89-1573 WHITE ` - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE TT COI1flC11 �//�� CANRRV -rDEVARTMENT GITY O� S INT PAUp� /► �'�`�7� 'BLUE -MAVOR i'�, File N0. �- �.� � �`��g� rdi nc � P � � Ordinance N 0. �7�6 S� � `_ , Presented By ��— J Referred To "`" it . ate \ Out of Committee By Date An administrativ� o��di:na �e amending the Administrative Code of t e City of Saint Pazil by adding a new chapter 05 to establish a Parks and Recreation Co ission for the City of Saint Paul and provid'ng for its powers and staffing. THE COUNCIL OF THE ';TTY OF SAIN PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec ion l . That the Saint Paul Admi istrative Code is hereby amended by adding a new chapter to t e Saint Paul Administrative Code to read as follows : "105.01 . Purpose. he Saint Paul City Council has established a Parks anc� �?a^-^eat;.on C�r�.,aission (hereinafter r�fe.rred as the Commission) to serve as an advisory bod�� to ..��:. ►Yiayor and �i �y L�uncil - ' on P-���'_� an� �tec�•°acion mat ers relating to the planning, promotion, preservation, acquisition, development, operation and evaluation of parks , parkways , lakes and waterways , recreatio al facilities , city trees , bikeways and trails in the City of Saint Paul . 105.02. Parks & Recrea ion Commission. Subd. l . Parks & Rec eation Commission established. There is hereby establi hed a Parks and Recreation Commission consisting of ine at-large members appointed by the Mayor of Saint Paul Subd. 2. Terms. Of the members first appointed, three shall be appointed for a term of one year, three COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman ��;�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form App ve y C' Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By '_,'. ' '. . . • _� G��,(�'�3 '- � � .� • - .. 7 �3.-- DEPARTMENT/OFFl(:FJOOUNdL DATE INITIATED City Council/Legislative Operating 8/22/89 EN SHEET NO. 5�5 CONTACT PERSON d PHONE ❑ 1N DATE IN ATE 1 NT DIRECTOR � �CITY COUNGL Janice Rettman, 298-5289 Nu�� 0 c n Ner �CITY CLERK MU8T BE ON COUNqL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROUTNrO �B DCiET IRECTOfi �FIN.Q MOT.8ERVICE8 DIR. � YOR OR A881STANTI � TOTAI#�OF 81GNATURE PAGIES (CLIP ALL LOCA N FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION REWJEBTED: Administrative Ordinance establishing adviso�'y int Paul Parks and Recreation rtommission. � FiE00MMENDATIONS:Approve(Iq a Reject(R) COUNC�.COM REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMI3810N ,_pVIL 3ERVICE COMMISSION �Y� i PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTB: � _DI8TRICT COURT _ � � SUPPORTS WMICH OOUNpL OBJECTIVE7 j INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): The Saint Paul City Council has establis ed a Parks and Recreation Commission (referred to as the Commission) to serve as an adviso y ody to the Mayor and City Council on Park and Recreation matters relating to the plan ng, promotion, preservation, acquisition, development, operation and evaluation o p rks, parkways, lakes and waterways, recreational facilities, city trees, bikeways and tr il in the City of Saint Paul. � ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: i Correlates with recommendations madejby League of Women Voters, Saint Paul Ramsey Parks Task Force, etc. �� i D13ADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED: i None. ' I i I i i � I DISADVANTA(iE31F NOT APPROVED: Will limit the advisory compon�nt and intent proposed in this Administrative Ordinance. � ' Courcii Research Center, � � AU G 2 4 i9�9 i ; , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE� YES NO i FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) I �-�- � „ . . - . . _ . . � . , �,. ,� . , NOTE: GOMPLETE DIRECTiONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings Mr the five most frequent typea of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNqL RESOWTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept.(�rents) 1. Outside Agency =t>>> � 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. City Attomey 3. Gty Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. MayoNAsaistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Councfl 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Ciry Attorney 3. MayoNAssiatant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#�of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip each of these ap�es. ACT�ON REGIUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to axomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do n�write complete sente�ces. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete H the issue in question has been pre�nted before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE� Indicate which Council objective(s)your project/requ�t supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEI(�HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(3ET,SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REGIUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/ charter or whether there are speciflc wa in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will bene�it from this pro��t/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delaya, noise, tax increaaes or aseessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? InabiBty to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the inbrmation you provide here to the iasue you are addressing, fn general you must answer two questions: How much is it � going to cost?Who is going to pay? . . (��r i.sr-�.. i7�O�3 for a term of two years , and three for a term of three years . Thereafter, the term of each member shall be three years. 5ubd. 3 . Vacancies or removals. Vacancies on the Commission for wha ever cause shall be filled by the Mayor through he open appointment process for the unexpired term. If a member misses three consecutive regular meeti gs without having a sufficient excuse, that member may e removed from the Commission by the sole action of th Mayor, and the vacancy shall be filled by the Mayor through the open appointment process for the unexpired ortion of the term. Subd. 4. Qualificat' ons . Al1 members shall be residents of the City o Saint Paul and be interested in and knowledgeable of he Saint Paul parks and recre- ation system. 105. 03 . Staff and bud et. Subd. 1 . Staff. T e Commission shall be staffed by a representative fr the Division of Parks and Recreation. The resp nsibilities of the Division of Parks and Recreat ' on' s representative include : 1 ) serving as staff p rson and recording secretary to the Commission, 2) informing the Commission of the progress and conditio s in the area of park develop- ment, recreational facili ies and programs , 3) advising the Commission on matt rs pertaining to Parks and Recreation when request d, 4) cooperating with the Commission in such mat ers as may be requested, 5) administering the Commiss ' on' s budget, and 6) providing additional support servic s as needed. In the development and re iew of the parks and recreation element of both the City' s comprehensive plan and five year capital progr m, the Commission shall also be provided staff supp rt as necessary through the Division of Planning. Subd. 2 . Budget . F r the operations of the Com- mission, including staf salaries and other related expenses such as travel training, per diem, postage, copying and supplies . annual proposed budget shall be submitted to the appr priate officials for inclusion in the City' s budget . 2. • . � , . �+c�i'/.��.3 � i7�6.�' 105.04. Meetings. T e Commission shall establish a regular time and place of ineeting and shall meet at least quarterly. Speci 1 meetings of the Commission may be called at any 'me by the chairperson, or by any four or more memb rs of the Commission. All meetings shall be conduct d in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order Revised and notice of all meetings shall be published in a cordance with proper notice procedures . A majority o all qualified commissioners shall constitute a quor , and all business may be transacted by a majority vote of such quorum. The Commission may adopt an from time to time amend rules of procedures . Unless otherwise provided, any action taken by the Commission shall be by the affirmative vote of a m jority of its members. The Commission shall keep a ublic record of its meetings. Copies of all minutes , tions , resolutions , findings and reports shall be a ailable to the public upon request. 105.05. Powers and ties. The Commission shall act in an advisory cap city to the Mayor and City Council in all policy ma ters pertaining to the acqui- sition, development , imp ovement , maintenance, manage- ment and evaluation of parks , lakes and waterways , recreational facilities , city trees , parkways , trails and bikeways within the City of Saint Paul through the following activities : l . Review and recommend as provided in Section 105.06 the proposed parks and recreation element of the City' s Compreh nsive Plan, or amendments thereto, individual park master plans , and the parks and recreatio element of the City' s 10 year program for capi al improvements. 2 . Review and comment o the proposed annual operating and biannual capit 1 budgets or tne Divi�ion of Parks and Recreati n. 3. Participate in the review and comment on any project involving t e granting of a permit for a new structure any parkland, acquisition or sale of any parkl nd, or any other major project that materially af ects the character or use of any parkland. 3. . . . � , . (;��y�- i�`13 i����-' 4. Advise and comment on the coordination of programs between governmental a ncies . 5. Hold joint meetings ith other groups of similar interest. 6. Serve as an advocate for City parks , parklands , lakes and waterways recreational facilities , trees , trails and bike ys . 7 . Request a notification of sale for all significant parcels of open spac lands for potential acqui- sition of (for) park us . 8 . Prepare and present a annual State of the Parks Report to the Mayor an City Council . 9. Conduct all business in such a manner as to en- courage and utilize m ximum citizen participation. 10. Recommend policies to develop , inventory, preserve and protect the City s natural resources in all parks and parklands . 105.06. Plan and Capit Program Review. Subd. l . The Commis ion' s responsibility. The Commission shall review an comment upon recommendations for the Parks and Recre tion element of the City' s comprehensive plan, relat d studies and amendments , and regional park master lans submitted to the office of the Mayor through the ivision of Parks and Recre- ation. The Commission s 11 also review and comment upon recommendations for the 10 year program for capital improvements sub itted by the Division of Parks and Recreation to t e City Planning Commission. The Commission shall al o recommend to the Mayor the initiation of such p anni:ig studie:, as it d2ems necessary for the proper preparation of the compre- hensive plan element , capi al program or master plans . All such studies transm tted to the City Council through the Mayor' s Offi e shall contain the recom- mendations of both the Div sion of Parks and Recreation and the Commission. 4. , � . , C���i -/373 � �(�'�s" Subd. 2. Public Hearin s . Prior to the Commission' s recommendation concerni comprehensive plans or master plans to the May r and City Council , the Com- mission shall hold a pu lic hearing and seek recom- mendations from all co cerned citizens. Prior to such hearing the Commiss on shall publish in a news- paper, of general circul tion, notice of said hearing at least 20 days prior to day of hearing. Subd. 3. City Plan ing Commission Review. The Commission shall advise the City Planning Commission of any proposed compr hensive plan, amendment or master plan and secure fr m the City Planning Commission its recommendation with respect to the relationship of the proposal to th overall comprehensive plan of the City of Saint P ul and the City Capital Allo- cation Policy and its opinion and recommendation as to any other plan ing consideration which may be relevant to the pro osal , with its recommendation of approval , rejection o modification of the proposal . Said recommendation sha 1 become part of the official record concerning the p oposed plan or capital program and shall be submitted by the Commission along with its recommendation. he Commission may make such modifications , changes , and alterations concerning the proposed plan or rogram as it deems necessary in consideration of t recommendations of the City Planning Commission. 105.07. Compensati n. Each member of the Parks Commission shall be p id $50 for each meeting of the Commission as a hole that the members shall attend, but in no eve t shall any Commission member receive more than $75 per annum for attendance at such meetings nor for ore than one meeting per day. In addition, the Co ission may from time to time delegate to a Commissio member or members the responsi- bility of represen�i the Commissioi:. at special meetings or public hea ings. Those Commission member delegates shall receive $25 for such meeting or hearing that the member shall attend, but in no event shall any member receive mor than $300 per annum for attend- ance at such meetings and hearings . The compensation set forth herein sha 1 be the entire compensation to Commission members for the performance of their duties . " 5. WHITE ' - CITV GLERK 1 PINK J - FINANCE COLLIICII �AN/�F�Y� DEaARTMENT GITY O� S INT PAiTL � BIUE -MAVOR File NO. /��� Ordi dnce ����' Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date S¢c ' on 2. This ordinance shall be ffective and be in force 30 days from its passage, approval and blication. 6. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman � � Scheibel A gai n s t By Sonnen iii'�{cw� Adopted by Council: Date �L'T � 21989 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pa s C cil etar BY By � ��'T � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appr by Mayor: � By �� OCT 2 81989 � �•� ��������� /� � . ,� _ - `CITT �►• �_�' ^ . t ;' '; ' ', � ' � i CITY OF SAINT PAUL v �����m c DEPART ENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • � DIVISION OF PLANNI\G ,�•• 25 West Fou�th Street,Saint Paul,Mi�nesota 55702 612-22&32"0 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR DATE: October 4, 1988 RECEIV�[� T0: Council President Scheibel pCT 0 41989 Members of the City Council co�r� e�E��c FROM: Peggy Reicher Deputy Direct or Planning RE: Park and Recreation Commissi n Ordinance: Comparison of Alternative Amendments After discussions with Lynn Wolfe f the Park and Recreation Division, I have listed the major differences betwe n the two approaches to the Park and Recreation Commission Ordinance. I. Division of Park and Recreat' n recommendations. 1. Parks and Recreation C ission would be advisory to the Mayor, City Council and Superi tendent. Reporting procedures of the Commission to these thr e are not specified. 2. The intent is to leave he primary responsibility for recommending the parks element of th Comprehensive Plan with the City Planning Commission. Parks and ecreation Commission would comment to the Superintendent on submi ted plans, before he submits it to the City Planning Commissio . 3. Public hearings are opt onal and not required. 4. Provides provision for dopting bylaws and conducting business , using Robert's Rules of Order. II. Planning Commission recommend tions. 1. Park and Recreation Co ission is advisory to Mayor and Council. Reporting procedure is ecified. Intent is that Superintendent and staff work with the arks and Recreation Commission in developing park plan but each retains independence and responsibility to recomm nd directly to Mayor and City Council. (Parallels current Plann ng Commission relationships.) 2. Responsibility for the P rks and Recreation element of the Comprehensive Plan and e ch master plan is specifically shifted to Parks and Recreation Co ission, away from the Planning Commission. 3. Planning Commission beco es advisory to Parks and Recreation Commission. Planning Co ission comments become part of official record. r Council President Scheibel Members of City Council October 4, 1989 Page 2 4. Omits powers set out in original 105.05 Sections 4 and 7 because these are fulfilled thr ugh recommending the Comprehensive Parks Plan (that is, plan inc udes policies and programs for acquisition, developmen , maintenance, management, etc. of the overall Park and Recrea ion System) . S. Sets procedure for Par and Recreation Commission to initiate necessary studies to f fill its duties and secure necessary resources and staffing is identified. 6. Public hearings are re ired prior to recommending the City Comprehensive Park Pla or Master Plan. In summary, the major difference i that the Park and Recreation Division recommendations leave the primary esponsibility for recommending the Park and Recreation element of the Comprehe sive Plan with the Planning Commission and the Parks Commission is more of an advisory body to the Superintendent in the development of those plans. The P anning Commission's approach shifts the responsibility for the plans and p licy recommendations to the new Parks and Recreation Commission with the Pla ning Commission having a secondary advisory role to the Mayor and City Council through the Parks and Recreation Commission. One further comment: In reviewing the proposed amendments, we also discovered that the language in Section 105.0 Subd. 1, 2 and 3 regarding the program for capital improvements was not state properly. The following revisions are suggested to clarify that the Park Commission reviews and comments on the 10 year capital program but that the lanning Commission retains the responsibility for recommending th unified program to the Mayor and Council. The formal public hearing require nt would rest with the Planning Commission. 105.06. Plan and Ca ital Pro ram Review. Subd. 1. The C ission's res onsibilit . The Commission shall review and comment upon rec endations for the Parks and Recreation element of the City's comprehensi plan, related studies and amendments, �ke�e�e and regional park master lans, axd-�ke-�a�ks-sa�-�ee�ea��ea-e�er�ex� e€-�ke-e��y--yea�-ea���e�-��eg�aia submitted to the office of the Mayor through the Division of Parks and Recreat'on. The Commission shall also review and comment u on recommendations for e 10 ear ro ram for ca ital im rovements submitted b the Division of Park and Recreation to the Cit Plannin Commission. The Commission shall also recommend to the Mayor the initiation of such planning studies as it de ms necessary for the proper preparation of the comprehensive plan element, c pital program or master plans. All such studies transmitted to the City C uncil through the Mayor's Office shall . contain the recommendations of bo h the Division of Parks and Recreation and the Commission. . : Council President Scheibel Members of City Council October 4, 1989 Page 3 Subd. 2. Public Hea in s. Prior to the Commission's recommendation concerning the comprehe sive plans or master plans, e�-�ke-§ yea�-ea���a�-g�eg�a� to the Mayor and ity Council, the Commission shall hold a public hearing and seek recommendati ns from all concerned citizens. Prior to such hearing the Commission shall p blish in a newspaper, of general circulation, notice of said hearing at least 20 days prior to day of hearing. Subd. 3. Cit Plann n Commission Review. The Commission shall advise the City Planning Commiss on of any proposed comprehensive plan, amendment or master plan e�-eag}�a�-�� g�affi and secure from the City Planning Commission its recommendation with res ect to the relationship of the proposal to the overall comprehensive plan of t e city of Saint Paul and the City Capital Allocation Policy and its opi 'on and recommendation as to any other planning consideration which may be r evant to the proposal, with its recommendation of approval, rejection r modification of the proposal. Said recommendation shall become part of t e official record concerning the proposed plan or capital program and all be submitted by the Commission along with its recommendation. The C ission may make such modifications, changes, and alterations concerning t e proposed plan or program as it deems necessary in consideration of the rec mmendations of the City Planning Commission. If you have any further questions, pl ase call either Lynn (7438) or me (3380) . Thank you. PAR:da cc: Mayor Latimer Lynn Wolfe Bob Piram Ken Johnson , , ' . , • ��-0-�..1 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIli1C11 fy� PINK - FINANCE I•- q- �� CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF S INT PAIT.L � fV BLUE -MAVOR File NO. � idnce � I�' Or 'nance N 0. .,,a- , ,�, � Presented By � ✓ - �� - ��r';' � �v--._. L , .. �. , Referred To � � =l' � � ` "��''�" � ��mi ee: e _ ���t Out of Committee By Date An administrative rdinance amending the adminis'trative code of the ity of Saint Paul by adding a new ch�.pter 105 to establish a Parks and Recreation Commissiorr.,for the city of Saint Paul and providing for its powers 'and staffing. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S�1INT PAUL D ES ORDAIN: � SECT ON 1. That the Saint Paul Administrative ode is hereby amended by adding a new chapter to the Saint Paul Administr`ativ Code to read as follows: , "105.01 Purpose. The Saint Paul ity Council has established a Parks and Recreation Commission (hereinafter ref r�red as the Commission) to serve as an advisory body to the Mayor and City Co ncal on Park and Recreation matters relating to the planning, promotion, p eser,vation, acquisition, development, operation and evaluation of parks, par ways� lakes and waterways, recreational facilities, city trees, bikeways and t ails �,n the City of Saint Paul . < Page 1 of 4 ,t COUNCIL MEMBERS ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng [n Favor / Goswitz Rettman B � Scheibel A gai ns t Y Sonnen �Ison Form A rov d by City Attocney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass�d by Council Secretary BY� � By Appcoved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY .,� .... .. ,..� � .. " .. .-._' .-. __ . • . . .". ..et � �.. WHITE — C17V CLERK . � � � �. . � . '. � . ��f' PINK ��FINANCE'�•'�-; G I;TY� ' OF � ��INT PA V�-�L COWICII j � CANARY —DEPARTMEN�T .� y �� � I�1 j�..f ��BI.UE �MAVOR File NO. ' ' �nce � • ,� ,s"'��'�`�" �rdinance.N,O. _ . . � r, r� ! f { � _ f . �/.. �� . Presented By ��� �'` k - ' - - .,�: �� ,-,f , �_... . . � .�r� �.�'" �,. . � -":.5�, .. j-� �.� •..,, ;y''r � �-''-�y.? �� �` Referred To -�- "''�'"Commi e: . 'Qa� � :� Out of Committee By Date Ji� a�h�istra re oe�f� a�s� tiK ad�i�ls�rattr! codie of tit�► �f isfet Ihwi � add1� . a e�r tMaptet �5 to �s tsh • tirl� an� �ce�estiou Co�lsact� ior tht c1t�r oi Sai�t P�1 a�A prorrl,�i�g tor f ts pa�ren s�d staf!`i TiE C�ICII tIF T!E CIT1' OF SAINT !' 41�IAIM: - iQM I. Tbst ti� 3�i�t P�1 llieieistna r G� i: Me�Mjr �d bj► a�+� a +� ��r� t. ti� Ssi�t Paal lliNais tt s Co� � read �s lotiarss . •186.�t1 . Tf�s Sat�t P 1 1t�r Co�c11 I�s esttbltsM� s I�aMcs a�+d l�cewttla� ss a�► �I�relaatt�r �rred as tMe C+o�fssfo�) td sarwe ss ar �M'�fOM'�t �' tA t� �lit�'i1T iAd C3 1�. @II �fk � �lCt'ML'��t Mttl�'t relatf� #o tiwr plan�ning: Pr'o�at1 . �wttoa. acqaisitloA. �►e1�st. ,: �eratfo� aad +enrain�tt� of parks. p� . iattt�s a�d wter�a�rs. retr+�tlia�►i . fuiltttss, cif,yt trees, blk�ts 11s is the Cit�r of Saiut Pa�I. { IPa�e 1 �'-?�: _, ; COUT�fiCIL MEMBERS � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond I �ng In Faivor coswitz i `� liettman . Scheibel Again�t BY Sonnen I Wilaon " � Form Approved by City Attorney _ , Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By p By ' Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council -,� , By BY i i � � . �. .. . �. . . . . �- �-�s73 105.02 Parks & Recreation Commission. � — Sabd. 1. Parks & Recreation Commi ion established. There is hereby established`;a Parks and Recreation Commissi n consisting o �ee�re�t at-large members appoi�ted by the Mayor of Saint Paul . �+T r�- � Subd.''2. Terms. Of the members f rst appointed, � shall be��' appointed for a�'term of one year, three for a term of two years, and t,u�e-for a term of three years. Thereafter, the term f each member shall be three years. . �, Subd. 3. Vacancies or removals. acancies on the Commission for whatever cause shal �..b� e filled by the Mayor through the open appointment process for the unexpired terin. If a member misses three consecutive regular meetings without having a suffio;ient excuse, that me ber may be removed from the Commission by the sole ��tion of the Mayor, and the vacancy shall be filled by the Mayor through the op�c� appointment proc ss for the unexpired portion of the term. Subd. 4. Qualificat,ions. All mem ers shall be residents of the City of Saint Paul and be interested in and know edgeable of the Saint Paul parks and recreation system. 105.03 Staff and bud9et• Subd. 1. Staff. The Commission all be staffed by a representative from the Division of Parks and Recrea�ion. The responsibilities of the Division of Parks and Recreation's representatiV� i clude: 1) serving as staff person and recording secretary to the Commissior�,, 2) informing the Commission of the progress and conditions in the area of par development, recreational facilities and programs, 3) advising the Commission o"'. matters pertaining to Parks and Recreation when requested, 4) cooperating i.th the Commission in such matters as may be requested, 5) administer Commission s''�budget, and 6) providing additional support services as needed. � ihq �}-� Subd. 2. Bud9et• For the operat ons of the Commission, including staff salaries and other related expenses uch as�:travel , training, per diem, postage, copying and supplies. An annual ropose�, budget shall be submitted to the appropriate officials for inclusion in the City`'s budget. n��' 105.04. Meetings. The Commission sh 11 establish a regular time and place of ineeting and �Ita-1�.�at least quarter y. Special meetings of the Commission may be calTed at any time by th chairperson,� or by any four or more members of the Commission. Al1 meetin�s s all be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order Revised and notice f all meetings `shall be published in accordance with proper notice procedures. A majority of all qualified commissioners shall constitute a quorum, d all business may be transacted by a majority vote of such quorum. The Commis ion may adopt and from time to time amend rules of procedures. Unless otherwise provided, any action taken by the Commission shall be by the affirmative vo e of a majority of its members. The Commission shall keep a public record of its meetings. Copies of all minutes, motions, resolutions, findings and report shall be available to the public upon request. Page 2 of 4 . � . � . . . . �-.��-��s�3 105.05. Powers. The Commission shall prepare and recommend to the Mayor andtthe City Council such plans, prog ams and reports as it deems necessary '�o carry out the purpose of this rdinance and recommend an integrated program for`�he acquisition, development, i provement, maintenance, mana�ement and evaluatid� of parks, lakes and waterway , recreational facilities, city trees, bikeway�,, trails and parkways within the City of St. Paul . In furtherance of �hese general duties, the Co mission shall : 1. Act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor, City Council and the Superintendent of Parks and Recrea ion in all policy matters pertaining to parks, lakes and waterways, rec eational facilities, city trees, parkways, trails and bikeways. 2. Review and comm�nt on the proposed annual operating and long-range capital budgets `o,f the Division of Parks and Recreation. 3. Participate in the��`•review and com nt on any project involving the granting of a permit`�,,for a new st cture on any parkland, acquisition or sale of any parklai�d, or any o er major project that materially affects the character or use of a parkland. 4. Propose policies and aid ��'in the p eparation of long-range plans for the City's parks, parkways, tre�s, tr ils, bikeways and recreational facilities. 5. Advise and comment on the coord:in tion of programs between governmental agencies. `` ,., 6. Hold joint meetings with other gr �ps of similar interest. 7. Serve as an advocate for City par s,=`�parklands, lakes and waterways, recreational facilities, trees, t ails��,and bikeways. � "��,. 8. Recommend policies to develop, in entory;� preserve and protect the City's natural resources in all p rks and'���ark lands. 9. Request a notification of sale fo all signi��icant parcels of open space lands for potential acquisi ion of park=-y.use. 10. Prepare and present an annual St e of the Park'� Report to the Mayor and City Council . Page 3 of 4 . WMITE — C�TY CLERK � PINK — FINANCE CITY OF S INT PAUL Council � � CANARV — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAVOR File �O. 9 �,� • O� i �nce Ordinance N0. / � . Presented By'� C '� -%%��z �� , � Refe ed� o Committee: Date Out of Com` 'ttee B y Date 105.06 Co ensation. Each member f the Parks Commission shall be paid $50 for each mee ing of the Commission a a whole that the members shall attend, but in no event s all any Commission mem er receive more than $750 per annum for attendance at such eetings nor for more than one meeting per day. In addition, the Commission may om time to time del gate to a Commission member or members the responsibility of epresenting the C mmission at special meetings or public hearings. Those Commis ion member deleg tes shall receive $25 for such meeting or hearing that the memb� shall attend, but in no event shall any member receive more than $300 pe annum for att ndance at such meetings and hearings. The compensation set forth erein shall e the entire compensation to Commission members for the performance � their dut'es." � �� SEC ION 2. ;,� This Ordinance shall be effecti e nd be in force 30 days from its passage, approval and publication. > Zc �� 4 e� a: n,e :l � � k v�l �. '\ .1 Page,4 of 4 COUNCILMEN ` Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimand Gostaitz ' In Favor — R tman LAriCJ e'bei �et�� Against BY nen SCh�lb21 il n �'�� Wil�Uri Form A ed b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ � ;�.^.�C.s Certified Pas�eq �Couocii �r���- . � BY �^^ By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By rAw�� �:;�Gi"� ' ; � r . ' ti ;� � ., ; ,: : : • : ��NK ���NA��', GITY OF A NT �AUL '�ouncil �. `� - , , � CAM7IRY EP,4R�TMENT� �i� � e�vs��'.,,;�o�a � 7� �'°; .�. File N0. *'i � �� ;. . , ; . �_, . . . . . .._..S . , ` ! ; � =j Ordinance N O. _ � °� �: ,,��' '� - � : j4, . , , .� . . �. -. -... �e .. ' : : .1 � Presented By . . ._��y :;Ret'e . d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date • , �.� , �iC� �t � C���lt #��� �! /�'� � !rr +ntt sr� Cawtss� �s a �� tMt � iwi�s siril al�rt, ` : � Mtt i� �1 s+�et ��'t �► Carsissfo� r�ativ�r ap�r+�r tit� � p� arw�t !aE s� sR �cM a�t�la� � fit oir �t1�! �" �►+ I� sirMtlsa,� . � � t3�w�t#ss� a�f tr�r t�t ts t1� t�r � a iw�i�slon �i�► +�er �ia�s _ �. � t� �s�lit,� �' e�pe�r�ti� tM ssf+� at �si �t#� or �3#e ` ; I�� 1� C�s�le� � �1 stril r�s�� f�S► � �M �f� � e�r I�tri� t�t t� �wi�r �p►�1 a 1� �s �at s�11 � �r , - ; . , r�ati� � � #�i � a�� �ir � at �dr �� , �i M�r�. . .�.�' . � ; � �ti� s�t! t�t� i�rtls sMt� ti� s�ttr� #a� tt C�1�taa , �� � +�ire'�-.'� �Mt ��e!'��� � tif#t � ,' ,� �.��:�- � { ; . � . . � . .:1 . .. . . . � . . . . �rs �r� :r.�a �s r� f� s� � �rs �. �� �, . �� , ;�i���.�ii �ri►t�tt�. = .. � . . ' , . . . . �.. . . ' . . . £ ^t � .. . . ' . . � � - � . �. . . .._ . . . . .. . . . . . . � . i .. . . 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COUNCI�,MFN I Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:` __�� � ��� � In Favor � �L's : R man �.,.r _ ibel �� .-�-� .. � Against BY � �",,,,,,�� .� �lt� � ; il n �� ` _ �,x/� Form Approved by City Attorney ��o�ted by Council: Date : Gertified Passed� � ,.Council ��retary �;; BY gy � �",. � '. ,ApQroved by Mayor: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council .� _ � ;_By , T ._ _ By .�� : .: .., .�.. ��. .. ��> _,. :. �._< .v.. . -.:.. _ .. - _ . . _ ._ . . _ _ _ . .. , _ . - . _ _ � � � I _ �a ,y.rr�or � / Q/U ��� ;, CITY OF �AIN� PAUL � - � DEPARTMENT O PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � U1111111U , � nu It t A OIVISION OF PLANNING . 25 West fourth Street,Saint Pau M�nnesota 55102 �..• 612-22&3270 GEORGE UTIMER M^YOR I%C�^�'3 MEMORANDIIM DATE: September 25, 1989 T0: Mayor Latimer Council President Scheibel Members of the City Council ��"�i FROM: Peggy A. Reichert�►f�,�_�� Deputy Director f,�ir Planning, D RE: Planning Commission Comments o Ordinance Establishing a City Parks and Recreation Commission INTRODUCTION On September 22, 1989, the Steering Co ittee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission met to review and comment o the draft ordinance under consideration by the City Council that would establi h a City Parks and Recreation Commission. The Steering Committee is comprised of Planning Commission officers and chairpersons of standing ommittees. Because of the short time frame for review, a formal resolution f the full Commission was not prepared; rather the comments of the Steering Co ittee are being iorwarded direcrly to you via this memorandum. COI�Il�IENTS The Steering Committee of the Plannin Commission agreed on the following comments: 1. Su ort Establishin Parks and Re reation Commission. It is clear from the list of powers set forth in the d aft ordinance and from the City Council's discussions that the City Council desires to establish a Park and Recreation Commission with broad esponsibility to advise the Mayor and City Council on all policy matter relating to the planning and development of the City's park and recreation system. While this implies a shift in responsibility for parks planning and policy oversight from the Planning Commission to a new Parks and Rec eation Commission, the Planning Commission supports this change a d sees merit in providing closer citizen oversight to the Park and Recrea 'on System which the Planning Commission has not been able to provide for variety of reasons. 2. Need to Clarif Powers and Dutie . �,Thile supporting the concept of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Steering Committee discussed that the ordinance as now drafted is not s clear as it could be regarding the powers and duties of the new Co ission. The purpose, powers, and duties identified in Section 105.01 and 105.05 appear to restate the . � . �y'-/✓��3 Mayor Latimer Council President Scheibel Members of the City Council September 25, 1989 Page 2 responsibilities several times and n several different ways. The preamble of Section 105.05 and the following Sections 1, 4, and 7 all address advising the Mayor and City Council on a broad range of policy matters that usually would be addressed and codi ied through one comprehensive plan and policy document. The Steering Comm ttee discussed the importance of having one document serve as "The Plan" fo Parks and Recreation and that this should be the Parks and Recreation lement of the City's Comprehensive Plan. This plan would be revised a d amended as needs be as a result of the work of the new Commission. 3. Need to Clarif Re ortin Procedure . The reporting procedure envisioned by the City Council for the new Co ission also should be clarified. Is Lhe new Commission advisory to the uperintendent or to the Mayor and City Council? If the Parks Commission i to be given the primary responsibility for recommending the Parks and Recr ation element of the Comprehensive Plan, then the roles, responsibi�it es, and relationships of the new Commission could be patterned simil r to those of the Planning Commission in general, vis-a-vis Mayor, City C uncil, and staff. The critical difference would be simply that the Parks and Recreation Commission would focus on one functional element, p ks and recreation (defined to include all aspects of parks, trails, open paces, etc.) . Following this model, the ordinance would need to clearl identify that the Parks and Recreation Commission is responsible for deve ping and recommending the park and recreation element of the City's C prehensive Plan. The ordinance could direct the Commission to involve t broader public in that plan development process and conduct at east one formal public hearing during the process. The role of city sta f in relation to the new Commission would be to prepare and recommend e parks plan element to the Commission for its review and recommendation. Both the recommendation of the staff and the Commission would be forwar ed to the Mayor and Council. The new Commission would also be responsib e for developing and recommending individual master plans in the sam manner as the comprehensive plan element or amendments thereto. 4. Need to S ecif Plannin Commissio Role and Relationshi to Parks and Recreation Commission. Since the ew Parks and Recreation Commission would be assuming some of the responsibi ities currently assigned to the City Planning Commission, there is a ne d to clarify what the Planning Commission's role, if any, in park planning and policy development should be. The Steering Committee suggest d that the relationship between the City Planning Commission and the Parks nd Recreation Co�ission be patterned on that of the Planning Commission an the Historic Preservation Commission. That is, the Park Commission would focus on the parks and recreation function and the Planning Commissi n would focus on the broader city as a whole and the relationship among v rious functions. As such, prior to recommending any amendment to the arks and Rec element of the Comprehensive Plan or any master p an, the Park Commission would refer its plan or plan amendment to the Plan ing Commission for review and comment. The Planning Commission would focu on how the functional plan fit into the ' overall plan of the city and other functions. The Planning Commission . ���i'-�s�z3 Mayor Latimer Council President Scheibel Members of the City Council September 25, 1989 Page 3 comments would be given to the ark Commission to consider before making its final recommendation to the ayor and City Council, but in any event would become part of the offici 1 record and be conveyed to the Mayor and City Council. S. Retain Plannin Commission Res nsibilit for Recommendin an Inte rated Pro ram for Ca ital Im rovement . With respect to the Program for Capital Improvements, the Planning Comm'ssion would retain the responsibility for developing and recommending a c ordinated citywide 10 year capital program. The Park Commission would work ith parks and rec staff in developing the park element of that program fo submission to the Planning Commission. 6. No Cross Membershio. The Steer' g Committee discussed whether it would be good to have a member of the P1 ing Commission serve as a member (as with the Board of Zoning Appeals) or ex officio non-voting member (as was the case with the HPC) of the new P rk Commission. The Committee felt that in this case, if the suggested rol s and relationships are established, cross membership was not necessary. ross staffing, or at least staff coordination, was probably advi able and a provision allowing the park Commission to call upon plannin division staff when dealing with the comprehensive plan element coul be added to 105.03. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In summary, the Steering Committee elt that establishing a new Parks and Recreation Co�ission and shifting ome Planning Co�ission duties to it would be a good idea provided that roles nd relationships were clarified and that the Planning Commission continue to serve in an advisory role on citywide and multi-functional issues, with the n w Parks and Recreation Commission focusing more on the details of the specific system for parks and recreation. Possible amendments to the current rdinance reflecting the sense of the Steering Committee discussion are a tached for your review and consideration. PAR/bP � � � ����'"i6�.3 � � . ATTACHMENT Suggested Amendments to Chapter 105 105.01 Same 105.02 Same 105.03 Add to end of 105.03 Subd. 1 In the development and review of t parks and recreation element of both the City's comprehensive plan and S year capital program, the Commission shall also be provided staff support as ecessary through the Division of Planning. 105.04 Same Section 105.05 Powers. Merge preambe and #1 to clarify reporting relationship and scope of duties. Mer #4 and 8 into a new #I specifying Co�ission's responsibilities for park and recreation element of comprehensive plan and capital program, and master p ans. Amend #2 to make distinction between biannual capital program and 1 year program for capital improvements. Leave the rest of the section as is bu renumber. Add #9 regarding citizen participation. 105.05 Powers and Duties. The Commi sion shall act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council in all olicy matters pertaining to the acquisition, development, improvemen , maintenace, management and evaluation of parks, lakes and waterways, recre tional facilities, city trees, parkways, trails and bikeways within the City f Saint Paul through the following activities: 1. Review and recommend as provide in Section 105.06 the proposed parks and recreation element of the City' Comprehensive Plan, or amendments thereto, individual park master plans, and the parks and recreation element of the City's 10 year p ogram for capital improvements. 2. Review and comment on the prop sed annual operating and biannual capital budgets of the Division of Par s and Recreation. 3. Participate in the reveiw and comment on any project involving the granting of a permit for a ne structure on any parkland, acquisition or sale of any parkland, or any ther major project that materailly affects the character or use of any p rkland. 4. Advise and comment on the co rdination of programs between governmental agencies. 5. Hold joint meetings with ot r groups of similar interest. 6. Serve as an advocate for Ci y parks, parklands, lakes and waterways, recreational facilities, tr es, trails and bikeways. , . , � . � C��4'-�5"�3 7. Request a notification of sale for 11 significant parcels of open space lands for potential acquisition of for) park use. 8. Prepare and present an annual State of the Parks Report to the Mayor and City Council. 9. Conduct all business in such a mann r as to encourage and utilize maximum citizen participation. Add a new section regarding devel pment of the comprehensive plan and capital program for parks and recreatio and relationship of the new Commission to the Planning Commission. This language is drafted nearly identically to current city ordinance 1 guage for the City Planning Commission. 105.06. Plan and Ca ital Pro ram eview. Subd. 1. The Commission' res onsibilit . The Commission shall review and comment upon recommend tions for the Parks and Recreation element of the City'� comprehensive pla , related studies and amendments thereto, regional park master plans, an the parks and recreation element of the city S-year capital program submitt to the office of the Mayor through the Division of Parks and Recreation. e Commission shall also recommend to the Mayor the initiation of such planni studies as it deems necessary for the proper preparation of the comprehens've plan element, capital program or master plans. All such studies transmit ed to the City Council through the Mayors Office shall contain the recommen ations of both the Division of Parks and Recreation and the Commission. Subd. 2. Public Hearin�s. Prior to the Commission's recommendation conaerning comprehensive lans, master plans, or the S-year capital program to the Mayor and City Co cil, the Commission shall hold a public hearing and seek recommendations rom all concerned citizens. Prior to such hearing the Commission shall publis in a newspaper, of general circulation, notice of said hearing at 1 ast 20 days prior to day of hearing. Subd. 3. Cit Plannin Co ission Review. The Commission shall advise the City Planning Commissio of any proposed comprehensive plan. amendment, master plan or capital progr and secure from the City Planning Commission its recommendation with respe to the relationship of the proposal to the overall comprehensive plan of the ity of Saint Paul and the City Capital Allocation Policy and its opinio and recommendation as to any other planning consideration which may be rele nt to the proposal, with its recommendation of approval, rejection or odification of the proposal. Said recommendation shall become part of the o ficial record concerning the proposed plan or capital program and shal be submitted by the Commission along with its recommendation. The Commi sion may make such modifications, changes, and alterations concerning the p oposed plan or program as it deems necessary in consideration of the recomme dations of the City Planning Commission. Renumber 105.06 Compensation as 105 07 rp , l � ' 15-��- �.� �� QF SAINT p�t - �SZ QF UC RRENT E TI� R CE COMPENSATION � QF COMMITTEE M POWERS AND DUTIES Board of Ap eals and 525.00/pe Acts as review board Review for �he Housing, meeting Recommends needed changes Buildin� and Fire Prevention codes Board of Water 525.00/pe Exercises authority for Coamissioners meeting operation of water utility May issue revenue bonds Recomnends water rates Board of Zoning Appeals 525.00/pe Hears appeals for zoning meeting variances Administer oaths, issue subpoenas, take testimony Hold public hearings Saint Paul Civil Service 550.00/pe Appoint Personnel Director Cortunission meeting Hold hearings Saint Paul Human Rights 525.00/pe Hear Complaints Commission meeting Advise Director on policies Conduct studies and investigations Saint Paul Planning 525.00/pe Advise Mayor and Council Commission meeting Review and comnent on comprehensive plans Hold public hearings Saint Paul Port Authority 535.00/p Generates own revenues meeting Funds own budget Develops land Saint Paul Public Housing S35.00/p r Provide and manaye housing Agency meeting needs in St. Paul Employ staff Long-Range Capital 525.00/p r Review, rate and recomnend Improvement Budget meeting to city council pro3ects Comnittee and programs for Capital Improvement Budget 45 Current Coamittees 9 Conmittees currently receive compe sation �� � �.. � � - � ����� �,T, ,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL '4•� � PLANNING COMMISSION . e � �� � , . � `b,•• �d )ames Christenson,Chair ,��� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-228-3270 GEORGE UTIMER MAYOR RECEIVED September 8, 1989 SEP os1989 Mayor George Latimer �}�� ��'E�� Council President James Scheibel Membors of City Council City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: RE: Proposed Parks and Recreation Comm ssion Establishment It has come to our attention that the c ty has under consideration an ordinance establishing a citizen adviso committee to be known as the Parks and Recreation Commission. While it ap ears that the proposal has substantial merit, we note that it does not provide for any coordination or interface with � Planning Commission responsibilities in connection with park and recreation planning. In resolving this potential problem, we would ask that it be given your consideration and that the Planning Co ission be given the opportunity to review the proposed ordinance and make o�ents as appropriate. The Planning Commission will provide its comments by ctober 10. Thank you very much. Sincerely, r7't.P� ����Z�A1�- . /yt�.�• J s Christenson Chair JC:da cc: City Clerk ���� �s�� �3 Y S ��/���-�h./ � � � � WNlTE - CITV CLERK PINK �- FINANCE *F COLLRCII OLUEpv- MAVORTMENT GITY OF S INT 1,�UL e.11C NO. � ' • O r Z bl,nt�r�, Ordinance N�. a � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe� By Date An administrative ordin ce amending the Admiri�strative Code of e City of Saint Paul by adding a new ch ter 105 to establish a Parks`�,and Recreation C mmission for the City of Saint ,Paul and provi 'ng for its powers and staffing. ` THE COUNCIL OF THE C�TY OF SAINT AUL DOES ORDAIN: Secti n 1 . That the Saint Paul� Adrr�ini trative Code is hereby amended � by adding a new chapter to the Saint Paul Administrative Code i to read as follows : ��°,, "105.01. Purpose. ', T Saint Paul City Council has established a Park� and Recreation Commission (hereinafter referred as�`'� the Commission) to serve as an advisory body to �: e Mayor and City Council on Park and Recreation matte ,s relating to the planning, promotion, preservation, acquisition, development, : operation and evaluation f', parks , parkways, lakes and waterways , recreationa £acilities , city trees , bikeways and trails in the C ty qf Saint Paul . 105.02. Parks & Recreati n Commission. Subd. l. Parks & Recrea ion Commission established. There is hereby establish a Parks and Recreation Commission consisting of nin at-large members appointed by the Mayor Saint Paul . Subd. 2. Terms. Of t e members first appointed, three shall be appointed or a term of one year, COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond [.ong In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai R St y Sonnen �Ison Form Ap oved b C' �Attorney Adopted by Council: Date i Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By : Approved by Mayor• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY three for a term of two years , and three for a term of three years . Thereaf er, the term of each member shall be three years . Subd. 3. Vacancies or removals. Vacancies on the Commission for what ver cause shall be filled by the Mayor through t e open appointment process for the unexpired term. If a member misses three consecutive regular meetin s without having a sufficient excuse, that member may b removed from the Commission by the sole action of the Mayor , and the vacancy shall be filled by the Ma or through the open appoint- ment process for the unexp red portion of the term. Subd. 4. Qualificat'ons. All members shall be residents of the City of Saint Paul and be interested in and knowledgeable of the Saint Paul parks and recreation system. 105.03. Staff and budg t. Subd. 1 . Staff. Th Commission shall be staffed by a representative fro the Division of Parks and Recreation. The respo sibilities of the Division of Parks and Recreati ' s representative include: 1 ) serving as staff pe son and recording secretary to the Commission, 2) nforming the Cor.unission of the progress and condition in the area of park develop- ment, recreational facili ies and programs, 3) advising the Commission on matte s pertaining to Parks and Recreation when requeste , 4) cooperating with the Commission in such matt rs as may be requested, 5) administering the Commiss ' n' s budget, and 6) providing additional support service as needed. Subd. 2. Budget. F r the operations of the Com- mission, including staff salaries and other related expenses such as travel , training, per diem, postage, copying and supplies. An annual proposed budget shall be submitted to t e appropriate officials for inclusion in the City' s bu get. 2. 105.04. Meetings . The ommission shall establish a regular time and place of ineeting and meet at least quarterly. Special meeting of the Commission may be called at any time by t e chairperson, or by any four or more members of the Commission. All meetings shall be conducted in acco dance with Roberts Rules of Order Revised and notic of all meetings shall be published in accordance with proper notice pro- cedures . A majority of al qualified commissioners shall constitute a quorum, and all business may be transacted by a majority vo e of such quorum. The Commission may adopt and rom time to time amend rules of procedures. Un ess otherwise provided, any action taken by the Co mission shall be by the affirmative vote of a major ty of its members. The Commission shall keep a publ c record of its meetings. Copies of all minutes, moti s , resolutions , findings and reports shall be avail ble to the public upon request. 105.05. Powers. The ommission shall act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor, City Council and the Superintendent of Park and Recreation in all policy matters pertaining to the acquisition, develop- ment, improvement, maintenan e , management and evalu- ation of parks , lakes and waterways , recreational facilities, city trees, bike ays , trails and parkways within the City of Saint aul . In furtherance of these general duties , the Co ission shall : l . Review and comment on the proposed annual operating and biannual capital bud ets of the Division of Parks and Recreation. 2. Participate in the rev ew and comment on any project involving the gr nting of a permit for a new structure on any parkland, acquisition or sale of any parkland, or any other major project that materially affects he character or use of any parkland. 3. Propose policies and aid in the preparation of long-range plans for the City' s parks , parkways , trees , trails , bikeways an recreational facilities . 3. 4. Advise and comment on t e coordination of programs between governmental agen ies . S. Hold joint meetings wit other groups of similar interest. 6. Serve as an advocate r City parks , parklands , lakes and waterways , recreational facilities , trees , trails and bikeway . 7. Recommend policies to d velop, inventory, preserve and protect the City' s natural resources in all parks and park lands. 8 . Request a notification o sale for all significant parcels of open space lan s for potent�al acquisition of park use. 9. Prepare and present an nnual State of the Parks Report to the Mayor and C ' ty Council . 10. Review and comment upo recommendations for the Parks and Recreation elem nt oi the City' s comprehen- sive plan, related studi s and amendments , regional park master plans , and the parks and recreation component of the city 10- ear capital program before submission to the Mayo , City Council and City Planning Commission. 11 . May hold public hearin s to seek recommendations from concerned citizens prior to making recom- mendations to the Mayor nd City Council concerning comprehensive plans , mas er plans, or the 10-year capital program. 12. Conduct all business in s h a manner as to encourage and utilize maximum citize participation. 13. Adopt bylaws and conduct 11 business using Robert' s Rules of Order. 105.06. Compensation. Each member of the Parks Com- mission shall be paid $50 for eac meeting of the Commission as a whole that the members sha 1 attend, but in no event 4. WNITE - UTV CLERK PINK - F,.INANCE CANARV � DEPARTMENT CITY OF S INT P�UL COURCI BLUE , - MAVOR r'11e NO. • ' O��Z dnce Ordinance N0. Presented By � , Referced To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date shall any Commission memb r receive more than $750 per annum for attendance at such meetings nor for more than one meeting per ay. In addition, the Com- mission may from time to t'me delegate to a Commission member or members the res onsibility of representing the Commission at special eetings or public hearings. Those Commission member d legates shall receive $25 for such meeting or hear ng that the member shall attend, but in no event s all any member receive more than $300 per annum for ttendance at such meetings and hearings. The compens tion set forth herein shall be the entire compensatio to Commission members for the pe.rformance of their dut' �s. " Sect'on 2. This ordinance shall be effe tive and be in force 30 days from its passage, approval and public tion. 5. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Coswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form pprov �ity Attorney ' Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ` By Approved by Mayor• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By $Y ` p/�l4 F�" w �`7�r� 11�11 �7�,�i�Ji�`�'�;` ,."; ' _ _ 1`i /� u�T� v�..f 1 � � � WH[TE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE /// �� CANARV-OEPARTMENT.� C I TY O� S I NT PA U L COUI1Cl1 �%(A,i/�� Bl_UE -MAVOR. File NO. � / Ordin /L�� Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To "'<< Committee: Date � �, Out of Committee By ` Date An administra��ve ordina ce amending the Administrative �ode of t e City of Saint Paul by adding a new �hapter 05 to establish a Parks and Recreat�n Co ission for the City of Saint Paul and �ovid ng for its powers and staffing. �,� THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI1�T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sect' n 1 . '� That the Saint Paul Admin sti'�tive Code is hereby amended by adding a new chapter to t Sa�nt Paul Administrative Code to read as follows : ""� 3. "105. 01 . Purpose. T e Sairi� Paul City Council has established a Parks and Re�reation Commission (hereinafter referred as the Comr�Gission) to serve as an advisory body to the Mayor ''�:,and City Council - on Park and Recreation mat ers relatin�°; to the planning, � promotion, preservation, acquisitiori� development, operation and evaluation of parks, p���rkways, lakes and waterways, recreatio al facilities,�, city trees , bikeways and trails in the ity of Saint Pa�l . � 105.02. Parks � Recreat'on Commission. �� Subd. l. Parks & Recr ation Commission es�ablished. There is hereby establi ed a Parks and �ecreation Commission con'sisting of n ne at-large members �ppointed by the Mayor of Saint Paul . Subd. 2. Terms. Of the members first appointed, three shall be appointed or a term of one year, three COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �"� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman s�ne�ne� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form App ve y C' Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council .�.. o.. for a term of two years , a d three for a term of three years. Thereafter, the erm of each member shall be three years. Subd. 3. Vacancies o removals. Vacancies on the Commission for whate r cause shall be filled by the Mayor through th open appointment process for the unexpired term. If a member misses three consecutive regular meetings without having a sufficient excuse, that member may be removed from the Commission by the sole action of the ayor, and the vacancy shall be filled by the Mayor t rough the open appointment process for the unexpired po tion of the term. Subd. 4. Qualificatio . All members shall be residents of the City of S int Paul and be interested in and knowledgeable of the Saint Paul parks and recre- ation system. 105.03 . Staff and budget. Subd. 1 . Staff. The ommission shall be staffed by a representative from he Division of Parks and Recreation. The responsi ilities of the Division of Parks and Recreation' representative include : 1 ) serving as staff perso and recording secretary to the Commission, 2) in orming the Commission of the progress and conditions n the area of park develop- ment, recreational facilitie and programs , 3) advising the Commission on matters pertaining to Parks and Recreation when requested, 4) cooperating with the Commission in such matters as may be requested, 5) administering the Commission' s budget, and 6) providing additional support services a needed. In the development and review of the parks and recreation element of both the City' s comprehensive plan and five year capital program, the Commission shall also be provided staff support as necessary through the Division of Planning. Subd. 2. Budget. For he operations of the Com- mission, including staff s laries and other related expenses such as travel , tr ining, per diem, postage , copying and supplies . An a nual proposed budget shall be submitted to the appropri te officials for inclusion in the City' s budget. 2. 105.04. Meetings. The Commission shall establish a regular time and place f ineeting and shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings of the Commission may be called at any time by the chairperson, or by any four or more members of t e Commission. Al1 meetings shall be conducted in acco dance with Roberts Rules of Order Revised and noti e of all meetings shall be published in accordance wi h proper notice procedures. A majority of all qualified ommissioners shall consti- tute a quorum, and all b siness may be transacted by a majority vote of suc quorum. The Commission may adopt and from time to time amend rules of pro- cedures. Unless otherwise rovided, any action taken by the Commission shall be by the affirmative vote o.f a majority of its membe s . The Commission shall keep a public record of its meetings. Copies of all minutes, motions , resolutio s , findings and reports shall be available to the publ 'c upon request. 105.05. Powers and Duti s. The Commission shall act in an advisory capacit to the Mayor and City Council in all policy matter pertaining to the acqui- sition, development, improve ent, maintenance, manage- ment and evaluation of par s , lakes and waterways , recreational facilities , cit trees , parkways , trails and bikeways within the Ci y of Saint Paul through the following activities : 1 . Review and recommend as rovided in Section 105. 06 the proposed parks and ecreation element of the City' s Comprehensive Pla , or amendments thereto, individual park master lans, and the parks and recreation element of th City' s 10 year program for capital improvements. 2. Review and comment on the proposed annual operating and biannual capital bu gets of the Division of Parks and Recreation. 3. Participate in the review nd comment on any project involving the granting of a permit for a new struc- ture on any parkland, ac uisition or sale of any parkland, or any other maj r project that materially affects the character or u e of any parkland. 4. Advise and comment on th coordination of programs between governmental agenc ' es . 3. 5. Hold joint meetings w' th other groups of similar interest. 6. Serve as an advocat for City parks , parklands, lakes and waterwa s, recreational facilities , trees , trails and bik ays. 7. Request a notificati of sale for all significant parcels of open space lands for potential acquisition of (for) park use. 8. Prepare and present n annual State of the Parks Report to the Mayor an City Council . 9. Conduct all business i such a manner as to encourage and utilize maximum ci izen participation. 105.06 . Plan and Capit 1 Program Review. Subd. 1 . The Commi sion' s responsibility. The Commission shall review a d comment upon recommendations for the Parks and Recr ation element of the City' s comprehensive plan, rel ted studies and amendments thereto, regional park aster plans , and the parks and recreation element o the city five year capital program submitted to the office of the Mayor through the Division of Parks an Recreation. The Commission shall also recommend to the Mayor the initiation of such planning studies as it . deems necessary for the proper preparation of th comprehensive plan element, capital program or mast r plans. All such studies transmitted to the City Council through the Mayor' s office shall contain the recommendations of both the Division of Parks and Recr ation and the Commission. Subd. 2. Public Hearin s. Prior to the Commission' s recommendation concerning comprehensive plans , master plans , or the five year capital program to the Mayor and City Council , the Co ission shall hold a public hearing and seek recomm dations from all concerned citizens. Prior to such hearing the Commission shall publish in a newspaper, f general circulation, notice of said hearing at least 2 days prior to day of hearing. 4. Subd. 3. City Planni g Commission Review. The Commission shall advise t e City Planning Commission of any proposed comprehens ve plan, amendment, master plan or capital program and ecure from the City Planning Commission its recommenda ion with respect to the relationship of the proposal to the overall comprehensive plan of the city of Saint Paul and the City Capital Allocation Policy and its opinion and recommendation as to any other planning consideration which may be relevant to the proposal with its recommendation of approval , rejection or m dification of the proposal . Said recommendation shall ecome part of the official record concerning the propo ed plan or capital program and shall be submitted by the Commission along with its recommendation. The Commission may make such modifications , changes , a d alterations concerning the proposed plan or prog am as it deems necessary in consideration of the re ommendations of the City Planning Commission. 105.07 . Compensation. Each member of the Parks Commission shall be paid $ 0 for each meeting of the Commission as a whole that the members shall attend, but in no event shall any Commission member receive more than $750 per annum for attendance at such meetings nor for more than one meeti g per day. In addition, the Commission may from ti e to time delegate to a Commission member or membe s the responsibility of representing the Commission at special meetings or public hearings . Those C ission member delegates shall receive $25 for such meeting or hearing that the member shall attend, b t in no event shall any member receive more than $30 per annum for attendance at such meetings and hearin s. The compensation set forth herein shall be the e tire compensation to Com- mission members for the perfor ance of their duties . " 5. �st � ��- .�9 - � � �� -� .--- - � 3rd _ ���'�' J�d�opCCd l _ f—"f1� � y-�i _�r' ���. Yo�aa /v-s• Pt�va s Y Di� .'D �/� �'�`�.�7.3 GO'S' ITZ % %� �� R ;NAN SO EN WIL MR. PRESIDEN � SCHEIBEL � �NMITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAI T PAUL Council CANARY -DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. • 0/ Z/LbT• C� Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date Section 2. This ordinance shall be effe tive and be in force 30 days from its passage, approval and publ cation. 6. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ORg [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council• Date Form prove by Ci Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � By