89-1581 wHi7E — cirr CLERK COl1t1C11 // �(// PINK - FINANGE /f ��/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GI�Y OF AINT PALTL File NO. •'�.LfL�, BLUE — MAVOR - Co cil esolution �37 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #4074 for the transfer of an On Sale Wine, On Sale Ma.lt Beverage and staurant (B) License currently issued to Minnesota Pasta Inc. DB Coliseum Restaurant (D.W. Thomas; Pres.) at 2175 Ford Parkway, be a d the same are hereby transferred to Madone, Inc. DBA Caravan S rai (Nancy J. Kayoum, Pres.) at the same address. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Favo Goswitz �, Rettman s�ne;n� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson SEP - 51989 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date - . Certified Yas e Council re BY � gy. A►ppro d by 1Aavor: Date �r — 7 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By F�'"�_'J;� S t P 16 19 . � • i `c . , � t,����JG/ DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNqL DATE INIT D. . • 7 Finan�e�L;.�ense ' GREEN SHEET No. 4 3 8 7 CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAU DATE INfI'IAUDATE OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Kris VanHorn/298-5056 �� CITYAITORNEV �CITYCLERK MU8T BE�1 COUNqL A(iENDA BY(DATE� ROU71Nti BUDCiET DIRECTOR �FlN.d M(iT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PA(3ES (CLIP ALL LOC TIONS FOR SKiNATURE� ACTION REOUESTED: Application to transfer an On Sale �Ni , On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage and Restaurant (B) License. i +�,� � Notification Date: Hearin Date: RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(A)a ReJect(R) COUNCIL OM ITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAI ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CML SERVICE COMMISSION _GB COMMITTEE _ COMMENT : —STAFF — I _DISTRICT COURT _ I I SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqI OBJECTIVE? � I I INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNfTY(Who,What,When,Where,Wh�: j I Madone Inc. DBA Caravan Serai (Nan�y . Kayoum, Pres.) request Council approval of her application to transfer an pn ale Wine, On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage and Restaurant (B) License at 2175 For�l P rkway currently issued to Minnesota Pasta, Inc. DBA Coliseum Restaurant (D.W. Thom�as, Pres.) at the same address. All fees and applications have been received. �All required departments have reviewed and approved this application. i ADVANTACiE3 iF APPROVED: ! � . I I I 1 DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: I i DIBADVANTADE8 IF NOT APPROVED: � ����,��1 ReSe�rch Center JUL 2 � i�$9 � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION �_ C08T/REYENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ON� YE8 NO , FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) }� � � . ' . ;� � C . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE CiREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASIN(i OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Below are preferred rouUnga for the Nve most frequent types of documents: �NTRACTS (assumea authorized COUNqL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept.arants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Departm�M Director 2. Initiatlng Department 2. Budget Diroctor 3. Gry Attomey 3. Ciry Attorney 4. Mayor 4. May�x/A�ant 5. Fnance&Mgmt 3vcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chfef AccouMaM, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Depertment Director 2. Department Accountant 2• CitY AttomeY 3. DepartmeM Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Coundl 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIYE ORDERS (all ofhers) 1. Initiating Department • 2. Ciy Attomey 3. MayodAssi�ant 4. Ciry Gerlc , TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PACiES Indicate the�of pages on which signatures are required and paperc�iP each of these es. . ACTION REDUESTED D�cribe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronobgi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete it the iss�e in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listlng the key word(s)(HOUSINa, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMIITEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatbn or conditions that crested a need for your project or request. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED I�dicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are speciflc wa in which the Ciy of Seint Paul and its citizens wfll beneflt from this pro�ect/action. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past prxesses might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffk delays, nase, tax increases or assesaments)?To Whom?Whsn? Fo�how bng? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative con�quences if the promiaed action is not approved?Inability to deliver eervice?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenus? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer rivo questions: How much is it gang to cost?Who is going to pay? . . . : ���'i.s�'/ UIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) PERMIT ADMINIST TION llATE � 1""1 `�� / � �-il �'� INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant ���b� �� �,� . _ ' Home Address 1(�3� SC.��_��✓ �S�- «^S'• Rusiness Name � Y�uC�h J�ra�- Home Phone !D� � - SZl � �1 Business Address �� J r Y Type of License(s)�y�,., . �n JC�— ��-.� Business Phone �pg(�_ — ��v� ��,�Q,a., �gD_�_ti fCs�;{� _ S, 1 1 ,, i Public Hearing Date License I.D. 4� �F���"�'� at 9:00 a.m, in the Coun 1 Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4t ?j`1Cj�Q � � llate Nutice Sent; Dealer 4� n � � to Applicant rederal I'3_rearms �� }1 �,a- Public Her�ring DATE I1�SPEC IUN REVtEW VERFIED (CO UTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A roved ' I . Bldg I & D �� � 3 � G Health Divn. �I � ' � �� ': (} � I ^f f 2 S �ti 12a- 6 r CLa�t,a �SS-+_.�cSLv C��+ Fire Dept. � � (L.�_C.�...�..i4 S� �S�/�r`� ; ;:� ��s � i � � Yolice Dept. I s�3 O vt.�� rt�cor�L . License Divn. i �� a� ; o � City Attorney � � I �� , o Date Received: � Site Plan �-�� i- To Council P.esearch Lease or Letter Date from Landlord � I.��' � ��i CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: 1,� �/� � ��v�. ���`�t.�;�.-�r,��� �J,� �11�� Y I Ia(�c'�r�., Current DBA: New DBA: ��c-�,�.�c�_U._r,� � �-� _ l�-rc�v c�.r, � er� - - �- Current Officers: Insurance: �. t�� ,�h.�Yr,u s ���r�; . _. C �/I �� ���� :/ � �� w � "? ! t , �.�J y L+�'�� 1 . . --. � J'J:�rr �i,��v'.� ��, , ` Bond: U � �V1'1�.lr5 .-J�h_S , � 5 aa�� � �,� Workers Compensation: �4..��.�.� n , � . p�o aaa �t a t � roj �id New Officers: �Q�vl •� U�w► �� � � Stockholders: ��r,.�'� . . . . �� : - �������� �piication No. Date Received gY CITY 0� ST. PAUL, M NNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE INTOXI TING lIQUOR LICE,`ISE SUNDAY ON SALE IN70XICATI LIQUOR LICENSE . � PRIVA7E CLUB INTOXICATIN LIQUOR LICEIVSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING IQUOR LICENSE ON SAIE MALT BEVERA c LICF�SE ON SALE '�lINE LI E,�SE � irectians : This form must be filled out with ty ewriter ar by printing in ink by the sole owner, by eacn partner, by each pers rt wno has interest in exc�ss oT Sp in the corporation and/or association in wh ch the name of the license wi11 be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECi T0 REVIE'�! BY THE PUBLIC , Application for (name of license) �`� f� C , , Located at (address) , )7 r- �� � � ` . Name under wnich business will be operated C �A�/�� S�-�"1 . True Name I�l�i� �` �` �� 'o� Phone ��(� — '`��S First Middle aiden Last . Date of Bi rth S z Z o P1 ace of i rth u� � Month, oay, Year . . . Are you a citizen oT the United States? Native��_ Naturalized________ . Home AddresS � 6 5 SG�e- e r �i° .%°Ge�C Hame Te 1 ephon� �q �—S 91 9' . Including your pr�sent business/employment, nat business/employment have you follawed for the past flve years? Business/�.moloyment Address �J' �,�2�' �"p S G��O 1/� _ o���{-,� l��h��r5� �Y i S7 •�f� ��'1 ' SSl(E � _ . . t�larr�ed? 2� If answer is "yes" , li t the name and address of spouse. 10. Have you ever be�n convic�ed or a�y Telon , crime or viotation or any city ordinanc�, - �ther trian trasfi c? Yes•_ Na � C��r��l�� Date of arrest (v� �2 Q I9 Where Charge Convi cti an • Ses�tence Oate of arrest 19 Where Charge Canvictzon Sentence lI. Retail Be�r Federal Tax Stamo �a Ke Re ai1 Liquar Federal Tax Stamo -- will be used. 12. Closest 3.2 Plac� Ch rch o� Y�i � (�,�_ School ��r s 13. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On ale � � ►�P Off Sale �/� �e-i���� 14. List the names and residences of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financ'ally interested in the premises or business , who may be :reTZrred to as to the applicant s cnaracter. Vame Address {2v 2 /"�r c G�� l Z �{aiv�¢-� � �.` M � ,�o ;� �� 33 S c�e F�e� r4-�e_ � —('� �� 1''��c.r?C . � Ed�af2�1 . I5. Address or premises for which appl ica ion is made 21 ?� �oa!> pl�w�' Zone Cl ass i ff catZ on �S� P�One .��-=� �� 16. BetNeen �Nnat cross streets? C N2 ` C �e�e a�� Wh1ch side of Stre�t /U�. I7. Are premises now occupied? 'dhat Business? l��,STccG��-ce� f How Lang? 0�0 Y��r'S I8. List licenses which you currently ho d, or, fonaerly heTd,, or may have an interest in. �Q�GZl.Q��e�C� GCl�s�.� � r �.yc�Qr1�C S21�Lt� J��it 1tG21'S�, I9. Have any oT the licenses listed by ou in No. 18 ever been revoked? Yes �a /� _ If answer is "yes" , list the dates nd reasans _ - Z0. If business is Tncorporat9d, gt�e date r incorporazion Cl- 19 �6� � : and attacn copy oT Art�cles or -Incor�or tion and minutes or TtrSt meez�ng. ����/J�G/ 0 ' 2T . List a11 oTricers of the corporation, 'ving their names, officn held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. - " � 22. If bustness is partnership, list part r(s) , address and telephone numoers. Name Add ess °hone 23. Is there anyone else who wi11 have an interest in this business or premises?�� 1 �SO�/� �G� .L./ZC«- , 24. Are you going to operate this busine s personally?_� . If not, who wfll operate it? Name Ho e Address Phone � 25. � Are you going to have a manager or a slstant in this business? /l��p . If answer is "yes" , give name, home address, and ome telephone number. Name ome Address Phone ANY FALSIFIC�,TION OF ANSWERS GIVE`I OR MA ERIAL SUBMIT►ED 'riILL RESUIT IN DE`JIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have an wered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true an correct to the best or my knowiedge and belieT. I hereby state further under oath that F have received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection w'th the transfer of this lic�nse, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution or ot er�ise, other than already disclosed in the appiication �Hhich I have herewith submit ed. State of Minnesota) } County of Ramsey } S gnature or App i t Subscribed and sworn to before me this ' day or 19 � w �'"� KRISTINA L.VAN HORN NOtdt" PUO 1 C, RdR152 �OUf1t� �Mi nnesota ��.�NOTARY PUBUC—MINNESOTA y y J DAKOTA COUNTY My COtiQt115510� exp i res My Commiss�on Expi�es Jan.2, 1992 w Yvvw�nnnnnn „ - � � � ���s�/ MINNESOTA DEPARTM NT OF PUBLIC SAFETY PS9,�4��-8�� PHONE(612)296-6159 LIQUOR CON ROL DIVISION 333 SIBLEY � S PAUL,MN 55101 APPLICATION FOR COUNTY CITY ON SALE WINE LICENSE NOT TO EXCEED 14% F ALCOHOL BY VOLUME EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED. If a corporatio ,an officer shall execute this application. If a partnership,a partner shall execute this application. If this is a first applic tion attach a copy of the articles of incorporation and by-laws. Applicants Name(Business,Partnership,Corporation) Trade Name or DBA . �S - cA���Ar� S r� � � Business Address Business Phone Applicants Home Phone ai '7s �oR� t� KvJ �6 �Z �� o - i� �5 c ►� ► � 8-s City County State Zip Code st- �a�-I �c�.►�►� Se M � - S s � 1 � Is this application If a transfer,give name of for er owner License period ❑ New ❑ Renewal �,Transfer From oZ.-( - $ To I -3i - I�1�o If a corporation,give name,title,address and date of birth of each officer.If a partnership,give name,address and date of birth of each partner. PartrterfOfficer Name and Title Address DOB N C� I�cL. oc,i� 16 3 5c1��-� �y Av. s . 1°�w j 5 Zz � Partner/Officer Name and Title Address DOB Partner/Officer Name and Title Address DOB Partner/Officer Name and Title Address DOB CORP RATIONS State of Date of Certificate Incorporation M � • Incorporation - ��6 Number Is corporation authorized to do business in Minnesota? � es ❑ No If a subsidiary of another corporation,give name and addr s of parent corporation THE BUILDING ��ov Name of Owners . .1 Building Owner M � � o�'l G��' Address ' ��� Qr��� ��k� Has the building owner any connection Are the property taxes deliquent? ❑ Yes �No direct or indirect, with the applicant? 0 Yes �No Describe the premises to be licensed THE ESTAURANT What is the During what hours ill Number of people Seating capacity? �o "ro 140 food be available? �A � n ��•5 � restaurant will employ? 7""f r How many months per year ill food service be the principal will the restaurant be open? �i��-�' �a"'tas• usiness of the restaurant? l�Yes ❑ No . � � . �-i.��/ If this restaurant is in conjunction with another business (reso ,etc.),describe the business. N(� OTHER INF RMATION 1. Have the applicant or associates been granted an on-sale on-intoxicating malt beverage(3.2)and/or a"set-up" license in conjunction with this wine license? I$Yes ❑ No 2. Is the applicant or any of the associates in this application a membe�of the county board or the city council which will issue this license? ❑ Yes � No If yes, in what capacity? ���� . (If the pplicant is the spouse of a member of the governing body,or another family relationship exists,the member shall not v te on this application.) 3. During the past license year has a summons been issued nder the liquor civil liability law (Dram Shop) (MS. 340A 802). ❑ Yes � No If yes attach a copy of the summons. 4. Has the applicant or any of the associates in this applicat n been convicted during the past five years of any violation of federal, state or local liquor laws in this state or any othe state? ❑ Yes �No If yes,give date and details. 5. Does any person other than the applicants, have any rig ,title or interest in the furniture,fixtures or equipment in the licensed premises? �Yes ❑ No If yes give names an details. � k � 6. Have the applicants any interests, directly or indirectly,i any other liquor establishments in Minnesota? ❑ Yes � No If yes, give name and address of the establishment. I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ E ABOVE QUESTIO S D THAT THE ANSWERS ARE TRUE AND C RREC�OF MY OWN KNOWLEDGE. � �� ign ture of Appli ant Date IF LICENSE IS ISSUED BY THE COUN Y BOARD; REPORT OF COUNTY ATTORNEY I certify that to the best of my knowledge the applicant named above are eligible to be licensed. ❑ Yes ❑ No If no, state reason. Signature County Attorney County Date REPORT BY POLICE R SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant,and the associates, amed herein have not been convicted within the past five years for any violation of Laws of the State of Minnesota, M nicipal or County. Ordinances relating to Intoxicating Liquor, except as f Ilows Police,Sheriff Department Name Title Signature . �� �s�, s�►�i� �:�u� �� cou��cl� �tT�L L� �� �.�IC i�01���: . �i�E�'�E L� P L?�A�Z4�T a�cEivEo ,1U� 2 41989 � CITY CLERK , � .. � _ � � y�. � Dear Property Owner L 40747 . � Application to tr sfer an On Sale Wine, On Sale Malt Beverage & Restau nt license. � �U�i ?OS� ��p I i�,''��� Madone, Inc dba C ravan�Serai (Nancy J Kayoum, President) 1-+d L+��-��� 2175 Ford Parkwa T...-- —• Septembe S� 1989 9'�� a.'". . L �' '�� ��`TC C�c7 C�uacs s�cers, 3r� L?oor C:�7 ca,L? - C:.cs-_ ause 3y t.���sa aa ?�-�c DiT�ioa, De�ar—.�c c= :`=..�zcs �� I �� — S��►j+ w.sag�eat Se 'cas, 3,aosa 2�3 C+�' calr - C�urr �usa, L`t Q�'C r. Sai_t ?=stL, '�' C Ca ?a8-��75c � • : � d�Ca �v be C�aa;_� cr�t�o L C�e C�nSaaC �a/or :.:.c�:?e�;s oz C�e L=c��s� Q..^_� Ps��= II;�r*�;on. � = is suga�s�_d ��a= 40L' c�?? c�e C:_:� C;e_t' s 0�:_c_ ac Z°8-�:?i =_ : ou •r_'sa c�n=_.--�==o�.