89-1579 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COI1flC11 Q PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L . IJr�/ CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ,Co i Resolution ��� ,; � , Presented By - � Refe o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 53948) by M.A. Food Store, Tnc. DBA IN.A. Food Store to tr nsfer their Off Sa1e 3.2 Malt BeVerage and A-2 Grocery Licen e formerly located at 694 Rice Street, be and the same is 'he eby transferred to 721 Jackson Street. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� in Favor Goswitz J Rettman cv B sche;be� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson �P — 5 �� Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date • . Certified Pass d b uncil Se r By ��� B� Appro y iVlavor: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council -�y By p�gl� S E P 16 1989 , � �������9 DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIS RATION DATE �� / (y �1 INTF,RPF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant ,� ,�� �G(e Home Address �� 5 �hOrY1�AS � � Rusiness IvTame _��_�r� Home Phone a�''j� — � � �'j 3 Business Address Type of License(s)�rqn `jYUC. Iq-� Business Phone �q� _G�151 Q�� rn� Public Hearing Date � License I.D. 46 ;�3 �c�� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council C ambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� ������� llate Nutice Sent; b�� Dealer 4f ��� to Applicant o '7"$`� Pederal I'irearms �� Pt- Public Nearing DATE II�'�PE TIUN REVLEW VEKFIED (GO UTER) CUMMENTS A roved 'No A roved � ' Bldg I & D � � :� �, (' ,�� Health Divn. ' �� �� ��� i '(��l 1 ay .S�.rs.r� �10 . Fire Dept. � , � �)�� f d I I ' Yolice Dept. ��a� � o�i , License Divn. '",�� ' i �� City Attorney � , ����� � � Date Received: Site Plan J a � f To Council P.esearch �l (`� j � Lease or Letter ' Date from Landlord � �a� J�G , • CITY OF SAINT c�AUL ��f-/J`7�I / DEPARTMENT OF PIN CE AND MANAGErfENT SERVICBS � LICENSE PERMIT DIVISION These statement forms are issued in duplic te. Please answer all questions fully and completely 'L'his application is thoroughly checked. falsificatioa will be cause for denial. 1) Application for (tppe of Iicense) Grocery- 2 fr 6�� 2) Name of applicant Donald Haw ' 3) Applicaat's title (corporate officer, ole owner, partner, other) PrPSI(�Pnt- 4) Name under which this business will be conducted: M.A. Food Store, Inc. Applicant / Company Name Doing Business As 5) Business telephone number 222-03 3 or 292-9157 6! If applicant is/has been a married fe le, list maiden name 7) Daee of birth ?> �- � � ��f' Ag '� Place of birth ���.�,-�5 8) Are you a citizen of the United States Yes Native Laotiane Naturalized MN. 9) Are you a registered voter? Yes Where? St. Paul, MN. 10) Home address 595 Thomas Ave. St Paul, 1�IN. Home Phone 291-7193 lI) Present business address 694 Rice treet Business Phone 292-9157 12) Including your present business/emplo ent, what business/employment have you followed fcr the past five years. Busiaess/Employment Address M.A. Food Store, Inc. 694 Rice Street, St. Paul, NiN. Lao Family Community Inc. 97E :Zinnehaha Ave. [^�. St. Paul, MN. 13) Married? No If answer is "yes", ist name and address of spouse. 14) Have you ever been arrested for an off nse that has resulted in a conviction? NO If answer is "yes", list dates of arre ts, where, charges, confictions, and sentences. Date of arrest , 19 �nner� Charge Conviction Sentence „ , _ v . ���ia.s7j DEPARTMENTlOFFICElCOUNqL DATE I I ITIA D Fi nance/�i cense ! GREEN SHEET No. 4 4 ?,�4 OONTACT PER80N�PMONE INITWU DATE INITI ATE Kl^i S VanHorn/298-5056 A$$p ���ENT DIRECTOR GTY COUNqL �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AC�ENDA BY(OAT� ROUTI �BUD(iET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MQT.SERVICES DIR. 9-5-89 �MAYOR(ORA8318TANn � Council Research TOTAL A�OF SKiNATURE PAGES (CLIP LL OCATION8 FOR SIGNATUR� ACiION REQUEBTED: Application to transfer an Of�' S le 3.2 Malt Beverage & A-2 Grocery License. Notification Date: 8-4-89 I' Hearing Date: 9-5-89 RECOUAMENDAT10N3:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COU L MITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PUINNINO COMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE WMMISSION ��Y PHONE NO. _p8 OOMMITTEE _ _�� _ CONAME S: -018TRICT WURT _ I SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? I INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISBUE.OPPOR7UNITY(Who,What.When,WMre.Why): i M.A. Food Store, Inc. DBA M.A. Fo d Store requests Council approval to transfer their Off Sale 3.2 Ma�t everage and A-2 Grocery License from 694 Rice Street to 721 JacksonI St A71 applications and fees have been submitted. All required departme ts have reviewed and approved this application. i I ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: i � � I DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: i � DIBADVANTAQEB IF NOT APPROVED: I ',n^• , �o�,..,:I Research Center, AU� 13 i;°u9 � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � I - ��'!-/.5�� Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence 15) Attach a copy hereto of a lease agreem nt or proof of ownership for the premises at which a license will be held. 16) Attach to this application a detailed escription of the design, location, and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan) . 17) Give names and addresses of two person who are local residents who can give information concerning you. Name Address Pao Her 1712 Abel Street, Maplewood, P�N. Yao Lo 770 Enalewood, St. Paul, MN. 18) Address of premises for which License Permit is made. address 721 Jackson Street S . Paul Zone Classification Commercial 19) Between what cross streets? tiain r & JaCkson Which side of street? East 20) Are premises now occupied? No ' What business? How long? 21) List Iicense(s) , business name(s) , and ocation(s) which you currently hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in, and locatio s of said license(s) . 2176 Off Sale 2dalt- 2559 Groc r -A2 694 Rice St. St. Paul P�N. Grocer -A1 1133 Rice St. St. Paul MN 22} Have any of the Iicenses Iisted by you n No. 21 ever been revoked? Yes No XX If answer is "yes", list dates and reas ns. 23) Do you have an interest of any type in ny other business or business premises not listed in ��21? Yes No XX If answer i "yes", Iist business, business address, and tele- phone number. 24) If business is incorporated, give date f incorporation January 5, , 1989 and attach co of �lrticles of Incor or tion and minutes of firsG meetin . . , ��-�.��9 ?ist all officers of the corporation iving their names, office held, home address, date of birth, and home and business telep one numbers. Y � i -��� r •, _ q ,i- _,.^ � 26) Ii the business is a partnership, list partner(s) address, phone number, and date of birth. 27) Are you going to operate this business personally? Yes If not, who will operate it? Give their name, home address, date of birth, and telephone number. 28) Are you going to have a manager or ass stant in this business? No If answer is "ves" , give name, home address, date of birth and telephone number. 29) Has anyone you have named in questions �t23 through �26 ever been arrested? Np If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates o arrest, where, charges, convictions, and sentence. 30) I Dona ld Hawj understand this premises may be inspected by the Police, Fire, Health, and other city o ficials at any and all and all times when the business is in operation. � State of Minnesota ) � s � � County of Ramsey ) S'gnature of App ant / Date � �i(/�� . �/ bei g duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the fore ing statement bea ing his signature and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own kn wledge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to t ose matters he believes them [o be true. Subscribed and sworn to before me t ' o��� day of ��� , 19 �� • ��r�r►-l.� �:>�����6`��`Z/ ��� r �'���� Notary Public,� Coun y, �I ' My conmission expires �!�`� -� � •'J' -;; � Rev. ��,;,,