89-1553 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COI1flC11 �f��/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT � GITY OF S INT PAUL /�V� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council esolution � /, � .� g � Presented By `-C-r_ t /'/ ;; 1':'-;� ' ;� ,// � ` / J Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Uate RESOLVED, that the prope City officials are hereby authorized and directed to ex cute an Agreement granting $1 ,000.00 to the MERRIAM PARK COMMUNITY CENTER, INC. , for the purpose of staging the Commun' ty Festival/50th Anniversary; to be held September 16, 1989 an conducted in accordance with Council approved guidelines d ted August 12, 1987; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on ile and of record in the Department of Finance and Man gement Services. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond COMMUNITY RV ES/PARK RECREATION: �*s�- in Favor Goswitz _yL a Rettman _ s�ne;bei Against Sonnen Wilson SEP - �) �9� Form prov d by City ttor Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s b Counc' .ec r g c �'r�/��f By Approv d y 1�lavor: D t � ' _ � � Appr ed by Mayor Eor S i sio¢to Council By _pUBttS1fD S�P 16 19 oc,��—��� DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITtA I D COMMUNITY SERV'ICES s-�8-89 GREEN SHEET No. 21 1 6 CONTACT PERSON d PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIALJDATE OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNqL Bill Peterson 292-7415 ��F� AITORNEY [�cnvc�e�c MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY(DAl'� ROUTINO !, BUDf�ET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.3ERVICEH DIR. � �� P MAYOR(OR AS818TAN TOTAL�OF SIQNATURE PAC�E3 5 (CLIP ALL�L TIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: he City will grant $1,000 from the� N ighborhood Festival Fund to the erriam Park Community Center, Inc. '! RECOMMENDATION3:Approve(/q or tis�sct(R) COUNCIL I ITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMI8810N _GVIL SERVICE COMMI3SION ��YBT P�NE NO' RECE�Y GD _CIB COAAMITTEE _ A 8TAFF _ COMMENT�: A U G � 1 �:75:7 _DISTHICT COURT _ 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? COIINIIINII�.70f.� Recreation INITIATINQ PROBLEM,18SUE,OPPORTUNtTY(Who,What,Whsn,Whsro,Wh»: Merriam Park seeks funding for the e ent to be held September 16, 1989. � ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: Event will be held. DISAOVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: None. �.... DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: I Portions of their event will not ' b held. Council Research Center AUG 2 21989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1, O O O. O O � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(GRCLE � YES NO FUNDING SOURCE 3 2 5 - S e c i a 1 S e rv i 2 S ACTIVITY NUMBER 2 314 3 FINANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��� ��'��° � C;��'`����.� ..� , � REC�l���� AUG 1 s �ggg A G R E E M E N T &��V��a-�~ ;'.j.���l�.��' ti;��::�?`�:��� THIS AGREEMENT, made a d entered into this day of , 1989 by and be een the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of th State of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "City") , and he MERRIAM PARK COMMUNITY CENTER, INC. , (hereinafter referred o as "M.P.C.C. ") . WHEREAS, on January 6, 987 the St. Paul City Council established a ommunity Festival Loan Fund and Grant Program, administered by the Division of Parks and Recr ation, for the purpose of assisting neighborhood f stivals with expenses, startup costs and insu ance coverage; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul C ty Council has approved rules and regulations to ensure the fair and equitable distribution o the funds; and WHEREAS, M.P.C.C. has pplied for a grant in accordance with these rul s and regulations. NOW THEREFORE, the part es agree as follows: 1 . That the City shall gra t to M.P.C.C. the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,00 . 00) for the purpose of helping to fund the Community Fest'val/50th Anniversary Celebration to be held on September 16 , 1989 as more particularly outlined in M.P.C.C. ' s applicati n attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part of this Agr ement. 2. That M.P.C.C. will prep e and submit to the City a report outlining all expenses d revenues derived from the Festival and specificall detailing how the grant money was spent within 90 days aft r the completion of the festival noted above. M.P.C.C. f rther will permit the Division of Parks and Recreation sta f full access to its books and records concerning the f stival. 3. That M.P.C.C. shall subm' t to the City a copy of the M.P.C.C. ' s liability ins rance policy naming the City as an additional insured, said policy shall be forwarded to City by September 6, 1989. 1 - �. C?c�'/-/s�"3 4. That M.P.C.C. understands his agreement is not binding until the City Council app oves of it by resolution. Approved as to form: For the Cit • , ; � ` � � �� Paul McCloskey, As istant leen Stack, irector City Attorney ��- Department of Community Services By Eugene Schiller, Director MERRI PARK COMMUNITY Department of Finance and CEN� , INC. : Management Services By � ,� �a �- By 2 ���iss3 .. . REC EIVE D � ��� 2 6 i989 DIVISION OF PA KS AND RECREATION COMMUNITY ESTIVAL FUND D+`/. �F A APPL cAT�oN & RE�REAT pKN Date May 26, 1989 Check One: Loan Grant X Organization Name Merriam Park Cormn Description of Organization, brief istory_ Merriam Park Cor►antuiity Center is a nei hborhood based multi-service center ovidin a wide variet of ro rams and service to the corrununit includin food shelf c unselin s rts and recreation treatment for delin uent outh senior citizen cent and our oldest ro ram our Pre-School Nvn-Profit Status 503c Yes x No Don' t Know Project Coordinator Name Eric N. er Address 2000 St. Anthon Avenue St. Pau MN 551 4 Phone 645-0349 48 -5 day eveni g Project Description (purpose and imp ct on area) : Attach additional information if needed) On Saturda. e er 1 r all day festival designed to unite and enth se our local cormmznity. Total Amount Requested From Communit Festival Fund: $2000.00 If this application is a request for grant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (Attach add' tional sheets if necessary) . We will match this rant with a combination f volunteer time staff time s ace utilities and an additional rant from the in Cities Musicians Union Performance Trust Fund. see Bud et for details .. . � ���-�6�-3 i , �If this application is a reques for a loan, how do you plan to repay � it? Please be specific. (Atta h additional sheets if necessary) . NA Please attach the following info mation to our application: 1 . Verification of nonprofit st tus and copy of organizational by-laws 2 . List of Officers or Director 3. Letter verifying organizatio ' s approval of the proposal 4 . Previous year' s budget and f nancial statement, if applicable 5. Current balance sheet and in ome statement, if applicable 6. Proposed budget (expenses an income) for the activity (Estimated line item budget including r venue and expenses that will be made from loan or grant funds. 7. Evidence that insurance can b obtained by the organization 8 . Plan for staging the festival event. District Council #13 Merriam Park C mmwlit Council District Council Review - Signatu e � Date of District Council Review �� 8 COMMENTS: Please send application to: Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and Recreat on 200 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN 15/FESTIVAL.APL � /� t . - ��~r: , ' � ' • /' /L�i a'�/s17� �r _.� , • • i '� ' .. C/' . . ' .� � � � ' I' � ,; j _y • ' . : � ' � . • .� ► J -,/ � .�-�-r—• �Lcr�v - � �� Y,�I.GcJo- �G � ' --- - � ' � �� � ��-('�l � �wLf.� tE,v`'.�,�-- -• - . :�zL� J - . . . DEC 12 1y55 T::�:YFA � •�1 � - '�� ��� � . . � No �l! --�► �'�'rs� I�rtc oce�un�,ty oo�uter, , , 2U00 :t. IlntSor� Arenns . � Et� Paul L` liimxeottt ' _ . � �llman� , It ia the opinion of thie ofiY e� based u;wn the eridonce � presented� that � e�oaa t i�ora �deral incomo tdc es en or�ani- sation deaoribed '�'n'�Dl c)t ) of the Internal Revenue Codo or i95t�, aa it i.s •hoim tha+,, y,ou organized a►tid operatsd e�oclu- aively for ahsrita�Le aad oc�t�.�caW, � p;�p�Qa� � ' � . .,____� � � AccordinPly� y�ou are no t req d to file incorae ta.Y. rv turns ` ' , ,� un1AS� y�ou chau�e the character oi' . ur organization, the puzposes � for xhich v�ou irore organized� or yo method of oporation. Aripr such � � , cl�a�ngee a?�ould be reported inn�ediate to the I?i�trict Diroctor of In barnal Revenue for y�our dia tric t order tha t thoir e ifec t upon � ;four ezmap t a tnb� m�y bo de tormined • Ynu ar1 e requirod,. hoxev�er to ls nn information re turn, Fbro� t 9�,,� er n`ua�I�y� xith t2�e �i�tri t-Izirector of Internal Rev�erntie _ 0-3` r yowr diatrict ao long ee thia e ption reanatne in etfeot. This forra m�► be ob t�iined i2�an the Dis�i t Diroc tor �md ia requirod to be riled on or before the t`ifteenth apr of the i'ifth month follouin� ths cloas of your �rua1 �qcou»ting riod. - Con tributiona ma�le tA yvu are d duc tible by the donors in com- • puting their tar.able inco�ne in tho m er and to the extent provided � bq aect�on 170 or t� �954 coas. . . � ' Baques t,�� legacies� doviaes or anatlsra to or for your u3e are � deduc tible in canput.irig the value of the taxable ee tate of a decedent for �deral es tate t,ax purpo�ee in �nanner atKi t� the extent provided by aeo tione 2055 a� 2�.06 o the 1954 Code. Oifte of properttiy to or for pour uAe are deductibls in aaput3ng tax�bla gifts for Fbderal gift ta�c lurpoaes in the � r and to the extent provided by. aection 2522 ot ttrs 1951� Ccde. . � . ' � ; . � � fbrw 6977 (A�:�v. ^�S) � ... - � ' r . � .. . . __ . . ._. .� � . , . � , . ��-/v���3 B I_AWS OF MERRIAM PARK C MMUNITY CENTER, INC. , ATIC�_EI . MEMBERS AND EMB�R�F�IP MEETINGS . Section 1. Membership. Me�nb rship in the Corporation shall be one class ana sFaTl be open�o all peo le who l�ave contributed at least Five Uollars (�5.00) to tlie Sustaining ernbership Fund of tlie Corporation. Menbership in tf�e Corporation sl�all terminate auto�natically wlien a me►nber lias �iot made such a contribution at any time between the dates oF tl�e annual meetings of tl�e Corporation. Section 2. Annual Meetings. he Corporation shall I�olc1 a meeting of i ts me'm6ers annually a sucii p1'ace, on a day, and at a time during tf�e months of March, April , or May of e ch year as determined by the Board of Directors. The purpose of the annu 1 meeting sl�all be tl�e holding of elections of the directors, For con ideration of reports, and for tlie transactivn of such other business s may properly cane before the meeting, Special meetings of ttie me�nbers may be called by the 6oard oF Directors or at tl�e request in wri ting oF 25X of the members oF tf�e Corporation. Section 3. Quorum. At all me tings of ine�nbers, 25 ►nembers or 253� of the me`m6ersiiip, wfi,c�iever is smalle , shall constitute a quorum, but less then a quorum may ad,�ourn the meeti g from time to time. Section 4. Votin . Each me�nb r nresent in person at a meeting of the CorporaFion s mem6ers��p shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted, ARTI LE II . � � BOA�� U GIf��CTORS Section 1. Cornposition and Ele tion. Tlie business and affairs of tliis corporaEion s �all—be managea—fiy a �o rd of Uirectors of no fewer than twenty-one (21) nor more than thirty nine (39) persons. Directors sliall be elected for a term of three (3) year by tl�e affirmative vote of a majority of tlie me�nbers present and voting at a duly held annual meeting, and shall be so elected t1�at the terms of appr ximately one-tliird (1/3) of the directors expire each year. Tl�e mem ers of the Board of Uirectors shall be meinbers in good standing oF the Corp ration. Tlie Board oF birectors sl�all liave the power to fill vacancies in ts own number in the intervals between annual meetings of the Corporation. Section 2. Nominations. Tlie P esident may appoint a Nominating Canmi��ee consisting o�ive (5) dir ctors with autt�ority to recommend to tl�e Me�nbership the narnes of persons serve as members of tlie Board of Uirectors and as officers of the Cor ration. Section 3. Meetin�s and Quorum, Meetings oF ttie 6oard oF Directors shall-6e ieTd—at such^Eirne an aE�suc place as the 8oard shall designate and shall be called at the direction f the President or any five (5) . � C��y�-�ss.3 -z members of tlie Roard. One-third (1 3rd) of the 6oard of /Directors shall constitute a quorum but less then a quorum may ad�ourn fran time to time. Section 4. Votin . Except wh re otherwise required by tl�e laws of the State o�iinnesota or he Articles F Incorporation or Bylaws of this corporation, the Board of Oirectors shall take action by the aFFirmative vote of a majority of the directors who are present at a duly held meeting. Sectidn 5. Annual Meeti�. Tle annual meeting of the Board of Direc�ors s aTl take place ir�nediat ly following the adjournment of the annual meeEing of the members of th Corporation. At the annual meeting, tfie goard of Directors shall elect he oFficers of tlie Corporation to serve fvr tt�e ensuing year and to transac such other business as may come before the meeting. Section 6. Resi9nation. A di ector may resign at any time by submiE�Em g wa ritEen no�ice of resi nation to the President or Secretary of this corporation. Such resignation shail be effective upon receipt thereoF or upon such later date as may be s ecified in the written notice oF resignation. • Section 7. Removal , A direct r may be removed at any time, witt� or withou�cause, at a special meeting oF the Board of Uirectors called for sucl� purpose by the af f i rmat ive vot of a ma3ori ty of the rnembers of tlie Board of Uirectors then in ofFice. � Section 8. Compensation. The members of the 6oard of Uirectors of this corporaEion sTiail serve wi tt�ou compensation, but reasonable expenses . incurred by them on behalF of this orporation may be reimbursed when approved by ti�e Board of Directors. ARTC!EIII . 0� C��� Section 1. Desi nation, The fficers of this Corporation shall consis o a residen�a�iice Pres dent, a Secretary, a Treasurer and such ott�er oFficers as the Board of Dire tors may determine. The oFficers of this Corporation sfial l have sucl� au liori ty and duties, and slial 1 serve for such terms of office, as are prescr bed in tf�ese Bylaws or, in the absence oF sucl� prescription, as determined by the Board of Directors. Section 2, qualificativn and erm. Eacl� officer shall be a member of this �orpora i�on an�a mern er o h oard oF Directors. Unless otherwise specified at the time of their elec ion, each of the officers of this Corporation shall f�old office until tl�e next annual election, and until his or f�er successor is elected and qualifies, sub�ect to his or I�er disqualification, resignation or re� oval . There shall be no limit on the number of successive terms that an fficer may serve. Section 3. Removal and Resi n tion. Any oFficer may be removed at any time,`wi�F or wi tFiouF cause, y �e a��rmati ve vote of a ma jori ty of the directors who are present at a duly held special meeting called for tliat J n �• . / '� Y 7 r/✓�� (� 0 1 purpose. Any officer may resign a any time by submitting a written notice of his or her resignation to ti�e P esident or the Secretary of this Corporation. Such resignation sha 1 be effective upon receipt thereof or upon such otlier later date as may e specified in the written notice of resignation. Section 4. Fillin�_Vacancies Any vacancy caused by the death, disquaTi�icaFion,`resigna io�T—n or r moval of an officer shall be filled for tlie unexpired portion of the term y the aFFirmative vote of a majority of the directors who are present at a duly held meeting, Section� 5. President. Tl�e P esident shall he tiie cl�ief executive officer o�ETie Corpora�ion`, sub,jec to the directionof the Board of Directors. He sliall preside at al meetings of the members and directors. Section 6. Vice President, n the absence or disability of ti�e Presiden�,�Tie Vice-�resiaen�shal have the authori ty and perform tlie duties of the President. Section 7. Secretary. The S cretary shall keep a record of the proceeaings ofi all mee�ings of the mernbers and directors ar�d sl�all have custody of all minute books and si ilar records of the Corporation. Section 8. Treasurer. The T easurer sl�all safely keep and account for all moneys and funds o�Fe corpor tion and other property wtiich may crnne into his hands. Fle siiall keep all oneys of tf�e Corporation in sucti banks or deposi tories as may be designat ti�ereFore by tl�e 6oard of Uirectors. I�e may bg required by the Board of irectors to give bond for tl�e faithful performance of his duties in such anount as the Board stiall determine. � Section 9. Execution of Contr cts and Documents. Except as otiierwise direc�edTiy E�e Board ofi�irec�ors, ai-i conErac�s;deed, pranissory notes, check, drafts, or otf�er instruments calling for the pa�nnent oF money st�all be signed by any two officers. ART CLE IV. EXECUYIVE COMMIfifi E—A��OTNER CUMMITTEES Section 1. Executive Committe . Tl�ere shall be an Executive Co�innittee oF the�oar oF Uirec�ors consis�in of the elected officers and two members at large elected from the me�nbershi of the Board of Directors at its annual meeting, The Executive Committee s all act only in the interim period between meetings of the 6oard of Di ectors and shall at all times be sub,ject to the cvntrol and direction oF the Board oF Directors . To the extent determined by the directors and as ermitted by law, tl�e Executive Committee shall have the authority of the 6oa d of Uirectors in the management oF tlie business of this Corporation. Me�nb rs at large of the Executive Committee siiall hold such office until the ne t annual meeting of tl�e Board of Directors, and until their successo s are elected and qualify, subject to tl�eir disqualification, resignation or re�noval . A member at large of the Executive Co�rnnittee may be removed nd may resign in the same manner as for an officer of the Corporation. Mee ings of the Executive Camnittee may be called, from time to time, upon rey est of the President or any two (2) members oF the Executive Committee. . ' � �/G��,/`��3 -4- Section 2. Other Co►rnni ttee . 7he Board of Directors ►nay appoint or proviae or Fie appofin�men o s h advlsory and administrative committees and tt�eir cl�airs fran among the mbers of the Corporation as it sees Fit and si�all determi�e or prov9de f the determination of their duties and functions. NOTICE; WAIVER OF �UfiICE�;PLACE OF MEEtINGS Section 1. Notice. Wf�eneve under the provisions of the Articles of Incorpora . on or ��e�ylaws of th s corporation notice of a meeting is required to be given to any meinbe , director, officer or committee member, it shall 'be construed to require ritten notice. Sucfi notice shall be given at least five (5) days and no mor tiian thirty (30) days before the date tf�e meeting is to be held. Such noti e may be given by personal delivery, or by mail, telegram or telegraphic let er addressed to such me�nber, director, officer or committee member at hi or her last known residence or business address, and such notice shall be deemed to have been given at the time wlien thus mailed or deposited in the t legraph office. The notice shall state tl�e time and place of tlie meeting and, when required by the Bylaws, the purposes of the meeting. Sect9on 2. Waiver of Notice. �1ny director may execute a written waiver o�noE�ce o�y meeFing re uired to be given by the laws oF the � State of Mnnesota or by any provis 'ons of the Articles of incorporation or Bylaws oF this Corporation . Such aiver may be executed either before, at or after sucli meeting, and such wa ver when signed and filed as hereinafter provided shal l be equivalent to no ice. Such waiver slial l be fi led vri th the Secretary, wlio shall enter it upon the minutes or otlier records of that meeting. Appearance at a rneeting y aiiy director shall be deemed a waiver . of notice thereof, unless the appe rance is solely for the purpose of asserting the illegality of the me ting. Section 3. Place of Meetings The Board of Directors may hold their meetings aE sucF� places, w e�fie i this state or in any other state, as the ma,�ority oF tiieir nurnber may from irne to time establish. Upon failure to appoint any other place, such meeti gs shall be held at the principal office of this Corporation. AR ICLE VI . I N�� I F C fi�I ON To the full extent permitted b the Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation Act, as amended fran time to time, r by otl�er provisions oF law, each person wlio was or is a party or is hreatened to be made a party to any tl�reatened, pending or completed ac ion, suit or proceeding, wherever and by wliomsoever brouglit (including any s ch proceeding, by or in tiie rigl�t of the corporation ), whether civil , crimin 1 , administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact that he or she i or was a Me�nber, director or officer of this corporation, or he or she i or was serving at tf�e specific request of the Board of Directors of this C rporation as a director, officer, enployee or agent of another corpor tion, partnership, ,�oint venture, trust or other enterprise, shall be indem ified by the corporation by a vote oF the Board of Directors agalnst expe ses, inciuding attorneys' fees, �udgments, fines and amounts paid i settlement actually and reasonably � . ������ 5- incurred by such person in connec ion with such action, suit or proceedin provided, however, that the indem ification with respect to a person wl�o is or was serving as a director, officer, e�nployee or agent of another corporation, partnership, �oint v nture, trust or otlier enterprise shali apply only to the extent such pers n is not indemnified by such corporation, partnership, ,joint venture, trust r other enterprise. Tl�e indemnification provided by this Article shall inu e to the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of such person nd shall apply whether or not tlie claim aga9nst such person arises out of atters occurring before the adoption oF this provision of the Bylaws. ' AR ICLE VII . UISSOLUTIU �!U tIQUIDATION In the event of tlie dissoluti n or liquidation of tlie corporate affairs � of tliis Corporation, all property nd assets re�naining (after payment of costs and experises incident to the dissolution proceedings and after pay�nent, satisfaction, disct�arge o provision for liabilities of this corporation) sl�all be distributed or any charitable purpose as the Board of Directors shall direct, or if the oard of Directors does not so direct, tl�en exclusively for charitable pu poses within the meaning of Sections 170(c), 501(c), 2055(a) and 2522(a of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and regulations issued the eunder, or such other provisions of State or Federal law as may then apply. nRT ClE Vttl . AMEAbFI fi ��YCAWS These Bylaws may be amended a any time and from time to time by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of he directors who are present at a duly � held meeting. Notice of tl�e meeti g and of the proposed amendment shall be given in the manner set forth in t se Bylaws. Amended by Board of Direc ors , March 21 , 1989 � � � � w � �`=��-����3 2000 ST. ANTHONY AVENUE ST. PA L, MINNESOT/� 55104-5199 PIiONE fi1 2 645 0349 July 11 , 1989 Community Festival I'und Division of Parks and Recreati n 200 City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street St. Paul , MN 55102 Dear "Associates" : In honor of this Center' SOth Anniversary a special neigh- borhood social event is being lanned by Merriam Park Parks and Recreation staff, Center staff, Community Council staff and community volunteers representi g the Center ' s Board of Directors , the Community Council and membe s at large. At their regular monthly oard Meeting on May 16, 1989, the Center' s Board of Directors app oved the proposed neighborhood celebration, participatian by C nter staff, use of the Center facility and application for pr gram funds from the St. Paul Community Festival Fund. It is anticipated that th re will be considerable interest and participation in tliis event and that it will promote the sense of community and security in ou local neighborhoods. Thank you for your consid ration. �incerely �� ..�!.c-^�� !� /�L � .�'. r: 'J�� James G. Malle Executive Director JGM/du OFFICERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS Judge Allan Markert Don J. Briel Ji�anita M. Morgan Mrs. Evelyn Gindorif President Ricliar<{,I. Cohen Mrs. Donald Putnam Mrs. Reuel D. Hannon Dr. Lawrenr.e M. Concion Arlyn K. Ruesink Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis J.Gillig�n Mrs.Richard Wheeler Ann Co{�eland Frank R.Scherman Vice Presicient Michael F. Coughlin Jerald Shannon Rev. Marc Cox Judge Gordon ShUrnaker EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Linda K.Teppo E�everly R�e Fvans Councilmember Kiki So�nen Secret:�ry Harolrl R. Fotsch linda K.Teppo Jarnes G. Malley � pr.Carl W.Gle�v�vr, Thomas Troskey Allan G.Vagstad Thomas S. Howar�i Allan G. Vagstad Treasurer Rev.Jerorne F, Keiser Mrs. Carleton Vangsness SteVhen P. Kilgriff Mrs. Richard Whee.ler Michael W. Laughlin Charles S.Whitaker Timothy J.Macke Ann Wynia Judge Altan Markert Dr. Robert E. Zwicky 1 ��9 ;c�i�vc���ir>�vu � ��� v � � ��'�1�/���3 Propo ed Budget 1989 Merriam Park eighborhood Celebration SOth nnivexsary Direct Costs Entertainment 1878000 Wolverines 728,00 Teddy Bear Band 350. 00 Jugglers 300.00 Magician 150000 Clowns 200.00 Organ �Grinder 150.00 Supplies 325.00 Ice Cream 600 pieces @ . S = 150.00 Trash Bags - Computer 1 Uels , etc 100.00 llecorations - balloons treamers 75.00 Publicity 275.00 " Ad - Dist. Council Pape -"Post" 150.00 Posters 50. 00 Printing and Postage 75.00 Insurance 100.00 Total Direc Costs 2578. 00 �Indirect Costs 2342. 00 Center Staff - 5 staff for 5 hours at t e event and staff at meetings @1� hours = 43 hours @ $8 . 0/hr, 344 . 00 Council Staff - 12 hrs @$8. 00 96.00 ar s Sta - N.A. 1Rusicians rust Fund (Unio ) 1072. 00 Facility - use - rest room , audi- 150. 00 torium, etc Volunteers ' time - 12 hrs - meetings + 5 hrs event = 17 hrs x 5 v lunteers x $8.00/hr = 680. 00 Direct Costs 2578.00 Indirect Cost (and InKind Cont ibutions 2342. 00 Total - all costs ' g� ess - 198 Festival Fund B ance 1—;1 ,41 Less - In Kind Contributions 2342000 Cash - Community Contributio s 426.49 Request from Festival Fund - 2000e00 Total all Income 4920. 00 Budgeted Balance - 0 - � . �i-/6� A1:II�:I�s CERTIFICATE OF INSU NCE ; , ,SSUE�A1E(MM/DOIV'/) 2-23-99 vROOUCeR T IS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS W. A. I,11NG CO. N RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEMD. 375 Jackson Street, Suite 500 E TEND OR AITER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW P.O. Box 64215 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE - - St. Paul, Minneeota 55164-0215 co PANY A ST. PAUL MEIaCURY INSURIII�C',E CO. COOE LET EN SUB•CODE CO PANV B INSUiiED LET EH MERRIRM PAR1C COMtd(JNITY CENTER INC. co PANV C � lET ER 2000 St. 1,nthor►y Avenu� St. Paul Mi.nnesote 55104 co PANY p � LET ER co Pnriv E LET Efi COVERAGES flIIS IS f0 CER7IFY TFIAT filE POUCIES OF INSURANCE USfED[�E�_OL IiAVE►3FEM ISSUFU TO TNE IP1SUFlEU NAP.1[D AOOVF FOR tHE POUCV PG�inp IPJDICATEO,NOTWITHSiAND!NG ANY REOUIf1F.MENT, �FR�vi OH CONDI ION QF ANY CONTRACT OR OTH[R DUCtIh1EiVT V'/ITH RES°ECT TO bVHICH TF11� CERTIfICAfE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY P[RiA1N, 7FIE INSURnMCE AFF R�EU 8`f TIIE POUCIES OESCfiIF3E�FIENEIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE fERPdS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONUI?IONS OF SUCH PULICIES.UMITS SHOWN MA HAVE BEEN REOUCED BY PAIO CIAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POIICY NUMBFR POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATt011 p�L IIt�ITS 111 THOUSANDS LiR DATE(MM/DDlVY) OATE(MMfOU/YV) ----- GENERAI LIABIUTY GENERAI ACGRErAf[ S Z�OOO A X COMMEHCIA�GENERAI IIABIIITV EK06302491 �.�I.�89 1"1"9O PNQDUCiS�COMPiOPS AGGRECaATE t 1�OOO CLAIMS MADE x OCCUR. PFRSONA�R AUVERiI51NG INJURY S ],�OOO OWNER'S d CONTRACiOR'S PROi. EACH�OCCURt7ENCE 3 ],�OOO - � � PIRE DAMA3E(Any one}irel S 50 MEOICAL EJ(PENSE(Any one pe�son) S ,r AUTOMOBILE LIABIUTY COM8INED SItJGLE S � X nNV nuro ER06302491 1-1-89 l�1-90 ��M�i l,000 AlL OWNED AUTOS 80L�ILY RJJURY S SCHFDULED AUTOS . (Per person) X FIIREU AUtOS � gpp��y � INJURY S X NON�OWIJEO AUTOS (P�r accidenq GARAGE LIABIUTV ' � Pf20PERiY 3 OAMAGE EXCESS LIABII.ITY FqCH AGGREGAiE OCCUI1ftEPICE A x . 563XE6498 1-1-�39 1-1-90 s 1,000 s 1,000 OiHER THAW UMBREILA FORM WOHKER'S COMPENSATION S7ATUfORV AND S (EACH ACCIDEtIi) EMPIOYERS'L�ABILITY S (OISEASE--FOUCY LIMIt) S (OISEASE—EACH E61PI.OVEE OTHER A EltPLOYEB Di5HOr1ESTY EK06302491 1-1-89 1-i-90 5100,000. Limit A PROFESSIONAL LIa1,BILITY $2,000,000 Each Person $4,000,000 Tvtal Limit DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSfLOCAt10N3/VEHICLESlRESTRIC710NS/SPECIAL iTEMS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CAN ELIATION SH ULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THF R1,PSSEY COUNTY CO('�1UNITY H[JMAN EX IRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL �#OB�^Ff'�R=� SERVICES DEPARTNIGNT MA L�.�DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO TI1E CERTIFICATE HOLDEH NAMED TO THF 160 East Kellogg Boulevard �e T, ��� St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 � ev��� �, Attentioni V�C� B�COC�C AUT ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE � . � . >�Jo-��-` ACORD 25-5(3/88) ;r:�'�F;:: BACORD CORPORATION 1988 . �,��,/�-�.� T e Plan � Our committee has met 4 imes and we plan on meeting 4 more times (or as needed) and this is our plan to date. The Merriam Park Communi y Festival , celebrating community generally and the 50th Annive sary of the Merriam Park Community Center in particular, will be in at 1 : 00 P.M. Saturday, September 16 and end at 9 : 00 that evening. The theme of the festival will be nostalgia for the sights, sounds , and activities of the 0 ' s and 40 's , the era when our Center was born. In that sense our f stival will be "old-fashioned" in its celebration of community. The day will end, appropr'ately with outdoor concert/ciance put on the local premere Big Band 16 piece ensemble, featuring the swing sound of the 30 's and 40 s , the WOLVERINES. The day will begin with a 50th Anniversary commemorative ceremony featuring local digni aries invited all to join in our celebration. Following the ceremony, a Cliildren' s parade, led by a contingent of 6 clowns from the St. Paul Clown Club will kick off the festivities . The afternoon will be filled w th fun and activities for all ages , from toddlers to seniors . The entire day will be family oriented. It will include family oriente games such as water lialloon toss , three legged races , wheel barrow rac s , an "old timers" softball game , �and cake walk. Other entertai ment both on the stage and in various sites throughout the park will include a magician, jugglers , street organ, children's farmyard, an barber shop quartet , the Teddy Bear Band, face painting. Simultan ously an indoor historical display will be featured in our air-conditi ned auditorium including a historical photo display, blank bulletin oards for the display of photos broug}it by the celebrants , and the con inuous running of the Centers 50th Anniversary video tape . Also 'n tlie afternoon will Ue an oldfashioiied ice cream social . Between 5 : 00 p.m, and 6 : 0 p.m, there will be a break for family picnic dinners or dinners purc ased on site provided by vendors . At 6 :00 P.m, the Wolverines will egin their 2i hour outdoor concert in the natural amphitheater locate in the southwest corner of the park. In case of rain the concert wil be moved indoors to the Center 's gymnasium. The evening concert will e d at 8 : 30 P.M, and the park should be cleared of most participants by 9: 00 P.M. Trash barrels will be orde ed from the City, and clean-up will be started that evening and comple ed that Monday A.M. by a combination of staff, volunteers and the groun -keeping crew. . _. : ���9� ��"� Police or their auxiliary ill be requested to be on hand for the evento The children parade will be confined to park property, so no permit will be reQuired t block streets. All the Center' s staff and many many volunteers will be involved in planning and carryi g out this festival , continuing a "new tradition" started with ou "Brass on the Grass" concert in the park last year.