A D SUBMISSION OF INVOICES . 6 . USE UF GRANT FUNUS 7 . MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT d . HUU ' S SU�STANTIAL INVOLVEMEN 9 . USE OF C4NSULTANTS 1� . PUBLICA7IONS AND NENS RELEAS S 11 . REPROOUCTION OF REPORTS 17 . FLOW DOWN PROVISIONS i3 . DISPUTES . . : ._ � ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS 1 . SCOPE OF WORk (FIXEO PRICE�) The Recipient shall furnish he necessary personnel . materials , services . equipment� facilit es , (except as otherwise specified herein ) and otherwise do a11 things necessary for or incidental to the performance of the work et forth in the Statement of Work for the firm fixed price set for h herein. 2 . PERIOD UF PERF�RMANCE The Recipient shall provide 11 services hereunder for a period of twelve ( 12 ) months from the ffective date of the instrument. 3. INSPECTI�N AND ACCEPTANCE Inspection and acceptance of all but the final products may be accomplished by the GTMs , if so delegated. Final acceptance shall De accomplished Dy the GTR. 4. CONDUCT OF WORK A . During the effective per oa of this instrument. the Government Techn� tal Representative and/or the 6overnment Technlcal ' Monitor identified in -H1 ck 9 of the cover page shall be responsible for monitori g the technical effort of the Recipient, unless the Re ipient is notified in writing by the G/CAO of a replacement. B . Only the G/CAO has the a thority to authorize deviations from this instrument, incluai g deviations from the Statement of Work . In the event the ecipient does deviate without written approval of the G/CAO, s ch deviation shall be at the risk of� and any costs related th reto. shall De borne by the Recipient. 5. INSTRUFIEN7 AMOUNT , PAYMENT A D SUBMISSION OF INYOICES A. The maxinum amount for p rformance of the Statement of Work and al l other requi remen s of thi s i nstrument i s S 25,350 � to be distributed as fol ows: 1 . The Recipient shall e paid the firm fixed amount of S 12,350 to support the agency' s fai r hous ng e or n ac ordance with Appendix A. Statement of Work , Part A (Genera Requirements ) and Part B (ContriDutions ) . Pa ments sha11 De made in accordance wlth paragraph B . De ow. 2 . The Recipient shall e pald the firm fixed aaount of S3 000 for attendanc at HUD-sponsored tr�ining at a onal and Regiona training sites. These •onies may � also be useG to supp rt additional in-house training by agencies for agency- pecific problems and for training of staff unable to atte d National or Regional training. , ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS � � . suDject to approval o the GTM. Failure to send the specifie0 ' numDer of p rticipants to training ( See Statement of Work ) � w 11 result in a 51 .000 deduction for each non-attendant be ow the mini�ium. P�y�ents snall De made in accorCance wi h parayraph � . Delow. 3. The Recipient shall b paid the fir�a fixed ��aount of S lo 000 to support Incentive Funds attivitles in accor ance with the S atement of Mork . P�rt D tlncentive Funds ) . Payments sha 1 �e made in accordante with paragraph B � Delow. 8. DATE F4R RECIPIENT' S CONTRIBUTIONS INCENTIYE SUBM1SS10N OF SF 270 AMOUNT TRAINING FUNDS 90 days after the 3,705 S t 3,000 effective date of instrument I80 days after the 3,705 i S 3,000 ef fecti ve aate of instrument 27U days diter the 3,705 S = 3,000 effective date of instrument Final submission on or i,235 S S 1,000 e ore e comp e on aate of instrument. � C . The Recipient shall suDmit Standard Form 270 "Request for Advance Reimbursement'. to th Government Technical Monitor (GTM) at the address specified in B occ o e cover page o'��Fiis Agreement on the dates stipul ted above. A11 requests for payment shatl De suDmitted in an orig nal and three (3) topies, as indicated Delow. The final v ucher shall be approved by the GTR ' � � and Cooperative Agreement Off cer prior to fi�al payment. l nteria� pubi i c Address Shov+n on Youcher At ention of Cover Sheet Original 6 one copy GTM ' Block 9 One copy GTR Block 9 One copy CAO 61ock 8 All requests for payment f the finai voucher shall be suDmitted in an original nd three (3) copies as indicated below. iinal Public Address Shor+n on Youcher At ention of Cover Sheet Original a one copy GTR Block 9 . One copy GTM 61ock 9 One topy CAO Block 8 Each voucher shall c1 arty set forth the instrument number shown in Block 3 of t e HUO 1044 and the appropriation number in Block 15 and shall show the aGdress of the depositary to which the check is to be mailed. Requests for rei �bursement shall be submitted on a Standard Form 270 � showing the amount ' vouchered for anG amo nts previously vouchered for. Cvpies of , this form are available upon request through contacting the aaministrator shown i Block 8 of the cover page. Payment of item A.2 s a11 De made at the next available Dilling period after he Training participation has occurred. ► Pay�aent is sub�ect to being withheld if it is the judgement of tne GTM that the Reci ient is not complytng with a11 terms of the Cooperative Agree ent. The Recipient shall identify the � Cooperative Agreement Number in Block 4 of the SF 270 on all � invoices. The final invoice shall De submitted on or Defore ' the completion aate o the instrument. . D . Each Standard Form 27 shall be accompanied Dy a Narrative Report. This report hall not be more than one typed page for each activity pursuan to which payment is requested. and shall describe the ac ivities undertaken by the Recipient Guring the billiny pe iod. The Reports for Contributions ' towara case processin should be accompanied by a listing of 1 all processed complai ts, incluGing the name of complainant, � name of respondent, d te closed or date conciliation failed i subsequent to a findi g of discrimination. and docket number. The Contributions Rep rts should also include a description of activities unaertaken in support of its case processing and the Statement of work Part A (General Requirementsl and Part 6 lContr.ibutions ) . 7he Reports for Training should be accompanied by a list ng of agency participants with names and aates attending. The Reports for Incentive Funds should include a description of activities undertaken in support of � its funding applicati n anC the Statement of Work , Part D ( Incentive Funds ) . � E . The Criteria for Proc ssing is hereby incorporated as an attach�ent to the Sch dule of Articles. . F . The Government shall emit all payments to the following address shown on the epositary form: � 6 . USE OF GRANT FUNDS The agency is entitled to rece ve the fixed amount stated in the Cooperative Agreement for sati factory campletion of the work to be � performed regardless of cost irtcu rea; however, the program regulations anG this Schedule af rticles require that a11 activities for «hich FHAP funds are used mus address . or have ultimate relevance to, matters affecting fair housin which are cognizaDle unGer the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S .C . 3600-20 ) . 7 . MAINTENA�CE OF EFFORT The agency must not unilaterally educe the level of financial resources currently committed to air housing complaint procesing. 8udget and staff reductions occas ' oneG Dy legislative action outside the control of the agency will no . alone� result in a dete�mination of ineligiDility. However, HUD will ake such actions into consideration in assessing the ongoing viabilit of an agency ' s fair housing program. t3. HUD' s SUBSTANTIAL INVOLVEMEN A. HUD intends to have substantial involvement in the review and approval of all aspects of the work to De carried out as a result of an award unde this agreement. 8. Anticipated substantial involvement may include, but not De . ] imited to the followin : 1 . Revier and yuidance in progress and upon completion of case investigations 2 . Development and pre entation of National and Regional fair housing training; 3. Participation in th development and presentation of in- house training, anG 4. Partitipation in pr sentation of education and outreach programs. 9 . USE 0� CUNSULTANTS . As required by HUD' s Approp iations Act, salary payments to consultants under this inst ument shall not exceed the equivalent of the maxi�aum daily rate p id to GS-18 Federal Employees . 10. PU�LICATIONS AND NEWS RELE SES A. DefTnition. For the purpose of this clause. "publication" incluGes: 1 . Any document containing information for puDlic consumption; or, 2. The act of � or any act which may result 1n. disclosing information to the public. b . The results of this p ogram are planned to be made available � to the puDlic through deGication, assignment Dy the Government, or such o her means as the Secretary shall determine. C . Government Ownership f Official Products of work All interim and final reports and infor�ation. data analyses � special methodology . indings , and their related documents and work products� includ ng reports . work sheets� survey instruments , computer tapes . and any other physicat materials and products produced directly under the Statement of Work of this instrument are c nsidered Official ProCucts of Work , owned by the Governme t and held for the benefit of the public. D . Publication of Offiti 1 Products of Nork Officiai Products of ork � quotations therefrom, paraphrasing, or disclosures of int rim findings may not be published without the approval f the GTR for a period of sixty (b0) aays after acceptance of the product Dy the GTR. ?hereafter, the Recipient shall b free to publish without HUD approval . E . Acknowledgement and D sclaimer All Official Products of Work � or any part thereof� and any InGepenaent Products nd Special Products arising out of this instrument, when publ shea by Recipient or other participants . in the work . shall co tain the following acknowledgement and disclaimer: "The Nork that provid d the basis for this publication was supported by funding nder a Cooperative Agreement with the U .S . Oepartment of Ho sing and Urban Development. The substance and finding of the rork are dedicated to the . public. T�e author a d publisher are solely responsi�ble for ' . the accuracy of the s atements and interpretations contain in this publication. Su h interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of he Government. " f . Additional Grantee Pu licity Requi �ement Section 8136 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1989 (Pub. L . 100-463 , approved October 1 . 1988, 102 Stat. 2210-46 ) contains a ne requirement applying to "all grantees receiving Federal fun s. " Section 8136 provides: "When issuing statements . press releases , requests for proposals, bid solici ations, and other docu�ents describing projects or. programs f nded in whole or in part with Federal �oney. all grantees receiving Federal funds. including but not limitied to State and ocal governments . shail clearly state � • ( 1 ) the percentage of the t tal cost of the program or project which will be financed with Federal money , and ( 2 ) the dollar amount of Federal funds for the pro�ect or program. This provision shall have n force or effect Deyond fiscal , year 1989 , i .e . SeptemDer 3 , 1989 . G . Notice of News Release and ublic Announcements Two copies of all press rel ases , formal announcements , and other planned , written issu nces containing news or information concerning this instrument that may be made by the � Recipient or its staff , or ny subcontractor or other person or organization participati g in the work of this instrument shall be provided to the GT at the earliest possible time . � News releases and other pub ic announcements may not disclose any interim finding or quot or paraphrase any part of any ' Official Product of Work wi hout complying with Paragraph E , above . 1l . REPRODUCTION OF REPORTS In accordance with Government P inting and Binding Regulations , reproduction of reports , data o other written materials , if required herein, is authorized rovided that the materials produced do not exceed 5 ,000 pr duction units of any page and the � items consisting of multiple pa es do not exceed 25 ,000 production units in aggregate . 12 . fLOW DOWN PROVISIONS The Recipient shall include pro isions to carry out the purposes of this instrument in all contr cts of employment with persons who perform any part of the work un er this instrument, and with all subcontractors and other persons or organizations participating in any part of the work under this instrument. There shall be provisions for a further flow down of such requirements to each subtier of employees and subcontractors to the extent feasible . r 13 . DISPUTES During performance of the inst ument, disagreements may arise between the recipient and the /CAO on various issues , such as the allowability of costs . If a dispute concerning a question of fact �arises , the G/CAO shall prepar a final decision , taking into account all facts and document tion presented. The decision shall be mailed to the recipient . T e recipient may appeal the decision within thirty ( 30} days to the Assistant Secretary for Fair Nouisng and Equal Opportunity . , � ATTACHMENT A STATEMENT F WORK A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The recipient agrees to proce s those housing Giscrimination complaints arising within its jurisdiction� except as otherwise stated 1n this Stat ment of Work . The Recipient agrees to cooperate with HUD in the handling of housing discrimination complaints und r Title VIII of the Civil Rignts Act of 1968 , as amende . and the fair housing law � enforced by the �urisdiction in accordance with the Mem�randum of Understanding e tered into between HUD anC the Recipient, and any amendments or revisions thereto executed during the course of this agr ement by the signato�ies. 8 . CONTRIBUTIONS . The Recipient agrees to process housing discrimination complaints in accordance with "A" above (Gene�al Requirements ) , and in accordance with the C�itria for Payment/Processing which are incorporated herein as an attachment to the Schedule of rticles . The Recipient also agrees to augment its fair housing enforcement efforts by engaging in outreach, education� training and technical assistance pursuant to the MeMOrandum of Understanding. C. TRAINING Subject to HUD sponsorship of training sessions in sufficient geographical proximity to per it the Recipient to �neet the _ following obligations � the Recipient agrees to enroll a minimum of 3 employees in HU -sponsored training at National ana""i�egional trainin sites. Failure to send the specified number of participants to training will result in a 51 ,000 Ceduction for each non-attendant below the minimum. D. INCENTIYE FUNDING 7he Recipient. agrees to utiliz the funds provided for this activity in accordance with the criteria established in 24 CFR Section 111 .105( b ) (3) and the RFA. The Recipient further agrees to implement the Incentive Fund actirlties set forth in its application for f nding. A list of product deliverables and timetables is a part of this Statement of ilork . ' � INCENT VE FUt�D PRODUCTS - PRODUCT DELIYERABLE OATE DUE 1 . Collect housing Reports on the progress of the project materials covering HUO on a quarterly basis. all aspects of housing problems. 2. Develop materials in „ Cambodian, Hmong, Laotion and Vietnamese 3. Develop 15-20 minute �r training tape - 4. Organi ze four �� workshops for � Southeast Asian . refugees . 5. Organize workshops for individuals and �� organizations in housing business cr 6. Training Report 7. Final Report " � ��. .� � . � � �:., � C�� - . . . . ATTAC�i?tENT B ' " - • — - • _ - -- ATTAC trT N0. 1 ._ . -- . - ._ ' CRITERI FOA PAYMENT � . . - , 1. Ildminlstr�tSve Closures/Dts�fss� , A. Wlthdrawals WSthout kttleme . , ' 1. Re utrements tor kce ta e • The vitfidriaal request st: • • •. be tn writin9; . b. be signed by tl�e cha in9 party or u� author12e4 . rtpres�nt�tive� �nd ted; - t. ldentlfy t�e responQ t�s�: ' . d. contain the HUD c�ar 'n�naber; �. lndicste the n�son( r why ch�r�tr� puty wishes ' j "' • Lo Mtt1�Qr�r the chu ; � i . , . � , t. tontain � s�etltic erence to•the rtthQriM�i ot ' O ' tht HtlO th�r9t u re 1 •s th� �ulvslent �9enty , - th�r�e. and • �. tontain • specltic s teaent tAit lhere ras no • toercton or tear ot tiliatton. . 2. Oocun+entation Re utrtd To Qe �a11ed to M10 �t ttee ot report n� the t osurt to MUO.� , Copy of withdraxal =tat L. . . � . � • D. Unable to Loc�te Chir in P� • 1. Re uirements tof �A�cce ti ce � T?K ptsic requictment- is to esttblisA that the c�utv�lent agency +ris unabl� to locate the char9in� party. This Mould includt ' , wrltten docv�entation ot sttps such �s: .� � ' (a� returned torresponde ce i�dlcattn� that thtr91n9 p�rty h�d �oveQ �nd lett no to srdir+� a'ddress; ; � . (b) tontact with other s urtes 1� �n ettort to obt�tn i �aore , • , current �dOress tor har9tng part (t.g. !ND'Oftict; telephone ' directory; •tontut erson,• ttt.�; G. � . : � . i . a . .� . � �� c.�. : . . . .: , _ _ .� .._ _ . � • (t) etforts to tontac charging party py tertlfte4 �n�11•return -� recelpt rtQuested or tetephone (�en av�ttabic) 1t • CorrtsponQence h� �te� teturned �s 'unclaimtd.• -• - - �� 2.• Oocumentation Re ulre (?o be aa11e4 to FtUO •t tt�ae ot reporttng ' t e t osure to U ,. � ' •. Copy ot • tase th onoloqy sheet. s tese dfary� or other wrttten ' docua�ent�tlon rfii h provldts tvtQtnce tt+it proqressive stepi • �+ert ttken to loc te the.thar91R9 perty. ' b, topy ot r�turned nvelope with post otttct notitlons. • , t. fvidence tA�t �t eas! tko tetepho�e c:lts were attertpted. one . QurSn9 normal wor 1n9 hours and one durin9 non-+rorktng hours. C. F�11ure to Coo erate with the'•Investt ation � . � t. Re ulren+ents tor l�cce tanc , � Tf►e requtnd procadu vill b� to Mve the equtvslent��9enty prepar� ind sena t�e ar9tn9 p�rty a letter. The tetter M111 .,,, lnton th�r9in� puty thit tht �Qulvaltnt �ericy �nd HU� rrill .Ofs�iss the char9t. . , ; �. foltor+fn9 atteapt � st teiepho�it �where av�tlable) and person�l � • ' conL�tt. tAe �Qut alsnt �9ency's tetttr ts sent Oy tertlt/t� ��tl-returo rtcet t rtquesttd. 1t�e eQutv�lent �9ency's letter 9lves chu9in� pa y it least 10 dyrs troe r�cetpt ot ths ' lettt� 1n MA1ch provl0e tht needed intor.ation or to appear to� � tontertnct r other �ppoint�ent. 0. •The tertitied-�et ni rtcelpt rtqueste0 u+d regul�r letters eust et ClsineQ py eAs 9Sn9 ptrtyor Oy :oweone �t th�r9in9 ptrty's � �ddress. It the etters �re returntd is uncliimed� the i � . .equlv�lent �genty should �tte�pt to tont�tt the th�rginQ p�rty ` ejr telepho�e sn� rtQe sarme tvf0ence of sad�r atteapt. . � • It th�r�tns pa�ty's t per�tton einnot pt obtiined ustn9�tl�e aDove , � , proce�uns; �nd the 1 tters ire �ot returne0 p tf+e Post Oftice (1.l.. urk � drtss e un norm; aoved; e t no orw�rdi�9 • �ress. ett.), the thar e sho td then ee tlosed tor t�llurt to too er�te. . ' A cA�r9e �a�► not �e c ose or a ur� to cooperatt �se to t y on ' • � c1�u91r,9 p�r�y's ts lure to cla1� certltted as11. �ou1d the letttrs �e returt+ed p �h! Post Oftitt (i.t., �arktQ �ddressee unknorm; aoved; left o torw�rdtn9 �ddrtss; ttc.), the t�ar�t shail0 tt�en 6e closed as an Un�bl� to Locate. . , . � , • t . ' . ' • . . , � • � � ' . . •• ' � . . . 2. Documentetion �Re uSr d T De e+a11e0 to HUO at the time.�t _ � . ' -""`-'— report n9 t e c osure to 0.) • - Copybt � case•chronotoqy eet� t case dtary or o�her wrttttn Eotumentation rfitch descrl s the steps taken t� obtiln the . tharyin� party's tooper�tt . Eridence th�t �t least two telephone . ti11s were �ttenpted, one ring normal rrorktn9 hours �n0 one , • du�iny non-i+orktn� hours. • . ' D. latk_ot Jurisdictton � � } , 1. Re uirements tor Jkce tanc . • The tack ot urisdictton st apply not only to the equtvslent . , �enty Dut ��so to HUO. . 2. Ootumentation Re utred (T De aalled to HUO �t ttme ot reporttn9 ecoure o U . •. Copy of closure letter s) sent to alt puties. , � b. Maaor�ndum txplaintn9 �tion�te tor tlosur� tor t�ck ot . 1urlsdictlon snd why 1 ck ot lurisdittton could �ot Oe OttermineQ �t Int�lct. -- . . . .. . II. No Ca_uu C1o,��. • . � � - �, A. Reauirement tor 1kce�tance ' � . � ' In 9ener�l. the rstionatt bdtt no tsvst ftn�fnQs ts thtt the ° lnvestlg�tton has �ot sho�m s ttcient eviQenct to prort �lthtr dtspuitt tre�tment or dtspar e t�qict. TA1s is vrlauily done by tomptrin9 respondent'= tt�te� 11c1es and �ttv:l houstn pr�ctices . Mith t� trettment accorded rgln puty an0 otAer si,a�tu�ly � sltu�ted. Areis thit will pe lose�y revte+�ed py HUO tnclu e. � ' 1, Yere �I1 the att�9 itions the toaplsi�t thst art to9�itable under � T1t1e ylll lnvestlgated! . . �� � 2. il�vt r�lev�nt rttnesses p n lntervlewed? ' � 3. 11�s tl►e lnvestt9�tton Oet nnined respondent's st�ted policy �nd �ctwl housin9 prattices nsotir ts such policles snQ prutites ue telate0 to tl+e tharse? . ' 4, 1�s the tnvesti9ation too ed lnto co+aparattvt treatment ot si�itul�r sltuated tentnt /�ppl/cants or hts tOverse impict been �st�tished? S. l�as the responQent's dete se been verlticd? , _ .r. ' . . �. , -. ,- ' ����, � . � � • - .. . • .. .. . . • ' � . .. . .--- � ---- . . ..-_._. � C • . . � 6. Kave dtsputed t�cts D n resolved? • - . - .- 7. Has ti�e thar�tn9 ptrt Deen 9iven ample opportuntty to rebut . responQent's Qefense( ). snd !s such rebuttil not sufflcttntly . tonpe111n9 to tonstit te nison to belfeve t�it r�spcndent's ' � . stitements art prsttx ualt . ' e. Oocumentatlon Re uired ( o Oe siiled !o HUD �t' ttme ot teportln9 the c osure to u . ' ' M lnrestl atlon aemor�nd (e.9. tin�l investlQative rtport) whlch ' tonteins �e toltowing: • • 1. A sumaary ot the tfiar tn� puty's �llc9�tlor�(s�; : 2. A suamary�of the r�sp nden!'s position; 3. A tl�orough revte+r ot t eridenu tmcovertd aurin9 the investl9atton; .,,. ' 4: M inil s1t ot the ev denu. detailin9 tAe tqutvtlent �gency's ��tion��e to� its no w:e dettston. tn0 . , . S. Coptes ot'tlosurt tet tr� or Oocve�ents to th�r9ing puttes or , tompl�inints tntcrotn thes ot dettston znd att further �19hts � unOsr tAt int adminis tr�d ejr the �ency. . 'III. Settte+nent tlo,_ A. Necotl�ted Settkments • • — 1. ulreaent t l�cte tinc � 1t�e priauy trta ot t ortu�c� tor the settle+xnt ot � th�r9e is � the sitist�ctl4n ot � thsr91n9 pirty Mtth the ter�s ot t1+e • stttle�ent. ?he sttt Ment oust: • .. . •. Qe � �ltten �gr nt tlt�rl detinin9 t�+e terms ot the ' . �ree�nent �+t►tc.A t st9�ed by �oth ch��9in9 p�rty tnd the • respondent as wei �s py tn a9ency reprtsentattve suthort=ed to . e�ter into tor�l �ree+�erits. ' . e, incwde :pecttte terenc� to eto:ur� ot ths NuD cn�rge as �+ett �s tA� tqutvalent �ency tl�arge. , t. �erity th�t the t ot the settta�nt ��ve pten �et �e•9•. a topy ot the check copy ot tht te�se showin9 r�spondent teased • un1i, etc.�. It benttlt M111 otcur atter tbe si�ntn9 ot tht �rtcment (e. .. t��r9tn9 party to be alto�red to rent �t � . tutare date), tAe grtement must p�ovidt th�t rtspondent Mill . � . notity the �gency tthtn a ecttled erioa t tin+e �tter the A � ter�s have bten to shoM respon ent = tomp ance wtth the terss ot the aQre nt. . !� ��l ' 2. '�otumentatton Re utrtd (T De 1n�ile0 t6:HUD �t tlme ot .reportin9 � ' ' — � t t t osurt to HU�. • , • . ' �• CoDy ot the settle+aent greement. _ . . 1. Otsc�iptton ot�penetlt tnQ toaputatton ot �ctuil eonetery • ' conpensation provtded trectly to �the char9in9 party it not • • st�ted tn tAe �9r�ement. ' � 6. kit�arawals Mith Settltment � A'ItithQrarral with Settlement 1s based only on the chargin9 party's � reQuest tor withdr�+ral bec�use t a resolutlon acc�ptable to the� . , thir9ing party. , 1. Rr uircment to� Ikc tance • - , - ' �. 1he MithQr�wat request st: • • (1) be in writin9; � (2j be tt9ned py the ar9ing ptrty. ar suthortted • rtaresent�tive. �tld Q� d; .._ . � � (3) ldentlty tl�e resp dent; ' ' (t) tont�tn tt�e �JO�C�+ Q r�e nuaber; (S� lndicsts'Lh� resso �s�, tt knoun� 4hy char9tn9 puty � �1s�es to vithdrsr tht ar�e; (6) contitn • spctltic ferenc� to the rrith'drsxit oi the NUO , tAu9e �s wtll as thi iv�lent •�enty thsrge. �nd (7� tontsln � sLatemen thit there Mis no toerclo� or feir ot ret�li�tion. ' � _ • . • .. ' 2. Oocument�tion Re vlred (To ��tled to NUO at ti�e ot reporttn4 , • ' t osure to . • . . a. Gopy ot �rtthdriwat state nt. • e. Description of penefits nd computttton ot actu�l R+onetary • toaptns�tion provided d1 t1y to ths cfiir9in9 puty if not st�ted tn tht rritten �9 nt. ' • • . " :. , � �- . - . . . . � • . • �- : -- - - . . _ .� � C. �onc111atton Aanements � _ 1. Re utrements or Ikte te Ct . • ' , The settiea+ent �ust: � ' • •. Qe a rrttten �9rttme t tte�rl Oetfnln9 the ttrms ot the ' • • +nae�;t �fitcA 1s s �nee vy �otA ther9tng perty •nd respondent 9e cy ttprts t�ti t �uthort2td tp enttr tnto forma? � s9tt�ents. • � . . , . e. Inctude specttit ref rence to tlosure ot the HUD is Kell �s the tqulv�lent •9enty th rQe. . c• - Ycrity�tfi�t tht te ot the settTc+�ent AiY! Dten �net (e.9. � . • to�y�ot the check, 1 ase s�owtn9 respandent rented unit to . th�r tn9 puty� ltt. . It the bMltlt wi11 otCUr ifttr th! ttyn�n9 ot the �9r nt (t.9. res�on0ent r111 ltase to thir9tn9 puty �t � turt date). the �9reea�ent wst provide � � th�t �espondent r111 otlty tht tquiv�lent t�ency Mtthln � ccltted eriod ot t me atttr tM r�spondent h�s taAQli�d Mith ..,.. t ttrms o e �9 nt. . � � � e, lre terus ot tA� ronc ti�tia+ �rs�e+ernt �u:t re+�edy tAe . untivful Qtstrt�atnatl n tdentit ed tn tAt tinQing(=� ot the � • eQutvtlent �gency, sn the char�tng puty w,st �ttept thc re+nedy �s hsrinq �sde Ai�/htr wholt. , , . 2. Docun+ent�tioe� Re utr d ( o pe •tit� to NUO at tiaie ot reportinq ! C OSYT! LO . •. 'Copy'ot tAt tonctltat on ��rtea�ent. • - e. Oestriptlon ot beneti t and toaput�tton ot �ttu�l aonet�ry �' tompens�tton provlde0 dtrtctty to tAe tt��r9in9 psrty !t not ) st�te0 1� the �itttn a9rcement. IY. Unsuccesstul Conctii�tton . • . , A. Requirements to* Acceptante 1he bsstt rtQuSrtment t: th�t e tquiv�lent �ency �oade s tlndiny sn0 ' ' �, �ttempts� tonctlt�tlon whtcA is un:uccesstul. � •� � ` � �... • . � .. . . . . • . • . '� � � • \ _ ' • ' S• �oc�ment�t ton Re utrtd • To be �a,t le0 to M!D •t t1 • • . t oT t to NU notw thst ndtn9 the t�ct th�t-turtAt • tntDorttng t�►e procteure't et�r �� pendt� .) � y tntorcemcnt . . �• �Dy ot tAe caule Le ter pf p�termtn�tton jL00). ind 1t thi � does �ot tntlude � 0 ti11�d t�ctu�) Otscusslon ot the �itton�te !or t1►e t�use ttndtnQ, • oDy ot the ttn�1 tnvestl9�ttv! rtport tull ` . , descrtbtn9 the ��tio le tor th t r t�s o n t D i e t a u s e t l n d t�Q. � � � 2• �Py Of tht �emor�nd ' . ' 1'lpOr== pp � t�l1l0 COnC 11�t OnlnC! Or Othlr Qocu�ntittp� �jt r i • . � � • • • • ' . 3 � ' ' . � . . . . . . , , 1! . � " � ( � � � • � . : . s' . . , ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREt'iENTS FOR GRANTIZ DDINDAN TRIBAI. G�E�NTS TO STATE, LOCAL� �lND FEDERALLY COGN G,pVERNMENTS The following provisiona o 24 CFR Part 85, •1►dministrative � Requirements for Grants nnd Coo rativo 1lqreements to State, LocaL, and Federally Recoqnised Indien Tribsl Governments, " are incorporated by reference, wher epplicabl�. Upon =equest, the Grant Officer will meke tAeir f 11 text evailable. Whers clerifyiny or specific HUD ins ctions are required, they will appear in full text. The term •qrant' The term eGrenta0fficererae to cooperntive aqreement inetr ents. u6ed herein also refers to Coo erative 1�yreement Officers, when � the inatrument is a cooperetiv aqreement. Subpart �► - General 85.3 Definitiona . • t : : . * � ~Grant Officer" means the official euthorited by HUD to execute and/or administer this qrant. Subpart C - post-J►ward Require ents Financial adminiatration ' 85.20 Standards for financia maneqement ayatema. 85.21 Peyment. -• 85.22 1�llowable coate. 85.23 Period of availabilit of funds . 85.24 Metchinq or coat shar nq. 85.25 ProQram income. 85.Zfi Non-Federal audit. Changea, Property, and Subnwa de , , , . o . . . 85.30 Chanyea. . • • • � • Requeets fcr prior ap rovel of chanqee aa specified in paragrephs (c) , (d) , and ( ) shall be directed to the Grant Ofticer. 85.31 Real property. . • . • • (d� Requesta for dis sition instructions shall be directed to the Grnnt Offi er. 85.32 Equipment. • � • . • (f) (3) Requests ior isposition in�truction• ahsll be directed to the Grant Ofti er. 85.33 Supplies. 85.34 Copyriqhts and pat nts. � 85.35 Subawnrds to debar ed and •uapended parties. � � s • : . . Befora awardinq any � bcontracts or subyrnnta, the qrantee muat enaure that the subco tractor or �ubqrantee i• not included on the Genezal Services inistration's •Liets of Partios Excluded from Federal Proc rement or Honprocurement Proqzama, • and, therefore, ineliqible for award. Copies of this publicn- Lion may be obtained from he 6uperintondent of Documents, U.S. Government Printinq Office Weahinqton, DC 20402. The telephone number is (202) 783-3238. � 85.3 6 procuresaent. 85.37 Sub�rants. . � ' " • . . .• Reports, RecorBs Retentio , end Enforcement � 8�.40 Nonitoring and re ortiny pro9ram perfoziaanco. : • . . • (b) (1) Performence eports shall be submitted on a quertorly basi�. (Grant ffic�r may sub�titut• a diff�r�nt Lim• tznme, but muat not mor• tr�qu�nt than quart�rly� . (b) {3) The qrantee hall submit the oriQinal performance report to the GTR. Copie ahall be submitted to �Grnnt Officer may ineert additional ind viduals who ahould rocoive copies. If none, then delete this second aentence) . 85.41 Financial reporti g. � � • � • . (a) (4) The qrantee hall submit the oriqinal SF-269 or SF-269A, Financial Statua Report, to the Grant Officer. 1► copy ihall be �ub2aitt�d to the GTR. (b) (2) The 9rantae hall report proqram outleya and proqram income on an accr nl basi�. If the qrar�toe'a secords � are not normally kept an he accrual bnsi�, th� qrant�• i� not required to convert ita a countinq systam but •hall develop such accrual information hrouyh an anelysis of the documentation on hand. • (b) (3) Financial re rts shall be submitted on a quarterly basis. (Grant Officer �aa substitute a difforent time irame, • but no more �requent than quarterly� . 85.42 Retention and acc sa requirements for recorda. 85.�3 Enforcement. @5.44 Terminntion for nvenience. Subpart D • �fter-The-Gr t Requir�ments 85.50 Closeout. •� • . . . OM�App�ovat Mo 0)y•0040 � ASSURANCES— NON ONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS �te: Certain of these aesurances may not be aQ icable t,o your projett or pro�ram. lt you have questions, please contact the av►�ardinQ agency.Further certain Federal awarding agencies m�y require applicants Lo certJy to additional assurances.l!such is e case.�ou will be notified. As the dul�authorized representative of the epplicant 1 certif�that the applicant: 1. Has the IeQal •utho�ity to apply for Federa te)the DruQ Abuse Off►ce and Treatmcnt Act ot assistance, and the institutional, managerial �n 1972 (P.L. 92•2SS), a= amended, relating to financial espability (includinQ funds tu!'Cicient nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse, lA pay the non-Federai share of project tosts) t the Comprehentive Alcohot Abuse and Alcoholism ensure proper planning, management and to - Prevention�T�tatment and Rehabilitation Act of pletion of the project described in this application 19�4 (P.L. 91•6�6)� as amended. relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcofi�,i abuse or 2. Wi11 �ive the awarding agency, the Comptroll alcoholism;(8)f4 523 and 527 of the Pub�ic Health General of the l.'nited States� snd if appropriat � ��vice Actof 191Z(42 L'.S.C.290 dd•3�nd 290 ee- the State,through sny authorised represent.ativ , 31� as amende�, relating to conCideatiality ot � access to and the right to examine all record � slcohol and drug abuse patient record�. (h) Title books, papers,or documents related to the awar : VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (02 l:.S C i and will establish'a proper accounting system 3601 et seq.1, as amended, relating to non- accordance with generally accepted accounti g d�urimination in the tale� rental or fir.ancing ot standardsoragencydirectives. housing; (i) any othec nondiscrimination 3. V1�i11 establish sateguards to prohibit employe s provisions in the specJic statute(s) under which trom using their positions for a purpose th t application tor Federai assistance is be:ng made: constitutes o� presents the appearance of pe�son 1 and (j) the requirementa of an� other or organizational conilict of interest, or person 1 nondiscrimination stxtut,e(s) which ma� apply to , gain. the application. � Will initiate and comptete the v►ork within t e 7. Will comply� or has already complied, with the � applicable time frame atter receipt of approval i requirements of Titles Il and Iit of the L'niform theawardingagency. Relocation Aasistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91•6�61 b. Will eomply with the Intergovernment i which provide for fair snd equitable treatment of Personnel Act oi 1970 (42 V.S.C. �4 4728•47 3� persons displaced or whose property is acquired as • relating to prescribed standards for merit syste s a result of Federal or federally assisted programs. for programs funded under one of the ninete n These requirements apply to all iaterests in real statutes or regulations specified in Appendix of p�o�rty acquired for project purposes regardless OPlit's Standards!or a Merit System of Person el of Ftderal participation in purchases. Administration(S C.F.R.900�Subpart F). 8. Will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act 8. Will comply with sil Federal statutes relatin to (S U.S.C.�� 1501-1506 and�324-7328)Khich limit nondiscrimination. These include but are ot the political aetivities of employees whose ' limited to: (at Title Vl of t6e Civil Rights Ac ot principal employment activities are tunded in 1964 (P.L. 88-35Z)which prohibits di�-riminat on whole or in part with Federal funds. on the basis of race��tolor or natione] origin; (b) Title iX of the Education Amendmtnts of 1972 as 9. Will comply�as applicable�with the pro�isions of amended(20 U.S.C. f41681-1683�and 1685-16 6), the Davis•Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. �f 276a to 276a- which prohibits discrimination on the basis o!' x; 7). the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. � 2�6c and 18 (c)Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act o!1973 as L.S.C.��874).and the Contract Work Hours and amended (291;.S.C. � 794), which prohibita is• Safety Standards Act (40 l;.S.C. �4 327•3331, crimination on the basis of handicaps; (dl the ge _ regarding labor standards for ledera'.'.y assisted Discrimination Act of 1975� as amended 42 eonstruction subagreements. t;.S.C.44 6101-610�), v►hich prohibits discr m• • _� ination on the basis of age; Sunovd ia- u�s �..ee� p�esu�0�d DY Oy2 ���w�a� A��Ot � Authorized f r Local Repreduct(on , l0. Will comply. if applicsble, with tlood insurance 13 K ill assist the •wardinQ aQency in assurin� purchese requirements oi Section 102(sl of the compli�nce with Section 106 of the �stiona) fiood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 tP.l..93•234) Hutoric Preserv�tion Act of 1966, ss amendcd (16 v►•hich rtquires recipients in a specia) llood hazard l'.S C. 4701� EO 11593 (identification and srea to.participate in the pro�ram andto purchase protection of historie propertics), •nd the flood insurance i[ the totel eosl of insur'ble MchaeoloQical and Historit Preservetion Act of tonstruction and acquisition is:10�000 or mo�e. 19i4(16 t;.S.C.469a•1 tt seq.). - l I. Will comply with environmcntal standards which 14. K ill tomply with P.L. 93-346 reQardin� thc may be prescribed pu{suent to the totlowing- (a) protection othuman subjects Involved in �esearch, institution ot environmental Quality control de�elopment� and teleted activities :upported by measures under the National Environmental 1h;s awsrd otassislance. Poliey Act of 1969 (P.L. 91•I90) and Executive �S, Kill eomply with the Labor�lory Animal Keltarc Order (EO) 11514: (b) eotificstion of vtolati�Q Act of 1966 (P.L. 89•544� as �mended, 7 l;.S.C. lacilities pursyant to EO 11738; tc) protcction of Z�31 et seq.1 pertaininQ to the care. handlin�, and wetlands pursuant to EO I1990; (d1 evaivation of treatment of warm blooded animals hcld for ttood ha:ards in itoodplains in accordance with EO f�search.teac�ine�or othe��ctivities suppo�tcd by l I988, (e)assurance of project consistency with th;s award of assistance. the approved State mins�ement proQram de�eloped under• the Coastel Zone Management l6. �A ill compl� with the Lead•8ased Paint Poisonin� Act of 19i2 (l6 l,'.S.C. �� l�Sl et :eq ); tn P�cvention Act (42 V.S.C. i� 4801 et seq 1 r►hich conformity of Feder,l actiona to State tClear Air) prohibits the use of lead based p�int in implementation Plan:unde� Seclion 176tc10!thr constructton or cehaDilitation ot �tsidence Clear Air Act ot 1955. •s amended (42 l.'.S.C. f :tnrctures. ' 740I et seq.):(gl protection of under�round sources l� K��� �aust to bt pertormed the required finaneial of drinking water under the Sale DrinkinQ Water �nd compliance avdits In accordance v�ith the Act ot 1974, as amended, �P.L. 93•523); and (h) S;nQle Audit Act of 1984. protection oi endanQered :pecies under the Endanecred Species Act ot 1973,as amended�(P.L. 18. V1 ill compty with all applicAblc requirements of all 1 93•205). other Federsl laws, executive orders� re�ulations � 12. Wilt comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Att �nd policies QoverninQ this proQram. of 1968 (16 U.S.C. f� 1471 et :eq.) related to protecting components or.potential components of the national xild and scenic rivers system. ;�GNAT RE O�AUTN• 1 ECCE�TIfv G OfflCu►L T1T�E �� �1 ���� Josep�rier Brown Director, Saint Paul Human Rights Dept Ai IKAN?ORGANi2ATtON OATE SUtMItTE� � ' City of Saint P ul NFinnesota August 22, 1989 .� S� �t�• i�•tt S.0 ' ATTACHMENT C � CERTIFICATION REGARDING DRUG-FR E WORKPIACE REQUIREI4ENTS 1. Instructions for Certification . a. By submitting this application� the applicant is providing the � certification set out below. b. The certification set out below is a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be pla ed if HUD determines to award a grant to the applicant. If it s later determined that the applicant knowingly renCered a alse certification� or otherwise violates the requirements of t Drug-Free Workplace Act, HUD,, in addition to any other remedtes vailable to the federal Government, may take action authorized und the Drug-Free Workplace Act. 2. Certification Regarding D rug-Free W rkplace Requirements a. The applicant certifies Lhat i will provide a drug-free workplace . by: 1. Publishing a statement no ifying employees that the untawful manufacture. distribution dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance is p ohibited in the grantee's workPlace and specifying the action that Nill be taken against employees for violatlon of such pro ibition; � � 2. Establishing a drug-free wareness program to inform employees about: � i i. the da�gers of drug buse in the workplace; ii . the applicant's poli y of maintatning a drug-free workplace; iii. any available drug unseling, rehabilitation, and • employee assistance programs; and iv. the penalties that ay be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations oc uring in the workplace; 3. Making it a requirement nat each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement requireA by paragraph 1 ; i ._; . • -2 4. Notifying the employee i the statement required by paragraph 1 that� as a condition of mployment under the grant, the � employee will: 1. abide Dy the terrns f the statement; and � ii. notify the employer of any criminal drug statute convictio� for a vi lation occurring in the v+orkplace no later than five day after such conviction; 5. Notifying HUD within ten days af ter receiving notice under subparagraph 4 (ii ) from any employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such co vi cti on; - 6. 7aking one of the follow ng actions, within 30 days of receiving notice under s bparagraph 4 (ii), with respect to any eMployee who is so co�vi ted: i. taking appropriate ersonnel action against such an employee, up to and includi�g termination; or � ii. requiring such empl yee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistan e or rehabilitation program approved � fur such purposes a Federal , State or locai health, law enforcement, or ot r appropriate agency; 7. Making a good faith eff rt to continue to maintain a drug-free - workpiace through imple ntation of paragraphs 1� 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. b. The applicant shall insert i neeinpconnection withlthetspecifics� for the performance of Work o � grant: Place of Performance (Street address. city. county, state� zip tode) Department of H man Rights � < � � � 515 City Hall City of St. Pau , Ramsey County � � Minnesota 55102 � ' < > < _/ .