89-1575 WHITE - CITV CLERK COLLI1C11 PINK �- FINANCE �LUERV- MAVOR�MENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. '��7� • �j � � �� ndnce Ordinance N 0. ! ��0� Presented By Re erred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- based on the s uare foota e of the retail area o t e esta is men : 2, 000 square feet o less . . . . . $ 500 .00 , - , squar eet . , , - , squa e eet , , square ee more . . , " ection 3 This ordinance shall tak effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, appro al and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond `�^ ��g� � In Favor Goswitz Rettman s�he;ne� _� Against By Sonnen �V'�lso�r- N�V — � � Form App oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certified Pas ed y� ncil Se tary BY ���'� By Appro Ma,or: Date � V � 3 17� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By pUBtiS�D ��'�`�; y il 1989 ` � . . . � � � . . • �. � ' �Y9--�,5�s s��?'��@ CITY OF SAINf�Ay�L �~� ''r' OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY ;; �- '� �nill'lllu ;= `,;� m 1�111 11 ^`� <;m EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ""�„�,n.°:'m'°'� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR .�-��* August 22, 1989 `f p��`�, __ _.u.d � .� � r/ -� � �.����, ('7:�,.�4, (_F I..��.... To : Bill Wilson From: Phil Byrne � , � ,,, , i.i i'_.�.._ v�r�L���.:. ; Re: Off-Sale Fines I enclose a signed draft ordi ance allowing fines to be imposed on off-sale licensees on the sam basis as for on-sale licensees . The square footage figure has been left blank, to be filled in after committee work on it . would suggest asking the committee staff to call John Berglund t get the square footage figures of his membership, and whether t ere is any relationship or constant relating gross sales to squar feet of retail space. If you want a number in the b anks before introduction, my preliminary rough guesstimate �.were: 2 , 000 square feet o less . . . . . . $ 500 . 00 2 , 001 - 5 , 000 squar feet . . . . . . $1 , 000 . 00 5, 001 - 10, 000 squa feet . . . . . . $1 ,500. 00 10, 001 square feet o more . . . . . . $2 , 000. 00 I' d be happy to revise the dr t if you want . Enc . ���— �� GGC 1�J , � C�'��� ����uac ��o�i s �yes----- �� _ . . , ,� � � ' . �d't-�5��5 DEPARTMENT/OFFl NpL DATE I ITIAT D CITY COUNCIL 8 4i GREEN SHEET No. 5 3 2 8 /7�/� CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIALIDATE �DEPAR7UAENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Bill Wilson x4646 NuM ❑CITY AITORNEY �CITY CLERK MU8T BE ON WUNpI AOENDA BY(DA7� ROUTI �BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.Q MOT.8ERVICEB DIR. �MAYOR(OR A8818TMIT) � TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PAOES (CLIP LL OCATIONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: Approval of ordinance permitting fines n lieu of suspensions as penalty for off-sale liquor license violations. ; RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(N a►�(R) COUN L MMITTEE/RESFARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALY PHONE NO. _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMI3810N I _qB OOMMITfEE _ COMM TS: —STAFF _ _DISTRICT WURT — � $UPPORTS WHlpi CaINpL OBJECTIVE9 � � INITIA71NC3 PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNI7Y(Who,Whet,Whsn,Where,Wh�: I � Council recently adopted fines in li�u f suspensions for on-sale liquor license viola- tions; this would allow the same op io for off-sale establishments. I � � � i, I ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: 1. Consistency. 2. Greater flexibility in dealing w th liquor license violations. 3. Additional revenue to city from in s. DISADVANTA(iE3 IF APPHOVED: None. � DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: Possible confusion and perception of un airness regarding liquor license penalties on the part of licenses. � � Council Research Center � AUG 24��'8:9 � � I TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s � WST/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO i I FUNDIN�i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(IXPWN) i i i � � , ' /5� � � � - . � � ��' /��4`� Community and Human Services Committee COMMITTEE REPORT October 19, 1989 Page Two 5. Cit Council A enda 9/12/89, Item o. 20: Second Readin - 89-1575 - ordinance amendin Cha ter 409 of he Le islative Code allowin fines in off-sale intoxicatin li uor estab ishments in lieu of sus ensions. (Ref.erred to the Communit and Hu n Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vo e. 6. Child Care Finance Pro ram, as re ested b Gre Davidson, Nei hborhood Develo ment Division of P.E.D. (C ntinued from Au ust 2, 1989.) Resolution was prepared. Amended . uidelines and breakdown of costs to be prepared. Will be brought dire tly to Council. 7. Re uest of James P. Stodolka: To ear before the Communit and Human Services Committee to d�scuss a ne' hborhood rat roblem. (Laid over from Se tember 6, 1989 for Cit De artment's in ut.) (Laid over to October 18, 1989. Communit Servi es will re are ordinance amendment.) Jerry Segal will prepare an ordina ce which is to be introduced directly to Council. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr � �,=�C_ �--�1�'-�"'ti, " � �Members: � � �, "'� Janice Rettman, chair ' � � �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - t��,,;:, Bill Wilson • ����tt:�i , OFFICE OF THE C[TY COUNCIL Bob Long 'h�' �.�,. . Date: October 19, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN Counc�7person Co m m ittee Report To: Saint Paui City Council From : Community and Human Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, October 18, 1981. , 1. Approval of Minutes of Qctober 4, 1989 meetin�. Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. 2. City Council Agenda 8/24/89, Item No. 4: Letter of Steve Rice submitting the 1989 St. Paul Overnight Shelter Board report. A motion was made that a resolution be drafted for acceptance of this report. This was recommended for approval on a 3-0 vote. 3. City Council Agenda 9/12/89, Item No. S: Resolution - 89-1608 - Authorizing proper City Officials to promulgate an approved list of eligible organizations for the charitable gambling Ten Percent Club. (Referred to Community and Human Services Committee.) Recommended for approval, with amendments, on 3-0 vote. Amendments include changing of "Mariucci Hockey Skate Club" to "Mariucci Inner City Hockey" (page 1) , and the addition of "Phalen Youth Club", on page 2. 4. City Council Agenda 9/5/89, Item No. 30: First Reading - 89-1574 - An ordinance amending Chapter 409 Af the Legislative Code pertaining to hours and days of sale for intoxicating liquor licenses in conformity with recent State law changes. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) City Council Agenda 10/17/89, Item No. 15: First Reading - 89-1881 - An ordinance amending Section 409.07 of the Legislative Code to change the hours of sale for intoxicating liquor licenses on Sundays in conformity with recent State law changes. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) Ordinance Numbers 89-1574 and 89-1881 moved out of committee with no recommendation. - CTTY HALL ROOM NO.'718 SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5�' a.�.4e _ � - lst ,��d'/ . - 2::d� �� �� /-�'� � - 3rd "' ��.,�-� � � Adopted ��—�`,y_.� - - � _��_�j ;� -a �: - � � Ye • Nays DIMOND //�����J�'f� �i� GOSWITZ ��/�,�%.(�' �f' / LONG. . � � RETTMAN SONNEN - WILSON MR. PRESIDENT� SCHEIBEL , WHITE , - CITV GLERK COUIICll /J Fi:NK � FINANCE CANARV -��PARTMENT GITY O� SAINT PAUL �/ �BLJE „-�„�AVOR ..--.� Fll@ NO. � /�" r indnce � + J\0 rdinance N�. � ��od 7 �. / Presented By //Referred To � � Committee: Date '�'��—°1 Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 6 , sections 213M, 218R, .522, .532, .544 and .773 and Chapter 62, s ctions .103(g) and .104 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertair�in to the Zoning Code - Restaurants. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIfL OES ORDAIN: Sect on 1. That section 60.213M of the Sai t Paul� Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to-�-as follo s: Multi-nse retail cerrter. A sin le uni ied develo ment on one zonin lot which rovides commercial s ace to a variet of reta� uses and as at east 20 000 square feet of gross leasable area. Sect on 2. That section 60.218R of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follo s: Re��ab�aq��--A-��s�wess-es�a���sqr�ew�- qese-���ps��a�-��s�qess-�s-�qe-se����g s€-�fl�ael�age�-€ee�-�e-�qe-s�s�e�ef-#�- -�ea��r-�e-seps��e-��a�e3-��a_�p���r��da� se���qgs3-ef-�fl-�epd�s�esab�e-se��a�pe s3-aa�-wbe�e-�qe-s�s�e�e�-ee����es �qese-€eeds-wq��e-sea�e�-a�-�a��es-e�- e���efs-�esa�ed-w��q�A-a-�b��d�flg� ,�' Restaurant. A ublic eatin lace whi h serves a substantial ortion of its ��;; food for consum tion at tables or coun ers located on the remises. This term ��-� s a inc u e ut not e imite to an esta is ment known as a cafe �.�j smor asbord, diner or simi ar business An aci ities or carr -out shall be c ear su or inate to the rinci a u e of rovidin foods for consum tion on the premises. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: rn�ona Planninn and Economic Develo ment �� In Favor `j�� cosw;tz Rettman scbe;be� +� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approve y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date j Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � ,' � l � eY / ;✓ Approved by Mayor: Date Approv � Mayor for Submis o By B . . , . C��'y=i..��� - ' � � i�G�9 f2��;-rtri�e-Yjr.--fl-�na3aea�-es ab�f��mer��-r��ese-�r3se3}�a�-�nsiness-�s ��e-se��3�g-af-fead;-€reser�-desser�a er-�e�►e�ases-�e-��e-ens�ee�e�r-��-a read�-�e-eo�sn�e-s�a�e;-3a-�nd�iv�de�a -serv�it�g�;-and-K�ere-��e-eas�emer eer�snmes-��ese-feeds;-€�ase�-ele�ser� -e�r-bere�n�e�-f�-an-anteme���e-�ar�Ceel npoa-��e-pre�3ses: � Restaurant carr -out. A retail oo service business which sells �4�� } read -to-eat foods usuall in bu k uantities rimaril for consum tion off � �; the remises. A carr -out restauran that has more than limited seatin 12 ��' r' or fewer seats or 75 s uare feet o atron area shall be deemed to be a �' l restaurant for zoninst purnoses. itest�m^a�;-fa�-�-�ee�:--l�-�ns3ness- �a���s�►�ea�-N�ese-��3t�e3}�a�-�n�3sess-3s ��e-se��3ng-af-pre-�repared;-qn�e�C- eler;-a�d-pae#aged-�eeda-�r�-a ready-�e-eensn�e-s�a�e;-�n-�r�d3�fda �-ser�r�s��;-fe�-eeasnmp��er�-er�-e�-e€€-��e }�rem�se�;-sad-N�►ere-��e-�ae�Cage;-Kr }���ag-e�-eet��a�r�e�-�a-er-es-M��ie�-��e-�eed 3s-se�d-3s-�ape�;-}��as��e-er-e��er- a�s�a�ee-e€-a-r�er�re�a�r�ab�e-a�d-d3s�esa��e na�n�e: f � ; Best urant f t-food. A blic at n lace desi ned for ra id food deliver `; to customers seated in their aut mo iles or from a counter or drive-thru f��'� window with minimal ersonal se vi e and for consum tion on or off the �:; � remises. All restaurants with ri e-thru service are considered fast-food �ti� �restaurants. / An restaurant whose desi n or rin i al method of o eration includes four or ; more of the followin characteristi s �hall be deemed a ast-fo d restaurant for zonin ur oses: 1 45 erce or more of the floor area is devoted to ' food re aratian em lo ee work s e and customer service rea 2 a ermanent nenu board is rovide f m which to select and order food 3 if a chain or franchised restaurant st ndardized floor lans are used over several �� locations 4 customers a for f od before consumin it 5 a self-service condiment bar is rovided 6 tra h rece tacles are rovided for self-service bussin 7 furnishin lan in ic tes hard finished stationar seatin ' arran ements and 8 moat main co rse food items are re- acka ed rather than ��made to order. ection 3. That section 60.522 of the aint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended as follows: (2) Retail businesses which suppl commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, me ts, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clot ing and notions, hardware, books, stationery, plants, carr -out restaurants and hobby supplies. 10-►9-��1 . . . . ��-i.��� � �� ,���� Section 4. That section 60.532 of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code be and is hereby amended as follows: d. Restaurants e�r-e��er-p�aee -ser�3r�g-€eed-a�-�everages;-exeep�-d��ve-3r� er-€as�-foad-res�an�ar��s:a d fast-food restaurants when incor orated within a multi-use reta'1 enter or lanned sho in center and which do not rovide drive-th u indow service. Section 5. That section 60.544 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended as follows: (4) Restaurants, fast food ar��-d ��►e-3a, subject to the following conditions: d. Site shall ave a mini� m f 100 feet of street fronta e on its Drincipal access street. e. Trash rece tacles shall be housed in a three-side masonr enclosure six feet hi h or e ual i hei ht to the dum ster whichever is reater and have an entra ce ate constructed of a durable o a ue material. f. A litter collection lan s all be develo ed and submitted to the Plannin Commission whi h bli ates the restaurant o erator to kee the area surroundin sa'd estaurant ree of restaurant litter f r a reasonable s ecified dista ce. g_S eaker box sounds from dr ve-thru lane shall not be lainl a dible so as to unreasonabl d'st rb the e ce uiet and co�fort of abuttin residential bronertv. h. A landsca ed area not 1 ss than 15 ercent of the im ervious surface area of the lot shall be ovided and maintained. e1ri. Impact on adjoining proper y by use of the site may not result in the following: 1. Loud, boisterous, and disturbing noise levels. 2. Hazardous traffic con itions. 3. Offensive, obnoxious, and disturbing odors. 4. Excessive litter. 5. Excessive artificial i�hting. 6. Substantial decrease ' adjoining property values. �.- fln�r-e��e�-eer►e13��e�t-3 eetts3s�er��-M3�#�-��e-reasena��e-ase-artd en�e�►�en�-e€-ad3e���r� -pre�e���-and-tneens���er��-w3��-�#�e-�ea��i�; aa€e��►;-ese�a�s;-ar�el-g ne�a�-Me��are-e�€-��e-ad3e�r��r►g-ee��e���i��: ) o—I 9-�� , . , . . �dr�j'-,cs�� - � � 7l��'l Se tion 6. That section 60.773 of the Sa nt Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as fol ows: (6) Restaurants, fast-food, subject to the following conditions: d. Site shall have a minimum of 00 feet of street fronta e on its vrincinal access street. e. Trash rece tacles shall be ho sed in a three-sided masonr enclosure six feet hi h or e ual in he' ht to the dum ster w ichever is reater and have an entranc ate constructed of a durable o a ue material. f. A litter collection lan sha 1 be develo ed and submitted to the Plannin Commission which ob i ates the restaurant o erator to kee the area surroundin said re taurant free of restaurant litter for a reasonable s ecified distanc . �. S eaker box sounds from d iv -thru lane shall not be lainl au ible so as to unreasonabl dis ur the eace uiet and co�fort of abutti residential vroperty. h. A landsca ed area not less t an 15 ercent of the im ervious surface area of the lot shall be ro ided and maintaine . dsi. Impact on adjoining property by use of the site may not result in the following: 1. Loud, boisterous, and d sturbing noise levels. 2. Hazardous traffic condi ions. 3. Offensive,. obnoxious, d diaturbing odors. 4. Excessive litter. 5. Excessive artificial 1'ghting. 6. Substantial decrease i adjoining property values. �.- An�-e��e�-eendi�ier�-3r► a���s�e��-Ni��-��e-rea�ena��e-�se-a,�el e��e�►mer��-e€-sel3e�r��ag p�eper��-a.�d-�neer�s3a�er►�-����-��e-�ea���; sa€e��;-me�a�s;-and-ge e�a�-He�€are-e€-��e-a.rl�e�ie�3�g-ee�mna���*: ection 7. That section 62.103(g) of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended as follows: (3) Business and commercial. e. �s�ab�3s�men�-�er-�a�e-at�d e�'a�}��fer►-er�-��e-p�emi�ea-e€-�e�erages; €eed-e�-re�'�es�e�e��s: 1 �-- ► 9-c� �