89-1514 wHiTe - c�rr CLERK COIlAC1I PINK �- FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. '���� - GANARYi- DEPARTMENT �LUE - MAVOR Co cil Res lution ��, <� �._ ; Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Parrish's Inc. DBA Parrish's S pper Club at 2176 West Seventh Street has applied for a Modification of Parki g Requirements for an On-Sale Class B Liquor License reducing the number of f-street parking spaces required from 116 to 48; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing bef re the City Council was duly mailed to each owner of affected property within 50 feet of the property for which the modification of parking requirements wa sought; and WHEREAS, the City Council based on evi nce presented at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes ake the following findings of fact: f 1. The applicant has been in busines for 18 years. Over that time, the proportion of his business depen nt upon dining rather than liquor has increased. The applicant has an conomic incentive to expand the dining area of his restaurant by 2,780 uare feet to accommodate this business trend. 2. The applicant has a verbal agree nt with the adjacent Highway Motel to use most of the 24 parking space at the motel for Parrish's patron parking up until 9:00 p.m. when otel patrons begin to arrive. The owner of the Highway Motel indic ed that parking for both businesses has been shared for many years wi h no problems. 3. The applicant has indicated that he has attempted to acquire a triangular-shaped parcel just so h of Parrish's to expand his parking but the owner, Pearson's Candy C pany, has refused to sell him this land. The applicant has, howeve , been able to lease the northern portion of this land to provide 2 parking spaces (counted by BIDD) for his business. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De rtm nt of: Yeas Nays ��, Dimond �� __� [n Favor Goswitz �� Rettman ��;�� �__ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form A oved by City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa ed by Council Secretary BY � By V A►pproved by Ylavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE �- C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AIN1r PAUL Council //ff �/'/ �LUERw- MAVORTMENT File NO•��_/"'�• Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4. The applicant has reported that th Pearson Candy Company has allowed Parrish's patrons to park on Pears 's existing lots without requiring any verbal or formal arrangements 'th Parrish's for such parking. According to the applicant, Pearson has allowed Parrish's patrons to park on Pearson's lots on Friday ev nings following the 4:30 p.m. Pearson work shift and on Saturdays when these parking spaces are not used by Pearson's. The applicant h s indicated that there have been no problems with this arrangement. Ho ever, the applicant has asked the staff to not contact Pearson's to v rify the existence of this arrangement since this "outside int rest" might endanger the ongoing viability of the arrangement. 5. The applicant has indicated that wi h this arrangement there is adequate room for off-street parking during he main business hours in the evening, particularly since Pearson's two lots have spaces for about 150 cars. In order to meet the parking requirements, the applicant would need to have access to about 48 par ing spaces on Pearson's property. 6. The applicant indicated that there 's plenty of space for on-street customer parking along Rankin Stree even though the requirements for determining off-street parking do n t take this into account. 7. There have been no complaints regar ing Parrish's Inc. filed with the Information and Complaint Office. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Ci y Council that the Modification (I.D. 16157) of Parking Requirements fro 116 spaces to 48 spaces by Parrish's Inc. DBA Parrish's Supper Club at 2176 We t Seventh Street be and the same is hereby granted with the conditions that t e applicant submit a written statement of this shared parking arrange nt between Parrish's Inc. and ' to the Licensing ivision and that the terms of such agreement allow for at least 48 parking s aces on Pearson's property to be used by Parrish's patrons during Friday e enings and Saturdays and that such agreement must be in place for the durati n of the liquor license. �oaD�i ESCv'C- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor Gosw;cz Rettman �be1�� � __ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2� �ggg Form App ved by City ttorn y Certified •ed by Council Secretary BY— B} , 't lr ` Approved Mavor• Da �u� 2 !� � Approv�d , y Mayor Eor Submission to Council B �� V✓�.= y � y ' B PUBIISI�D S E P - 2 1989 il � �r/� DEPARTMENT/OFFICEIOOUNCIL DA7E IN PED g_11 gg EEN SH ET No. 3�4 3 5� CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE pEpARTMENT DIRECTOR -�GTY COUNpL Marv Bunnell 228-3368 cxnr�rrora�er �CITYCLERK MU8T BE ON COUNCII AOENDA BY(DAT� BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAY�i(OR A8S18TANT) e 1 TOTAL�f OF SIQNATURE PAGES Z— (CLIP A L L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� �crioN r�cuES�o- Resolution granting the requested modifi at on of parking requirement for Parrish' s Supper Club at 2176 West Seventh Street. I�OOMMENDA710N8:APP►we(N a Rel�(R) COU REPORT OPTIONAL _PIANNIt�COMMISSION _qVll BERVICE COMMI8810N ANALY PHONE NO. _q8 OOMMIT�EE _ A STAFF _ COMM .• • —o�icr couRr — MA OR' OFFICE SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? INRIATINO PROBLEAA.ISSUE.OPPOR7UNITV(Wla�Whet,Whsn�WM►e�Why). Resolutuion requested by Council to conf�rm action to be taken at Public Hearing held August 17, 1989. � I I i , ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: I i I I DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: i I TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ' C08T/REVENUE SllDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDMIG SOURCE ACTIVIT1f NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) I NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL AAANUAL AVAIUIBLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE N0.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: � Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent rypes of dxumenta: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Gty Attorney 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/AssistaM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. �ity Co�nc11, 6. Finance Hccounting 6. Chief A�caountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (sll others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Depertment Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Gty Attomey,� 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayorfA8sietght 4. Budget Director 4. Clty Council 5. Ciry Clerk 6. Ch1ef Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating DepartmeM 2. Gry Attorney 3. MayodAssistant 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indlcate the#of peges on which signatures are required and p_a e�rclie �ch of these es. ACTION REGIUE3TED Deacribe what the projecUrequeat seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or orderof importance,whichever ia most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete aentences. Begin each item in your Iist with a ve�. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE9 Indicate which Council objective(sj your projecUrequest supports by Iisting the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGEr, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REGIUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED .Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are speciflc wa fn which the City of SaiM Paul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�ecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past prxesses might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increaaes or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED What wil(be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inabiliry to deliver service7 Continued high traifc, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue� FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you � are addreesing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? �"��tr o� �� /�/� '�•` �, CITY OF SAINT PAI;`L ° ������ ;� DEPARTM NT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ��� �� o DIVISION OF PLANNIIG ° A 25 West Fourth Street,SaiM Paui,Minnesota 55102 ,•,. 612-22&32'0 GEORGE LATIMER M/1YOR August 8, 1989 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, Aff�T 55102 RE: Modification of Parking Requir ent for Parrish's Supper Club at 2176 West Seventh Street (L' ense ID #16157) City Council Hearing: August 17, 1 9 Dear Sir: Attached is the staff report for the request by Parrish's Supper Club for a reduction in the amount of parking r quired for a liquor license for a planned new addition to this establishment. Parrish's plans to expand the dining area of his business by 2,780 square feet but does not have sufficient land to accommodate additional parking. When this addition is included in calcula ing parking requirements for an establishment with an on-sale liquor class B license, Parrish's Supper Club is 68 parking spaces short. The applicant has indicated that a 1 ng-time shared parking arrangement with the adjacent Highway Motel allows Pa rish's patrons to use most of their 24 spaces until 9:00 p.m. In addition, the applicant has indicated that an informal arrangement with the Pearso Candy Company allows Parrish's patrons to use nearly 50 parking spaces on P arson's lots on Friday evenings following the 4:30 p.m. Pearson work shift and on Saturdays when the spaces are not used by Pearson employees. This arrangem nt has not been verified with Pearson's Candy Company. Parrish's also lease 12 spaces directly south of the restaurant from Pearson's for parkin . The applicant is therefore asking that the requirement for 68 additional pa king spaces be waived. Staff recommends approval of the var ance with the conditions that Parrish's Inc. submit a written statement of t e shared parking arrangement between Parrish's Supper Club and Pearson's andy Company to Lhe Licensing Division and that the terms of such agreement allow for at least 48 parking spaces on Pearson's property to be used by Par ish's patrons during Friday evenings and Saturdays and that such agreement mu t be in place for the duration of the liquor license. The Highland Area Community Council as not yet taken a position on this matter. Staff has not received any alls or letters in opposition. � � � �-�.��� Albert Olson August 8, 1989 Page 2 Please call Marv Bunnell at 228-3368 if you have any questions. Sincer�ly, � � - '' / � .�(/ Pe ��^�����ichert ggY Deputy Director for Planning PAR/bP Attachment cc: City Council Members Joseph Carchedi, Licensing Kris Van Horn, Licensing Jerry Segal, City Attorney Wendy Lane, BIDD Applicant � �l�s�� LIQUOR LIC NSE STAFF REPORT 1. APPLICANT: Parrish's Inc. (Parrish s Supper Club) LICENSE ID #1615' 2. CLASSIFICATION: Modification of Pa king DATE OF HEARING: August 17, 1989 Requirements for L quor License 3. LOCATION: 2176 West Seventh Street (SE corner of Rankin and W. Seventh Street) 4. PRESENT ZONING: I-1 PLANNING DISTRICT: 15 5. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: TE: August 9, 1989 BY: Marv Bunnell A. PURPOSE: The applicant is requestin a modification of parking requirements for a liquor license. The modification ould permit him to serve liquor in a planned new addition of his establis ent. Based on the size of this new addition to his business, staff calc lated that to meet the licensing parking requirement he would have to provide 68 additional parking spaces. B. LEGISLATION CODE CITATION: Parkine: Section 410.04 of the Legi lative Code requires that establishments with on-sale liquor licenses provide one off-street parking space for every 45 square feet of patron area. However, it provides for modifications of this requirement: "The council may modify the off-stre parking requirements contained in this section. . .upon findings made by the uncil that granting of such modification would not have a substantial detrime al impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Modification, if granted, shall be by resolution adopted by at least five (5) affirmative votes." "In granting any modification, the co ncil may attach reasonable conditions regarding the location, design, chara ter and other features of the licensed structure and parking area deemed nec ssary for the protection of the adjacent neighborhood." C. SITE AND AREA CONDITIONS: The proper y is located on the edge of an industrial area and has a lot area of 16,959.6 s uare feet (120' x 141.33' ) . The property slopes down about 10-12 feet from Wes Seventh Street and about 6-8 feet from Rankin Street. This results in the r ar basement door being located at the grade of the rear parking area and th front entrance door slightly above the grade of West Seventh Street. Surrounding Land Uses: To the east i the Highway Motel and Pearson Candy Company property. To the south is pr erty owned by Pearson Candy Company. To the west is duplex and single family using and to the north is publicly owned parkland across West Seventh Street. License ID #16157 ��f%�J`��� Page Two D. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant has been in busine s for 18 years. Over that time, the proportion of his business depen ent upon dining rather than liquor has increased. The applicant has an economic incentive to expand the dining area of his restaurant by 2,780 quare feet to accommodate this business trend. 2. The applicant has a verbal agree ent with the adjacent Highway Motel to use most of the 24 parking spaces at the motel for Parrish's patron parking up until 9:00 p.m. when motel patro s begin to arrive. The owner of the Highway Motel indicated that par ing for both businesses has been shared for many years with no problems. 3. The applicant has indicated that he has attempted to acquire a triangular-shaped parcel just so th of Parrish's to expand his parking but the owner, Pearson's Candy Compa y, has refused to sell him this land. The applicant has, however, been abl to lease the northern portion of this land to provide 12 parking spaces (co nted by BIDD) foz his business. 4. The applicant has reported that he Pearson Candy Company has allowed Parrish's patrons to park on Pea son's existing lots without requiring any verbal or formal arrangements wi h Parrish's for such parking. According to the applicant, Pearson has allo d Parrish's patrons to park on Pearson's lots on Friday evenings followi the 4:30 p.m. Pearson work shift and on Saturdays when these parking sp es are not used by Pearson's. The applicant has indicated that the e have been no problems with this arrangement. However, the appl ant has asked the staff to not contact Pearson's to verify the existen of this arrangement since this "outside interest" might endanger the on ing viability of the arrangement. 5. The applicant has indicated tha with this arrangement there is adequate room for off-street parking dur g the main business hours in the evening, particularly since Pearson's tw lots have spaces for about 150 cars. In order to meet the parking requi ements, the applicant would need to have access to about 48 parking spac s on Pearson's property. 6. The applicant indicated that th re is plenty of space for on-street customer parking along Rankin Street eve though the requirements for determining off-street parking do not take his into account. 7. There have been no complaints r garding Parrish's Inc. filed with the Information and Complaint Offic . E. STAFF RECOhIl�IENDATION: The parking rrangement between Parrish's Supper Club and Pearson's Candy Company has not bee verified. Therefore, based on findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approv of the modification of parking requirements from 116 to 48 spaces with the con 'tions that the applicant submit a written statement of this shared parking a angement between Parrish's Inc, and Pearson's Candy Company to the Lic sing Division and that the terms of such agreement allow for at least 48 pa ing spaces on Pearson's property to be used by Parrish's patrons during Friday venings and Saturdays and that such ` agreement must be in place for the uration of the liquor license. CITY OF SAINT PAUL l,� d � �/s�� Application for Modification of Parki g Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Type of License you are applying or: t-- � " " _ � • ,,, _ _ : ' . .� --_�_. �-- -�S (On-sale 3.2 beer, On-sale beer a d wine, On-sale liquor) - ' B. Property Description: Corporation P a r r i s h ' s I c . DBA Parrish ' s Su per Club Address 2176 W Seve th St . , St . Paul , MN Legal Description L o t s 6 , 7 & 8 B 1 o c k 3 Kentucky Terrace C. Applicant . Name (Individual) James E . Anderson n erson ann onstruction Co . Business Address 2929 4th Avenue South Minneapo is , MN Zip Code 55408 Business Phone Number $3 5-5 0 0 D. Modification Required Number of off-street parking paces required 116 Number of off-street parking paces provided 4 8 S i gnature �`�� Date�-0 6-8 9 . . . Office Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �j����� PIN Number 1` - ''� - .� - �, - C�C- �' ��R�1�1.�C� S � $ �aC�.S License Number ZP I . 1 �� (���k��� . \ ; �. R� Q� � e�D. Type of License �� ���t_� �. .� . �. +� �a��•_. I'� ;r:��� -�-. ,. k_ a Z� �� ,` Application Fee � �� Tentative Hearing Date �� � �� , Ci o(Saint Paul - OepaNment ot Fina cs and Mansgement Services Ltcense �d Permit Dirislon ��� 6 g City Hall St. Paul, MI asota 55102•29g•SpSg ���i/5�,,,/� ' CASH CHECK c�ASS No. APPLICATI N FOR LICENSE �. N Renew . ��-� - o - ; � --�_ � �:- Date_1 �g _- ,' Code No. Titfe of License � ,' ��, /� From � 1��To �- L �� � � " -c/ r,i; • ,1 %i:/''.L' � � �_^,v ,� . \�jl ✓ �� � � � !� I— . ApplieanVCompany Nams 100 � t00 -- g�� .- � - �� _�_ I esa Name � J� � pp ;�� /j,. ' ^-a .•. �- _�, �.� i Buslnesa Address Phon�No. � 00 � i Malt to Address PAOne No. � i , � Manapsrlpwner•Name 1 4098 AppliCation Fee � ��anapeaGwner•Home Address Phone No. ;eived tha Sum of 2• 1 •��� .-� v- ManageNOwner•City,State 3 Zip Code �� Total 1 � ., �, � !� � , � ' � � ' ��'' ��� %� � '.=� !: •:, � . ./ nse Inspector -•--.. ',� ='�! �-.i �'".: ,�^ '. ay: � �---j� ���-- � �"� � 5qhature Of Applicant r - / �. . d: • Company Name Policy No. i rance: E:pintion Oate f Company Name Policy No. t iesota State Identification No. Exo�n��on oa�s � S cial Security No. ; I I cle Intormation: � ; Serfal Number Plate Number � i f: THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your a pls tion�forE eEse w►FO� eAbe 9f aCfed oON ected subjECt to the provisions of the zoniny 'ordlnance and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire,2oninp a d/or License Inspectora. : i �J � � � � $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RET RNED CHECKS ���1/�-�' � , ; � _ C �. i � ,;; . , - ,. -� 7�- � d� . . i i ��,� ✓ ` i � t • � � / �./ ( . ' ' ; � pi: � � / � , _ , ,'^ �/ �/ / I _ _ _ _ ,` ^ �/�J 1 • • � - ' - � �-. � ;/• i � . . ' - ._ _ y • ,. ��i��� � 2176 WEST SEV NTH STREET ST. PAI DATA aui�tas: 6rvss Area (2 Floon) Existing � 6,607 SF Existi�g Ner Useable Area � 4,667 SF Eaisting (Excludes: Stora9e. Hallra , Stairs, tttiltty and Toilets. Intludes: Exterior Malls) 6►oss Area (2 Floors) Ner � 3,000 SF Ner (Assusing All Useable Mea) - TOTAL 6ROS5 AREA = 9,067 SF 70TAL NET USEABLE AREA = 7,667 SF PARKIN6: (Based On Legistative tode for Licensing) • Existing Patron Area � 3,300 SFt Ner Patr9n Area � 2,780 SF` Code: 1 Space Per 45 SF Parkin Required Existing Parkin9 ° 48 Existing Required Parlcin 0 45 SF � 73 SAortfall 73 - 48 = 25 X SS � 6 New Parking Required 2.780/45 = 62 TOTIIL REWIRED PARICIN6 � 48 (EXIS7IN6) + 6 (SHORTfAII) + 62 (NEY) = 116 * PATRON AREA INClUDfS: Oining Area and Lustomer Bar Area, Stairs (1 Only). Toilets, to t Roos and Entry Yestibules. 0���� F��� 1�157 ' � � ,,sr s � ��y � ���� l�G �I�E �-�!�? � �i; �iI _� MINNESOTA }'_;� ; i���� �€��� _ a . II � � o�+w*� � z ,� � EtISTINO � �"'�"0' Cue!CUT q or sre ,�S < � � � OPE ♦UME . L�a/• •� L�Y' = TMEN ��• s O � • �° W t.Mr L �� O' n� a � � . a�..r � �a`D N M 11 AINI 6 MAl � � ' - � � EXISTING BUILDING pDD ON ~ ` W �°° r!9/�00110.1�tJi' � . �i�1{001 L MIf � /� •�A {i r..` a srr � �o ... �� a�ar• � ■.. '�" . ' I.�_t.� N PL NTE E�iNQC�. � � - j EM 71C. ' . �� • ID£W lK � i .-. ��� MND S��IHS Y �r��i.o w�u � �- --1 �. I `� Z a es• Q E7[ISTIN6 � . CURB CUT 70�OI�W t.tMX ` W / A <K�'• I I ' ► � y pA�tlG ST F s � y • M1w�aA 1 � a L R�' �'� ► o7Enir uME � ExiSTINO CURB CUT � � WEST _ SEVENTH TREET • � � �7� ■ � PLAN ��`r , ' t/lE'•t'-0' \,� � • EXISTINO 9UILDINp NEW ADDITION (�Q /�/�j� /IIEf1M�3NED YETK �IItTNO�IAfN�M6 Ft��iMM10 NEM 11M►� wMIMO i�s��,�q}� [IItTM14 AfMINO CANO►t�I N 1000 I � -nvoeo P pEY00ElED�11ElOC�ttD Ei1tT�NO AMMWO � �I^ � �'I tt'►AIMTCD f i `I I I __ - . . � - CONC.KOGR I � � I i — - �� UTAT[O OlAi3 1M uW04ED � I I�' � I ' -- � � M10N2E ALUr.FRwrE W�E R R O O I I I• �i , �� � _ - e� ��EIqTIM6 DOON � � j � EZISTIMO Aii El1iTW0 AWOO�I3 ENTIIAMCE O!E ( � ►IlURE11 REYOVED. �OV�OE EIItSTINO CONC.AOCIt, •AIMTE�C NQ�tOCK � I ►110VIOE MEM tA1NT i0 YATCN YISTINO 1 � LOMEII KOOR � - - �__—__----___—__�__ - - --- -- NORTH ELEVATtO �is•-�•-o• i1NGlE tL7 BOOfWO . . VNEFINISN�D YETAL F�ASMIN6 NEN YINtL AMNINO CANOr► REY�7ElED i NELO�ATED � ExISTING AW11iN$ _ i � � -" -- i � � I I __ NSULATEO[3lASS IN AN0012E0 j 1 BRON2E A�UY.fRAYES -- � � -- UY►ER PIOOR � PAtNTED CONC. lLOCK �'X 12'PAINTEO�� `�'-[� � _ TO wATCM E115TIN6 CONG.BLOCK '� -' - -- � - �______ _ LOtKER FLOOP � �__—___1 �� \ '__—__—_ WEST ELEVATiON „8•=,•-o- � ���G ��L� �� . I_ _ . • . �.- ` � � : .. ,<'.. ,w ' r � • �' �• r � ' . 1 , � . �" ! - l . .•.. . .r 3 . ' , ��� �� . � � ,�, � � - . , ' �.' ` f' .. .' ;� � � t ' � �-� �- f; � r /� r� ' ` • !� - � C . � ' - . . ' ` /"'.. • r` ' � . ` r�� ` i � _ . . I�t_ , ' .� f. � . J � ' . ` ' .� .', � . ,. . _ r i � �., i' ' , . ` - .' '. • , . , •t T , a , •. • . . . • • : . , . o � o J 0 C � , - - . . . � r ' � �• L� r � i � � � �� ( . `, a. 1 ., , . � O • - - � • � ' ' ,• � ; ,. , . . � " . -- . � C �- - "� r ;- . . _ ' 0 � __..,_ � _♦ � � , � , t+� � ' • ` 4+ < <��- . .. ` � ' p � —� � . .` ' ` ' - - z� �� . ' r ��� { � .� . r'; t . ` � t t, `� �J ; V v O � � � f 1, _ . . . '` •'. ` . � 3 , - � ,... � �. . � � v . ' �. . ; .°. r � J ; t , �, � ' . _ __ , . . � _ ' , r•� ` `- . '• � �'� PE�S�� , �. . � ♦ ' �� GAkIJj�� , . ,.- ;' �„O. , � • • ; � � , ,- �� . - - . � � � � 9 .^. � ; � `� � � ! - : . =,. � � , ° � � - . o � ' o •' � c . � �� z �� • 0 0 . .� G . • . �� . �� � . . � �� : � . � � � �� � � ; � _ -- -��� � y pqreQ�sH 's ���. _ APPLICANT LEGEND MoDtFi�T�0�1 oF PAae.K�N G- PURP08E �RE uir2�1 TS �R 1..1 u� U���� zoning distrk;t boundary FILE# �(°� S� DATE �u S�- 17 19 9 � subjed property �ra�rMta PLNG. DIST (S MAP# 3� o one fam�y • a � �m��;a� � two family ♦ �� industrial SCALE 1" = 400' �� ��Q ���m;�y V vacaM w«�re - c�r. c��ww COYf1Ci1 P�NR � i1N�NC( G I TY O F A I NT PA U L ��/--/.�"� C�N�A• - OHp�ATM(MT u SluE - w��rOn �'l�� ^O• 7 Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Commi ttee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Parrish's Inc. DBA Parrish's upper Club at 2176 West Seventh Street has applied for a Modification of Park ng Requirements for an On-Sale Class B Liquor License reducing the number of ff-street parking spaces required from 116 to 48; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing be ore the City Council was duly mailed to each owner of affected property within 350 feet of the property for which the modification of parking requirements w s sought; and WHEREAS, the City Council based on evi ence presented at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minute make the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant has been in busin ss for 18 years. Over that time, the proportion of his business depe dent upon dining rather than liquor has increased. The applicant has a economic incentive to expand the dining area of his restaurant by 2,780 square feet to accommodate this business trend. 2. The applicant has a verbal agre ment with the adjacent Highway Motel to use most of the 24 parking spac s at the motel for Parrish's patron parking up until 9:00 p.m. when motel patrons begin to arrive. The owner of the Highway Motel indi ated that parking for both businesses has been shared for many years ith no problems. 3. The applicant has indicated tha he has attempted to acquire a triangular-shaped parcel just s uth of Parrish's to expand his parking but the owner,� Pearson's Candy ompany, has refused to sell him this land. The applicant has, howe er, been able to lease the northern portion of this land to provid 12 parking spaces (counted by BIDD) for his business. CpUNCII- MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas N� Di�o�d [,o.� in Favo caswi� � Against By s...� w0soo Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ey Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council Approved by dAavor: Date Rv By wHITC - C�rr _�EwK O��yN � CIN�NCE C�ACII /' ��N�R♦ - DEP�RTMEN T G I TY O F S�A I NT PA L' L (� �j OI.UE � M�vOw F1IC NO.- / �/� ' Counci Resolution Presented By Referced To � Committee: Date -- Out of Committee By Date 4. The applicant has reported that t e Pearson Candy Company has allowed Parrish's patrons to park on Pea on's existing lots without requiring any verbal or formal arrangements with Parrish's for such parking. According to the applicant, Pears n has aliowed Parrish's patrons to park on Pearson's lots on Friday venings following the 4:30 p.m. Pearson work shift and on Saturda s when these parking spaces are not used by Pearson's. The applicant fias indicated that there have been no problems with this arrangement. owever, the applicant has asked the staff to not contact Pearson's t verify the existence of this arrangement since this "outside i terest" might endanger the ongoing viability of the arrangement. 5. The applicant has indicated that ith this arrangement there is'adequate � room for off-street parking duri g the main business hours in the evening, particularly since Pear on's two lots have spaces fo� about 150 ca�s. In order to meet the parking requirements, the applicant would � need to have access to about 48 arking spaces on Pearson's property. 6. The applicant indicated that the e is plenty of space for on-street customer parking along Rankin St eet even though the requirements for dete�mining off-street parking d not take this into account. 7. There have been no complaints re arding Parrish's Inc. filed with the Information and Complaint Office NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEO, by the City Council that the Modification (I.D. 16157) of Parking Requirements f om 116 spaces to 48 spaces by Parrish's Inc. DBA Parrish's Supper Club at 2176 West Seventh Street be and the same is hereby granted with the conditions tha the applicant submit a written statement of this shared parking arran ement between Parrish's Inc. and Pearson's Candy Company to the Licensi g Division and that the ternis of such agreement allow for at least 48 parkin spaces on Pearson's property to be used by Parrish's patrons during Frida evenings and Satu�days and that such agreement must be in place for the dur tion of the liquor license. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas NaYs Dimond � [n Favor cosw�itz � Against By sonneo Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney ' Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By .� ^ IP!� �$C1TY �A L-}'V r R '. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL k `t� ° �������,,,, ; DEPARTMEN OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT v 1°� �� � � DIVISION OF PLANNING . � 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 186� 612-22&3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR f�ECEJV'ED August 8, 1989 A�1G 111989 Albert Olson, City Clerk ��T� C�.�t'�ia Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Modification of Parking Requireme t for Parrish's Supper Club at 2176 West Seventh Street (Lice se ID #16157) City Council Hearing: August 17, 1989 Dear Sir: Attached is the staff report for the re uest by Parrish's Supper Club for a reduction in the amount of parking requ red for a liquor license for a planned new addition to this establishment. Parrish's plans to expand the dining ar a of his business by 2,780 square feet but does not have sufficient land to ac ommodate additional parking. When this addition is included in calculatin parking requirements for an establishment with an on-sale liquor cl ss B license, Parrish's Supper Club is 68 parking spaces short. The applicant has indicated that a long time shared parking arrangement with the adjacent Highway Motel allows Parri 's patrons to use most of their 24 spaces until 9:00 p.m. In addition, th applicant has indicated that an informal arrangement with the Pearson C dy Company allows Parrish's patrons to use nearly 50 parking spaces on Pears n's lots on Friday evenings following the 4:30 p.m. Pearson work shift and on aturdays when the spaces are not used by Pearson employees. This arrangement as not been verified with Pearson's Candy Company. Parrish's also leases 12 spaces directly south of the restaurant from Pearson's for parking, e applicant is therefore asking that the requirement for 68 additional parkin spaces be waived. Staff recommends approval of the varianc with the conditions that Parrish's Inc. submit a written statement of the s ared parking arrangement between Parrish's Supper Club and Pearson's Cand Company to the Licensing Division and that the terms of such agreement all w for at least 48 parking spaces on Pearson's property to be used by Parrish s patrons during Friday evenings and Saturdays and that such agreement must b in place for the duration of the liquor license. The Highland Area Community Council has ot yet taken a position on this matter. Staff has not received any call or letters in opposition. Albert Olson August 8, 1989 Page 2 Please call Marv Bunnell at 228-3368 i you have any questions. Sincerely, �� Pe ��������ichert ggy Deputy Director for Planning PAR/bP Attachment cc: City Council Members Joseph Carchedi, Licensing Kris Van Horn, Licensing Jerry Segal, City Attorney Wendy Lane, BIDD Applicant LIQUOR LICE SE STAFF REPORT 1. APPLICANT: Parrish's Inc. (Parrish' Supper Club) LICENSE ID #16157 2. CLASSIFICATION: Modification of Par ing DATE OF HEARING: August 17, 1989 Requirements for Li uor License 3. LOCATION: 2176 West Seventh Street SE corner of Rankin and W. Seventh Street) 4. PRESENT ZONING: I-1 PLANNING DISTRICT: 15 5. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: D E: August 9, 1989 BY: Marv Bunnell A. PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting a modification of parking requirements for a liquor license. The modification w uld permit him to serve liquor in a planned new addition of his establis ent. Based on the size of this new addition to his business, staff calcu ated that to meet the licensing parking requirement he would have to provide 8 additional parking spaces. B. LEGISLATION CODE CITATION: Parkine: Section 410.04 of the Legis ative Code requires that establishments with on-sale liquor licenses provide ne off-street parking space for every 45 square feet of patron area. However, it provides for modifications of this requirement: "The council may modify the off-stree parking requirements contained in this section. . .upon findings made by the c uncil that granting of such modification would not have a substantial detrimen al impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Modification, if granted, shall be by resolution adopted by at least five (5) affirmative votes." "In granting any modification, the co ncil may attach reasonable conditions regarding the location, design, chara ter and other features of the licensed structure and parking area deemed nec ssary for the protection of the adjacent neighborhood." C. SITE AND AREA CONDITIONS: The proper y is located on the edge of an industrial area and has a lot area of 16,959.6 s uare feet (120' x 141.33' ) . The property slopes down about 10-12 feet from Wes Seventh Street and about 6-8 feet from Rankin Street. This results in the r ar basement door being located at the grade of the rear parking area and th front entrance door slightly above the grade of West Seventh Street. Surrounding Land Uses: To the east i the Highway Motel and Pearson Candy Company property. To the south is pr erty owned by Pearson Candy Company. To the west is duplex and single family using and to the north is publicly owned parkland across West Seventh Street. License ID #16157 Page Two D. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant has been in busines for 18 years. Over that time, the proportion of his business depend nt upon dining rather than liquor has increased. The applicant has an conomic incentive to expand the dining area of his restaurant by 2,780 s uare feet to accommodate this business trend. 2. The applicant has a verbal agreem nt with the adjacent Highway Motel to use most of the 24 parking spaces at he motel for Parrish's patron parking up until 9:00 p.m. when motel patron begin to arrive. The owner of the Highway Motel indicated that park ng for both businesses has been shared for many years with no problems. 3. The applicant has indicated that has attempted to acquire a triangular-shaped parcel just sou of Parrish's to expand his parking but the owner, Pearson's Candy Compan , has refused to sell him this land. The applicant has, however, been able o lease the northern portion of this land to provide 12 parking spaces (coun ed by BIDD) for his business. 4. The applicant has reported that th Pearson Candy Company has allowed Parrish's patrons to park on Pears n's existing lots without requiring any verbal or formal arrangements with Parrish's for such parking. According to the applicant, Pearson has allowed Parrish's patrons to park on Pearson's lots on Friday evenings following he 4:30 p.m. Pearson work shift and on Saturdays when these parking space are not used by Pearson's. The applicant has indicated that there have been no problems with this arrangement. However, the applica t has asked the staff to not contact Pearson's to verify the existence f this arrangement since this "outside interest" might endanger the ongoi g viability of the arrangement. 5. The applicant has indicated that w'th this arrangement there is adequate room for off-street parking during he main business hours in the evening, particularly since Pearson's two lo s have spaces for about 150 cars. In order to meet the parking requireme ts, the applicant would need to have access to about 48 parking spaces o Pearson's property. 6. The applicant indicated that there s plenty of space for on-street customer parking along Rankin Street even th ugh the requirements for determining off-street parking do not take this into account. 7. There have been no complaints regar ing Parrish's Inc. filed with the Information and Complaint Office. E. STAFF RECONIlrIENDATION: The parking arra gement between Parrish's Supper Club and Pearson's Candy Company has not been ve ified. Therefore, based on findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the modification of parking requirements from 116 to 48 spaces with the conditio s that the applicant submit a written statement of this shared parking arrang ment between Parrish's Inc, and Pearson's Candy Company to the Licensin Division and that the terms of such agreement allow for at least 48 parking spaces on Pearson's property to be used by Parrish's patrons during Friday even gs and Saturdays and that such agreement must be in place for the dura ion of the liquor license. % CITY OF SAINT PAUL Application for Modification of Park ng Requirements A. T e of License ou are a 1 in for: � �,=,�-,:� ,�_ ,_ � i.�.�, ;�. �<,a- . ��.� YP Y PP Y 8 �-�ix_ i-,_ti��, r.� ,�_ y� O �-(�-- _� � (On-sale 3.2 beer, On-sale beer d wine, On-sale liquor) � '�' B. Property Description: Corporation P a r r i s h ' s I n c . DBA Parrish ' s Su per Club Address 2176 W Seven h St . , St . Paul , MN Legal Description L o t s 6 , 7 8 B 1 o c k 3 Kentucky errace C. Applicant Name (Individual) J a m e s E.. n d e r s o n n erson- ann onstruction Co . Business Address 2929 4th venue South Minneapol ' s , MN Zip Code 55408 Bus ines s Phone Number 8 3 5-S 0 0 D. Modification Required Number of off-street parking sp es required 116 Number of off-street parking sp es provided 4$ S ignature !�`�� Date�-0 6-8 9 . . . Office Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �f��•��( PIN Number t` --� `� - ; - � - C.�C: �' ��R�A�1.�C� � � $ I�AC R.S License Number �p t , 1 �� {�+4Q k��� Type of License i.� �:c�i:'� l, .< • � ��. �.� QV � �'�D• �Q,i,.�r.�1 �4• cr:C�c. ;-:.,,, �,:}. ?, Z:�—t?o Application Fee -� �� Tentative Hearing Date �� � �� ' Department of Fina�nce ndtManagement Services , License and ermit Division ��� 6 'g - 203 ty Hall ; St. Paul, Mi��e a 55102•298-5056 �ASH CHECK c�nss No. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE ' � � �'� _ New Renew • ! � ' i 1 i �7 , . oate — t9� � . :ode No. Title of license �--�- /���; .,C,�' _� . , , From � 19�'�Tp 7- L �� ( =i" / ,sr; �� :'1 � /i �/% • � . ,� _ t � S- OG j� , i ` � � . _—�--,— : �'� — 7'u ,� �- � ' . ;_ �; f.,,.. APP��canvGOmpany Name , . � �l . . \ : ; — � �'� '� � _ � 100 ; . , .,_ . • . i.__ nua�ness Name , � � ' �� ( 100 ,� /j " L,r � �%-,r ., r %`, : r Busmess Addross Phon�No. 100 I �� MaittoAddress 1 Phone No. � I 100 �� ManapeNOwner•Nam� t098 AppliCation Fee �� AlanaqeNGwner-Home Address Pnone No. eived the Sum of 2• 50 100 a �� ;� �v �� --.� ManagedOwner�Ctty,Slate d Zip Code Total 100 /,� ,, � i/ spector -•--..,� ` , �, `�.� ��� j� �,'�.��" /"� �. ise In - 8y�� �"��.� ;/ ,// ��� , � ./ — '� : • t�i-'; ( ✓ L � � �ghafure of Apphcant � � - � �' ' ; �: ' . � Company Name � oliCy No. Expiration pate rance: Company Name licy No. ; �esota State Identification Na ezp�ranon oa�e + 5oci I Security No. ) :le Information: I Ssrlal Number + r; late Number THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your a pis t oA�o ECeESe w�FORe�be gLaC ed orO ejected subject to the provisions o(th ordinance and cOmpletion of the inspections by the Heatth, Fire,Zoninp and r�icense Inspectore, e=oning � � I $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETU ED CHECKS ��� � C,� ;� ,- C , ^ ; _ � I .-t. � ' F_ Ll —� � � / ; •� �. , ' _" ' �_ /J.'�<<� , - .�l�J �/7/� � � � � ' - - �' - � �'�- ,;, ; � s�• -• , :� � � i �:. _ � �_ s: • � ' 2176 WEST SEV NTH STREET ST. PA�' DATA � BUILDIN6: �oss Area (2 Floon) Existing = 6,607 SF Existing Ner Useable Area � 4,667 SF Existing (Excludes: Storege, Na11wa , Stairs, Utility and Toilets. Includes: Ezterior Walls) 6ross Area (2 Floon) tler s 3,000 SF Ne�+ (Assusing A1] Useable Mea) - TOTAi. 6ROSS AREA = 9,067 SF T0T1tl pET USEABLE AREA = 7,667 SF PARKIN6: (Based On Legislative Gode pr Licensing) • Existing Patron Area � 3,300 SF; New Patron Area = 2.780 SF' Code: 1 Space Per 45 SF Parking Required Existing Parking ' 4$ Existing Required Parking 45 SF = 73 Shortfall 73 - 48 = 25 X S � 6 Ner Parking Required 2,780/45 62 TOTAL REQUIRED PARKIN6 � 48 (EXIS7IN6) ; 6 (SNORTFALL) 62 (NE1i) � 116 * PATRON AREA INLLUD£5: Dining Area nd Customer Bar Area. Stairs (1 Only), Toilets, Coa Roos and Entry Yestibules. Z N I NG FI LE �- ' . f � i � � Z NING FItE ��� '� . � � �i; ��', _� MINNESOTA �'=t� ; ����� � . ��� � � �,� °e . � � ° z _ '��g . E7IISTINO � , � •'�'0� cu�s cur m�r aa � � r re r u [ < a�v+ -• `� m� = TRASN j+ � � p V `a �a.. � OC� � W ¢� a� � � � ......� ai�; N 1M N AINI 6 MA� . . � � EXISTING BUILDING ADD ON ~ r � � � rru woa�a w»r . W � • . l0�I1000 a.MJT . • W ' . . �;� �' ` « e �..: ~ �3 � �� � L n.�'• !� .d � � � N I�~�� PL NTER � . . . ppgf�lpppqG � EN NC. ' . . l�EMNX � � � ���• . IDEW lK� - Z . - '� "I ND S 111R8 v f7�1f41 � __�� L MC . y . . IETNlA MALL . lOCI. � ' ���. Z . . L q.I� � EXISTINO � . - CU88 CUT � • �a►s�ra �»i.r . W , a KY+ � / H � ¢ p y7 s ¢ � i �� J t � ��'� �P O?EATY UNE s��� E7(ISTINO � � GURB CUT � � . N WEST . SEVENTH TREET • � � S�T� PLA�1 °�`r ' � ,,,e•-,�-o- � EXI3TIN0 BUILOINO NEW ADDITION . /NEiWISXED YCRAL E11iTIN0 flAiNlNG � FIAaNN10 NEM YIMTL AMNI O [xtiTWO AIMNINO CAMO►r AITN l O � j1��. �_ 1_ ���M'�x K�ie•�4. snxso s�uaa���� .. � : : � _� 11EYODELED i IIELOCATED Ei�tTx�3 Awwu�O - �e . • . . . 1'X tY MfNT[D _ CONC.KOCK . ULATEO OLAiS tM�ANODIZED W►ER KOOII __- - B B � . . eNOM2E AIUY.iRAYE . ��EXIETIMQ DOON EIIlETM1O OlAES I � I � � Ex�fTUio wwooMf ENTRANCE TO S � KAKTEII NEYOVED.►NOV [ E7I�5T1N0 COMC.�IOCR. ►AINTEO CONQ �OCK I I . � ►ROYIOE NEM►AINT TO MATCN EXIE 1N0 �1 � � IOMEII i10011 I � —��-----------__— —�____---��' - •_—___------------- --a ----- -----• � NORTH ELEVATION �ia•-�•-o• SIN6LE Plt pOOFWO . � � . � VNEFINtSM�D YEiAI F�ASNIN6 � . NEN VINYL AMMIN6 CANO►Y REY»ELED 8 fiELO�ATED FXISTINO AW.VINO i � i � ' __= NSULATED fiLA3E IN ANOOIZED . _ __ __ � i ,BRONZE AWY.FRAYES -- - � � -- UPPER FLOON � —. PAINTED CONC. BIOCK - _ -- • � '- -- ♦'X t2'-PAINTED� �t _ TO MATCN E7tISTINO . � CONC.BLOCK - -- � -- . �______ _ LOWER FIOOR � —� � `-------1 � . . � \ — -- ----' WEST ELEVATION „e•=,•-o- ZO ING F��.E �� . . ! , ', ; - � C-. ! -.. • j . ' ♦'.,� � � � ^ r� { i . �` t - � � . 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V J — __ ` � , '' � ' , , ` ' � � t , i � .. •� q ���~� {)�S�IJ . ti � M����� GANpY 1� • . � .�• , ' *' ' GO• , ,/ � , 1 �� . ` � . � � ' ' �� � , � . 5 �, 9� .._ . � - , o � � . : .- �► � o � 0 0� c � � 0 f .� �c� � o � � G p � ,..� . � .t . �,• � t ,�''" ,.'�' - � � + � � �� � ---�---__.___..�_- . /�� A APPLICANT PA�fZ1S{� �S �1�IC, � -- ' M op�Fi c�-1-i oN c7 F PAa2vc�N� lEGEND PURPOSE K2E u��R� -rS re Lt u� •..�.�i.. zoningdist�bpundary ��Ns E FILE# I(°� S`7 DATE �U u s'�- f 7 I9 9 � subject P�per�Y �e���► PWG. DIST �s MAP# 3� o one fam�y • . ^ �m��ial SCALE 1"=400' ¢ �^"0 fa^'��Y ♦ .... industrial !��Q n'iutdple family V vacant WMITE - CITY Cl`qK P�NK - FINI.NCE GITY OF S INT � PAUL Council . C�1NARr - OEPqRTMENT eluE - M�rOR F11C N�. Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Parrish's Inc. DBA Parrish's Sup er Club at 2176 West Seventh Street has applied for a Modification of Parking Requirements for an On-Sale Class B Liquor License reducing the number of off street parking spaces required from 116 to 48; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing befor the City Councii was duly mailed to each owner of affected property within 35 feet of the property for which the modification of parking requirements was ought; and WHEREAS, the City Council based on eviden e presented at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes ma e the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant has been in business or 18 years. Over that time, the proportion of his business dependen upon dining rather than liquor has . increased. The applicant has an ec nomic incentive to expand the dining area of his restaurant by 2,780 squ re feet to accomnodate this business trend. 2. The applicant has a verbal agreemen with the adjacent Highway Motel to use most of the 24 parking spaces a the motel for Parrish's patron parking up until 9:00 p.m. when mot 1 patrons begin to arrive. The owner of the Highway Motel indicate that parking for both businesses has been shared for many yea�s with no problems. 3. The applicant has indicated that he has attempted to acquire a triangula�-shaped parcel just south of Parrish's to expand his parking but the owner,' Pearson's Candy Comp ny, has refused to sell him this land. The applicant has, however� een able to lease the northern portion of this land to provide 22 arking spaces (counted by BIDD) for his business. COUNCII. MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimoad Lo� [n Favor Goswlts � Against BY son�s VYilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bv BY WHITE - C�Tr CLERa OIN1( � FINI,NCE G I TY O F S I NT PA U L Council C�N�RV - OEP�.RTMENT . FIIC NO• S�UE - M�vOR . Council esolution Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4. The applicant has reported that the earson Candy Company has allowed Parrish's patrons to park on Pearson s existing lots without requiring any verbal or formal arrangements wi h Parrish's for such parking. According to the applicant, Pearson as all�owed Pa�rish's patrons to park on Pearson's lots on Friday eve ings following the 4:30 p.m. Pearson work shift and on Saturdays hen these parking spaces are not used by Pearson's. The applicant ha indicated that there have been no problems with this arrangement. How ver, the applicant has asked the staff to not contact Pearson's to ve ify the existence of this arrangement since this "outside inte est" might endanger the ongoing viability of the arrangement. 5. The applicant has indicated that wit this arrangement there is'adequate room for off-street parking during t e main business hours in the evening, particularly since Pearson' two lots have spaces for about 150 cars. In order to meet the parking equirements, the applicant would , need to have access to about 48 park ng spaces on Pearson's property. 6. The applicant indicated that there i plenty of space for on-street customer parking along Rankin Street even though the requirements for determining off-street parking do no take this into account. 7. There have been no complaints regard ng Parrish's Inc. filed with the Information and Complaint Office. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Cit Council that the Modification (I.D. 16157) of Parking Requirements from 16 spaces to 48 spaces by Parrish's Inc. DBA Parrish's Supper Club at 2176 Wes Seventh Street be and the same is hereby granted with the conditions that th applicant submit a written statement of this shared parking arrangeme t between Par�ish's Inc. and Pearson's Candy Company to the Licensing D vision and that the terms of such agreement allow for at least 48 pa�king sp ces on Pearson's property to be used by Parrish's patrons during Friday ev nings and Saturdays and that such agreement must be in place for the duratio of the liquor license. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dlmond �os [n Favor Goswitz Rettman ��� Against BY sonnen WiI80O Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , � S�INT PAtT� ITY C 0 UN�IL PUB�ZC H� ING NOTICE LI�EN�� PI�ZCA�ZON RECEIVED AUG 0'71989 CITY CLERK T0: Property owners within 350' ; �� N�. 16157 Representatives of Planning District 15 . Application for a mo ification of parking requirements. This modification wo ld allow the applicant to serve liquor in PU��S E a propose� 3,000 squ re foot new addition without providing additional off-stree parking. �P����T OAKLEY 0. PARRISH, P esident,Parrish' s Inc. THOh1AS J. PARRISH, M nager, Parrish's Inc. ► LO�ATZON dba Parri sh' s Supper 1 ub 2176 West Seventh Street �F'ARI�TC Thursday, August 11, 983 y:00 a.m. City Council Ch ers, 3rd floor City Hall — Court House By Planning Division PED. Please call Marv Bunnell at NO TIC�. S ENT 228'3368 for more i formation. This date may be changed without t e consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permit Division. It i suggested that you call the City Clerk' s Office at 298-4231 if you 'sh confirmation.