89-1505 WHITE - GITY CLERK ' PINK - FINANCE ' TT COUIICll CANARV -DEPARTMENT C I TY F SA I NT PA ll I� ewe _ M��oR File NO. �'���r� . +� 1 ` ` indnce � lo/ Ordinance N�. /�o lo � Presented By �./ 3 � _,.� efe o � J � Committee: Date ���-Z�� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance mending Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul L gislative Code pertaining to building perm' t posting. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Section 33. 03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same here}�y ame ded to add the following: "33.03(g) . Posting The building or general con- struccion ;oermit s all be posted on the premises in a conspicuous 1 cation such that the information on the permit can e read from the outside of the premises . " Section 2. That -�his ordinance shall take effect and be in force thir-cy (30) days after ts passage , approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Fa or Goswitz O Rettman Scheibel Again t BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �C� ' 3 Form roved y City orn r Certified Pas Council Sec tar BY By Approv Mayor: Da - Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil g By Ptlgl{SlED Q C T 1419 : ��- 50� o���Nrip�couNa� ' Iw►� Nmn�o � � (��` c�t c � GREEN SHEET No. c5 INITIAU DA7E INITIAUDATE CONTACT PER N d PHONE ^ �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL Councilman Wi 11 iam �Vil son � �qTY ATTORNEY �CITY q.ERK MUST BE ON COUNqL Af�ENDA BY(DATE) �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.�MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR/18818TANT) � TOTAL 1�OF 810NATURE PAQiES 1 CLI ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� �cnoN�cw�a Adoption by the City Council. REOOMMENDA710N8:App►ove(ly a Re�ect(R) (�1J qL WIAM11l'EE/AE8EARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMIBSION _CML SERVICE COMMI8810N ANA 3T PHONE NO. _q8 COMMITTEE _ COM ENTB: _STAFF _ _DISTRICf OOURT _ 8UPPORT8 WHICH WUNpL OBJECTIVE4 INfMTINO PROBI.EM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,Whsn,Where, Inability for city inspectors d rea property owners to read building permits fror� the property line or street. rr t oxd�nance does not require permits to be visible from the street. ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: City inspectors and axea pro�e ty owners can read�,iy detexma.en a�f construction work is under city.permit as requix d. pSADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: StatuS qu0. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s - COST/REVENUE BUDCiETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINd 80URCE ACTIVITIf NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� . . . • -- 50� ` .sv�„�� � �� � - ��y��G�� �s���Tr �. . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3'�0 ��'i ;; �r! OFFICE OF ?HE CITY ATTORNEY ``;� iiii'i'ii'ri �' <. . EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY "'��,�,,,n�°,'����'��� 647 City Nall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR August 2 , 1989 ,,.�^;.;� _� � P ��. __. .,�_.. ro �_ E�l.;� .�; 'l��`� Council Member William Wil on Seventh Floor I�IL� Wi��U;� City Hall Re : Posting of Building P rmits. Dear Council Member Wilson Pursuant to your request of June 9, 1989, please find enclosed an ordinance amending Cha ter 33 of the Legislative Code dealing with the above captioned s bject. I trust you will find t e text in satisfactory form, but if not please do not hesitat to contact us as it is a relatively easy matter to amend. Yo truly, c PAUL F . MC CL SKEY Assistant City Attorne�°" PFM:cg Encl . cc : Edward Starr Jane McPeak Edwin Lee , , � Members: � 1 , Bili Wilson, chair � CITY O SAINT PAUL Tom Dimond ���n�ns� ! Kiki Sonnen � ,ms �t�� ; ��' — " s OFFICE F TAE CITY COUNCIZ,� ������ '•� Date: September 13, 1989 � . RECEIVED 17�� WILLIAM L. WILSON CO mittee Report MARK VOERDING CounCilman c�� 1� 1�� Legislative Aide V To: Saint Paul City Cou il C1TY C�E�<< � From : Housing and Eco omic Development Committee Biil Wilson, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes MINUTES of the AUGUST 9 989 committee meetin were APPROVED. 2. Ordinance amending ChaAte 33 of the Legislative Code pertaining to building permit postin� C.F. 89-1505) _ COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AtPP VAL. 3. Ordinance amending Chapte 60 of the Legislative Code pertaining to zoning text changes relat d to restaurants (C.F. 89-1576) COMMITTEE RECOt�IIJIENDED APP OVAL. (Any necessary amendment o be completed by third reading. A companion licensing ordinance, if n eded, should be ready by the same time.7 CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/293-4646 . 9�46 � �t � ) • � ` C , . _ ` = ._ " •� - � ; 2nc3_ 1! � �'� � . � . , �a — � � " � `' Adopted / -� /- �� Yeas Nays - DIMOND l C� . i�-�� GOSWITZ /7�1� � LONG. � : : : RETTMAN " SONNEN - � . WILSON - - - �` N1R• PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL _ ,, , .. . :. - , , . -_. :...�..:� WHITE - CITV CLERK � �� �� � COIlAClI �,/ PINK - FINANCE GITY O SAI PAUL CI�NARV -�EPARTMENT {fo BLUE -MpvOR File NO. J City Attny/PBB • ' O in�nce i `•. Ordinance N 0. � �% Presented By '''' �--�'� vReferred To �'�-��� Committee: Date � ��`�� Out of Committee By Date An ordinan e to amend section 376 .13 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to make vehicle license transfer fees uniform with the occ pation license fees . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 376 . 13 of the aint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows : "Sec . 376 .13 . Lic nse-Transfers . Any public vehicl license issued under the provisions of thi chapter may be transferred from one vehicle o another, 6a���.e�.� ga���.g a�.�.���e�.a� �ee �'e ��ee�se; for the balance of the license perio upon a written application to the inspector , signed by the licensee holding the license �desir d to be transferred, together with the payment o said inspector, for the use of the City of Sa nt Paul of the ax� e� eae de��a� �$�-AA}, t ansfer tax in the amount rovided under se tion 0.1 o t e Co e. The app icant or such trans er shall make application, sett ng forth the information required by Secti n 376 .08 , and shall present COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai ns Y Sonnen Wilson �i Form Appr ved by City ttor Adopted by Council: Date • . u �y Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � /l/v, By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY lst . 'o�:�_�� 2nd 9 - .`�/' �� � 3rd �� �� ' c�j Adopted /D_ �-' �� Yeas Nays DIMOND ��,.y_✓ F���/�� GOSWITZ � fJ /�/- G� ! «� LONG _ � � RETTMAN SONNEN WILSON MR. SIDENT� SCHEIBEL