99-1137keturn �: 0 R 1 G I NA L Real Estate Division 140 City Hall (asmtcancel.wpd) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1� WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File #99-1011 dated October 13, 1999, said resolution 2 being the Ratification of Assessments for the Summary Abatements (Grass Cutting by Contractor) 3 during the months of July thru mid-August, 1999, identified as Department of Technology and 4 Management Services File No. J99Grass and Assessment No.9846, and; WHEREAS, the property at 362 Minnehaha Avenue West being legally described as follows: Humphrey's Addition, Except the east 69.25 feet of the following: Part south of Minnehaha Avenue of Lots 24, 25 and 26, Block 2, 10 11 12 13 14 with a property identification number of 36-29-23-12-0206 was inadvertently assessed in the amount of $115.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment for the said property be cancelled. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �r—, �.V �`i%°� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By : ..,a—�-- Approved or: D 1�, _ C� � By: Council File # gq - � �'.�� Green Sheet # 1�D0$ ( � RESOLUTION� 41f�T P�6lL.�iDI1ntNESOTA Technnl�g� Managr.ment Servirea �`.: • ' 1 � ` By: �� �i 1 V � , � � ��rector� �V q Form Approved by City Attorney �l' By: �.r�1✓!✓�1.s.w�� 1 � Approv �ayor for ubmis�to Council By: � Y C � ST °tq-a�� F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�� 11 3 9 Green Sheet Number: 1 QQ$� 1 2 EPAR1'MENT DIILECfOR C1TY COUNCII. onfac[ Pe�son and Phone Number: ,.a ""�° 1 ATTORNEY A � ��� �� CLER% Roxanna Flink� 266-8859 � F+ UDGET DIItECTOR ��Qd. & MGT. SVC. DIR 3 YOR(ORASSISTAN7')i}/jj;�'. 4 OUNCII.RESF.ARCH fard� ust be on Council A enda b: OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) CTION REQUESTED: pprove the Council Resolution to cancel the assessment for an incorrectly ssessed parcel for the 5+�+�*��ry Abatemeat (Grass Cutting). ile No. J99GRASS Assessment No. 9846 COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/Firm ever worked under a contraM for this deparhnent? YES NO PLANNA'G COMMISSION A SiAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII, SBRVIC6 COMMISSION . Does this person/fsm possess a slNl not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? C1R CoMMI11'Ee E lain all YES answers on a se arate shee[ and attach. urroxTS wfncx cou[vcu, osJEC�� Neighborhoods COUNCII. WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. TIATING PROBLEM, ISSiJE, OPPOR'I'ONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): roperty was incorrectly assessed for grass cutting. (Sea attached letter from he Division of Property Code Enforcement.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: roperty will not have an assessment against it for grass cutting. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not approve the resolution would leave an incorrect assessment on the roperty. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVF,NUE BUD('ETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVTPY NUMBER: INANCIAL IlVFORMATION: (EXPLAI� � Qe.p � ����� � tNr3i 6 (gsasmtcor.wp� � . ''�..��i CITTZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Ov+usv, City Clerk CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 4, 1949 Real Estate Roxauna Flink Room 140 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: 362 Minnehaha Avenue W File J99 Grass Parcel ID 36-29 �3-12-0206 a- '. .��- RECEdVED NOV 0 4 1999 REAL ESTATE DlVIS!ON It has come to our attention that a 5ummazy Abatement was inaccurately assessed to Ya Mee Vang at 362 Minnehaha Avenue W. At the time of the Summary Abatement there was an inaccurate property ownership record that resulted in tlus assessment. We made the adjustment regazding the order and work order but the assessment unfortunately continued through the system. We would appreciate it if you would discontinue the assessment on this. Thank you. < %��a°���.1�~ Dick Lippert Inspections Manager DIVISION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENl' �� s " 3 n Warren R Bostrom, Program Manager �� Divisian afProperry Code Enforcement ISW.KelloggBZvd.Rm.190 Te1:651-2668440 SaintPau4MN55102 Faz:651-266-8426 cc: Michael Moorhead File keturn �: 0 R 1 G I NA L Real Estate Division 140 City Hall (asmtcancel.wpd) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1� WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File #99-1011 dated October 13, 1999, said resolution 2 being the Ratification of Assessments for the Summary Abatements (Grass Cutting by Contractor) 3 during the months of July thru mid-August, 1999, identified as Department of Technology and 4 Management Services File No. J99Grass and Assessment No.9846, and; WHEREAS, the property at 362 Minnehaha Avenue West being legally described as follows: Humphrey's Addition, Except the east 69.25 feet of the following: Part south of Minnehaha Avenue of Lots 24, 25 and 26, Block 2, 10 11 12 13 14 with a property identification number of 36-29-23-12-0206 was inadvertently assessed in the amount of $115.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment for the said property be cancelled. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �r—, �.V �`i%°� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By : ..,a—�-- Approved or: D 1�, _ C� � By: Council File # gq - � �'.�� Green Sheet # 1�D0$ ( � RESOLUTION� 41f�T P�6lL.�iDI1ntNESOTA Technnl�g� Managr.ment Servirea �`.: • ' 1 � ` By: �� �i 1 V � , � � ��rector� �V q Form Approved by City Attorney �l' By: �.r�1✓!✓�1.s.w�� 1 � Approv �ayor for ubmis�to Council By: � Y C � ST °tq-a�� F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�� 11 3 9 Green Sheet Number: 1 QQ$� 1 2 EPAR1'MENT DIILECfOR C1TY COUNCII. onfac[ Pe�son and Phone Number: ,.a ""�° 1 ATTORNEY A � ��� �� CLER% Roxanna Flink� 266-8859 � F+ UDGET DIItECTOR ��Qd. & MGT. SVC. DIR 3 YOR(ORASSISTAN7')i}/jj;�'. 4 OUNCII.RESF.ARCH fard� ust be on Council A enda b: OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) CTION REQUESTED: pprove the Council Resolution to cancel the assessment for an incorrectly ssessed parcel for the 5+�+�*��ry Abatemeat (Grass Cutting). ile No. J99GRASS Assessment No. 9846 COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/Firm ever worked under a contraM for this deparhnent? YES NO PLANNA'G COMMISSION A SiAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII, SBRVIC6 COMMISSION . Does this person/fsm possess a slNl not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? C1R CoMMI11'Ee E lain all YES answers on a se arate shee[ and attach. urroxTS wfncx cou[vcu, osJEC�� Neighborhoods COUNCII. WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. TIATING PROBLEM, ISSiJE, OPPOR'I'ONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): roperty was incorrectly assessed for grass cutting. (Sea attached letter from he Division of Property Code Enforcement.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: roperty will not have an assessment against it for grass cutting. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not approve the resolution would leave an incorrect assessment on the roperty. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVF,NUE BUD('ETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVTPY NUMBER: INANCIAL IlVFORMATION: (EXPLAI� � Qe.p � ����� � tNr3i 6 (gsasmtcor.wp� � . ''�..��i CITTZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Ov+usv, City Clerk CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 4, 1949 Real Estate Roxauna Flink Room 140 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: 362 Minnehaha Avenue W File J99 Grass Parcel ID 36-29 �3-12-0206 a- '. .��- RECEdVED NOV 0 4 1999 REAL ESTATE DlVIS!ON It has come to our attention that a 5ummazy Abatement was inaccurately assessed to Ya Mee Vang at 362 Minnehaha Avenue W. At the time of the Summary Abatement there was an inaccurate property ownership record that resulted in tlus assessment. We made the adjustment regazding the order and work order but the assessment unfortunately continued through the system. We would appreciate it if you would discontinue the assessment on this. Thank you. < %��a°���.1�~ Dick Lippert Inspections Manager DIVISION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENl' �� s " 3 n Warren R Bostrom, Program Manager �� Divisian afProperry Code Enforcement ISW.KelloggBZvd.Rm.190 Te1:651-2668440 SaintPau4MN55102 Faz:651-266-8426 cc: Michael Moorhead File keturn �: 0 R 1 G I NA L Real Estate Division 140 City Hall (asmtcancel.wpd) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1� WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File #99-1011 dated October 13, 1999, said resolution 2 being the Ratification of Assessments for the Summary Abatements (Grass Cutting by Contractor) 3 during the months of July thru mid-August, 1999, identified as Department of Technology and 4 Management Services File No. J99Grass and Assessment No.9846, and; WHEREAS, the property at 362 Minnehaha Avenue West being legally described as follows: Humphrey's Addition, Except the east 69.25 feet of the following: Part south of Minnehaha Avenue of Lots 24, 25 and 26, Block 2, 10 11 12 13 14 with a property identification number of 36-29-23-12-0206 was inadvertently assessed in the amount of $115.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment for the said property be cancelled. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �r—, �.V �`i%°� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By : ..,a—�-- Approved or: D 1�, _ C� � By: Council File # gq - � �'.�� Green Sheet # 1�D0$ ( � RESOLUTION� 41f�T P�6lL.�iDI1ntNESOTA Technnl�g� Managr.ment Servirea �`.: • ' 1 � ` By: �� �i 1 V � , � � ��rector� �V q Form Approved by City Attorney �l' By: �.r�1✓!✓�1.s.w�� 1 � Approv �ayor for ubmis�to Council By: � Y C � ST °tq-a�� F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�� 11 3 9 Green Sheet Number: 1 QQ$� 1 2 EPAR1'MENT DIILECfOR C1TY COUNCII. onfac[ Pe�son and Phone Number: ,.a ""�° 1 ATTORNEY A � ��� �� CLER% Roxanna Flink� 266-8859 � F+ UDGET DIItECTOR ��Qd. & MGT. SVC. DIR 3 YOR(ORASSISTAN7')i}/jj;�'. 4 OUNCII.RESF.ARCH fard� ust be on Council A enda b: OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) CTION REQUESTED: pprove the Council Resolution to cancel the assessment for an incorrectly ssessed parcel for the 5+�+�*��ry Abatemeat (Grass Cutting). ile No. J99GRASS Assessment No. 9846 COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/Firm ever worked under a contraM for this deparhnent? YES NO PLANNA'G COMMISSION A SiAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII, SBRVIC6 COMMISSION . Does this person/fsm possess a slNl not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? C1R CoMMI11'Ee E lain all YES answers on a se arate shee[ and attach. urroxTS wfncx cou[vcu, osJEC�� Neighborhoods COUNCII. WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. TIATING PROBLEM, ISSiJE, OPPOR'I'ONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): roperty was incorrectly assessed for grass cutting. (Sea attached letter from he Division of Property Code Enforcement.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: roperty will not have an assessment against it for grass cutting. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not approve the resolution would leave an incorrect assessment on the roperty. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVF,NUE BUD('ETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVTPY NUMBER: INANCIAL IlVFORMATION: (EXPLAI� � Qe.p � ����� � tNr3i 6 (gsasmtcor.wp� � . ''�..��i CITTZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Ov+usv, City Clerk CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 4, 1949 Real Estate Roxauna Flink Room 140 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: 362 Minnehaha Avenue W File J99 Grass Parcel ID 36-29 �3-12-0206 a- '. .��- RECEdVED NOV 0 4 1999 REAL ESTATE DlVIS!ON It has come to our attention that a 5ummazy Abatement was inaccurately assessed to Ya Mee Vang at 362 Minnehaha Avenue W. At the time of the Summary Abatement there was an inaccurate property ownership record that resulted in tlus assessment. We made the adjustment regazding the order and work order but the assessment unfortunately continued through the system. We would appreciate it if you would discontinue the assessment on this. Thank you. < %��a°���.1�~ Dick Lippert Inspections Manager DIVISION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENl' �� s " 3 n Warren R Bostrom, Program Manager �� Divisian afProperry Code Enforcement ISW.KelloggBZvd.Rm.190 Te1:651-2668440 SaintPau4MN55102 Faz:651-266-8426 cc: Michael Moorhead File