89-1507 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK r FINANCE ' CO11flClI �J . CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L '/ BLI.E - MAVOR 1 NO. +��a( � ouncil Resolution �.7 � � 1 Presented By "�-' Re o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of a two-story fire d maged, wood frame, multiple unit residential building which is located on property hereafter referred to as the "Subject P operty" commonly known as 600-02 Thomas Avenue, Saint Paul , Mi nesota. The abstract property is legally described as: Lot 11 , Smith' s Subdivis ' on of Block 12, Stinson' s Division to St. Pau1 , Mi n. WHEREAS, based upon the ecords in the Ramsey County Recarder` s Office on April 12, 1989, the following persons are owners, interested parties or responsible parties of the Subject Property: Western State Bank f St. Paul , 663 University Avenue West, Saint Paul , MN 55104 an Hotzler Renovation, 193 Mackubin Street, St. Paul , MN 55102 At n: Michelle Hotzler; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� _�_ In Favor ��� Rettman s�he,nel _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appr ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � 2'S B� � Approved by �lavor. Date _ Approv Mayor for Sub i si to Cou� ' By � ���5�� DEPARTMENTIOFFICE/OOUNqL DATE INITIATED Community services 7/21/89 EEN SHEET NO. �6�5 CONTACT PERSON d PHONE P ENT DIRECiOR �CITY COUNqL Steven R. Roy 292-7716 ��� Ry �qNEy �qTyq.EqK MUST BE ON OOUNCIL A(iENDA BY TE� I�OU71lKi UOCi DIRECTOR �FlN.d MQT.8ERVICEB DIR. August 22, 1�89 � Y �opnss�sT � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PA�ES (CLIP ALL LOCA ION FOR 81GNATURE� ACTION REOUES'TED: City Council to pass this e olution which will order the owner to tear down or cQmplete repair of t i building within thirty ( 30) days of the mailing of this resolution or t e ity will tear down the building. The sub 'ect ro ert is located at 600- 2 homas Avenue. RECOMMENDA7IONS:Approve(A)a RsJect(F� COUNqL COMM EARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PUWNINO COMMI8810N _CML SERVICE COMMIS810N R CE ED _dB COAAMRTEE _ COMMENTB: —�"� — 1°89 _����«,� — J U 2 SUPPORTB WHipi COUNqL OBJECTIVE9 P INITIATIN�PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,VVh�t,Whsn,Where.Why): This building is a nuisance according to Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners were iv n an order to repair or tear down the building by November 22, 1988, but fa led to comply. The building has been unoccupied since January of 1983. he house has been vacant since January of 1983, and the building has rema' ne vacant since January of 1983. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: I I The City will tear down the build'Ing and eliminate a nuisance if the owners do not comply with the Council or er This notice is required to be filed in accordance with Section 43.05 f he Saint Paul Legislative Code. DISAOVANTAOE8 IF APPF�VED: i It will cost the City approximat Ily $5,000.00 - $7,000.00 to tear down the building. The cost will be asses�ed against the property. �;„c�9 Research Center as�wvMrr,�oes�F r�oT�ROVeo: ,,)U L 2 U,i��9 I The building is not torn down, a n isance will continue to constitute a serious health hazard (potential f re danger, rodent and insect harborage, potential crime blighting influ nc on the neighborhood) . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = � COST/REVENUE BUDQETED(GRG.E ONE) � NO � 33261 FlJNp�N(�gpupCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNMICIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) I NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTiONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of dxuments: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. �rants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director . 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Gty Attomey 3. Gry Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/AssfstaM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Depertment Director 2. Department Accountant 2• City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. MayoNAasistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Gty Attorney 3. MayoNAssistant 4. C1ty Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to accomplish in efther chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each Rem in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issne(n question has been presented before any body, public or prfvate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 Indicate which Council objective(s)your project/request supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINC3 PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are speciflc ways in which the Ciry of Seint Paul and its citizens will beneflt from this pro�ecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past prxesses might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,treffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised actfon is not approved? Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must anawer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? . � . ��y=�.�7 WHEREAS, the Division of Pub ic Health has issued an order identified as an "Abandoned Build ng Notice" dated October 7 , 1988 which is attached and incorp rated as part of this resolution by this reference. Th s order was served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code on all owners, i terested parties and responsible parties of the Subjec Property known to the enforcement officer. The notice nd order informed these parties that the two-story, fire damaged, wood frame, multiple unit residential building located on t e Subject Property is an abandoned building and a nuisanc pursuant to Sections 45 . 01, Subd. 1 and 45 . 02, Subd. 11 of t Saint Paul Legislative Code. The October 7, 1988 order also h d attached to it a list of deficiencies regarding the house on the Subject Property, said list is attached and incorporate as part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, the October 7, 1988 order informed all owners, interested parties and responsib e parties that they must either repair the building on the Subje t Property by correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the building, either action to take place by November 22, 1988 . WHEREAS, no action has been aken regarding compliance with the October 7, 1988 notice and o der, and as a result the Division of Public Health reques ed that a public hearing be scheduled to take place on Tuesd y, August 22 , 1989 for the City Council to consider the advisabi ity and necessity of ordering the correction of the nuisance c ndition or in the alternative consider the demolition and remo al of this multiple unit residential building; and WHEREAS, the above referenc owners, interested parties and responsible parties have been se ved notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of he Saint Paul Legislative Code of the time and purpose of the A gust 22 , 1989 hearing before the Council ; WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on August 22, 1989 and 11 testimony and evidence was considered by the Council . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV D, that based upon all of the testimony and evidence presente at the August 22, 1989 hearing, the Saint Paul City Council her by adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the buildi g at 600-02 Thomas Avenue: 1 . That in January of 1983 the building located on the Subject Property was determined to be vacant and open to access. The building has remained vacan and has been either open or boarded since January of 1983 . 2 . That since January of 1 83 the City of Saint Paul has on numerous occasions issued order to the owners to make this multiple unit residential build ng secure and not accessible. On several occasions, because of t e inaction on the part of the owners, the City has had to hir a private contractor to make the building secure and not open to access. �� -2- � . � � ����7 3 . That the Division of Fi e Prevention of the City of Saint Paul condemned this building, u its one and two, as "Unfit for Human Habitation under Chapter 4.19 and 33 . 05 , Subd. 5 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code" an Section 2 . 201 (b) of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code in pril , 1988 . The building is still subject to this condemnation or er. 4 . That the owners of the ubject Property have repeatedly failed to pay the vacant buildi g fee for this building as required by City ordinance. 5 . That there are now and have been since January of 1983, multiple exterior Housing Code r Building Code violations in existence at the Subject Prope y. 6 . That the owners, inter sted parties and responsible parties of this building are a previously stated in this resolution. These individuals have been properly served notice of the August 22 , 1989 hearing concerning this multiple unit residential building. 7 . That on October 7 , 198 an Abandoned Building Notice was sent to the owners, interested parties or responsible parties ordering these persons to eith r demolish the building or make repairs and cure the list of d ficiencies by November 22, 1988 . 8 . That the owners, inter sted parties or responsible parties have been ordered on n merous occasions to repair this building and have failed to do so. 9. That the order of Octo er 7, 1988 have been disregarded by the owners, interested part es and responsible parties . 10. That the two-story, fi e damaged, wood frame, multiple unit residential building loca ed on the Subject Property is an abandoned building under Secti n 45 . 01 , Subd. l, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in that � t is "a building or portion thereof which has stood unoccu ied for longer than one ( 1 ) year" and during that period of time it has been either "unsecured" , "boarded" , or has had "multipl exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations" or has been " lacarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapt r 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. " 11 . That the two-story, ire damaged, wood frame, multiple unit residential building loc ted on the Subject Property is a nuisance as defined under Sai t Paul Legislative Code Section 45 . 02 , Subd. 11 , in that it i an abandoned building located in the City of Saint Paul that h s created a dangerous or unhealthy condition or which threatens he public peace, health, safety or sanitary condition of the Cit or which is offensive or has a blighting influence on the co munity. _3_ `�� �/ � � � ��-��� 12 . That the costs of a atement of this nuisance are estimated to exceed two thou and dollars ( $2, 000 . 00 ) or the abatement involves demolitio of a building other than a structure accessory to a res � dential building. ORDER The Saint Paul City Counc ' 1 hereby makes the following order: l . The above referenced wners, interested parties and responsible parties and their assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrime tal to the public peace, health, safety, and welfare and remov its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating t is building and correcting those deficiencies set forth in the list previously referenced in accordance with all applicabl codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing th building and filling t� site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition o the building must be completed within thirty ( 30) days of the date of mailing of this resolution. 2 . If the above correctiv action is not completed within the thirty t30) day time perio , the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby uthorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish this multiple unit residential building and fill the site and charge t e costs incurred against the Subject Property pursuant to t provisions of Section 45 .08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 3 . In the event the buildi g is to be demolished by the City of Saint Paul , all personal pro erty or fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably interf re with the demolition and removal shall be removed from t e building by the owners, interested parties and responsi le parties by the end of the thirty ( 30 ) day time period. I the personal property is not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property and fixtures as is pro ided by law. � WNITE - C�TV CLERK COUl1C11 ��j► F+INK � FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAITL ��// CANARV - OEPARTMEN7 � ' BLI.IE - MAVOR File �O. /`�� 7 * Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4 . IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that a certified copy of this resolution and the incorporate Order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last known addr s of the owners, interested parties and responsible partie pursuant to Section 45.11 , Subdivision ( 5 ) . - 5 - COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Favor Goswitz � Rettman � �be1�� _ A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson A�t7 Z 2 Q� �W Form Appr e City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass d o cil r By ( � � � By ' Ap rov y Mavor: Date 2 � Approve� Mayor for Sub is t gy BY �pUg� S E P - 2198� •.. (���1=���� • t�t: CITY O SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTME TAL MEMORANDUM ����f ��� J U L 21 1989 RE UEST FOR N ISANCE BUILDING CITY ATTOI��I�� DEMOLITIO RESOLUTION DATE: July 21 , 1989 TO: John McCormick Assistant City Attorn y FROM: Steven R. Roy ,�- Environmental Heal h rogram Manager SUBJECT: COUNCIL HEARING FOR 60 -02 THOMAS AVENUE The owners, interested parties a d responsible parties of the above-noted building were sent a order to repair or raze the building. They have failed to c mply with that order. Our office has requested a public hearing b fore the City Council to obtain a Council order for the repair o demolition of these buildings. The Public Hearing is scheduled or: DATE: T esday, August 22, 1989 TIME: 9: 00 A.M. Please review the attached Resol ion to be considered by the City Council . If you would like t make any changes, please contact us. If the Resolution mee s with your approval , please forward as soon as possible to th Director of Community Services. SRR/kjl I �-�sa� D , G� �4,.��•••., CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �• 'f DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES '•""_'°� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH '••• 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesoca 55101 (612)292-7711 George Latimer Mayor July 21 , 1989 Mr. President and Members of the City Council Re: 600-02 Thomas Avenue Date of Hearing: August 2, 1989 District Council : 7 Honorable Council : The Division of Public Health s hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structure at the location referred to above. The owners of record are: Western State Bank of St. Paul 663 University Avenue West (Fee Owner) St. Paul , MN 55104 Hotzler Renovation 193 Mackubin Street ' (Prospective Buyer) St. Paul , MN 55102 Attn: Michelle Hotzler The legal description of the a stract property is: _ Lot 11, Smith' s Subdivision of Block 1 , Stinson' s Divisian to St. Paul , Minn. The building is a two-story, w od frame, fire damaged, multiple unit residential building. The subject property has been noccupied since January 1983 . The building' has stood unoccu ied for longer than one year and meets one or more of the cond' ions that constitute an abandoned building, as defined in Chapt r 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. On November 11, 1988, the Div' sion of Public Health mailed an order to the owners, interest d parties and responsible parties of this building requiring th t the building be either repaired, by correcting the attached li t of deficiencies, or demolished on or before January 10, 1989. I asmuch as the orders have not been completed to the satisfaction of the Division and the continued . , �-��-�s�� Mr. President and � Members of the City Council July 21, 1989 Page -2- . abandoned condition of the bu' lding contributes a blighting influence and potential hazar to the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of the Divisio that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the owners, interested parties and responsible parties to either epair or demolish the building in a timely manner to the satisfa tion of the City. In the event the owners, inter sted parties or responsible parties fail to comply with th Council Resolution, the Division of Public Health should be aut orized to demolisti the building and assess all costs incurred n the demolition against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Your truly, '��:�%� ���'/.,'"` �� � �7�'7 � ank A. Staffen an Environmental alth Director Enclosure cc: John McCormick, Asst. City Attorney V Steve Zaccard, Fire Mars'ha 1 Jan Gasterland, Building I spection Warren Frost, PED District Housing Inspect�r � ���=i��� ��_��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � a���� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES L� yt 4�; �ii�i�i ni Q� � � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH °"^�� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (672)292-7741 M�Y�� ABA.'�'DO'.�TED BUI ING NOTICE October 7, 1988 Western State Bank of St. Paul 663 University Ave. Saint Paul, NI�1 55104 Re: 600-02 Thomas Avenue ' Shiith's Subdivision of Block 12, tinsons Division of St. Paul, Minn. Lot 11, Block 12. Dear Sir or Madam: The Division of Public Health has dete 'ned that the above noted building is an abandoned building, which Chapte 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code def ines as: "any building or portion of a buil ing which has stood with an incomplete exterior shell for long than three (3) years or any building or portion thereof which s stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one o more of the following criteria; (a) unsecured, or (b) boarded, ar ( ) having multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, r (d) placarded as "Unfit for Him�an Habitation" pursuant to Cha r 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordinance further states that an ndoned building is a��nuisance and it may-be ordered torn down by the City. NOTE: If you do not want to have the Ci y begin action to have this building torn dawn, then the attached 1'st of deficiencies must be repaired or you m�st tear the building own on or before: NovemUer 22, 1988. . Any repair or d�nolition �st be corc�le ed in accordance with all applicable laws. If the repair w�ork is not co�npleted or f you have not torn the building down by the above date, the Division of Public Health will refer this matter to the City Council to receive a thority to raze the building and charge all costs incurred in wrecki.ng e building against the real estate as a speci.al assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. The City Council will schedule a public hea ing to consider if the building . , �������7 Abandoned Building Notice 600-02 Thomas Avenue October 7, 1988 Page �ao should be torn dawn. If a public hearing becomes necessary, you will be notified of the time and date of the hea ing and will be allowed to present evidence to the City Council. A opy of this order will be kept on file in the City Clerk's office and a r olution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in th Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Compliance with the attached list of de iciencies will remove your building from the list of abandoned bui dings but it does not mean that the building complies with all applicab e housing and building codes. The date for compliance with these orde s shall not be extended unless you receive written approval from the Division af lic Health. If you have any questions about this o der, please contact the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. Sincerely, Steven R. Roy Environmental Health Program Manager SRR/kjl Attachment cc: Warren Frost, PID � f . � ��� isa7 DEFICIENCY IST FOR , 600-02 AVE Oc.'TOBER 7, 988 All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the apQropriate codes. Perniits must be obtain where changes and/or additions to an electrical system require upgrading 9f the service size to current National Electrical Code (N.E.C. ) requir nts. Some plLUnbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/ r piping involved. A permit is required to for any repair or new install tion. Permits may be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design D vision, Room 445 City Hall. EXTERIOR 1. Front entry door into 602 Thomas Avenue is broken and frame is rotting at base. Replace door a d repair or replace door frame. 2. Soffit facia boards around build ng lack paint, are missing, or are in disrepair. Properly prov de soffit facia boards in good repair and properly sealed (pain ed) . 3. Front entry door to 600 Thomas A enue lacks properly installed door l�ob. Provide. 4. There is missing siding around b ilding with e�tposed wood. Properly replace siding in a wor nlike manner. 5. There is rotting wood around the sill plate in several spots. Repair in a worl�nanlike manner. 6. Foundation mortar missing and fo dation in need of repair. Repair foundation in a worlQnanli e manner (west side, south side and east side) . 7. West side entry doors: hole abov doors with electri�al wire showing. Properly close hole. 8. West porch floor boards are rott and in need of regair. Repair in a worl�nanlike manner. 9. West porch steps lack handrails. Provide properly installed handrails for steps. 10. South side of 600 Thomas, the en ire roof has been burned off with interior unit exposed. Pro rly replace roof. 11. Chimney broken down on side wall of 600 Thomas. Repair chimney according to Code. 12. Electrical service to 600 Thomas s been cut. Provide proper electrical hook up to 600 Thomas. 13. Chimney for 602 Thomas lsouthsid ) is missing bricks along base. Repair chimney in a �rorlunanl ike er. ����-i5�� Deficiency List 600-02 Thomas Avenue • Page two of two October 7, 1988 14. East porch area has large o ho�es into building (basement) . Properly close off all acces areas. 15. East porch area has loose an rotting wood. Repair or replace. 16. East porch lacks steps to po ch and handrail to porch. Provide. 17. There are boarded windows an doors. Remove all boards and provide properly installed w ndows and doors. 18. There are windows brocken an with missing glass. Repair or replace all windows properly INTERIOR lst and 2nd units on 600 Thomas ide. 1. Missing ceiling, walls, and acking general maintenance. Repair in a worbnanlike manner. Deficienc List on Order to Vacate N ice (attached) . If you are unable to finance the cor ection or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, ere are state and local rehabilitation programs for which yo may qualify. Information about these programs is available from the Depa nt of Planning and Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section t (612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a loan officer. .. ���- �s�� , `��.:�,� � CITY F "`' O SAINT PA ^ `` UL. '�� ,���������� ' EPART�ti1ENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES ,:����.u�: �- _ APRIL 19, 1988 STE�'E C0:'�ROI". DIRECTOR IuU E. E.r�.�r.th 5:.,S�in; F'��ul,`,iti 5�.i•�; GEOK(;E L�f I.��f K ��������� DENNIS BROSE 79 N WESTERN AVE ST. PAUL, MN 55102 RE: Notice of Condemnat�c�n a d Qrder to Vacate 6 0 2 THOMAS AVE 1 &..2 � Dear Property Owner: The Division of Fire Preventi n of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, has found the prem'ses at the above property location to be unsafe, unfit or human habitation, a public nuisance, a hazard to the pub ic welfare or otherwise dangerous to human life. Enc osed is a copy of a "Notice of Condemnation and Order to Vac te" which has been posted u on the premises. The attached C rrection List shall be correctec� immediately or the premise vaca ed by MAY 4, 1988. THIS CONDEMNATION REVOKES ANY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY THAT MAY EXIST ON THE BUILDING. Any corrections requiring con ruction, electrical, plumbing, gas piping, heating r sprinkler work, must be performed under permit and wit the approval of the Building Inspection and Design Division Room 445 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, 298-4212) . These premises shall not be us d or inhabited until the attached "Correction List" is ompleted and a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by t e Department of Fire and Safety Services, Division of F re Prevention, City of Saint Paul. - Sincerely, - • � � C���� G;�'`���i' r�_ �' TED VANDERBEEK Inspector cc: Building Code Division Housing Information Office Marland Mork, Welfare Depa tment Steven Zaccard, Fire Marsh 1 CORS-7 � �-�=��7 DEFICIENCY/CORRECTI N LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 PAGE 2 RE: 602 THOMAS AVE 1 & 2 l. REPAIR TOILET APARTMENT 2 TO WORKIN ORDER. 34. 11-1. WATER CLOSETS: every dwelling unit s"hall contain within its walls a room, separate from the habitable rooms, which affords privacy and which is equipp d with a water closet. 2• REPAIR SMOKE DETECTOR APARTMENT #2 O WORKING ORDER. � 299F.362. SMOKE DETECTORS Subdivision 4. FIRE WARNING SYSTEM ; APARTMENT HOUSES, T,ODGING HOUSES, AND HOTELS. Every dwelling unit within an apart ent house and every guest room in a lodginc� house or ho el used for sleeping purposes shall be provided with a s oke detector conforming to the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. , or approved by the International Confe ence of Building Officials. In dwelling units, dete tors shall be mounted in accordance with the rules regard 'ng smoke detector location promulgated under the prov'sions of subdivision 2. When actuated, the detector shall p ovide an alarm in the dwellin3 unit or guest room. Subdivision 5. MAINTENANCE RESPONS BILITIES: For all occupancies covered by this section where the occupant is not the owner of the d lling unit or the guest room, the owner is responsibl for the maintenance of the smoke detector. Subdivision 6. PENALTY: Any person who violates any provis ' n of this section shall be subject to the same penal incurred for violation of the uniform fire code, as speci ied in section 299F.�011, subd. 6. 3• REPAIR SIDING AND HOLES IN EXTERIO . � 34. 09-1B. . WALLS: Every exterior wall shall be free of holes, breaks, loose or rotting boards or timbers, and any other . � . ���=��� � DEFICIENCY/CORRECTIO LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 � PAGE 3 � RE: 602 THOMAS AVE ;rl � .2 condition which might admit dampness o the interior portions of the walls or to the exte ior spaces of the multiple dwelling. 4. FOUNDATION FALLING APART (FLAKING) 2 BASEMENT - WATER LEAKp,GE - WOOD TRIM MISSING - ROTTING IN NEED OF PAINT. 34 . 09-1A, 1C. FOUNDATION/PAINT. Foundations, walls and roof. Every foundation, exterior wall, roof, and 11 other exterior surfaces shall be maintained in a wor anlike state of maintenance and repair. (a) The foundation elements shall ad quately support the building at all points. (c) All exterior wood surfaces, o�he than decay resistant . woods, shall be protected from t e elements and decay by paint which is not lead-based paint or by other protective covering or treatment. 5. ROOF LEAKING INTO APARTMENT #2 . REpA R. 34. 09-1D. ROOF. The roof shall be tight and ha e no defects which admit rain, and roof drainage shall b adequate to prevent rain water from causing dampness in t e walls. 6. INSTALL HANDR.AIL WEST SIDE OF BUILDIN STAIRS. 34 . 09-2B,C. STAIR RAILS B. Every flight of stai s which is more than two risers high shall have rails whic are to be so located as determined by the Building Code; a d every porch wh,�ch is more than two risers high shall ha e rails so locat�d and ca�able of restraining a horizont 1 pressure as cete�ened by the provisions of the B ilding Code. ry rail and balustrade must be firmly fastented, balustrades to be no more than nine i ches apart, and must be maintained in sound condition. Op n guardrail and stair railings shall have intermediate rail or ornamental ���C-�s�� DEFICIENCY/CORRECTI N LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 � PAGE 4 RE: 602 THOMAS AVE r1�2 pattern. 7. UFC 10.209. PROVIDE KEY BOX PER ENCLOSED ATTACHM NT K-1. KEY BOX: When access to or within a tructure or an area is undul� difficult because of secured peninc�s or whe�e immeds.ate access is necessary for li e-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the chief ma require a key box to be installed in an accessible locatio . The keX box shall be a type approved by the chief and s all contain keys to gain necessary access as required by he chief. 8. WATER LEAKAGE ON BLOCKS - BASEMENT F OR DIRT. BUT VERY DAMP. WATER SEEPAGE EVIDENT. 34. 10-1. FREE FROM DAMPNESS: In every dwelling, multi�le dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming house, and roo 'ng unit, the cellar, ' basements, and crawl spaces shall be intained reasonably free from dam�ness to prevent conditio s conducive to decay or deterioration of the structure. 9. 504 .22 (3) . POST OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IN COMMON p,. POSTING OWNERSHIP INFORMATION. Subd. 3. Posting of Notice. A printed or typewritten noti containinc� the information which must be disclosed un r subdivision :2 shall be placed in a conspicuous place n the premises��. Subd. 2. There shall be disclosed to e tenant either in the rental agreement or otherrwise in iting prior to commencement of the tenancy the name an address of: � (1) the person authorized to manage th premises; and (2) an owner of the premises or an age t authorized by the owner to accept service of pro ess and receive and . . . �c��-/`5�7 DEFICIENCY/CORRE TION LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 PAGE 5 ' RE: 602 THOMAS AVE '�1&2 give receipt for notices an demands. 10. 33 . 05(4) . � POST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IN COMMON ARF.P,, POSTING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. Certificate of Occupancy Subd.4 isting Buildings.� Within a reasonable time as fixe by a written order . every building except groups R-3 nd M occupancies hereto� fore erected shall have a certifi ate of occupancy issued by the division and posted on the p mises. 11. PROVIDE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. 299F.361. F'IRE EXT.INGUISHERS. Installation of Fire Extinguisher in multiple unit Residential Buildings: Subdivisi n l: There shall be provided and installed in each ap rtment of a multiple unit residence building containing fou or more apartments, at least one fire extinguisher compl ing with the standards prescribed by section 299F. 36 and with a rating of not less than lA-lOBC, as defined by the N tional Fire Protection Pamphlet No. 10, or there shall b provided and installed within 50 feet of� each apartment ntrance at least one fire extinguisher complyinc� with the s andards prescribed by section 299F.36 and with a rating of not less than 2A-lOBC as defined by the National Fire P otection Pamphlet No. 10. 12. FRONT EXIT BLOCKED HALLWAY. UFC 12.103-A. OBSTRUCTION. Obstructions, inclu 'ng storage, shall not be placed in the required width of an exit exce t as permitted by the Building Code. P Projections 13 . PROVIDE SMOKE DETECTORS PER SD-l. 299F.362. . . _ ��-��� DEFICIENCY/CORRECTI N LIST 5147402 ` APRIL 19, 1988 PAGE 6 RE: 602 THOMAS AVE ;�1&2 SMOKE DETECTORS Subdivision 4. FIRE WARNING SYSTEMS; APARTMENT HOUSES, LODGING HOUSES, AND OTELS. Every dwelling unit within an apartm nt house and every guest room in a lodginc� house or hot � used for sleeping purposes shall be provided with a sm ke detector conforming to the requirements of Underwriters aboratories, Inc. , or approved by the International Confer nce of Building Officials. In dwelling units, detec ors shall be mounted in accordance with the rules regardi g smoke detector location promulgated under the provi ions of subdivision 2. When actuated, the detector shall pr ide an alarm in the dwelling unit or guest room. Subdivision 5. MAINTENANCE RESPONSIB LITIES: For all occupancies covered by this s ction where the occupant is not the owner of the dwrel ing unit or the guest room, the owner is responsible or the maintenance of the smoke detector. Subdivision 6. PENALTY: Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to the same penalt� 'ncurred for violation of the uniform fire code, as specifie in section 299F. 011, subd. 6. 14. PROVIDE DOOR CLOSURE PER AD-1. LSC 19-3. 6. 2 . DOOR CLOSERS. Doors between living un ts and corridors shall be self-closing. Doors shall be equipped with latches for keeping doors tightly closed. 15. INOPERABLE TOILET - REPAIR. 34. 11-1. WATER CLOSETS: every dwelling unit sha 1 contain within its walls a room, separate from the hab 'table rooms, w�iich affords privacy and which is equipped w'th a water closet. 16. REPAIR PAINT AND PLASTER - LIVING ROOM WHERE WATER LEAKAGE CEILING. 34. 10-7. .. . �="�1�-/�5�7 DEFICIENCY/CORREC,TI Pd LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 PAGE 7 RE: 602 THOMAS AVE '�1&2 PLASTER AND PAINT. • Interior walls, floors, ceilings an woodwork. All interior walls, floors, ceilings an associated wood-work or trim must be maintained in a sou d condition and in wor3�nanlike repair. - 17 . BATHROOM WINDOW OPEN FULLY WILL NO CLOSE. REPAIR. 34 .09-3B. WINDOW/SASH. Every window sash sha 1 be in sound condition and fit reasonably tight within its frame. 18 . HARDWIRED SMOKE DETECTOR NOT FUNC ONAL IN BASEMENT. OPTION 3 OF FIRE SEPARATION. Z,SC 19-3 .2 . 1. FIRE SEPARATION. Hazardous area5, including but not limited to boiler and heater rooms, laundries, repair shops, and rooms or spaces used fo storage of combust- ible supplies and equipment deemed hazardous by the authority having jurisdiction, sha 1 be protected as follows: a) In buildings using o tion l, 2 or 3 , every hazardous area shall be separated rom other parts of the . building by construction having a ire resistance rating of at least 1 hour. Communicati�g openings shall be protected by approved smoke-activa ed automatic, or self- closing, fire doors with a fire pr tection rating of 3/4 hour. b) In buildings using ption 4, the enclosure for hazardous areas maX be of anx easonably smoke resisting construction with or wzthout a fir resistance rating. Option 1: Buildings without ire suppression or detection systems; � Option 2 : Buildings provided with a total automatic smoke detection sy tem; � ; Option 3: Buildings provided with automatic sprinkler protection in sele ted areas; Option 4: Buildings protecte throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system. , ^ (��- ���i.��7 DEFICIENCY/CORRECT ON LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 PAGE 8 RE: 602 THOMAS AVE ;�1&2 19. RODENT HARBORAGE - WILD CATS 600 OMAS ENTERING THROUGH WALL ATTIC TO 602 THOMAS. APARTMENT ,#1 NEEDS TO BE INSPECTED UE TO A GAS LEAK IN WHICH BOTH A FIRE � COMPANY AND NSP WERE CALLED OUT TO N 3/16/88. 34.08-4. . 0 �--�i.�� ���==o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �' '. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 'a,: "��� �� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH `���,,��� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George latimer Mayor RECEfVED July 21 , 1989 �u� 2�19a9 Mr. President and CITY CLERK Members of the City Council Re: 600-02 Thomas Avenue Date of Hearing: August 22 , 19$9 District Council : 7 Honorable Council : The Division of Public Health is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structure a the location referred to above. The owners of record are: Western State Bank of St. Paul 663 University Avenue West (Fee Owner) St. Paul , MN 55104 Hotzler Renovation 193 Mackubin Street (Prospective Buyer) St. Paul , MN 55102 Attn: Michelle Hotzler The legal description of the abs ract property is : Lot 11, Smith' s Subdivision of Block 12, Stinson' s Division to St. Paul , Minn. The building is a two-story, wo d frame, fire damaged, multiple unit residential building. The subject property has been u occupied since January 1983 . The building has stood unoccupi d for longer than one year and meets one or more of the condit ons that constitute an abandoned building, as defined in Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. On November 11 , 1988 , the Divis on of Public Health mailed an order to the owners, interested parties and responsible parties of this building requiring that the building be either repaired, by correcting the attached list of deficiencies, or demolished on or before January 10, 1989 . Ina much as the orders have not been completed to the satisfaction o the Division and the continued Mr. President and Members of the City Council July 21, 1989 Page -2- abandoned condition of the buildi g contributes a blighting influence and potential hazard to the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of the Division th t the City Council pass a resolution ordering the owners, i terested parties and responsible parties to either rep ir or demolish the building in a timely manner to the satisfacti n of the City. In the event the owners, interest d parties or responsible parties fail to comply with the C uncil Resolution, the Division of Public Health should be author ' zed to demolish the building and assess all costs incurred in he demolition against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes . You truly, f� -, __ � � �0����� `� a��l�. Staffen n �nvironmental alth Director Enclosure cc: John McCormick, Asst. City A torney Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall Jan Gasterland, Building Ins ection Warren Frost, PED District Housing Inspector , ��/�5�7 ,���•�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL f 4� � �; ;� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� iu�il�n 1� : ��• � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH .kL'I'. . �'"��.�� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (672)292•7741 Mayor ,a,g�,t�,�p��D BLI ING NOTICE October 7, 1988 Western State Bank of St. Paul 663 University Ave. Saint Paul, [�l 55104 Re: 600-02 Thomas Avenue SYnith's Subdivision of Block 12, St' sons Division of St. Paul, Minn. Lot 11, Block 12. Dear Sir or Madam: The Division of Public Health has determi ed that the above noted building is an abandoned building, which Chapter 4 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code defines as: "any building or portion of a buildin which has stood with an incomplete exterior shell for longer han three (3) years or any building or portion thereof k�hich has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or e of the following criteria; (a) unsecured, or (b) boarded, or (c) aving multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, or (d) placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 4 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordinance further states that an aband ned building is a`nuisance and it may•be ordered torn down by the City. NOTE: If you do not want to have the City in action to have this building torn dawn, then the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you ma�st tear the building d on or before: November 22, 1988. ° Any repair or d�nolition �t be ccimpleted 'n accordance with all applicable laws. If the repair work is not com�leted or if y u have not torn the building down by the above date, the Division of Puti ic Health will refer this matter to the City Council to receive autho ity to raze the building and charge all costs incurred in wrecking the 'lding against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in e same manner as taxes. The City Council will schedule a public hearing to consider if the building Abandoned Building Notice 600-02 Thomas Avenue October 7, 1988 Page T�ao should be torn dawn. If a public hearing becomes necessary, you will be notified of the time and date of the hear�ng and will be allowed to present evidence to the City Council. A copy of this order will be kept on file in the City Clerk's office and a resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Compliance with the attached list of deficiencies will remove your building from the list of abandoned buildings but it does not mean that the building com�lies with all applicable housing and build%ng codes. The date for co�liance with these orders shall not be extended unless you receive written approval from the Division of Public Health. If you have any questions about this order, please contact the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. Sincerely, Steven R. Roy E�vironmental Health Program Manager SRR/kjl Attachment cc: Warren Frost, PID . C���_�s°�. DEFICIIN LIST E�7� � 600-02 AVE OC`t'OBER 7 1988 All repairs and new installations must made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Pern�its must be obta ned where changes and/or additions to an electrical system require upgradi g �f the service size to current National Electrical Code (N.E.C. ) requi ements. Some p1Lm�bing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures an /or piping involved. A per[nit is required to for any repair or new insta lation. Pernu.ts may be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445 City Hall. EXTERIOR 1. Front entry door into 602 Th s Avenue is broken and frame is rotting at base. Replace door and repair or replace door frame. 2. Soffit facia boards around bui ding lack paint, are missing, or are in disrepair. Properly pr vide soffit facia boards in good repair and properly sealed tpa nted) . 3. Front entry door to 600 Thomas Avenue lacks properly installed door ]mob. Provide. 4. There is missing siding around building with exposed wood. Properly replace siding in a rlunanlike manner. 5. There is rotting �aood around t e sill plate in several spots. Repair in a wor]�nanlike manner 6. Foundation mortar missing and oundation in need of repair. Repair foundation in a worl�nan ike manner (west side, south side and east side) . 7. West side entry doors: hole e doors with electrical wire showing. Properly close hole. � 8. West porch floor boards are ro ed and in need of repair. Repair in a wor]Qnanlike manner. 9. West porch steps lack handrail . Provide properly installed handrails for steps. 10. South side of 600 Thomas, the tire roof has been burned off with interior unit exposed.. P perly replace roof. 11. Chimney broken down on s�ide wal s of 600 Thamas. Regair chimney according to Code. 12. Electrical service to 600 Th has been cut. Provide proper electrical hook up to 600 Th . 13. Chimney for 602 Thomas (southsi e) is missing bricks along base. Repair chimney in a w�orlananl ik manner. Def iciency List 600-0? Thomas Avenue Page two of two October 7, 1988 14. East porch area has large open ho3es into building (basement) . Properly close off all access areas. 15. East porch area has loose and rotting wood. Rep�air or replace. 16. East porch lacks steps to porch and handrail to porch. Provide. 17. There are boarded windows and doors. Remove all boards and provide properly installed windows and doors. 18. There are windows brocken and with missing glass. Repair or replace all windows properly. INTERIOR lst and 2nd units on 600 Thomas side. 1. Missing ceiling, walls, and lacking general maintenance. Repair in a wor�nanlike manner. Deficiency List on Order to Vacate Notice (attached) . If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to cor,rply with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. Inforn�ation about these programs is available fr�n the Depart.ment of Planning and Econ�ic Development, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a loan officer. _ .. �'�-/'�77� 'M��T�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL` ; - ,,,, : . ?; ,����,��� ;_ DEP RT�ti1ENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES APRIL 19, 1988 STE�'E CO�'�RO�', DIRECTOR ,.. I��G E. Eirti�ntr 5,..S�int P�ui,',t� �;i•��: GEC)KGE L4f I,ti1f K ��"'�'���`� DENNIS BROSE 79 N WESTERN AVE ST. PAUL, MN 55102 RE: Notice of Condemnatir�n an�d Order to Vacate 6 0 2 THOMAS AVE 1 &..2 Dear Property Owner: The Division of Fire Preventio of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, has found the premi es at the above property location to be unsafe, unfit f r human habitation, a public nuisance, a hazard to the publ c welfare or otherwise dangerous to human life. Encl sed is a copy of a "Notice of Condemnation and Order to Vaca e" which has been posted u on tne premises. The attached Co rection List shali be correctedp immediately or the premise vacat d by MAY 4, 1988. THIS CONDEMNATION REVOKES ANY ERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY THAT MAY EXIST ON THE BUILDING. Any corrections requiring cons ruction, electrical, plumbing, gas piping, heating r sprinkler work, must be performed under permit and wit the approval of the Building Inspection and Design Division Room 445 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, (298-4212) . These premises shall not be u d or inhabited until the attached "Correction List" is ompleted and a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by e Department of Fire and Safety Services, Division of ire Prevention, City of Saint Paul. Sincerely, C;��� �;����r�' �`� �� TED VANDERBEEK Inspector cc: Building Code Division Housing Information Offi e Marland Mork, Welfare De artment Steven Zaccard, Fire Mar hal CORS-7 � DEFICIENCY/CORRECTION LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 PAGE 2 RE: 602 THOMAS AVE 1 � 2 1. REPAIR TOILET APARTMENT 2 TO WORKING ORDER. 34. 11-1. _ WATER CLOSETS: every dwelling unit shall contain within its walls a room, separate from the habitable rooms, which affords privacy and which is equipped with a water closet. 2• REPAIR SMOKE DETECTOR APARTMENT #2 TO WORKING ORDER. � 299F.362. SMOKE DETECTORS Subdivision 4. FIRE WARNING SYSTEMS; APARTMENT HOUSES, I�ODGING HOUSES, AND HOTELS. Every dwelling unit within an apartment house and every guest room in a lodginc� house or hotel used for slee purposes shall be provided with a smoke detector conforming to the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. , or approved by the International Conference of Building Officials. In dwelling units, detectors shall be mounted in accordance with the rules regarding smoke detector location promulgated under the provisions of subdivision 2. When actuated, the detector shall provide an alarm in the dwelling unit or guest room. Subdivision 5. MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: For all occupancies covered by this section where the occupant is not the owner of the dwelling unit or the guest room, the owner is responsible for the maintenance of the smoke detector. Subdivision 6. PENALTY: Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to the same penalt� incurred for violation of the uniform fire code, as specified in section 299F. 011, subd. 6. 3• REPAIR SIDING AND HOLES IN EXTERIOR. 34. 09-1B. . WALLS= Every exterior wall shall be free of holes, breaks, loose or rotting boards or timbers, and any other . � . . �,�"�-i��� � DEFICIENCY/CORRECTI N LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 PAGE 3 RE: 602 THOMAS AVE ;r I F� .2 condition which might admit dampn�s to the interior portions of the walls or to the ext ior spaces of the multiple dwelling. 4 . FOUNDATION FALLING APART (FLAKING) I BASEMENT - WATER LEAICAGE - WOOD TRIM MISSING - ROTTING IN NEED OF PAINT. 34 . 09-1A, 1C. FOUNDATION/PAINT. Foundations, wall and roof. Every foundation, exterior wall, roof, and all other exterior surfaces shall be maintained in a wo lQnanlike state of maintenance and repair. (a) The foundation elements shall a equately support the building at all points. (c) Al1 exterior wood surfaces, othe than decay resistant woods, shall be protected from t e elements and decay by paint which is not lead-based paint or by other protective covering or treatment. 5. ROOF LEAKING INTO APARTMENT #2_ REpA R. 34 . 09-1D. ROOF. The roof shall be tight and ha e no defects which admit rain, and roof drainage shall b adequate to prevent rain water from causing dampness in t e walls. 6. INSTALL FiA1�TDRAIL WEST SIDE OF BUILDIN STAIRS. 34 .09-2B,C. STAIR RAILS B, Every flight of stair which is more than two risers high shall have rails which are to be so lo�ated as determined by the Building Code; an every porch wh��ch is more than two risers high shall hav rails so located and ca�able of restraining a horizonta determined by the provisions of the Bu'ldingSCodeas C. Every rail and balustrade must be irmly fastented, balustrades to be no more than nine in es apart, and must be maintained in sound condition. Ope guardrail and stair railings shall have intermediate rails r ornamental DEFICIENCY/CORRECTION LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 � PAGE 4 RE: 602 THOMAS AVE rl,t2 pattern. 7. UFC 10.209. PROVIDE KEY BOX PER ENCLOSED ATTACHMENT K-l. KEY BOX: When access to or within a structure or an area is undul� difficult because of secured openinc�s or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the chief may require a key box to be installed in an accessible location. The kex box shall be a type approved by the chief and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the chief. 8. WATER LEAKAGE ON BLOCKS - BASEMENT FLOOR DIRT. BUT VERY DAMP. WATER SEEPAGE EVIDENT. 34. 10-1. FREE FROM DAMPNESS: In every dwelling, multi�le dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming house, and rooming unit, the cellar, basements, and c�awl spaces shall be maintained reasonably free from dam�ness to prevent conditions conducive to decay or deterioration of the structure. 9. 504.22 (3) . POST OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IN COMMON AREA. POSTING OWNERSHIP INFORMATION. Subd. 3. Posting of � Notice. A printed or typewritten notice containinc� the information which must be disclosed under subdivision ;2 shall be placed in a conspicuous place on the premises. Subd. 2. There shall be disclosed to the tenant either in the rental agreement or otherrwise in writing prior to commencement of the tenancy the name and address of: � (1) the person authorized to manage the premises; and (2, the owner�totaccept�service of processuandrreceive and , ��-��� DEFICIENCY/CORREC ION LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 PAGE 5 RE: 602 THOMAS AVE '�l&2 give receipt for notices and demands. 10. 33 . 05 (4) . � POST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY I�i MMON AREA. POSTING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. Certificate of Occupancy Subd. 4 � E ' sting Buildings.� . Within a reasonable time as fixed - every buildin exce t P Y a written order . . . . , g p grou s R-� a d M occupancies hereto- fore erected shall have a certi�ic te of occupancy issued by the division and posted on the pre ises. 11. PROVIDE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. 299F.361. F'IRE EXTSNGUISHERS. Installation of Fire Extinguishers in multiple unit Residential Buildings: Subdivisio 1: There shall be provided and installed in each apa tment of a multiple unit residenc� building containing four or more apartments, at least one fire extinguisher comply ng with the standards prescribed by section 299F. 36 ancl ith a rating of not less than lA-lOBC, as defined by the Na ional Fire Protection Pamphlet No. 10, or there shall be within 50 feet of• each apartment e tranceeataleastsonelfire extinguisher complyinc� with the st ndards prescribed by section 299F.36 and with a rating f not less than 2A-lOBC as defined by the National Fire Pr tection Pamphlet No. 10. 12. FRONT EXIT BLOCKED HALLWAY. UFC 12 .103-A. OBSTRUCTION. Obstructions, includ'ng storage, shall not be placed in the required width of an exit except projections as permitted by the Building Code. 13. PROVIDE SMOKE DETECTORS PER SD-1. 299F.362. .. DEFICIENCY/CORRECTION LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 , PAGE 6 ' RE: 602 THOMAS AVE nl&2 SMOKE DETECTORS Subdivision 4 . FIRE WARNING SYSTEMS; APARTMENT HOUSES, LODGING HOUSES, AND HOTELS. Every dwelling unit within an apartment house and every guest room in a lodginc� house or hotei used for sleepin purposes shall be provided with a smoke detector conforming to the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. , or approved by the International Conference of Building Officials. In dwelling units, detectors shall be mounted in accordance with the rules regarding smoke detecto� location promulgated under the provisions of subdivision 2. When actuated, the detector shall provide an alarm in the dwelling unit or guest room. Subdivision 5. MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: For all occupancies covered by this section where the occupant is not the owner of the dwelling unit or the guest room, the owner is responsible for the maintenance of the smoke detector. Subdivision 6. PENALTY: Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to the same penalt� incurred for violation of the uniform fire code, as specified in section 299F. 011, subd. 6. 14. PROVIDE DOOR CLOSURE PER AD-1. LSC 19-3 . 6. 2 . DOOR CLOSERS. Doors between living units and corridors shall be self-closing. Doors shall be equipped with latches for keeping doors tightly closed. 15. INOPER.ABLE TOILET - REPAIR. 34 . 11-1. WATER CLOSETS: every dwelling unit shall contain within its walls a room, separate from the habitable rooms, which affords privacy and which is equipped with a water closet. 16. REPAIR PAINT AND PLASTER - LIVING ROOM WHERE WATER LEAKAGE CEILING. 34. 10-7. � , . ���-fs�� DEFICIENCY/CORRECTIOPJ L ST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 � PAGE 7 RE: 602 THOMAS AVE �;1&2 PLASTER AND PAINT. • Interior walls, floors, ceilings and wo dwork. All interior walls, floors, ceilings and as ociated wood-work or trim must be maintained in a sound � ndition and in workmanlike repair. 17. BATHROOM WINDOW OPEN FULLY WILL NOT CLASE. REPAIR. 34.09-3B. WINDOW/SASH. Every window sash shall b in sound condition and fit reasonably tight within its fra e. 18 . HARDWIRED SMOKE DETECTOR NOT FUNCTIONA --- IN BASEMENT. OPTION 3 OF FIRE SEPARATION. ISC 19-3 .2 . 1. FIRE SEPARATION. Hazardous areas, incl ding but not limited to boiler and heater rooms, lau dries, repair shops, and rooms or spaces used for sto age of combust- ible supplies and equipment deemed haza dous by the authority having jurisdiction, shall be protected as follows: a) In buildings using option 1, 2 or 3 , every hazardous area shall be separated from ther parts of the . building by construction having a fire esistance rating of at least 1 hour. Communicating open ngs shall be protected by approved smoke-activated a tomatic, or self- closing, fire doors with a fire protect on rating of 3/4 hour. b) In buildings using optio 4 , the enclosure for hazardous areas max be of anx reaso ably smoke resisting construction with or without a fire res ' stance rating. Option l: Buildings without fire uppression or detection systems; a, Option 2 : Buildings provided with a total automat`ic smoke detection system; ' Option 3 : Buildings provided with automatic sprinkler protection in selected reas; Option 4: Buildings protected thr ughout by an approved automatic spri kler system. ' ; DEFICIENCY/CORRECTION LIST 5147402 APRIL 19, 1988 ' PAGE 8 RE: 602 THOMAS AVE ;�1&2 19. RODENT HARBORAGE - WILD CATS 600 THOMAS ENTERING THROUGH WALL ATTIC TO 602 THOMAS. APARTMENT ,$`1 NEEDS TO BE INSPECTED DUE TO A GAS LEAK IN WHICH BOTH A FIRE COMPANY AND NSP WERE CALLED OUT TO ON 3/16/88. 34.08-4. . ; .