89-1513 WMITE - C�TV CLERK COI1flC11 '- /�/� PINK - FINANCE GI Y OF AINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• 'l solution Presented Ref red To Committee: Date 0 t of Committee By Date WHEREAS: A request has been made y Lowell Pickett DBA Dakota Bar and Grill at Bandana Squ re for extension of liquor service area on Friday, August , 1989 between the hours of 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM in � onjunction with the summer concerts at Bandana Square. The fore be it RESOLVED: That the service area b extended to the majl area adjoining the restaurant that lies between the Bandana Square shopping center and the Sunwood I n Building. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo�g In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel O AgaiRSt BY Sonnen Wilson AIIG , � V10A Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date w ���� ' • G Certified Ya.s Counci re BY o � By ,- . Approved � vor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By pUB�� AU G 2 6 19$9 4���93 �� � DEPARTM@NT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIA D Financ�/�icense GREEN SHEET No. 50�� CONTACT PERSON 3 PNONE INfTIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMEN7 DIRECTOR CITY CIXINCIL Kri s VanHorn/298-5056 � cm�nrroAwev �arv c��c MUST BE ON COUNCIL A(iENOA BY(OAT� ROUTq�10 BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 I�T.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR A881STANT) � COU11C1� R TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PA6�E8 (CLIP AL L ATION8 FOR SIQNATUR� ACTiON REfiUE8TED: Request for a One Day Extension of n On Sale Liquor Service Area. RECOMMENDATIONB:MP�e(N o►�1�(� COUNqI 11�nEElRESEARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO(�OMMISSION _dVIL SERVIC�COMMiS810N ��� �ONE 1�. _d8 OOMMIITEE _ �. COMME _STAFF _ _DISTRIC'f OOURT _- SUPPORT8 WNICFI OOUNpL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATiNO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPO�i111NfTY(Who,Nlh�,When,Whero,Why): Lowell Pickett DBA Dakota Bar & Gr 11 request Council permission to extend his On Sale Liquor service area to the mall patio area on August 18 between 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM in conjunc io with the summer concerts at Bandana Square. ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: D18ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPflOVED: TOTAL A1/OUNT OF TRAN8ACTION s C08T/REVENUE BUD�TED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO INNDING 80URCE ACTIVITY NUTASER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � ;. NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCI.UDED IN THE C3REEN SMEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINi3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.29&4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are prefsrred routings for the flvs rtwst frequeM types of documents: CONTRACTS (assum�autFwrized - COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Am�nd, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Orants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Di►ector 2. Inkiating Dspertment 2. Budget Director 3. qty Attomey 3. dty Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Assistent 5. Flnance&M�mt 3vcs. Director 5. aitp Council 8. Flnance Accounting 6. Chief AocouMant, Fln d�Nl�mt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE�iDER (Budqet COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all othero) RsviNon) and ORDINANCE ' 1. AcUvity Manepsr 1. Initiatlrp Dspertment Director 3. D p Rment DI►ector t 2. ��t 3. Ma 4. Budget Director 4. qty Couhdl 5. qty Clerk 8. Chief Accountarrt, Fin 8�Mgmt Svice. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. In�iatinp Department 2. City Attomey 3. MayoNAssistent 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PA(iES Indicate the#�of pagss on which signaturos sre required end psperciip _ " each of theae� ACTION REOUE3TED Dsec�ibe what ths proJect/requwt ae�ks to accomplbh In�ithsr chronobpF cal order or order of importencs.wf�ichs�ror is mo�t appropriats tor the Issus. Do not write complete seMences. Bs�in eech ftem in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in qussUon has besn p�eMed betore arry body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNdL OBJECTIVE? , Indk;ats which Council ob1��(s)Y��Prol�Urequ�s�Ppa't$bY usdng the key word(s)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEIGH80RHOODS, E(�NOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDQET,SEWER SEPARATtON).(3EE(A�APLETE L18T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNGL INITIATIN(i PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situaUon or conditbns thet cn�tad a nsed for your project or request. ADVANTAC3ES IF APPROVED Ind�whether thls is simply an annual bud�et proc�dure required by law/ charter or whethsr Mere are spsciflc wa in which the City of Saint Paul and its ckizens will bsneflt from this pro�ecf/action. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED What ne�tive eifects or major chang�to existing or past processes might thls ProjecUrequest producs If it is psssed(e.g.,trafffc delaye, noise, tax increeass or sasessrrwnts)?To Whom?Whsn?For how long? DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED What witl be the nepative consequs�s if the promi�d action is not approved?Inability to deNver ssrvice?ConUnued high traiflc, nolae, axideM rate? Loss of revsnue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must taibr the informaUon you provide here to the issue you are addresaing, in yensral you must answer two questions: How much is it yoing to cost?Wtro is going to pay? . ' � /S/� � � . , � � � ,�' . � r� , August 3 , 1989 � ; Division of License and Permi Administration -� :City of Saint Paul 203 City all _ `\,,.��� St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �k� _ \ The Dakota Bar and Grill has eceived an extention of premises permit that has a lowed us to sell beer in the mall area adjoining ou restaurant that lies between the Bandana Square sh pping center and the Sunwwod Inn building on five ates this summer. These dates, (Wednesday, June 28; Friday, June 16; Friday, June 30; Friday, July 14; Friday, July 28) coincide with the summer conc rts presented by Bandana Square this summer Times of service has been from 6pm until lOpm. The concerts have been exten ed, and an additional series has been added for th ee Friday nights in September. Therefore, we wou d like permission to sell beer and wine coolers i the area described above on Friday, August 18.. n Fridays, September 8, 15 and 22, we are requesting n extension on premises permit to sell beer and wine coolers outside our front door inside the mall (B ndana Square) . The products we would sell be r and wine coolers, are presently covered by our liqu r license. Thank you for your considerat on of this request. Sincerely, �� =_ ���l� �, ,-:; Lowell Pickett -- Dakota Bar and Grill �� -� J . ^.�