89-1582 WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CO11flC1I (///���r/-� /yy ' CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PA U L �/f�J n� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ' • /�'+ � Counc esolution 3g , Presented By '� Referred To Committee: Date �/�'� �� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That the On Sale Liqu r (C) , Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant (B) and C1 ss III Entertainment License (ID #29375) currently iSsued to Vogel 's Parkside Lounge, Inc. DBA Vogel 's Park ide Lounge at 1181 Clarance (Robert L. Vogel , Pre . ) , be and the same is hereby renewed. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman (� Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson SEP - � 1989 Form Approved by Cit Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya s o cil eta BY " � 1'� + By A►ppr e y Mavor: Date _ — (� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By p���� S E P 16 198 .: C/`�/ �1�4� DEPARTM@NTlOFFlf�J00UNqL DATE IT D- Finance/License GREEN SHEET No. 5�23 INITIAII DATE II�ITIAUDATE (�ONTACT PER3�1 3 PFIONE PAqTMENT WRECTOR �qTY OOUNqL Kt^i s VdnHorn/298-5056 �� ATTORNEY GTV f�ERK MUST BE ON COUNCfL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROU7Ni0 UOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.BERVICE8�R. � YOR(OR A8818TANn � COU 11C1� R TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAOE8 (CUP ALL L A NS FOR 8K�iNATURE) ACT10N REQUEBTED: Renewal of an On Sale Liquor (C), Su day On Sale, Restaurant (B) and Class III Entertainment License. RECOMMENDAT10N8:APDrovs W a FisJset(R) COIlNqI F�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _pVil 8ERV1�COMM18810N ANALYBT PNONE NO. _GB C�AMITTEE _ COMMENTB: _STAFF _ _DISTRIC'T OOURT _ SUPPORTS WHlpi COUNpL OBJECTIVE9 IN111Ai1N(i PR08LEM,188UE.OPPORTUNITY(YVho.Whet�WM��Where�N�Yg Vogel 's Parkside Lounge, Inc. DB V gel 's Parkside Lounge at 1181 Clarence Street requests Co nc 1 approval of the renewal of an On Sale Liquor (C) , Sunday On Sa1e Liquor, Restaurant (6) and Class III Entertainment Lice se The Police Department, Phil Byrne and Joseph Carchedi h ve reviewed the above application and have agreed that the License Di ision may now forward them to the St. Paul City Council . The ic nse Division's recorr�nendation is for approval . ADVANTAQE8 IF AF�PROVED: . � +1 : DI ANTAOES IF APPROVED: D18ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: If Council approval is not rec iv d, applicant will be scheduled for a review before a hearing offi e Council Research Center . AUG 2�1989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANS�CTION COST/REVENUE eUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO f1lNDING 80URCE ACTMT1f NUMSER FlNANGAL INFORMIITION:(EXPLAIN)