89-1541 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY C9F SAINT PAUL Council D�_��/ CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. a Counci Resolution � � Presented By I Referred To ' Committee: Date �}'2' �9 Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the prop r City officials are hereby authorized and directed to e ecute an Agreement granting $2, 000. 00 to the PAYNE-ARCAD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION for the purpose of staging the Payne Arcade Harvest Festival; to be held September 16 , 1989 and condu ted in accordance with Council approved guidelines dated Au ust 12, 1987; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Se�vi es. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond *_ COMMUN I TY S I C S/PARK � RE REAT I ON: �� �a [n Favor Goswitz . �b;�� p Against — �. Wilson , 'AUV' 3 � �$ Form ove y Ci ttorne Adopted by Council: Date `Z.�" Certified P•s d y Council ecretary BY' ` � '2/�� By - Ap roved Mavor: Da Appr e by Mayor for Sub ' on Council r By Y PU8L6S}�D ���F �- 9 1989 j ��-�'� � DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL DATE INI TED r� � i Z COMMUNITY SERVICES s-� -s GREEN SHEET No. � � .' INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE OONTACT PERSON&PHONE DEPAR7wAENT DIRECTOR GTY COUNqL Bill Peterson 292-7415 � (�ryATTORNEY CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DATE7 DOET WRECTOR FIN.6 MOT.SERVICEB DIR. � A•S P MAYOR(OR AS818TA ❑ TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAQES 5 (CLIP A L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE�UESTED: The City will grant $2,000.00 fro t e Neighborhood Festival Fund to the Payne-Arcade Business Association fo the purpose of staging the Harvest Festival to be held on September 6, 1989. RECOMMENDATIONB:Appro�rs(N o►�(� COUN CO ITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINa COMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y8T PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ '+ A 3TAFF _ COI�IMEN : —o����«,� — AUG 21 1989 SUPPORTS WNICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? Recreation Co�nu ' Servkes INITIATINQ PROBLEM,138UE,OPPOR7UNITY(Who,What,WMn,WMro,Wh�: � I Payne-Arcade Business Association S ptember 16, 1989 � ADVANTAOESIF APPROVED: Will enable Harvest Festival to b h ld. DISADVANTAC�)E8 IF APPROVED: None. I DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVEO: Portions of their event will not e eld. Councif Research Center AUG 221989 c TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 2 O O O. O O (�gT/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� Y�F.S� NO �� \_./" �Na��� 325 - S ecial Services ACTIVITY NUM�R 23143 Fl INFORMA710N:(D(PWM � u,� ��C��u� t_��.� ��J - �'�'�f'� � � R�������,� AUG 1 b 1989 DIV. O� p��K� A G R E E M E N T & ������_�„�J{� / THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this �- day of - l.�i�-'C.. , 1989 by and betw en the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a V municipal corporation of the tate of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "City") , and t e PAYNE-ARCADE AREA BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, (hereinafter ref rred to as "P.A.A.B.A. ") . WHEREAS, on January 6, 1 87 the St. Paul City Council established a C mmunity Festival Loan Fund and Grant Program, dministered by the Division of Parks and Recre tion, for the purpose of assisting neighborhood fe tivals with expenses, startup costs and insur nce coverage; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Ci y Council has approved rules and regulations to nsure the fair and equitable distribution of the funds; and WHEREAS, P.A.A.B.A, has pplied for a grant in accordance with these rule and regulations. NOW THEREFORE, the parti s agree as follows: l. That the City shall gran to P.A.A.B.A. the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000 00) for the purpose of helping to fund the Payne-Arcade Ha vest Festival to be held on September 16 , 1989 as mo e particularly outlined in P.A.A.B.A. ' s application attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part of this Agre ment. 2 . That P.A.A.B.A. will pre are and submit to the City a report outlining all exp nses and revenues derived from the Festival and specificall detailing how the grant money was spent within 90 days aft r the completion of the festival noted above. P.A.A.B.A. further will permit the Division of Parks and Recreation taff full access to its books and records concerning the f stival. 3. That P.A.A.B.A. shall su mit to the City a copy of the P.A.A.B.A. ' s liability i surance policy naming the City as an additional insured, s id policy shall be forwarded to City by Se tember 9, 198 . 1 . ' . 4. That P.A.A.B.A. underst nds this agreement is not binding until the City Council pproves of it by resolution. Approved as to form: ' For the City: � � .� B - ����- Paul McCloskey, Assi tant r ath�een Stack, irector City Attorney �Department of Community /,/ Services By Eugene Schiller, Director PAYNE-ARCADE AREA BUSINESS Department of Finance and ASS IATION• Management Services s G��� sy ` � � . ���. 2 � � 1�- ��/ . DIVISION OF P RKS AND RECREATION COMMUNTTY FESTIVAL FUND ,s � APP ICATION Date 5/17/89 Check One Loan Gran�{XXxxX Organization Name Pa ne-Ar � Description of Organization, brie history Our Association is 68 years old. Our purpose is to promote a bette living and working community on the East Side. The East Side has been fac d with many problems , and we are working very hard to bring back the pride as one of the oldest neighborhoods in the City of St . Paul . Non-Profit Status 503c Yes X No Don' t Know . Project Coordinator Name Gre Au e Address 913 Payne Ave . , St . Pa 1, Mn. 55101 Phone 776-9692 774- 015 day ev ning Project Description (purpose and i pact on area) : Attach additional information if needed) To bring our commun',ity together f r a great Parade, a Kiddie Parade a Gospel Sing, Roving musicians on t e s(reet, Craft and Antique Stroll , Ethnic Dance Groups, Street Dance . We tr every year to give the East Side a time to get together and to try to crea e goodwill between the residents and businesses. 'i'otal nmount Requested From Commun ty Festival I'und: $2• 000 .00 _ If this application is a request f r�ra grant, how do you plan ta match it? Please be specific . (l�ttach dditional sheets if necessary) . By asking the businesses for dona ions, and through fund raisers through- out the year. 6- . If this application is a request or a loan, how do you plan to repay it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . .3 ' Please attach the following inform tion to your application: ,1 . Verification of nonprofit stat s and copy of organizational by-laws ✓2 . List of Officers or Directors reg Auge , President , Mary Huber , Vice- President , June Johnson , Secy- reas. �3 . Letter verifying organization' approval of the proposal See attached f4 . Previous year ' s budqet and fin ncial statement, if applicable See attached. �5 . Current balance sheet and inco statement, if applicable � 6 . Proposed budget (expenses and i come) for the activity (�stimated line item budget including reve ue and expenses that will be rnade from loan or grant funds. See attached ✓7 . Evidence �that insurance can be btained by the organization Attac�led � 8 . Plan for staging i�he festival e ent. See attached flyer . District Council � • v . District Council Review - Signature Uate of District Council Review ' � COMM�NTS: Please send application to: Community I'estival P'und Division of Parks and Recreation 200 City Ilall Annex � 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN 15/FESTTVAL.APL -7- .� ��-� PAYNE-ARCADE ARE BUSINESS ASSQCIATION � """"""' P.O. BOX 1222, PAYNE AVENU POST OFFICE, ST. PAUL, MN 55101-0222 May 17 , 1989 Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and R creation 200 City Hall Annex 25 W 4th St . St. Paul , Mn. Dear Sirs : With regard to the item �7-Evidence that insurance can be obtained by our organiza ion: We are currently insured with the Trav.ellers Insurance Company . We are enclosi g verification from our insurance agent , Engberg-Schaber-W lch Agency . Yours truly , iry ���`�` �---� reg /Auge , � President GA: jj ENC . �� i��� I / � ���/� ���� �,��� �� , .9i���� . ,� �-� ��. Msu►�►� l/�9-ii62i 6 ��S�O� A9�� October 25 , 1988 Sue Parisi Payne Arcade Business Accoc . P.O. Box 1222 Payne Ave. Post Off ce St . P�ul , MN. 55101-0222 Dear Sue: Enclosed please find the Package nsurance renewal policy for the bussiness association, issued by he Travelars Insurance Company effective August 16 , 1988 . This policy nrovides $2 ,800J cover ge for Business Personal Property; with $1,080,00� Commercial Genera Liability; $5�,000 Fire Damage Gimit and $5 ,000 Medical Expense overage. There is a deductible of $250 applicable to each property oss. PLEAS� NOTE: Attached to the fro t of the policy is the Minnesota Coinsurance Condition Clause that must be signed where lined with yellow a�d mailed back to our aqe cy. The annual premium is $2 , 362 .0� f r which our billing is enclosed. Thank �ou for your mos� desirable business . Yours truly, %v� Robert C. Welch Insurance Consultant mm cc: Enclosure co�1Ji��e t.� �!����� � ' COMMERCIAL PROPERTY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANG S THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. � MIN ESOTA CHANGES This endorsement modifies insurance p�ovided der the follawing: COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE P RT A. The followi�g is added to the COINSURANC Additional Condition: At your request the Coinsurance Condition i made a part of Fblicy No. 660-252G1709—COE'-88 ofthe CHARTER OAK FIRE I S RANCE COMPAN f •�: Name d Comparry t j� issued at its NA P E R V I L L E I Agency. Dated , � City or Town State f�, ���� o ERC�-SCHABER AGCY IN . ent. x 4�✓z.e�dE���, Insured. � 25582 PAYNE ARCADE BUSINESS ASSOC. LL B. Paragraph A.6. of the CANCELLATION Comm n Pbli- CANCELLATION OF POLICIES IN EFFECT FOR 90 `� cy Condition does not apply. DAYS OR MORE C. When this Coverage Pa�t covers buildings u ed for If this policy has been in effect for 90 days or more, residential purposes(other than hotels or mote ),and or if this policy is renewal of a policy we issued, has been: we may not cancel this policy, except for: 1. In effect for at least 6 months, or a. Nonpayment of premium, 2. Renewed by us, b. Misrepresentation or fraud made by you or the follawing is added to the CANCELLATION C mmon with your knowledge � H�licy Condition: (1) In obtaining this policy; or W�e may not cancel this policy, except for: (2) In connection with a claim unde� this a. Nonpayment of premium; p����� b. Misrepresentation or fraud made by u or c. An act or omission by you that materially in- with your knowledge: creases or changes the risk we originally ac- cepted. (1) In obtaining this policy; or d. Refusal b y you to eliminate kno�wn conditions (2) In connection with a claim und r this that increase the potential for loss after notifi- policy; cation by us that the condition must be c. An act or omission by you that materi Ily in- removed. creases the•�isk we originally accept d; or e. Substantial change in the risk assumed, ex- d. A physical change in the Covered P perty cept to the extent that we should have which: reasonably foreseen the change or contem- plated the risk in writing the contract. (1) Is not corrected or restored wi hin a� reasonable time after it occurs; d f Loss of reinsurance by the insurer which provided coverage to us for a significant (2) Results in the property becomin unin- amount d the unde�lying risk insured.Any no- surable. tice of cancellation pu�suant to this item shall The notice of cancellation will contain the ason advise the policyholder that he or she has ten for cancellation. days from the date of receipt of the notice to D. When the IEGAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM r the appeal the cancellation to the commissioner MORTGAGE HOLDER'S ERRORS AND OMIS IONS �commerce and that the commissioner will COVERAGE FORM apply: render a decision as to whether the cancella- � tion is justified because of the loss of reinsur- 1. The folfowing is added to the CANCEL TION ance within five business days after receipt af Common Pblicy Condition: the appeal; (over) CP A1 OS �l 87 C�nvriQht_ IS(�(`n marrial Rietc Sarvi�ne I�� tostd tcsn o.,.... • ..t n il L�TravelersJ T'�is renewai concy is a new. s�moiihed lanauaoe pobcy :.�at con,ains restriCtions ana Coveraae enhancemenls not The Travelers Insurance Companies �ouna in your exoinna pciicV.Please read this oolicy care- `�illy and. ii vou �iave any questions, contact your Trav- iF.rchaSfncAlnsuranceCcmpanyl elers AaeM or Insurance Representative.�� Hartford, CT 06183 • SPECIAL BUSINESS (812) COMMON POLICY DECLARATIONS POLIC NUMBER: 660-252G1709—COF-88 1. NAMED INSURED AND MAILING ADDRESS: PAYNE ARCADE BUSINESS ASSOC. P.O. BOX 1222 PAYNE AVE. POST FF ST.PAUL, MN 55101-0222 2. POLICY PERIOD: From 08-16-88 to 08 16-89 12:01 A.M. Standard Time at your mailing address. 3. LOCATIONS Premises Bidg. Loc. No. No. Occupancy Address (same as Mailing Address unless s•,�ecified otherwise) 1 1 OFFICE 990 PAYNE AVE. ST.PAUL, f%iN 55101 ' 4. COVERAGE PARTS FORMING PART OF THIS P LICY AND INSURING COMPANIES: COMf9ERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE P RT CP TO O1 07 86 COF ; COf�1l�1ERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY C VERAGE PART CG TO O1 07 86 COF COMf9ERCIAL AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE PART CA TO O1 O1 87 IND COMMERCIAL INLAND MARINE COVER GE PART CM TO O1 07 86 COF 5. NUMBERS OF POLICY COVER AND INTERLI E ENDORSEMENTS FORMING PART OF THIS POLICY: IL TO 01 07 86 IL 00 21 11 85 I O1 20 11 85 IL T8 10 6. SUPPLEMENTAL POLICIES: Each of the followi g is a separate policy containing its complete provisions: Policy licy No. Insuring Company 7. PREMIUM SUMMARY: ; Provisional Premium $2. 362 i - Due at Inception $2, 362 � Due Each $ j ; NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT OR BROKER: COUNTERSIGNED BY: � ENGBERG—SCHABER ACGY�. INC. 255 2 �-� � �� � � � �� Authorized Representative � IL TO 02 07 86 DATE _ ��! �` �Y ' _ ..,a..�..._.�.._....._..._ � CP•5082 1-87 Printed in USA ` �y' �.is y�/ � HARVEST F STIVAL � TENATIVE SCHEDU E OF EVENTS .�, AUGUST KIC OFF DINNER WEEK OF THE 7TH SEPTEMBER 7TH STY E SHOW - SEPTEMBER 14TH PAR DE 7 P .M. �` ' THURSDAY SID WALK SALES SEPTEMBER 15TH SID WALK SALES FRIDAY STR ET DANCE GOS EL SING, WILDER ( FOOD SHELVES) VEN OR' S SEP?EMBER 16TH KTD IE PARAD� SATURDAY . MUSIC ON STREET (ROVING) ANTIQUES STROLL _ CRAF S . SIDE ALK SALES ' ETHNIC DANCE CAPI OL CITY THEAT�R BROADWAY ` HIT5 � TURK Y ROAST �'`', ` j, DUNK TANK -„ . t {t�. � ;f • BIKE EXHIBITIONS ' ` �" ., . CORO ATION 7 :P .M. "GALA AFFAIR" �` � ? � }��. ;,�' � � ' � . ; `��,� � i�kT!��xr�� ��,�,...�,.....;,.,._` > '�: � �� 1 �'% '�'.�`�'!►:s % <:tt•�y�y�r' . STAT OF MINNESOTA October 3, 1988 DEP TMENT OF REVENUE The Payne Arcade Business Associat on 1200 Payne Ave. St. Paul, MN 55101 Attn: William C. Godwin Name of Organization: Payne Arcad Business Association [n Re: Income Tax Exemption Dear Mr. Godwin: We have determined that the above o ganization, as presently organized and conducted, is exempt from ineome ta under Minnesota Statutes, section 290.05. Any change in the organization or in i s purpose or operations must be reported to the Commissioner of Revenue. A cop of any�annual report (Series 990) that is filed with the Internal Revenue Servi must be filed with the Department of Revenue�no later than ten (10) days a er the date it is filed with the federal office. If the [nternal Revenue Service revok , cancels or suspends the exempt status of the organization, the organization mu notify the Department of ftevenue in writing of the federal action within ni ty (90) days after receipt of notice from the Internal ftevenue Service. If you change the name of the organiz tion, please notify us immediately. For further in r ation, you may�o�►t et me at the address shown below. .;, , �in erel ' •`1 / �/,�,., . ��� , i 6�:�- , r `_, Michael G. Bublitz, Revenue Examiner Taxpayer Information Division Teehnical Support Group Centennial Office 8uilding St. Paul, MN 55145 � (612) 296-0555 MGB:Pja:03 IF-194 AN EOUAL OP ORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1 ` . I C • BY - L WS OF PAYNE- ARCARDE BU INESS ASSOCIAT[ON ARTICLE I- M MBERSHIP Section l. �Eli�ibility. Any person, firm or corporation interested in Payne Avenue or Arcade Street and streets adjace t thereto in St. Paul, Minnesota shall be eligible to membership. The Board of Directo s may prescribe procedures for application and acceptance to membership. Section 2. Types. The membership s all consist of two types: A. Firm memberships. B. Associate memberships. Asso iate memberships shall be restricted to , cetired members, members of t e clergy or representative of non-profit - organizations, non-retail and pro essionals in the surrounding community. Section 3. Dues. Membership dues shall be paid annually by both the firm members and the associate members. The Bo rd of Directors, in order to carry out and fulfil the goals and objectives of the Associa on, shall establish the amount of dues for each type of inembership. � Section 4. New Members. New me bers may be admitted to membership at any meeting of the Board of l�irectors. Section 5. Termination. The Boar of Directors shall have the p�wer a�d authority to terminate any membership for ca se, which may include the nonpayment of dues by a majority vote of those directors resent at any meeting of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE II - OTING Section 1. Votin . Each member, wh ther a firm member or associate member, shall be entitled to one 1 vote. i ARTICLE III - BOARD F DIRECTORS Section 1. Mana�ement. The mana ement of the Payne - Arcade Business Association shall be vested in a Board of D ectors consisting of not more than 18 members. One-third of the directors shall be lected each year. They shall hold office for three years or until their successors are el cted. No director shall succeed himself to office at the expiration of his tecm until at east one year has expired. Each director shall be an active member in good standing. Section 2. Meetin�s. The Board of D rectors will meet monthly at the call of the President. At all meetings the Board of Dir ctors, one-third of the whole Board shall ,. constitute a quorum for the tra�saction of usiness, with a majority rule. Special meetings may be called by the President or he at the request of at least one-third of the directors. a Section 3. Vacancies. Vacancies fo unexpired terms of any director shall be � filled by a majority vote of the rernaining mbers of the Board of Directors at any ' special or regular meeting. Section 4. Nomination of Directors. The President shall appoint a nominating committee of not less than three 3 member subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. This committee shall meet and set p a slate of one candidate for each office and prepare ballots for the annual meeting. ditional nominations for each office may be made from the floor prior to the balloting a the annual meeting. Section S. Candidates and Ballots. he Secretary shall mail to all members a list of candidates which have been selected by the Nominating Committee. Ballots shall be distributed to all members qualified to vot at the annual meeting. The majority of votes cast for a candidate shall elect such can idate. ARTICLE IV - FF[CERS Section 1. Officers. The officers of this organization shall be a President, a � Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, lected by the Board of Directors. All of ' these office�s must be members of the board, with tl�e exception of the Secretary, and � shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected. Section 2. Duties of Officers. The uties of the officers of this organization shall be as follows: A. The President shall be the chief xecutive officer and shall preside over all ! meetings of the organization and i the Board of Directors. He shall be an ex-officio member of all committ es. I3. The Vice President in the absenc of the President, shall act as president and shall be available to counsel nd advise the President and the Board of Uirectors. C. The Secretary shall perform such duties as rnay be designated by the Board of Directors and in general perf rm all duties incident to the office of secretary. D. The Treasurer shall be responsibt for the proper accounting and disposition of the organizations' funds as dire ted by the Board of Directors. Section 3. Vacancies. Vacancies for nexpired terms of any officer should be filled by a majority vote of the remaining ,me bers of the Board of Directors at any meeting. ARTICLE V - F NANCE Section 1. Budget. A budget of esti ated income and expense for each year shall be adopted by the Board of Directors at its first regular meeting. Section 2. Audit. The organization's ooks of account shall be audited at least once each year and a written report of such audit shall be presented at the annual meeting. The auditors shall be named and appoi ted by the Board of Directors. Section 3. Depository. The Board o Directors shall deterrnine the official � depository or depositories and shalt d ignate the person or persons authoriaed to sign checks and drafts on the organization's ccounts. � � Section 4. Fiscal year. Th fiscai year of this organization shall be the calendar year. ARTICLE I - COMMiTTEES Section 1. Appointment. The resident shall appoint all committees subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. � Section 2. Committees. Com ittees may be appointed to further the goals and objectives of the association and the dut es and functions will be prescribed by the Board of the Directors. The committees y include membership, business development, fina�ce, harvest festival and nominating ARTICLE VI[ - MEETINGS . Section 1. Annual. An a�nua meeting of the members of this organization - shall be held during the month of Januar in each year for the election of directors as is set forth herein at a date to be set by t e Board of Directors. At least I S days written notice of such annual rneeting shall be gi en to the members. Section 2. S ecial. Special me tings of the rnembers of this association may be called at anytirne by resolution of the Board of Directors and must be called when written application signed by at least 20 of the voting membership is submitted to the � secretary. At least 15 days written noti e of such special meeting shall be given to the members. Section 3. uorum. At all m tings of the members of this organization, a majority of the number present at suc meetings shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 4. General. This orga ization may hold regular general meetings as designated by the Board of Directors. y general meeting may be designated by the board as a special meeting of the rnemb rship for the transaction of business subject to notice as is set forth herein. Section S. Rules of Order. All questions of parlimentary procedure shalt be governed by "Robert's Rules of Order", henever they are not inconsistent with the Constitution or By-Laws of this organizati n. , �'�'f,�,�� � • .. , � CONSTITU ION OF PAYNE- ARCADE BUSI ESS ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I - OR NIZATION Section 1. Name. This organization shall be known as the Payne - Arcade Business Association, a non-profit organizatio . Section 2. Object. It shall be the o ject of this organization to promote and develop professional, business and civic rela ions; to endeavor to create an under- standing of all the needs of the community; o encourage and assist its members in an effort to fulfil such needs; and to create coop ration and goodwill among its members. . . ARTICLE II - M MBERSHIP Section 1. EliRibility. Any person, firm or corporation interested in Payne Avenue or Arcade Street and streets adjacen thereto in St. Paul, Minnesota, shall be eligible for membership. � Section 2. Procedure. The procedu e with respect to membership admission and the exercise of the privileged thereof shall be specified by the By-Laws. Sectiai 3. DuPs. The annual membe hip dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE III - M AGEMENT Section 1. Management. The man ement of the Payne - Arcade Business Association shall be vested in a Board of irectors consisting of not more than 18 members. One-third of the directors shall be elected each year. They shall hold office for three years or until their successors are e ected. No director shall succeed himself to office at the expiration of his term until at east one year has expired. Section 2. Policies. The policies of the Payne - Arcade Business Association shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Section 3. Nomination and election. he procedure for nomination and election of directors shall be specified by in the By-La s. ART[CLE IV - EETINGS Section 1. Annual Meetin�. The ann al meeting shall be held in the month of January each year on a date to be determine by the Board of Directors. At least 1 S �, days written notice of such Annual Meeting sh 11 be given to the members. J r � - � Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the President, � or by a majority of the Board of Directors. t least 15 days written notice of such special meeting shall be given to the members. ARTICLE V - -LAWS Section 1. By-Laws. By-Laws shall e adopted by this organization governing such matters as have not been specifically prov ded for in this Constitution. ARTICLE VI - AM NDMENTS Section 1. Constitution and By-Laws. The Constitution and By-Laws or any provision thereof, may be amended, altered or epealed at any annual or special meeting upon affirmative vote of two-thirds of all me bers present, provided that the notice of intention to alter, amend or repeal, in whole o in part, shall be sent to each member in wciting at least 15 days prior to the tirne of sai meeting. � � . ��-�.. �� PAYNE-ARCADE ARE BUSINESS ASSQCIATION � "„""'•' P.O. BOX 1222, PAYNE AVENUE POST OFFICE, ST. PAUL, MN 55101-0222 May 17 , 1989 Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and R creation 200 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St . Paul , Mn. Dear Sirs : At our last monthly Boa d meeting , May 9th , 1989 , it was unanimously agreed that we are in need of these funds in order to keep up the tr dition of our Harvest Festival , which is held yearly in September . We are herewith submitt ' ng our proposal for these funds. Yours truly, ���� � � ��.�t. ,..� G�'�eg Au�e , \� President GA: jj f �,9_���� ( . . .,.�.;:,�:��.M, �PAYNE-ARCADE AREA f3 SIN[SS ASSQCIATION "' P.O. BOX 1222, PAYNE AVENUE POS OFFICE, ST. PAUL, MN 55101-0222 Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and Recr ation 200 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St . St . Paul , Mn . 1988 HARVEST FE TIVAL RECAP � INCOME EXPENSES Parade $5701 .00 Parade $5932 . 19 � Sunday In Park 2444 . 15 Sunday In Park 2200 .00 Kiddie Parade - - Street Expense 3299 . 34 ' Total $8145 . 15 Kiddie Parade , 1100 . 98 T�otal $ 12532 .51 NET LOSS - $4 , 387 . 36 � � / I I f , • � �� PAYNE-ARCADE ARE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION .,-.�, , �.,. � """""' P.O. BOX 1222, PAYNE AVENUE OSf OFFICE, ST. PAUL, MN 55101-0222 Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and R creation 200 C i ty lia 1 1 Annex 25 W. 4th St . ; St. Faul , Mn . 1989 PROPO ED FIARVEST FESTIVAL BUDGET INCOME EXPENSES Parade $5800 .0 Parade $6300 . 00 Street Expense 1000 .0 Street Expense 3400 .00 � Kiddie Parade - - Kiddie Parade 1100 .00 � Total $6800 .0 Total $ 10800 .00 � NET LOSS $4 , 000 .00 �I , We will not be having a S nday In 7he Park day during our H�rvest Festival this year All the activities that are being planned will be gear d to Payne Avenue and Arcade ' Area for the benefit of th residents .