89-1517 WHI7E - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council _,�/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. - C�o ci� esolution �j���`��, Presented By ' Referred Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #11410 for a Class A Gambling Location License by K � L Liquors, I c. DBA Nickels Sports Bar at 501 Blair Ave, be and the me is hereby approved/� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long _�_ [n Favo Gosw;tz �� � __ A ainst BY Scheibel g Sonnen Wilson �U�'j 2 4 � Form Appr ved by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date • , Certified : ed by Counc.il Secre ry BY ' 7-� ' gy, Approv d Mavor• D ��u Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B�_� �� By pUg�� S E P - 2 1 9 .. . . . I . i5 �1 � � � � �-��- � DEPARTMENTlbFFICE/GOUNCIL DATE INITUT ID � Finance/License ' GREEN SHEET No. 4 3 8 tNIT1AL/DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON&PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNpL Christine Rozek/298-5056 �N CITfATTORNEY CITYCLERK NUMBER F MUST BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN,6 M(iT.SERVICES DIR. g_2 q,_g g MAYOFl(OR A8SI8TANT) TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR 8KiNATUR� ACiION REGUESTED: I Approval of an application for a C�as A Gambling Location License. i Notification Date: gCl � Heari RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(Iq w Rejsct(R) COUNCIL TTEEJRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLAWN�NO COMMISStON _CIVIL 8ERVICE COMMISSION A�Y� '� PHONE N0. _pB COMMITTEE - � -STAFF _ COMMENT3:� I _DISTAIC'T COURT - 3UPPORT3 WNICFI COUNGL OBJECTIVE? ; � IN�TIATINO PROBLEM,18SUE,OPPORTUNfTY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): ! K �, L Liquors, Inc. DBA Nickels Sp rt Bar at 501 Blair Avenue requests City Council approval of its appli at'on for a Class A Gambling Location License. This license will allow he liquor establishment to lease space to a charitable organization (Vinl�an National Center) for the sale of pulltabs and/or tipboards. All fe�es nd applications have been submitted. All required divisions - Zoning, F�ir , Police and License have given their approval. � ADVANT/�C�ES IF APPROVED: i I If Council approval is given, a ch�ar' able organization will be able to sell pulltabs and/or tipboards ;at ickels Sports Bar. I DIBADVANTAOES IF APPROVEO: � DI3ADVANTAGE3 IF NOT APPROVED: i j �o�'rcRl Res�arch Center RUG 3 i�89 ; i 1 E YES NO TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION 4 COSTlREVENUE BUDOETED(C RCLE ON ) I FUNDINCi SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) I - - ' . . .. NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the frve most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS (assumss sutFwrized COUNqL RE30LUTION (Amend,8dgts./ budget exists) Accept.(3reMs) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Direcbr 3. Clty Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4, MayoNAssfstent 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. qty Council 6. Finance AccouMing 6. Chief Acxourttant, Fin�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (ail others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating DepaRmeM Director 2. Department Accountant 2• �Y A�eY 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayoNAs�StaM 4. Budget Director 4. Ciy Council 5. Gty Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fln 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) � 1. Inftiating Department 2. Ciry Attomey 3. Mayor/Aseistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and�apercliP each of these�a eg_s. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order o�order of importance,whichever is m�t appropriate f�the iasue. Do not write�mplete sentenc�s. Begin each item in your lisf with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the(as�e in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEI(�HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or condiNons that created a naed for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply en annual budget procedure required by Iaw/ chaRer or whether there are speciHc wa in which the Ciy of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�ictlaction. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What negative effects or majw changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is psseed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequenc�if the promised action is not approved? Inabiliy to delNer service4 Continued high traffic, nase, axident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are�dressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? � • � � � . � ���i-/��� UiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT AilMIIVISTRA ION DATE b / ��/ / �I � INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW GHECKLZST Appn oce sed/Recei e by Lic Enf Aud Applicant � � �i S ^1'1G- Home Acldress � �� �� � Q 55ah1��� Rus ine s 5 I3ame ��L K e�S S�i��-S DG+/�' Home Phone �� �J � ��`�" � —�_ � Business Address `,.,�(�� � �Ct,�✓� ��"' Type of License(s) ���tSS � GArnbl�.-�q Business Phone �-f��1 '98sg C�c�.���� � Public Hearing Date � p� � I License I.D. 4� ����(� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council C ambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �l ��Q" llate n'otice Sent; � l o ��Q Dealer 4� lU �� to Applicant _ p�_��' P'ederal Firearms 1� � Public Hea.iring ��5� � ����Q� DATE IA`SPEC IUN REVIEW VERFIED (C0 UTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � 'g � � � ,�— Health Divn. � NI�} ' D� -- � Cc S a �-�- � 3� �1 Fire Dept. � � i � (,�.�a,�..� �o� �-p�p'z's„".e'.� ! S�n�' I Police Dept. �',� � �� 'l �Z Q/L � License Divn. ' �1 r� Sch ' 6 /L _ City Attorney � -�(�l � , 6 � Date Received: Site Plan (p 1�' � (/ � To Council Research 4 Lease or Letter f , ` � �� Date from Landlord �e C`1 � - � � � . � ��-i�Si7 DEPARTMENT/OFFICEI�COUNCIL DATE INITIATED . ._ . Finance/License GREEN SHEET No. " � INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PER30N 6 PHONE OEPARTMENT DIRECiOR �GTY COUNGL Christine Rozek/298-5056 A$$� CITYATfORNEY cmc�c NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNpI ACiENDA BY(DAT� ROUTING BUDOET DIRECTOR PIN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. 8-24-89 �R IAIIYOR(OR ASSIST�N'n TOTAL N OF SIGINATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOC TIONS FOR SK3NATUR� ACTION fiEOUESTED: ' Approval of an application for a C�as A Gambling Location License. ' Notification Date: Hearin RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)ar Rsjset(R) COUNGL COM TTEE/RESEARCIi REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMISSION _pVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _q8 COMMITTEE _ COMMENT3: _STAFF _ _013TRICT COURT — SUPPORTS WHICM COUNqI 08.IECTIVE7 INITIATINO PHOBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(1Nho,Whet,When,Whxe,Why): K � L Liquors, Inc. DBA Nickels Spor s Bar at 501 Blair Avenue requests City Council approval of its applica ion for a Class A Gambling Location License. This license will allow th liquor establishment to lease space to a charitable organization (Vinlan National Center) for the sale of pulltabs and/or tipboards. All fees and applications have been submitted. All required divisions - Zoning, Fir , Police and License have given their approval. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: If Council approval i,s given, a char'table organization will be able to sell pulltabs and/or tipboards at Nickels Sports Bar. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVEO: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BtlDOETED(CIRCIE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTtYFTY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPIAIN) WMITE �- C17v CLERK � � PINK - FINANC,E G I TY O F S I NT PA LT L Council � ./s-�� CAN4qY - DEPI�RTMEN7 BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � � RESOLVED: That application (ID #11410 for a Class A Gambling Location License by K � L Liquors, I c. DBA Nickels Sports Bar at 501 Blair Ave, be and the s e is hereby approved/denied. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Dimond ! ��g In Favor Goswitz i Rettman i Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson � Form Appr ved by City Att rney ! Adopted by Council: Date - , � i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' ?�� � � B}, � Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � By By i � . - � � �- /5�� TO BE COMPL TED BY BAR OWNER I un�erscancl ancl will uphold the ordi ance amending Chzpter aA� ot che St. Paul Legislac.ive Code (Incoxicati g Lic{uor1 . _ I further underscand �hac failure co omoly may resulc in che si�spension or revocacion oti . , On Sale Liquor an corresponding licenses. �1 Signature ; ��L —��a � Estsblishment S�' � �� c� -- �atz Recurn �o: License w Per;nic Division Room �U3� Cicy Hall Sc. Paul , �IiV 55 lU2 .,��,'; ;�,��.�, t�:t' ?-��(G Please retain the attached ordinance or your records. 3/sb . . _ � � li�id � . , . City of Saint Paul Department of Finan e and Management Services D,.����J!'�/J License a d Permit Division (/f' 2 3 City Ha�l St. Paui, Min esota 55102-29&5056 APPLICATI N FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. Ne Renew , .a o 0 oate � —� 19�9 Code No. � Title of License From �r� 1�To / 1�19� �� f^ ' . ;�\ � . � I �� ��5°r/� � '�P--� . � ApplfcanUCompany t�in� 100 � � �^ � ���i-u�L/ . 100 8usfnessName � ? �� � _ �'3 ,00 _,�/ �'�Z.��t� �,�t��L' Business Address Phone No. 100 100 Mail to Address Phone No. ' 100 ��.l ; 1!I�I r} � �„(�( 1.�.,�y'<i�( �� Manaper/Owner-Name ,� � � � � J � . e, sa.�,,,�� 100 AlanagerlGwner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 Applitation Fee 2 5� ,� c_' Y 's — Re�elved he Sum of 100 �� � , �,(����� ��'�� 7 � � � /��� ��j� � ManagerlOwner-City,Slate 3 Zip Code �'F� 10a Total 100 License Inspector � I��/ By: �� ��' Signature ot App�ieant Bond: Company Name Policy No. Expinlfon Date Insurance: Company Name Policy No. E�pfration Date Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No. Vehicle Information: PlatsNumber Seriel Number �tf1@f: THIS IS A REC IPT FOR APPUCATION � THiS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Yow application for lice se wili either be granted or rejected subject to the provisio�s oi the zoning ordfnance and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fir ,Zoninq and/or License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS G2� -� . �//��D �-��9 � �� ,� � . ' ' ' - • TO BE COMP ETEO BY •BAR OWNER Application vo. Date eceived By �– /,J` /� , . CITY OF SA NT PAUL, MINNESOTA CHARITABLE GAMBLING LOCATION Directions: This form must be filled out with a typewriter or by ptinting in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of Sx in the corporation and/or association in which the name of ttie license � will be issued. � THIS APPLICATION IS S JECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC .� -- — — — 1. A`�'plication for (name of license) (� (..1 • 2. Located at (address) �- �ue - 3, Name under which busiaess is operat w ►LlCtil.0 y�Q'� B�1d2 4. Tru�e_�.Name �c� ' Phone �77 G 363�0 � ' - (First) (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) 5. Date of Birth j � ab 5�- Place of Birth j-r�{�wL h�.w�� (Month, Day, Year 6. Home Address , !05'� Jg4��13c Home Phone `7 7D,36�� 7. Have you ever been convicted of anq gambling violations? wU 8. List licenses which you currentlq h ld at this location. /��- (L '£n.r,• Y�LZ.G�,4��5 � 9 � '�Th, 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GA1�ffiLI G BOOTH WILL BE LOCATED ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MA ERIAL SUBMITTID WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS A.PPLICATION. I herebq state under oath that I have an wered all of the above questions� and that the information contained therein is true an correct to the best of my know2edge and belief. I herebq state further under oath that I have received no money or other considerations, directly, or indirectlq, ia connection th this licenae, from aaq person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other n already disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. . State of Minnesota ) ) $8 " Countq of Ramseq ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this G`"`"'�' ignature of Applicant) day of 19 ' Notary Public, Ramseq County, Minnesota My Commisaion expires 1 � � � TO BE COM LETED BY �BAR OWNER Application No. Date Received By ����� � . CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' CHARITABL GAMBLING LOCATION Directions: This form must be filled ou with a typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner by each person who has interest in excess of , Sx in the corporation and/o association in which the name of the license will be issued. , THIS APPLICATION IS UBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of lic.ense) �L L_c;�v�M.� l�ce, 2. Located at (address) � t ( �L rr 3. Name under which business is operat d 1l;�<.«« .1��.a.�� S�2 4. True Name �`c�; M E(��x..,�. L A w^�>�_��- Phone � �r f F'�r (First) (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) � 5. Date of Birth - - �'� Place of Birth Sr' �'Ac�(, ,��jai�,,,���_ (Month, Day, Year °�i Home Addre ss ��� w � F 1.s q r.s r Home Phone �St�l`'��( �{ 7. Have you ever been convicted of an gambling violations? �10 8. List licenses which you currentlq ld at this location. Z�Y"Z� �Sa. r.-.� S'A�� [.':. S+G �= '� ,2 C � ",r.�r G r1 � �+ �- �L E 0 �� f(..� hXL:. ��•S: l �-f O ` _ 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAI�L G BOOTEI WILL BE LOCATED ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR TERIAL SUBMITTID WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have a swered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true a d correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that have received no moneq or other considerations, directly, or indirectly, in connection ith this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other han alreadq disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. . State of Mianesota ) ) se � County of Ramseq ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this �l.u.�... L'�- ( (Sigaature of App�_�,`— �l`�'� daq of �J,l.t;,.Q.J 19 g� � �1 / � �',�•...�. ��� ���� Notary Public, Ramaey Countq, Minnesota Mq Commiseion expires � I � � . . _ ��y �s�� s���fi �r_ui� �►�. �ou�-cl� �LTB�L� � �, .Ti�I�- � 01TC� . 1.�,�C1���L• � L LT l�A�Zd L� RECEIVED �U� 1 �1989 � CITY CLERK ...__.. � _ � � �. � Dear Property Owner: 11410 Nickel .. � Application for Class A Gambling Location license. This license will all w the liquor establishmerit to lease space P� O c� to a charitable rganization (Vinland Center) for the sale u L� `� of pulltabs and/ r tipboards. ���i- �.Tr K.L. Liquors Inc dba Ni.ckel Sports Bar --C�._ . , Ld�.+��=�� 501 Blair Avenue r--- —� A ust 24�9 9:�J0 a.:.. � i�' ,�� �.�`�C G�gC7� Co j �oers, 3r� iZaor C�c7 eaL' - Cae-_ -..aus� 3y L:.:.r.�sa aa ?�-�c Di��s�on, De�ar—._e:c oz =�cs aZr: i �o,�-�� S ,--�,�I*r+ �g�eat Se 'css, 3aa� 2�3 C+�� �L - C�ur. :�usa, Sai-.t Panl, w oca Zo8-5�56 � .�. � • '�=s daca �ag be c�an;e� �it�a c t�e conszac �d/or :.:.nc�?ed;_ oi cse L�c�asa �� °s�T: Di��:.on. _ i.s sugg�staa ��a= peu c=?? t`�e C:�; C�e=�` s 0�='_== ac ?08-��?l �., � ou �r*'sa c�n��--.��=��.