89-1540 WNITE� - CIT-�j CLERK COIIflCiI PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File N 0. 89-1540 Substitute � , Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Current Amended Budget Changes Budget ------------- ------------- ------------- FINANCING PLAN 001 GENERAL FUND 9890 Use Of Fund Balance, Unreser ed Designated 272,712 143,254 415,966 All Other Financing 124,045,033 0 124,045,033 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Fund Financing Plan 124,317,745 143,254 124,460,999 SPENDING PLAN 001 GENERAL FUND 01115 Citywide Information Servic s 01115-0856 Data Processing Softwa e 125,751 51,450 177,201 01115-0857 Data Processing Hardwa e 523,900 91,804 615,704 01115-0629 Lease Payment Principa 0 0 0 All Other Fund Spending 123,668,094 0 123,668,094 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Fund Spending Plan 124,317,745 143,254 124,460,999 NET CHANGE 143,254 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recommended: — -- — —�_��-------- Budget i ector Page 2 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz City Council Rettman AMEND 15.WKl) sche;b�� _ Against � -�enne+�- Wilson aICP 2 � � Form Ap o ed by City At r y . Adopted by Council: Date Certified P• •sed by Council Secre ry BY i � . � gy, G�c�t-f�� �/ '���.,.s �; p� i� App by Mavor: Dat � �U� Appr d hy May fo ubmission to Council � By � � ��� � S E P � p 1989_ . . . � ��� Finance Committee Report September 11, 1989 5. Resolution 89-1325 - amending t 1989 budget by Approved adding $30,000 to the Financing d Spending Plans in the Fire Department for new r f at Fire Station No. 10. (Referred from Council ugust 1) 6. Resolution 89-1423 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved adding $11,706 to the Financing nd Spending Plans of General Fund - Fire Departmen salaries - overtime. (Referred from Council August 15 7. Resolution 89-1424 - amending th 1989 budget and Approved adding $52,451.96 to the Financi g and Spending Plans for Friends of the Library (Referred from Council August 15) 8. Resolution 89-1425 - amending th 1989 budget and Approved adding $30,000 to the Financing nd Spending Plans for Community Services Library m terials. (Referred from Council August 15 9. Resolution 89-1492 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $20,000 to the Financing nd Spending Plans for physical examinations for p ential city employees. (Referred from Coun il August 22) 10. Resolution 89-1521 - amending t e 1989 budget by Approved adding $70,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Public Works Traffic, S gnal , Lighting and Maintenance fund. (Referred fr m Council Au ust 11. Reso ution 89-1540 - amending t e 1989 budget by Approved Substitute adding $246,151 to the Finan�in and Spending Plans Resolution for CIS computer upgrading. (R ferred from Council August 31) 12. Resolution -1243 - approving he appointment by Denied the Mayor of James C. Sargent t serve as a Commis- sioner of the Civil Service Com ission. (Referred from Council July 13, laid over July 31) 13. Resolution 89-1469 - authorizin district councils to Denied use funds allocated for neighbo hood cleanup projects in addition to the Neighborhoo Cleanup Day; and that District 15 Community Council i authorized to utilize its neighborhood cleanup alloc ion for printing and distribution of solid waste re uction and recycling brochure. (Referred from Coun il August 17) 14. Ordinance 89-1266 - amending C apter 370 of the Approved Legislative Code pertaining to appointment of members to the Board of Examin rs for Certificate of Competency holders. (Refer ed from Council July 25, laid over August 21) . . ,� ,- `. f.? - �� r�L-� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL t UtiFi�i:3!I� . .�\i7SS ��11�1J. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Committee Report - Finance. Management. & Personnel Committee September 11, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of August 21, 1989, meeting. Approved 2a. Resolution 89-1427 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $8,673 to the Financing and Spending Plans for G.O. Special Assessment, 1987 and 1988 Bonds- arbitrage interest ear.nings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2b. Resolution 89-1428 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $123,194 to the Financing and Spending Plans for General Debt Service Fund, 198T and 1988 Bonds- � arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2c. Resolution 89-1429 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $118,850 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Sewer Service Bond Fund - arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2d. Resolution 89-1430 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $12,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for powntown & 7th Place TIGO Debt Service - arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2e. Resolution 89-1431 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $7,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Park Nursery Development TIGO Debt Service - arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 3. Resolution 89-1301 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $42,445 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Rental Dwelling Registration Program. (Referred from Council July 25, laid over August 21) : 4. Resolution 89-1300 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved� adding $10,800 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Alarm Permit Program. (Referred from Council July 25) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s•,��••4e , r � � . . � � ' ��35 �---f- WMITE - C�TV CLERK �. PWK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT �"r� '/�G/.�(�/j BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �I��✓ ` Counci Resolution 3�� �� - � , � �, :�. Presented By eferred To �1���-e� ! Committee: Date ����v l Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, When the City Council adop ted t e 1989 General Fund budg t they designated $575,000 in fund balance to finance a 1989 budget amendment for purchasin computer hardware and software to upgrade the City's ce�}tr 1, finance and personn systems, and WHEREAS, The Mayor on July 11, 1989 prop sed a budget amendme using lease purchase financing which would have resulted in, 1 9 costs of $188,00 , 1990 costs of $228,000 and 1991 costs of $114,000, and WHEREAS, The City Council passed CF #89-1 83 which amende the Citywide Information Services (CIS) 1989 budget to provide '$18 000 so that b' s could be obtained and directed the- CIS Manager to bring back' to G�ouncil 2 yea lease purchase options, and WfiEREAS, The hardware bid received was' 40 less than timated and the software bid has a special credit provision of $85,000 if purchas is made by August 31, 1989, and WHEREAS, The Budget Director and the CiS anager r ou�mend immediate award of the low bids, and WfiEREAS, A 1989 purchase before August� 31 1989 ould also allow for a reduction in the Mayor s Proposed 1990 General Fund budget of $1 5,100 (Activity 01115-0857), and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 1 .07 1 of the City Charter does certify that there are available for appropriation �ev nu s in excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget, and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the followi changes to the 1989 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget ------------- ------------- ------------- FINANCING PLAN 001 GENERA� FUND 9890 Use- 0€ -Fund Balance, Un eserve Designated ' 272,712 40,350 313,062 6205 Capital Lease Financi ' -0 205,8d1 205,801 A11 Other Financing 124,045,033 0 124,045,033 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Fund Financing Plan 124,317,745 246,151 124,563,896 PAGE 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� � In Favor: Goswitz Rettman �he;�� � _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approv d y City Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}� t�pproved by (Vlavor. Date _ Approv d y ay for ubmis ' n to Council _ `J By _ _ WfiITE - CITV CLERK ��. . /'� ///��� PINK - FINANCE CO11I�C1I {/� ' �y �/ BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� ��� ��r� - Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: D e Out of Committee By ate SPENDING PLAN OO1 GENERAL FUND 01115 Citywide Information Serv'ice 01115-085b Data Processing Softwar 25,751 51,451 177,202 01115-0857 Data Processing Aardwar 523,900 (11,101) 512,799 01115-0629 Lease Payment Principal 0 205,801 205,801 All Other Fund Spending 1 3,668,094 0 123,668,094 -- ---------- ------------- ------------- Total Fund Spending Plan 124,317,745 246,151 124,563,896 NET CHANGE 246,151 RESOLVED, that the City Council approv�s hes changes to the 1989 budget. Ap roval Recommended: Budg t irector � � /// PAGE 2 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ���� In Favor ND14.WK1) Rettman �B sche;bei __ A ga i n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr v d by City A ney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY B� A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ Appr �ed ayor f Su mi ' n to Council ' BY _ \/ - - - -- - - - --- ------ � : . . . �n�, ��� w DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNqL DATE INI TE �� c Finance/�IS s-23- 9 GREEN SHEET No. � CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE - ��w�T� INITIAL/DATE l- �DEPARTMENT aREGTOR �CITY COUNCIL Gr e g H aup t 2 9 8-5 8 9 2 '�`'� � � �(;�71/ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUI�CIL AGENDA BY(DAT� �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.BERVICES DIR. Au u s t� , 19 8 9 �MAYOR(Op ASSISTANn � TOTAL M OF SIONATURE PAC3ES 1 (CLIP A L L CATIONS FOR 81�iNATUR� ACiION REQUE3TED: Increase CIS spending authority t llow hardware/software purchase to upgrade central, finance and pers n el computer systems. Use fund balance to finance. Actual 1989 increase ex e diture is 40,350 (balance recognizes 2 yea RECOMMENDATtONS:Approve(/y or Re�ct(F� COUNCI CO MITTEE�ARCH F�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� PHONE NO. —CIB COMMITTEE _ —STAFF _ COMMEN : _D18TRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICM WUNqL OB,lECTIVE? INRIATINO PROBLEM,t38UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.Whet.When.Where,Wh�: CF 89-1083 approved 7-11-89 incre s d CIS spending authority by $188,000 (see attached) to give CIS manage uthority to secure bids on system upgrade Bids were secured. This resoluti n increases spending authority and addition 1 $40 ,350 ($188,000 + $40,350 = $22 , 50, 1989 cost, $228,350 + $102 ,900 = $331,25fl total cost) so hardware a be ordered and software purchased. 1990 Mayor ' s Proposed budget can e ecreased $125,100 (01115-0857) . ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: Software/hardware can be purchase ediately taking advantage of $85,000 special credit if software purcha e before Aug 31, 1989. CIS can proceed with system upgrade to ir.lprove re po se time. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: $40,350 use of fund balance (alth $ 75,000 was designated as a part of 1989 budget adoption for this pur os ) . DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: $85,000 special credit could be 1 st if action not taken immediately. Delays in improving system respon e ime. ; Council Research Center ' A U G 2 41989 � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : $2 4 6 1 S 1 CpgT/REVENUE BUDQETED(CINCLE ONE) YES NO (1989 actual cost of $40,350) �uNOiNa sou� 98 90 Fund Balance ACTIVITY NUMBER 01115 FlNANdAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINO OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: i Below are prefened routings for the five most frequent rypes of dxuments: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. GraMS) 1. Outside Agency 1. DepartmeM Director 2. Initiating DepaRment 2. Budget Director 3. City Attomey 3. Cfty Attomey 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director s. ary coundi 6. Finance Acxountlng 6. Chief A�rKant, Fn 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department ACCOUntant 2. ciry nnorrrey 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assietant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciry Council 5. City Clerk 8. Chief Accountant, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating DepartmeM 2. Ciry Attomey 3. MayodAssistant 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAC3ES Indicate the#of pages on wh�h signatures are required and peper Dcli each of these pag�. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to accompUsh in efther chrorabgi- cal order or oMer of importance,whichever is most appropriate for ths issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begi�each item in your li�with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the fssue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL OBJECTIVE? indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by Ifating the key word(s)(HOUSINCi, RECREATION, NEIf�HBORHOODS, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE(�MPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatfon or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget proadure required by law/ charter or whether there are speciNc wa in which the City of 3aint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�ict/actfon. DISADVANTAG�S IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequ�t produce if it is paeaed(e.g.,traffic delaya, noise, tax increases or aasessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promiaed action is not approved?Inabiliry to deliver service?Continued high traf�c, nase, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT • Although you must taibr the inbrmation you p�ovide here to the issue you are addressing, in generel you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? • . . � � . � �9- �'� ` City o Saint Paul Interdepartme tal Memorandum Citywide Inform ion Services Division 817 Commerc Building - 298-5892 901 Commerc Building - 298-5095 Au st 22, 1989 TO: COUNCIL MEMBER ROBERT ONG, Chair and MEMBERS of the FINANC , MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE of City Council FR: GREGORY J. HAUPT, Manager CIS � �ti1, Direct extension: 298-4985 � RE: Update and Request for Action o 1989 Cenrral Comp ter Capacity Upgrade � CC: Eugene A. Schiller, Director � Gregory N. Blees, Budget Directo Michael Foley, Personnel Office Joe Polski, Police Department Gerald Strathman, Director of Co ncil Research and Investigation In June, the City Council appropriated $1 8,000 from 1988 fund balance toward�necessary central computer upgrades. In recommending that amount, the Fin nce, Management and Personnel Committee acknowledged that $188,000 would be par ial payment added to the 1989 base budget with the remainder included in future years. At the Committee's recommendation, the ouncil directed that the Administration proceed with bidding and return with a report on ctual cost and a financing plan. Financing options under consideration w e: 1. Outright purchase, to avoid interes costs. 2. I,ease/purchase over three years. 3. Splitting costs between the 1989 nd 1990 fiscal years (also a lease/purchase in accounting terms, but the Council's direction was to attempt to negotiate payments in such a way as to avoid finance arges). 1 f , � , . ' _ . . � y' ^�'�U Report to Finance Committee on C�nent Central Co puter Capacity Strategy Augo,st??, 1989 This memorandum constitutes a report on tatus and the August 16 bid opening and a recommendation as to funding the cost of a quisition. Rec m end i n The recommendation is li he o f a i i i n 19 nd 1990, adjusting the Mayor's Activity 01115 1990 budget requ st accordingly. Total amount required for implementing the strategy outlined below is 12 . With $188,000 appropriated in 1989, the total additional amount required is 14 2 . Of the additional required $143,250, $40,35 is needed in 1989 to comply with bid terms. The the balance, $102,900 would be put on e books in 1989 for payment in January 1990. Net effect is to reduce the 19901ease/paym t amount in the Mayor's Proposed Budget for Activity 01115 by $125,100. A resolution which would accomplish these actions is being developed with the assistance of the Budget Section. Back roun o Identified Needs When the Finance Committee reviewed th situation on June 19, 1989, we reported that there were three problems to be resolved: 1. Response time on the Personnel fice departmental Prime 2655 computer was seriously in excess of optimum, indi ting need to upgrade that machine. Estimate at the time was $105,000. 2. A general-purpose database machin was needed as a place to locate new systems under development. Estimates at the time ranged from $414,000 to $640,000, depending upon the size of machin acquired. 3. Both central large computers showed serious capacity problems(finance system[FIN] Prime 9955-II and general-purpose [CIS) Prime 6350). Cost of upgrade in either ca.se exceeded $400,000. Thus, the total potential computer acquisi ion/upgrade requirement was on the order of $1,000,000 against an identified amount fr m 1988 fund balance of $575,000. We also stated that we were taking steps o achieve capacity tuning improvements which we hoped would reduce the acquisition/u grade liability. 2 . . . . . . Report to Finance Committee on Ctiurent Centr Computer Capac�tty Strategy Augu.st?2, 1989 Status neral- u o e Prime 0 I M chi This machine is the problem area. It is rrently heavily loaded and the trend is not good (see accompanying idle time graph). Up ade cost would be about $450,000. The cost in 1990 of lost City employee productivity, d e to poor response time on this machine, could approach $1.200 per hour or more for the ight-hour workday under a worst-case scenario. Personnel Office Prime 2655 Additional memory was added to this ma hine in July and a second, used, disk drive and controller will be added shortly. These s eps, at a cost from the existing 1989 budget of about $15,000, will permit us to defer upg ading this machine for the balance of 1989 and possibly 1990. General-pur�ose Database Machine This machine is to be purchased at a total ardware and software capital cost of $331,250. Acquisition of this machine is key to solvi g the cunent capacity crunch. Finance S t m Prime 99 5-II FIN M chi e With the conclusion of the Fitzgerald and ng software improvements, it appears that we can defer upgrading this machine for the b ance of 1989 and possibly 1990. The unknown is to what degree the added functionality of the software will attract more use by managers and financial staf£ Three new, faster disk rives are being added to this machine shortly, which should favorably affect processing sp ed. This situation will be monitored monthly. So tion Simply put, the plan is to move the Saint P ul Police Department's use of the Prime 6350 to the new general-purpose database machi e. The Police Department accounts for up to 0% of the use of the central general-purpose Prime 6350. The Department's intent, and entral information systems planning strategy, is to re-build its current outdated softwa , which directly supports day-to-day police r ♦ • � Report to Finance Committee on Gbnent Central Co nter Capacity Strategy Auga.St�2, 1989 operations, on the new general-purpose data ase maclune for which we took bids. If they expeditiously move Police software off the ce tral general-purpose Prime 6350, it will hold its own through 1990 and possibly beyond. CP % Idle Average f or Week i n Eac h Mont h 50 — •� -'-' C I S � F I N ' "- G I 5 trend � Personne I 90 - cis uau*ao % 3D _ - I d � 20 e � � � '10 _ s�ca. Ef f��i C�ncy euapeT s,�etan reor-ena Thres ho I d r..--.�a r-�syzc.�a,..� 0 �- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllillllllllll M A M J J A S O N D J F M M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S 0 N D � 87 � 88 � 89 � Week varies dependTng i.pon holldays, avaTlabTlfty of data. 0800 - 1600. Ac io Re uir d The identified bids had time-sensitive quot tions. The payment terms on the hardware are such that its cost can be split between 1989 nd 1990. Two companies bid on the hardware, and the Sequent proposal is almost 40% b low list cost, an excellent bid. However, the Oracle software bid is net 3 days. Furthermore, the software bid provides for a credit to the City against Oracle sof are on the central Prime 6350, which would no 4 � . , - , Report to Finance Committee on G�rrent Central puter Capacily Strategy Augu.st 2� 1989 longer be needed under the described scen rio. However, the software credit drops from $85,000 to $40,000 on September 1 and to 0 on October 1. I sent on August 21, 1989 memoranda to Pu hasing recommending award of hardware and software bids. These actions will need to e quickly confirmed by Council adoption of a resolution which provides the required fund ng in order to capture the maximum software credit offered by Oracle. I can meet with you at your convenience to discuss this matter. I ask that the resolution, when prepared, be brought directly to the ouncil for timely action. SUMMARY OF COMP CAPACITY UPGRADE BID Oracle e uent Prime Hardware Total $205,799 $224,080 Software Total (includes 1 year maintenance ch rge) August 31 $157,018 $151,034* September 30 197,018 October 1 242,018 Total Hardware + Software (S/31) 362 817 375114 * Prime may only sell Oracle software for its of red hardwaze. \plann ing\capacity\fncctte2.89 BLUER A MAVORTMENT� � , ����TY OF � I NT YAU L File �• NO. '�,//� '� _ ' �age 2 af 2 . � - --�__ . .� '�` �� Council esolution � �� ��� _�. ;� _t �_�. Presented By �. . Referred To �`� Committee: Date 1. Out of Committee By t Date WHEBEI�S, the Citywide Infonaation Services Div sidn (CiS) has proposed tlie purchase of a computer capaci.ty npgrade for the Peraonnel Sy tem Exa�s Appl.ications, Police Crime SystBms nnd Multi-Systems Upgrade for Property Tax Aaa ysis, Complaiat•�Assessments and Crirsiasl Coa�ts, and, WFiERP..AS, CZS h�s aiso proposed purcha�e of Ora ie software iu I989 rather than 1990, aud W1FiEREAS, the City Council understands that app �riation of $i8$,Qf10 WiII not comvletelp pay for the anticipate� 19$9 centra2 cos►puter pacity requireraents, the Council requeste that the Mapor inftiate establ.ished bidding pr edures, and to report to tha Council, after the successful bidder has been identified, as the fessibilitq of aeaking partial payc►esit 3n I989 and payrnent of the bal.aace ia 1990, an NHERF,AS, Lhe Mayar, pursnant to Section I0.�7. of the GYty Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriatiou zevenuas ia ex ss of Lhose estimated ia the 19$9 budget; and WBEREAS, the *�tayor recousaends appranal of the p oposed purchase agree�+eat and ef the following changes to the 19f39 bud$et: ' _ �urreat � Chaages Amended _ udget Budpet FINAt3GINi: PLA.'1 n01 GEtiBRAL FUN� 9890 Use of Ftsnd Balance, Unreserved 95,790 188,t)()0 284,79a Designated AlI Other Financin.� 28 3� 1I� -Q- I24,281 110 24,377,90Q i�8,��0 124,565,900 SPENUING FLAN 003 GENERAL FUND Department of Finance and *fanag�r�ent Se ices 01115 Citywide Informatia2t Services -0855 Data Processin$ Software S2,7S1 74,�0 125,75I -0857 Data Processing Hardware 409.9f}0 I1.4,000 523,90b -Al2 Other Spending in OII15 1,303,170 -0- 1,303,I7� All Other Spending 22,bI3 479 -rJ- 122,613,d79 24,377,90f} 188,QU0 I2�i,555,900 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: i� _ ; In Favor .' � � � ��� .' i � ; ; ;' . � � . , � i ;� r Against .'� BY - --�-_ �` 1 - Form,.Approved,by City,AStorne :. Adopted by Council: Date ; j pJ " ��' � ' ��'� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY S-._���' _� /,�,; " , . � ~�. J By . „� �� Approved by ;Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �—��, ?� �``�...___ B Y � ` Y g C,ANARY — DEPARTMEN 7 '� • -�J,1 1 Y O F S I NT PA U L �'VURWl ^'�BLUE .;r MAYOR ,- � _ � _ _.. , Flte NO. /�1 �d�-� . . � - � � � - Council esolution pg�e 2 °f 2 Presented By ___ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that ttie City Coaacil apprcves the poaed gurehASe agreemen.t and of these changes to the 1989 Bndget. • Appr� Recom�ensied �, � �j r Budge ��tregt r � ; 4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� Financ�� Managem�ectt Services In Favor �; � /� r Gosvi tz � �,: �� , �, �.., ` J �p� g�r�.y� �� Against gy '•. _.���r�.. (�,( �' �� -,.�'�r --� i1C�y�^MY,,�{`,�«�� :h� r" �:tLCiUCa. 1 • �� JuL � � �89 Form pproved y �ity torney ; Ad cii: Date � . / B ``z'� � " �����f,+` Certified Passed`by Council Secretary _ Y , � �. s --• • � . x;���._.� �, �..AL ,) �... -__ By� � Approved by Mavor: Date ��� � 7 ��.� Approved by Mayo��Submission to uncil _ _.___-� � ; ��.-. 'i B \:�t`., `+� . .�i�^ By . y