89-1537 . � [/� � �4 h� i'� / i���f �`� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUACII /'f ��//) CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �i//��• -- BLUE - MAVOR Counci Resolution �'�� � ����� ,, �.�"�;; , Presented By - " Referred To Committee: Date �,�V �9 Out of Committee By Date A resolution granting temporary use of licenses to "Poor Richards, Inc . " until September 11 , 1989 , at which time ownersh'p in Poor Richards , Inc. shall change. WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul recently held a hearing before Admin' strative Law Judge Val M. Higgins regarding the revocation of the refuse hauler, solid waste transfer station, �rivate f el pump and all other licenses held by Poor Richards , Inc. ; a d WHEREAS , on July 17 , 1 89, Administrative Law Judge , Val M. Higgins , issued certain recommendations which should be met before Poor Richards , I c . be allowed to continue their licensed operations ; and WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul on August 8 , 1989 suspended the refuse' h uler, solid waste transfer station, private fuel pump and other licenses held by Poor Richards , Inc . until the conditions set forth in Administrative Law Judge Higgins ' recommendations were et ; and WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul has been notified that the residentia refuse hauling business of Poor Richards , Inc . has been sol to new operators and that this transfer will be effective Sep ember 11 , 1989 ; and WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul has 'peen notified by letter dated Aug st 17 , 1989 by John E. Daubney, attorney for Poor Richards , Inc. , that most of the recommendations set forth by Administrative Law Judge Higgins have been met or applied for; and WHEREAS , because the new owners of the residential service COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng [n Favor Gosw;tz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson , Form Approaqd by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date ( ( Ot Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY—� B� Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT /%/� BLUE - MAYOF File �O. _�v Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� /-sc-1 Out of Committee By Date are not prepared to take ove residential stops until September 11 , 1989 , now, therefore , be i RESOLVED, that the ref se hauling, solid waste transfer station and private fuel pu p licenses be reinstated at this time to Poor Richards , Inc. and allowed to continue until September 11 , 1989 , at whic time all of such licenses shall again be suspended until furth r review; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, th'at all parties clearly understand that on September 11 , 1989 the refuse hauling, solid waste transfer station and private f el pump license that are reinstated pursuant to this resolution sh 11 be suspended. 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form pprov d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By I By t#pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council BY — — BY �,��-��-_ -� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNpL , DATE INITUTED GREEN SHEET No. 5 3 2 7 Cit Council -Councilmember o - - �Nmwa►r� iNm�w�� CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �► GTY COUNqL — �M�� CRY ATTORNEY �CtTY CLERK MU3T 8E ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINQ BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MOT.3ERVICE3 DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTAM'1 � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL L CATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Granting temporary use of licenses to "Poo Richards Inc." until September ll, 1989 at which time ownership in Poor Richards, Inc shall change. R ' REOOMMENDAT10N3:Approve(A)a RsJect(R) COUNCIL CO MITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PUINNINO COMMISSION —pVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Br ce Hoheisel 298-5309 _CIB COMMITTEE ' _ COMMENT3: _STAFF — _DISTAICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIAliNO PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.What,WAsn,Where.Why): The Council of the City of St. Paul suspen ed Poor Richards, Inc. licenses until the conditions set forth in Administrative Law Judge Higgins' recommendations were met. Most of the recommendations set forth by J dge Higgins have been met or applied for and the new owners of the residential servi ce are not prepared to take over - residential stops until September 11, 1989 ADVANTAOES IF MPROVED: Employees of Poor Richards keep their jobs and residential service is uninterrupted. - �> � - . DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . - . _ .. , . . _ - None . .. , . ;, . . . .. _., ,. : .. _. , .. _. . .._ . DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Employees of Poor Richards lose their jobs and residential service is interrupted. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDI'iETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDIN(i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ` ��_�.�� 7 • y LA OFFICES JOHN . DAUBNEY ATTORNEYS AN COUNSELOR3 AT LAW 700 LAN MARK TOWERS 345 5T. PETER STREET JOHN E.DAUBNEY ST. PAUL,M NNESOTA 55102 16121 224-4345 JANET C.FESLER" "ALSO ADMITTED IN WISCONSIN August 21, 1989 Mr. Joseph Carchedi Mr. Thomas Weyandt License Inspector Assistant City Attorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 203 City Hall 647 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Poor Richards, Inc. , Richa d Wybierala ' Dear Sirs: � As of midnight, August 20 , 1989 the refuse hauling licenses and all other licenses issued to Po r Richards, Inc. , were indefinitely suspended, subject to reinstate ent upon certain conditions being met. A1r.lost all of those condi ions have been met as' of the present time and Poor Richards, Inc. , i seeking reinstatement only of its transfer station license and it s gasoline pump license. No license violations have been alleged wi h regard to either one of these licenses. Haul-A-Way Systems, Inc. , is a innesota Corporation, and it' s President is Kelly Darwin, and t' s Secretary/Treasurer is Steve Isaacson. Kelly is the step-da ghter and Steve is the step-son of Richard W�bierala, General Mana er of Poor Richards, Inc. ; both of these individuals are now emplo ed by Poor Richards Inc. . Kelly has worked in thi.s industry for a number of years, and is well capable of handling the busines . Steve was a Ford Motor Company employee until a diving acciden confined him to a wheel chair because of permanent injury to his spin . He is skilled in operating computers, and presently handles much of t e billing for PRI. Enclosed are Articles of Incorporation and B -Laws for Haul-A-Way Systerns. Richard Wybierala is neither an officer, shareholder or director of Haul-A-Way. On September 1, 1989 , Metro Ref se will take over the commercial accounts in Ramsey County fram RI; on September 12 , 19.89, the residential accounts of PRI wil be taken over by a cambination of Gopher Sanitation and Eagle San tation. Al1 three of these companies . are presently licensed to do bu iness in Saint Paul and Ramsey County. The accounts of PRI must be ser iced until taken over by Metro and Gopher-Eagle. Haul-A-Way has a reed to do this. Haul-A-Way has $25, 000 . 00 in its checking acco nt at the Summit National Bank, and has made arrangements to borrow additional funds to operate its business. G��,�.��� � - Carchedi & Weyandt August 21 , 1989 Page 2 The vehicles that it will use h ve all been inspected and approved for safety and equipment by �he Saint Paul Fire Department. Haul- A-Way owns a 1986 roll-off truc and a 1978 rear-end compactor. It will lease two roll-off vehicle and four compactors from PRI. �'ollowing September 1 , 1989 , Me ra intends to operate the commercial accounts out of it5 homebase of Savage, Minnesota, and, in part, from 400 Whithall Street, the h me of PRI. Fallowing September 12 , 1989 , Gopher-Eagle will handle 11 of PRI ' s residential accounts from a location other than 400 hithall Street. Inquiry ha5 been had a� to the ocation of the drop off containers owned by PRI: With the excepti n of those units that are in place at customers places of business they are presently stored, in conformity with present zoninc� aws, on the grounds of PRI at 400 Whithall Street, and upon t e grounds of All-State Salvage on Jackson Street. Following Sept mber 1 , 1989, it is the intention of Metro to move many of these ontainer� to it' s operation in Savage, Minnesota. Haul-A-Way Systems believes tha its license application, filed with the License Inspector' s Office f the City of St. Paul, meets all licensing requirements of the C ' ty of St. Paul, and it has also applied for the necessary licen es from Ramsey County. Following the completion of these transaction , Haul-A-4�lay Systems wishes to operate only the industrial acc unts in Ramsey, Anoka, Washington, Dkota and Hennepin Counties. R' chard Wybierala will remain as General Manager of PRI in it' � peration as a Refuse Transfer Station at 400 Whithall Street. It wil lease storage facilities to Metro and Haul-A-Way, but will e completely withdrawn from the servicing of residential, comme cial and industrial accounts in Ramsey County. Contracts of Sa e have already been executed with Metro Refuse and Gopher/Eagle as well as equipment leases to Haul-A-Way until Metro and Gopher/Eagle ta over their portions of the PRI business. Respectfully submitted, John E. Daubney Atto ney for PRI JED:kd ���y'��� 7 ,� . The foregoing has been wr' tten with our knowledge and consent, and based on informat'on supplied b1� us. POOR RICHAFDS, INC. HAUL-A-WAY SYSTEMS, INC,. ,c���.• lj,,� Z.ex�[r�J Ri hard A. Wybi ala By Kell D rwin It' s General Ma ag�r It' s President � ��� �����.� e���-��� Steve Isaacson Secretary/Treasurer �/� ; C��'-/S37 . ... . � ARTICLFS F II�C�tPqRATION F � I �I HAUIrA- BYSTII�I3� IIQC. a � The undersigned, �eing of 2u11 e, for the purpose oi forsing a 4' • . . a ' corporation under snd pureuant �to the prov ione of (�tapter 301� Minnespta r � � 8tqtutee� lmoxn ss t�he ,plinnesota Bueinees rporation Act� and 1s�ra amendstor t y + ; z� thereof and eupplemantary thereto, do here adopt the Pollo i' � I t►ing Articlee of � I Incarporation: � �. . AATI LE I. The neme of thie corporation ia 1_I1-yTny gy,eteme� In�, ARTI IE II. � . , The nature of the busineas and e corporate purpoees for Which thie � corporaLion ie being formed is genersl bus neee purpoeee. "ARTI III. - Ite durstion shall be perpetusl. ARTI IE N. �e locstion end poat office nd eee of its regietered office ia thie 8tate ie 400 Fhitall, St. Paul, Minneso}s 5101. �� ART LE V. ' Rhe amount of ststed capital tri Which thie corporation ehall begin businees ie Or�a Thoueand (�1,000.00) Doll s. ART LE VI. . ' , The totel number of euthorized ares of etock in this corporstion ehsll be 2500 sharea of coamnon etock, no value. . "ART LE VII. • 7R�e neme and poet office addres of the incorporstore of thie corporstion i ere se folloxe: s 4 Todd Wybierala, 1840 LaCroeae Av nue� St. Paul� Mn. 55119 � Thomae H. WyLieralet 882 Weetmi ster� St. Paul� Mn. 55101 � lUelly Isaseson, 1114 E. Jeeeami � .8t. Paul� Mn. 55106 ` ' ART CLE VIII. . ). � , ; �e nsme and poet office addree es and term of �:fice of the firet � � � Board of Mrectore are ea followa: i � i Todd Wybierels, 1840 LaCrosse A enue, St. Paul, Mn, g5ii9 �omas W. Wybierala1 882 Westmi ter, St. Psul� Mn. 55101 � ICelly Isaacson� 1114 Ps. Jessami e� 3t. Pa,ul� Mn. Ssip( � i � t � � �. • . � /'� �� , ���=i�� . ,, _2_ . I %/ The above Board of ctora ehsll hold office until the firet .i � ' � ' nnnuel meeting of stockholders. � l ' TICLE IX. i � �' The 8tockholdere may �nd slter the By-Lxs of this corporwtion ,, iwt inconaistent xith lav of the e Articlee oY Incorporstion for the government � of.tha corporation, the conduct f the sffsirs and the management of its property and the transfer of ite eha#��s. IN WITNES3 �EOF� ve heve hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals thie���ey of Augue , 1981. IIY PRESENCE OF: � Todd Wyb erala � `S/Th s�i.— biernls . S/ lly Ieeaceon STATPs OF MINNE40TA � 53 COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this ��ay of st� 1981� before me� a Notary Public vrithin and for eaid County end 3tate, pe sonslly appeered Rbdd {�iybierala, Thomas W. _ Flybierala and Kelly Isascson� to known to be the persone named ae the ittcorpoiatore who executed the fo egoing Articles of Incorporation� and they acknovledged that they exec�i ed the same es their own fY�ee ect snd deed for the uses and purposes th rein expreesed. � John E. Daubney Notary Public� Rameey County,Minn. 1�{y Co�iesion expiree Aug. 9� 1982 , This instrument was drefted by: John E. Daubney � 304 Degree of Honor Bldg. t $t. Psul� Minn. 55101 , � � ,� � /�3� -- - , ��9` , , ; ,� . �: � a�3���� .:.� INVOI r. , ., , � � �� `, v�. 5�...�T PAUL ���;,� �. , � � � � �V I • 640 Minneeot� $uilding '� , '�.;;,� r � y , , . .,�)Y � .+t f y +5:.�' ,.. ' st. paui, � 5�ioi �� � � , . . . Phone 2 22 059 �"��' �',�`��'"�,a�t<� , �� . , : , , . Date..w....S ..p.�be, r..a�8'.�...1981 . , .� s�tk��:�� �� p�•::, � : In Account Wlt�l . r� y i � , r '�,. , : . .. ;� ` , c � ''�� i..; � a � � . John F. Daubney,���Atby.� '��� � � � � � '' � . 30!} Degree of Ho or � Building '� '�•� • , .. St. Paul, MN 55 p�, � �?�;�a � �: ��,w';:� _, , . . �; _._._._.._...... t. ��� . , , . ��,` ,,�, ,.�;.'t� t ;t r,��s,� ; �� . 't t t���, � ' � . �:) � . � t , • . .. . . . .�^.""'�'a��vs �--s' ��: —�"`�'+ -� — - • . � r , �1 �I r �; . , �, �"�`.r r .- . . � Legal Noticee in Re: , ''���'��``�' � t:? ,i �.�;; , ' Haul-A-+Wa S stems I c. ' ;.�.,...w, .p��r.>;°� .,' . . . j ..........r .{ i� . , . . . o ce o ncorporation �,, �:18 � 55 _ � . � __ ,,,,,,,�,� ....�..�,:...»�......►..�;' � ._... + ra.: �� �+� n��,;s < < � No. Ineertions_... One 1 �......»� ; Datee_____�. ep . 1 � 1 ;,., _...,..... ' � � `?�Y9 t; : � : ; �,� �' . . � ; . Q , �;� '�: , ; E v� ��Y � { . ; dDat. 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'�� � !�,��i J hb..l.s�l,� �{,� w � fti F! iF;.� �� , � ,.�r�aF r �r�a � . , , ' � �y .t ,��• ,`� 7/ �J ir :�'f+.'.3.�",,t�iµ�;,>,rr��.�'sat`st.� �e °' P � °� h � ' t �� �M��'`[�;��� ��i��� +x�� k�{� �,��*���., F iv i +; .t t a �t t�+l v�ay �(�',r},t ;6 �:¢ ' .i � -\ �., r� Y�� q('� ♦ .� •�.ej ' �d ,�f � "3 hu'�� rA� -..f�S�f"'Ar�{�' A t l� F '�� S j��Y�i� �� R����t 41r���H (�Y �'��< �.l ..�:�" �' {`S.7"���;,t��a z��:t t ���:� '� t�~, . .' .�) , � :. , _.,.f r�Ftl� yY ' ��,.� a'��.. r F�.7�L r.?4� �i , y� F ,,�„ �,I��?�1,��:'��F,*�1,� ' K ,"':Secticsn:'1. �.The offic�ers of ;�hf�s°�co�por6�t�.oii�'�sh�3.ly'be a presiden�t� �s �;�r �,p II� `Nt �� • . . �. .5. . '... �'� i. _ ll :.��i' yAt� �. . . . .. ''. ( ,,��. �.."' '*�,s;`.�y�ti��,r,�;���i'ce-Px�sident;�a,secr�tary,and a,tr �su��'r,��,whi�,�gha1�. $e.�eleCted� fm� th'e'�terni.`oP � �����,�q;���, �� �^r5ne+year, t�nd':shall hold offic� u�ti� th�i�',��,����esao��,,.�►r�e,;sdul.y,�eXected�E�nd,�qualified,: � ,�� ,ritli�.�fa s��',�ny two bfficea, except. thoae of'��e 'i��nt�}�d,vied-pX�egf.dent�:.�ay-be,hp�+1fl�bY:,the �t ;:..;�; c� }y �k ' � ��. i �:.,C - I�� 1�'tt���).�'�.LjJ��� . . �!^r,7� '1k �i��,p � . '� rt�_��� �,f �:�.i 1.� � ',�',:����-"�� Bam@ pe�CSOrii � •.� :Y t ,��>,• ztJ�ie `�4� � �/i�rkt r�,. , i t•f r t `� �: .> , � �\ �i 4 t� i I>ti � .l� W6� � ���1°��u!�'r. - 7<i�: ��. � i�.'�' � ��a � J '• � � o-` ��''Hrir�;��t�R�`e r; ' ''',e 1 , < .� h ' 'J� t ,t� , l�f !��I f p � . , . r � � �:: ' if : -•, , ;+ �, �,; ! " , � '' ; �;�'�"+��'+�`�" :V�` 3'r�-;�" ` � • � `Section 2. ':`The reside�4t �a11Y r �fde'atf�fall directars' �nd sharehol,dera' ,Y; +�.�����R;���, t � P � � ,� ., � ��,��;, �k �;��, ��,.meeti�igs��and°sball have .general sup vis�on o'�er.��Y�e;�ffairs of.the��Cor,porstion�,a�c� ,, ,: rF ��t•,� ���`� �over ,the other'; officers::' The pr�si, n� ;�heI1.1 execu.te:'sll�.bonde; .inortgages; and � , ,y�{ht��+ ,L���f�;othe�� contracts of tYi'e corporation� d �sha1�. �e�fortri�a1.1`�sitch o`ther�duties as �are . � #,«,*�,�f�; ��!; w;incident .to his office: . In cas�,�.oY� he ab�.ei�c� ;o��d �ebili.��► o� t$e:,president� a . ' „ a � �,�►,,, � ,�� �• � � d � � �7r�1�,� , ,M w �p�yis dutie� ahall,.be per�ormed �y�th v�.c���iresifden�t r,,,p ; � � +:� � ,� � a . R��.fJtt M��,l�� �..� .'�'� 'i 'f�.� '� '��.���IMFC1 ''�r�' �:. ����. 1��r � �T � �, 1r �'i ,r"�I�+ti � � v: �. .� ..` � ,.i �..• . .� -' -,�� '., .'..., � q ! I � �:Yl� ,� F�:E ff , v �.'" ,:± . • .'� '.. � �' . j� �i'�f+�, r � i� ;�� 4ir °q' � . �, / � � �4��;4 �i�,# �;,�st .� � Section �. '�The 'gecretesy sha11�3�s�ue t�oti c�s of;�d�.rec�ors' and �"share�older,s`. �i��-��t j����k�a.meetiri�s �end`'s�hall �ttend �nd keep �e, th�.n�ite� �of��he;-ssme; shall have-�charge, of,all.: '; ����;.Y 4r Nti�,.�,���corporate bobks� <recorc3s 'ai�d pap��s `sha1�, �t��st,witli h�s signature�e�.l>atock " "�;'�N��; ,�`,`�'�� certi,ficate�'`and written contracts � 't�e eo��ora�ion;;�nd: �hal]. �erfo�m.all such ' c��:���,,'�,�y�qt�t other duties:as:;,are` iricident to his �f�'�eg:��'�, t�;K � i+yt.�' u ';:� ,,� `�;' , , ;'� ; ' , ts4�; P, �,�,�`?�"r , f . � ,� }r � s,: t , i r 4 , , � � l�t �.��w"; /��9+17 �S � Y 7: ��t ��;. , . a i�:����y�a�nY���trA,; +�r�«r"`�6 5 S "d-� � .' ' �".' .t �,i ,'S, "�tv<'�k'z, x,,1 y,'° � � • � 1• , .� �; � i: I • ; ��t:»���,�+���^ . 5 � .� Section �4,. The treasurer .sha1�.�;haV�e'.the cus�toc�y:o�' all moneys �nd. " ' , . � 'tr' �fi t� ;'q.� ��� .: .. . ,. ,< ' � �}��; �,� {;�p� aecurities, o�',�the �orporation, and•"s all g�.v��l�ond in'"fi�ch,sum and t�ritY1 �such sureti�s ,.�,, r ,_f �t . . . . �4 i�, � . . . . ;, � , �, �f��',�i,�����,�.as:the::direetoxs may require, ; cimd idne'dtiupdn -�h�p�'aitbful'perforndance` of" 'the.�` �#��' �+ �,;��'du�ies� of•hi� off�c�: He shall.'si � �11 �h�cks�;of'i�li�'cb po'ration�'"`shaTl keep '' ;; ���;:s,�� ����� , � �,, t �� ��t} � :3;�,�xegular book� of accouri�, and shal ,siibmit ;�hem� ,toge��er�i�ith,all his vourher�, f ',' ' ' x�1=r',t'.�^ ��� �r ec e i p t s, r ec o r d s, a n d �o t he r p a p�� , t a�t h'e.`fl i r�c t o r s!�o r 't h e i f� e 5 c e m i n�t i�n a n d ,�< ��'`r ��G,� �.,.. • , ,c��=pr, .} xR�,�approval as �often`as they may reqa re .andf ehell.,�er�o'rr�yal1; su�h bther duties e►a � � J� + t �. t F , .� �w T a• �. -,c i r • � �i�iJ.��1���J t{w � �"@ inciden�;to;his� of�'ice � I j'1 �i.'! y ? ;:l t �;'(r � i4�p` �f ' p �' � ; ., o� , � �tA�S�.;��v�f i�l+ i� f :� . � : �'[f ��•� � \��� �'At�c .t G .. � i�.:S j✓h�..� . .91,'. �. i "'� :� +I�S r4 f� � r x�i � 1..� r t � �� � . � ��t1 ts '� v � � , �,. T�q Fir ,��i ������� �1�t `�' P ;�/ „ti� � '� � � ��7Ftt�.��t��=� 1 { �'ti i x� `� [F TiV�•n• 'Y•'.�Y�i7fiL�Q�°��'��rr r���I 1 ��: p � � � � y ` �1.� �St; i � �k sy ir { � ' v i � � \ � , U � � x' i t1�44���;}�*{;�j�i ;:. , :' r,':�:. . !„ '�.'*. ; �y(:'� ��.� ,,�,��J `.; �i� ..., , ` .;, � � � " .;�� .',.�, � n���t��� ;dxi>'�x`�E � k ` Sec�ion 1. ,�'�All .certifie t�es'�of�B�iar�s :sh�ll,be' signed'1�y,,the pres�.dent � �P ^�>R q�.lCJ�'�$3� � � ,� � ' ��i � + - °' SvA�fi�it� ,���� i; yn .•�+ � �. .�� r��� � � � .�i �.'� w'�"yt Alld s4'cretar�l'. r ' ,`r �.t `�� � � v M1 ,�r � ,�� to '�A a .� � � � ;� i: �'�?S����.�y�fllhj �"4iiit }I t � t � 'CI♦ ���., r � �� � .I.n+«r�;����� 1 ����'4l�ri � �.1'i t14 �7i` �, ��r:, w 1.��, .�. .�' 1- t �Ij,i'.,r��; �a�yr��`S i'� i! ?':�'ti 1 ;i�,� ���.ir ! �'t. '� �.� r .`_:`� .��'�i-i i�S � `� � :'•l ��" '�,. i ��i l',f9 � . 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T �.�Y� ^±:� , f�.�0:�{ d1y� Lk,�q.ei(Y��-i�� �.r � �'� }��, '.,: � y.L::A' D� y* �y . r�.1�; tl. �eo� r �'��` � rt' i�l �i ,��. .� L��. � � i 1 ..3�� ��t� �i . 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Dividend's :to be.���p�id bu�yr�i�'F�,he��e�ned�I'�ur�1u8'�d�':�the , ,�.�. , 4 '���' ;,c�rporatioa m�y� t�� declared Pram tim� tb ' iaa��`�i�,�esolt�ti.on et��the Boa7rcl. of Directors. 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SE RETAkY��� ;IArE i ��'F� MINNEStlt� • • �j�J . �i, ' I,. . , h . � S�r �� 12 �s PN'81 ' � '. CERTIFICATE OF ASSUM NAME-STATE OF MINNESOTA ! Puiawnt to Chspter 333,Minnesota tutes.the undersigned.w�ho is or will be conducting or •haro�cdng a oommercLl business in the Sh of MLuiaota under�n aesumed name.l�ereby oertitia: 1. The aesumed name under which tha bus' is or wiil be conducted is: Haul-A-Wa S tems 1� . 'Ibe addrees of the princip�l pl�oe of bus in Minnesoh Is or wlll be: 400 �itall St. Paul �M���� 55101 , (Street) (Qty) � (Zip Code) 3.' The true name(s)and address(ea)of�the person,peraons,corporation.general psrtner,truetee�or beneticial oamer conducting or tearw ing or intending to oonduct or tra�wct t6e bwina� is(ace): �IVame Address . Haul-A-Way Systema, Inc. 400 Whitall� 3t. Pau1� Minn. 55101� ' 4. (Complete if applicable) This certif' te 1s sn amendment of Certitlwte of Assumed Name number filed wit the Secretary of State on . 19. ' Hsul-A-Way S�etems, Inc. W �DATED " ��v " �� ' SIGNED bY eJ-Yn-�rru�� (lJ.� � 7.homse W. ' • Wybi�!���1 Preaident (Print 1Vame and Titk) � SI'ATE OF Minnesota �� m�,iyZ.a,�F Rsmsey � � (� The foregoing instrument was acknowl ged be[ore me thi4 �y o[ Beptember � ��81_� bY Thomas W. Wybierala n belnlf of Haul-A-Way Systema� Inc. � NOTARIAL �J,Wi►an.aG Q• CLJ�.��rc.ve.o✓Ce�./ � SEAL � Notary Pubtic ' � My commiasjon expires �� 6` 8� ' ' ' �I�Nvtilayi.,�,..J.!y�Iv„�,���....v�' � �RICI7A�D A:�lYnIGRALA i �.-y'� rnenser couNTV. . ,�I��.,��N�TnHY PUOI.IG-IAINNE90TA . �'�-.,�.•Y MtC�lMiAlt.�11�1�^hl/1='1A.MCl,:1/�M✓Y'�' . ' .�.Mn�...n. . (d��,=�s�� � RECEIP / INVOICE �""-�_��"�` 4 RI 454532 JOAN ANDERSON+GROWE a I, V y � SECRETARY OF STATE STATE OF MINNESOTA • � a��fi€fiAkV _�� .'5..1�E M rN N�: ��:� . #�s+��� �00012.�« RE: Ha�Cl--A—Way Systems � 1'µ4p1 . �'�3� e�i���.�lil Treasuror's Fee • Fiiinc� Fee - County Reoorder Fee. Search-Initial Fee �Listings ❑ Photo Copy ❑Certified Copy Other � Tax , TOTA�. FEES , Date Ffled AMOUNT PA10 Remitter: J n E D � ADDITIONAL FEE��.DUE � 's0�+ Degree of Honor BZ(�g ��'LHASH PUT RIN oN ALI. • REMITTANCESI • a + • � REFUND � 1=1.00 OR LESS WILL NOT BE , . - REFUNOED PURSUANT TO ' ' � � M.S. IOA.4l.1 � � VOU WILI.RECE�VE A REFUND CHECK FOR ANVTHING OVER � �1.00 WITHIN A FEW DAYl, FROM THE DEPT. OF FINANCE. SC•00065•O1 �I' . - -- _ i. . ; �j�'�-/,Sc3`� E etro � ' � � SE iNc S�O�O�61 �8168 WEST 125TH STREET � SAVAGE, MINNESOTA 55378 �August 16, 1989 ; To Mr. Richard Wybierala: 'This letter will set forth and co firm the intentions of Metro � Refuse, Inc. ; ( "Buyer" ) to acquire the physical and certain other assets of Poor Richards, Inc. ( "S ller" ) . ; 1. PURCHASE OF RSSETS: Buyer will purchase, A;: S ller' s customer lists, consisting , , of all commercial and�ind strial front and rear end loading accounts, and all other r cords relative to tlze continuance � ' of operations, B: All the refuse containers located on the � sites of the customers to be transfered as well as all other I front and rear end loadin (dock containers in stock I� excluded) containers in i ventory. , . I, 2. LIABILITIES: � . ,. ; It is specifically unders ood and agreed that Buyer will not "' assume nor agree to pay a y tax liabilities and or taxes, costs, fees and expenses rising out of or from your employment or the employm nt of others or any other liability or �ayable of Seller in e istance now or arising in the future. ' 3. PURCHASE PRICE: The �urchase Price shall e determined by the following: A price for the customer ists and the associated containers ; will be determined by mul iplying the revenue billed by Buyer for the one month period eginning 60 days following the date of closing times 9. The prices for the contai ers not located at customers of the SelLer shall be according to the attached list and subject to inventory. Of �.iiis portion of the Pu cY�ase Price, $10,000.00 shall be all<��-�te�� to the Covenant To 1�Tot Compete. Com:�ercial sales shall in lude charges ( for regular service and extra services) for a y customers which are serviced by means of dumping containe s or picking. up loose refuse by means of a rear end loadi g truck or front end loading truck. . Sales figures shall NOT i clude finance charges or charges for customer service for ustomers which are presently the Buyers ( i.e. subcontracte from Buyer to Seller) or any , , ; t,�;� � � � � � � ,J�3� �,, � `. ' ' �'�'I ,� �5� ' ' � char es incurred as a esult of Bu er rovidin services in �; � , 9 Y P 9. }, the future �for the sel er; specifically but not limited to `; . Transfer Station work. `` Z'he terms of payment s all be as follows: $5C,000.00 at the time of closing, plus the remaining balance � to be amortized over a period of 36 months at 10$ per annum. The payment amount sha 1 be determined and the first payment ; shall be made 90 days rom the date csf closing. . I 4. CLOSING: ' The date of, closing th' s transaction shall be September 1, � ;:' � ; 1989 at a place to be �tually agreed upon. � � 5. BULK TRANSFER: �' i , ', , � - � On or before the date f closing, Seller shall initiate such ! actions as are deemed ecessary to comply with the Bulk Transfer Act, or in th alternative, agrees to ;hold harmless, � '� indemnify and defend B yer in regards to said act. � , 6. COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE: � At the closing, Seller shall enter into a covenant not to �� compete in any form (o ner, employee, finaneial interest, �, consultant, etc. ) in a y business associated with the front end or rear end commer ial refuse removal industry as well as in regards to the acco nts transfered herein for a period of 5 years. '� 7. DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION: . Upon execution hereof, Seller shall allow Buyer to review its books and records, spe ifically, financial information, route lists and customer lis s. Buyer agre�es that they, their employees, and other r presentatives will not disclose of any information of Seller btained in connection with their inspection except" inso ar as this information may be required to consummate this Pur hase Agreement. 8. CONTINUANCE OF BUSINESS: Seller shall, from the date of acceptance hereof to the date of closing, continue t operate the company in the normal course of business and not undertake or assume any liabilities which woul create a substantial change in circumstances. Should Seller fail in any manner to operate said business as norma or should Buyer fail to acquire the ; . � ��-i�-�� . �� i. � i�' ntcessary licenses and pe mits to allow for the proper operation thereof, this a reement shall be voided. 9. OTHER A�REEMENTS: As of the date of closin , Buyer and Seller shall enter into a sub contracting agreem nt whereby 'Buyer shall provide services to Seller for t e continued hauling of garbage from Se:�lers Transfer Station The price for such services shall b�qin at the rate _of $45 00 per hour for a rolloff truck and driver and $55.00 per ho r for a rolloff truck and driver and trailer. Additionally, uyer and Seller shall enter into an agreement whereby Seller may dump garbage at Buyers Transfer Station at a price to be determined to be the Costs incurred by Seller plus 5$. � A rental agreement -s�iall be made between the parties for the rental of the shop, ' land office, and facilities resently used by Seller for a mon h to month basis at the �ate of $3000.00 per month inclu ive of utilities, taxes, etc. Buyer shall rent from Se ler the trucks necessary to perform the pickup of the custo rs transferred herein until such time as Buyer can obtain vehicles for said purpose. lO.CONSULTING AGREEMENT: � Richard and Alice Wybie ala agree to enter into a consulting a_qreement with Buyer fo a period of no less than 60 days from the date of closin and to be at the direction of Buyer ' � in regards to work perf rmed at the rate of $500.00 per week. �x �;. 11.FORMAL AGREEMENTS: Upon acceptance hereof, Seller shall furnish formal , agreements which will i clude the terms set forth herein and � � contain customary repre entations and warranties, including authority� to enter into the agreement and confirming the � � � validity of the financi 1 information that will have been provic�ed. . ��,��7 , � . . The purpose of this• letter of i tent is to assure each of us that there is a mutual interest in t is transaction before we expend , amounts on legal and accounting services and we would therefore ask � that you confirm your intent to proceed by signing below. Poor Richards, Inc. B trc.�t- � itle �2 . Date �- �� `g�f' Y= R' rd Wybier la � � �= i� -� By: �4_ Title Date Alice Wybieral�" �, Metro Refu;e, Inc r- , ) " ' _ ,,� C ' ','�, � _Title ✓�1?L � Date �", /G Srj gy: , . Jo ph P. McGraw i ' : � �i � r�, ��-�'-is�� SALE-PURCHA E AGREEMENT This agreement entered into this day of �- - � , by and between Poor Richard's Inc. , a Minnesota Corporation, hereinafter called 'seller"; and Michael Hinz and Donald Hinz; hereinafter called "buyers". � • RECITALS FIRST: Whereas. The sell•er is located 40 Whitall St. , St. Paul , MN. , own and conduct a rubbish removal business under ontract with residential customers located in St. Paul and surrounding subur s under the business name "Poor Richard's Inc." SECOND: �Whereas. Buyers are engaged in a similar business within the St. Paul area and surrounding suburbs, under the b siness name "Gopher Disposal ", and "Eagle Sanitation", respectively. � i THIRD: Sellers have agreed to sell , and buyers have agreed to purchase only . the residential hauling business of sellers, specifically excluding the following: Al1 personal property, cash, acc unts receivable, trucks, off�ice equipment, and containers, upon the terms a d conditions herein after stated. IT IS THEREFORE AGREED 1 . Representations and Warranties. • 1 . Seller warrants and agrees tha : (A) Seller has good market ble title to all the business to be transferred and sold by it hereund r, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. (B) To the best of sellers' knowledge, there exists no judgement, pending or threatened law sui against seller, except pending license proceeding in St. Paul , Ramsey, and Washington Counties. There is no event which would co stitute a breach or default by seller under any contract executed by 't in regard to the business; and no other basis for any asserti n against seller which would interfere with, or prevent the sale to b yers of the business accounts'to be transferred hereunder. (C) Seller has no formal mployment contracts with respect to any of their employees. (D) Seller and it's princ pals, Richard and Alice Wybierala, are to refrain from entering into or engaging in residential refuse collection in competition with buye s within said area of St. Paul and it's suburbs for such period of (7) years. (1 ) r�, ������ 2. The buyers represent, warrant, nd agree that: (A) The consummation of t e transaction contemplated by this agreement - and the fulfillment o the terms hereof will not conflict with, or result in a breach of any term of, or constitutes a default under any contract, agreeme t, license or restriction ap,plicable to buyers. 2. Closing. The closing shall take place on September 1 , 1989 , or at such other date as shall be agreed to in w iting by seller and buyers. 3. Purchase and Sale. � Subject to and in reliance upon the within representations, warranties, and '� agreements of both seller and b yers and each of them: and subject to the terms and conditions herein stated: (A) . Seller agree to sell , co ey, assign, transfer and deliver to buyers, and buyers agree to purchase nd acquire from seller on the closing date all of sellers' rights, itle and interest, whether legal or equitable, in and to the following roperty: The residential refuse c llection accounts operated and known as Poor Richard's' Inc. , includin particularily customer lists covering approx- imately 4000 stops and specifically excluding from this sale all commercial customer list , accounts receivable, trucks, cash on hand. (B) . In exchange therefore, b yers agree to, and on the closing date shall� pay the purchase price t seller after computations in the manner herinafter provided as f llows: Purchase price shall be n amount determined by multiplying the number �� of accounts transferred n�the olosin� date, times the monthly charge, � oR r�l�f 6 Fi PR.r �s . times 10� For example, ssuming the monthly charge being $14.00 and the number of accounts being 4000, the purchase price woulcl be $560,000. ` (4,000 x 14 x 10) . /.�y"� ��. 20% of the purchase pric shall be paid at time of closing, and the �,�� balance on a promissory ote payable in monthly installments amortized o� � �_�t!x, at 8� interest, over 7 y ars, and commencing with the 1st day of/e�ch �-- and every month thereaft r, until the whole thereof shall by paid. For example, assuming a purchase price of $560,000. , the down payment would be $112,00 . , and the monthly payment would be $6,984.32. ($560,000 x 20% _ $112,0 0. , $560,000 - $112,000 = $448,000 amortized at 8% over 7 years is $6,984.32.) (2) �r V, V / /v �/ ♦ 4. Miscellaneous Provisions 1 . At the time of closing, seller shall pay over to buyers the amount of all prepaid but unearned se vice charges which have been received by seller. 2. Each of the parties, withou further consideration, agrees to execute such additional instruments or do uments as may be reasonably required by counsel for either party in rder to carry out the purposes and intent of this agreement and fulfill t e obligations of the respective parties hereunder. In witness whereof the parties have caused this agreement to� be executed as of the day and year first a ove wr�itten. � Poor Richard's Inc. ' b �.. � Alice S. Wybier , its �������- President ' Michael Hinz . p y Gopher Disposal ,c�vf't_e�� � �.(.� . i ar . y ier Alice S. Wybieral Donald Hinz � Eagle Sanitation (3) . � �/�f"�7 L W OFFICES JOHN . DAUBNEY ATTORNEYS A D COUNSELORS AT LAW 700 L DMARK TOWERS 345 S . PETER STREET JOHN E.OnUBNEY ST. PAUL, INNESOTA b5102 (6121224-4345 JANET C.FESLER" "AL50 ADMITTEO IN WISCONSIN August 17, 1989 MR. PRESIDENT SCHEIBEL and MEMBERS OF THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL Dear President Schiebel and Council mbers: Please be advised that as of this da e the recommendations of Administrative Law Judge Val M. Higgins, dated July 17, 1989, as modified by Assistant City Attorney Thomas J. Weyandt 's Recomm ndations of July 26th, have now been made: 1 . Containers or dumpster� ave been removed from Parcels A, B, E and Lots 2 and 3 of Parcel D. 2. Applications have been 'fi ed for P-1 zoning as to Parcel C and a variance to permit surface storage a to Parcel D and parking as to Parcel C. : � 3 . A site plan review applic tion has been filed for Lots 6, 7 and 10 of Parcel D and the placement of f ll on these lots. 4. Barb wire has been removed from the top of the fence on the north side of Parcel D. 5. Alleged zoning violations of Parcel A, B, C, D and E have been discontinued. ✓ The Resolution adopted by Your Hono able Body on August � 8, 1989, condi- tioned the suspensions of the Refuse Hauler, Solid Waste Transfer Station, Private Fuel Pump and all other lic nses h�ld by Poor Richards, Inc . upon compliance with the conditions of J hn Hardwick's memorandum of July 25, 1989. As stated above, these condit ons have been met , with the exception of the sodding or seeding as to Par el C, and the removal of fill as to Parcel D. If the rezoning and vari ce applications, as well as the site • plan are denied, then these condition could be met. . (��--�s�� Mr. President Scheibel and Members of the St. Paul City Council August 17, 1989 Page 2 The residential refuse hauling bus ' ness has been sold to a combination of Eag1e Sanitation and Gopher Dispos 1 (see attached photocopy) . The com- mercial business has been sold to etro Transfer, which already is a lic- ensed hauler in St . Paul . Richard ybierala, or members of his family, have no financial interest in any of hese purchasers, except in so far as portions of the Purchase Agreement h s not been paid. Because Gopher and Eagle are not pre ared to take over the residential stops until September 11 , 1989, it is res ectfully requested that Poor Richards ' Refuse Hauling and Solid Waste T ansfer Station and Private Fuel Pump Licenses be reinstated at this ti e, subject to the termination of the Refuse Hauler License on September 1 , 1989, at which time Gopher and Eagle would take over this aspect of th business. Metro is prepared to im- mediately take over the commercial s ops. The equipment to be transferred to Metro has now been safety inspected by the St . Paul Fire Department and the bulk of the requested repairs have been made. These vehicles will be licens d only after the safety inspections are completely satisfied. The foregoing represents the good fa th efforts on the part of Poor Richards to meet the conditions imposed by yo r Resolution of August 8th. It is the intention of Poor Richards to cont nue operation� in Ramsey County as a solid waste transfer station, and to maintain it ' s own fleet of vehicles as a refuse hauler in Anoka, Dakota and ennepin Counties. Respectful submi ed, ohn E. Daubney � tto ney for Poor Richard , Inc. The foregoing has been reviewe by me and is true and correct . POOR RICHARDS, INC. By �3.�-�.� �� �1 ��,.� . Richard A. Wybieral General Manager � . �C�"%s"�� Gopher Disposal P.O. BOX 6.NEWPORT,MINNESOTA SSObS (612)459-a377 .3�JLY 2�, 1'��-�3 TH I� LET TEfi I� T�) VER I FY TH� I P I k.N'I'I�?I�I C�F EAGLE �:APd I�TA'T i��t�l ANL? G�!�'HtR O I�F'��::;AL �:THE F'�J�;CI-IA'sE `��:t Ti� ENT'ER I t�ITi� A FI.+RCHAL�E AGf;EtMENT W I�TH F'c7c:y� F�I C:HARD'::;, I C . �:TN�. :�.ELLER� . THE I F; I�I rE�l T I:_� T�a F'�)RCHA:�E TFiE RE'-�I dt�VT I AL �T�;�F' �7R C�J�TOt�fER� E�E i NG �1tRV I CED �Y ��i ii�� F I GHAKD' �:, I P�IC . F►:�F F;EF l�• ;E FEM�:�VAL UN��; THk F��LL��W T r�G � Cf�tVDITI!iN:; . A� THE :=,ELLEF� AGFEE ' TO C�irNTIhdtJE T�) �?F'EF;Al'E THE Gtah1F'HtdY FF't�M HI=: FACTL.ITY Fti� A F'C�I��D {±F Tr� F, c`:.ix i WE.Et::�=, FR�?M D TE ��F THi� ��IG�li-.t7 AG�EEMEf�I�r . �:) 7HF F't iF�GHi�:_;E E.E `i t�f T I IWE�� TNtz CUF:R�tdT i�lc:rl•,'!'H�.'t C:I-i�a�Ci� ��F ALL HC:�T �'k; C:1.1::;'T�ah(EF s A'1 c:�F TH I�: D'r"�1'i_ . a i THF F'U�C:Ht�'�•E F:;E �1 �:��:I X) T T ME:� TNE C�.!RF;ttdT. M'�IdT kl,'r GHF�F�'GE. F�:1R "E�Y Tt-! EaG" CU'�TG��'1f:F;::�. E�AG'� U���U AF�T�:f: 1—i—:;�� W T LL EE RE M��.�f;�ED fi�;� THE FtlRCH�'=.;Ef; . E) 7H� F'l1tiC:Hia':�Et� REC: :(VE C:FFU I'T F�:fi ALL C�11'T'�'?ME'.R�� TFIr�'f 7E:�M1t���1TE '��tFVICE F'F;I��R Ttj t,�CTi�BER :�F�, 1���'r+. �i THt F'l1f;GHA:=;tR W.(LL F'AY ADD I T I��NA� F��h ALL. t��;:.t,� C:�1��T�:?MER'3 Ut��1 L TNE F�1F�t1Ht��ER E'F_G Ir1'3 7►) HHi;�. 1°tit: a�:�:i►t 1fJ�T:_� H I M:�El.F . � � G:� 'TI-I� :=��LLEh �(�F�E Tt� AN I N I 7'I AL C�t�WN F'AYM�I�T ��;�_%�`i� 7i� '�c_�;� s�F THE 1� L I tJG F'�I CE W T TH TFiF_ EFiL�a�Ji;E f!�JE I Pd E��fJi�L T N�_�Ti�LLM� i��. �.7V�.�r A 7 �::�E:VE N� YE�F; F'Eh I�:�t� Al' f�td It�lTERE'1T F,A7 E�,�,�JhL� TU THE FtDERAI. F�E�GFt�'E F�J�KG F�t�hGHA::�E F,ATE. H� F���hC:Hr��1ER:=.; !�_�:���t� N�7 L I AE�I L i TY a� At�iti� T I r�E F�iR apdY F I t'd�^, LEGpL F� E_., F`A'�T C�uE t�CC�'��JNT'�, UF. E t LL'� � I NC:�aI";hED �Y F���:fh �i GHF,F;C?''=, I hJC:. Wkf!LF I T I:� E��I t�G c:�F'E�;ATtD A� F'i?1R RICHAFiD'�, YPaC . UR �:� t�I�TF;u REF U'_;E. EAC;�F_ :=�APJ I�TF+T T t�hd Gi�F'!-fEk G�i<:�F�i��Al. Cic7h' ��' . � t�!I C;HAr� F �d? . /�� /'��' � . �'�z� . , � F��i�iR R I CH€��:D' `_�, �T NC . , C�ICF:: WYBiERAi_�l .c.cJ�-o�-� Q: �-(.1 . � 1 �O F S I N T �A U L Council _ , , '� File N 0. ��'���,, lcil esolution sented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date A resolution granting te porary use of �.icenses to "Poor Richards, Inc. " til September 11 , 1989, at which time ownership ' Poor Richards , Inc. shall change. WHEREAS , the Council of th City of Saint Paul recently held a hearing before Administr tive Law Judge Val M. Higgins regarding the revocation of th refuse hauler, solid waste transfer station, private fuel pump and all other licenses held by Poor Richards, Inc. ; and WHEREAS , on July 17, 1989, Administrative Law Judge , Val M. Higgins , issued certain re ommendations which should be met before Poor Richards , Inc. be allowed to continue their ' licensed operations ; and ' WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul on August 8 , 1989 suspended the refuse haule , solid waste transfer station, private fuel pump and other li enses held by Poor Richards , Inc. until the conditions set for h in Administrative Law Judge Higgins ' recommendations were met; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has been notified that the residential re use hauling business of Poor Richards , Inc. has been sold to new operators and that this transfer will be effective Septemb 11 , 1989; and WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul has been notified by letter dated August 17 , 1989 by John E. Daubney, attorney for Poor Richards , Inc. , t at most of the recommendations set forth by Administrative Law Judge Higgins have been met or applied for; and . WHEREAS , because the new own rs of the residential service COUNCIL MEMBERS . equested by Department of: �as Nays Dimond Lo�g [n Favor cosw�e� Rettman B Scheibel A gai ns t y Sunnen Wilson . orm Ap,�rvaqd by City Attorney dopted by Councit: Date ( ( � erti[ied Passed by Councii Secretary • BY `� D�� B� pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council pproved by Mavor. Date By _ BY � �WITE — CITV CIERK - �INK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council LANARY — DEPARTMENf •t�UE — MAYOR FIIC NO• � Council Resolution - �resented By Referred To Committee� Date �� � Out of Committee By Date are not prepared to take over residential stops until September 11 , 1989 , now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the refuse hauling, . solid waste transfer station and private fuel pump licenses be reinstated at this time to Poor Richards , Inc. , and allowed to continue until September 11 , 1989 , at which time all of such licenses shall again be suspended until further review; and, be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, that all parties clearly understand that on September 11 , 1989 the refuse hauling, solid waste transfer station and private fuel pump license that are reinstated pursuant to this resolution shall be suspended. 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g [n Favor • cosw�cz , Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form pprov d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certi[ied Passed by Council Secretary BY ' � By �. .. ....�a �... .�.. ,,,. t,,. c..�..., .,., � �.... ..:�