89-1542 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council n�f �r�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �i BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ,C unc l Resolution � , � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the pro er City officials are hereby authorized and directed to xecute an Agreement granting $2, 000 . 00 to the WEST END B SINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION for the purpose of staging he West 7th Street Parade and Coronation; held June 20, 1 89 and conducted in accordance with Council approved guidelines dated August 12 , 1987; a copy of said Agreement to be kept o file and of record in the Department of Finance and M nagement Services. �� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � COMMUNITY ER CES/PARK & R CREATION: �ng In Favor coswitz Rettman �he1be� v __ Against ,_ �seenee Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG 3 1 �,g$g For pprove by C't ,, tt Certified P- • e by Counci Sec tar B � _Z�� gy. Approve �Navor: Date _ P — i � Appr v d by Mayor for Su 'ss' n to Council By �►��►�� ��►-} � � �sa9 , �'9-��'�.2. DEPARTMENT/OfFlCEICOUNCIL DATE I ITU1 D � � � � COMMUNITY SERVICES s- s- 9 GREEN SHEET No. CONTACT PERSOPI R PHONE �NITWJ DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECiOR �CITY COUNCIL B i l l P e te r s o n 2 9 2-7 415 GTY ATfORNEY �CITY CLEfiK MU8T 8E ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.d MQT.SERVICES DIR. � �S �MAYOR(OR ASSIBTAN TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAOE8 5 (CLIP LL OCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� AC710N REOUESTED: The City will grant $2,000 from t e Neighborhood Festival Fund to the West End Business & Professional Assoc 'a ion. , RECOMMENDA )Approve(A)a Rs�eCt(R) Cp1! MIiTEE/RESEARCH F'�PORT OPTIONAL _PUINNINQ COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �Y PHONE NO. _pB OOMMITTEE _ A STAFF _ OOMME . _DISTRICT OOURT — I SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL 08JECTIVE7 I � _---- Recreation INRIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.What.When.Whsro.Wh�: I West End Business Assoc. seeks fu di g for their parade and coronation that was held June 20, 1989 . (NOTE: The a e seeking funding after their event has been held. ) �I � % � ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: I Grant wi11 be used to replenish i�he r funds (see letter attached) . � � � � DISIWVANTAQES IF APPROVED: I None. I � � DISADVANTAQEB IF'NOT APPROVED: Couldn't pa�_ expenses for this yea ' event. Council Research Center. I� A U G 2 21989 I TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � 2� O O O. O O I �T/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ON YES NO � FUNDiNQ 80URCE 3 2 5 - S e c i a 1 S e rv i c e s A��Nu�R 2 314 3 FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� I � ,, , �C��' � � � ��- .v��. �� ������� ' AUG 1 b 1989 D!i/. C?� P�aRhS A G E E M E N T & R�C�E�-���N THIS AGREEMENT, made an entered into this day of , 1989 by and bet en the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the tate of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "City") , and t e WEST END BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION, (he einafter referred to as ��W.E.B.P.A. ") . WHEREAS, on January 6, 1 87 the St. Paul City Council established a C mmunity Festival Loan Fund and Grant Program, dministered by the Division of Parks and Recre tion, for the purpose of assisting neighborhood fe ivals with expenses, startup costs and insura ce coverage; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Cit Council has approved rules and regulations to e sure the fair and equitable distribution of he funds; and WHEREAS, W.E.B.P.A. has pplied for a grant in accordance with these rules and regulations. NOW THEREFORE, the partie ' agree as follows: 1 . That the City shall grant to W.E.B.P.A. the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2, 000. 0) for the purpose of helping to fund the West 7th Street rade and Coronation held on June 20, 1989 as more part ' cularly outlined in W.E.B.P.A. ' s application attached heret as Exhibit A and made a part of this Agreement. 2. That W.E.B.P.A. will prepa e and submit to the City a report outlining all expen es and revenues derived from the Festival and specifically etailing how the grant money was spent within 90 days after the completion of the festival noted above. W.E.B.P.A. f rther will permit the Division of Parks and Recreation st ff full access to its books and records concerning the fes ival. 3. That W.E.B.P.A. shall subm' t to the City a copy of the W.E.B.P.A. ' s liability ins rance policy naming the City as an additional insured, sai policy shall be forwarded to City by N/A , r r 4 . That W.E.B.P.A. understa ds this agreement is not binding until the City Council a proves of it by resolution. Approved as to form: For the ' ty: � By . � Paul McCloskey, Ass ' tant � Ka hleen Sta'c , Director City Attorney �Department of Community Services By Eugene Schiller, Director WEST END BUSINESS AND Department of Finance and PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIA ION: Management Services By ,l•� By 1�Q,l,�, — � _ , .. ��?�s r ���, ��r� .,�r�� r:..� � � f��riL��r� . � s������ � s�on,soncd bJ ; • ,. �,� • �ti��c�T ���a ccs��tif�s � •��... P1tOfESSI0I��L�ss�h�. . � � _ `�' .� � f.. ` �ItT J(l.SJNISS.'3 .�ly 24, 1989 Community Festival Ft�nd Division Of Parks and Recreation 25 West 4th St. Rm. 200 St. Paul, Mn. 55102 Dear Sir(s); Please consider the enclosed appl cation for a grant from yaur Community Festival �nxi. As the date of our event is prior to the two month period you require to process an application, our organization cauld finance the event for this period of time nd the grant wvuld be used to replenish aur fimds. 'Ihank you for yaur time and intere t in wr comr�mity! ' Sincerely; �� �- , Gl.G�C�� ' -�G,(�G(}� . , ��� � R1Chatd SCt1WSrtZ � President West End Business and Professional Assoc. RS:s's enclosure ����-�-� � . , DIVISION OF RKS AND RECREATION COMMUNIT FESTIVAL FUND AP ICATION Date 7_�q_Rq Check On : Loan Grant x Organization Name Professional Assvc. Description of Organization, bri f history he conmRmi . 'Ihe or anization sponsors different causes - donatian for playgramd equipment, sponsoring softball and little league teams, ations to area high school bands. Non-Profit Status 503c Yes No Don' t Know X Project Coordinator Name Z Address 23 Phone �_�37 4 - 7 day e ening Project Description (purpose and impact on area) : Attach additional information if needed) event wlv.ch celebrates tt� community and gives the units in the p rade t� see what our cortmunity has to offer. 'Ihe coronation is also an a 1 event where different girls from a:ea co��e for a chance to become th W. 7th St. Queen and or Princess which also can go on to compete for Queen of Snows in the Winter Carnival activities. Total Amount Requested From Comm nity Festiva�- Fund: $2000.00 If this application is a request for a grant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (Attac additional sheets if necessary) . raisers held throughout the previos year. If this application is a reque t for a loan, how do you plan to repay it? Please be specific. (Att ch additional sheets if necessary) . Please attach the following inf rmation to your application: �. Verification of nonprofit st tus and copy of organizational by-laws `/. List of Uificers or Direc�or �3. Letter verifying organizatio ' s approval of the proposal � . Previous year ' s budget and f nancial statement, if applicable �. Current balance sheet and in ome statement, i�f applicable ,i6. Proposed budget (expenses an income) for the activity (Estimated line item budget including re enue and expenses that will be made from loan or grant funds. �/`l. Evidence that insurance can b obtained by the organization �, Plan for staging the festival event. District Council �A� � �t,�. -' a p District Council Review - Signatur Y Date of District Council Review �( 2 -' •r' COMMENTS: J� c�� � _ � �,C���-��; Please send application to: �. Community Festival Fund Division of �arks and Recreati n 200 City Hall Annex f 25. W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN . � 15/FESTIVAL.APL , � % /, ` i� \ ,����_ , . ._._. ' . _' �_ _ �' _ _ t.,� � ' v. ♦ �� . .. . _ .. . ._.. _ . / � �G 263 � � "� ,�'.`�t4ia�l:G� � �� °`�. :"1� . : n - . . �i ^ ,. r= .i� �f� �4 -.b� µ r�•- ,L�;' -. � .� �s..�;�` ��'���' ��' '`��� .� . � .� �� =�= � 3 ____ _ _ _ . - — ,;, _. . .. . .__. — � �•�1t. . .i, ��y-,- __ _ . - -- -- - _ . � -- _- - �- ---_ - --- . . , , _ '; � �o ��1 �o i�3Ejcm ��jr e �9resents �htttt (�ome, (�reet"tng: ` ��iP�PcIS, Articles of Incvrp ration, duly signed and aeknowledged under oat� have been recorded in the o�fice o� th Secretary of State, on the --12th-- day of �ecember , ,�. D. 1 66 for the incorporation oE West End Business and Professional Association -� un�e- an� in accordancc with tne p ovisions of the Minnesota Nonp�ofit C.o�poratic � E° Ac:, Minnesota �tatu:es, C�apter �17• ' �QIU, c�her��a�e, (,.�osep!n L. onoven,SecretaryoF Stete of the Stdte of Minnesot� 6y �irtue oE the powers and duties�� ve ted in me by law, do hereby certify that the sa� ; ' � � West End Business nd Protessional Association ' is a legally orgenized Corporation und r the laws oE this State. , �' Witness my official signeture hereunto s��� ; , scr bed and the Great Seal of the Scate of Minnesot � her unto effixed this --twel£th-- day r ; � Deeember _�� the year of our �or ; on thousand nine hundred and_ sixty-six. 1 ,' � � ,/ !�C .�c.. C L` �"�`� s�2!L-alc ��v��— . ��� ' x Secret erv �f Sr..r� � 1980.-� p (� � � , BOAr�� Of DIRECTORS OFF I�E .5 FRESIDtA'T Dick Schwartz OF ic�- 688-6837 VICE PRE�. Norr Me�chc�ir Nc �e 291 -1953 TREASURER Gei Ohm�^r, Of ice- 457-5820 SECRETARI' Dorothy P,edin� Gf ice- 224-4741 Home- 699-2708 AGVISOR Tim Bartusch C` ice- 224-2885� Home- 222-0689 BOf�RD 0� D RECTOP,S s/� uer�e Ualy -222-004; , Gordy� Fenn�r �_ 22� 1"1 --------------------"-=-��-- ----L--- - -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- -- -- -� K211y Dahl H-739-�778 -- � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - � � � Mary Dettinger H 69�s-1550 r � � , � Stan Moch�vecs W 228-117i i i . � I Nick Mancini ����:{3�� � � Bob Kc�.out W 687-1885 ( I � ! � N 224-4C�7� i ; � Jim Sr�ith W 258-5493 � i Tor Picha H 484-6688 i Tom Parrish - W 690-5U55 � Larry Jandrich W 292-8833 � H 690-2522 � Tim Bartusch W 224-2885 , H 222-0689 � ; , , Scott�Dickmeyer W 227-7Q71 � ' j , I � Dave Rogness W 224-4868 � � , Dave Schwartz W 688-6837I t : ^ GENERAL MEETING SCHMIDTS - pril 3, 1989 The president called the meeting to order. Minutes of the last general meeting and board meeting were d'stributed. After a correction from $200,000.00 to $20,000.00 for pl yground equiptment at Holy Spirit Playground on the minutes of the Board of Directors they were approved, and also the minutes from the 'ge eral meeting were approved as written. The treasurer reported a checl�in account balance as of April 3, $4,889.48 and a Money Market Balance of $5 134.12. Approved as written. The president read two letters f om Humboldt Nigh �chool , one from president of the school band and from Patricia J. Larkey the music director thanking the club for t eir donation. Phil Skarda stated he was attend'ng a meeting for a program named Habatat for Humanity which Barba a . Mc Cormick was sponse�ring and would report back .. at the next eting,details which at this time were not available. Roger Bonfe reported money left from the High Bridge Opening Com- mittee now was being used to i staTl signs - 20 to 24 routing traffic to the high bridge. Three si;gn have been installed at this time at Smith and Annapolis. Gordy Fenner asked members to c eck the area of enterir�g W. 7th from the freeway Fort Snelling with a suggestion a sign stating " You are entering W. 7th Country" or something 'si iliar to alert visitors they are en- tering our area- West SeventM, a d report back at the next meeting. Norman Melchoir made a motion t donate _$4,00O.00a#to�thepparade com- mittee� secon e Vbv�i�cke,�;N r ..vo�.�,.,�,inami ni ous. A motion by Larry Jandrich to d nate $300.00 to Holy Spirit PaYground equi�tment -, seconded by Norm elchoir, vote unaminious. Larry also stated any one donating t the cause would have their name engraved on a plaque to be inst lled on the equiptment. A motion by Gene Daly, seconded by Roger Bonfe to waive approval of the Board of Direc�ors, to a prove membership of three applications received was given unanamious a paroval . New applicants given approval for membership are Richard Cra et, Rocket Billiards, 273 W. 7th St. , Glen Anderson, Anderson' s Lamps ades, 263 W. 7th St. ,and John Remackel , John's Antiques, 261 W. 7th St. Sherri Schwartz stated parade ctivites were coming along nicely, at this time, 25 units have alrea commited to the parade, including Police Band. ,Nick Mancini and Al Vevang v luntered to be chairman of the BooYa. A big round of applause was 'gi en to them by the members. Larry Jandrich stated he was a tending a meeting Apr. 24th regarding� the Business needs of the area with the Federation, and would report back. - • • - - � - __ ��__ _......... � �� -.c��.� , FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST.PAUL J � . i•��s�' T:CJD BUSIr1rS� �rrD ^ROI'F,SSInTI?1L �ss �rr. " Treasurer ' s re�o t Jan. d_ , 193a CIiECKIN, ncco�rrr l3alance rePorted 12-7-1937 $1434. 01 Debits : �mil Rishavy ticket sale winner 150 . 00 Pete h:aranda Christmas p esent 25. 00 City of St. Paul ��ark faci ii�ies reservation 155. 00 Project Noel donation 100.00 Jenifer Conlin Queen �aarclr Ue 150. 00 Credits : Dues (620 Club) $20. 00 Booya tickets 20. 00 Chedking account balance Jan. 4 , �988 $ 894 . 01 S11VINrS 11CCOUNT Balance renorted Decemhe?- 7 , 1 `�7 = $7520 . 92 Int. rec 'd 12-7-37 thru ].-4-9`3 24 . '7'7 Savinas account balance Jan. 1 1938 $7545 .6J 1-04 1933� � ����-�( :-%�-y�2.�.�.-- � �-�C� Delmar R. Ohmann, Treasurer �I ' � . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST.PAUL WEST �ND BUSINES AND l?ROFESSIONIIL ASS 'N. ' Treasurer' s rep rt - February 8, 1988 CHECKING ACCOUNT: IIalance reported Jan. 4 , 1988 = 894 .01 Deb i ts : Carnival P'ashion show tickets $ 225.00 The Nook December lunch 60 .00 Doc' s Place January lunch 87.60 Button Works nueen buttons 190.80 Carnival Association Coronation 40 .00 J. Bunkhorst r.orses 225 .00 G. Daly teamster 40.00 Jandrich Florist Judy Parrish/Picha 58 .08 Creative Colors wagon paint 32.09 Credits: Transfer of funds from savin s $1000.00 Campion Catering dues 20 .00 lst Nat' l. Bank WSP dues 20. 00 refund fashion show tickets 180 .00 Balance I'ebruary 8, 19a8 = $1 55. 44 S11VIN(�S ACCOUNT Balance reported Januarv 4 , 1938 = $7545 .69 Debits: Transfer to checking account $1000 .00 Credits: Interest received 26.73 Balance February 8, 198II -- $6572 .42 2-0 19£3�C�`"� j7 (�_ � / Delmar R. Ohmann, T�re urer � . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST.PAUI � WEST END BUSINr S 11ND PROFESSI011NL ASS 'N. Treasurer' � re ort March 7, 1988 - CHECKING 11CCOUNT Balance rePorted 2-8-88 $1155 .44 Debits : Bill Thell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pictures. . . . . . . . . . . $ 22.94 Jennifer Conlin. . . . . . . . . . . . dress. . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 West End softball team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 City of St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . .permit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 123.00 Creative Colors . . . . . . . . . . . .paint/wagon . . . . . . . 7.23 Credits : Membership dues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $920 .00 Balance March 7 , 1988. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1272.27 SAV INGS 11CCOUNT Balance reported 2-8-1988 = $6572 .42 Interest rec 'd. 27 .97 Balance 3-7-1988 . . . . . . , . . $6600.39 3-7- 988 � ��� ' 'wL lc--2_ Delmar R. Ohmann, Treasur r +r J � FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST.PAUL _ - WEST END BUSINESS AND ROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION , TREASURE 'S REPORT April , 1988 CfIECKING ACCOUNT Balance reported P�arch 7, 198 = $1272 .27 Debits: Tim Bartusch Feb. mee ing supplies $ 12.19 The NooY. Feb. mee ing lunch 59 .40 J. Brunkhorst horses/S . Pat' s parade 225 .00 G. Daly teamster St. Pat's Farade 35.00 Credits: Memberships 12 @ $20 . 00 240.00 check #1175 permit/g bling/not used 123.00 Checking account balance, 11pr' 1 4 , 19t38 $1303.68 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance reportecl Mar�:Y� 7, 198a = $6600.39 Interest rec'd. = 28 .09 Balance 1lnril 4 , 19a8 = $GG2f3. 48 4-4-19a8 � ���L.��/ i�,�/ D�lmar R. ann, Treasurer ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST.PAUL �aEST �ND BUSINESS A D PROFESSIONAL � ASSOCI�TI N Treasurer's r.e ort Ma_y 2, 19 8 CHECKING ACCOUNT IIalance reported April 4 , 1988 = 1303 .68 Debits : Machovec Fc►ods April unch $ 49 .90 W. 7th Sports Baseba 1 team 200.00 D. Reding �alary last half of 1,98 450 .00 D. Reding Postag 133 .70 7 Corners Printing Gold P ate Dinner tickets 61.90 Credits : 9 memberships @ $20 . 00 = $18 .00 Las Vegas tickets sold 2 .00 Balance r�ay 2 , 19 8 8 - 616 . 18 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance reported �1�ril 4 , 1988 = $ 62a. 48 Interest received 26 .38 Balance May 2, 1988 = $ 654. 86 Del ar R. O a , Treasurer s-z-i9s8 r . .... .__..`.__._..__._. , FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST.PAUL i , WEST END BUSIN SS AND PROFESSIONAL ASS IATION Treasur r's report Jun 6 , 198II CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance reported May 2, 1988 - $616. 13 Debits : The Nook I'eb. mee 'ng $ 44 .25 Mr. Pattoms April me ing 108. 00 J. Brunhhorst Insurance horses 192. 00 Credits : I�4embershiP dues $ 20.00 Checking account balance J e 6 , 1988 $291.93 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance reported Piay 2, 198a = $6654 .86 Interest received 2g .23 Balance June 6, 1988 = $6634 .09 Del ar R. Ohma , Treasurer � � 6-6-1988 r _ . .. __.. _..___...__._._.____��_.. -- �9- �-�a � FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST.PAUL W�ST END BU. INESS �1ND !�ROF�SSIONAL ' SSOCIATION Treasu er's Renort Ju v 11 , 19t38 CH�CKING ACCOUNT� �3a�ance J>>ne 6 , 1�88 = $ 291 . 3 D�bits . nave Schwartz gar ge rent $ 120 .00 Rothchild-Bell ins rance 236. 00 Pilney Foods Jun meeting 43.90 Jack IIunkhorst hor es/Grand Ave. 225 . 00 Gene Daly rra � Ave. 25.00 .7ack Bunkhorst tahi e Bear Lake/horses 225.00 Gene Da1y Whi e Bear Lake 25. 00 Jandrich Florist S . achovec 21. 50 check order � ,gp Credits: 4 memberships @ $20 . 00 = $ 0. 00 transfer from savings $10 0 . 00 Grand Ave./wa.qon rental 1 0. 00 �3alance July 11, 1988 = $ 542 . 73 S11VINrS 1�CCOUNT Balance Jizne 6 , 1988 = $66 4 . 08 Debits : Transfer to checking $10 0 . 00 Credits : Interest received 4 . 65 Balance July 11, 1988 = $57 8 . 74 7-11-1988 Delmar R. Ohmann, Treasurer ' � � FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST. PAUL , ��JFST EriD BUSI SS AND PROP'FSSIONAL AS,_OCII�TION Treasurer ' s R z�ort - �lugust 1, 1988 Checking account Balance rePorted July 11, 19 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 542. 73 Debits : P'Iax IIusper agon rep��irs 25. 00 City of St. Paul lean up deposit 200.00 7 Corner Printing ooya tickets 269 .24 Gene Daly hite Bear Ave. 35. 00 J. Brunckhorst orses/4vhite Bear 11v. 225 . 00 Credits : 2 memberships at f20 . 0 40.00 transfer from savings 3000.00 Balance Auqust l , 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2828. 49 Savings account Balance renorted July 11, 1 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5708 .74 Credits : Interest received thr ugh July 29 , 1988 22. 72 Debits : Transfer to ct7ecking ccount 3000 .00 Balance July 29, 1988 . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2731. 46 _�_._- _____ 11ugu t 1 , 19II 8 /'�/-(� oc--�� Delmar R. Ohmann, Treasuzer J , FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST.PAUL �aest �nd Business and. nrof_ession 1 1lssociation Treasurer' s rer�ort Sentember 12 , 1988 Checking �lccount Balance renorted 1lugust l, 1988 = $2828. 49 Debits : Jandrich flowers Lep k/P•�elchoir/etc. $ 94 .55 Wonder bread booya sun lies 100 . 80 Dr_ew Ice Co " ' 17. 80 llre:v Ice Co " ' 48.00 St. Clair IIar_dware " (P•leichoir) 10 .68 Parade commiti�ee 3500 .Ot) Casetta's lunch/ g. meeting 49 .29 Schmidt Brewing booya supplies 535.50 J. BrunY.horst horses festival 325. 00 G. Fenner beer u�s 21.00 �. Daly boo_ya u�}?lies 63. 39 P•7. Brausen " " 275.97 ICrueger �roduce " " 341.10 Machovec P'oods " " 1123 . 55 Van r-'aner " " 30.98 E. Her_off_ 3rd nri e clrawinq 50. 00 C;. SmoliY. 2nd }�ri e drawing 75.00 r. _r.,oldstein lst n.ri e dracaing 100. 00 Camnion ��Iholesale ova su�nlies 101.75 L�. Jandrich " " 133. 53 Si�. T?aul Candv " " 177. 15 Credits : Trade ticket sales (n ' cha) $1017 . 00 1476 . 00 Booya/festival. recei�� s 8751. 89 , tAachovec/extr�. candy ruchase 95. 70 Insurance refund (IIar usch) 50. 00 �xtra beer sold (I3rau en) 25 . 50 Extr.� hot dogs sold ( aly) 42 .00 Ice payment/snocones Lepak) 24 . 00 check 1198 not used ( ity of St. Paul) 200. 00 Checking balance September 12, 1988 = $7285.64 Savings account ~ Balance reported August 1 , �9 8 = $2731. 46 Credits : Interest received 9 . 13 Debits : booya change fund 1720. 00 Savine�s k�alance September 12 , 1988 $1020 . 59 9-9-1988 Delmar R. Ohmann, Treasur%�r_ � FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST.PAUL T�lest End Business anci 1?rof_ession 1 1lssociation Treasurer' s re}�ort, October 3, 1 88 CII�CF:ING 11CCOUNT ' Balance reported Se�teMber �2, ; 1 88 = $'7235. 6� ($7285.54) ** Debits : �1. Brausen booy linen $ 14.20 J. Brunkhorst horse nayne Ave. 225 .00 G. Daly Payne ve. 25 .00 i•Iancini ' s Sep' t. board meeting 7£3 .00 Pepsi Co. booya oft drinks 363 .82 G. Daly Frogto n �arade 35.00 ,7. Brunkhorst horses Frogtown 225. 00 Credits; membership $20 00 wiener sales 21 50 Checking account balance October , 1938 = $6361.02 ** 10� error in adciition discover d with staternent reconciliation. s�vsra�s �ccov�vT Balance renorted Sex�tember ]_2 , �� 8 = $1020 . 59 Credits : interest to 9-2t3-1938 3 ,92 Balance Seotember 23 , 1988 $1024 . 51 Uelmar R. Ohmann, '1'reasurer a � FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST 51�.PAUL WEST END BUSI�I�SS A. D PROP'ESSIONAL 11SSOCIIITION ' Treasur r 's Rex�ort t�7ovem er 7 , 1�33 CF��CKING ACCOUNT IIalance reported October 3, 1 8F3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6361. 02 D�BITS : Shirley (Park attendan ) ,retirement gift 25 . 00 D. Reding, salary, ].st tialf of 1988 �50 .00 Transfer to savinas ac ount 4000 .00 CREDITS : Wagon rental, Frogtown narade 100 .00 T.9aqon rental, T•ahite Be r 11ve. r,arade 100.00 �3oova trade ticl:ets so d 20 .00 Balance, checkin�? account, N ember 7 , 193�3 . . . . . . . . $2106 .02 S1IVINGS 11CCOUNT 3alance reported October 3, 983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1024.51 DEBITS : None CREDITS : Transfer from checkin account $4000 .00 Interest received 4 .64 Balance, savinqs account, No ember 7 , 1988 . . . . . . . . . $5029 .15 Delmar R. Ohr�ann, Treasurer + T� _ . _____� - . -j� � fIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST.PAUL WEST END BUSINESS 11 D PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION Treasu er' s renort Dece ber 5, 1988 Checkinc� account Balance reported �love*�ber 7, 198£3 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , $2106 .02 Credits: Booya ticket sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30 . 00 Debits : Mickey 's Nook- Oct ber lunch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 74 . 00 Ba7_ance December 5, 193� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2062 .02 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Savings account Balance renorted NoveMber 7 , 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5029.15 Credits : Interestreceivev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 18 .51 3alance December 5 , 1Q�3�3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5047. 66 De1Mar R. Ohmann, Treasure�r 12-5-1988 r � FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WEST ST.PAUL / � �9F.ST �T1D BUSINESS 1� D pRO:I�ESSIONAL ASSOCIATION Treasu er's renort Ma l, 1939 ChecY.ing account: Balance '4- -198� _ $4889. 48 Debits: Fioly Snirit Home and . layc�round �1ss 'n. � 300. 00 � D. Reding - Salary 'la t half 19a8 450. 00 DeGedio - April lunch 60. 00 Parrish - rlarch lunch 90 .65 Credits : i•iemberships 3 @ $45 . 00 $135.00 7 @ 20. 00 140 .00 Balance i7ay l, 19II9 = $4257. a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Savings account: Balance 4-3-1939 = $5134. 2 " 19 . 3 Interest received Sac*inR:; balance 5-1-19�39 55153. 85 * * * *. � * * * * * * � * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P4ay 1989 � ��1�.�-�1l Delmar R. Ohmann, Treasurer 6.�udget , Parade: Units (6a) $2475.00 Barricades (6b) 115.00 City Services (5c) 150.00 Advertising 250.00 Car�dy 100.00 No Parking Signs 75.00 Postage 50.00 Parade Signs 40.00 $3255.00 Coronation (6d) $1384.29 Totals: Parade $3255.00 Coronation 13t34.�9 $4639.29 . , �---, . , �p� ���j h;r�r c. %t;(- (1�``' � + y�c:S ,�.to �t i= c �1/ 5i �.�� t��':�;,�^��^��� ��� �� �"- � �� � , �C� �oc_� L. t; ►'A►'� �r�,�,►s� ����t�;� � t•�Uf�, :� �;��1 �.P,;..GC. �'j�t.iU !� � �r,�- CJl-1.�t; G i �al(✓:�V✓:� '-( � ,/ , -�( , 'v' �/!��i �� ��i,I"`�T� L G.1_ �,�i � '�,,: (�;.�t..�.�C'..> � � �'��� y�` � �� , ' �r J �_ 1���`'.r t � ����a ,1 ����� 4 K�Y� � ' � _ � - � � p, �J i�.l�i s�>ti s �-r� � t_. �,--�,:, ` .�.,_ � (a�`� �:� � _� �� �,/ �,t.� �ti;i��r` �.-�1��.i��1�� �o�.t�.�r'� ��+r^"<< %y �' ` X ; �,��; ; �.fs• /,i � ' '\ � , n , 1 �� :11�: l(_C.�C:_a�.: :�� ��l,_; ' ' :./ , / .-r ,• , � � I� Y i-f��-i' �t ��1 ',�_.: �:_:,r...r. : , `��t„�3� �- ^�.�,:� `'Y' � / � �, v%iJ � � � f-{{_F i k.� ;,:i rt H�! S . .�� �Av1 LlGu%�'�l C1t,;F� X LI 'v. t�EiE'Sf-!� � � k -C��kC St+oP t r::�";�r;_ — ('Y`v:�r„"�C��1 i C �� SF��►�r�°-re s �, , ! x �wd�.Y P���'�= CLc:�,..;�ti► � � ��� ..�' � .+ � Crry 1�� Z2 r� � � �,�'1�� 5 �.OTr t��t �20..'�:. t��J V ►�y S F�r�.tp�� �S i C��%��►�� _ r� � � x �G ST ��� t..C�E G v' 'U�i r�-iU �p t►C..� �j�1-�..�� � _.. �c:� �tt� t�� 11o��.t �Ah't��u�� C�Nr c'� _ _ _ .. _ _ . ___ .. .. _ __ -- . . _ __ _ __. _. __.._ _ �to�r�o� _ ��2ont' � �m�.�►�r . _ _ __ .. _--___ - � � j,i�..l�,t"'r u��l'-�-�-1 S OF c''41�f � _. __ . . ...__._ _...._. _ � ___ .�:_ _ ,. � y ' �L•✓ ��, �L'� (j �� i%��,; � �t��:�.- : 1�c 4�%<a-;< � k U;,��.1 �``_,� l�� �..;I� }'i't P� ��� � � ,� N�-�l_; ,� J���'�:,i`u`�t��•_! `�� �. � _ ( � �ri !�; �.iU� 5� . � � C..►��I.i� �,;G�l ,�`j w 1..,�: �,r ' ti-,% � ��'' � � , � � k x i� ^►�; L:.'S � nl t� � �-?S 5 c:>� . � --��. 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S�D�^;� �� � k n / �_)�.1 (" t_ � � IlLI l:. ,j c� n���1:. 5 �< <��-'./ 1-C'�. � 1,�.)�;��l 'C!+ �' \ �_ S�!'�.,,�;r=+���z, s )Gu�S � � ��:.;'�'�. � � � / t. �S�Y �� , y r, /�_ r, '�/ �.C-c: J�Gilj 1'='r� (� V�7,v�U ,j K. . �r�.v»1 �t ��;cy) l.tit:` � '� ���'✓ � � �:: � � r �- r'� �j`j C�:.�ll� ��J I C.`4r �1 v�'��1 /� '� � � �r;'r��1� c�� i f-�` �:�,yK�� C����-►��� � 1 ��✓� ���(� C��:� i�'�o���' � �.. Jv � ( �. ► �! N j �;:.,� �,�J` r. � � n I �1`����' �' - !�"'�-,L � � ,� �, � � � t � �.� L�r��:�l',1't, ��;�/:..�.- k � 1`� T.,,,,y� ; �'_,:,..;: �`. `�'f�`�,I�✓` <<_i_�r` � � � � ,� � � , j � �.:;�✓✓i i�:/..111 'vi.�^`1 ��� �•�!L•::.C7 �/ " i�i�'�cs',�i:c�.'� . ���' ' . (`�.r,;' .1 •'i%�:. 1 J/�) :1'ti'�„tif "f��;� ;,�i�"' ' l� `-'� ^�, ��-� _..r_.` �j -f- ' '� � V� �� � .J .,9.�.�— � �:•� :�._�, �'� ;;,.c�� � /�` ?L � �i r? ��,,,t1..�" �'•, �,�'�'• ' �}°- .. X �..-.�• v � �� / 4 1 �..1�-�l.h'� �'�' ,�� '�:,,Li. � ^ �J � ,G�...��� x '� QL,r,�,� �J.��� . k '� ��;�.,�,,d` �'►���,.� �_� � � y �) i • I i i/ i, tl/ � I I ' C�Q �p �47�('O�c./ , � � + Check # 1119 Seasons �ue n committee meeting 86 .12 � Check # 1142 MEERY Lynn S rren printers nueen banners 33 .60 Check # 1145 John �arner- nueen signs for wagon 20 .00 Check # 1150 Thell - �ara e nictures 125.97 Check 1154 Winter Carni al Association nueen entrv ee 450 .00 Check # 1157 Kvasnik s�ud os - nueen photos 63. 60 Check # 1163 Winter Carni al Fashion show 225. 00 Check # 1162 queen wardro e 150.00 Check � 1166 Button wor'ks - nueen buttons 190 .00 Check # 1167 Winter Carni al Association Coronation 40. 00 This appears to be all for 98� Carnival Oueen � , r � ; � i � � � . I i � f�..._ . ' . . C�>'`'1 O y+o�e^+..��-w---� TAiLi1RED PRO �CT_TON FOIICY CQMMD�� PuLIC1 DECIARATI0N5 RENEiJAI ���`f�°�t�'?2�'1''� I�:SURtNCE CUNiF'AtJY POiICY NUMBEP, 872306 08267225 CO 89 L:.��SI tJG M: 48909—a 160 It�ISUP.EC� W�ST F!�D fi'.!:,ItdESS 8 AGE�dT�05669 F�:uFE_�io��;� r,��ac:x;,TE� RCTFISCHILD. BELL 8 WALSETH, TNC. n�[' R^,;?L'O�Phi A's+E PO B0� 7IZE S i PAill Nfl 551 U2 SAINT PAUL Mt� 55i 0; �OLICY r"EnIOD� FRv"" Q6!�C:'E� �0 l?6:20:'9� qT 2��1 b.M. STAPiDARD TIME AT YOUR MAILIIiG F�D��rE�:. ��Gt:;' AB�'��E. 1 BU�ItJ[�S DESC�.iF?IQ!�� CLU6 Er1TITY� CLUG � IIJ RETURtJ F0� 7NE P:,YM��i? 0" T!-!� PREF'iklN, �tdA SUAJECT TO All THE TERMS OF THE POL ICY, ��E AvP,EE t•lITH YOU i u F�iu'Ji;�E i HE IttSURiaW�E aS ST TED IFJ THIS POLICY. 7H3� FL'.:C't COtl�?STS �r= ?H� Ffll 'lDli �!� CQVERAGF P'�RT(5). Ti�tiS rR�t�i�"; htt,'i BE Sl+5JEC7 70 r.DJ STM�tJT. PREMIUM � CG!'1M�nCIA.L GEWER�'� LIA5,LITY G�VEF GE PARi S 443.00 � TQTAL S 493.00 � PP,Et•iIU•"' SKGPJ�: IS P'�1'��L�� S 443.00 AT INCEFTIQN. ( -. ! � //�'�� � � �i� r, �y(.r . � COUT�TEP.SIGFdE:� � � ' ' 8Y � CBATE) Ck' THORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) ZOOOOn00000004Y3 55039 (21i87) 3701 05/23i89 i ' � y ..' ._ ._ . . �� � 1 ' � COMiMERCIAL GEh�RAI LIA ILITY COVERAGE PART � DECLAP,ATI NS PAuE PAGE 1 RE�IEWAL �`�a�`c�-��'t�'����S ��,tiCE COt1PAtlY POLICY NUMBER 8723Q6 OE267225 00 89 iTiJG 1!I 489G?-816d GRcD� i�JES7 END EU�aNESS c AGENT�Q6669 f'r:OFE55I0':AL A55QCIAT�S ROTHSCHFLD, $ELL 8 WALSETH, INC. S20 RAtJLC�°H AVE PO BOY. 7125 5T F'AUl Mtd 551C2 SAItJT PAUL MN 55207 LICY PEr�IO�J� FRCN 06i2Ci�9 TO 06/2Qi90 A 12�01 A.M. STANDARD TIME AT YOUR MAILING ADDRE°,S 3H01•Jti kBOV�. :MiTS OF IN:;t!RANCE GENcRL,I AGGkEGAT[ LIM?T S 500,000 (0?HEP. THt;t! FRQBUCTS—COMPLETED OP�R� � IONS) Fn�iDUCTS—C�t1PLE1ED OFEr^:AiIGNS A�GFEGAT LIMIT S SOO,OGO PEP,S��.L:L kNU AuV�RTI�If�G If�JURY LIMZT 5 500,000 EaCH �:.CUP,REiiC� L IMIT S 5U0,000 FIkE DAh;t,GE LIM;IT S 50,000 ANY ONE FIRE MEDICi;� EY,P�r15E Lit�IT 5 5,000 ANY ONE PERSON ;LOCATIOt� OF PP,Eh;I5E5 YOU OE�dtJ, REfJT OR O:CU Y �PREM ��0 SLUG t�0 °20 RA�JDOLF AVE : 00001 001 57 FR•Jt Mt2 5 102 PRENIUM CLh55IFICfiTIGN — CQD'c UBLINE BASIS RATES PRENI!�^i CODE 16514 ' GP.O55 SALES EACH 1000 RES i AJP,A��TS — Wi TN td0 S�!E OF � I FR M/OP 6,000 19 .750 5 I I9.QO C,LCCi!�CLIC B.V�nf:iiES — b.?THOUT DKt�CE FR B/COMF OP 6,000 1 .531 $ ° . CO r"LOOn CODE 42663 MEMBERS EACH 1 CLUB� — CI1'IC, SER�J.CE OK S�JC;AL — IPR M/OP 90 2.068 5 186 , G0 WG HUILDI►fuS OR PRcMISES O�dtlED OR LEpSED rXCFPi FQF. OFFICE PUP.PUSES I�JCLUDIN� PR�DUCTS AND/OR CO�iPLET�D OPEF.ATIOtdS ' TEP,R 001 COI;tlTY 062 LOCATION TOTAL PREMIUM S 314.00 BALANCE TO MINIMUM PREMIUM S 179.00 AUDIT TYPF � L��dt���AL AUDIT TOTAL PREMIUM S 493.0� FORMS �PPLICABLE� CG2100 ll/S5 CG20�2 1i85 IL0021 11i85 55027 07i87 CGQOQI 11i85 CG0041 �%86 55064 07/87 ILOU17 11/85 - 55C50 07i87 CL175 2i86 55069 01�88 CG2407 11/85 I1024S 07i88 55Q56 7/87 ccni.n r i � .s�i 3702 OSi 23/89 . .. � I Q / -�/ � i r SU°PL�!"lE TAL DECIARATIONS � r 1 RENEWAL �i-�f�����.'1?�'F'S R—^!�CE C�!�F'At�Y POLICY NUMBER 572306 08267225 QO E9 ' �!1� M: 489(l9—d16 i, dRED: iaE�T EtdL� B��SINE55 E� AGEtJT��6669 cF�F��;^_.,�.Of��L A�SO�I.4TF5 ROTFiSCHILD, BELL & WALSETH, INC. 42C� R��I�i1UL�H A�'E PO BQX 7128 �T p�;�� Mty =5102 St+I1Ji PAUL MN 55107 J � :ICY PEPIOD� F��M 05i20�E9 TO 05/ZCi90 A 12°O1 A.M. STANDARD 7IME AT YOUR MI�ILING KuDFE�S SH01�+ld ABOVE. CG 2: OC EXCLL'SIOt�"ALL N�`�Z�kLS Ihil CO NECTION WITH AESIGN_ATED PRE�tI SE> BESCF.PTIOtJ A.t�D LOCATIQt� OF REMISES� . tiQP.SES USED TO PULI. 41F�G0�i IN FARADES CG 24 0� PF.ODUCTS�COMPLETED OF�ERl�iIlOtr HAZARD REDEFINFD DESCF,IFTIDi: CF PF.EMISES AIND PEP,KTIONS� BOOYAH DIt�NER blE�T EIdD BU�It1�55 S Pi�cOFE SIONaI �SSOCIATES 92Q RAtiIIOLPfi A4'E SjT P UL MN 551Q2 I � I 3703 05�23�89 55056 C7i8?) � . a 8. Plan for staging the festiv�al event. � Parade preparations begin at 8:00 a.m. with units arriving aramd 10:00 a.m. Parade begins at noon. 'Ihe route begins at W. 7th and Jefferson Sts. and proceeds west W. 7th St. to Albian St. where it disbands. 'Ihe candidates ride ' cars in the parade and the coronatian tak,es place after ttye rade at the Nighland Pavillion. 'Ihe queen is crawned by the Winter Carnivai Royal Family whom also is a unit in the parade. ' ,