89-1489 i
City Atty/:PBB • •
- Coun il Resol i�nt .
Presented By ��
Referred To ommittee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Resolved that the :Priv te Club, Restaurant (d) and any other
licenses held by BUT Inc, d a :E�eoples Choice, issued for the premises
at 920 Selby Avenue in Sai :Paul are hereby revoked. Revocation
is effective at 12: 01 A.M. n the Sunday following publication of
this Resolution.
This Resolution is ba ed on the record of the proceedings before
the Administrative Law Jud e, including the hearing on June 21, 1989,
the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the arguments and the
statements of the parties, their representatives and the deliberations
of the Council in open ses ion on August 8, 1989.
This Resolution is al o based on past violations and problems
associated with the licen e, as evidenced by two previous Resolutions:
(1) CF 87-1428, adopted o September 30, 1987, placed restrictions
upon the license which ha e been violated as evidenced by the Report
of the Administrative Law Judge; and (2) CF 88-499, adopted on April
7, 1988, which suspended 11 licenses hereunder for a period of thirty
(30) consecutive days, to which the licensee consented.
Further Resolved, th t Council adopts the Findings of Fact,
Conclusion of Law, Reco ndation and Memorandum of the Administrative
Law Judge contained in h' report dated July 5, 1989, a copy of which
is attached hereto and m de part of this Resolution.
A copy of this Reso ution as adopted shall be sent by first class
mail to the Administrati e Law Judge and to the licenseholder.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�ng In Favor
Rettman p
Scheibel A gai n s t By
A � 5 � Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
/` 8� G� ��j
Certified Yass by ouncil Se y BY �� � � � `
A►pproved 'Vlavor: Date
! � 6 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� ,;'�� ;� �� Ci 19$
. : � ��=����
OFFiCE (612) 339•I515
RESIOENCE 636-8929
July 5 , 1989
�r' ���''��;
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Office of City Attorney JU�
City of St. Paul �� �'-�,, �� 1,989
6� 1 Cilty Hall L"�r ! �� '� ".,t
St. Paul, MN 55102 ��' ' ' '' ,'R ;�
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Attention : Philip Byrne
Mr. Steven Goldfarb
610 Park National Bank Bu lding - .
5353 Wayzata Boulevard
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Re: The License of But , I e . , d/b/a People' s Choice Club
OAH File No : 62-2101- 529-6
Enclosed and served up n you please find Findings of Fact ,
Conclusions and Recomme dation relative to the above-captioned
matter .
Thank you for your promp attention to this matter.
Sincerely yours,
, ���
�chard A. Mosman
- , .� , , � ��_,��
` OAH # 62-2101-3529-6
In the matter of FINDINGS OF FACT,
the private club CONCLUSIONS, AND
and restaurant RECOMMENDATION
license of But, Inc. ,
d/b/a People' s Choice
The above-entitled matt r came on for a hearing before
Richard A . Mosman , Administr tive Law Judge , commencing at 9 :00
A.M. on Wednesday, June 21 ,
1989 , in Courtroom 15�5 , Ramsey
County Courthouse , St. Paul , Minnesota .
Assist nt City Attorney, City of St . Paul ,
Philip B. Byrne , eared on behalf of
647 City Hall , St . Paul , Mi nesota , 55102 , app 610
the City of St. Paul. Stev n M. Goldfarb , AttorneY Minneapolis ,
Park National Bank Building ,
5353 WaYzata Boulevarda/b/a People' s
Minnesota , 55�+16 , appeared n behalf of But Inc . ,
Choice Club .
This report is a Recom endation, not a final decision. The
St. Paul City Council wil make tre�ectaor modify the Fi di gs
review of the record, it ma adopt ,
of Fact , Conclusions an Recommendation contained herein .
Pursuant to MSA 14 .61 , th orta hasebeen nmade availablelto hthe -
not be made until this R p ortunity
parties to the proceeding for at least 10 days . An opp
must be afforded to each ent a r ume t y to thet CouncilhlsPart°es
to file exceptions and pre g Clerk , St. Paul City
should contact Albert B Olson , City 55102 , to ascertain
Council, 386 City Hall , S . Paul , Minnesota,
the procedure for filing ceptions or presenting argument .
Whether the private lub and/or restauran uslension orlfine
But , Inc . , should be su ject to revocation, s p
for violation of law and he terms and conditions of its license ,
specifically ;
1 . Permitting the alsale licenselic beverages on licensed
premises without an n _
2 . Permitting min s to enter and remain on the licensed
- .� , � ��-����
' premises ,
3 . Failure to provide securi y as required by a condition on
the license ,
4 . Permitting persons sellin drugs to enter, remain on, and ,.
use the licensed premises in furtherance of their drug
dealings .
Based upon all the proceeding erein , the Administrative Law '
Judge makes the following :
1 . But , Inc . , d/b/a Peopl ' s Choice Club is the license
holder of a Class III priv te club licensed and a Class D
restaurant license operated out of the premises located at
920 Selby Avenue , St . Paul , innesota, 55104 . The renewal of �
this private club license w s approved by the City Council
Resolution dated December 13 1988 •
2 . The City Council , wit the cons�ent of the licensee ,
issued a suspension of thi license for a 30 day period,
April 15 to May 15, 1988 .
3. On September 30 , 198 , the City Council , Resolution
87-1428 , amended the licen e of the People' s Choice Club
attaching conditions to the operation of the establishment ,
including in pertinent part s follows :
2 . Anyone caught selling drugs will be prohibited for
life .
4 . You must have secu ity from 7:00 P.M. to closing on
weekends during winter months . (November 1 - March 30)
5 . You must have se urity from 7:00 P.M. to closing
every night during e rest of the year. (April 1
-October 31 )
6. You must check all I. D. ' s at all times . (All
patrons will be twenty one (21 ) years old ) .
4 . On April 13, 1989 , St . Paul Police Officer, Janet Burke ,
dressed in street clothe , entered the People' s Choice
through a buzzer operated ront door. She was not asked for
membership identification ither on entry or prior to being
served an alcoholic bevera e .
5 . On May 24 , 1989, Offic r Burke again went to the People' s . �? � � `�
Choice in street clothes , entered the premises through an
unlocked front door and was able to order an alcoholic
beverage without being as ed for membership identification .
On both of these occasi ns , Officer Burke observed mixed -
drinks being poured from numerous bottles with pour spouts
- . � . � � ���'"/��9
, .
' located behind the bar , both n a shelf and in bar racks near
waitress service areas.
6 . Although there were sign on the premises indicating that
membership in the club w s required , she observed no
established procedure for c ecking membership on either of .
the occasions that she enter d the club.
7. The patrol officers as igned to the area in which the �:
People ' s Choice is located have a primary focus on Selby '
Avenue . It has been their h bit for over a year to enter the
People ' s Choice Club on a egular basis , seldom going more
than two days without enteri g the Club.
8 . The patrol officers ave seen identifiable security
personnel in and outside of the People' s Choice , but only on
Wednesday nights and weekend , when business was heaviest .
9 . The patrol officers ave observed on a regular and
consistent basis , what they identified as numerous drug sale
transactions which take pl ce on the street and sidewalk
immediately outside of the People ' s Choice Club involving
individuals who seem to op rate from the Club either as a
place to escape inclement eather or as a location to avoid
detection and hand off any contraband in the event they are
followed into the Club by 1 w enforcement oFficers .
10 . On November 11 , 19 8 and April 13 , 1989 , patrol
officer' s removed several inors from the People ' s Choice.
Although the patrolmen ide tified minors to the Management ,
they repeatedly see minors n the club.
11 . On May 1 , 1989 , the S . Paul Police Department executed
a search warrant for intox cating liquor , gambling devices ,
records, weapons, drugs and business records .
12 . Of the 136 bottles o liquor and 917 cans of beer and
coolers seized, approximat ly 50 were labeled with names .
Forty of those labels had e ght names and appraximately 30 of
thbse carried the names f the proprietors , Williams and � �
Hayes . Additionally , $2, 4 3 in cash , 2 weapons from locked �
areas and business record were removed from the premises.
No drugs, drug paraphanelia or gambling devices were seized .
13 • On May 30 , 1989 , the St. Paul Police executed a search
warrant directed to intox cating liquor , gambling devices, �
records receipts, weapons , membership records and ownership
records. In executing thi seareh warrant , the police seized
$ 165 .00 cash, 83 cans of b er , 12 bottles of champagne and 53
bottles of assorted wines . No drugs , gambling paraphanelia .
or weapons were found. . �
14 . On both occasions , there were patrons found on the
premises that did not prof ss membership in the Club . "
- . � � G���_,���
. �
' Based upon the foregoing Findi gs of Fact , the Administrative Law
Judge makes the following:
1 . The St. Paul City C uncil and the Administrative Law.
Judge has jurisdiction in this matter pursuant to MSA 14 .50
and 340A.�15 ( 1986) and the St. Paul Legislative Code ,
§310 .05 and 310 .06. +�
2 . The City of St . aul has fulfilled all relevant
substantive and procedural requirements of law and rule.
3 . But, Inc . , d/b/a the eople ' s Choice Club is licensed by
the City of St . Paul as a private club which permits the
storage , dispensing or c nsumption of intoxicating or non-
intoxicating liquor on t e premises , St. Paul Legislative
Code §�I0�1 .02(2) . The re ail sale of intoxicating liquor is -
not allowed and specif cally prohibited under St . Paul
Legislative Code 409 .01 .
4 . The licensee is req ired to comply with all state and
local laws as well as the special conditions imposed upon its
license , in this case , the conditions itemized in City
Council Resolution 87-142 , effective October 1 , 1987 .
The City of St . Paul ha proven by a preponderance of the
evidence that the licen ee has violated special conditions
imposed upon the Licen ee, specifically number 4 and 5 ,
relating to maintaining security inside and outside the
premises, and number 6 , relating to checking identification
of patrons for membersh ' p and to assure that minors do not
enter the premises.
5 . Violation by this Licensee of Statute and Code have
established adequate gr unds for the Ci�y Council to take _
adverse action against the license in accordance with St.
Paul Legislative Code §3 0 .06(b)( 5)&( 6) .
6 . The City of St. Paul has proven by a preponderance of the
evidence that the licen ee has violated MSA 401A.401 and St.
Paul Legislative Code Ch pter 409 .01 , by selling intoxicating
liquor without a license .
7. The Licensee has al owed the licensed premises to be open
to the public in viola ion of its license and available to
minors and patrons wi h known criminal history . These
patrons appear to b using the licensed premises in
furtherance of illega activity . By operating in this
fashion, the licensed p emises has become a serious danger to
the public health, safety and welfare in accordance with St.
Paul Legislative Code § 10 .06(b) (7) . �
Based upon the foregoing Conclusions , the Administrative Law -
Judge makes the following :
. . . . �;:�"d,,���9
IT IS RESPECTFULLY RECOMMENDE that the St . Paul City Council
revoke the private club license f But , Inc . , d/b/a The People' s
Choice Club. •
. ►,
Dated: ----=r --- --(��--- ;
ichard A. Mosman
Administrative Law Judge
Pursuant to MSA 1�4 . 62 Subd . 1 , the City Council is required
to serve its final decision by irst class mail upon each party .--
and the Office of Administrativ Hearings, 310-4th Avenue South,
Fifth Floor, Minneapolis , Minnes ta, 55415 .
Reported: Record was tape recor ed
- - - _�%-�=���'
; �
The only testimony pr sented by the Licensee related to
evidence that other establi hments with private club licenses �: in
St. Paul failed to monitor effectively access to their clubs �nd
dispensed liquor in a fash 'on similar to that of the People ' s
Choice. Although this may be of interest to the City Council ,
this is no defense to cha ges of violations committed by this
Licensee .
Several police reports were admitted into evidence over the
objection of the licens e . It was the opinion of the
Administrative Law Judge t at these were official police records
that were created in the n rmal course of police business and an
exception to the Hearsay ule in accordance with MRCP 803(8) .
They were adequately relia le and had sufficient probative value
to be competent evidence n this proceeding . The licensee had
adequate opportunity to cross examine four of the police
officer' s whose reports ma e up a majority of the exhibits . The
Administrative Law Judge ound the balance of the reports to be
ron-predjudieial and harmi ss to the Licensee .
The St. Paul Legislat 've Code §310 .06( b) provides authority
for adverse action against any licenses issued by the city in the
following pertinent situations as follows :
"( 5) The Licensee or Applicant has failed to comply with any
conditions set forth in the license, or set forth in the
resolution granting o renewing the license .
( 6) The Licensee or Applicant has failed any of the
provisions of these apters or of any statute , ordinance or
regulation reasonabl related to the licensed activity,
regardless of whethe criminal charges have or have not been
brought in connection therewith.
(7) The activities f the Licensee and the licensed activity
create or have creat d a serious danger to the public health,
safety or welfare -- "
The private club lic nse issued to the Licensee, permits the
"---storage , dispensing or consumption of any intoxicating or
non-intoxicating liquor on the premises . St. Paul Legislative
Code §�104 .02(2) . This clearly does not include the sale of
liquor as that is speci ically prohibited by both State Statute ,
MSA 401A.401 and City Co e, §409 .01 .
The evidence presen ed by the City strongly indicates that
the licensed premises as operated essentially as an on sale -
liquor establishment . he Licensee presented no evidence on the
issue and there was n apparent system for identifying liquor
• . . - - . �� ���
. , � .
maintained on the premis s as belonging to members of this
private club. It appeare far more likely that the inventory
maintained on the premises had been purchased by the management
and sold to the individual patrons for profit , something clearly
in violation of State Sta utes and City Code. There was • no
evidence to the contrary.
There was no apparen method of limiting access to �he
premises to members of th Club. This was considered flagrant
since it violated a specif c condition imposed upon the license
by the City Council on Oeto er 1 , 1987 . (Exhibit ��6)
The evidence presented clearly indicated that the Licensee
failed to comply with the pecial conditions requiring security
personnel on duty at times specified in the Council Resolution .
Although security was som times used, it was only during busy
evenings and not during the time periods ordered in the Council ' s
Resolution. The condition was so specific that violation of it
borders on intentional .
There was significant evidence by way of police testimony
that on a regular basis the observed suspected drug transactions
outside of the -premises a d that patrons with drug convictions
frequented the Club. Ther had been arrests for drug violations
immediately outside the lub of people who had been seen
frequently entering and le ving the Club to engage in suspected
drug transactions. When t e Club was closed for a 30 day period
in April-May, 1988 , the su pected drug- transactions outside the
licensed premises did not pear to take place.
There were no drugs fo nd on the licensed premises or any of
it employees during the ex cution of search warrants in April or
May, 1989 • There is no evidence of any involvement by the
Licensee or employee ' s in ny of the suspected drug transactions
or that they directly pro ited or were involved in the illegal -
sale of drugs.
Revocation is not rec mmended because drug transactions may
have taken place outside o the licensed premises . There was no
evidence that the Licensee or employees were involved or directly
profited from any of th' s type of illegal activity . The
Licensee , however, was a are of the City Council ' s concern
regarding drug activity as it had been specifically addressed in
1987 when special conditio s were placed upon their license . The
management was aware of th drug arrest made immediately outside
their entrance and the dr g related criminal history of some of
their patrons when police would enter the establishment , eject
minors and make arrests .
The apparent failure f the Licensee to make any effort to
comply with the special co ditions plaeed upon their license and
the apparent disregard o any method of business practice to
comply with the liquor la s under which the license was issued
appeared to create a lawle s atmosphere in and about the licensed
premises . The Licensee a d their patrons knew laws were being
. , , . � � . �_,���
. . ��
broken , either liquor laws, drug laws , or private club laws that
exclude minors from the pre ises . Opening the licensed premises
to anyone and everyone cert inly allowed the licensed premises to
be a gathering ground for all who cared to attend , a result
clearly contrary to the i tent of the City Council when tliey
issued this private club li ense.
It is assumed that t e Licensee did not participate -�or
directly profit from any llegal drug activity that may have
taken place outside of the icensed premises .
The Licensee did, howev r, indirectly profit by the increased
traffic generated by unrest icted access available to non-members
and minors, all in violat on of the law. The opportunity to
enter such an establish ent , if allowed , is particularly
attractive to minors. It i all the more attractive if there is
a suggestion that there ma be illegal activity taking place in
or around the premises. The atmosphere generated by the
Licensee ' s failure to comp y with the law made it possible for
minors to come into eontac with people with criminal and drug
history. To the extent th t this was made possible , the license
created a serious danger t public health, safety and welfare of
the community in violation f City Code §310 .06(b)( 7) .
Knowledge of illegal activ ty has been found to be a sufficient
basis to �ustify revocati n of a license . Sabes vs . City of
Minneapolis, 120 NW2d 871 ( inn. 1963 ) . The Licensee clearly has
notice of the allegedly il egal activity ar�d the assistance the
licensed premises could pla in providing shelter from weather or
observation to anyone wis ing to take advantage of it . The
Licensee has profited by vi lating the laws that provided him the
privilege to operate a pr vate club. The Licensee has abused
that privilege and at the s me time provided potential protection
to those engaged in illega activity and attractive adventure to
minors. This license shoul be revoked.
RAN?/1 s.s .
-s- -
'�� -�`�, � GITY F SAINT PAUL
Councilman Lcgislative Aide
M E M 0 R A N D U M
T0: Jim Mann
Alma Joseph, Chair
District 8 Planning ouncil
FROM: William L. Wilson
DATE: August 14, 19
SUBJECT: Peoples Choice Lic nse
Jim, this is to follow up on m conversation last week during the City Council
meeting in which I stated my i tent to meet with you and a District 8
representative regarding the P ople's Choice License revocation. My purpose
was twofold:
1 . To determine whether the reorganization proposal that was
advanced during the earing is in fact separate from the license
revocation, and
2. What was District 8' rationale for recommending suspension rather
than revocation.
As you may recall , during the Council meeting, the City Attorney's preliminary
verbal opinion was that such meeting seemed legal providing I posted prior
notice of the meeting. Since then a final legal opinion has been issued
disallows such a meeting. Th opinion basically sets forth that once an
adverse hearing has been sche uled, no Councilmember can discuss the license
matter outside of a Council m eting set for that purpose. Therefore, I am
restricted from holding such meeting.
I did review the Council hear ng and it is clear that a reorganization is
separate from the license hea ing. Secondly, although the administrative law
judge affirmed that the Counc 1 has discretion to deviate from examiners
findings, the basis must be d fensible where this is clear proof of a
violation of the law. In suc an instance, the Council can not find that
there was no violation of la . In this case, therefore, discretion would be
exercised in finding that a vocation was excessive and that a lesser penalty
such as suspension would be ore appropriate.
Based on Council policy, sale o alcohol without a license to sell calls for
revocation. A case may be made for suspension but, where there are previous
suspensions, as is the case wit the People's Choice, that alternative is
greatly lessened. Further, the notion of suspending a license pending
reorganization has the effect o the city attempting to determine in the
future whether a new group of p rsons could hold a license. Since the city
ultimately has to make that jud ement in any instance, a suspension would be a
cloud over a license and licens es. Therefore, the revocation should stand.
I realize that this is not the onclusion that was being sought by you and
District 8 Planning Council , bu in view of the facts, there is no other
conclusion I can draw.
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S t. Andrew Gohl being first du�y sworn upon oath, hereby makes ap-
plication to this Court for a warrant to search the (pr ises) iY�d'tXX�diXl�9�(person) hereinaher described, for the
propeny and things hereinaher described.
AHiant knows the contents of this application an supporting affidavit, and the statements herein are true of his
own Knowledge,save as to such as are herein stated on information and belief, and as to those, he believes them to
be true.
Affiant has good reason to believe, and does lieve, that the following described property and things, to wit:
Intoxicating liquor, wine, non–intoxi ating malt beverag�s, paragnernalia for dispensing
of same, all other equipment associat d with the sale, storage and/or consumption of
Gambling devices and miscellaneous g mbling paraphernalia consisting of, but not
limited to, sports tip–board tickets parlay cards and st�bs, crap tables, dice, anc�
video games.
Records, receipts, inventories, moni s, bills and other papers or records that pertain
to the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Weapons and/or guns, drugs covered nder the controlled substances law and paraphernalia
used for consumption and/or distrib tion of same and all cther contraband.
Papers, records, and effects which how or tend to show ownership of the premises at
920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnes a.
Papers, records, and effects which show or tend to show ir.terest, managenent, or
ownership of the business at 920 S lby Avenue, St. Paul, *'_innesota.
—City v Peoples Choice —
: City's E�&nibit #21A (5pp. )
�'elG�� Iwill be)
tat the premises) Qt�C��r� (on th person)described as:
9 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minne ota
all persons present on the premi e
Edward Hayes, DOB: 6/3/35,
John Williams, DOB: Unk. �
located in the City of St. Pa 1 ,County of Ramsey ,and 5tate of
" Minnesota.
This affiant applies for issuance of a sear h warrant upon the following grounds: (Strike inapplicable paragraphl
1. �����KY�2���iXJG�� i��rXg�i2s��i�
2. Thg property abo���-described was ed as means of committing a crime.
3. The possession of the propertyabo -described constitutes a crime.
4. The property above-described is in he possession of a person with intent to use such property as a means
of committing a crime.
5. The property above-described con titutes evidence which tends to sho�� a crime has been committed, or
tends to show that a part�cular person has c mitted a crime.
REPRI�TED 6•1-79
, � ��canot� t-s
wBased uoon the facts presented in this pplication, it is your affian['s belief that
violations of the �:innesota State Statu es pertaining to liquor, firear^�s, and na:cotics
occur and are permitted at the premise n a regular basis. That the information pre—
sented in this aoplication shows those iolations are cor.lmitted by both patrons and
r�anagement as well as employees of the eople's Choice, 920 Selby Avenue.
�our affiant, therefore, requests that search warrant be granted for the premises
of 920 Selby Avenue and the persons of ohn Williams, Edward Hayes, and all other
persons present on the gremises.
(attach and identify additiona!sheet if necasary)
A nighttime search ia necessary to prevent the loss, estruction or romoval of the objects of the aearch because:
A majority of the activity described in the application has been observed durino the
hours of darkness. That a nigh[time search allows for the greatest opportunity of
the seizure of the items requested.
An unannounced entry is necessary Ito prevent the loss, destruction or removal of the objects of the search
(and) to protect the safety of the peace officers)beca se:
To prevent the disposal of controlle substances by customers, disposal of intoxicating
liquor by er�ployees, disposal or use of firearms by those parties in possession of
same, an unannounced entry is reques ed.
WHEREFORE,Affiant request a search warran be issued,commanding S�t. Andrew Goh 1 and
all officers under his control
(a)peace officer(s),of the State of Minnesota, Ito en er without announcement of authority and purposet
�?f�L�§��i?f►�?�Ciii�O {in the daytime or nighttime)
to search the hereinbefore described ipremises Y��#Klpersonl
�r tor the described property and things and to seize aid property and things and keep said property and things in
custody until the same be dealt with according to la . '
' . � :p �
, �,
Subscribed and swom to before me this ' `
�� 'U �-Zi�-: � _
�.`�day of��1 191� ...`_'`.
�,Judge o �?-•-�:C'� c.� /�„if-:'/C'� Court
fy/. ,... �
' ,The facts tending to establish the foregoing gro nds for issuance of a search warrant are as follows:
�.ffiant is a po:ice officer employ d by the City of St. Paul for the past 18 years and
is currently a sergeant assigned t the Vice Unit of the St. Paul Police Department.
Affiant has, in [he course of his d ties, had occasion to investioate liquor, drug, and
prostitution offenses.
Your affiant, has received infornati n from other law enforcement officers and other
individuals and through his own inv stigation into the facts and circurnstances of
this case, has learned the following:
On Agril 28, 1989, a search warrant as executed at 920 Selby. At that time, 136
bottles of alcoholic beverages and a proximately 35 cases of beer were recovered along
with records and cash.
Your affiant contacted the City of St Paul License and Permit Division and spoke to a
member of the license staff. Your af iant was informed that on June 22, 1988, an Ap—
plication for Consumption and Display (Set—Up) Permit was approved for B.Li.T. Inc. ,
DBA: People"s Choice. That applicati n listec3 the owners as a partnership. Those
partners were identified on that agpli ation as John Williams, 1484 Sherburne and
Edward Hayes, 950 Carroll. Your affia t was also inforr�ed that the People' s Choice
currently holds a Privz;.e Club License naming John Williams and Edward Hzy2s as directer
of the private club. Your affiant was further informed that the application disclosed
John Y7illiams to be the owner of the b ilding that houses the People's C:;oice, located
at 920 Selby Avenue, St. �aul, Minn2sot . The private c.lub ne:.ibership, at t;.e time
of the application, was stated to be 14 members each paying a raer*:bership fee of $15
dollars a year. The People' s Choice al o hol�s a Restaurant—D License.
Your affiant checked with the Records U it of the St. Paul Police and learned there were
44 police incidents at 92Q Selby Avenue ince January 1 , 198t's. Included in the 44 police
incidents were six (6) incidents for Nar otics violations.
The People's Choice is located at 920 Se by Avenue, which is the southwest corner of
Selby Avenue and Milton in the City of St . Paul, Minnesota.
Your affiant learned from the St. Paul' Po ic.e Records Unit that there were 143 police
incidents at the corner of Selby Avenue a d Milton since January l, 1988 — 40 of which
were Narcotics violations.
Your affiant snoke to Officer Pyka, who is a regular beat officer in the area of Selby
and Milton. Officer Pyka told your affian that it has been his experience that drug
dealers commonly use the corner of Selby a d Nilton to deal drugs. Officer Pyka also
told your affiant that when he approaches hese known drug dealers, they flee into the
People's Choice.
On April 28, 1989, a Search Warrant was exe uted at 920 Selby. A undercover police office
had purchased a beer at the People's C?�oice at that time.
Within the last seven (7) days, a�undercove police officer again entered People 's Choice,
920 Selby. The undercover ofiicer i5� no� a ember of People's Choice. The undercover
offic.er was not asked for a membershio card. *:er�bership was neLer mentioned to the office
• The undercover officer observed a B/v, 45-50 years old, 5'8", 1�0 lbs. bartending. The
underco��er officer observed people ordering inks fro*.r, the bar:ender and collectinj
money for them. The undercover officer ord2r d a beer and mixec drink fro:n t'ne bartend�r
and after receiving the drinks charged �3 for them. The barten�er then rang t�is up on.
the cash register.
(continued on page 1-3)
_ • ,, SEARCN ARRANT �J�r��12-�
TO: S t . Andrew Gohl and all officers u der his ontrol
WHEREAS, SQt. Andrew Gohl as this day on oath, made application to the said Court
app lying for issuance ofa search warrant to search th following described (premises) �t�X��i� (person):
920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota a all ersons resent on the remise
Edward Ha •es DOB: 6 3 35• John Willia s DOB: Unk.
located in the City of St. Paul , c unty of Ramsey STATE OF MINNESOTA
for the following described propertv and things: attach and identify additional sheet if necessary)
Intoxicating liquor, wine, non—intoxic ing malt beverages, paraphernalia for dispensing
of same, all other equigment associate with the sale, storage and/or consumption of
liquor. Gambling devices and miscella eous gambling paraphernalia consisting of, but
not limited to, sports tip—board ticke s, parlay cards and stubs, crap tables, dice,
and video games. Records, receipts, i ventories, r:ionies, bills and other papers or
records that pertain to the premises a 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Weapons and/or guns, drugs covered un er the controlled substances law and paraphernalia
used for consumption and/or distribut on of same and all other contraband.
Papers, records, and effects which sh w or tend to show ownership of the premises at
920 Selby, Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesot .
Papers, records, and effects which sh w or tend to show interest, manager�ent, or
ownership of the business at 920 Sel Avenue, St. Paul , Alinnesota.
WHEREAS, the appl�cation and supporting affidavit of SQt. Andrew Gohl
(was)��xe� duly presented and read by the C urt, and being fully advised in the premises.
NOW, TH E R E FD R E, the Court finds that robable cause exsists for the issuance of a search warrant upon
the following grounds: IStrike inapplicable pa agraphs?
�. �x���x�x����re���s�i��xx� �x�cx����x
2. The property above-described was use as a means of committing a crime.
3. The possession of the property above- escribed constitutes a crime.
4. The property above-described is in t e possession of a person with intent to use such property as a
means of committing a crime.
5. The property above-described constit tes evidence which tends to show a crime has been committed,
or tends to show that a particutar person ha committed a crime.
• The Court further finds that proable cau e exsists to believe that the above-described property and things
(are) (i6b�Kl� tat theabove-described premises) �{ R�C�4lt4�f�4��•''X�R#14t��� (�thepersonofi E. Haves an�
The Court further finds that a nightti e search is necessary to prevent the loss, destruction, or removal
of the objects of said searc h.
The Court further finds that entry wi out announcement of authority or purpose is necessary (to pre-
vent the loss, desiruction, or removal of t objects of said search) (and) (to protect the safety of the peace
ITHE DESCRIBED PREMISES) �}f#Y.�� _ ���`���CX��}C� �THE PERSON OF Edward Haves and
BY THE COI� . i � —
� '�-� /�
� r;�k�`
Dated 5 ` ��' L' , 192., JUDGE F -� � �
y, �?_� �, _;,;;�`i�-r--_,couF r
. • • , .
� i, l� ' ° � ,rocaived the attached sesrch warrsnt
iswed by the Honorable •� i /4� G�/�� ,� ,9 �0 , 19 0 /-and heve
executed it as fotbws:
Pursuant to said warrant,on , 19LL,at /�= -30 o'clocl�m., i
searched the tprernises) kaeie*-�eMe�e? (pers 1 described in said warrant, and 1eh a true anci cwrect copy at said
(with► .F+�i 4at) ` !i'� `5
� LOOk into �custody the property and t ings liSted below: (attach and �dent�fy add�t�ona; sneet if necessary)
iy �- .���..F.,
�� S/� S 3°° s'. .�,ry,��.�: ��9sf� 6'�� .�.�� .�i�,;rr�� 33`= Gk,��..f., ��:,�
i z ,�r�`�/F.s Ch,9��9�� �,�J,�.��� F� c�� '� . � ,�� � s,��
c�,�.s o,� ,�iFr�
3� ,�71/rs .f �.,�-� o�/r.�s
7 ,�<rt�/fs o,� /,�•�.s r G��I,9.5
. ,lr-/f s� o� r .t.� -f; �.,�-�
3 ��l�`/�s � �� ,� T�-�- � tia
(Strike when appropriate:)
f left a receipt for the property and thi gs listed above with a copy of the warrani.
1 shall Iretain) or (deliver►custody of said pro rty as direcLed by Court order.
� � � � � ,being first duly sworn,upon oath,deposes and says
that i►e has read the forego�ng receipt, inventbry nd return and the matters stated are true and correct, except as to
such matters stated therei�on information and liei,and as to those, he believes them io be true.
Subscribed and �worn,to before me this
`�� da oL_.s,1tiu_^�. 1 � ,
�-� ZS �� � � . ���:✓ _
Notary Public, County, Minn. � �,,,�,,�,�,v,�,�,�,,,L,�,,�,�,�,,�,�,�,�ti,�,�,��* S�gnac e
�' .::�::., c;r,;i�Rs M Sc��F.4C�rEi �
, 1 ,�.,.
My commiss►on expires��l [`� � `� "t �:'s rti'� P:Qi:,�;� .�s!r�—r�L':N�SOl:, �
S �v:✓ �.�,K�.,:u.Ci.Urrlr
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"�� �•�• 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
MAY � `� 1�g
May 12, 1989 �,��
Mr . John Williams, Mgr. NOTICE OF HEARING
BUT, Inc. dba Peoples Choice Club
920 Selby Avenue
St. Paul , Minnesota 551Pl4
REi City v. People's Choice, 920 Selb Avenue
Dear Mz. Williams: ..
This is to notify you that the hear ' ng will be held concerning
all the licenses held at the pre ises stated above at the
following time, date and place:
T i m e: 9��...i.�.
Place: ------- -- --�
City and County, C urthouse
15 West Kellogg'
St. Paul , Mn. 55 4!2
The judge will be an Administrati�e Law Judge from the State of
Minnesota Office of Administrative; H arings:
Name: Marlene Senech 1
Fifth Floor ,' F our Exchange Building
31�1 Fourth AWe ue South
Minneapolis,� M . 55415
Telephone: 827-01911 ;
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to
provide for hearings concerning icensed premises, and for
adverse action against such 1'ic nses , under Chapter 310 ,
including sections 31 �1. 015 and� 310. �l6 , of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code. In the case o� icenses for intoxicating and
non=intoxicatina 1is,�_uQr , authori,ty is also conveyed y sec ion
� A.415 of the Minnesota Statutes. Adverse action may include
revocation, suspension, fines and ot er penalties or conditions.
Evidence will be presented to the ju ge which may lead to adverse
action against all the licenses you old at the above premises as
follows : �
1 . You have sold and pe mitted the
���►s on the licens d premises without a proper on-
sale license under ch pters � or +� of the ��Mt
� a a matter of the usual conduct
of the business of th club, including the specific
date of April 28, 1989, on which a search warrant for
. the premises was execut d.
2. You have permitted to enter and rem ain on the
licensed premises in violation of the terms and
conditions of your pri ate club license on numerous
occasions over the past six months, including rlovember
11 , 1988 and April 13, 9a9.
3. You have from 7: 0P1 p.m. to
closing as required by a condition on your license ,
such failure occurrin at least over the past six
months . �
4. You have permitted _ �i�e�i�!
, and ��e t e licensed premises and its
facilities in furthera ce of their drug dealings, a�
of the club
for the same purposes ' n violation of a condition of
your private club licen e, the foregoing constituting
in addition a , and .
safety and welfare of th surrounding community. '
5. You have failed to corre t one or more of the �!ls��
intemi ed on the letter dated May 2,
1989 to you from the t. Pau1 Division of Public
You have the right to be represe ted by an attorney before and
during the hearing if you so c oose, or you can represent
yourself. You may also have a pe son of your choice represent
you, to the extent not prohibite as unauthorized practice of
The hearing will be conducted in a cordance with the requirements
of sections the innesota Statutes, and such
parts of the procedures under section 9�"'of the 9�,1
�as may be applica le.
At hearing, the Administrative aw Judge will have all parties
identify themselves for the reco d. Then the City will present
its witnesses and evidence, each f whom the licensee or attorney
may cross=examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any
witnesses or evidence it may �wi h to present, each of whom the
City attorney may cross�examine. The Administrative Law Judge
may in addition hear relevant �nd material testimony from persons
not presented as witnesses who ha e a substantial interest in the
outcome of the proceeding; for ample, the owners or occupants
of pro.perty located in close pro imity to the licensed premises
may have substantial interes� i the outcome of the proceeding.
Concluding arguments may be mad by the parties. Following the
hearing, the Judge will prepare indings of Fact, Conclusions of
Law, and a specific recommendati n for action to be taken.
You should bring to the heari g all docum ents , records and
witnesses you will or may need to support your position.
Subpoenas may be available to co pel the attendance of witnesses
or the production of docum e�t in conformity with Minnesota
Rules, part 14P10.7�100. ;
If you think that this matter � c n be resolved or settled without
a formal hearing, please conta t or have your attorney contact
the undersigned. If a stipula!ti n or agreem ent can be reached as
to the facts , that stipul�t on will be presented to the
Administrative Law Judge fqr incorporation into his or her
recommendation for Council acti .
If you fail to appear at the hea ing, the allegations against you
which have been stated earli!er in this notice may be taken as
true and your ability to chal�en e them forfeited. If non�public
data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become
public unless objection is m de and relief requested under
Minnesota Statutes, section 14. 01, subdivision 2.
Very t uly y ur ,
. „
Assistant ity Attorney
(612) 298=5121
Attny. Reg . No. 13961
cc: Joseph F. Carchedi
License Inspector
Lt. Donald Winger
Vice Unit
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
Paige Purcell
Office of Administrat;iv Hearings
Steven M. Goldfarb
Attorney for Licensee
Greg Finzell
Community Organizer
Summit-U Planning Council
sv,.,..u, ��" /�Q �
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`�v '!'� ���°� ��' EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY
..,s ,
'�;. �
"'"n4,n�',_�fi•��''� 647 City Hall, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102
� 612-298-5121
� � hIAY � � 1985
Mr. John Williams , Mgr. SUPPLEMENTAL
BUT, Inc . dba Peoples Choice Club NOTICE OF HEARING
920 Selby Avenue
St. Paul , MN. 55104
RE: City v. Peaple' s Choice, 920 Selby Avenue
Dear Mr. Williams :
Please take notice that in additi n to the allegations concerning
sale of alcoholic beverages in p agraph no. 1 of the Notice of
ng ate N�ay��.�,13$9, we wi 1 present evidence of a c.��
In addition, evidence will also b presented that you operated
�or permitted to be operated on t licensed premises
therefor, as
well as therefor .
The foregoing notice supplements nd is incorporated in the May 12,
1989, Notice of Hearing.
Very truly yours ,
• gi .
Assistant City Attorney
cc: Joseph F. Carchedi
License Inspector
Lt. Donald Winger
Vice Unit
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
' Paige Purcell
Office of Administrative H rings
Steven M. Goldfarb
Attorney for Licensee
Greg Finzell
Commaunity Organizer
• Summit-U Planning Council
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���� ` � -- �� '��k � / 2 p � CITY OF SAINT PAUL
s: ��Tr o� , .. , ..
3'�°� �>.� v
'� nu ruw ,�
'��`''�n,,,,«',;����"� 647 Ciry Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510Z
MAYOR �'i'1EC�I V���
JUl� - � 1989
June 2, 1989 pL�1�AINISTRqTIVE
Mr. John Williams, Mgr. ' SUPPLEMENTAL
BUT, Inc. dba Peoples Choice Cllu NOTICE OF HEARING
920 Selby Avenue
St. Paul, MN. 55104
RE: City v. People' s Choice, 92 Selby Avenue
Dear Mr. Williams :
Please take notice that in additi n to the allegations concerning
sale of alcoholic beverages in p agraph no. 1 of the Notice of
Hearing dated May 12, 1989, and t e Supplemental Notice of
Hearing dated May 23, 1989, evide ce will be presented concerning
the at the licensed premises at about
10: 00 p.m. , on May 31, 1989,
��, �wd the
at that time and place.
The foregoing supplements and is ncorporated in the May 12 , 1989,
Notice of Hearing.
Very truly yours ,
. �-
Assistant City Attorney
cc : Joseph F. Carchedi
License Inspector
Lt. Donald Winger
Vice Unit
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
Paige Purcell
' Office of Administrative Hea ings
Steven M. Goldfarb
Attorney for Licensee
Greg Finzell
Community Organizer
Summit-U Planning Council
o - �101 - 3 q- � ��-i�`��'
5 �-
.�,,• ��
.� �nurum ,;
'''rt�,�Q'�fi�"'��_ 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
GEORGE LATIMER 6�2-298-5121
June 8, 1989 JUN 1 � �
John Williams, Mgr. THIRD
BUT, Inc. dba Peoples Choice Clu SUPPLEMENTAL
920 Selby Avenue NOTICE OF HEARING
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
RE: City v. People ' s Choice, 92 Selby Avenue
Dear rlr. Williams:
Please take notice that in addit on to the allegations concerning
sale of alcoholic beverages in p ragraph No. l of the Notice of
Hearing dated May 12, 1989, the upplemental Notice of Hearing
dated May 23, 1989, and Second S pplemental Notice dated June 2,
1989, evidence will be presented concerning the
. This sale came
to light in examining the police reports from the May 31, 1989
search warrant for the licensed remises, which I did not have in
my possession in advising you ab ut the May 31, 1989 search warrant.
The foregoing supplements and is incorporated in the May 12, 1989,
Notice of Hearing. '
Very truly yours, �
. _ �. li
Assistant City Attorney
cc. Joseph F. Carchedi
License Inspector
Lt. Donald Winger
Vice Unit
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
Paige Purcell
Office of Administrative He rings
Steven M. Goldfarb
Attorney for Licensee
Greg Finzell
Community Organizer
Summit-U Planning Council
. " r'f
<;� �f_.
s'��' °�=`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL
�; .��-
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s;, �nn �uu ^>
�"`�t�m�.�m'���` 647 City Hail, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
June 23, 1989
Mr . Richard A. Mosman
Attorney at Law
1040 First Bank Place West
Minneapolis , MN. 55402—
Dear Mr. Mosman:
I am enclosing a copy of chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code, concerning intoxicating li uor. The relevant provision
is section 409 . 01 , which prohibi s sales without a license under
this chapter . Such unlicensed s les also violate section 340A.401
of the P�Iinnesota Statutes .
The private club license ordinan e under chapter 404 (which you
already have) requires a license for those clubs which desire to
allow their members to display a d consume alcoholic beverages
on the licensed premises . It do s not have the same regulations
found in Minnesota Statutes , sec ion 340A.414, subds . 3 and 8 .
I am sending a copy of section 4 9 . 01 to Mr . Goldfarb .
Very truly yours ,
_ �
Assistant City Attorney
Encs .
cc : Steven Goldfarb, Esq .
t �y
�'`';'>> LICENSES �409.02
- ';
(11) No licensee shall receive any material for Se . 409.02. Definitions.
use in the licensed business from any per-
son under the age of eighteen (18) years s used in this chapter, the following terms
without the written consent of the parent s all have the meanings ascribed to them in this
or guardian of such person, which shall be s ction:
kept on file by the licensee for at least one Club shall mean a corporation organized under
year. e laws of the state for civic, fraternal, social or
(12) Any licensee shall be subject to reasonabla usiness purposes or for intellectual improvement
inspection at reasonable times by proper or promotion of sports which has more than �fty
city officials as in the case of other licensed (50) members and for more than a year owned,
businesses. hired or leased a building or space in a building of
such extent and character as may be suitable and
(13) Licenses issued hereunder shall not be adequate for the reasonable and comfortable ac-
transferable. commodation of its members, and whose affairs
(Code 1956, § 341.06) and management are conducted by a board of
directors, executive committee or other similar
Sec. 408.06. Renewal, revocation and sus- _ body chosen by the members at a meeting held
pension. for that purpose,none of whose members,officers,
(a) Any person to whom an initial license has agents or employees are paid,directly or indirect-
been issued hereunder may obtain renewal thereof ly, any compensation by way of profit from the
by filing an application with the inspector indi distribution or sale of beverages to the members
cating any changes in the material submitted wit of the club or to its guests beyond the amount of
�;{t;-� such reasonable salary or wage as may be fixed
� the initial application. The inspector shall circ - and voted each year by the directors or other
� °��_��<•;� larize the application to those officials who r -
`=-�-�'��� governing body.
-"` view initial applications and the license shall e
granted of course by the council unless, in s Exclusive liquor store shall mean an establish-
judgment, reports from city agencies or from e ment used only for off�sale and on sale sales of
public demand a formal hearing be held. No i- intoxicating liquor, except that, upon obtaining
tial licenses shall be granted hereunder for o er proper state or city licenses for such sales,cigars,
premises except in I-1,I-2 and I-3 Industrial D' cts. cigarettes, all forms of tobacco and nonintoxicat-
(b) The council may revoke, suspend or r use ing malt beverages and soft drinks may also be
to renew the license of any person hereund for sold in said exclusive liquor store at retail; pro-
any violation of this or any other ordinance f the �ded,further,that such nonintoxicating malt bev-
city,or of any statute or regulation of the S te of erages and soft drinks, when sold pursuant to an
Minnesota or agency thereof. off sale liquor license, shall be sold for consump-
(Code 1956, § 341.07) tion off the premises only.
General food store shall mean any place of busi-
Chapter 409.Intoxicating Liquor ness carzying a stock of food supplies and primar-
ily engaged in selling food and grocery supplies to
Sec. 409.01. License required. the public. �
No person shall sell intoxicating liquo for con- Hote! shall mean an establishment with resi-
sumption at any time or place in Saint ul with- �dent proprietor or manager, where, for payment,
out a license. food and lodging are regularly furnished to tran-
(Code 1956, § 308.02) sients, and which maintains,for use of its guests,
no fewer than fifty(50)guest rooms with bedding
'Cross references—For general provisions ertaining to
liquor and beer,see Title XXIV;nonintoxicatin malt liquor, and other suitable and necessary furnishings in
Ch.410;use of beer and intoxicating liquor in ive-in motion each room, and which has a main entrance with
EY ~ picture theatrea prohibited,§4is.o6(b). suitable lobby,desk and office for the registration -
��' Supp.No.5
. .
, �
§409.02 LEGISLATNE CODE �� �''
of guests on the ground floor and which employs Sec. 09.03. Number of licenses.
an adequate staff to provide suitable and usual (a) n-sale licenses shall be issued only to ho-
service, and which maintains, under the same �ls, c ubs, restaurants and establishments for the
management and control as the rest of the estab- sale o on-sale liquors exclusively.
lishment and as an integral part thereof,a dining
room with appropriate facilities for seating not �� ff-sale licenses shall be granted subject to
less than thirty(30)guests at one time,where the the a proval of the liquor control commissioner
general public is, in consideration of payment, only o proprietors of exclusive liquor stores, and
served with meals at tables. but e such license shall be issued for every five
thou and(5,000)inhabitants in the city.
Intoxicating liquor or liquor shall mean and (Cod 1956, § 308.06; Ord. No. 17172, 10-23-84;
include ethyl alcohol, and any distilled, ferment- Ord No. 17570, § 1,6-23-88)
ed, spiritous, vinous or malt liquid of any kind
potable as a beverage, which contains an alco- Sec 409.04. E�ceptions.
holic content in excess of three and two-tenths is chapter shall not be construed to prohibit
(3.2)percent thereof by weight or four(4)percent the sale of wine for sacramental purposes by any
by volume. pe on duly licensed by the state liquor control
Medicines shall mean and include only such co missioner so to do; nor shall this chapter be
potable liquids as prescribed by licensed physi- CO ��Prohibit the sale of inedicines as herein
cians and dentists for therapeutic purposes and de ined;nor of industrial alcohol designed for me-
United States Pharmacopoeia and National For- ch nical, chemical, scientific, pharmaceutical or
mulary preparations and preparations used for in ustrial purposes; nor to compounds or prepa-
- r ions containing alcohol, if such compounds or „<�;-.,,
the mitigation of disease for external and inter- �..-?
p eparations are not potable as a beverage; nor � ;•;�<;
nal purposes which are usually sold in drug stores .� :s ,��
and intended for therapeutic purposes and not for s all it be construed to prohibit the sale of intoxi- �
beverage purposes. c ting liquor for medicinal purposes by a duly
1 ensed and registered pharmacist or druggist
Off-sale shall mean the sale of liquor in origi- on bona fide prescription, in writing,by a phy-
nal packages in retail stores for consumption off cian or dentist.
or away from the premises where sold. ode 1956, § 308.22)
On-sale shall mean the sale of liquor by the c. 409.05. On- and off-sale licenses; term;
glass for consumption on the premises only. fees.
Package or original package shall mean and (a) Term. All licenses for the sale of intoxicat-
include any container or receptacle holding liquor, ing liquor shall be for a term of one year from the
which container or receptacle is corked or sealed. date of issuance, renewal or transfer. The date
shall be determined by the inspector and entered
Person shall include individuals, corporations, upon the license.
partnerships and associations.
(b) License fee� on-sal� semiannual i»stallments.
Restaurant shall mean an establishment other The license fee for an on sale license is hereby
than a hotel, under the control of a single propri- fixed as follows:
etor or manager,having appropriate facilities for (1) Seating capacity over 200 . . . . . $3,000.00
the serving of ineals for no fewer than fifty (50)
guests at one time. (2) Seating capacity over 100 . . . . . 2,750.00
Sale and sell shall mean and include all barters (3) Seating capacity 100 or less . . . . 2,500.00
and all manner or means of furnishing intoxicat- Said sum shall be paid in two(2)equal amounts,
ing liquor or liquors in violation or evasion of the first to be paid before the license is issued or
law. renewed, the second payment to be made within
(Code 1956, § 308.01) six(6)months from the date of issuance or renewal. -
Supp.No.5 ��-
� J lJ �� /���
�� LICE SES §409.06
(c) On-sale licens� replacement aft.er reuocation. the liquor control commissioner of the State of
If,for any reason,the on-sale license in this chap- Minnesota and shall file the same with the in-
- ter provided for is revoked by the council of the spector. Such application form shall require that
City of Saint Paul, no replacement license shall the following information be set forth upon the
be issued until the full license fee for the new application, and such further information as may
license due for the remainder of the license year be required:
is first paid; provided, however, that in no event
shall a licensee pay less than the applicable an- (1) The name and place of residence of the
nual license fee together with the applicable is- applicant.
suance tax for a license, or combination of licen
ses, during a license year. (2) The location of the premises upon which
(d) Increase in on-sale license fee; notice to Z the applicant proposes to sell such liquor
and an exact description, including the pra
censees. The license inspector is hereby directe posed floor plan and seating capacity, of
to notify in writing via U.S. mail all on-sale 1 - �e particular place within the building struc-
censees of the public hearing date for council co - ture where such sales are proposed.
sideration of any amendments to this sectibn i -
� creasing the license fees. At said public he�ri , (3) Whether the applicant has ever been en-
the department of finance and management s r- gaged in a similar business and, if so, the
vices shall present evidence to the council;sho - location thereof and the date when so er�-
ing the relationship between the proposed fee n- gaged. The spplication shall be signed and
crease and the costs borne by the city for 1iq r- verified by the applicant in person and, if
related regulating and policing. the applicant is a corporation,by an officer
���•"";� �,
,�:.�, ;;,; (e) License fe� off-sale. The license fee for an of the corporation.
- _, off-sale license is hereby fixed at the sum of ne
thousand dollars($1,000.00). The applicant shall file with the inspector, with
his application,the amount of the license fee herei�
(� Fees, transfers. Where a transfer of a on- fixed for the particular license for which he mak�s
sale or off-sale license is approved by the co cil, application.
the fee to be charged shall be the prescribe an-
nual fee less a credit given for each mon or (b) Investigation; issuance; etG The license in-
portion of a month remaining of the original rm. sp��r shall register the application in books kept
(g) Late fees. Notwithstanding the provisi ns of for that purpose, one for on-sale licenses and one
Section 310.09, an applicant for renewal f an for off-sale licenses. He shall notify immediately
� on-sale liquor license shall be chazged a 1 fee the director of the division of public health, the
in an amount of ten (10) percent of the i stall- chief of police and the chief of the department of
ment due for such license for each thirty- y pe- �re and safety services of the fact that such ap-
riod or portion thereof which had elapse after plication is filed.It is hereby made the duty of the
the expiration date of such license or semi nnual �oresaid director, the chief of police and the fi:•e
period, and the late fee shall not exceed fi ty(50) chief to inspect and examine or have inspected
percent of the annual life. and examined the premises described in the a�-
(Code 1956, § 308.17; Ord. No. 16842, 1 -20-81; plication and inquire into the character of the
Ord.No. 17321, § 1, 12-31-85;Ord.No. 17 28, § 1, applicant and make report to the inspector of their
1-23-86; Ord. No. 17424, §§ 1, 2, 1-6-87) opinion whether the applicant is a proper person
to receive such a license and whether the prem-
Sec. 409.06. Licensing requirements. ises are suitable for such a business.Upon receipt
of the reports, the inspector shall examine them
(a) Applicution. Any person desiring license and transmit them to the city council, together
; ';='�;,:=, to sell intoxicating liquor shall make hi verified with any recommendations which he, as such in- _
application in writing upon a form ap oved by spector, has respecting the applicant or the place
of business. Upon receipt of such reports and rec- act or this chapter shall be revoked for any will-
ommendations,the council shall consider the same ful violation of such act or ordinance.
and shall, by resolution, grant or deny the appli-
cation. No license shall be granted to any person who
opens a new drug store after January 6, 1934,
Where the application is for an off-sale liquor until such person shall have operated such store
license and the applicant is the holder of an on- continuously for a period of two(2)years,or shall
sale nonintoxicating malt liquor license hereto- have purchased a drug store that shall have been
fore issued by the city council to sell such nonin- in continuous operation for a period of two (2)
toxicating malt liquor for consumption on the prem- years.
ises,the council shall not grant such off-sale liquor
license until the applicant surrenders his license (c-1) Public hearing; notices. No new license for
to sell nonintoxicating malt liquor for consump- either on sale or off sale shall be issued until the
tion on the premises. If an off-sale license is grant- council's committee designated to hear license mat-
ed, the resolution granting it shall direct the in- ters shall have first held a public hearing on the
spector to issue the license whenever the bond application. The notification requirements appli-
hereinafter provided for has been approved and cable to license transfers or change in licensed
the liquor control commissioner advises the in- areas in Section 409.11 shall be applicable in the
�pector that he approves of the issuance of the issuance of new licenses.
license to the particular applicant.
If an on-sale license is granted, such resolutio �d) One license only. Not more than one off-sale
retailer s license shall be directly or indirectly
shall direct the inspector to issue the same when issued to any one person or for any one place in
ever the bond hereinafter provided for has bee this city, nor shall any retailer's off-sale license ,.r:=t';j
approved. � be directly or indirectly issued for any place for `
. -,,
Should the application for a license not be g#�an which a license of another class has been granted. - --
ed, the resolution refusing the same shall au�th It shall not be a violation of this paragraph for a
rize and direct the proper city officers to refund t person who owns, directly or indirectly, or who
the applicant the deposit made at the time cif th has an interest in any intoxicating liquor license
filing of the application. in this city additi�nalTy to own direetly or indi-
No new license except an on-sale wine or into - rectly or to have an interest in�one or more corpo-
icating malt liquor license issued under Secti rations owning or operating a hotel: hoIding an
409.15 shall be issued for any location within a intoxicating liquor license in connectior�therewith;
one-half mile radius of which there already e Provided, that such hotel shall have at Ieast one
four(4)or more premises licensed for the sale a d hundred fifty(150)or more rental units.
consumption of intoxicating liquor on the pre - (e) Premises of license. No on-sale or off-sale
ises;provided,however,that this restriction sh 11 license shall be effective beyond the compact and
not apply if the proposed r.�w location lies with n contiguous space named in such license and for
a designated commercial development district. which the same was granted, except that an on-
(c) Licensee qualifcations. No license shall e sale license granted for sales in the dining room
issued to anyone other than a person over ni e- of any hotel may permit sales of liquor with meals
teen (19) years of age, of good moral cha;rac r in additional dining rooms open to the public and
and repute, nor to any person who shall b� he e- sPecified in the license if ineals are regularly served
after convicted of any willful violation of ai�y 1 w to guests therein.If ineals are regularly served to
of the United States or the State of Minnesota or guests in guest rooms in any such hotel, liquor
any city ordinance with regard to the man c- may be sold in such guest rooms but only with
ture, sale, distribution or possession for sale or meals; provided, that such guest rooms must be
distribution of intoxicating liquor,nor to any r- speci�ed in the license granted. No sales shall be
son whose license under the state liquor con ol made upon the premises of an on-sale licensee �
i` '.
Supp.No.4 "�
, �
,� §409.06
�, _
except upon the ground floor; provided, howeve ,
that this limitation shall not apply to a hotel du
licensed to sell on another floor as in this sectio •
provided; and provided further, that a licens
shall be permitted to sell at a place in a buildi
( d �
�� _
' Supp.No.4
�`"� LIC SES §409.06
other than the ground floor if a license has been (4) No outside service area shall be permitted
granted for sales on a floor other than such ground unless the licensee provides, in addition to
floor.All licenses granted hereunder shall set forth other requirements of law, safety barriers
the exact location within the building structure or other enclosures to protect patrons from
where such sales may be made and no sale shall any hazards,including vehicular traff`ic.
be permitted except in that part of the premises (5) No outside service area shall be located on
de�ned in the license, except as provided in the public property or upon any street,alley or
following subsections(1)through(8): sidewalk,nor shall such outside service areas
hinder or obstruct vehicular or pedestrian
(1) The council may,by resolution,permit any tr�c on any street, alley or sidewalk.
licensee to sell or serve intoxicating liquors
in areas outside the building structure which (6) The council may deny any application for
are immediately adjacent to and contigu- an outside service area where it has reason
ous with the structure containing the li- to believe,or may revoke its permission for
censed premises. Such outside service are such an outside service area where it is
shall be seasonal, and shall not involve a satisfied, that the impact of such outside
enlargement of the building structure.Suc service azea on adjoining property will be,
permission shall not be granted unless al � or has been, any of the following:
the conditions of subsections(1)through( a. Loud, boisterous or disturbing noise
and•all pertinent provisions of the zonin levels•
code are satis�ed. b. Hazardous tr�c conditions;
c. Offensive,obnoxious or disturbing odors;
(2) No outside service area shall be permitte d. Excessive litter;
�y-'�, unless the licensee presents with his appl - e. Excessive artificial lighting;
�,�o �j cation for such outside service area a sta - f. Substantial decrease in adjoining prop-
��_;:�- :
'`-��' ment in writing by ninety (90) percent f erty values;or
the owners and tenants of all private re '- g. Any other condition inconsistent with
dences, dwellings and apartment houses the reasonable use and enjoyment of
cated within two hundred (200)feet of t e adjoining property and inconsistent with
proposed outside service area that they ha e the health, safety, morals and general
no objection to such service area. Meas welfare of the adjoining neighbors or
ments shall be determined from the pr p- community.
� erty line of the licensed premises to e
property line of the residential uses; p o- �7� Permission to sell and serve intoxicating
vided,however,that where the licensed pr - liquor in or upon any outside service area
ises is located within a shopping mall or �ay be revoked by the council on three(3)
shopping center the measurements s 11 days' notice to the licensee, pursuant to
be determined from the nearest corne of information received at a public hearing
the building in which the licensed pr m- before said council. The information need
ises is located to the property line of he not be received under oath, but must rea-
residential uses. sonably satisfy the council as to the exis-
tence of any or all of the conditions listed
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of w, ��bparagraph(6).The public hearing shall
off-street parking spaces may not be red ced . be conducted with such formal or informal
by the establishment of an outside se ice procedures as the council may permit, so
area below the number of off-street p rk- long as the licensee and any complaining
ing spaces which would be required i the P�ies have an opportunity to be heard.
licensed premises together with the ou ide (8) The licensee shall,with respect to any out-
- - service area were to be newly constr ted side service area, comply with all applica-
.�¢�_ :-:,
� � in conformity with the zoning code. ble provisions of law and regulations in
�`� -
� � �9-/���'1
regard to the sale and service of intoxicat- (1) That the licensee will obey the law relat-
ing liquor, including, without limitation by ing to such licensed business.
reason of this specif"ication, all applicable
regulations contained in Sections 409.08 �2) That the licensee will pay to the munici-
and 409.09 of this chapter. pality, when due, all ta�ces, license fees,
penalties and other charges provided by
(� Zoning restrictions. No license shall be is- law.
sued for premises located within an area wherein
such use of the premises is prohibited by the zon- (3) That in the event of any violation of the
ing code,nor within an area where such sales are provisions of any law relating to the busi-
forbidden by the state law or any other ordinance ness for which the license has been granted
of the city. for the sale of intoxicating liquor,such bond
shall be forfeited to the City of Saint Paul.
(g) •License restrictions. No off-sale license shall
be issued for any place where nonintoxicating (4) That the licensee will pay,to the extent of
malt beverages shall be sold for consumption on the principat amount of such bond, any dam-
the premises. ages for death or injury caused by or re-
(h) Other required permi� No license granted sulting from the violation of any provision
hereunder shall be effective until a permit shall � of law relating to the business for which
be issued to such licensee by the United States if such licensee has been granted a license,
any such permit is, in fact,required. and further conditioned that such recovery
may be had also against the surety on his
(i) State restrictions. No license shall be issued bond.
to any person in connection with the premises o
another to whom no license could be issued under The amount spec�ed in any bond required is ,:,;,:,r,:;,
the provisions of the state liquor control act;pro hereby declared to be a penalty and the amount �
vided, however, that this provision shall not�pre recoverable shall be measured by the actual dam-
vent the granting of a license to a proper lesse ages; provided, however, that the surety thereon
by reason of the fact that he shall lease pre�ise shall not be liable for any amount in excess of the
of a minor, noncitizen or a person who has bee penal amount of the bond.All such bonds shall be
convicted of a crime other than a violation of thi for the benefit of the obligee and of all persons
chapter or the liquor control act. ; suffering damages by reason of the breach of con-
ditions thereof. Such bonds shall run to the City
(j) Bond No on-sale license shall be grante of Saint Paul as obligee, and in the event of for-
until a bond in the amount of three thousan feiture of any such bond for violation of the law,
dollars ($3,000.00) has been furnished, approve the District Court of Ramsey County may forfeit
and filed by and with the proper city officers. the penal sum of the said bond to the City of
No off-sale license shall be granted until a bon Saint Paul.
in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.0 ) (k� Renewals:
shall be furnished and approved by the state 1 -
quor control commissioner and the city counci , (1) An on-sale license renewal may be denied
and filed with the proper city officers. ' for any licensee who is delinquent in any
The surety on such bond shall be a surety co - Payment or contribution to a health and
pany duly licensed to do business in the State f Welfare trust or pension trust.
Minnesota, and the bond shall be approved as o (2) .If on or before the expiration date of the
form by the city attorney. All bonds when a - license the licensed business has discontinued
proved by the proper city or state officers, as t e its operation or closed for any reason, the
case may be, shall be deposited with the direct r council shall renew said license only upon
of the department of finance and manageme t the condition that the licensee shall reopen
services. All such bonds, whether off-sale or and restore the licensed business to full
sale, shall be conditioned as follows: operation within the terms of the renewed i
� -
- LICENSES §409.07
license, or in the alternative, that t li- paragraph insofar as lceation adjacent to a church,
censee shall make application for an ob- school or synagogue of a proposed license is
tain passage,approval and publicatio of a concerned.
resolution for the transfer of said lic nse ��� Unlawful use of weapons. If during any
within the term of the renewed licen e to twelve-month period there are reported two(2)or
another person. No license issued upon con- more incidents involving unlawful use or handling
dition pursuant to this subsection sha 1 be of firearms,assault weapons or knives,as defined
further renewed unless one or the oth r of in Section 225.01, on any licensed on-sale prem-
the above conditions has been fully et; ises, a public hearing shall be conducted by the
provided, however, that the council ay council.Any adverse action may be considered by
reissue a license for a business which has the council ursuant to the hearin
not been in full operation during the rior P g provisions of
license year if the licensed premises ere Section 310.05.
acquired by eminent domain or unde the (Code 1956, §§ 308.03, 308.05, 308.07-308.11,
threat of eminent domain and the lice see 308.13, 308.15, 308.19, 308.26, 308.34; Ord. No.
has made a good faith attempt to rel ate 17172, 10-23-84; Ord. No. 17173, 10-23-84; Ord.
the business to another location. No. 17177, 10-23-84; Ord. No. 17229, § 1,4-18-85;
Ord. No. 17247, § 1, 6-6-85; Ord. No. 17289, § 1,
(3) Any license which is not renewed purs ant 9-10-85; Ord. No. 17318, § 1, 12-24-85; Ord. No.
to this paragraph (k) or for any other rea- 17328, § 2, 1-23-86; Ord. No. 17551, § 4, 4-19-88;
son lapses and may be reissued pur�ua t to Ord. No. 17562, § 1, 5-17-88; Ord. No. 17563, § 1,
Section 409.16. 5-17-88)
-: LL Croea reference—Licensing requirements for establishments
, ,, (1) License near churclz or schooL No lic se, �lling nonintoxicating malt liquors,§4io.o3.
.�� �� except an on-sale wine or intoxicating malt li uor
:; ' license issued to a restaurant as de�ned in ec- Sec. 409.07. Hours of sale; Sunday sales,etc.
tion 409.15, shall be issued for any prer�nise lo-
cated within three hundred (300) feet from any (a) Hours of sale. No sale of intoxicating liquor
public or parochial school, church or synago e, shall be made after 1:OQ a.m.on Sunday nor until
said three hundred(300)feet being calcul�ted and 8�00 a.m. on Monday. No on-sale shall be made
computed as the distance measured from the rop- between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on
erty line of the premises or building propose as any weekday. No off-sale shall be made before
the location for the liquor license to the prop rty 8�00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. of any day except
line of any school, church or synagogue in the off-sale shall be permitted on Friday and Satur-
area for which the license is sought. day until 10:00 p.m. No off-sale shall be made on
New Year's Day, January 1; Independence Day,
Any licenses in force and effect on Nove ber July 4; Thanksgiving Day; or Christmas Day, De-
10, 1962, the location of which license is in on- cember 25; but on the evenings preceding such
flict with the provisions hereof, may be r�ne ed, days,if the sale of liquors is not otherwise prohib-
transferred or otherwise dealt with in accord nce ited on such evenings, off-sale may be made until
with law, it being the intent of this para ph 10:00 p.m., except that no off-sale shall be made
that it be applied prospectively for proposed ca- on December 24 after 8:00 p.m.
tions of licenses,and further it being the inte t of �� Sunday sales:
this paragraph that the limitations set fort in
this paragraph shall in no manner be applic ble �(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph
to any hotel or motel.Upon written petition si ed (b), establishments to which on-sale licen-
on behalf of the school, church or synagogu lo- ses have been issued or hereafter may be
cated within three hundred (300) feet of the ro- issued for the sale of intoxicating liquors
posed location of the license,the council may y a which are hotels or restaurants and which
five-sevenths vote disregard the provisions of his � have facilities for serving no fewer than
� "-�`. Supp.No.4
fifty (50) guests at one time may serve in- refers to an on-sale licensee shall not bind an
toxicating liquors between the hours of 10:00 off-sale licensee, nor shall any regulation which
a.m. and 12:00 midnight on Sundays in specifically refers to an off-sale licensee bind an
conjunction with the serving of food,but no on-sale licensee:
liquor shall be served on Sundays other �1) All sales shall be made in full view of the
than to persons who are seated at tables; public.
provided, that the licensed establishment
is in conformance with the Minnesota Clean (2) No liquor shall be sold or furnished for any
Indoor Air Act. purpose whatever to any person under
(2) It is unlawful for any such establishment, twenty-one (21)years of age or to one obvi-
directly or indirectly,to sell or serve intox- ously intoxicated or to any person to whom
icating liquors as provided in subparagraph such sale is prohibited by any law of this
state or ordinance. Proof of age for purchas-
(1) above without having first obtained a ing or consuming alcoholic beverages may
special license therefor. Such special license be established only by a valid driver's li-
may be issued by the council for a period of cense or Minnesota identification card, or
one year and for which the fee shall be two _ in the case of a foreign national by a valid
hundred dollars ($200.00). Application for passport. A person who was born on or be-
said special license shall be made to the fore September 1, 1967, may continue to
council in the same manner as application p�chase and consume alcoholic beverages
for other licenses to sell intoxicating liquor and shall be treated for purposes of this
are made. Legislative Code as a person who is twenty-
(c) No consumption or display when prohibited one(21)years old. r:- >
No erson shall consume or dis la or allow con- �
sumption or display of liquor pon the premises �3) No sale shall be made in any place or in - ;
of an on-sale licensee at any time when the sale o f P� of a building where such sales are
such liquor is not permitted. prohibited by state law or this chapter.
(d) Private Christmas parties. Notwithstanding �4) No person under eighteen(18)years of age
any other provision of the Legislative Code, the may be employed in a place where intoxi-
license holder of premises having an on-sale li- cating liquor is sold for consumption on the
cense may once a year during the Christmas sea- Premises,except persons under eighteen(18)
son have a private party at no charge to the guests Years of age may be employed as musicians
after the lawful closing hours; provided, that a or in bussing or washing dishes in a res-
written request for said party is submitted to the taurant or hotel that is licensed to sell in-
license inspector thirty(30)days prior to the pro- toxicating liquor and may be employed as
posed date of the party; and provided further, Waiters or waitresses at a restaurant,hotel
that no sales as defined by law of intoxicating �r motel where only wine is sold;provided,
liquors or nonintoxicating malt liquor shall be that the person under the age of eighteen
made at or during said party.The inspector shall (18)may not serve or sell any wine.
notify the chief of police of the date of each pro- 5) Every licensee is hereby made responsible
posed party. for the conduct of his place of business and
(Code 1956, § 308.20; Ord. No. 16815, 7-23-81; required to maintain order and sobriety in
Ord. No. 17037, 6-30-83; Ord.No: 1'�162, 9-27-84) - such place of business.
Sec. 409.08. Regulations generally. ) No licensee shall keep, possess ox operate,
or permit the keeping,possession or opera-
All licensees hereunder are hereby required to tion of, on any licensed premises or in an,y
observe the following regulations; provided, how- room adjoining the licensed premises any
ever that any such regulation which specifically slot machine, dice or any gambling device
� ..,.:'::.=:<.
Supp.No.4 y
, �����.��
<:.�`Y� LIC NSES §409.07
i -
or apparatus, nor permit any gambling
therein(whether or not licensed by the state},
nor permit the licensed premises or any
room in the same or in any adjoining build-
ing directly or indirectly under his contro
to be used as a resort for prostitutes o
other disorderly persons, except that pull
� .,.,,�
�k'.?Y:S. . .
� �!� _
� Supp.No.4
'T''� LICENSES §409.08
�: - �`�::.
tabs and tip-boards may be sold on licen d tions until one hour after the parade, to
premises when such activity is licensed y ensure that patrons do not enter or exit
the state pursuant to Minnesota Statu s, with beer or intoxicating liquor.
Chapter 349, and conducted pursuant to
regulations contained in this Legisla ve (11) There shall be provided in all zoning dis-
Code. This exception shall not apply to es- tricts, other than B-4 or B-5 Districts, off-
tablishments licensed by the city for he street parking spaces for all on-sale prem-
sale of nonintoxicating malt beverages, on- ises as provided herein:
intoxicating malt beverages and wine, nd a. �ansfer or new issuance to a struc-
nonintoxicating malt beverages and ine ture newly constructed for that purpose,
as menu items only. off-street parking at the rate of one
Notwithstanding other provisions of this space for each forty-five(45)square feet
Legislative Code to the contrary,the un- of patron area.
cil may permit an on-sale licensee to per- b. 1�ansfer or new issuance to an exist-
mit the holding of a single event, suc as a ing structure not previously licensed
banquet, that includes the sale of affle for on-sale purposes during the twenty-
tickets as a part of the event activity pro- � four (24) months preceding the appli-
vided, that such events are separate from cation,off-street parking at the rate of
the public areas of the licensed est lish- one space for each forty-five(45)square
ment, nor open to the general publi , and feet of licensed patron area minus the
the raf�le conducted by a charitable orga- number of off-street parking spaces
nization licensed by the State of Mi sota. which would be required for the previ-
,��-:� ous use of the same area under the
E;:.:-_= � (7) No dancing wherein the public partic pates,
� `- -; existing zoning code provisions. Exist-
`� `" and no dancing, singing or other vau eville
�<,,,�:�� ing parking which previously served
exhibitions or entertainment shall e per- the same area shall not be counted to
mitted on the premises of any on- ale li- meet the requirements unless any are
censee unless such premises are duly censed in excess of what would have been re-
for entertainment. �quired for the previous use. No addi-
(8) The license issued to said licen�ee all be tional off-street parking shall be required
posted in a conspicuous place in t at por- if the number of additional spaces re-
tion of the premises for which the license quired is five(5)or fewer spaces.
has been issued. c. Expansion of licensed area, off-street
(9) No person shall remain in or loi in the P�'king at the same rate as transfer or
parking lot of an on-sale licensee r the new issuance to an existing structure
lawful closing hour. not previously licensed for on-sale pur-
poses, plus twenty-five (25) percent of
(10) When a licensee is notified by t e police any parking shortfall for the existing
department that a parade will be h d within licensed area. "Parking shortfall" shall
one block of the licensee's estab shment, mean the difference between one space
all beer and all intoxicating liq r or liq- for each forty-five (45) square feet of
uid of any type sold during the e tire day patron floor area for the existing licensed
of said parade shall be sold only n plastic area minus the number of parking spaces
or paper containers. In addition upon re- actually provided for that area.
ceiving such notice,the licensee all place d. "Patron area" shall mean to include
a person at each entrance and e ch exit of all areas used by the public, and ex-
the establishment at least ane our prior cludes all areas used exclusively by em-
to the time of parade,and the lic nsee shall ployees for work,storage or office space.
- require a person to remain at hose loca-
j<. =�.� '
� f' Supp.No.1
§409.08 LEGISLA E CODE '`�<
e. Modification of parking requirements: ing off-street parking facilities which serve
1. The council may modify the off- the building shall be provided with a vi-
street parking requirements con- sual screen where the parking facility ad-
tained in this section upon appli- joins or abuts across an alley any residen-
cation made for that purpose and tial use or residential zoning district. The
upon findings made by the council screen shall be between four and one-half
that granting of such modi�cation (4',�)and su�and one-half(6'/z)feet in height
would not have a substantial det- and of suff'icient density to visually sepa-
rimental impact on the surround- rate the parking facility from the adjacent
ing neighborhood. Modification, if residential use district.The screen may con-
granted, shall be by resolution sist of various fence materials,earth berms,
adopted by at least five (5) affir- plant materials or a combination thereof.
mative votes. Access by patrons to the parking facility
2. The council shall consider the ap- from an adjacent alley should generally be
plication at a public hearing fol- prohibited.
lowing mailed notice thereof to prop (Code 1956, § 30823(1)—(10); Ord. No. 17015,
erty owners within three hundred 4-28-83; Ord. No. 17043, 8-9-83; Ord. No. 17173,
fifty (350) feet of the proposed li- 10-23-84; Ord. No. 17321, § 2, 12-31-85; Ord. No.
censed premises. The council may 17368, § 1, 6-24-86; Ord. No. 17436, § 1, 2-24-87;
require,by resolution,the payment Ord.No. 17460, § 1,5-28-87;Ord.No. 17473, §§ 1,
of an administrative processing fee 2, 7-7-87)
for parking modification applica-
tions. Applications and fees shall Sec. 409.09. Certain segual conduct prolribited. --
be made to the license inspector. = �
3. In granting any modification, the The following acts or conduct on licensed prem- :' s
council may attach reasonable con- ises are unlawful and shall be punished as pro- __
ditions regarding the location, de- �ded by Section 1.05 of the Saint Paul Legisla-
sign, character and other features tive Code:
of the licensed structure and park- (1) To employ or use any person in the sale or
ing area deemed necessary for the service of alcoholic beverages in or upon
protection of the adjacent neigh- the licensed premises while such person is
borhood. unclothed or in such attire,costume or cloth-
4. Off-street modifications shall remain ing as to expose to view any portion of the �
with licensed premises so long as female breast below the top of the areola or
the characteristics of the licensed of any portion of the pubic hair, anus,cleft
establishment remain unaltered. In of the buttocks,vulva or genitals.
the event parking problems arise,
the council may consider taking
adverse action pursuant to the pra
cedures set forth in Chapter 310 of
this Code.Such adverse action may
include requiring the licensee to
do one or more of the following:
(i) Provide more off-street parking; �
(ii) Produce the usable floor space;
(iii) Reduce patron capacity (seat-
ing or bar area).
(12) When an existing building is converted to
on-sale intoxicating liquor purposes, exist- �
' I80
''�'� . ICENSES §409.10
(2) To employ or use the services of any ho t- d. Scenes wherein artif`icial devices or in-
ess while such hostess is unclothed or 'n animate objects are employed to depict,
such attire,costume or clothing as descri d or.drawings are employed to portray,
in subparagraph(1)above. any of the prohibited activities described
(3) To encourage or permit any person on he (Code 1956, § 308.23(11)
licensed premises to touch,caress or fon le
the breasts, buttocks, anus or genital of Sec. 409.10. Restrictions on licenses.
any other person. When a reasonable basis is found by the coun-
(4) To permit any employee or person to ar cil to impose reasonable restrictions upon a li-
or use any device or covering expose to cense held under this chapter, the council, upon
view which simulates the breast, geni ls, issuing a new license or renewing a license or
anus,pubic hair or any portion thereo approving a transfer of a license, may impose
reasonable conditions and restrictions pertaining
(5) To permit any person to perform acts f or to the manner and circumstances in which the
acts which simulate: � business shall be conducted to preserve the public
peace and protect and promote good order and
. a. With or upon another person se ual security. These reasonable conditions or restric-
intercourse, sodomy, oral copul ion, tions may pertain to:
flagellation or any sexual act wh' h is (1) A limitation as to the hours when intoxi-
prohibited by law. cating liquor may be sold and/or consumed
b. Masturbation or bestiality.
.:-� c. With or upon another person the uch- on the licensed premises;
I . " 3 ing, caressing or fondling on th but- (2) A limitation and restriction as to the exact
_;'-�' � tocks, anus, genitals or female b ast. location within a building where intoxicat-
d. The displaying of the pubic hair, nus, ing liquor will be served and/or sold and/or
vulva, genitals or female breast elow consumed;
the top of the areola. (3) A limitation and restriction as to the means
(6) To permit any person to use artificia devi- of ingress to or egress from the licensed
ces or inanimate objects to depict ny of establishment;
the prohibited activities described a ove. (4) A requirement that certain off-street park-
ing facilities be provided;
(7) To permit any person to remain in upon
the licensed premises who exposes o pub- (5) A condition that the license will be in ef-
lic view any portion of his or her nitals fect only so long as the establishment re-
or anus. mains a drugstore, restaurant or hotel as
� defined by the state liquor act or regula-
(8) To permit the showing of film,still ctures, tions adopted pursuant thereto;
electronic reproduction or other vi ual re- (6) A limitation and restriction as to the means
productions depicting: and methods of advertising the sale of in-
a. Acts or simulated acts of sexu 1 inter- toxicating liquor on the building and/or on
course, masturbation, sodomy bestial- the premises adjacent thereto;
ity,oral copulation,flagellati or any �(7) Reasonable conditions limiting the opera-
sexual act which is prohibite by law. tion of the licensed premises so as to en-
b. Any person being touched, c essed or sure that the licensed business will com-
fondled on the breast, butto s, anus port with the character of the district in
or genitals. which it is located and/or to the end that
- - c. Scenes wherein a person dis lays the nuisances will be prevented.
�, �/ vulva or the anus or the geni als. (Code 1956, § 308.11(b)) '
""� Supp.No.4
� ` ��— /%�''1
§409.11 LEGISLATNE ODE '�".��
Sec. 409.11. 1�ansfer of license; change in ser- anagement services. Prior to the city council's
vice area. onsideration of said application, the application
(a) No license granted hereunder shall be trans- hall be read by the city clerk at the next regular
ferable from person to person or from place to eeting of the city council.
place (including changes in licensed areas) with- The council's committee designated to hear li-
out the consent of the city council, which consent ense matters shall then schedule a date for pub-
shall be evidenced by resolution passed by the ic hearing upon said application for transfer or
city council. No license granted for a specified hange in licensed area. At least forty-five (45)
part of any particular premises shall permit sales ays before a public hearing on a transfer or change
of such liquor on a part of such premises not n licensed area, the department shall notify by
speci�ed in the license; provided, however, that ail all owners and occupants who own property
the council may,by resolution, grant the right to or reside within three hundred fifty (350)feet of
use such other portions of the premises for such the establishment to which the license is to be
sales. transferred or area changed, and all community
The transfer of stock in any corporate license organizations that have previously registered with
shall be deemed a transfer within the meaning of said department to be notified of any such appli-
cation, of the time, place and the purpose of such
this section,and no such transfer of stock shall be hearing, said three hundred fifty(350)feet being
made without the consent of the city council. calculated and computed as the distance measured
It is hereby made the duty of the officers of any in a straight line from the property line of the
corporation holding a license issued under the building where intoxicating liquor is sold, con-
authority of this chapter to notify the city council sumed or kept for sale to the property line owned,
of any proposed sale or transfer of any stock in leased or under the control of the resident. Prior �'��
such corporation, and no such sale or transfer of to the hearing date,said department shall submit c ;. "
stock shall be effective without the consent of the to the counciPs committee designated to hear li- - -�� y
council given in the manner above set forth. The cense matters a list of the names and addresses
transfer of any stock without the knowledge and of each person or organization to whom notice
consent of the city council shall be deemed suffi- was sent, and certification of such list by the
cient cause for revocation by the council of any department shall be conclusive evidence of such
license granted to such corporation under the au• notice.A transfer or change in licensed area under
thority of this chapter. this section only becomes effective upon compli-
ance with this section and consent of the council
Such corporate officers shall also notify the city by resolution.The failure to give mailed notice to
council whenever any change is made in the offi- o�,"ners or occupants residing within three hun-
cers of any such corporation,and the failure to so �ed fifty (350) feet, or to community organiza-
notify the council shall likewise be sufficient cause tions,or defects in the notice,shall not invalidate
for revocation of any liquor license granted to the transfer provided a bona fide attempt to com-
such corporation. ply with this section has been made. A bona�de
Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, attempt is evidenced by a notice addressed to
publicly owned corporations whose stock is traded "owner" and to "occupant" of the listed address.
in the open market may comply with the require- Only one notice need be mailed to each house or
ments pertaining to stock ownership and stock each rental unit within a multiple-family dwell-
transfer by furnishing the council with the names ing regardless of the number of occupants.
and addresses of all stockholders of record upon The notification requirements of this section
each renewal of the license. shall not be applicable where the license is to be
An application for the transfer of such a license transferred to a place located within the down-
�hall be made by the !ransferee upon forms fur- town business district. For purposes of this sec-
�ished by the division of license and permit ad- tion, downtown business district shall include all -
-ninistration of the department of finance and that portion of the City of Saint Paul lying within C - -
Supp.No.4 �""
LICENSES §409.13
� and bounded by the following streets: Begin ing from place to place into a liquor patrol limit sub-
at the intersection of Shepard Road with C est- ject to all the restrictions and requirements of
nut Street, Chestnut Street to Pleasant Av nue, Section 17.0?.2 of the City Charter.
Pleasant Avenue to Kellogg Street, Kellogg treet �d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, no licensee
to Summit Avenue,Summit Avenue to Tenth tx'eet, shall be allowed to change the location of the
Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Inte state licensed premises for on-sale intoxicating liquor
Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette ridge �Place to place transfer) to any location within a
to where the bridge crosses over Warner oad, one-half-mile radius of which there already are
`Varner Road to Shepard Road, Shepard R ad to four(4)or more premises licensed for the sale and
Chestnut Street. consumption of intoxicating liquor on the prem-
(b) Notwithstanding any other provisio in the ises, unless his or her previous location is within
Saint Paul Legislative Code, no on-sale icense one-half mile of the new location and the previous
shall be transferable from person to pers ; pro- location was acquired or condemned by a body
vided, however, that until December 31 1989, having the power of eminent domain, or the pre-
such license may be transferred from pe son to vious location was destroyed or made unusable by
person if the following requirements are et: fire or natural disaster, or the lease for the previ-
ous location expired and the landlord was unwill-
(1) The consideration for the transfer, hether ing to renew it. This paragraph does not apply if
expressed as payment for the licen e or for the proposed new location lies within a designated
the transferor's consent to the trans r,shall commercial development district.
not exceed the license redemptio value (Code 1956, § 308.16; Ord. No. 17172, 10-23-84;
under Section 409.19 at the tirr►e t e trans- Ord.No. 17173, 10-23-84;Ord.No. 17177, 10-23-84;
"- fer is approved; Ord. No. 17551, § 5, 4-19-88)
- ':s"_
�;J_w' (2) The transferee may operate sai on-sale Sec. 409.12. Revocation;suspension;fine.
license for the twenty-four.-month 'od next Any license or permit under this chapter may
following the approval of the tra fer only be either suspended for up to sixty (60) days or
in a commercial development d strict as
defined in Section 1 i.07 of the C ty Char- revoked or a civil fine imposed not to exceed two
ter; and thousand dollars($2,000.00)for each violation on
a�nding by the council that the license or permit
(3) The on-sale licensed business of he trans- holder has failed to comply with an applicable
feror has for the�six (6) months receding statute, rule or ordinance relating to alcoholic
approval. of the transfer discon inued its beverages. No suspension, revocation or fine shall
operat'ron or�cIosed'for a�ny r�aso .. take effect until tlie license or permit holder has
been afforded an opportunity for a liearing under
From and after January 1, 1990,'no n-sal'e li- Section 310.05 of this Cod`e.
cense shall be transferable from perso to person. (Code 1956, § 308.14;Ord.No. 17522, § 1, 12-24-87;
Ord. No. 17551, § 6,4-19-88; Ord. No. 17574, § 1,
(c) Notwithstanding any other prov' ion in the 7-12-88)
Saint Paul Legislative code, an on-s le license •
may be transferable from place to p ce within �c. 409.13. Inspector's duties.
one liquor patrol limit as defined in S tion 17.07
of the City Charter, and from such li uor patrol . It is hereby made the duty of the inspector to
limit to any location in a commercial velopment see that no applicant for any license hereunder
district, also as defined in said section f the Char- begins to operate such business until the license
ter, so long as the transfer and new 1 ation meet has actually been issued to such applicant so to
al? the requirements of law, ordina ce, Code or do by the inspector.
Charter. E�n eYi-sale license may be ransferable (Code 1956, § 308.21)
l�``� Supp.No.5
, �
$409.14 LEGISLATNE C DE �•-:�.
Sec. 409.14. Owner's responsibility. se enty-five dollars ($875.00) payable in two (2)
(a) Any act by any clerk, barkeeper, agent, ser- e al amounts, the �rst to be paid before the
li nse is issued or renewed, the second payment
vant or employee of any licensee hereunder, in to be made within six(6)months from the date of
violation of this chapter, shall be deemed the act is uance or renewal. Where a transfer of a license
of the employer and licensee of such place as well is approved by the council, the fee to be charged
as that of such clerk,barkeeper,agent,servant or s all be the prescribed annual fee less a credit
employee, and every such employer and licensee g' en for each month or portion of a month re-
shall be liable to all the penalties provided for the ining of the original term. The licenses shall
violation of same equally with the clerk,barkeeper, b valid on all days of the week consistent with
agent, servant, or employee. t e hours of sale provided in Section 409.07(a).
(b) Any sale of intoxicating liquor by a clerk, 1 other provisions of this chapter shall be appli-
barkeeper, agent,servant or employee made in or c ble to such licenses and licensees unless incon-
from any place duly licensed to sell nonintoxicat- s tent herewith.
ing malt liquor but not duly licensed to sell intox- (c) Public heaa�ing; notices. No new on-sale wine
icating liquor shall be deemed the act of the em- 1' ense shall be issued, nor any existing license
ployer and licensee, as well as that of the person t ansferred from place to place, until the council
�ctually making the sale,and every such employer s all have first held a public hearing on the ap-
and li�ensee of such place shall be liable to all the ication. The notification requirements applica-
penalties provided in this chapter for such sale, e to transfers or change in licensed areas in
equally with the person actually making the sale. ection 409.11 shall be applicable to the issuance
(Code 1956, §§ 308.24, 308.25) new on-sale wine licenses or transfers from
lace to place.
Sec. 409.15. On-sale wine licenses. ' a
(d) On-sale malt beuerages. A holder of an on- : `�
(a) Defnitions. The following definitions shall le wine license issued pursuant to this section "
apply to this section: ho is also licensed to sell on-sale nonintoxicat-
' g malt liquor and whose gross receipts are at
(1) Restaurant shall mean an establishment ast sixty(60)percent attributable to the sale of
" under the control of a single proprietor or ood may be permitted by the city council to also
manager, having appropriate facilities for ell intoxicating malt liquors at on-sale in con-
serving meals and for seating not fewer unction with the sale of food without having to
than twenty-five (25) guests at one time ay any additional license fee. Such authoriza-
and where,in consideration of payment there- ion, if approved by the council, shall be noted
. for, meals are regularly served at tables to pon the licenses issued by the inspector. This
the general public, and which employs an
adequate staff to provide the usual and suit- rovision is enacted pursuant to authority granted
able service to its guests. y Minnesota Statutes, Section 3�OA.404(5).
Code 1956, § 30827; Ord. No. 16912, 4-22-82;
(2) On-sale wine license shall mean a license Ord. No. 17247, § 2, 6-6-85; Ord. No. 17328, § 3,
authorizing the sale of wine not exceeding 1-23-86; Ord. No. 17491, § 1,9-16-87)
fourteen(14)percent alcohol by volume,for
consumption on the licensed premises on13•, Sec. 409.16. Issuance of new licenses.
in conjunction with the sale of food. (a) Applicability. This section applies only to
(b) Issuance of license; fee; conditions. On-sale the issuance of new licenses and to the reissuance
wine licenses may be issued, subject to the ap-' of licenses under this chapter which have reverted
proval of the liquor control commissioner, to the to the City of Saint Paul for any reason,including
proprietor of any restaurant as defined in this revocation, the death of the licensee, or lapse of
section and without regard to Section 409.03 lim- the license by failure to renew.This section is not
itations. The license fee shall be eight hundred applicable to renewals or transfers of licenses. - -
Supp.No.5 -
<��-�^ . LICENSES 4 409.16
(b) Special issuance excise tax—Off-sale: tomarily placed on transfers between pri-
(1) The council shall condition the issu nce or vate parties, rather than to confer it upon
re-issuance (hereafter, "issuance") f a li- one licensee as a windfall bene�t.
cense under this section upon pay ent of (c) Special issuance tax—On-sale.
the special issuance tax in additio to all
other requirements of this chapter d this (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law
section. or ordinance, the council shall condition
the issuance or reissuance (hereafter, "is-
(2) The special issuance tax shall be an mount suance") of an on-sale license under this
equal to the fair market value o the li- section upon payment of a special issuance
cense as defined in subparagraph( of this tax determined in accordance with this sub-
subdivision. ; division, in addition to all other require-
(3) A license issued under this chap er and ments of this chapter and this section. The
this section is a privilege accorde to the proceeds of such tax shall be used for the
licensee to engage in the activities permit- redemption of licenses under Section 409.19.
ted thereunder,and is neither prop rty nor �e terms"issuance or reissuance," as used
a property right. The phrase `°fair market - in this subdivision, do not include the issu-
value," therefore, means, for the purpose ance of an on-sale license as an absolute
of this section, the pecuniary valu custom- first priority under paragraph (e) of this
arily placed upon the consent of license section, and no such tax will be imposed
holder to the transfer of his licen e by the thereon.
.,�;.T:> parties to such a transfer as auth rized by (2) The special issuance tax shall be an amount
'`''_?��''` this chapter and Section 310.11. e value determined by the following schedule:
�. : .�
. ;�y;� of such a consent necessarily do s not in- a. From August 1, 1984 through January
clude real property, fixtures, e ipment, 31, 1986—$40,000.00;
inventory, good will or any other ssets. b. From February 1, 1986 through Janu-
(4) Such fair market value, as de�n d in sub- ary 31, 1987—$36,000.00;
paragraph (3), shall be determin d by mo- c. From February 1, 1987 through Janu-
tion agreed to by a majority of he mem- ary 31, 1988—$32,000.00;
bers of the council after the council's d. From February 1, 1988 through Janu-
committee designated to hear lic nse mat- ary 31, 1989—$28,000.00;
ters takes testimony at a publi hearing e. �om February 1, 1989 through Decem-
. held before the receipt of any a plication. ber 31, 1989—$24,000.00.
Such value may be established by stimony (3) An on-sale license is a privilege accorded to
of the inspector regarding rece t license �e licensee to engage in the activities per-
transfers, and shall be the val e as rea- mitted thereby,and is neither property nor
sonably may be determined on o about the a property right. Such privilege is not im-
time of issuance of such license nder this pliedly altered by the city's discretionary
section. The council's committee esignated option to pay a redemption value for out-
to hear license matters may als hear any standing licenses or by the payment of a
other relevant evidence. NotBCe such pub- $pecial issuance tax. Such provisions have
lic hearing shall be published once in a been adopted by the city council in order to
newspaper of general circulatio in the city }�e into account the private pecuniary value
not less than ten (10) days pr r to such customarily placed on the consent of a li-
hearing. cense holder to the transfer of a license by
(5) It is the intent of the council " adopting the private parties to that transaction,said
this section to gain for the cit' ens of the transfers now being prohibited by law.
� �;� �. City of Saint Paul this value ich is cus- -
� Supp.No.4
§409.16 LEGISLA�TN CODE -'��
..�, _,�
(d) Applications: that fact and the grounds for the recom-
(1) The council shall, after determining the mendation and provide them with an op-
amount of the special issuance tax,by mo- Portunity to be heard before the council's
tion instruct the inspector to receive appli- committee designated to hear license mat-
cations for the re-issuance of such license, ters before any other action is taken on
specifying beginning and ending dates of a such re-issuance. The council shall, after
period not to exceed thirty(30)days during such heazing, determine whose applications
which such applications will be received. may further be considered despite the ad-
verse recommendation made. If the council
(2) All applications shall be made on such forms determines that one or more recommenda-
and contain such information as the inspec- tions for denial are well-founded, the ap-
tor may require and shall be accompanied plications involved shall not be included
by an application fee of one hundred dol- for random selection.
lars ($100.00). Such application fee is in
addition to the proportion of the special �e) Selection—Off-sale.
issuance excise tax required by subparagraph (1) Upon receiving the report from the inspec-
(4) of this subdivision, and in addition to tor that all the eligible applications have
the annual license fee required by Section been received, inspected and investigated,
409.05. This application fee shall be retained and after hearing having considered and
by the city to defray its expenses hereun- determined whose applications may further
der whether or not the applicant receives a be considered despite any adverse recom-
license. mendation made, the council's committee
designated to hear license matters shall by ��
(3) Each application must meet all the require- ,-
motion set a date for a public hearing at ' '`k�
ments of law and this section, including ���
inspection of the premises songht to be li- Which an applicant is to be chosen by ran- 4 _:�
censed by appropriate officials of the divi- dom selection.All applicants are to be noti- .
sion of housing and building code enforce- �ed in writing of such date.
ment,the division of public health,and the 2) At the public hearing, the secretary of the
department of fire and safety services.The council's committee designated to hear li-
inspector shall refer each application to each cense matters shall place the names of all
of the above agencies and to the depart- eligible applicants on separate,equal-sized
ment of police for their inspection and rec- pieces of paper, under the supei-vision of
ommendation, and shall conduct such other the council's committee designated to hear
investigation of each applicant as may be license matters. Such pieces of paper shall
appropriate.When all inspections have been be placed in an opaque container from which
made and recommendations received by the one name shall be drawn at random by a
inspector, it shall notify the council. member of the council's committee desig-
(4) Each application shall be accompanied by nated to hear license matters as designated
the deposit of a sum of money equal to ten by the presiding officer of the council's com-
(10) percent of the special issuance excise mittee designated to hear license matters.
tax in the form of a cashier's check or certi- T�e applicant so selected shall be announced,
fied check payable to the "City of Saint and shall be awazded the license, by reso-
Paul." lution,upon payment within forty-eight(48)
hours thereafter of the remaining ninety
(5) In the event either the inspector or one of (90) percent of the special issuance excise
the agencies reporting on the applications tax.
makes a recommendation that no license
be issued to one or more applicants, the � In the event the applicant so chosen fails to
inspector shall inform such applicants of Pay the remainder of the special issuance ,.
t i �
Supp.No.4 �"�
� C� / ��c��
"^"'+, LICENSES §409.16
(. , -
' � �,t:.;�:
excise tax within forty-eight(48)hou ,the ing and serving meals to not less than
council's committee designated to h ar li- �fty(50)guests at one time, ranked in
cense matters shall select another ap licant the order of such seating and serving
in accordance with the procedures ' this capacity from the greatest number down
section. to fifty(50);
d. Applicants for the operation of restau-
(4) The deposit of ten (10) percent of t e spe- rants or hotels not covered above,ranked
cial issuance excise tax shall be r ained in the order of capacity for seating and
by the city until the license is a arded, serving meals to guests from the great-
after which time the deposits of the unsuc- est to the lowest seating and serving
cessful applicants shall be refunde In the capacity; and
event any applicant demands and eceives e. All other applicants, in the order by
back his deposit prior to the awar of the date and time on which their completed
license, the application shall be de med to applications were received by the license
have been withdrawn. inspector.
(fl Selection—On-sale. No person whose license was redeemed by
(1) Upon receiving the report from th inspec- the city may apply for the issuance of a
tor that all the eligible applicati ns have new on-sale license within one year of such
been received, inspected and inv tigated, redemption.
and after hearing liaving consid red and
determined whose application m further �� Nonissuance Nothing contained in this sec-
tion shall obligate the City of Saint Paul, nor
be considered despite any adver e recom- imply any obligation,to reissue any licenses which
T-�-�� � mendation made, the council's c mmittee have reverted to the city. The city council may,
designated to hear license matte shall by by resolution, declare that such licenses shall not
� motion set a date for a public aring at be reissued,specifying any length of time deemed
which one or more applicants, epending advisable during which no such licenses shall be
on the number of licenses to be ' sued, are re-issued.
to be chosen according to the pr orities set
forth in this subdivision. (h) Council contact prohibited No person may
(2) If there are more quali�ed appli ants than communicate with any member of the city council
on-sale licenses to be issued,appl' ants shall regarding any application or applicant for issu-
be entitled to receive such lice es accord- ance or re-issuance of a license pursuant to this
ing to the following order of pri rity: section unless such communication is made dur-
ing the course of a public hearing before the coun-
a. As an absolute first priori , an appli- cil's committee designated to hear license mat-
cant who purchases an e sting busi- ters held pursuant to this section.
ness having an on-sale lice se with the
intent of operating said bu iness at the (i) Neighborhood Betterment Fund A Neighbor-
same location for at lea t one year hood Betterment Fund is hereby established, to
thereafter; which ten(10) percent of the proceeds of the spe-
b. Applicants for the operat' n of restau- cial issuance tax are hereby appropriated. Such
rants capable of seating and serving fund shall be used to assist the housing and rede-
meals to not less than ne hundred velopment authority of the City of Saint Paul,
(100)guests at one time, anked in the � Minnesota, in the acquisition, clearance or rede-
order of such seating a serving ca- velopment of blighted or deteriorated areas and
pacity from the greatest umber down structures in neighborhoods having concentrations
to one hundred(100); of businesses licensed for the sale and consump-
c. Applicants for the oper ion of hotels tion of intoxicating liquor on the premises,which
having dining rooms c able of seat- acquisition,clearance or redevelopment are hereby
� = �
��:..� Supp.No.4
determined to be for a public purpose. Such pur- and conditi s may limit the dispensing of intox-
poses and uses of the fund may include the acqui- icating liqu r to designated areas of the facility.
sition of the real or personal property of existing The depart ent of community services may fix
on-sale liquor businesses, and aff'irmative assis- and assess fee to be paid to the general fund in
tance of financing of minority-owned businesses the case of own Square Park and to such special
seeking or needing on-sale intoxicating liquor fund as m y be designated by the director of said
licenses. departme t in the case of Phalen Park Club House
(Code 1956, §§ 308.28-308.33; Ord. No. 17172, by an on sale licensee for each event for which
10-23-84;Ord.No. 17176, 10-23-84;Ord.No. 17551, the licen ee is engaged to dispense intoxicating
§ 7,4-19-88) liquor.
(Ord. 16 12, 7-16-81; Ord. No. 17074, 11-17-83)
Sec. 409.17. Violation;penalty.
Violation of any of the regulations contained in �G• 4 9.19. License redemption.
Sections 409.08 and 409.09 shall be a misdemeanor The ity may, at its option and in its sole dis-
and shall be punished as provided by Section 1.05 cretio , and only to the extent funds therefor re-
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. ceive from the special issuance tax are avail-
(Code 1956, § 308.23(12)) able, edeem any on-sale license,with the consent
of th licensee, by payment of the redemption
Sec. 409.18. Town Square Park; Phalen Park valu to said licensee.Such redemption terminates
Club House. the 'cense for that license holder, and permits
The department of community services may au- the ity at its option and in its sole discretion to
iss said license in accordance with the require-
thorize any holder of an on-sale liquor license me ts of law and ordinance. The cit ma not �''�` �a
issued by the city to dispense intoxicating liquor re em any on-sale license which h s been re- �aY���'
at any event of definite duration on the public '�-:�>=�
premises known as Town Square Park and Phalen vo ed or not renewed for cause. The redemption
Park Club House. The event may not be profit v ue shall be an amount determined by the fol-
making except as a fund raising event for a non- lo ing schedule:
profit organization or a political committee as (a) From August 1, 1984 through January 31,
defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 210A.01, 1986—$70,000.00;
Subdivision 8. The licensee must be engaged to �� From February 1, 1986 through January
dispense intoxicating liquor at the event held by 31, 1987—$60,000.00;
a person or organization permitted to use the prem-
ises and may dispense intoxicating liquor only to (c) From February 1, 1987 through January
persons attending the event. A licensee's author- 31, 1988—$50,000.00;
ity shall expire upon termination of the contracted
event. The authority to dispense intoxicating li- �d) From February 1, 1988 through January
quor shall be granted in accordance with the stat- 31, 1989—$40,000.00;
utes applicable to the issuance of on-sale licenses (e) From February 1, 1989 through December
in cities of the first class consistent with Laws of 31, 1989—$30,000; and
Minnesota for 1981,Chapter 335 and Laws 1983, ��j From and after January 1, 1990,there shall
Chapter 259. The dispensing of intoxicating li- be no redemption value.
quor shall be subject to all laws and ordinances
governing the dispensing of intoxicating liquor as All on-sale licenses which are revoked or not re-
are not inconsistent with Laws, 1981, Chapte newed for cause, or which are not renewed as
335 and Laws 1983, Chapter 259. All dispensin required by Section 409.06(k), may be issued or
of intoxicating liquor shall be in accordance wit re-issued by the city in accordance with law.
the terms and conditions prescribed by the d - (Ord. No. 17172, 10-23-84)
partment of community services and those ter s
Supp.No.4 �-'
'�� LICENSE §40921
Sec. 409.20. Commercial development districts. c. 40921. Pull-tabs and tipboards in bars
by qualified charitable non profit
(a) Commercial development districts,as defined organizations.
in Section 17.07.1 of the City Charter, may be
created or expanded by the filing in the office of (a) Permission of city council; endorsement;
the city clerk of a written petition therefor set- termination:
ting forth the boundaries of the expanded district, (1) On-sale licensees may request permission
and containing the written consent of the owners of the city council to permit qualified char-
of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real itable organizations to conduct lawful gam-
estate situate within the new or area of the'ex- bling in the form of pull-tabs and tipboards
panded district, together with the written consen only on the licensed premises. Application
of the owners of two-thirds of the several descri for permission shall be made to the license
tions of real estate situated within one hundr inspector and payment of the specified fee.
(100) feet of the new or expanded district, a d if the application is granted, the license
after the �rmative vote in favor thereof by at shall contain an endorsement specifying this
le�st five(5)members of the city council. approval and the gambling endorsement
(b) The city council may waive the require nts - may be considered for renewal at the same
for consent signatures if the city council hall time as the council may consider renewal
determine that a hardship exists therefor, nd in of the on-sale license.
such case the council may,on its own,initi te the (2) In the event the permission of any charita-
prceess of creating or expanding a com ercial ble nonpro�t organization to conduct law-
development district. In such case, the irma- ful gambling on the licensed premises is
�' "�.
� tive vote of at least five (5) members of the city terminated by the licensed establishment
council shall be required to create or ex and any on whose premises the organization was
°'."'� such district. conducting said gambling, or in the event
� such organization terminates its lawful gam-
(c) In all such cases, the planning mmission bling as a result of coercion, pressure or
shall be consulted for advice concern' g the pro- unreasonable or unlawful conduct by the
posals for consistency with the city's comprehen- licensee or its employees,the on-sale licen-
sive plan and zoning ordinances, a d the plan- see shall not be able to make application
ning commission shall report in iting to the for a gambling endorsement for a new chari-
city council its findings and recom endations. �ble nonprofit organization to take the place
(d) Upon receipt of the report f the planning of the former organization until one year
commission, the council's comm' tee designated after discontinuance of all gambling activ-
to hear license matters shall fix date for public ity on the licensed premises by the former
hearing to consider the petiti or proposal to organization.
create or expand a commerci development dis- �� �mbling endorsement regulations. Gambling
trict and afford an opportunity all affected per- endorsements on on-sale licenses shall be subject
sons to be heard.The city cler shall cause notice {�the following regulations which shall be deemed
of the hearing to be publish once in the of�'icial as a part of the license, and failure of compliance
newspaper of the city, and ailed notice thereof may constitute grounds for adverse action as pre-
shall be given by the depa ment of finance and scribed in the Legislative Code:
management services to all wners of land within
the new or area of the e panded district. Pub- (1) Only charitable nonprofit organizatior
lished notice and mailed otice shall be made at censed by the State of Minnesota t
least twenty (20) days i advance of the public ate tipboards and pull-tabs may b�
hearing. to sell pull-tabs and tipboards on
- (Ord. No. 17238, § 1, 5- 85; Ord. No. 17551, § 8, premises.
��, .s
� •
$409.21 LEGISLATNE CODE <"'��^''�3.
(2) Use of the licensed premises shall be by permit fees,and the only compensation which
means of a written lease agreement between the licensee may obtain from the charita-
the licensee and the charitable organiza- ble organization is the rent fixed in the
tion. The lease shall be for a term of at lease agreement.
least one year; a copy shall be filed with
the license inspector, and also a copy must (5) The licensee must commit to a minimum of
be kept on the premises and available for twenty (20) hours of sales of pull-tabs and
public inspection upon request. Leases shall tipboards for the charitable organization.
be governed by the following: (6) As a qualification `'�r removal of the per-
a. Maximum rent that may be charged is mission to allow the sale of pull-tabs and
one hundred dollars($100.00)per week. tipboards on the licensed premises, the li-
b. Rental payments may not be based on censee must demonstrate to the license in-
a percentage of profits from gambling. spector that at least one thousand dollars
c. The charitable organization may not
($1,000.00) in gross gambling revenues
reimburse the licensee for any license weekly are generated in a Class A estab- .
fees or other gambling-related expenses lishment, two thousand dollars ($2,000.00)
incurred by the licensee. ' in a Class B establishment, and two thou-
d. The only form of gambling that shall sand dollars ($2,000.00) per charity in a
be permitted on the licensed premises Class C establishment, based on a twenty-
shall be pull-tabs and tipboards approved hour-per-week operation.
by the license inspector.
e. Pull-tabs and tipboards shall only be � ( ) The licensee shall be responsible for the
sold from a booth used solely by the charitable or anization's conduct of sellin �'��:-''�""�
g g �f:�
charitable organization, and pull-tabs pull-tabs and tipboards. The city council _;,,_�
and tipboards shall neither be sold by may suspend the licexisee's permission to - �-
employees of the licensee nor sold from allow gambling on the premises for a pe-
the bar service area. riod up to sixty (60) days for any violation
f. The construction and maintenance of of state or local gambling laws or regula-
the booth used by the charitable orga- 'tions that occur on the premises by anyone,
nization shall be the sole responsibil- including the licensee or the charitable or-
ity of the charitable organization. ganization. A second violation within a
g. The lease shall contain a provision per- twelve-month suspension, and any additional
mitting the licensee to terminate the violations within a twelve-month period shall
lease if the charitable organization is result in the revocation of the gambling
found guilty of any violation of state or permission, and may also be considered by
local gambling statutes, ordinances or the council as grounds for suspension or
rules and regulations. revocation of the on-sale liquor license.
(3) Only one charitable organization shall be � (c) arge charitable nonprofit organizations
permitted to sell pull-tabs and tipboards on regul ted
the licensed premises of a Class A estab-
� lishment, no more than two (2) organiza- (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law
tions at separate times in a Class B estab- r of Sections 409.21 and 409.22 of this
lishment,and no more than two(2)charitable hapter, not more than five (5) charitable
organizations shall be permitted to sell pull- onpro�t organizations which qualify as
tabs or tipboards on the licensed premises `large organizations" may be permitted to
of a Class C establishment, provided they onduct lawful gambling in the form of pull-
are located in totally separate areas. bs and tipboards on licensed premises after
eeting all other requirements of Chapters
(4) The licensee may not be reimbursed by the 10 and 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative F -
charitable organization for any license or
Supp.No.6 - --
' . �`�_!��"i
� _ L CENSES §409.21
Code and of any other applicable statute, (2) No endorsement to the on-sale license shall
regulation or ordinance. The term "large be granted to any on-sale licensee for a
organization,"for the purpose of this chap- large organization until thirty(30)days after
ter, shall mean and include any charitable the effective date of this ordinance [Ordi-
nonprofit organization which has the size nance No. 17613�. If there are more than
and resources, as well as the public accep- five (5) qualified applicants for such endorse-
tance and drawing power, sufficient to dom- ment, the counsel shall by motion set a
inate in the competition for licensed prem- future regular council meeting date at which
ises in which to conduct charitable gam- five(5)such applicants shall be selected for
bling so as to make it difficult or impossible the issuance of the liquor endorsements au-
for small charitable nonprofit organizations thorized herein. Such selection shall be by
to find suitable or desirable premises in lot in accordance with the procedures indi-
which to raise funds by charitable gambling. cated in Section 409.16(ex2)(excepting the
Any charitable nonprofit organization whose payment of the special issuance excise tax).
annual gross revenues for the immediately Not less than thirty (30) days after one of
past fiscal or calendar year from all sources such endorsements is revoked, denied or
are in excess of ten million dollars ($10, _ lapses for any reason, the council may es-
000,000.00) or whose annual management tablish a date for random selection among
and administrative expenditures for its cur- otherwise qualified applicants as provided
rent budget year are in excess of three mil- above. If the number of applicants at any
lion dollars ($3,000,000.00), or twenty-five time is equal to or less than five(5),or less
(25) percent or more of whose net pro�ts than the number needed to bring the total
�,� from charitable gambling are or have been of such endorsements issued to five(5),then
� '. ::. distributed in at least three (3) of the last the council may issue such endorsements
`v_:�;�' five(5)years to another nonprofit or chari- in the regular manner.
table organization of which it is a local
chapter or subsidiary,shall be presumed to (3) The large organizations authorized to op-
be a large corporation. The computation of erate in on-sale licensed premises as pro-
the above dollar amounts shall be the total vided for in this paragraph (c) shall be re-
for both the charitable nonprofit organiaa- quired to comply with all applicable require-
tion in question and any other such orga- ments of law and of Sections 40921 through
nization,if such other organization: 40923, including the payment of ten (10)
(a) Has the power to appoint a majority of percent of their net profits from selling of
the governing body of the organization pull-tabs as provided by Section 40922(n).
in question;
(b) Has or exercises the authority to di- �d) Number of establishments restricted No char-
rect or control the work of the of�`icers itable organization, whether a large organization,
or employees of the organization in exempt under state law, licensed by the State of
question; Minnesota or issued a gambling permit under
(c) Provides half or more of the gross rev- �Y ordinance,shall sell pull-tabs and/or tipboards
enues of the organiZation in question; in more than three(3)establishments licensed by
or the City of Saint Paul for the sale of intoxicating
(d) Franchises or charters the organization liquor in accordance with Section 40922; provid-
in question, or permits the organiza- 'ed,however,that no such organization may oper-
tion in question to use its name and/or ate in a second establishment until it has been in
organizational symbols in the conduct full operation for at least three (3)months in the
of the fund-raising activities of the or- �rst establishment, nor operate in a third estab-
ganization in question. lishment until it has been in full operation for at
�� Su .No.6
2T 1
§409.21 LEGISLATNE CODE ^`V`:�'�,
least three(3)months in both the first and second (1) Shall r 'ster with the state gambling board
establishments. all equ pment and supplies used in a li-
(Ord. No. 17321, § 3, 12-31-85; Ord. No. 88-500, § censed n-sale liquor establishment.
9, 11-17-88) (m) Shall st in a conspicuous place rules and
Cross references—Gambling, Ch. 270; lawful gambling,
Ch.402;bingo halls,Ch.403;game rooms,Ch.406. regula ons concerning charitable gambling
as req ired by the license inspector.
Sec. 409.22. Charitable gambling regulations. (n) Shall ay to the city-wide organization des-
The sale of pull-tabs and tipboards in on-sale ignate by the city council ten(10)percent
licensed premises shall be conducted only by quali- of the net profits from selling of pull-tabs
fied and state-licensed charitable organizations. and ti boards to be distributed to other youth
In addition to satisfying the qualifications set forth athlet c organizations to be expended for
in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 349, the follow- such awful purposes as specif'ied in Min-
ing regulations and qualifications must be com- nesot Statutes, Chapter 349.
plied with by all such charitable organizations: (o) The c aritable organization shall not use a
(a) Must have been in existence for three (3) pull-t b or tipboard which does not return
years. - to th players a minimum percentage of
(b) May not be supported by a school athletic seve ty-five (75) percent, nor a maximum
perc tage of eighty(80)percent,which per-
program, either public or private. cent ge shall include free plays awarded.
(c) Must file with the license inspector annu- �P� �e haritable organization will be respon-
ally a list containing the names and ad- sibl for the booth and other equipment
dresses of all current members. use in the operation as a deductible ex- r ;�:�
(d) Must file financial reports weekly with the pen of the charity. ��
license inspector. (q) Sha 1 expend at least fifty-one (51)percent
(e) May not have a gambling license in more or ore of its net proceeds from charitable
than two(2)Class A establishments and no ga ling at Saint Paul locations to or for
more than one Class B or Class C estab- p oses which benefit programs or activi-
lishment in the City of St. Paul. tie occurring in Saint Paul or which di-
rec y benefit substantial numbers of Saint
(� Must exhibit and sell pull-tabs and tipboards pa 1 residents.
in a method as required by the license (Ord. No. 17321, § 4, 12-31-85; Ord. No. 17542, §
inspector. 1, 3-10-8 Ord. No. 88-500, § 4, 11-17-88)
(g) Workers or managers may not divulge the Cross re rence—Lawful gambling,Ch.402.
number of or the dollar amount of the win-
ners at any time. �, �pg , �nd established;administration.
(h) Shall not commingle game cards. (a) The e is hereby established a special fund
(i) Shall pay employees a minimum wage of for the a inistration and distribution of the pro-
three dollars and thirty-five cents ($3.35) ceeds co ributed by charitable gambling in on-
per hour (federal minimum wage) and no sale liqu establishments as spec�ed in this chap-
more than five doilars($5.00)per hour. ter.Mon' s in this fund may be expended only for
� such la ul purposes as set forth in Minnesota
(j) Shall comply with all the provisions of Min- Statutes Chapter 349, and shall be expended to
nesota Statutes, Chapter 349. � assist yo th organizations which are not selling
(k) Gambling manager's compensation shall not p�11-tabs and tipboards in licensed establishments.
exceed fifty dollars($50.00)per week:
k _ - LICENSES §409.25
(b) The city council shall appoint a city-wide Sec. 409.24. Gambling managers.
charitable organization and youth or dult repre- No person shall be a manager of any charitable
sentatives from each of the city's re eation dis- organization selling pull-tabs and tipbdards in on-
tricts to advise the city on the disb rsement of sale liquor establishments unless licensed by the
these funds. The council, with the a vice of the city as provided herein and compliance with the
appointed city-wide charitable orga zation and following requirements:
representatives, shall by resolution dopt rules
and regulations governing the admi 'stration of (1) Application for gambling manager license
the fund,eligible applicants and appr priate uses shall be masle at tl:e office of license in-
for the funds.These rules shall include t e following: spector on forms provided by said off`ice.
The annual license fee is one hundred dol-
(1) Applicants for funding must be incorporat- lars($100.00).
ed, nonpro�t organizations for ed for the
purpose of supporting progra s. Booster (2) Gambling managers shall meet all the re
clubs organized for a recreation center or a quirements of Minnesota Statutes, Chap-
speci�c sport may be eligible, ut organ- ter 349, and must file proof that a ten thou-
ized school teams, whether pu lic or pri- sand dollaz ($10,000.00) fidelity bond has
vate, will not be eligible. Evide ce that an - been provided.
organization has been recogni ed by the (3) An individual may not manage any chari-
IRS as exempt from taxation p rsuant to table organization's gambling operation for
26 U.S.C. Section 501 or is usi an orga- more than three(3)consecutive years.
nization so recognized as a fiscal gent shall
be accepted as proof that it is nonprofit (4) Gambling managers may not receive more
� _ -�'> organization, but such evidence is not the than fifty dollars($50.00)per week for com-
' ' exclusive method of establishin nonprofit pensation for services as a gambling man-
�-�, status. ager.
(2) Applicants shall provide informat on setting (5) All gambling managers must successfully
forth its stated purpose, number f partici- complete a training program established
pants served, area served and re sans why by the city, which training program shall
the funds are needed. include state charitable gambling laws,city
charitable gambling ordi,.ances, accounting
(3) Funds may not be used for capit 1 expens- procedures, record keeping and reporting
es, nor for salaries or travel exp nses, but procedures and methods.
may be expended for an individu 1 or team (Ord. No. 17321, § 6, 12-31-85)
representing the city or state in state or
national championship tourname t. Sec. 409.25. Temporary wine and liquor li-
(4) No organization operating chari ble gam- censes. �
bling in the State of Minnesota 'll be eli- (a) Wine licenses. Notwithstanding any other
gible to receive funds. provision of this chapter, a bona fide nonprofit
, (5) Funds will be awarded on a matc 'ng basis charitable, religious or veterans organization may
only. obtain on-sale license to sell wine not exceeding
fourteen (14) percent alcohol by volume for con-
(6) Organizations receiving funds shal file with sumption on the licensed premises only. The fee
the city financial reports showin how the for such license shall be one hundred thirty-five
funds were expended and for what urpose. dollars ($135.00) per day, and licenses shall be
No additional grants will be m e until issued for periods not to exceed three(3)consecu-
the organization has filed such r ports of tive days. No organization shall be granted more
previous expenditures. than two(2)such licenses per calendar year.
(Ord. No. 17321, § 5, 12-31-85; Ord. No. 7613, §
� , 6, 11-17-88) ' (b) Liquor licenses. Notwithstanding any other -
`L-' � Su .No.6
� � ��-i���
,�.::�� .
provision of this chapter, a club or chari ble,
religious or other nonprofit organization in exis-
tence for at least three (3) years may obtai on-
sale license to sell intoxicating liquor for co mp-
tion on the licensed premises only and in co nec-
tion with a social event within the city spon ored
by the licensee. The license may authoriz on-
sales on premises other than premises the cen-
see owns or permanently occupies. The li ense
may provide that the licensee may contra for
intoxicating liquor catering services with the lder
of a full year on-sale intoxicating liquor li nse
issued by the City of Saint Paul. The fee for uch
license shall be one hundred thirty-five d lars
($135.00)per day, and shall be issued for not ore
than three (3) consecutive days. No organiz tion
shall be granted more than two (2) such lic ses -
per calendar year.
(c) Application. Application for such temp ary
licenses shall be made on forms provided b the
� � �R,
�_ _;,
� —_
Supp.No.6 .��'�''4
/ '� LICENSE §41026
t '.
i -
inspector and shall contain such information as s bject to the provisions of these chapters govern-
specified by the inspector,including the following: i g Class II licenses.The inspector shall make all
r ferrals as provided by Section 310.03, but the
(1) The name, address and purpose of the or- irector may require the inspector to issue such
� ganization, together with the names and 1 cense before receiving any recommendations on
addresses of its officers. e application therefor if necessary to issue such
(2) The purpose for which the temporary license 'cense on a timely basis.
is sought, together with the place, dates Ord. No. 17459, § 1,5-28-87;Ord. No. 17569, § 4,
and hours during which wine or intoxicat- -?-88�
ing liquor will be sold.
c. 40926. Intoxicating liquor; presumptive
(3) Consent of the owner or manager of the penalties.
premises, or person or group with lawful
responsibility for the premises. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to
establish a standard by which the city council
(4) Evidence that the applicant has obtained determines the length of license suspensions and
and has in force a bond in accordance with revocations, and shall apply to all on-sale and
Section 409.06(j),and liability insurance in off-sale licensed premises. These penalties are pre-
accordance with Minnesota Statutes 1986, sumed to be appropriate for every case; however,
Section 340A.409. the council may deviate therefrom in an individ-
(d) Application of other provisions of this chap, ual case where the council finds and determines
ter. No other provisions of this chapter shall apply that there exist substantial and compelling rea-
to licenses granted under this section,except Secr sons making it more appropriate to do so. When
� �^~`,:� tions 409.06, 409.07, 409.08 (except clauses (11) deviating from these standards the council shall
� and(12)), and Sections 409.09 through 409.14. provide written reasons which specify why the
:' ��
- penalty selected was more appropriate.
(e) Class II license. Notwithstanding any other �� p�.esum tive enalties or uiolations. Adverse
provision of law to the contrary, the temporary p 1° f
wine and liquor licenses provided in this section penalties for convictions or violations shall be
shall be administered as a Class II license, and presumed as follows:
Type of Violation Ist Violation 2nd Violation 3rd Violation
(1) Commission of a felony related to the li- Revocation NA NA
censed activity
(2) Sale of alcoholic beverages while license i Revocation NA NA
under suspension
(3) Sale of alcoholic beverages to under-ag 5 consecutive ftevocation NA
person days suspension
(4) Sale of alcoholic beverage to intoxicate 5 consecutive 15 consecutive Revocation
person days suspension days suspension
(5) After hours sale or display of alcohol c 3 consecutive 9 consecutive Revocation
beverages days suspension days suspension
(6) Refusal to allow city inspectors or pol' e 5 consecutive 15 consecutive Revocation
admission to inspect premises days suspension days suspension
(7) Illegal gambling on premises 3 consecutive 9 consecutive Revocation
� . days suspension days suspension _
_ f,
� Supp.No.4
N �
Type of Violation Ist Vio ation 2nd Violation 3rd Violation
(8) Permit person to leave premises with alco- 3 conse utive 9 consecutive Revocation
holic beverages days sus ension days suspension
(9) Failure to make application for license re- 15 cons cutive 45 consecutive Revocation �
newal prior to license expiration date days sus ension days suspension
(10) Violations of city ordinances pertaining to 5 conse utive 15 consecutive Revocation
fire or building or health codes days sus ension days suspension
(c) Computation of time. For the purpose of de- (c) f-sale licenses shall permit the licensee of
termining the number of occurrences of violations, such n nintoxicating malt liquors to sell same in
the council shall consider a violation as a second origin 1 packages for consumption off the prem-
occurrence if it occurred within eighteen(18)cal- ises o y. ,
endar months of the first violation,and shall con-
sider a violation as a third occurrence if it oc- �d) othing herein contained shall be construed
curred within thirty (30) calendar months of the to pro ibit the sale and delivery in original pack-
second violation. ages 'rectly to the consumer by the manufac- . .
turer distributor of nonintoxicating malt liquors.
(d) Other penalties. Nothing in this section shall
restrict or limit the authority of the council to �e) o off-sale license shall be issued for any
suspend up to sixty (60) days, revoke the license, Place here nonintoxicating malt beverages shall
impose a civil �ne not to exceed two thousand be sol for consumption on the premises. _
dollars($2,000), to impose conditions or take any (� ` Nonintoxicating malt liquor" is any fer- %
other adverse action in accordance with law; pro- ment malt liquor, potable as a beverage, con- �
vided, that the license holder has been afforded taini not less than one-half of one percent(1/z of
an opportunity for a hearing in the manner pro- 1°Io) a cohol by volume nor more than three and
vided for in Section 310.05 of this Code. two-t ths(3.2)percent alcohol by weight.
(Ord. No. 17556, § 1, 4-28-88) (Code 1956, §§ 310.01, 310.17, 310.20)
Sec. 10.02. Fees.
Chapter 410.Nonintoxicating Malt Liquor*
Be re the filing of an application for either of �
Sec. 410.01. License required; definitions; the 1' enses hereinbefore provided for, the appli- !
exceptions. cant hall deposit with the license inspector the
sum f two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) if the
(a) No person shall sell nonintoxicating malt appli ation is for an on-sale license, and the sum
liquors at retail in Saint Paul without a license. of fif dollars($50.00)if the application is for an
(b) On-sale licenses shall permit the licensee off-s e license, and the inspector shall thereupon
for the sale of said nonintoxicating malt liquors deliv r to such applicant duplicate receipts there-
to sell such for consumption on the premises. On- for, ontaining a statement of the purpose for
sale licenses shall be granted only to restaurants, Whic such deposit was made, and one of said .
hotels,bona fide clubs, establishments for the ex- rece' ts shall be attached to and filed with said ,
clusive sale of nonintoxicating malt beverages and appl ation.
establishments licensed for the exclusive sale of (Cod 1956, § 310.03; Ord. No. 16843, 10-20-81)
intoxicating liquors.
Sec. 410.03. Licensing requirements.
•G�oss references—Liquor and beer regulations general-
ly,Title XXIV; intoxicating liquor, Ch. 409;use of beer and �a Application. Any person desiring either of
intoxicating liquor prohibited in motion picture drive-in thea- the icenses as hereinbefore described shall first }•>
tres,§416.os(b). ma an application therefor to the council of the �
__ _-------�� � � ���'� ' ( �
; �
�IES ; � ;'-
� SA ES v. CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Mina. g'75. � j �;
Cite as 120 N.W.2d 871 �
�non Council, 53 1�Iinn.
ch re��iewed the action 2. The trial court found the evidence pressively¢ For us to assume greater re-
discharging two city submitted to the Licenses Co mittee suffi- sponsibility would constitute an unconstitu-
'd (�3 11�Iinn. 2�, $� cient to justify the city coun il's determin- tional usurpation of nonjudicial power 6 :
ation that plaintiff had viot ted § 340.14, Turning to the evidence introduced over
subd. Z, prohibiting a licensee from permit- Plaintiff's objection at the hearing beforc
pecifications of the tin;his premises to be used s a resort for the Licenses Committee, it is obvious that
uld be formu]ated prostitutes. nearly all of the testimony was hearsay.
e detail and preci- � The uestion before us however is the ex-
'm the incumbent ibTinneapolis Code of Ordii ances § 851: n > >
420, adopted pursuant to c. § 16, of the tent to which such evidence was competent �
f duty is urged and admissible under a common-law excep- ;
should be : state- city charter, permits the ci y council to �
� a specification of revoke liquor and other lic nses for any tion governing official statements, codified � ;
,ufficient cause for �-iolation of the laws of blin esota relative in § 600.13 as follows: '
distinct to apprise to the sale of liquor "or t the conduct ��The original record made by any � ''
�unds upon �vhich of the business of the licen ee:' public oflicer in the performance of � �
=' his official duty shall be prima facie
[3] We hold that there as competent evidence of the facts required or per- ':.
und v. City of Du- evidence on which the RZi neapolis City . �
m:tted by law to be by him recorded. . ;
, 147 N.W.82p, g21, Council could properly base finding that * * *„ j
:y of notice to ap- plaintiff had violated § 340.1 , subd. 2, and " ' �
incil in connection had consequently forfeited h s right to re- The head of the morals squad brought {
evocation, couched tain his licenses. � - to the Licenses Committee hearing a num-
�e employed in the ` -� � • ber of files which he testified were regu- �. ,
! the notice insuffi- :f [4-7] No citizen has a inherent or larly kept in his division of the police de- p,� !
se the licensee of �� vested right to sell intoxi ting 'liquors, partment. These records consisted of so- � ;.
•es against him or � and municipal authorities h ve broad dis- called"kick sheets" made up by an arrest- � ( �
ie revocation was ,�'_; cretion within their geogra ical jurisdic- ing or investigating .officer, showing the ; i
right to adequate '�'� tion to determine the man er in which charge and details of the offense and the � '�
Here plaintiff did liquor licenses shall be iss ed, regulated, transcribed stenographic statements of wit- � �
�roper notice, and and revoked.l Inherent in the right to nesses. Briefly summarized, these written � � .�
:very stage of the control the sale of liquor is the .power to reports, received in ,evidence over. plain- � i ,�
�e are of the opin- regulate related activities o the licensed tiff's objection, disclosed the foilowing: � � =+
�rrow questiori on �`�` premises? Basicall}it is th council's duty _Officer Foreman stated that on August ZI, � '
i hinged, plairitiff �`, to decide whether the 'lice see has been 1961, he went to the South of the Border i� i
The revocation � guilty of such unlawful con uct in the op- Bar and ordered a drink; that he was �
•ely upon.a viola- �, eration of his business that s continuance .shortly thereafter propositioned by a girl �'�:I
The use of.plain- 7� � is detrimental to the public ood 3 Im�re- sitting aext to him at the bar; that he foI- ��:i
't for prostitutes `� ` �` viewing the proceedings of t e municipality lowed her to a hotel room where he arrested '��;
�i I i
� plaintiff's em- �� it is not the court's funption o pass on the her; and that she was convicted of prosti- � ;
�sions. He was. .� wisdom of the revocatiqn, t only to de- tution and fined. Officer Brady corrobo- '� �
ints made by the = te.-mine whether the counci ._exercised,an .rated the report by testifying that he saw �� "
�i ;�
here was,ample i honest and reasonable discre ion, or.wheth- them leave the bar and followed them to :�.�
idence presented er it acted capriciously, arb rarily, or op- the hotel. i ,
• . : . ' '.
uttee, and plam- " , .. ��
here was no re- L Crowley v. Christensen, 13 U.S.$6, 91, 3. Moakovitz v. City of St. Paul, 218 Dtinn. '
o present addi- } 11 S.Ct. 13, 15, 34 L.Ed. E 0, 624; An- 543, 54�J, 1Fi N.W.2d 745, 748. '�I :
derson v. City of Ct. Paul, 2 6 11Sinn. 186, , ��
f. Although we , "� 191. 32 N.��.2d 533, 541; aron v. City 4. Bainbridge v. City of Minnenpolis, 131 �i
condone the in- � of Slinkopee, 226 D1inn.222, -23, 32 N.tiV. Minn.1�J5, 198, 154 N.W.9C4, 96f,L.It.A. i t,.
hold that under
2d 603, 607, 2 A.L.R2ci 12 , - 191�C, 224. ,f;
1 and rehearing 2. C�eveland v. County of Iti e, 233 blinn. 5. Hunstiger v. giliun, 130 Minn. 4?4, 47�J. ' ,j
180, 183, 5fi N.��2d 641, 153 N.�i�. 8Fi9, 871, 1095. �
� • _ _ i�',
� ''�
A* - �` .`.
A written report of Officer Hanno de- ' �-ee�c,s��Vhile
scribed his being solicited in South o the administrative bodies are not held to the amination a�
Border on September 15, 1961; O cer same strict rules as judicial tribunals, and worthiness c
Johnson was solicited there on Octobe 11, incompetent evidence will not in itself be accurate if :
1961, both resulting in convictions. he grounds for reversal, �*r°-*_»«:t--�r�� the of�cial's
records showed other solicitations and on- � tion that an
victions in reports of Officer Erickso on �tisoi� �^�fHe�?�We have noted that most '' ing a duty
. October 11, 1961, Mr. Brady testifyin to of the world's work is done without rely- tivities. No
the arrests; Officer Farrell on Nove ber ing on jury-trial rules of evidence,and that action be ta
7, 1961; Ofi'icer Martin on January 14, the receipt of evidence by administrative direction or
1962; Officer Cooper on March 15, 1 62; bodies is to some extent a matter of prao- have perfor
and Officer Thorson on April 14, 1962. tical convenience$ One court in writing a casual order
revocation opinion has wryly observed, "A enough if t
In addition to these written reports, ffi- inherent in
policeman guiding himself by the strict
cers Foreman and O'Brien testified at observes tha
rules of evidence would be chargeable with
they had been solicited at plaintiff's ar, statements b
incapacity; and a general would be guilty
and Officer Bailey testified that on three c- e In Federa
of`a military crime," quoting Sir Henry
casions he�vitnessed leaving the bar cou les Sumner Maine in "The Theory of Evi- ception to t
whose subsequent arrests resulted in c nx dence." 28 U.S.C.A.
victions for prostitution. to criminal
Since our �M1�t�.°-~.�::���^�iiw++i's`ae J Rules of Pr�
There were other reports and stateme ts ing the Fede
offered and received at the Licenses C -
mittee hearing which were clearly incom e- ��'the prerequisites for the ad- :T �aa736�9�'
� tent under any of the rules of eviden e. missibility of such evidence must be exam- �� the rule as f
� These consisted, for the most part, of ined."Wigmore points out that the designa-
� stenographically transcribed statements { tion public documents is a misnomer and "Genera
men convicted of various morals offens s that a more accurate description of the documents
who identified plaintiff's bar as the pl e exception is "official statements:'10 He pursuant 1
they were solicited. In addition th e notes that the exception is a matter of ex- required �
were parts of the of�cial reports �vhi h Pediency and not necessity, since it need are admis
purported to quote third persons as stati g not be shown that the witness is unavailable stated the
they had been solicited at plaintiff's b r. by reason of death, absence, or other dis- of the rul�
These statements �vere patently inadm _ ability. The rationale of the rule seems some and i
sible as hearsay on hearsay. to be that even if it is physically possible ficials to
to produce a �vitness �vho has made a re- in which �
[8j Deferring for a moment a consi - Port, it would tend to disrupt the efficient quired in
eration of the admissibility of the office ' functioning of public employees to require ords and �
reports covering their o�vn activities a d their repeated appearance in court. cials in tt
observations, we look to the rules general generally
prevailing in administrative hearings. t [9] Wigmore goes on to say that the
has been held r disadvantages of failing to administer the "Since
oath or to subject the witness to cross-e�:- substitute
of the offi
6. Walker v. City of San Gubriel, 20 Cal. 8• State ea rel. Hardstone Brick Co. of Ap- held that
2d 579,831,129 P.2d 348,351,142 A.L.R. pleton v. Dept. of Commerce, 174 Aiinn. missible,
1353; Consolidated Edison Co.v.N.L.R. 200, 203, 219 AT.«'. 81, 82, which thE
B., 305 U.S. 197, 59 S.Ct. 206, S3 L.Ed. g, «'alker v. City of Clinton, 244 Io�a
126; ��Villapoint Oysters v. Ewing (f1 1099, 1111, 5�J �.R'2d 7S"a, i91. �I I. See, nlsc
Cir.), li4 F.2d 676, G91; 2 Davis, Ad-
ministrative Law, §14.11. 10. .ri��'igmore,E�idence (3 ed.) §§ 1630 to 12. See, alst
163�. 359, 367, :
7. IIughes v. Dept. of Public Safety, 200 Itoss, 19�
Minn. 16, 25, 273 N.W. �18, 623; Note,
23 Minn.L.Rev. 74. d3. Brown �
Dlinn. 15,
SABES v. CITY OF EAPOLIS 32inn, g'jrf �
Cite us LO�T.W d S71 �
3 to the amination�����r�•�• ere called to the witness stand. i j ;
ials, and � � � � * * Thus, this circuit and most f I
�4d:C�.....r�a in +
itself be � =+'*��%�•�.ri..��w.s��r.i�i�.w�r+'�.�� f the other circuits which have passed :, ;
be some . There is a �r� n the question have held that the facts
sustain ated in the document must have been �� '
at most ithin the personal knowledge and ob- , +
ut rely- �_� Nor is it essent�a t at t e o cial rvation of the recording official or his �
ind that action be taken as a result of any formal ibordinates,and that reports based up-
strative direction or regulation. The officer may n general investigations and upon in- ' '
�f prac- �; have performed his duties pursuant to a rmation gleaned second hand from ', �
�iting a � casuai order of a superior. So also it is ndom sources must be excluded."12
�ed, "A � enough if they are functions necessarily
strict inherent in the ofT�ice. Finally, �Vigmore PPellant relies on Barnes v. 1�'orthwest
�' Ai lines, Inc., 233 Minn. 410, 433, 47 N.W.
le with observes that the rule is limited to official
gnilty statements based on personal observation il 2d S0, 193, for the exclusion of the reports
Henry ;°; In Federal practice the common-la�v ex- wr ten by members of the morals squad. ,'
F Evi- � ception to the hearsay rule is codified in In hat case we held that an army board's �
� 28 U.S.C.A. § 1733, and made applicable inv stigation report concerning the causes �
� to criminal cases by Rule 27 of Federal of� n airplane accident was not admissible �
state- „� Rules of Practice. A leading case constru- bec use it contained expressions of opinion �i� ; '
:o the ' ing the Federal statut� is Olender v. United or he esercise of judgment and discretion. ;�� ;
Th rule laid down in the Barnes case as it ''� �G
ie ad- � # States (9 Cir.),210 F.2d 795,801,42 A.L.R. ,
_xam- �" � 2d 736, i�, where the court summarized ap ies to ofT'icial statements and to business '�i � �!
aigna- the rule as follows: rec rds under § 600.02 is entirely consistent ��'I � �
wit the results we here reach. We have !,1
r and � "Generally stated, the rule is that all ,
f the hel in a number of cases that self-serving �I I �:
�e �� documents prepared by public officials opi ions and conclusions may not be re- �� �h
� pursuant to a duty imposed by law or I� � G
f ex- � cei ed under the statute.i3 On the other �'i i.
�, required by the nature of their oflices �j� ' i
need �� are admissible as proof of the facts � ha , in construing§600.02,�ve ha�•e allo�v- �,t l !
lable "� ed nto evidence, as part of a record kept H� �
stated therein. * * * The reason ii
dis- � in e regular course of business a sales- �
of the rule is that it would be burden- , ' i I
eems ma s daily reports written in his own hand, ��
sible �' some and inconvenient to call public of- rec ing factually the events which oc- �
ficials to appear in the myriad cases `� ! ��
� re- °+ ,°i cur ed while he was stranded in an automo-
F in which their testimony might be re- !I i,
:ient " bile before he died from exposure.l-� � I
quired in a court of law, and that rec- : 1
,uire ords and reports prepared by such offi- �
✓[ 0] Based on these authorities we hold
cials in the course of their duties are tha the written re orts of inemb r �I���
a,_. generally trustworthy. * * * P e s of the '
the ' ` mo ls squad, reciting their personal ob- � j
the , "Since the of�'icial documents are a ser ations and experiences with respect to �I f � '
•ex- substitute for the personal appearance the solicitation of customers by prostitutes `:1 i
of the official in court, it is generally in outh of the Border—Key Club Bar,
- ,'. held that such documents, to be ad- we admissible in this adrriinistrative hear- ii I i �
- missible, must concern matters to ing nd support a finding that plaintiff's bar � � '
which the official could testify if he was used as a resort for prostitutes within ��� � �
' �, � � ,
1 I. See, also, hlcCormick, Evidence, § 291. .L.R2d 535; Boutang v.Twin City DIo- ,'r� �:
12. See, also, Jacobson v. Bryun, 244 `�'is. 2 r Bu37 0.,248 Minn. 240,247,80 N.`V. I, � I'
359, 367, 12 N.�V2d 789, i93; Hadley v, i , j
Ross, 195 Okl. 89, 91, 154 P2d 939, 94L 14. CLillstrom v. Trojan Seed Co., 242 �
'nn. 471, 65 N.`i'.2d 338. i�'��„ �
d 3. Brown v. St. Paul City Ry. Co., 241 „ I� ;
Elinn. 15, 26, 62 N.�V.2d 688, 696, 44 ii! �I �
�i, �li � i
(',I i j II
�I�I� I I
�,�I r;�I i
{,,._-' �
_ _ . _____ _. --------
, - --- ---
_ --__----_.__
�',- /��� ';
the meaning of the statute. While much in- "per itting" work in a particular industry, order th�
competent evidence was also received, �ve Mr, ustice Cardozo stated that an employ-
are of the opinion Ehat in proceedings of this er h d a duty to inquire into the conditions [14]
kind it did not invalidate or render the com- pre iling in his business; that the statute as here,
petent evidence ineffective to justify the li- imp ed knowledge of the violation or the censee k
cense revocation. opp rtunity through reasonable diligence to - his estal
acq ire knowledge; and that there was no tions res
3. Finally, it is the contention of appel- saf y in ignorance"if proper inquiry would licited o�
lant that the word "permit," used in § 3�0.- ava :'17 knowled�
14, subd. 2, prohibiting a licensee from per- proof is
mitting the premises to be used as a resort
for prostitutes,connotes knowledge and con- � 3] A recent California case involvec� tion.
the evocation of a license for" ermittin "
sent, and that the city has failed to sustain P g Affirm
its burden of proof with respect to these the remises to be used as a place to which
elements. Piaintiff himself testified that Peo ]e resorted for purposes injurious fo TH011
the public morals. The court held that the sentin
he knew prostitutes frequented his estab- g)�
lishment and knew their identity, but nro- �"o d "permit" implied no afT'irmative act '
an no intent, but mere passivity, or an ab- 9 I conc
tested that he.had no knowledge of their sta ing from preventive action ls In � under wt
having solicited and that he could not evict Ne Jersey action to revoke a license for before tt
them unless they were violating the law. In Pe itting premises to be used by prosti= fending:
support of his position, appellant relies on tut s for solicitation; the owner defended der his 1
State v. Robinson, 55 Minn. 169, 56 N.�V. on the ground there had been no direcf = that plai
594. That was an action to recover penal- pr of that the activities occurred with his with res
ties against a pharmacist under a statute kn wledge and consent. However, the I disagr
prohibiting him from permitting an un- i co rt sustained a finding which noted: "�Ve that not�
licensed employee to sell drugs. We held had re�
that the word "permit" included an element �' Id have to be naive to believe that these P
w en could have solicited on the premises. tain com
of assent, and,where the pharmacist had no ; wi hout anyone connected with the man- fied in i
knowledge of the offense, he was not liab]e. �
a ment learning, of it:'19 To the same to due p�
� e ct is our opinion in State v. Rogers, 14� Furth�
[11,12] The mere presence of persons ; M nn. 303 306 177 N,W. 35S 359. There
of immoral character has been held not to ' ' ' due proc
w held that in the absence of direct evi- dence to
violate a statute prohibiting the use of a d ce that defendant had knowledge of im-
bar as a place "to which people resort for ings whi
m ral practices on his premises, the illicit loss of a
purposes which are injurious to the public
. c merce was indulged in so openly and o f �?pp,�
�morals,"there being nothing unlawful aUout f such a length of time that defendant which tl
permitting such persons to patronize bars
and restaurants in the absence of proof that� st have known his hotel was being used admissib
�they committed violations on the premises.ls' a a house of ill fame. Nor can a licensee be prim<
Nor is a single act of solicitation enough to; P ad ignorance by delegating his responsi- containe�
justify a license revocation under a statute b ities to an employee. State v. Sobelman, therein.
which prohibits the licensee from permitting 1 9 14iinn. 232, 235, 271 N.W. 454, 48�. plied fr
the premises to become disorderl}:16 In a nder the statute, "Every licensee shall be should h
� prosecution under a child labor law for r sponsible for the conduct of his place o£ right to
� ports an�
{ 15. Stoumen �. Reilly, 37 Ca1.2d 713, 71G, 1 . Swegle v. Ctate Bo�rd of Equalization, tion und�
234 P.2c1 969, �7i. i�; Ca1.App.?d 432, 270 P�3 518. prima fa
16. Matter of Mirliaccio v. O'Connell, ,^,07 I . Benedetti v.Board of Commrs., 3� \T.J.
N.Y.566, 122 N.E.2d 914. Super. 30, 34, 113 A.2d 44, 46.
17.- People ea rel. Price v. Sheffield Furms-
S3awson-Deckec Co., 2�5 N.Y. 2a, 30, 1°_1
N.E. 474, 476. �
• �
Cite as 1 0 N.�V�d S71 �
business and for conditions of sobriety an The majority hold that because p?aintiff � � ;, !
ular industry, order therein." § 3-40.1-F, subd. 2. knew that a number of prostitutes were ; , j
�t an employ- among his customers that this was sufficient
he conditions [14] VVe therefore conclude that wher to estaUlish his violation of § 3-}0.14, subd. , ' ' �
it the statute as here, the evidence discloses that the li 2, even though, as defendant concedes, he i
lation or the �
censee kne�v prostitutes �vere frequentin would have no more right to eject them ,
� diligence to his establishment, and numerous convi from his premises than would the owner of
here was no tions resulted from acts of prostitution s any retail establishment which they might
�quiry would licited on his premises, he is charged wit choose to patronize. It seems here that
knowledge of such activities and furth plaintiff is made the victim of circumstances
proof is not required to sustain the revoc - he could not control. The recent influx in-
ise involve� tion. to the city of great numbers of prostitutes
`permitting" from Chicago, Omaha, and Kansas City is
ce to which Affirmed. known to defendant, and the diligent and
njurious to THObIAS GALLAGHER, Justice (di - conscientious effort of its police depart-
eld that the senting), ment to eliminate them is to be commend-
•mative act ed. Plaintiff is vested with no legal au-
', or an ab- I concur with the majority that the noti e thority to prevent their coming into his es- '� ',
n.l$ In a under which plaintiff was required to appe r tabiishment, �vhich by law is open to all ,',j . ,
license for before the committee for the purpose of - adults of their or other racial origins. �'.� ' ;
by prosti- fending his right to continue operations - There is no evidence whatever that plaintiff i�j '. i
' defended der his license was entirely inadequate a d N,as a�care of the occasions, testified to by ' I '
no direct that plaintiff at no time �vaived his rig ts members of the police morals squad, when �
i with his with respect to its sufficiency. Howev r, the patrons of his bar turned their efforts j� � , '�
�ever, the I disagree with the majority's conclus' n toward solicitation of assignments with ;f' ; '�
�te d: "l,��e that notwithstandin g this, because some e other customers. The record establishes ; i �,
that these had previously "discussed" with him c r- that before the influx referred to above, i !
' premises tain complaints which were nowhere sp i- Plaintiff's operation of his establishment had i�� � I
the man- fied in the notice, his constitutional ri ht been satisfactory, and that on all occasions �;l ;
the same to due process had not been denied. � � ;
>gers, 14� he cooperated with the police in an efFort ��� i 'i
Further, I cannot adhere to a concep of to maintain a lawful place of business for �
irect evie due process which would permit hearsay vi- his patrons. �I p j `
dence to stand as the main support for fi d- - �
;e of im- inQs which in effect will cause laintiff he ' � ' ��
:he illicit ° P I do not feel that he should be penalized ; i
loss of an investment of the estimated v lue to the extent of the loss of his property be= � �
:nly and � of $200,000. Even Minn.St. 600.13, u er cause of an evil which he did not create, ' � � Ei ,
efendant �� x^ which the majority hold such evidenc is which he did not foster or encourage, and � i �
ing used � '. admissible, specifically provides that it s all ` '
which he had no legal authority to control ,�� fi
be rima facie evidence onl as to m ter ; ��
licensee ��:� p Y or eliminate. It is almost certain that even � � �� '
esponsi- �� �`� contained in the documents referre to , { � �
�belman, ' therein. It would seem logically to be im- though plaintiff's 'place be closed, the evil �
34, 485. plied from such language that plai tiff N'ill continue to exist and that similar prob- i� '
f � 1 'I..
shall be ' � should have been accorded his constituti nal lems �vill arise in other sections of the city �� j � ;
ri ht to confront the makers of suc re- for so long as economic conditions and hu- i +I
�lace of '• � i,l� I 1! '
� ports and to subject them to cross-exa ina- man feelings foreclose legitimate employ- ��� � ,�!,
�tion,� ;� tion under oath in an effort to overcom the ment opportunities to large segments of our , � �i'
' prima facie effect of such evidence. population. i�i ;i
N.J. _ ;, ' � ;,
� ��'
. _ . i I I� I''
. . . � I I I�.:�..
• {I� �,
I �;
,:, -
,� . � ,
� -s�:�. � ' �
�� �i
.. �:, ���`J`'� �I- ��-� f
Fr : , �� � �
.,�:. .�, ,�'� .
:`:-'�s � �
•- =° „ ��� .�' �
: ,� �? � �
'� l��
� `�
W�TAl�SS� F,�Cl�le��'S
� -
� !3 21
�� ~ �� You have sold and perm tted the sale of alcohol ic 5
• beverages on the licensed premises without a proper on- b �'� 2Z
�°� sale license under chap ers 4�9 or 41P! of the Saint 8 �V �`
�� g
�oN� Paul Legislative Code as matter of the usual conduct �' i9
�O� of the business of the lub, including the specific �� 24
date of April 28, 1989, o which a search warrant for
(,�Ut(,(�� • the premises was executed� Added : ���o� ap►�13, S�i.ltioHlMtufZ�F(ZS),
�p� scu�ck uM,�s�ti tG�(� 31•
���2. You have permitted mino s to enter and remain on the
�' �i..
� licensed premises in violation of the terms and
P � conditions of your priv te club license on numerous /7
�'�y L-d occasions over the past s x_ months, including rlovember
. �11�� 11 , 1988 and April 13 , 19 9.
3:�1y You have failed to provi e security from 7: �J6 p.m. to �
�t��,Ju ^ � ' closing as required by a condition on your license,
(� such failure occurring t least over the past six
� , � months.
�� 4. You have permitted pers as selling drugs to enter ,
remain on, and use the licensed premises and its
�(�N � facilities in furtheranc of their drug dealings,-� �g
�t� (��if�1'�:�r';
t��k� t�
.y � (� ' the foregoing constituting
�� r � in addition a nuisance, and danger to the _health,
� l safety and welfare of the urrounding community.
5. Yo have fa ' ed to cor c ane or m e of the i ing
ode vio ions int ize on the etter da d May 2,
1989 t you fro the S . Pa Divisio of Publi
Healt .
You have the right to be represe�t d by an attorney before and
during the hearing if you so cho se, or you can represent
yourself. You may also have a per on of your choice represent
you, to the extent not prohibited s unauthorized practice of
The hearing will be conducted in acc rdance with the requirem ents
of sections 14.57 to 14.62 of the Mi nesota Statutes, and such
parts of the procedures under sect ' on 3141.g5 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code as may be applica'bl .
�q�i,l - . 1! d u �tCti � ; c� a��cal �-_
�cG,Y�� aw� � �t� 13 nahce . �
. . j. , �-t".
, . . ���,' � -� '
ity v Peoples Choice _
City's Exhibit #6 (3pp, �
County of Ramsey ) ss.
I� . .Albert B: Olson . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the
City of Saint Paul Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have
compared the attac ed copy of Council File No. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
as adopted by the ity Council.. , , ,September.30: . . . . , ., , , 19$�. . . .
October 1:
and approved by t e Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 19 87. . ..
with the original thereof on file in my office.
I further c tify that said copy is a true and corr.ect copy
of said original and the whole thereof.
WITNESS my and and the seal of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota this , , , , 19th. . . , day of . . . . . MaY. .. . . . . . . .A.D. 1989. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�.���E�. . . . . . . . � .
City Clerk. �
, ,
File N0. �/' —
� C�un il esolution -
. � /
Presented By '
Referred To Committee: Date
Out.of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That Council Resolutio , C.F. #87-1121 adopted the 4th day of
August, 1987, be and t e same is hereby amended so as to add
the following conditio s to the private club license issued to
BUT Inc. , doing busine s as People's Choice Club, 920 Selby
Avenue, Saint Paul, 'Mi nesota:
1. Anyone who fights nside or outside of your establishment will
be prohibited for ife.
�2. Anyone caught sell'ng drugs will be prohibited for life.
3. Anyone who shows uses a weapon, gun, knife, etc. will be
� prohibited for li e. (If they don't respect your request to
leave, call the p lice and explain to them that this person
is not allowed ba k, and you should keep a list of all people
who are prohibite from coming in.)
�4. You must have sec rity from 7:00 P.M. to closing on weekends
during winter mon hs. (November lst - March 30th) .
`S. You must have sec rity from 7:00 P.M. to closing every night
during the rest o the year. (April lst - October 31st) .
� 6. You must check al I.D. at all times. (All patrons will be
twenty-one (21) ars old) .
7. If there is a sh oting or knifing in your place or on your
property, you wi 1 close down for one (1) day the first time -
(2) two days the second time - and a week the third time.
(Plus, any shoot ngs or assaults inside or outside the club,
you will close d wn immediately for the rest of the day or
night and agree o cooperate fully with the police in solving
the crime) . ,
Yeas DreW Nays Requested by Department of:
Nicosia l Favor
Scheibel �- A ainst BY �
ti�7ilson Form Approved ity Attorney
Adopted by Councii: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by y r for Submission to Council
CITY O SAINT PAUL Council r !/
File N 0. d ?—�7�
Cou l Res lution
_I'o , Committee: Date
Committee By Date
Page 2
�' 8. If anyone is loiteri g and refuses to move after being asked to
do so should not be llowed to come into the club. (includes
loitering on the out ide, on the sidewalk or parking lot) .
9. Place large signs in parking lot to read - Customer Parking
Only, No loitering, 11 others to be towed.
10. Post a sign by fron door to inform customers of new rules.
(Any additional cos can be added to the drinks.)
11. You must have contr 1 inside and out and enforce the rules.
12. At closing - talk t customers before closing and ask them to
leave the area quic ly and quietly and do not loiter.
13. You will agree to c ose your doors at 12:30 A.M, each evening.
Further resolved, that a c y of this resolution be mailed to the
licensee at the above addr ss together with an amended license containing
the above thirteen (13) co ditions.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Drew Nays �
Nicosia [n Favor
� � � A inst BY Y
WllsOn ��� � �' ��� Form Appro e by City At ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pas b ncil S re a gY
A►pprove A+lavor: D �-��'� — � ��87 Appcoved Mayor for Submission to Council
��'rY n;s'.�'�N� ('.I'� :' i:';:�!: .
6 ..__......_. . ., _ � ...
• .... .. .i .. .
City v Peoples Choice
City's E�ibit #7 (2pp,�
County of Ramsey ) ss.
I� . , Albert,B Olson. . . . .... . .. . . . . .. . . . . ..City Clerk of the
City of Saint Paul Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have
compared the attac ed copy of Council File No. 88.-499. . . . . . . . . . . . .
as adopted by the ity Council... Agril 7,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,1988 . . . .
and approved by t Mayor. . . . . . . . A�ril 7�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1988. . . .
with the original thereof on file in my office.
I further ce tify that said copy is a true and correct copy
of said original nd the whole thereof.
WITNESS my nd and the seal of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota this . „19th, , , , , day of . . . . ��: ... . . . . . . .A.D. 19 89 .
. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .�-. . . . . . . .!. . . . . . . . .
City Clerk. �,�
' PINK - FINAN�E G I TY O F A I NT PA U L Council �r�.�C�'9
City AttYiy/PBB File N0.
. �ounc ' esolution
- ` �����
Presented By �...
Referre Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the privat club license issued to BUT, Inc .
dba People' s Choice Club , 920 S lby Avenue, Saint Paul , Minnesota,
is hereby suspended for a peri of thirty (30) days , beginning
at 12 :01 A.M. on April 15 , 198 , and ending at 12 :00 NOON on
May 15 , 1988 , to which suspens ' on the licensee has consented.
The licensee hereby conse ts to the aforesaid suspension
of its license, and will not o erate or open for any business
the licensed premises at 920 S lby Avenue.
BUT, Inc. dba People' s Choice
� � .
s resident
Date : ,� �- 3 f-' �
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays '
Loog in Favor
coswitz -_ �� ,
Rettman B
Scheibel _ Against y
�PR "' 7 1�8 Form Appro ed by City Attorne
Adopted by Council: Date � ' �
BY . 3-30-
Certified Pas e y ou�e ry
� , � � `� pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council
pp 1Aa ate
� By
pU�i1SHED �� � �
• . �
City v Peoples Choice _
City's Exhibit #8 (3pp, �
County of Ramsey ) ss.
I� .Albert.B: .01 on . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.City Clerk of the
City of Saint Paul, M nnesota, do hereby certify that I have
compared the attached copy of Council File No. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
as adopted by the Cit Council.. . . December. l3.. . . . . _ , . , , ,19 88 . . .
December 16,
and approved by the M yor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. . . . . .
with the original the eof on file in my office.
I further certif that said copy is a true and corr.ect copy
of said original and he whole thereof.
WITNESS my hand nd the seal of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota this . . . . . . 9th. . . , day of . . . . . May . . . . . . . . .A.D. 19 89 .
. . . . . . .`���iYS��. !�!`: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Clerk. �
Ci I T Y O F s I N T PA U L Council
File N 0. � ?—����
Cou il es lution
, ,
.I'o , Committee: Date
Committee By Date
Page 2
� 8. If anyone is loiterin and refuses to move after being asked to
do so should not be lowed to come into the club. (includes
loitering on the out ide, on the sidewalk or parking lot) .
9. Place large signs i parking lot to read - Customer Parking
Only, No loitering, all others to be towed.
10. Post a sign by fro t door to inform customers of new rules.
(Any additional c t can be added to the drinks.)
11. You must have co rol inside and out and enforce the rules.
12. At closing - tal to customers before closing and ask them to
leave the area ickly and quietly and do not loiter.
13. You will agree o close your doors at 12:30 A.M, each evening.
Further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the
licensee at the above address together with an amended license containing
the above thirteen (1 ) conditions.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Drew Nays �
Nicosia [n Favor
�' � � Against gy �
Wi1SOn �'�� � � ��� Form Appro e by City At ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pas b ncil S r a BY
A►pprove Mavor: D �-t�-'� — � 1��7 Approved Mayor for Submission to Council
gy By
�S";�'�a�`� r � J �`..v f
; � '
� ._. , . ..
City v Peoples Choice
City's Exhibit #7 (2pp, �
County of Ram ey ) ss.
I� . , Alber .B:.O1son. . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . .City Clerk of the
City of Saint P ul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have
compared the at ached copy of Council File No. 88.-499. . . . . . . . . . . . .
as adopted by e City Council.. , A�ril 7�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1988. . . .
and approved b the Mayor. . . . . . . . A�ril 7�. . . . . _ . . . . . w . . . . Ig88. . . .
with the origi al thereof on file in my office.
I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy
of said origin 1 and the whole thereof.
WITNESS hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota thi . . . . .19th, , , , , day of . . . . Ma�'. . .. . . .. . . .A.D. 19 89 .
. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .�.. . . . . . . .: . . . . . . . . .
City Clerk. �•
� PIN/C - FINANCE G I TY O F A I NT PAU L Council �r��.r'l'9
City Attny/PBB File N0.
. Counc ' esolution
� ,� ,r
Presented By ` ���
Referre Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the pri ate club license issued to BUT, Inc .
dba People' s Choice Club, 0 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul , Minnesota,
is hereby suspended for a eriod of thirty (30) days , beginning
at 12 :01 A.M. on April 15 , 1988 , and ending at 12 :00 NOON on
May 15 , 1988 , to which su ension the licensee has consented.
The licensee hereby onsents to the aforesaid suspension
of its license , and will ot operate or open for any business
the licensed premises at 920 Selby Avenue.
BUT, Inc . dba People' s Choice
� � ,
s resident
Date : ,� �- `v `�' �'.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
yeas Nays
Loog In Favor
Goswitz -� � •
Rettman B
s�be;n�t Against y
�PR "' 7 1�8 Form Appro d by City Attor e
Adopted by Council: Date � �
By . 3-30-
Certified Pas e ou�e ry
�V1a ate � ' � � � � Pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� ' By
��t�SH�D �r'; �
• 1 � � . , . .. .
City v Peoples Choice _
City's Exhibit #8 (3pp,�
County of Ramse ) ss.
I .Albert. .Olson . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . .
, .City Clerk of the
City of Saint Pa 1, Mi.nnesota, do hereby certify that I have
compared the att ched copy of Council File No. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
as adopted by th City Council... , December. l3:. . . . . . . . . , .19 88 . . .
and approved by he Mayor. . . . . . , , , December. l6:. . . . . . . . , , , 19 88 . . .
with the origina thereof on file in my office.
I further c rtify that said copy is a true and correct copy
of said origina and the whole thereof.
WITNESS my and and the seal of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota this . . , ,19th, , , , day of . . . . . May .. . . . . . . .A.D. 19 89 .
. . . . . . . .�iC�l����. �: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Clerk. �
ANCE Council �j J
� , Co cil Resolution . �.-
� : � ��
Presented By
Referr o Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That application f r the renewal of the various Class III
Licenses by the f llowing persons at the addresses stated
per the attachmen , be and the same are hereby approved.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Dimond 'e
I.o�a [n Favor
Goswitz � .
scne;n�� Against By
C � � � Form Ap roved b City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date . � (,p'
Certified Pass uncil , et By � �� z 730
Appro by Mavor: Dat ��ir; � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
��, o t c N �-��ga
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920 Sel Avenue 55104 I.D. #5983386
BUT Inc. DBA People.'s Choice Club
I hereby -certify that this is a true Restaurant-D 1�996 7�1�89
.and exact .copy of the records of:,`the Private Club 17996 ��1�89 •
License & Perinit Divis�ion'csf the
City of St. Paul for BUT Inc. DBA
People's Choice Club at 920 Selby
Avenue. ADDRESS CARD ��1
City v Peoples Choice
—City's E�ibit #9 —
net Odalen �3pp' �
icense & Permit Division
920 Selby Ave. 55104 �D 5�83386
B.U.T. , Inc. I-VM 16732 3-31-86
,:w'wg;•.;MARCELLA G. SCH�L{�IGER Cigarette 16732 3-31-86
� RA!t�JEY CC�UNTY I� U.'�. ,- Inc. Private Club 17996 7-1-86
t My Commission Expires Mer.21,ise� �'�� �"`�f'"5 �%'��'�� Restaurant 17996 7-1-86
B.U.T. Inc. I-VM 16732-11 3-31-87 ��
���� �j �/��/�� Cigarette 16732-11 3-31-87
�� G E:4;U
B.U.T. Inc Private Club 17996-05 7-1-87
Peop1e's Choi Ce Restaurant 17996-05 7-1-8 �
B II T, Inc. dba People's Choice �s`
Cigarette 16732 3/31/88`;:�d•
I-VM 16732 3/31/88 �` �
B U T Inc dba People's Choice Club
Priva�ea�lub 17996 7%1lR�R
� .
920 Se,26y A�. 55104 • , • �
B.U.T, T�i�.. C-i.�ane.t,te j4
►► I-UM "84
B�:U.T. , Inc. Private Club 801�'84
" " D-Orig Cont 80'1 8 4
Entertainment 8�1,85
B.U.T. , Inc. I-VM
Cigarette -���BS
D-Orig Cont 6�3p�8s
, B.U.T. , Inc. dba Peoples Choice
' � � � PtiGE 2 of 2
! � r��^•�
080 7 Ci�� council app'd rez�awal;of private club�`�ic on a �
5-19-89 list of Class III Renewals. :�.F 87-11�1
9/3 /87 Citq Council Amended C.:: 87-1121rso as to add cond
I hereby certify that this is itions to the Private Club Lic G F 87-14�8 �����
a true and exact copy of the 4/ /88 PH to consider su�pending Private 'Club Lic
records of the License & for 30 days (4/15/88 12:OlAM - 5/15/88 12:00 NOON)
Permit Division of the City APPROVED C.F. 88-499
of St. Paul for BUT Inc.
DBA People's Choice Club
at 920 Selby Ave. BACK OF WHITE CARD ��2
J t Odalen
' ense & Permit Division
`'��•• My Commis�ion Expi Mar 1,1991
I hereby certify that this is a rue and exact copy of the records of the
License & Permit Division of the City of St. Paul for BUT Inc. DBA
People's Choice Club at 920 Selb Avenue.
J Odalen
cense & Permit Division
�••' My Commission Expires Mar. 1,1991
�� �
��; , � - �9 f�'��� ��.��►�� ,-�.
,,�,�-�s - ......, ' . _ , ..
r . .
� , . �
� being first duly'swom upon oath, hereby makes
�. r�r�r��r fi�l ap_ .
ptication to this Court for a warrant to search the Epremis s) (rtap�c�.xeh[s�x1 (personl hereinafter desc�ibed, tor the
property and things here+nahe� described.
Affiant knows the contents of this applicatio�and su porting affidavit, and the statements herein are true of his
� own Knowledge,save as to such as are herein stated on i formatio�and belief, and as to those, he believes them to
be true.
Affiant has good reason to believe, and does belisv , that the following described property and things, to wit: .
Ir.�cr.sic�ting l��:or, wine, nan-int�xi tirr� s�alt beverages, L ara��nalia for
�.i�T,�r.sir.g ox :s�.�, a?� otl:�r equi�. t associat�.�d with t}:e sal:�, storac;e and/or
. . . .� .�'�.3Ji.'T.�l�fln �. QF 1�.�il�J�• . � .. .. � . � - . .. - . . . � _ . . . . . _ .
Cq.��^.�linrr devi�es �� ru.�ceZla��ea;s �a ling parapY�2ernalia cor.sisting of but r.ot :
1:L^.iit�3 *�a, s��ts �:.�--�oar� tick�ts, Far1aY car�s �d stubs, cra� ta�?es, �ic�,
a.,d ��i�.-�o gur-�.
_ ,�:�co�3s, r=�c�i�rt.s, i�rr�ento�ies, .-�cn�� , b�lls ar�3 0{-,��er �aoers or r�r�� t�'�at
. �:�xtain tQ thQ r.�;�*�is.�� at 9::) S�?.'t�y v. St. Faul, Miruvesota.
i���::a�:�.s ar.c/ar gur�, c?n:gs c�er�3 - er �he ccm�.rollecl s�sta.*�ces law a�-id
; ` para��-.ernalia i:sed far cons��tion /or +�i.stri�.,�ztiori of saire ared a1.1 other :
cvr;tra�arx�. _
P�.�xs, rcco�s arsa ef�ec'•-..s c��-.:�ch sh or t.�d to �hc�w a�ershi� a� the przsnises
: a� 32� �e�1 ��. 5�. Pa+wl, �i��sota -
� , -�3 ��f=rc`s c.-�.ic:: sr or t�r.c? ta shbw ir.�.est; ma.n.a�nt, cr
F��s�-c-r� rnc�r.:.� A:
�1x1�s'S::i� of thA btlsi.n�s�sat: 92� �e y: t�V. j�. Ft311I� AAj2.I1ri�SOtc1.
City v Peoples Choice — _
City's Exhibit #11 �6�p•�
= • (a[�) Iwill be) , :
(at the premises) li�taea�oi��tehicie) ton the perso )described as:
92�J �lby �`r. - _ _
, _ St. Fau�, �^.i.n,^esota _ . `
� al? �rsons prG�nt on t.�e pr..., 'se -
� Fax�atu �-ba�'es d� 5--3-35
. �T�hs� Wi?1��� �.?c� LZ�•�.�.
. :
� located in the Citv of St. �'�t�i. ,County of P�'�Y ,and State of
This affiant applies for issuance of a search werra t upon the foNowing grounds: (Strike inapplicable paragraph)
1. �he,�psoP�cz��'�bors+e�describe�i:�was.:stoi�rt: �cr�t3�2gtetY> -
2 The property abo��^-described was used gs eans of committing a crime.
3. The possession af the property above-descri ed constitutes a crime. �
4. The property above-described is in the poss sion of a person with intent to use such property as a means
. of committing a crime.
�• 5. The property above-described constitutes e idence which tends to show a crime has been committed, or
tends to show that a part�tular person has committed crime.
FiEPRtI�TED 6•1-79
r s�
!n 5 . " . � " . � �'.. � •���� . . f•�
�t.�...�x;� ` APPLICATION 1-2
. . . . , ,
. :. ,
- . � - . � :
,' .�►�, : . .
The facts tending to establish the foregoing grounds for issuan e of a search warrant are as follows: k
< lAffiant is a pol.ice o�fi�r e�play� :�-,� tl� c ty of 5t: Par,zl for the past I8 yearC ' .
� is caarrentl� a �rmeant assic,�;� .to th� V �e L�LI.t Us �'te 5t. Paul Folice. Rffi3n� �
' haa in t��:e ccn�r:�e of his dutie�s had cc^..asion ir.�,t�sti�ate li�uor, druc�, and �
_. ;,r:�sti�ti�n o�f�r.�5. : '
: �:.
. . ... . _ . � ., . . . . . . . �. .� ... ... .� �.- ..::.� . . . _ .._j.
�a.u� �ffi.ant, has raceiv� in�=ai-.;,aticn fra� t.f:A.x law enfarc�nent of�i�rs =
ar:c� ot�:�:r i.r.�3i�idual� ar.� t�x�x��n l�.is ctim ' :�es�.i.gaticm i.ntc� the fac-ts and `
�i�c�.zr^.�t:,�^�;:�s of t`^..is c::�e, �:3.s I�..,�r;.� t�� fG1lcf.air:g: : �
1� affiant cer.tacte�a the Lity of ��. Pau_ ��c�.*�:�e and P�P��rru.t Divisior. a�d s�?�s ,
t� a �:-.�er of tl"� ?ac�n:�e st�f f. Yr�r a.�.*' t =�.=as infs���ci t,t°�at on 6-22-88 an _
��k licatien for C�r���ti.on ��3 Di�play (c t-u�) Pe�ni.t w:�s appx�ave� for B.U.T. L�IC.
^�3.�. �'�o�ples C�:�ic�. '?413t &;'J'J].1.C3�.7.OI? li te-.�1 the cwr.e�s as a part:ars:�.ip. �ose
��r�-�r�ers w�xari�enti��:' ctt� t:�t a.r�lica ' n as Jot�,n t�iLl.a�s, 1484 Sherbuzr:e �
��+�ar3 Hay�es �50 Caz�ll. Ycvr af*a�.,-!t was also ir�fo�ned that the P�er�p2.es Cnoi�
�^izrr��.tly hold; a priva� c'� lic:-.�r.s� r:� ;ir:g J��n �;i'_Ii.�,-ns and �w�rd �:a�-es, as
c'�..r�c�.o� of t.i� ^rivat� cl•�. �cur ��fi was £urt;:.�r irfox�d ts'�.a� tY�.e apoli.catian
�:.�.�lo� Jd� ��il��:-^� � b� t,.�:� ��er f tl:� �uilczi.ux� t.�.at hcuses the Peobles �
����i��, locat�xl at �<0 �el�y �',v. :t. �au , 2�?irL-��ta. The pxivafie cl-ab fie�bership �
a_ L:-� tim� of tf:� a�ii.:a.ticn h�a:� s � k� 14�� r�nz�er� each pa���.ng a m�r��ershiP ,°:
' f� or 1�.00 do?l�a:� a year. �� ��le fho� als4 holds a R+�staur�nt-D 1ice,nse. �
- _ ,. ' a
t;r:d�.r secti�n �G�.O? o; t'�e Cit�r o£ St. Fau3. L�.�isla�.ive Cc�c� a Private Club is - .�
� i�.`fin� to me��n a,-�3. in�?udv i�c�h the r� e, �t�rx� rac�n er premiszs used or helci : .;
c�::: �("i ti',.�' t�':� T".t�T:.I'it� �� r,.�w��-?xz:�a p3.a for �rs of t'�e private clur, a..-:d any �
cc>r�.crati�n or �,-�.�.�r:x�ra� assflc:� 'c;n," ar g�.�:sc�: as :?e�irked, r�3ard].�ss of
t�:��.r�.."Ti�r of rr�;;�rs, crga.^.i�ed f�r c vic, fraternE-�1, sc�ci�1, �n:siness or c.'iarita- �,
b?e �r.�.r*��es or f�r in'-,.�3.1��:--�;�.-;? �..�� �:zt or �or t�e gresr�ticn oL spo�ts, wh:cr. '
� •.;��nits t�e str�ra.��-�e-, disper�ir� �r .�c�cs� o£ any intm:�.catinr or ncminta�cicati.n�s �
lic�.:cr cn t'r:e pr�-�..yes. _
ti cn:x �f iant chc�c:I.eci w-ith t�:� i:..�r�? �it o� the S t. Paul Foli� and learned t�:�
�r� torty Fc�.ar (�f�} L,�Iice i.*-�id�n -a� 920 Sk:�y Av. si.nc� 1-1-88. Includ+ed in tne
f ox��r Fcu� rx�i�� i�.�i�r:ts w�r= �i:� (o) ir,ci�r.� �or narcctics violati.cns.
� T:e Feoples �:cice is Iccate3:at 92 SAlby Av. �•hich is �� Sauth-Tn�st carnc�s of-
5��.�.> P.4Y. an�d �iii�n, i.n tl^�� City c St. Pau?, rirn�aata.
' Yc�.tr a.ffiar.t learr�c3 f� �..�e St. P.�.z? P�c+l:�e I�cor3.s L�►..it t,�.at t?�e� w�re Cne
�:zrnar� �or�� 7�r� L?�#3) Fo'��c� i��sats �t t.� ccrn�r of S�.�ay Au. � Mi'ton '
sir2ce 1-1-SE, Fort�,� (4?} o� �,�3.ch e narcati.cs viola.ticros. �:
Yaur a�Liar:t s��� to G€�ic�.r Py'r,� c,�3�:� i.s a r�czular beat of�icer i.-i the area.o� _ .
_ .
Sc�L� a.Y�3 N':il.tsan. Gffic� Pyka to� yaur affGi.r�t that it has k�a.n his e.Yperience
. t�zat d:.°ug �al.ers�r1.I�vsa th cro�rx�r of Selby and Mil�csn to deal `drugs.� : .,
Offi� py;s.a � al.�o t�ld your �fiant that w�en he a�raacr.es these krx�m
aruc� c?�1.Q�s t�eJ ��.=� into t'�e �,1¢s Choic�. Czfic��.r Py� ta2�1 ycvr af�iant t�at
ME r.�= z��ac?� frw��xe..�t prc��.ise c:: :��.: af the in+-.,erior o'� �.e P�le� Choice. P.� `
s;atc.�d t�-at tt,�..Ye is no ci.�,if�x��:r e in t��� �gera�.i.cn of t..r,e P�ples Ghoice to t.Y:�t
. o� aa::y lic��s�.'. ar.--sale I.i�uor � •�:ala:�}-n�nent. �� stat�l th��� are bottl�s behi.*1d � „
t�:L ikas a..� � �._rt�u:l�x mi:{:� �i r's�inks wliic:� ar� t'r�n pay�: f�r bar th� custar�rs.
Cr-=.�c��x �;c,; s�,�:t� that ��r also sold at t`�e ��I�s C'c:oice. C�£ficc:z i�y?.a
s�:.a+..�.: t'�:at I^e r:_3s rte���.x s�r: a ��iz with �.� cxzr.�s n�:� cr, it f.�� the �l�s
C..��i�:e. �ffi�w�.r "�°:� s��:.�3 t,'�? ZTti.^.�yS Y22.L� .�x-.��: �s~�c.'�t�xe�.� i.� t`;e Pea�:jes
("�c,2ce. Of�i�-�r ry:� wr� a r .:vrL � 4-I3-89, �1 90�5�87 -re-gu�rc'.is�q mi�.�rs
� , ��'� �f..�r'� :..7 l�i`.i.�..�.�.��• . � � � � � . . . . .
tcontinued an page 1-3}
� .
� �� q�:,�� _ . . . . .� , �.._.�L�-:: /��.� :.. v
/ /
w•=` "".•�►• ' APPLICATION 1-2 —�'i
- : .
. � :
, _ . . � .
'' � "� ' The facts tending to establish the foregoing grounds f r issuance of a search wanant are as fotlows:
., ..
� ; , �
�Y -t X.� t�ie �st �if�.rs c3a;��s �: �der.a�,�r ffi,.^er w�nt to 920 5e�, P�les C�oice. � : �.
, .
�.:. .,� zr � ' ,. 't� ; .�. 4J�.�.C�1 ?
,� ' �. � ur�:r�'�s af��'��r e..�.....�:..t-ie �zt_ ,�ay doer z.�xi f�l a seccr�3 c:ocsL .,
r,"_ �°; s�as lcc::�. '��c tu-����,�x o�ficez r�q a �.i:zze.r for entry and wa�" i,~a��;iatly allc�,�3 ;
`� Gr:� �?J �:.:.b�. :L� r.� t:.:� w� t:e �c:��cu�r o�fic�r �keci �ar a m�r.�er�`iip,
c.-�r.3 0: c�-:E:.� I.D. .�� L:Ftic^rCClVE'r Gif�. .1.5 Z1Gt 'r� 1�T:}�7PS O� '�.�'lv �JZE:�s Choic:e.
't�:e u^:c3�:rccz*:s ol��.c� cF�ic�..Y stgt�d yc�zr affiar,t t�^yat t'�ey aid r�ot o;ser�� .
d►ij' k'�`+�.Lxa �J1.�t1 c��'1 ',:4;'�l��:i P.:L:l° Qil t.^.�1; �? Lli^'..�.:?Z`�:GV�..� O�ij:,^•E'S �.].�CLlc�'� d �i
_ �' �.aia for it a� t.e h�.Y. �nA :a.��r.^ w3zo serv�d t`�e u�u3ercov� a�fic�.r wa�-s
:.�:r�3 ,��T�-���_ ",3ctzZ" *,�ras xeleiti-�d by a J�'s }�x� t� t�:e t:.��rcc�-�r a�'ficer as
:�?�;�� F���s tG� �-3-3�}. �i�yes c��s c� -��-v� by t��:� e.:^.d�.rcrvex of�i^�r stn�.-:er
a1c�I;�lic bc�v�.�:wg� a.� c.i?�.�-tulg �n f�r thc�e i�:v�.xages.
Cz f i�er 'ryka ha� a::�xve3 in �� past F ve (5) days t�t tr:erz a��.r to be �.he
�.�.�� o�going v:.al.a�..i^�5 0` a1�2:olic l� c;es bein� sold.at 920 �'� !�y.
�t �as�d t�on ��� ��ct� a r�sen�-.� in .is a�lic�.-�ticn, it is ywr affi.ar.ts.
�.z�f tha� vic?a��.�.s of �-� �i��.��sct.a ��te S�a�.:t�as per'-�a:ni�r t� licl:or,
fi���.�.�, � n�xc�tics oc...^u..� and are e�.ittec? at t.ize Frc-sni� ctn a r _.�.:lar
:�sis. ;7�^�.t :�he ir���aa�n pr�s�:.'..�3 ' thi� applizcati� s3�c�as t�^.os=y viczlatians
.ar� ca:mited by b��'� P'.t�s ars: r.-�.^.a t as<k�ll as �r^alaye�� of the P�opias ��ice
' g2t? �Sc.iby'�.v. �i
Xaa� a�fiant, T�:,_re�o:�-�e, r��sta tr,at searc�� war�art b� �r'ant� for '-`i�e p.r�nises
o� 92� �y Av. a�-:c: t,.'� �.x�s:ons cf J� Wi.11i.a.*�.s, �:c?�y=ard Fiayes ar�d all o�her p�rscns -
p:.�.�.nt cn t� �.r�:.��.�s.
.,r. _
f ,. _ �
._ . % _ '
� . -
; ,
(continued on page 1-3)
1F ;° ''!,>i �
. �9 ' •, . , � . � . ,: AJ°1!'LICATION 1-3 :
�• •
(attach and identify additionat sheet if necessary)
A nighttime search ia necesaary to p�event t loss,deatruction or romoval of the objecta of the eesrch because:
� r^�;ori+�l a` ti�e ��...:.vi�,� c'�scz' i�� tne agplication r� be�� absarv�i during the
��s o` �.:a�:.�.e�s. �y:.t a '�Iic�ht::�^� �ar�h allaws for t�:� cx�3test opL.,ortunity of'
`� �`�E s�ri.aare c� t�� ���r� reaues-ted ,
An unannounced entry is necessary Ito revent the toss, destruction or removai of the objects of the search
, (and) to protect the safety of the peace office !because:
� r��ve.*:t t�:� disrosal of. controi substar.ces �y c�:s��ers, ,disxsz�. of i�trncicating
].�.�,�tc� �y c�-�.__�Ia���:.�s,'' dis�sal or u o= fire��n*.is �y �'��s� �:.rti.es in possession of .
�:�.�r,�, 4:,a.rx~x:r.�:rc?� e,.R.,..�-,r is r�ues' -
z , . _ ,_, ; ,
. . . _ _ � `
WHEREFORE,Affiant request a search arrant be issued,commanding �• ���'"`=s^t e�l
.�. ��.-�: all; o'� .:cars u.*:c?�r his c�or_�I , . : �.
� (al peace vificerls},of the State of Minne3ota Ito enter without announcement of authority and purpose) ;
Iia��ta.�d��1 lin the daytime or nigh ime)
to sea�ch the hereinbefore described (premise ?(�p��p�ir�e1 (person)
for the described property and things and to seize said property and things and keep said praperty and ihings in
custody until the same be dealt with accor,din to law.
. ,,,.�—�.,•- / `;�
rr���%..�'�.s'��� /-. /�,�
, ,/ , ri�
` S.�►bs�r�bed and sworn a before me th�s �
. _,r �
. r�,�''day Of �..y� t9� �` �'- :� _.. �.�;►�r�l�, ��..-/-'�A f /- -C._..._,
Jud a og f = ,t�1 r i�f " Court
� ,:� l .i� � " ` ' `
, > ii � �� SEARC WARRANT . z-t ;
�' ' STATE OF MlNNESOTA, COUNTY OF � •' ' ` '��--��='�'�-�-'� COURT b
` _ ., T f-. . .. ' . + . . . . . , • . ' . . . . . _ .
' .. T0: �*-,�. �:ru3.r��s, nhl ;, t 1 . ��. ,� I,r ry.n � .�
�, , ° ,, ,, _
� 'WHEREAS, ��• ��='���"'�' �'' ' has this dayon oath, made application to the said Court ��� �
' applying for issuance ofa search warrant to sea�ch th following described (premises) (c��.Q��r�,h±��e1 (person): � ;;
C,-� !'�.a�':.t,. +�t. ?:�-7�... .� �-a�rn.. �nh �.'�.._'�.^ :�0�.21 tY�..�Zlrw.: C� . `st
located in the ��-�`� of �='• F�� ,c nty of ��--�y STATE OF MINNESOTA �
for the following described propertv and things: attach and identify additionat sheet if necessary) `
, Zfl',:.��.^.c��..:'� �.l�;L:�� tJi..�t2112C;1~?.2'2''�C1X.i::ci''l I^31.'� �3C''�£?I.r"3�.:�, xaar��hez�al;a fcx �i�;r.nsing
e� s�r�, �1 o�z� ��.i.grn�t �ssor,i,�� ' the sa].�, storag� and/or cc:vs�,ar�-�t�.on ��
�.��r. C-,a.*bLing �J:.�,� ar.d Lni.�c��.].la�� 5a�blin� �ra > �yali.a consi�tin� of �.+ut
. nc� 3.:.^.�i.t� to, s�or� ti.�-k�ci t3c3:E�s, r1.ay ca�c�.s ar�3 stans, cr�g twl�, c'.i.�e, '�.
a::� vic�eo c�s. :��cc's,�i�ts, izr��n ies, i�:i.es, b�lls � ot.�r ��xs ar ��
re���.;stl�:�.t per�..ai�: to thc� ;rc�tti..7es at ;92 Se1L^y Av. 5t. Pau�. i�ln. 'r�e�.��az�4 and/or g�ns, dr
��� cx_�-.�.r�� u.�c?::.� �?-�e c�+.s�ll�c3 su��-� 3.aw �.nd p�.saal-jerr�� u.secl tor�co�is��.°t�.�x �;
-w.'1(.�,f Cr ��{'..�1:�L:-:.1.�Z �� ��'lE3 c'liXz. 31I Ot.�',?,�.,°S C�I�3I^�IK�. Pc"-,,:7�8�Z�WI'�� c�tY..�� c?.`sE'C'Lg �
w�+.�.:.� s�nc+� r�,r � to sl:c�r c�+'��shzp cf e r e�.ise� at 92� :�7k�y:av. P;.,:�r5,recares
a::�c; c::.=:f�c�s t�-�.ch �.c,'w ar ter� tc� st:�..-!w ir t, a��-�t► ar �r;�i.� o•F t�� �:ne�s �
. at 92� 5�1�.-� nv. ' _ ��
- � ' �
` � . : .: WkiEAEAS, the aPplication and supporting a fidavit of_.�=;�- '�Y��� !`��^' '
�' - (was) (were) duly presented and read by the Cou t, and being futly advised in the premises. �
- NOW, TH E R E FO R E, the Court finds that pr bable cause exsists for the issuance of a search wa�rant upon� ' �
'�=the follawing grounds: fStrike inappticable para raphs) '?
� 1. :��]t:�DLQR��Yr�.���E����io1�J1 '�'���� �
' 2. The property above-described was used a a means af committing a crime. �
' 3. The possession of the property above-de ribed constitutes a crime. '. _ `
. 4. The property above-described is in the ossession of a person with intent to use such property as a
-means of committing a crime. ,:
5. The property above-described constitute evidence which tends to show a crime has been committed,�
or tends to show that a particular person has co mitied a crime. ;` '
� : ', .The Court further finds that proable cause sists to believe that the above-described property and things •, x
: :•.:
(are) t�aU�,be1 fat the abovedescribed premi9ess! ' . _bed�r�) {on the pe�son of�,: Ft����-, .T�).t�1�11 YM
The Court further finds that.a nighttime s rch is necessary to prevent the loss, destruction,or removal -
� � ' of the objects of said search. � ` . . ` '
The Court further finds that entry withou announcement of authority or purpose is necessary (to pre-` ', .
, ,:.
: vent the loss, destruction, or removal of the o jects o# said search) (and} (to protect the safety of the peace,;,
..., . . , officers?. - , . :
.... - . . .
NOW. THEREFORE. YOU r '^� �f' � � � � �
..�- _
' (THE DESCRIBED PREMISESI I�HE�� �T�Q��31.��(THE PERSON OF '�%�*-Y�' Ii��'�.�.. s
ACCORDING 70 LAW) ti3�ti�fi:EtJS��AQIti : �.�`�'��.����:�¢���%�•
_ . �$1��C011R ,/"'�
ff ,/�/ ' � !,/'
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I left e recei t for the ro ert and thi �
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- .1 shall (retain) o► (deliver) custody of said propert as directed by Court order.
_ ��/r" l�.�'`/ . ;.:'�.:, . , ` ,.
_ ,bei�g first duly sworn,upon oath,deposes and says
that ne has resd the foregomg receipt, inventory an return and the matters stated a�e true and correct,except as to
such matters stated therein on informatio�and belief and as to those,he believes them to be true.
Subscribed and swom to befczre me this -
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Notary Public, County, Minn. S�g�,acur�
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, p�.� OFFiCE (6i2) 339•i5�5
�� �� A/�/� � RESI�ENCE 636-8929
.-C.A �
July 5 , 1989
Office of City Attorney, J�l�
City of St. Paul � '�y��.• �7 j989
647 City Hall �''' s �" ��
St. Paul MN 55102 �' ' �Y�
� '�,>t,y';.,��i
4'+ J�
Attention: Philip Byrne
Mr. Steven Goldfarb
610 Park National Bank Building � •
5353 Wayzata Boulevard
Minneapolis, MN 55�416
Re: The License of But , Inc . , d b/a People' s Choice Club
OAH File No : 62-2101-3529-
Enclosed and served upon yo please find Findings of Fact,
Conclusions and Recommendatio relative to the above-captioned
matter .
Thank you for your prompt att ntion to this matter.
Sincerely yours ,
ichard A. Mosman
, ,,Q/�,,,'��e-�r� o"Z`'�
` OAH � 62-2101-3 29-6
In the matter of ONCLUSIONS, AND
the private club RECOMMENDATZON
and restaurant
license of But, Inc. ,
d/b/a People' s Choice
The above-entitled matter ame on for com encing ate9�00
Richard A . Mosman , Administrati e Law Judge , Ramsey
A.M. on Wednesday, June 21 , 1 89 , in Courtroom 15�5 ,
County Courthouse , St. Paul , Min esota .
Philip B. Byrne , Assistant City Attorney, City of St . Paul ,
6�7 City Hall , St . Paul ,
Minnes ta , 55102 , appeared on behalf of
the City of St. Paul. Steven ' Wayzata Bouleva d y Min eapoliso
Park National Bank Building , 53 3 � d/b/a People' s
Minnesota , 55416 , appeared on b half of But Inc . ,
Choice Club .
This report is a Recommen ation, n finalf decisionisioAfter ha
St. Paul City Council will ake the
review of the record, it may a opt , reject or modify the Findings
of Fact , Conclusions the f n 1 decasionnof ctheaCouncileshall
Pursuant to MSA 14 .61 ,
not be made until this Repo t has been made availableOrtunity
parties to the proceeding fo at least 10 days . An opp
must be afforded to each par y adversely affected by this Report
to file exceptions and presen arguments to the Council . Parties
should contact Albert B. lson, City a1e55�102t�toPascertain
Council, 386 City Hall , St . aul , Minnesot ,
the procedure for filing exc ptions or presenting argument .
Whether the private cl b and/or restauran uslension orlfine
But , Inc . , should be subje t to revocation, s p
for violation of law and th terms and conditions of its license ,
1 . Permitting the sa e of alcoholic beverages on licensed
premises without an on sale license , _
2 . Permitting minors to enter and remain on the licensed
. , .., , GQr,- /�k' �
� premises ,
3. Failure to provide security as re uired by a condition on
the license ,
4 . Permitting persons selling drugs to enter, remain on, and ,.
use the licensed premises in fu therance of their drug
dealings .
Based upon all the proceeding herein , the Administrative Law '
Judge makes the following :
1 . But , Inc . , d/b/a People ' s C oice Club is the license
holder of a Class III private c ub licensed and a Class D
restaurant license operated out of the premises located at
920 Selby Avenue , St . Paul , Minne ota , 55104 . The renewal of �
this private club license was a proved by the City Council
Resolution dated December 13, 19 8 .
2. The City Council , with t e consent of the licensee ,
issued a suspension of this 1 cense for a 30 day period,
April 15 to May 15, 1988 .
3. On September 30 , 1987, he City Council , Resolution
87-1�28 , amended the license of the People' s Choice Club
attaching conditions to the o eration of the establishment ,
including in pertinent part as follows :
2 . Anyone caught se11i g drugs will be prohibited for �
4 . You must have secur ty from 7:00 P.M. to closing on
weekends during winter onths . (November 1 - March 30)
5 . You must have se rity from 7:00 P.M. to closing
every night during t e rest of the year. (April 1
-October 31 )
6. You must check all I. D. ' s at all times . (All
patrons will be twent -one (21 ) years old) .
4 . On April 13, 1989 , St Paul Police Officer, Janet Burke ,
dressed in street clot es , entered the People ' s Choice
through a buzzer operated front door. She was not asked for
membership identification either on entry or prior to being
served an alcoholic bever ge .
5 . On May 24 , 1989 , Off cer Burke again went to the People' s . " : =�
Choice in street cloth s , entered the premises through an
unlocked front door a d was able to order an alcoholic
beverage without being asked for membership identification .
On both of these occ sions , Officer Burke observed mixed -
drinks being poured f m numerous bottles with pour spouts
' Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact , the Administrative Law
Judge makes the following:
1 . The St. Paul City Cou cil and the Administrative Law,
Judge has jurisdiction in t is matter pursuant to MSA 14 .50
and 340A. 415 ( 1986) and he St. Paul Legislative Code ,
§310 .05 and 310 .06. . ''
2 . The City of St . P ul has fulfilled all relevant
substantive and procedural equirements of law and rule.
3 . But, Inc. , d/b/a the P ople ' s Choice Club is licensed by
the City of St . Paul as private club which permits the
storage , dispensing or co sumption of intoxicating or non-
intoxicating liquor on th premises , St. Paul Legislative
Code §�04 .02(2) . The ret il sale of intoxicating liquor is -
not allowed and specifi ally prohibited under St. Paul
Legislative Code 409 .01 .
4 . The licensee is requ red to comply with all state and
local laws as well as the pecial conditions imposed upon its
license , in this case , the conditions itemized in City
Council Resolution 87-1428 , effective October 1 , 1987 .
The City of St . Paul ha proven by a preponderance of the
evidence that the licens e has violated special conditions
imposed upon the Licens e , specifically number � and 5 ,
relating to maintaining security inside and outside the
premises, and number 6 , elating to checking identification
of patrons for membershi and to assure that minors do not
enter the premises.
5 . Violation by this icensee of Statute and Code have
established adequate gr unds for the Ci�y Council to take _
adverse action against he license in accordance with St.
Paul Legislative Code §3 0 .06(b)(5)&( 6) .
6. The City of St. Paul has proven by a preponderance of the
evidence that the licen ee has violated MSA 401A. 401 and St.
Paul Legislative Code Ch pter �09 .01 , by selling intoxicating
liquor without a license .
7. The Licensee has al owed the licensed premises to be open
to the public in viola ion of its license and available to
minors and patrons w' th known criminal history . These
patrons appear to b using the licensed premises in
furtherance of illega activity . By operating in this
fashion, the licensed p emises has become a serious danger to �
the public health, saf ty and welfare in accordance with St.
Paul Legislative Code § 10 .06(b) (7) . '
Based upon the foregoing Conclusions , the Administrative Law -
Judge makes the following :
: . . � �;.--- � ���
revoke the private club license of But, Inc . , d/b/a The People' s
Choice Club. •
. r.
Dated : ----=r --- --(�� ,
ichard A . Mosman
Administrative Law Judge
Pursuant to MSA 14 . 62 Subd 1 , the City Council is required
to serve its final decision by first class mail upon each party ---
and the Office of Administrati e Hearings , 310-4th Avenue South,
Fifth Floor, Minneapolis , Minn sota, 55415 .
Reported: Record was tape re orded
. � .
The only testimony pre ented by the Licensee related to
evidence that other establi ments with private club licensesr.in
St. Paul failed to monitor ffectively access to their clubs �nd
dispensed liquor in a fash on similar to that of the People ' s
Choice. Although this may be of interest to the City Council ,
this is no defense to cha ges of violations committed by this
Licensee .
Several police reports were admitted into evidence over the
objection of the licens e . It was the opinion of the
Administrative Law Judge t at these were official police records
that were created in the ormal course of police business and an
exception to the Hearsay Rule in accordance with MRCP 803(8) .
They were adequately reli ble and had sufficient probative value
to be competent evidence in this proceeding . The licensee had
adequate opportunity to cross examine four of the police
officer' s whose reports de up a majority of the exhibits . The
Administrative Law Judge found the balance of the reports to be
r.on-predjudicial and har ess to the Licensee .
The St. Paul Legisl tive Code §310 .06( b) provides authority
for adverse action again t any licenses issued by the city in the
following pertinent situ tions as follows:
"( 5) The Licensee r Applicant has failed to eomply with any
conditions set for h in the license, or set forth in the
resolution granting or renewing the license .
( 6) The License or Applicant has failed any of the _
provisions of thes chapters or of any statute , ordinance or
regulation reason bly related to the licensed activity,
regardless of whe er criminal eharges have or have not been
brought in connect' on therewith.
( 7) The activiti s of the Licensee and the licensed activity
create or have cr ated a serious danger to the public health ,
safety or welfare ---. "
The private club license issued to the Licensee, permits the
"---storage , dispens ' ng or consumption of any intoxicating or
non-intoxicating liq or on the premises . " St. Paul Legislative
Code §404 .02(2) . his clearly does not include the sale of
liquor as that is s ecifically prohibited by both State Statute ,
MSA 401A. 401 and Ci y Code , §�09 .01 .
The evidence p esented by the City strongly indicates that
the licensed premi es was operated essentially as an on sale -
liquor establishme t . The Licensee presented no evidence on the
issue and there w s no apparent system for identifying liquor
maintained on the premises as belonging to members of this
private club. It appeared far more likely that the inventory
maintained on the premises ad been purchased by the management
and sold to the individual p trons for profit , something clearly
in violation of State Stat tes and City Code. There was • no
evidence to the contrary. �
There was no apparent method of limiting access to �he
premises to members of the Club. This was considered flagrant
since it violated a specifi condition imposed upon the license
by the City Council on Octob r 1 , 1987 . (Exhibit #6)
The evidence presented learly indicated that the Licensee
failed to comply with the s ecial conditions requiring security
personnel on duty at times pecified in the Council Resolution .
Although security was some imes used, it was only during busy
evenings and not during the ime periods ordered in the Council ' s
Resolution. The condition as so specific that violation of it
borders on intentional .
There was significant vidence by way of police testimony
that on a regular basis they observed suspected drug transactions
outside of the �premises an that patrons with drug convictions
frequented the Club. There had been arrests for drug violations
immediately outside the C ub of people who had been seen
frequently entering and lea ing the Club to engage in suspected
drug transaetions. When th Club was closed for a 30 day period
in- April-May, 1988 , the sus ected drug transactions o.utside the
licensed premises did not ap ear to take place.
There were no drugs fou d on the licensed premises or any of
it employees during the exe ution of search warrants in April or
May, 1989 . There is no evidence of any involvement by the
Licensee or employee ' s in a y of the suspected drug transactions
or that they direetly prof ted or were involved in the illegal -
sale of drugs.
Revocation is not reco mended because drug transaetions may
have taken place outside of the licensed premises . There was no
evidence that the Licensee r employees were involved or directly
profited from any of thi type of illegal activity . The
Licensee , however, was a re of the City Council ' s concern
regarding drug activity as ' t had been specifically addressed in
1987 when special condition were placed upon their license . The
management was aware of the drug arrest made immediately outside
their entrance and the dru related eriminal history of some of
their patrons when police would enter the establishment , eject
minors and make arrests .
The apparent failure o the Licensee to make any effort to
comply with the special co ditions placed upon their license and
the apparent disregard of any method of business practice to
comply with the liquor law under which the license was issued -
appeared to create a lawles atmosphere in and about the licensed
premises . The Licensee an their patrons knew laws were being
. � ' ' � • /� '� - / `�2� � .
fi �
broken , either liquor laws, d ug laws , or private club laws that
exclude minors from the premises . Opening the licensed premises
to anyone and everyone certai ly allowed the licensed premises to
be a gathering ground for 11 who cared to attend , a result
clearly contrary to the int nt of the City Council when they
issued this private club lice se.
It is assumed that th Licensee did not participate ��or
directly profit from any i legal drug activity that may have
taken place outside of the 1 censed premises .
The Licensee did, howeve , indirectly profit by the increased
traffic generated by unrestr eted access available to non-members
and minors, all in violati n of the law. The opportunity to
enter such an establish nt , if allowed , is particularly
attractive to minors. It i all the more attractive if there is
a suggestion that there ma be illegal activity taking place in
or around the premises. The atmosphere generated by the
Licensee ' s failure to comp y with the law made it possible for
minors to come into contac with people with criminal and drug
history. To the extent th t this was made possible , the license
created a serious danger t public health, safety and welfare of
the community in violation f City Code §310 .06(b)(7) .
Knowledge of illegal ac�iv ty has been found to be a sufficient
basis to �ustify revocati n of a license . Sabes vs . City of
Minneapolis , 120 NW2d 871 Minn . 1963) . The Licensee clearly has
notice of the allegedly i legal activity and the assistance the
licensed premises could pl y in providing shelter from weather or
observation to anyone wi hing to take advantage of it . The
Licensee has profited by v olating the laws that provided him the
privilege to operate a p ivate club. The Licensee has abused
that privilege and at the ame time provided potential protection
to those engaged in illeg 1 activity and attractive adventure to _
minors. This license sho ld be revoked.
RAN[/1 s.s �
-8- -
;�' i
627 Selb Avenue
Saint Paul Minnesota 55104
Telephone 228-1855
August 1, 1989 •
, '
Council President Jim cheibel
St. Paul City Council embers
700 City Hall
St. Paul Nllv 55102
Re: Licensure, BUT, Inc. dba People's Choice Club, Mil�on & Selby
DE�ar Council Pres dent Scheibel:
As you are proba ly aware, our ccc�anunity has long been ooncerned
about problems sociated with activities on and around the corner
of Milton St. d Selby Ave. The comnunity has va�rked hard at resolving
those problems The issue stated above alone has consumed many hours �
� of often heat discussic�n in cK:nmunity meetings over the past decade,
and the hope f resolutions acceptable to all parties affect is stiLl,
very much ali e.
8ecause of e above and our certainty of your respect for the role of
the ca�m�uni in resolving such problems, when the matter routinely came
on your age da ten days after the report of the Administrative Law Judge .
on July 25 th� morning Af the evening that we were due to make our �
recammenda ion, we felt and still feel sure that you wr�uld/will r�ant to
take inpu from the community into consideration.
Ztao moti s were made in the meeting of our Board of Directors July 2�
(1) We upport the findings of the Ac�►inistrative Law Judge that th�
Pr' ate Club License for the P�ple's Choice Bar and Restaurar
re ked. (Motion FAILID, yes 7, no 8, abstentions 4)
(2) at SUPC representatives work directly with BUT, Inc. rep�
the reorganization of the People's Choice Club. (Nbti
es 13, No 1, Absentions 7) '
As greed at the board meeting, several Sumnit-U Board me�
Fr' ay with consultants for People's Choice along with �
of the Selby Di strict Cosmiercial Club. A plan of actia�•
o the consultants was reviewed ���=e� at the me�
P an of Action will be presented to you this mornino
rd has not had opportunity to review or act upor '
rogress toward resolution in the conmunity, but -
presentAd to our board for reivew and approva"
Should you need further information, please c%
Sinc r ly,
Joseph, Chair
, { � �� /��� � J �
� �J�)�r �.�
920 Selby Avenue
S� Paul, Minnesota 55104
RE: OA #62-2101-3529-6
Stat of Minnesota
Off' e of Administrative Hearings
For e Cify of St. Paul,Minnesota
In the matter of
the private Club
and restaurant
license of BLTT,INC.,
dlb/a People's Choice
Filing of Exception to all evidence �
and testimony in this due process
except #6,P2.
Special Conditions -9/30/87
&5,P2. As is to Officer Burke
Entrance & Observations
�u� o�1989
. ... ........�_._.._ _ _ _._r._�.,-,�_...,_.� ar,..:,. �w. ,,__...�,.._..T.� ..._.�.,�..__,..�,.._ ��.R...�.....,.��,�..-.�..�..,�- _ ..� ...�,,.,.,..-.,�
Wed, Aug 2, 1989
Pe ples Choice �
Excepti ns to Allegations
In this writing the People'S C oice will make exceptions to the allegations
contained in the findings of ct and the subsequent recommendations by the
Administrative Court Judge. The People's Choice hopes that this hearing will
be decided on the basis of t e three main charges. Not overall speculations,
inuendos and fabrications t at may or may not be bearing.
Where we have been remi s in error, we say that here now, we apologize
here. We will state clearl what we will do to make sure the mistakes are not
Where we are guilty in a tion we say here, however, we are not guilty in
conscience, we want to e a pariy in cooperation with others in solving
problems. Further�we sh to inform this body of the corrections we intend to
make, including the re ructuring and reorganizing of the People's Choice.
It is unreasonable to t nk that every patron of the People's Choice is a
criminal. It is also diff cult to imagine that every establishment in this ciry has
not and do not serve he types of individuals to whom you refer, sometimes
with full knowledge f their backgrounds. We must strenuously object to any
inferences that the P ople's Choice is a haven for drug pushers and theives,
or that it attracts pe le of that ilk. But to fully understand that the vast
majority of these yo ng people in the streets are our children, our neighbors
and people we hav known from infancy. Summit-University is the only
home they know. ur intention is to make everybody proud of this
_ _ ,- -. . , _.,
�,. . .
_. . , .. .: _. ��Y
. . � 9 /��a
1. Buzzer system with moni r system
2. Metal detector
3. Stun Gun
4. Usually have average of 4 Bouncers on busy nights �
1. Membership cards and q ests sign in book.
2. People on door to check D.'s.
Having a band area that i separated from the seating area by guard railing,
bar is separated from general eating area but all areas are visable to dancing
and entertainment area, me ing full visability in every area of the club,
allowing managers to hav�e f 11 view, also mirrors are strategically placed
along with the lighting to h p monitor the facility.
Signs are posted all ove the club inside and out stating rules of conduct,
membership requirements, ottle regulations, these signs are also posted in
washrooms, signs speaking o the illegal use of drugs, dealing in stolen goods,
and the carrying of and use of fire arms. (Metal detector is useful in this
regard.) �
Much attention must e given to activities on the outside of the club.
�.u���..��.�:�r--,,.�.:,,.�.�.,:.. -_ . .,�,.�....�.,,,�..,�. �a�„��..��,. . _,- - - - - --- . _
We realize that this is where mos people draw their opinion of the Club if it
is unruly outside, it must be the ame inside. Nothing is farther from the
truth, but we realize something h to be done, we wish to do our part to
eradicate drugs and criminal acti ities from our streets and community,
however, we must find ways to o this to minimize the risk to everyone
involved, therefore, a cooperativ spirit is necessary on the part of police, club �
members, and the community at large, City Council, District Council and
other businesses in the general ea, otherwise the problem will move up and
down the street at the expense d risk of losing and discouraging businesses.
Example, one member of the du attempted to protect the dub and comply
with the law that speaks to outs' e behavior, Mr. Daniels, a manager, after
members complained constantly about a drug dealer harrassing them, went
out on several occassions to talk to the person, as did Mr. Hayes, several
attempts were made to make�th person understand, the record is clear as to
what subsequently took place r ulting in the prosecution of Mr. Daniels and
considerable pressure on the�clu and its reputation as well as its license.
While the People's Choice will ake no excuses for "minors" being on the
premises, it should note that w are not unique in this instance. Young
people use every concievabl� r son to gain entrance to places where fihey do
not belong, from fake I.D.'s 'to inding someone, including family members,
in cases of emergencies, using lephones, getting change for the bus, and
even paying people to falsely a irm their age. Now a days, it is difficult to
determine a persons age by sit alone. It should also be noted that while
minors have been found on th premises, the findings do not suggest that
any of them were consuming lcoholic beverages or engaging in unlawful
activity. This is not stated to s 'rt our responsibility as it pertains to the law, .
however, it does send out a cl ar signal that we must do much more to
correct the problem. Therefore we have determined that all patrons will be
checked for I.D. at the door, as well as membership, or required to sign a guest
book. Anyone looking for a f ily member or friend in an emergency will be
made to wait at the door whil someone else finds the person or will be
escorted in and right back ou . In non-emergency situations, minors will not
be allowed in to use the phon or get change.
. : - � ;�- ,�� ��
It is very difficult to determine w o is a criminal, drug pusher, thief, etc.,
unless of course they attempt to o these things on the premises. People who
follow the rules of the Club and onduct themselves in an orderly manner ,
are by and large treated like an ne else, however, when it is brought to our
attention that someone is there f r the purpose of evading arrest, or to
conduct unlawful activities we ill ask such persons to leave and bar them
from the Club by revolking the' membership as we have done in the past.
Their names are posted on the all in clear view so that bartenders, bouncers,
and other club members know ho they are and can help to keep this kind of
undesirables out.
On iwo occassions the St. Paul Police raided the People's Choice looking for
specific violations, while a nu ber of bottles or liquor and beer were found
on the premises along with so e cash and two fire arms which were locked
up and belonging to the man ement, it should be noted that liquor and beer,
by law, can be stored in this f ciliry. We have followed a policy that allows for
the management to shop for e membership, a practice that works well and
we believe is followed by mo t clubs, if not all, we have seem no law that
� prohibits us from doing so. any case, the raids did not produce drugs, stolen
property, gambling devices, c., It is hard to imagine that if a place is raided
looking for these things and eople are searched, that none of these things are
found, given these things w e listed on a warrant.
._,�..... . ...., ,,.�::. _.�.:_�. . .._..,. _ ...,,. . ,. . . ,:...��, :...a..�w..r.r::� _ .,...,.�„�..
RECEIVED '� �-s�x n�c oF s.v.T., znc.
pUG 0 719$g A Pi of Action
I. '.
The organization will d velop a mission statement and adhere
t,o a strict policy of d mocratic rule and inclusive language.
Inherent in this is a ange of name fram "Brothers . . . "
to a title which refl ts the membership of the organization.
� Lead ship Development
The organization will actively strive to encourage, develop
and pramte leadershi positions in areas of accountability
through other communi y-based institutions. �
C unity Leadership
The organization wi support and encourage persons in the �
� ca�um�nity to hold sitions of leadership. �
IV. �
Gu' elines of Policies
The organization w 17. develop, adopt and periodically re-affirm
written guidelines of policies, and will vo�nmunicate these
guidelines to me rs, bonafide guests, staff and employees.
Action plan -2- 8-4-89
Ou reach and Net�rks �'�
The organization will ke a cammii-ment to increase its � .
outreach in the ident'fication of wnditions that create
' serious danger to pub ic health, safety and welfare of
our oo�nnunity and the larger society. Referrals to the
appropriate agencies f government (City, State, Federal) �
and the private sect will camprise a significant control
distribution. Addit' nally, police officers living in the
Sunmit-University c unity will be invited to assist in
� the design of securi y measures suitable t,o the mission.
B -laws shall define: •
� Memk�ers � �
eetings of inembers .
Board of directors
Board meetings
Of f icers �
Comnittees 1
Financial procedu s: Deposits, checks, borrowing money, etc.
� Canpcnsation o , and cc�ntracts with, �Directors & officers
By- aw amendment requirements
.. _
Action plan -3- ' 8-4-89
� Timetable
July Requested he ring on Exception and Re-organization
Hearing with Summit-University Planning Council
Aug. 4 Meeting of o er facilitators and SUPC board
members on p an of action
_ Sept. Develop miss on statement
Complete and review by-laws
Oct. Develop need assessment and integrate long-range
planning pr ess
Finalize by- aws
Nov. Annual meet' g
Election of fficers
Note: It is strong y recatmended that the officers,
com�nittee staff ineet intensively in order �
to achieve f us and future direction. �
� �
�� J- l��' � �
��.'.�" ( �.� CITY OF SAINT PAUL
s:`G,T, �, .
�4� ��
�o ��l
�` ����������� '� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY
:;� un1���li�i ^�
��'-o„��..`�,,.��` 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
July 25, 19s9 RECEIVED
.1u1. 2 61989
John williams, Mgr. CITY CLERK
BUT, Inc. dba People ' s Choic Club
920 Selby Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING
August 8, 1989, 9 : 00 a.m.
RE: City v. People ' s Choice
Dear Mr. Williams:
This letter will confirm the agreement made today by the City
Council. A request to post ne the hearing was requested and granted.
The Council agreed that the earing on the report of the Administrative
Law Judge will be held on A gust 8, 1989 in the City Council Chambers.
During this hearing you may present oral or written argument to
the Council. You may also ffer written exceptions to the Report
of the Administrative Law J dge. No new evidence will be received
or testimony taken at this earing. The Council will base its
decision on the record of t e proceedings before tr�e Administrativc
Law Judge and on the argume ts made and exceptions filed, but may
depart from the recommendat ons of such Judge as permitted by law
in the exercise of its judg ent and discretion.
If you have any question, p ease call me at 298-5121 .
Very truly yours,
Assistant City Attorney
PBB:paw �
cc. Joseph F. Carchedi, L cense Inspector
Lt. Daryl Olson, Vice Unit
Albert B. Olson, City Clerk
City Council Members
Greg Finzell, Communi y Organizer, Summit-U-Planning Council,
627 Selby Avenue, Sa nt Paul, Minnesota 55104
� �
��° �:�
,� i�iut�um, ,=
;;,: uu �u u A�`-
'�`"<<�„nR^,'�.��"� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02
July � , 1989 Ju� 101989
Mr. Steven Goldfarb
Attorney at Law
610 Park National Bank Buil 'ng
5353 Wayzata Boulevard
Minneapolis , MN. 55416
RE: City of St. Paul v. Bu , Inc. dba People' s Choice Club
Dear Mr. Goldfarb: �
Please take notice that a h aring on the report of the Administrative
Law Judge concerning the ab ve-mentioned establishment has been
scheduled for 9: 00 o' clock .m. , July 25 , 1989, in the City Council
Chambers , Third Floor, Sain Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Court-
house .
You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with the
City Clerk at any time duri g normal business hours . You may also
present oral or written arg ment to the Council at the hearing.
No new evidence will be rec ived or testimony taken at this hearing.
The Council will base its d cision on the record of the nroceedings
before the Administrative L w Judge and on the arguments made and ,
exceptions filed, but may d part from the recommendations of such
Judge as permitted by law i the exercise of its judgment and dis-
Very truly yours,
Assistant City Attorney
cc: Joseph F. Carchedi
License Inspector
� Lt . Daryl Olson
Vice Unit
Albe�t B. Olson
City Clerk
Greg Finzell -
Community Organizer
Summit-U Planning Co ncil
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�;�*...:.;����� RECEII/ED
July 7, 1989
St. Paul City Council
Attn: Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Re: In the Matter of he License of But, Inc. , d/b/a
People' s Choice C ub
OAH File No. 62-2 01-3529-6
Dear Mr. Olson:
Enclosed please find he original Findings of Fact, Conclusions and
Recommendation in the above-me tioned case. I am closing our fi1e and am
returning the official record o you.
� � � ��
Louise C. Cooper
Office of Administrative Hearings
�� ; � 1�
�l�)�i G�
�'l- ��� �
920 Selby Avenue
St Paul,Minnesota 55104
�� �',L�-'�` �%� f E�'
RE; �" �
.�- ,
;i� r � .
� ,r��r � Hearings
-,, �;r-�`"`��, Vlinnesota
In the matter of
the private Club
and restaurant
license of BUT,INC.,
d/b/a People's Choice
iling of Exception to all evidence
nd testimony in this due process
Special Conditions-9/30/87
#4&5,P2. As is to Officer Burke
Entrance & Observations
Aus o 7)989
Wed, Aug 2, 1989
P oples Choice
Exce ions to Allegations
In this writing the Peo e's Choice will make exceptions to the allegations
contained in the findi s of fact and the subsequent recommendations by the
Administrative Cour Judge. The People's Choice hopes that this hearing will
be decided on the b is of the three main charges. Not overall speculations,
inuendos and fabri ations that may or may not be bearing.
Where we have n remiss in error, we say that here now, we apologize
here. We will s te clearly what we will do to make sure the mistakes are not
Where we ar guilty in action we say here, however, we are not guilty in
conscience, e want to be a party in cooperation with others in solving
problems. urther we wish to inform this body of the corrections we intend to
make, in uding the restructuring and reorganizing of the People's Choice.
It is u easonable to think that every patron of the People's Choice is a
crimi . It is also difficult to imagine that every establishment in this city has
not a d do not serve the types of individuals to whom you refer, sometimes
wit full knowledge of their backgrounds. We must strenuously object to an
inf ences that the People's Choice is a haven for drug pushers and theives
or that it attracts people of that ilk. But to fully understand that the vast
ajority of these young people in the streets are our children, our neigr
nd people we have known from infancy. Summit-University is the �
home they know. Our intention is to make everybody proud of this
1. Buzzer system with monitor ystem
2. Metal detector
3. Shzn Gun
4. Usually have average of 3 Bouncers on busy nights
1. Membership cards a d quests sign in book.
2. People on door to eck I.D.'s.
Having a band ea that is separated from the seating area by guard railing,
bar is separated fr m general seating area but all areas are visable to dancing
and entertainme t area, meaning full visability in every area of the club,
allowing mana rs to have full view, also mirrors are strategically placed
along with th lighting to help monitor the facility.
Si are posted all over the club inside and out stating rules of conduct,
membe hip requirements, botfle regulations, these signs are also posted in
washr oms, signs speaking to the illegal use of drugs, dealing in stolen g�
and t e carrying of and use of fire arms. (Metal detector is usetul in thi�
reg d.)
Much attention must be given to activities on the out�
We realize that this is where most p ple draw their opinion of the Club if it
is unruly outside, it must be the sa e inside. Nothing is farther from the
truth, but we realize something h to be done, we wish to do our part to
eradicate drugs and criminal acti iries from our streets and community,
however, we must find ways to o this to minimize the risk to everyone
involved, therefore, a cooperati e spirit is necessary on the part of police, club
members, and the community t large, City Council, District Council and
other businesses in the gener area, otherwise the problem will move up and
down the street at the expen e and risk of losing and discouraging businesses.
Example, one member of th club attempted to protect the club and comply
with the law that speaks t outside behavior, Mr. Daniels, a manager, after
members complained co tantly about a drug dealer harrassing them, went
out on several occassion to talk to the person, as did Mr. Hayes, several
attempts were made to ake the person understand, the record is clear as to
what subsequently too place resulting in the prosecution of Mr. Daniels and
considerable pressure on the club and its reputation as well as its license.
While the Peopl 's Choice will make no excuses for "minors" being on the
premises, it sh d note that we are not unique in this instance. Young
people use ev y concievable reason to gain entrance to places where they do
not belong, m fake I.D.'s to finding someone, including family members,
in cases of e ergencies, using telephones, getting change for the bus, and
even payin people to falsely affirm their age. Now a days, it is difficult to
determine persons age by site alone. It should also be noted that while
minors h ve been found on the premises, the findings do not suggest that
any of t em were consuming alcoholic beverages or engaging in unlawfi•'
activity This is not stated to skirt our responsibility as it pertains to the '
howe er, it does send out a clear signal that we must do much more '
corre t the problem. Therefore we have determined that all patrons
che ed for I.D. at the door, as well as membership, or required to
bo . Anyone looking for a family member or friend in an eme-
m de to wait at the door while someone else finds the person
e corted in and right back out. In non-emergency situations
e allowed in to use the phone or get change.
� �
It is very difficult to determine who s a criminal, drug pusher, thief, etc.,
unless of course they attempt to d these things on the premises. People who
follow the rules of the Club and nduct themselves in an orderly manner
are by and large treated like any ne else, however, when it is brought to our
attention that someone is there r the purpose of evading arrest, or to
conduct unlawful activities we ill ask such persons to leave and bar them
from the Club by revolking ir membership as we have done in the past.
Their names are posted on t wall in clear view so that bartenders, bouncers,
and other club members kn w who they are and can help to keep this kind of
undesirables out.
On two occassions th St. Paul Police raided the People's Choice looking for
specific violations, w ile a number of bottles or liquor and beer were found
on the premises alo g with some cash and two fire arms which were locked
up and belonging the management, it should be noted that liquor and beer,
by law, can be sto ed in this facility. We have followed a policy that allows for
the management o shop for the membership, a practice that works well and
we believe is fo owed by most clubs, if not all, we have seem no law that
prohibits us fr doing so. In any case, the raids did not produce drugs, stolen
property, gam ling devices, etc., It is hard to imagine that if a place is raided
looking for t ese things and people are searched, that none of these things are
found, give these things were listed on a warrant.
- � t -rt � U
� ` �1�)�i �,�
�;� ��f�' �
920 Selby Avenue
St Paul,Minnesota 55104
RE: OA #62-2101-3529-6
State of Minnesota
Offi e of Administrative Hearings
For e City of S� Paul,Minnesota
In the matter of � ,� ,�,{�_-���'�
the private Club i /',c�'%"
and restaurant �+
license of BUT,INC., `�`-4 'fi,, ��'
d/b/a People's Choice � ����� r���
Qub. �� � I
,�, �,,
Filing of Exception to all evidence .
and tesfimony in this due process
Special Conditions -9/30/87
&5,P2. As is to Officer Burke
Entrance & Observations
�UG o 7 3989
�.._.�..�..� ....,r�. _.__�.�. ., ._�..
. ..., . ..:�,..�- ,�.m. PP ,� ._� .. . _.. _. _. , ._ .�_�_ .__ _.._�.� ,. __ ��.�, .�,.�...�_._ _ _
,_ �:...., .. . � ,.
. ., _. _. ._,._ .._ _.�. y:�,�:
. , '
Wed, Aug 2, 1989
Pe ples Choice �
Excepti ns to Allegations
In this writing the People's Ch ice will make exceptions to the allegations
contained in the findings of fa t and the subsequent recommendations by the
Administrative Court Judge. he People's Choice hopes that this hearing will
be decided on the basis of the three main charges. Not overall speculations,
inuendos and fabrications th may or may not be bearing.
Where we have been remiss n error, we say that here now, we apologize
here. We will state clearly hat we will do to make sure the mistakes are not
Where we are guilty in acti n we say here, however, we are not guilty in
conscience, we want to be pariy in cooperation with others in solving
problems. Further we wis to inform this body of the corrections we intend to
make, including the res cturing and reorganizing of the People's Choice.
It is unreasonable to thi that every patron of the People's Choice is a
criminal. It is also diffi t to imagine that every establishment in this city has
not and do not serve the types of individuals to whom you refer, sometimes
with full knowledge of t eir backgrounds. We must strenuously object to any
inferences that the Peop e's Choice is a haven for drug pushers and theives,
or that it attracts people of that illc. But to fully understand that the vast
majority of these youn people in the streets are our children, our neighbors
and people we have k own from infancy. Summit-University is the only
home they know. Our ntention is to make everybody proud of this
. ,
1. Buzzer system with monito system
2. Metal detector
3. Stun Gun
4. Usually have average of Bouncers on busy nights
1. Membership cards and qu sts sign in book.
2. People on door to check I. .'s.
Having a band area that i separated from the seating area by guard railing,
bar is separated from general seating area but all areas are visable to dancing
and entertainment area, me ing full visability in every area of the club,
allowing managers to have f 11 view, also mirrors are strategically placed
along with the lighting to h lp monitor the facility.
Signs are posted all ov r the club inside and out stating rules of conduct,
membership requirements bottle regulations, these signs are also posted in
washrooms, signs speakin to the illegal use of drugs, dealing in stolen goods,
and the carrying of and u e of fire arms. (Metal detector is useful in this
regard.) �
Much attention mu be given to activities on the outside of the club.
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We realize that this is where mos people draw their opinion of the Club if it
is unruly outside, it must be the ame inside. Nothing is farther from the
truth, but we realize something h to be done, we wish to do our part to
eradicate drugs and criminal ac ' ities from our streets and community,
however, we must find ways to o this to minimize the risk to everyone
involved, therefore, a cooperativ spirit is necessary on the part of police, club �
members, and the community a large, City Council, District Council and
other businesses in the general rea, otherwise the problem will move up and
� down the street�at the expense d risk of losing and discouraging businesses.
Example, one member of the cl b attempted to protect the dub and comply
with the law that speaks to out ide behavior, Mr. Daniels, a manager, after
members complained constan about a drug dealer harrassing them, went
out on several occassions to t to the person, as did Mr. Hayes, several
attempts were made to make e person understand, the record is clear as to
what subsequently took place esulting in the prosecution of Mr. Daniels and
considerable pressure on the ub and its reputation as well as its license.
While the People's Choice ill make no excuses for "minors" being on the
premises, it should note tha we are not unique in this instance. Young
people use every concievab reason to gain entrance to places where they do
not belong, from fake I.D.'s to finding someone, including family members,
in cases of emergencies, usi g telephones, getting change for the bus, and
even paying people to false y affirm their age. Now a days, it is difficult to
determine a persons age b site alone. It should also be noted that while
minors have been found o the premises, the findings do not suggest that
any of them were cons ng alcoholic beverages or engaging in unlawful
activity. This is not stated o skirt our responsibility as it pertains to the law,
however, it does send ou a clear signal that we must do much more to
correct the problem. The fore we have determined that all patrons will be
checked for I.D. at thei d r, as well as membership, or required to sign a guest
book. Anyone looking fo a family member or friend in an emergency will be
made to wait at the doo while someone else finds the person or will be
escorted in and right ba k out. In non-emergency situations, minors will not
be allowed in to use the phone or get change.
. . .
It is very difficult to determine ho is a criminal, drug pusher, thief, etc.,
unless of course they attempt to o these things on the premises. People who
follow the rules of fihe Club an conduct themselves in an orderly manner ,
are by and large treated like an one else, however, when it is brought to our
attention that someone is there or the purpose of evading arrest, or to
conduct unlawful activities we ill ask such persons to leave and bar them
from the Club by revolking th 'r membership as we have done in the past.
Their names are posted on the wall in clear view so that bartenders, bouncers,
and other club members kno who they are and can help to keep this kind of
undesirables out.
On two occassions the St. P 1 Police raided the People's Choice looking for
specific violations, while a ber of bottles or liquor and beer were found
on the premises along with ome cash and two fire arms which were locked
up and belonging to the m agement, it should be noted that liquor and beer,
by law, can be stored in thi facility. We have followed a policy that allows for
the management to shop f r the membexship, a practice that works well and
we believe is followed by ost clubs, if not all, we have seem no law that
� prohibits us from doing s In any case, the raids did not produce drugs, stolen
property, gambling devic , etc., It is hard to imagine that if a place is raided
looking for these things d people are searched, that none of these things are
found, given these things were listed on a warrant.
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• � �fi `� i��r�
RECEfVED T� �-s �*ac oF a.o.T., inc.
��� d 7 ��v9 A P an of Action
I. '•
The organization will develop a mission statement and adhere
tA a strict policy of democratic rule and inclusive language.
Inherent in this is change of name fram "Brothers . . . "
to a title which ref ects the membership of the organization.
� Le dership Development
The organization w 11 actively strive t�o encourage, develop
and pramte leader hip positions in areas of accountability
through other nity-based institutions.
Comnunity Leadership
The organizati will support and encourage persons in the �
� co�nununity to ho d positions of leadership. �
1V. �
Guidelines of Policies
The organizat on will develop, adopt and periodically re-affirm
written guide ines of policies, and will oommunicate these
guidelines members, bonafide guests, staff and e�loyees.
, �
. > ,
Action plan -2- 8-4-89
treach and Netvaorks ''•
The organization wi make a catnnitment to increase its
outreach in the ide tification of conditions that create
' serious danger to blic health, safety and welfare of
our co�nunity and e larger society. Referrals to the
appropriate agenci s of government (City, State, Federal)
and the private se tor will camprise a significant control
distribution. Ad itionally, police officers living in the
Sumnit-University caim�unity will be invited to assist in
' the design of se rity measures suitable to the mission.
By-laws shall define: •
Meetings of inembers
Board of directors
Board meetings
Officers �
Comnittees 1
Financial pr edures: Deposits, checks, borrowing mpney, etc.
� Canpcnsa 'on of, and contracts with, 'Directors & officers
By-law amendment requirements
, . . ` .
Action plan -3- " 8-4-89
� Timetable
July Requested he ring on Exception and Re-organization
Hearing with Surnnit-University Planning Council
Aug. 4 Meeting of wner facilitators and SUPC board
members on lan of action
_ Sept. Develop mi sion statement �
Complete d review by-laws
Oct. Develop n eds assessnent and integrat� long-range
planning rocess
Finalize y-laws
Nov. Annual �� eting
Electio of Officers
Note: It is rongly recammended that the officers,
cona�it ee and staff ineet intensively in order ,
to ach eve focus and future direction. �
. y
�'� �_ /��' `�`
RECEIVED � �'ST� � oF s.[1.T., znc.
AUG �'� ��9 A Pl of ACtion
I '
The organization will evelop a mission statement and adhere
to a strict policy of democratic rule and inclusive language.
Inherent in this is change of name frcxn "Brothers . . . "
to a title which ref ects the membership of the organization.
� adership Development
The organization ill actively strive t�o en�urage, develop
and prarote leade ship positions in areas of accountability
through other unity-based institutions.
Caimunity Leadership
The organizat' will. support and encourage persons in the �
catsnunity to ld positions of leadership,.
Guidelines of Policies
The organi tion will develop, adopt and periodically re-affirm
written gu delines of policies, and will oo�manicate these
guideline to members, bonafide guests, staff and employees.
� ,
Action plan -2- 8-4-89
Ou reach and Netw�rks �'
The organization will ke a cortunitment to increase its
outreach in the ident fication of conditions that create
' serious danger to pub ic health, safety and caelfare of
our ao�nmunity and th larger society. Referrals to the
appropriate agencies of government (City, State, Federal)
and the private sect. r will comprise a significant control
distribution. Addi 'onally, police officers living in the
Sumnit-University c unity will be invited to assist in
the design of secur ty measures suitable to the mission. ;
y-laws shall define:
Memk�er s
Meetings of inembers
Board of directors
Board meetings
Comnittees ,
Financial prac res: Deposits, checks, borrowing ironey, etc.
Canpcnsation of, and contracts with, 'Directors & officers
B -law amendment requirements
, �
�P f- /�a����
Action plan -3- " 8-4-89
� Timetable
July Requestsd hea ing on Exception and Re-organization
Hearing with Sumnit-University Planni.ng Council
Aug. 4 Meeting of er facilitatars and SUPC board
members on lan of action
Sept. Develop mi sion statement
Complete d review by-laws
Oct. Develop n eds assessment and integrate long-range
planning rocess
Finalize by-laws
Nov. Annual eting
Electio of �fficers
Note: It is trongly recamnended that the officers,
conmi ee and staff ineet intensively in order ,
to ac ieve focus and future direction.
` � • • ��_ j�'` �' � ✓
, �' ��.,-, ,�-,'`�
�� ��1 oAx � 6 -2 t o�-3529-6 RECEIVED
STATE OF MINNESOTA ,1u� i o 1989
In the matter of FINDINGS OF FACT,
the private club CONCLUSIONS, AND
and restaurant RECOMMENDATION
license of But, Ine. ,
d/b/a People's Choice
The above-entitled �ma ter came on for a hearing before
Richard A . Mosman , Admin'is rative Law Judge , eommencing at 9 : 00
A.M. on Wednesday, Jund 1 , 1989 , in Courtroom 1545 , Ramsey
County Courthouse , St. Paul , Minnesota .
Philip B. Byrne , Assis ant City Attorney, City of St . Paul ,
647 City Hall , St . Paul , M nnesota , 55102 , appeared on behalf of
the City of St. Paul . �St ven M. Goldfarb , Attorney At Law, 610
Park National Bank Buildxn , 5353 Wayzata Boulevard, Minneapolis,
Minnesota , 55416 , appearied on behalf of But , Ine . , d/b/a People' s
Choice Club.
This report is a Re�co mendation, not a final decision. The
St. Paul City Council wi 1 make the final decision . After a
review of the record , it m y adopt , reject or modify the Findings
of Fact , Conclusions a d Recommendation contained herein.
Pursuant to MSA 14 .61 , t e final decision of the Council shall
not be made until this eport has been made available to the
parties to the proceeding for at least 10 days . An opportunity
must be afforded to each arty adversely affected by this Report
to file exceptions and pr sent arguments to the Council . Parties
should contact Albert B. Olson, City Clerk , St. Paul City
Council, 386 City Hall ,� S . Paul , Minnesota, 55102 , to ascertain
the procedure for filing xceptions or presenting argument .
-- ------ -- ------
Whether the private lub and/or restaurant license held by
But , Inc . , should be subject to revocation, suspension or fine
for violation of law and he terms and conditions of its license,
1 . Permitting thE ale of alcoholic beverages on licensed
premises without an sale license,
2 . Permitting mino s to enter and remain on the licensed
- 1-
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premises ,
3 . Failure to provide sec rity as required by a condition on
the license ,
4 . Permitting persons sel ing drugs to enter, remain on, and
use the licensed premis s in furtherance of their drug
dealings .
Based upon all the proce�di g herein , the Administrative Law
Judge makes the following :
1 . But , Inc . , d/b/a P ple ' s Choice Club is the license
holder of a Class III p ivate club licensed and a Class D
restaurant license opera ed out of the premises located at
920 Selby Avenue , St. Pau , Minnesota , 55104 . The renewal of
this private elub licens was approved by the City Council
Resolution dated December 13, 1988 .
2 . The City Counci� , with the consent of the licensee ,
issued a suspension af this license for a 30 day period,
April 15 to May 15, 1988
3 . On September 30 � 987, the City Council , Resolution
87-1428 , amended the ; 1 cense of the People' s Choice Club
attachin� conditions to the operation of the establishment ,
including in pertinent p rt as follows :
2 . Anyone caugh�t elling drugs will be prohibited for
4 . You must hav� ecurity from 7:00 P.M. to closing on
weekends during Wi ter months . (November 1 - March 30)
5 . You must have security from 7:00 P .M. to closing
every night durin the rest of the year. (April 1
-October 31 )
6. You must ch ek all I. D. ' s at all times . (All
patrons will be tw nty-one (21 ) years old ) .
4 . On April 13, �989 , St . Paul Police Officer, Janet Burke ,
dressed in street cl thes , entered the People' s Choice
through a buzzer opera ed front door. She was not asked for
membership identificat 'on either on entry or prior to being
served an alcoholic be era�e .
5 . On May 24 , 1989 , 0 ficer Burke again went to the People' s
Choice in street clot es , entered the premises through an
unlocked front door nd was able to order an alcoholic
beverage without bein asked for membership identification .
On both of these oc asions , Officer Burke observed mixed
drinks being poured f om numerous bottles with pour spouts
. , � `
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� . •
Based upon the foregoin Findings of Fact , the Administrative Law
Judge makes the followi g:
1 . The St. Paul ity Council and the Administrative Law
Judge has jurisdict' on in this matter pursuant to MSA 14 .50
and 340A. 415 ( 198 ) and the St. Paul Legislative Code,
§310 .05 and 310.06.
2 . The City of St. Paul has fulfilled all relevant
substantive and pro edural requirements of law and rule.
3. But, Inc . , d/b/ the People' s Choice Club is licensed by
the City of St . P ul as a private club which permits the
storage , dispensfn or consumption of intoxicating or non-
intoxicating liquo on the premises , St . Paul Legislative
Code §404 .02(2) . he retail sale of intoxicating liquor is
not allowed and pecifically prohibited under St. Paul
Legislative Code b0 .01 .
4 . The licensee s required to comply with all state and
local laws as well s the special conditions imposed upon its
license , in this case , the conditions itemized in City
Council Resolution 7-1428, effeetive Oetober 1 , 1987 .
The City of St . P ul has proven by a preponderance of the
evidence that the licensee has violated special conditions
imposed upon the icensee, specifically number 4 and 5 ,
relating to maint ining security inside and outside the
premises , and numb r 6 , relating to checking identification
of patrons for mem ership and to assure that minors do not
enter the premises.
5 . Violation by this Licensee of Statute and Code have
established adequa e grounds for the City Council to take
adverse action aga ' nst the license in aecordance with St.
Paul Legislative Co e §310 .06(b)( 5)&( 6) .
6 . The City of St. Paul has proven by a preponderance of the
evidence that the icensee has violated MSA 401A. 401 and St .
Paul Legislative Co e Chapter 409 .01 , by selling intoxicating
liquor without a li ense .
7. The Licensee h s allowed the licensed premises to be open
to the public in iolation of its license and available to
minors and patron with known criminal history . These
patrons appear t be using the licensed premises in
furtherance of il egal activity . By operating in this
fashion, the licen ed premises has become a serious danger to
the public health, safety and welfare in accordance with St.
Paul Legislative C de §310 .06(b) (7) .
Based upon the foreg in� Conclusions , the Administrative Law
Judge makes the follow' ng:
IT IS RESPECTFULLY RECOMME DED that the St. Paul City Council
revoke the private club licen e of But, Inc . , d/b/a The People' s
Choice Club .
Dated: ---=� --- --���- - ------- - -�?!�c-�-'�`•---
� ichard A. Mosman
Administrative Law Judge
Pursuant to MSA 14 . 2 Subd. 1 , the City Council is required
to serve its final deci ion by first class mail upon each party
and the Office of Ad�i ' strative Hearings, 310-4th Avenue South,
Fifth Floor, Minneapoli , Minnesota, 55415 .
Reported: Record was ape recorded
. _ .
The only testimony resented by the Licensee related to
evidence that other esta lishments with private club licenses in
St. Paul failed to monit r effectively access to their clubs and
dispensed liquor in a f shion similar to that of the People' s
Choice. Although this ay be of interest to the City Council ,
this is no defense to harges of violations committed by this
Licensee .
Several police repo ts were admitted into evidence over the
objection of the li nsee . It was the opinion of the
Administrative Law Judg that these were official police records
that were created in t e normal course of police business and an
exception to the Hear ay Rule in accordance with MRCP 803(8) .
They were adequately r liable and had sufficient probative value
to be competent evide ce in this proceeding . The licensee had
adequate opportunity to cross examine four of the police
officer' s whose report made up a majority of the exhibits . The
Administrative Law Ju ge found the balance of the reports to be
non-predjudicial and armless to the Licensee .
The St. Paul Leg slative Code §310 .06( b) provides authority
for adverse action ag inst any licenses issued by the city in the
following pertinent s' tuations as follows:
"( 5) The Licens e or Applicant has failed to comply with any
conditions set orth in the license , or set forth in the
resolution grant ng or renewing the license .
( 6) The Lice see or Applicant has failed any of the
provisions of t ese chapters or of any statute , ordinance or
regulation rea onably related to the licensed activity,
regardless of hether criminal charges have or have not been
brought in con ection therewith.
( 7) The activ ties of the Licensee and the licensed activity
create or have created a serious danger to the public health,
safety or welf re ---. "
The private c ub license issued to the Licensee , permits the
"---storage , dis ensin� or consumption of any intoxicating or
non-intoxicating iquor on the premises . " St. Paul Legislative
Code §404 .02( 2) . This clearly does not include the sale of
liquor as that i specifically prohibited by both State Statute ,
MSA 401A. 401 and City Code , §409 .01 .
The evidenc presented by the City strongly indicates that
the licensed p emises was operated essentially as an on sale
liquor establis ment . The Licensee presented no evidence on the
issue and ther was no apparent system for identifying liquor
� . .
maintained on the premises as belonging to members of this
private club. It appeared far more likely that the inventory
maintained on the premises had been purchased by the management
and sold to the individual pat ns for profit , something clearly
in violation of State Statut s and City Code. There was no
evidence to the contrary.
There was no apparent thod of limiting access to the
premises to members of the C ub. This was considered flagrant
since it violated a specific condition imposed upon the license
by the City Council on Octobe 1 , 1987. (Exhibit ��6)
The evidence presented learly indicated that the Licensee
failed to comply with the s ecial conditions requiring security
personnel on duty at times specified in the Council Resolution .
Although security was some imes used, it was only during busy
evenings and not during the time periods ordered in the Council ' s
Resolution. The condition was so specific that violation of it
borders on intentional .
There was signific�.n evidence by way of police testimony
that on a regular basis t ey observed suspected drug transactions
outside of the premises nd that patrons with drug convictions
frequented the Club. Th re had been arrests for drug violations
immediately outside th Club of people who had been seen
frequently entering and leaving the Club to engage in suspected
drug transactions. Whe the Club was closed for a 30 day period
in April-May, 1988 , th suspected drug transactions outside the
licensed premises did n t appear to take place.
There were no drug found on the licensed premises or any of
it employees during t execution of search warrants in April or
May, 1989 • There i no evidence of any involvement by the
Licensee or employee ' in any of the suspected drug transaetions
or that they directl profited or were involved in the illegal
sale of drugs.
Revocation is n t recommended because drug transactions may
have taken place ou side of the licensed premises . There was no
evidence that the L 'censee or employees were involved or directly
profited from any of this type of illegal activity . The
Licensee , however, was aware of the City Council ' s concern
regarding drug act vity as it had been specifically addressed in
1987 when special onditions were placed upon their license . The
management was aw re of the drug arrest made immediately outside
their entrance an the dru� related criminal history of some of
their patrons wh n police would enter the establishment , eject
minors and make a rests.
The apparent failure of the Licensee to make any effort to
comply with the special conditions placed upon their license and
the apparent d' sregard of any method of business practice to
comply with th liquor laws under which the license was issued
appeared to cre te a lawless atmosphere in and about the licensed
premises . The Licensee and their patrons knew laws were being
� , , .
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, �
broken , either liquor laws, dr g laws, or private club laws that
exclude minors from the premi es . Opening the licensed premises
to anyone and everyone certain y allowed the licensed premises to
be a gathering ground for a 1 who cared to attend, a result
clearly contrary to the inte t of the City Couneil when they
issued this private elub lice se.
It is assumed that the Licensee did not participate or
directly profit from any il egal drug activity that may have
taken place outside of the li ensed premises .
The Licensee did, however indirectly profit by the increased
traffic generated by unrestri ted access available to non-members
and minors, all in violatio of the law. The opportunity to
enter such an establis�m t , if allowed , is particularly
attractive to minors. It is all the more attractive if there is
a suggestion that there may be illegal activity taking place in
or around the premises. The atmosphere generated by the
Licensee ' s failure to compl with the law made it possible for
minors to come into contact with people with criminal and drug
history. To the extent tha this was made possible , the license
created a serious danger to public health , safety and welfare of
the community in violation o City Code §310 .06( b)(7) .
Knowledge of illegal activi y has been found to be a sufficient
basis to justify revocatio of a license . Sabes vs . City of
Minneapolis, 120 NW2d 871 ( inn . 1963) • The Licensee clearly has
notice of the allegedly il egal activity and the assistance the
licensed premises could pla in providing shelter from weather or
observation to anyone wis ing to take advantage of it . The
Licensee has profited by vi lating the laws that provided him the
privilege to operate a pr vate club. The Licensee has abused
that privilege and at th� s me time provided potential protection
to those engaged in illega activity and attractive adventure to
minors. This license shou d be revoked.
RAD!L/1 s.s
�, �y�' �
Laura S. Schwartz of the C ty of Minneapolis , County of Hennepin ,
in the State of Minnesot�a , being duly sworn , says that on July 5 ,
1989, she served the ac�n xed Findings of Facts , Conclusions of
Law and Recommendations by mailing a copy thereof, enclosed in an
envelope , postage prepaid, and by depositing the same in the post
office at Minneapolis , M nnesota, directed to the following at
the last known address of the said parties:
Office of City Attorney
City of St. Paul
647 City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Attention : Philip Byrne
Mr. Steven Goldfarb
610 Park National Bank B ilding
5353 Wayzata Boulevard
Minneapolis , MN 55416
-- - ' =�- `�W'
Subscribed and sw t before me this �
---5----day of- - - -------------' � 9=�' �
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JUNE 2, 198
JUNE 8, 198 .
ERHIBIT #12: CN 9053 88
E%HIBIT �13: CN 905358
EXHIBIT #14: CN 9053588
E%HIBIT #15: CN 905358
15B: (KE PE)
15D: (A GOHL)
R� n n
X: n n
EXHIBIT #17: CN 904558
17A: (P , LEONARD , MINOR (4/13/89) )
17B: CN 8159281
(PYKA, C TER (1/11/88) )
EXHIBIT #18: 18A: CN 90537 6
18B: CN 9052 34
E7CHIBIT #20: CN 9070564
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EXHIBIT #22: CN 90705 4
23A: EXT.
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. ���.�, ,,
.� �s:`�tT. ,, ����' CITY OF SAINT PAUL
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�� tlllli'lllll �;�� - . - - . . . � . .
'°;� ���� ����� �� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY
. � .
•,,,�¢.•���,..-�� 647 City Hail,Saint Paul.Minnesota 55102
City v Peoples Choice
City's E�ibit #1 (4pp, � —
May 12, 1989
Mr . John Williams, Mgr. � NOTICE OF HEARING
BUT, Inc. dba Peoples Choice Club
92fd Selby Avenue
St. Paul , Minnesota 551P14
RE t C i ty v. People's Cho ice 92 f6 Selby Avenue
Dear Mr. Williams: - �
This is to notify you that the hearing will be held concerning
all the licenses held at the premises stated above at the
following time, date and pl ce:
Dates June 21 and 23, 1989
Time: 9:4JR! a. :
Place: Room 15 5 Courthouse
City an County Courthouse
15 West Kellogq
St. Pau , Mn. 55102
The judge will be an Admi istrative Law Judge from the State of
Minnesota Office of Admin ' strative Hearings:
Name: Mar ene Senechal
Fif h F1oor , Flour Exchange Building
310 Fourth Avenue South
Min eapolis, Mn. 55415
Telephone: 827 0911
The Council of the Cit of Saint Paul has the authority to
provide for hearings c ncerning licensed premises, and for
adverse action agains such licenses , under Chapter 314l ,
including sections 31�1.015 and 3141. 66 , of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code. In t e . case of licenses for intoxicating and
� non=.intoxicating liquor , authority is also conveyed by section
i � 340A.415 of the Minneso Statutes. Adverse action may include
i revocation, suspension, ines and othe� penalties or conditions.
Evidence will be presen d to the judge which may lead to adverse
. action against all the licenses you hold at the above premises as
follows :
.. �� 'a
. . , � . ._-
1 . You have sold and p rmitted the sale of alcoholic
beverages on the licen ed premises without a proper on-
sale license under c apters 409 or 410 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code as a matter of the usual conduct
of the business of e club, including the specific
date of April 28, 19 9 , on which a search warrant for
. the premises was exec ted .
2�. You have permitted inors to enter and remain on the
licensed premises in violation of the terms and
conditions of your rivate club license on num erous
occasions over the p st six months, including Dlovember
11 , 1988 and April 1 , 19a9.
3. You have failed to p ovide security from 7: 00 p.m. to
closing as required by a condition on your license,
such failure occur ing at least over the past six
months . �
4. You have �ermitted persons sellinq drugs to enter ,
rem ain on, and us the licensed premises and its
facilities in furth rance of their drug dealings, and
to congregate immed 'ately outside the front of the club
for the same purpo es in violation of a condition of
your private club license, the foregoing constituting
in addition a nui ance, and danger to the health,
safety and welfare f the surrounding community.
5. You have failed to orrect one or more of the building
code violations in emized on the letter dated May 2,
1989 to you from the St. Paul Division of Public
You have the right to be re resented by an attorney before and
during the hearing if you so choose, or you can represent
yourself. You may also hav a person of your choice represent
you, to the extent not proh bited as unauthorized practice of
The hearing will be conducte in accordance with the requirem ents
of sections 14.57 to 14.62 o the Minnesota Statutes, and such
parts of the procedures under section 31d.g5 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code as may be a plicable.
' /�.� ��
:a r
F _�. .
At hearing , the Administrat ve Law Judge will have aIl parties
identify themselves for the ecord. Then the City will present
its witnesses and evidence, ach of whom the licensee or attorney
may cross=examine. The lic see may then offer in rebuttal any
witnesses or evidence it ma wish to present, each of whom the
City attorney may cross�exa ine. The Administrative Law Judge
may in addition hear relevan and material testim ony from persons
not presented as witnesses w o have a substantial interest in the
outcom e of the proceeding; or example, the owners or occupants
of pro.perty located in clos proximity to the licensed premises
m ay have substantial inter st in the outcom e of the proceeding.
Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the
hearing, the Judge will pre are Findings of Fact, Conclusions of
Law, and a specific recomm e dation for action to be taken.
You should bring to the earing all docum ents, records and
witnesses you will or m y need to support your position.
Subpoenas m ay be available to com pel the attendance of witnesses
or the production of doc ents in conformity with Minnesota
Rules, part 1400.7�J(df�. .
If you think `that_ this mat er can be resolved or settZed without
a formal hearing, please ontact or have your attorney contact
the undersigned. If a sti ulation or agreem ent can be reached as
to the facts , that sti ulation will be presented to the
Administrative Law Judg for incorporation into his or her
recommendation for Council action.
If you fail to appear at t e hearing, the allegations against you
which have been stated e rlier in this notice may be taken as
true and your ability to allenge them forfeited. If non-public
data is received into evidence at the hearing , it may become
. �°'� �
' � ��
1 �:. , `
public unless objection is m de and relief requested under
Minnesota Statutes, section 14. 0, subdivision 2.
Very truly yours,
Assistant City Attorney
(612) 298�-5121
Attny. Reg . No. 13961 �
cc: Joseph F. Carchedi -
License Inspector
Lt. Donald Winger
Vice Unit
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
Paige Purcell
Office of Administrativ Hearings�
Steven M. Goldfarb
Attorney for Licensee
Greg Finzell
Community Orqanizer
Summit�-U Planning Counc 1 �
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9��'�" !�� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL
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�`���,�¢:.�m,.��'''` 647 City Nall, Saint Paul.Minnesota 55102
City v Peoples Choice _
City's Exhibit #2A (lp.)
May 23, 1989
Mr. John Williams , Mgr. SUPPLEMENTAL
BUT, Inc . dba Peoples Choice Club NOTICE OF HEARING
920 Selby Avenue
St. Paul, MN. 55104
RE: City v. People' s Choic , 920 Selby Avenue
Dear Mr. Williams :
Please take notice that in ddition to the allegations concerning
sale of alcoholic beverages in paragraph no. 1 of the Notice of
Hearing dated May 12, 1989, we will present evidence of a sale
occurring April 13, 1989 t an undercover police officer.
In addition, evidence wi11 also be presented that you operated
- � �'�or permitted to be operate on the licensed premises a cigarette -
and food vending machine w thout a proper license therefor; as
well as mechanical amuseme t devices without a license therefor .
The foregoing notice suppl ments and is incorporated in the May 12,
1989, Notice of Hearing.
Very truly yours ,
Assistant City Attorney
cc: Joseph F. Carchedi
License Inspector
Lt. Donald Winger
Vice Unit
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
' Paige Purcell
Office of Adminis ative Hearings
Steven M. Goldfarb
Attorney for Lice see
Greg Finzell
Community Organiz r
- Summit-U Planning Council
...».�.�.....-_...,.�..._w��..,e•..-e.--rr..,�._:-Rr�r:>a•rr.a..qw.?r.-.- ..•....-.�.s�..,.rr��:>t !M�s...+: ... ..v....;3irn".�._. ^.w"°r?.:�._^'r:.a}'.�..°�..z!v':�.'�"`-.. .:�r.?"'..�I`r'`:'. ,'.Y'..__",�i�;��'.� ...,, l .. ,,.,. i ...,. -. ......_.. .. ..
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s;�.== o, ,� f`��� CITY F SAINT PAUL
��' �:a �4_.1*;�i � ti<.
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;�� iiii�i 1i�ii �=
'•�n �... . ` 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
�:•'•�``,`1 612-298-5121
_ City v Peoples Choice
City's E�ibit #2B (lp.)
June 2, 1989
Mr. John Williams, Mgr. SUPPLEMENTAL
BUT, Inc. dba Peoples Choic Club NOTICE OF HEARING
920 Selby Avenue
St. Paul, MN. 55104
RE: City v. People' s ChAi e, 920 Selby Avenue
Dear Mr. Williams :
Please take notice that in addition to the allegations concerning
sale of alcoholic beverage in paragraph no . 1 of the Notice of
Hearing dated May 12, 1989 and the Supplemental Notice of
Hearing dated Ma.y 23, 1989, evidence will be presented concerning
. the execution of a search arrant at the licensed premises at about
10:00 p.m. , on May 31, 198 , the seizure of a quantity of alcoholic
beverages , and the sale t a nonmember of an alcoholic beverage -
at that time and place.
The foregoing supplements and is incorporated in the May 12, 1989,
Notice of Hearing. .
Very truly yours ,
Assistant City Attorney
cc: Joseph F. Carchedi
License Inspector
Lt. Donald Winger
Vice Unit
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
Paige Purcell
' Office of Administ ative Hearings
Steven M. Goldfarb
Attorney for Li�e see
Greg Finzell
Coirnnunity Organiz r
Summit-U Planning Council
__ - �� —���'�
CtTT 0"V �':.:��.�..
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�Q..�..��'`' 647 City Hall, Sainr Paui.Minnesota 55102
June 8, 19 8 9 _ City v Peoples Choice _
City's E�ibit #2C (lp. )
John Williams, Mgr. THIRD
BUT, Inc. dba Peoples Choice C1 b SUPPLEMENTAL
920 Selby Avenue NOTICE OF HEARING
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
RE: City v. People ' s Choice, 9 0 Selby Avenue
Dear Mr. Williams :
Please take notice that in add' tion to the allegations concerning
sale of alcoholic beverages in paragraph No. 1 of the Notice of
Hearing dated May 12, 1989 , th Supplemental Notice of Hearing
dated May 23, 1989, and Second Supplemental Notice dated June 2,
1989, evidence will be present d concerning the sale to a nonmember
of an alcoholic beverage on or about May 24, 1989 . This sale came
to light in examining the poli e reports from the May 31, 1989
search warrant for the license premises, which I did not have in
my possession in advising you bout the May 31, 1989 search warrant.
The foregoing supplements and s incorporated in the May 12, 1989,
Notice of Hearing.
Very truly yours,
Assistant City Attorney
cc. Joseph F. Carchedi
License Inspector
Lt. Donald Winger
Vice Unit
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
Paige Purcell
Office of Administrativ Hearings
Steven M. Goldfarb
Attorney for Licensee
Greg Finzell
Community Organizer
Summit-U Planning Counc 1 -
.� � ' t 7 ��A � ` / L'7� f
' • City v Pe op s Choi ce _
City's Exhi 't #3 (18pp.)
LICENSES 3 310.01
Chapter 310. Uniform License Proc ures Class I Licenses Chapter
Automobile Repair Garage and
Sec. 310.01. Definitions. Body Shop 315
Animal Foods Manufacturing and
For the purposes of this chapter, any c apter of Distributing 316
the Legislative Code pertaining to licenses as here- Amusement Rides 31 i
inafter mentioned, and subsequently enac ed ordi- Nfechanical Amusement Devices 318
nances establishing or relating to the requ ements Bill Posters 319
for Class I, Class II and Class III licens s under Bituminous Contractors 320
authority of the City of Saint Pau�, t terms Boarding and Roominghouses;
defined in this section shall have the eanings Dormitories 321
ascribed to them: Bowling Alleys; Pool Halls 322
' Christmas�ee Sales 323
Adverse action means the revocation o suspen- Cigarettes 324
sion of a license, the imposition of conditi ns upon � Close-Out Sales 325
a license,the denial of an application for t e grant, $uilding Contractors 326
issuance, renewal or transfer of a lice se, and Dry Cleaning and Dry Dyeing
any other disciplinary or unfavorable acti n taken Plants; Laundries 32?
with respect to a license, licensee or appl cant for Electrical and Appliance Repair 328
• ' . a license. ` Fire Alarm—Telephone Devices;
. . � Bond means a bond meeting the requ' ements Apparatus Installers 329
of Section 310.07 and indemnifying th City of Florists 330
Saint Paul against all claims,judgment or suits Food License 331
caused by, resulting from or in connect on with Fuel Dealers—Liquid Fuel 332 _
any licensed business, activity, premise , thing, Fuel Dealers—Solid Fuel 333
facility, occurrence or otherwise und r these Fumigating—Pest Control 334
chapters. Gasoline Filling Stations 33�
Private Fuel Pumps 336 _
Building offcial means the superviso of code Hardware Stores 337
enforcement in the department of co munity House Sewer Contractors 338
services. Ice Cream Processing and Distrib-
uting 339
Chapters and these chapters shall m an this Mercantile Broker 340
Uniform License Ordinance, any chapt r of the Milk 341
Legislative Code pertaining to licenses as here- Oil—Bulk Storage 342
inafter mentioned, and subsequently ena ed ordi- Opticians 343
nances establishing or relating to the requ rements - Pawn Shops 344
for Class I, Class II and Class III licens s under Peddlers 345
authority of the City of Saint Paul. Soliciting 3�6
PetShops 34?
Class I licerzses means those licenses � ich can Radio and Television Repairs 348
be approved and issued or denied by th inspec- Rental of Clothing 349
tor, subject to the procedures required y these Rental of Hospital Equipment 350
chapters. The following licenses are so c assified, Rental of Kitchenware 351 '
. and the numbers shown opposite them c espond Rental of Trailers 352
to the chapters in the Legislative Code p rtaining Roller Rinks 3�3
to each license: Sanitary Disposal 354
' 2027
$310.01 LEGISLATNE C DE ".�'�����`=•
. Legislative Legislatiue
Code Code
Class I Licenses Chapter Class III L•icenses Chapter
Secondhand Dealers 355 Auctioneers 400
Sidewalk Contractors 356 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer 401
Solid Waste 357 Bingo 402
Sign and Billboard Construction 358 Bingo Halls 403
Sound Trucks and Broadcasting y�Private Clubs 404
Vehicles 359 Dance Halls 405
Public Swimming Pools 360 Game R.00ms 406
Tow�ucks—Service Vehicles 361 Hotel 407
Tree�imming 362 Junk Salvage and Scrap 408
Vending Machines 363 Intoxicating Liquor 409
Veterinary Hospital 364 Nonintoxicating Liquor 410
Window Cleaning 365 . Entertainment 411
Block Parties 366 Massage Parlors and Saunas 412
Tattoo Parlors 367 Conversion Parlors 413
Wrecking of Buildings 368 Masseur-Masseuse 414
Building�ades Business Licenses 369 Motion Picture Theatres 415
Building Trades Certificates of Motion Picture Drive-In Theatres 416
Competency 370 Parking Lots 417
Finishing Shop 371 Taxicabs 418 -
Tire Recapping Plants 372 Gaml�ling License 419 ���'`���:'-�
1�ansient Merchants 373 �;`���'�'����
Class 11 licenses means those licenses which Director means the director of the department �
must be approved or denied by the director, sub- of finance and management services, unless oth-
ject to the procedures required by these chapters. erwise defined in the specific chapter, section or
The following licenses are so classified, and the subdivision referred to.
numbers shown opposite them correspond to the Division means the division of license and per-
chapters in the Legislative Code pertaining to �it administration in the department of finance
each license: and management services. -
Class II Licenses Code Fee means and includes both the license fee
and application fee unless otherwise provided.
Auctioneers—Short Term License Chapter 390
City Gambling Permit Section 402.06 License means and includes all licenses and
Soliciting Funds—Tag Days Chapter 391 Permits provided for or covered by these chapters.
Temporary On-Sale Beer Section 410.1 Person means and includes any person, firm,
Temporary Wine and Liquor Section 409.2 corporation, partnership, company, organization,
Class III licenses means those licenses whic agency, club or any group or association thereof.
can be approved or denied only by the council It shall also include any executor, administrator,
subject to the procedures required by these cha trustee, receiver or other representative appointed
ters. The following licenses are so classified, an by law. �
the numbers shown opposite them correspond Zoning administrator means the supervisor of
the chapters in the Legislative Code pertaining '
each license: code enforcement in the department of commu-
Supp.No.4 �
`;";'�_.�. LICENSES §310.02
�,; _
nity services, or the official charged with res on- If a license is issued, renewed or transferred be-
sibility for enforcement of the zoning code. cause of the esistence of an agreement as described
(Code 1956, § 510.01;Ord.No. 17303, § 3, 10-2 -85; in subsection (1) above, the license may be re-
Ord.No. 17569, § 1, 6-7-88) . voked if the licensee defaults upon such agreement.
Sec. 310.02. Application. (c) Additional information. The inspector shall
prescribe the information required to be submit-
(a) Form. All applicants for licenses or per its ted by each applicant in his application, in addi-
issued pursuant to these chapters shall make oth tion to that required by specific sections in these
original and renewal applications to the insp ctor chapters, as may be necessary to carry out and
on such forms as are provided by the divi ion. enforce any provision hereunder. He shall require
Such applications shall not be received b the in every case the applicant to submit his name;
inspector until completely filled out, accomp 'ed business or'corporate name; names of partners,
by all fees, insurance policies, bonds, dep sits, officers,directors,shareholders or trustees involved
sureties, and indemnifications or certificat s re- in the business; age; address; description or blue-
� quired by these chapters, together with the erti- print of the premises,if any,and the owner thereof,
fication required in paragraph(b)below. and locations and addresses of other business lo-
cations in Minnesota.
(b) Taxes. No person shall be granted a li ense, �
a renewal of a license or transfer of a 1 ense (d) No reapplication within one year after de-
required by the Saint Paul Legislative Co e un- nial or revocation. No person may apply for any
less,prior to and in addition to any other r uire- license within one year of the denial or revoca-
ments,rules or ordinances heretofore or he after tion of the same or similar license by the city
- required,the Ramsey County Department o Prop- epuncil, if such denial or revocation was based
•,;r�;-,':;;� erty Taxation certifies that said applica t has solely or partially upon misconduct or unfitness
"' �••� paid any and all taxes, real or personal, efore of the applicant, evidence of violations of law in-
said taxes become delinquent, on any pr perty, volving licensed premises, evidence that the ap-
real or personal,situated within the City o Saint plicant had been involved in the operation of a _
Paul and used in connection with the b siness nuisance, or fraud or deception in the license ap-
operated under said license. plication. Denial of a license, as used in this para-
graph, shall include a refusal of permission to
Notwithstanding the previous paragra h, the transfer a license to the applicant. A license is
council, the director or the inspector ma issue, "similar," within the meaning of this paragraph, •
renew or transfer a license if it is found t t: if the basis upon which the revocation or denial of
the original license was made would have been a
(1) The applicant has made an agreem nt sat- relevant basis on which to deny or revoke a li-
isfactory to the Ramsey County att ney to cense of the type subsequently applied for.
pay delinquent taxes in periodic ins ments;
(e) Reapplication after denial; "interest" of ap-
(2) The applicant has properly comm nced a pjicant in revoked license. An application by a
proceeding to contest the amoun of taY person having an interest in,or whose sharehold-
due or the valuation of his prope ty, and ers or officers have an interest in, any premises
has made all partial payments req ired by or enterprise whose license has been revoked or
law in connection with such procee ing; or to which a license has been denied shall be treated
(3) The business property with respect o which as an application by the person whose license was
tases are delinquent is not owne by the denied or revoked. The term "interest," as used
applicant, but by a lessor, and it ould be �n this paragraph, includes any pecuniary int.er-
inequitable to require the lessee to ay such est in the ownership, operation, management or
_ taxes. profits of an establishment, but does not include:
•- Supp.No.4
.. �M1
bona fide loans;bona fide rental agreements; bona pri te, the assistance of other city divisions or
fide open accounts or other obligations held with de artments in making additional investigations
or without security arising out of the ordinary for the purpose of determining whether the appli-
and regular course of business of selling or leas- ca t is or will be in compliance with all applica-
ing merchandise, fixtures or supplies to such es- bl ordinances and statutes. The approval of such
tablishment; an interest in a corporation owning ot er divisions or departments is not required for
or operating a hotel but having at least one hun- is uance of a license unless otherwise required by
dred fifty (150) or more rental units holding a s cific sections in these chapters. All new appli-
license in conjunction therewith; or ten (10) per- c tions shall be reviewed by the zoning adminis-
cent or less interest in any other corporation hold- t ator or his designee for compliance with all re-
ing a license. q irements of the Saint Paul Zoning Code, and
new license shall be granted without full com-
(fl Prohibition on reapplication; exception. The iance with said requirements. All new applica-
prohibition on reapplication herein provided shall ons involving a premises, location, building or
not apply in cases where it is otherwise expressly tructure shall be referred to the director of the
provided by statute or ordinance. epartment of fire and safety services and to the
tg) Wuiting period nftc�r filing of petition. Any uilding official for investigation and recom-
petition required to be filed with the application endation.
for any license shall not be considered as o�c- Code 1956, § 510.03; Ord. No. 17361, § 1, 6-5-86)
ially filed and irrevocable until seven(7)working �
' days after a petition is received in the inspector's Sec. 310.04. Levels of approval;recommenda-
o�cE:. During the seven-day �vaiting period, any tions.
' signatar of any petition may withdraw his name _
therefrom by �vritten reyuest, and such request �a) Cla�s I licenses. Where an application for _
the grant,issuance,renewal or transfer of a Class
shall be appended to thc; subject petition and made I license meets all the requirements of law, and � �
a part thereof. After the seven-day waiting peri- there e:cists no ground for denial, revocation or
od, signatures may not be withdrawn unless it is suspension of,or the imposition of conditions upon, _
shown they were obtained by fraud or duress. such license,the inspector shall grant,issue,renew
Signa�ures withdrawn or obtained by fraud or
duress shall not be counted in determining the or transfer said license in accordance with the
sufficiency of the petition. This subdivision shall application.
apply in any case where the applicant for a li- (b) Class II licenses. Where an application for '
cense or license transfer must present a state- the grant,issuance,renewal or transfer of a Class
ment in writing signed by a specified number or II license meets all the requirements of law, and
percentage of persons that they have given their there exists no ground for denial, revocation or
consent to the grant of the license or license transfer. suspension of,or the imposition of conditions upon,
(Code 1956, § 510.02) such license, the director shall require the inspec-
tor to grant, issue, renew or transfer said license
Sec. 310.03. Investigation and review of new in accordance with the application.
(c) Class 1 and Class II licenses, if denied by
The inspector shall determine the sufficiency inspector or director. In the event the inspector,
and accuracy of each new application and obtain in the case of Class I licenses, or the director, in
such criminal history information as may be used the case of Class IT licenses, determines that the
� under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 364, and is application for grant, issuance, renewal or trans-
otherwise available by law. The inspector shal fer of the license does not meet all the require-
make reasonable and appropriate investigatio ments of law or that there exist grounds for deni-
of the premises or personal property, vehicles o al, revocation,suspension or other adverse action
facilities, as may be involved in or related to th against the license or the licensee, the inspector
licensed activity, and shall request, where appr - or director shall recommend denial of the applica- - -
.�\ . -..,..
Supp.No.4 "�'"
f;;:"'�: LICENSES 4 310.05
tion and follow the procedures for notice and ear- determination that the decision was based on an
ing as set forth in Section 310.05. error of law.The filing of an appeal shall not stay
�- (d) Class III licenses. Upon receipt of a fully the issuance�of the license.
completed application and required fees for a Class �Code 1956, § 510.04; Ord. No. 17455, § 1, 5-21-87;
Ord.No. 17551, § 1, 4-19-88)
III license, and after the investigation req ired, ' .
the inspector shall notify the council. A ublic
hearing shall be held by the council's com ittee �c. 310.05. Hearing procedures.
designated to hear license matters on the ant, (a) Aduerse action; notice and hearing require-
issuance or transfer of all Class III license . The ments. In any case where the council may or in-
council's committee designated to hear lice mat- tends to consider any adverse action, including
ters may hold a hearing on the renewal f any the revocation or suspension of a license, the im-
Class III license. In any case where the ins ector position of conditions upon a license,or the denial
recommends denial of the grant, issuance,r ewal of an application for the grant, issuance, renewal
or transfer of a Class III license, or whe e the or transfer of a license, the applicant or licensee
council's committee designated to hear lice mat- shall be given notice and an opportunity to be
ters believes that evidence might be recei ed at heard as provided herein. The council may con-
the public hearing which might result in ction sider such adverse actions when recommended by
adverse to the application, the inspector o coun- �the inspector, by the director, by the director of
cil's committee designated to heaz licens mat- any executive department established pursuant
ters shall follow tr.e procedures for noti e and to Chapter 9 of the Charter, by the city attorney
hearing as set forth in Section 310.05. Wh e the or on its own initiative.
application for the grant, issuance, rene al or
transfer of a Class III license meets all e re- (b) Notice. In each such case where adverse ac-
- quirements of la�v,and where there exists no ound tion is or will be considered by the council, the
.....- for adverse action, the council shall by res lution council shall in writing notify the applicant or
direct that the inspector issue said licens in ac- licensee that adverse action may be taken aDainst
cordance with law. the license or application, and that he is entitled
(e) Appea� Class I or Class II licenses. n ap- to a hearing before the council. The notice shall -
peal to the city council may be taken any be served or mailed a reasonable time before the
person aggrieved by the grant, issuance, r newal hearing date, and shall state the place, date and
time of the hearing. The notice shall state the
' or transfer of a Class I or Class II license; rovid- issues involved or grounds upon which the ad- .
ed,however,that the appeal shall have be filed verse action may be sought or based. The council
with the city clerk within thirty (30) day after may request that such written notice be prepared
the action by the license inspector or d ector. and served or mailed by the inspector or by the
The only grounds for appeal shall be tha there city attorney.
has been an error of law in the grant, is ance,
renewal or transfer of the license. The ppeal (c) Hearing. Where the cause for the adverse
shall.be in writing and shall set forth in articu- hearing is based upon a violation of law and there
lar the alleged errors of law. The counc shall is no dispute as to the facts underlying the viola-
conduct a hearing on the appeal within thi y(30) tion, the hearing shall be held by the council's
days of the date of filing and shall no fy the committee designated to hear license matters. Oth-
licensee and the appellant at least ten (1 ) days erwise the hearing shall be conducted before a
prior to the hearing date.The procedures s t forth hearing examiner appointed by the council for
in Section 310.05, insofar as is practicabl , shall that purpose. The applicant or the licensee shall
apply to this hearing. Following the hear g, the be provided an opportunity to present evidence
council may �rm or remand the matte to the and argument as well as meet adverse testimony
inspector or director, or may reverse or pl ce con- or evidence by reasonable cross-examination and
ditions upon the license based on the c uncil's rebuttal evidence. The committee or hearing ex-
_. Supp.No.4
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§ 310.05 LEGISLATNE CODE •`�i"��=
f•.�� _
'�'•I�•-.'.• _�
aminer may in its discretion permit other inter- (fl Council action; resolution to contain findings.
ested persons the opportunity to present testimony ere the council takes adverse action with re-
or evidence or otherwise participate in such hearing. spect to a license, licensee or applicant for a li-
(c-1) Procedure; hearing examiner. The hearing cense,the resolution by which such action is taken
e:caminer shall hear all evidence as may be pre- shall contain its findings and determination, in-
sented on behalf of the city and the applicant or cluding the imposition of conditions, if any.
licensee, and shall present to the council written (g) Additional procedures where required Where
findings of fact and conclusions of law together the provisions of any statute or ordinance require
with a recommendation for adverse action. additional notice or hearing procedures, such pro-
The council shall consider the evidence contained visions shall be complied with and shall super-
in the record, the hearing esaminer's recommended sede inconsistent provisions of these chapters.This
findings of fact and conclusions, and shall not shall include,without limitation by reason of this
consider any factual testimony not previously sub- specific reference, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter
mitted to and considered by the hearing examin- 364, and Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.415.
. er. The council at a public hearing shall provide (h) Discretion to hear notwithstanding withdrawal
the applicant or licensee an opportunity to present or surrender of application or license. The council
oral or �vritten arguments alleging error on the �ay, at its discretion, conduct a hearing regard-
part of the examiner in the application of the law ing revocation or denial of a license notwithstand-
or interpretation of the facts, and to present tes- ing that the applicant or licensee has attempted
timony related to the recommended adverse ac- or purported to withdraw or surrender said license
tion. Upon conclusion of the hearing, and after or application, if the attempted withdrawal or
considering the record, the e:caminer's findings surrender took place after the applicant.or licen- -
and recominendations together with such additional see had been notified of the heazing and potential -_ ��
arguments and testimony presented at the hear- adverse action. ,�'-�
ing, the council shall determine what, if any, ad-
verse action shall be taken, which action shall b (i) Continuances. Where a hearing for the pur-
by resolution. The council may accept, reject o pose of considering revocation.or suspension of a
modify the recommendations of the hearing ex license or other disciplinary action invoIving a -
aminer or committee. license has been scheduled before the council, a
continuation of the hearing may be granted at
(c-2) Ex-parte contacts. If a license matter h the request of the licensee, license applicant, an
been schedule for an adverse hearing, council me - interested person or an attorney representing the •
bers shall not discuss the license matter wi foregoing,only as provided herein:
each other or with any of the parties or interest d
persons involved in the matter unless such d s- (1) Where the request is made at least twenty-
cussion occurs on the public record during t e four(24)hours prior to the scheduled hear-
public hearings of the matter or during the co n- • ing,the president of the council or the coun-
cil's final deliberations of the matter. cil may continue the hearing upon a show- "
� ing of good cause by the party making the
(d) Licensee or applicant may be represent d request.
The licensee or applicant may represent him elf
or choose to be represented by another. (2) Where the request is made less than twenty-
four(24)hours before,but not on the day of
(e) Recor� evidence. The council shall rec ive the scheduled hearing, the council may con-
and keep a record of such proceedings, inclu ing tinue the hearing upon a showing of good
testimony and exhibits, and shall receive and 've cause by the party making the request.
weight to evidence, including hearsay evid ce,
which possesses probative value commonly acc ted (3) Where the request is made on the day said
by reasonable and prudent persons in the co duct hearing is scheduled, the council may grant
of their affairs. a continuance on the condition that the -_
Supp.No.4 -�.-
"��=? L ENSES §310.07
party requesting the continuance pay t \`�(7) The activities of the licensee in the licensed
the City of Saint Paul the city's actual cos activity create or have created a serious
for the court reporter and witnesses wh danger to the public health, safety or wel-
appeared for the hearing, or one hundre fare, or the licensee performs or has per-
dollars($100.00),whichever is the lesser. formed his work or activity in an unsafe
(Code 1956, § 510.05; Ord. No. 17551, § 2,4-19-8 ; manner.
Ord. No. 17559, §§ 1, 2, 5-17-88) (g) Failure to keep sidewall:s or pedestrian ways
reasonably free of sno�v and ice as required
Sec. 310.06. R.evocation; suspension; advers under Chapter 114 of the Saint Paul Legis-
actions. lative Code.
(a) Council may take adverse action. The cou - �(9) The licensee or pplicant has shown by past
cil is authorized to take adverse action again t � misconduct, u air acts or dealings, or by
any license or permit, licensee or applicant for a � the frequent abu e of alcohol or other drugs,
license, as grovided in and by these chapters.�Su h that such license or applicant is not a per-
' actions shall be initiated and carried out in - son of the good ral�character or fitness
cordance with the procedures outlined in Secti n required to engag in a licensed activity,
310.05. business or professi n.
(b) Basis for action. Such adverse action m y �Code 1956, § 510.06)
be based on one or more of the following reaso s, �c. 310.07. Termination of licenses; surety
which are in addition to any other reason spec fi- bonds;insurance contracts.
cally provided by law or in these chapters:
=.' �:�'� �a) Automatic termination, reinstatement; re-
;:;;�:':;:;:;== (1) The license or permit was procured by is-
• ���`-' representation of material facts, by fra d, sponsibility of licensee All licenses or permits which
by deceit or by bad faith. must,by the provisions of these chapters or other
ordinances or laws, be accompanied by the filing
(2) The applicant or one acting in his be alf and maintenance of insurance policies, deposits,
made oral or written misstatements or is- ouarantees, bonds or cert�cations shall automati- -
representations of material facts in or ac- cally terminate on cancellation or withdrawal of
companying the application. said policies, deposits, bonds or certifications. No
(3) The license was issued in violation of n licensee may continue to operate or perform the
of the provisions of the Saint Paul Zo ing licensed activity after such termination. The li-
Code. censee is liable and responsible for the filing and
maintenance of such policies, deposits, guarantees,
(4) The license or permit was issued in v ola- bonds or certifications as are required in these
tion of law, without authority, or un r a chapters, and shall not be entitled to assert the
material mistake of fact. acts or omissions of agents, brokers, 2mployees,
�5) The licensee or applicant has failed to om- attorneys or any other persons as a defense or
ly with any condition set forth in t e li- ]ustification for failure to comply with such f5ling
�__--�— and maintenance requirements. In the event the
cense, or set forth in the resolution ant- licensee reinstates and files such policies, depos-
ing or renewing the license. its,bonds or certifications within thirty(30)days,
�l6) The licensee or applicant has violate any
of the provisions of these chapters, or of
any statute, ordinance or regulatio rea-
sonably related to the licensed activi y, re-
gardless of whether criminal charge have
� or have not been brought in conn ction
'��.�.- :�:',
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LICENSES §310.09
the license is automatically reinstated on the s e (d) Expiration date to be concurrent with term
terms and conditions, and for the same perio as o�' license or permi� The expiration date of all
originally issued. After thirty (30) days, the p- such policies, bonds, guarantees or certifications
plicant must reapply for a renewal of his lice se shall be concurrent with the eYpiration date of
as though it were an original application. the license or permit.
(b) Bonds and insurance requirements: �Code 1956, § 510.07)
(1) Surety Companies: All surety bonds r_- �c. 310.08. Terms of licenses;uniform dates.
ning to the City of Saint Paul shall be it- (a) All licenses or permits shall be valid for a
ten by surety companies authorized t do period of one year from the date of issuance by
business in the State of Minnesota. A1 in- �e inspector, except as othenvise provided herein
surance policies required by these chap ers or in these chapters or in cases of revocation,
shall be written by insurance compa ies suspension or termination under Section 310.06.
authorized to do business in the Sta of (b) Licensees may continue to operate their busi-
Minnesota. ness after the espiration date of their license;
provided, that the licensee has filed with the in-
(2) Approved as to Form: All bonds filed ith spector on or before the espiration date the ap-
the City of Saint Paul in connection ith '- propriate license application, license fees, insur-
the issuance of licenses for whatever ur- ance and bonds. The inspector shall process the
pose, and all policies of insurance req ired renewal application in the manner provided for
to be filed with or by the City of Saint aul in this Code.
in connection with the issuance of lic ses
- for any purpose whatsoever, shall fir t be (c) Whenever any licensee is the holder of the
�•�_ approved as to form by the city attorn y. t�o (2) or more licenses of the City of Saint Paul
which e:cpire on different dates, the inspector is
� (3) Uniform Endorsement: Each insuranc pol- authorized, at the request of the licensee, to de-
icy required to be filed pursuant to hese termine a uniform date for the expiration of all or
chapters shall contain the endorseme t set any number of such licenses,notwithstanding the
forth in Chapter 7 of the Saint Paul egis- term and expiration dates of such licenses as origi- -
lative Code. nally issued, and notwithstanding any provision
as to term of license of any ordinance of the city
(4) Conditions: All bonds required by these chap- heretofore or hereafter enacted. The provisions
ters shall be conditioned that the lic nsee hereof shall govern the issuance of any new li- '
shall observe all ordinances and la s in cense to one already holding a license.
relation to the licensed activity, bus ness, �d) In order to conform to the foregoing provi-
premises or facilities and that he sha 1 con- sions, new licenses may be issued for a term of
duct all such activities or business i con- less than one year, and the license fee therefor
formity therewith. Such bonds sha also
indemnify the City of Saint Paul a ainst shall be prorated for the period of issuance.
all claims, judgments or suits caus d by, (Code 1956, § 510.08; Ord. No. 17360, § 1, 6-5-86)
resulting from or in connection wi h the �c. 310.09. Fees.
licensed business, premises, activity, thing,
facility, occurrence or otherwise li ensed �a) Application charge:
under these chapters. (1) Amount: In addition to the license or per-
mit fees set forth in each chapter of this
(c) Termination o�'6onds and insurance r uired Code, each applicant shall pay, at the time
by city. Termination of bonds and insura ce re- of fling, a two dollar fifty cent($2.50)pro-
quired to be filed with the city pursuant t these cessing charge for each and every applica-
chapters shall be in accordance with the r quire- tion for a license or permit to be issued by
" ments of Chapter 8 of the Saint Paul Le� lative the inspector, director or council of the City
Code. of Saint Paul.
• 2033
6 310.09 LEGIS NE CODE ;<ry,'::.�',.
(2) Refunds: Said two dollar fifty cent ($2.50) met when the license has lapsed by reason of
processing charge shall not, under any cir- expiration.
cumstances, be refunded. (Code 1956, § 510.09; Ord. No. 16884,2-11-82)
(b) Fee schedule The council may by ordinance �c. 310.10. R.efunds of fees.
determine and establish one fee schedule for any
or all licenses and permits issued pursuant to (a) Refund where application withdrawn or de�
these chapters, and a separate fee schedule for niec�service charge. Unless othenvise specifically
applications for such licenses and permits, which provided by the particular licensing provisions
may include fees to cover costs incurred by reason involved, where an application for any license is
of the late filing. Such fees, in either schedule, withdrawn or denied, the inspector shall refund
shall be reasonably related to the costs of admin- to the applicant the license fee submitted less a
istration incurred in connection with each such service charge to recover in part the costs incurred
application, license or permit. Costs of adminis- in processing the application in the amount of
tration shall mean and include,but without limi- twenty-five(25)percent of the annual license fee.
tation by this specification, both direct and indi- �� Limitation on refunc� other cases. In all other
rect costs and expenses, such as salaries, wages, cases as provided in paragraph (c), the inspector
benefits and all personnel costs including train- may�refund not to exceed one hundred dollars
ing, seminars and schooling, expenses of investi- ��100.00) of fees received in connection with any
gations and inspections, handling of inquiries and license, permit or application therefor; provided,
requests for assistance, telephone and communi- that he certify in writing that the amount of the
cations, stationery, postage, paper, reproduction,
off5ce capital equipment and all office supplies. refund represents a sum over and above the rea-
Such fee schedules as adopted by ordinance an sonable costs of administration incurred up to - _
' posted in the office of the inspector shall super that ti�ie in connection with said license, permit - �'
sede inconsistent fee provisions in these chapter or application. The director may refund not to .: -
or in other ordinances or laws. esceed two hundred fifty dollars($250.00)of such
fees upon a like certification by the inspector.
(c) Fee for one year; may be prorated Unles The council may by resolution authorize all re- -
' otherwise spec�cally provided,the license fee stia funds upon a like certification by the inspector.
is for a period of one year. Such fee may be pro (c) Bases for refunds. Refunds under paragraph
rated where a license is issued for a period of les (}�)�ay be made to the licensee or his estate:
than a year. .
(1) Where the place of business of the licensee
(d) Late fee. Unless otherwise specifically pr or his principal equipment is destroyed or
vided by the particular licensing provisions i so damaged by fire or any other cause that
volved, an applicant for the renewal of a licens the licensee ceases for the remainder of the
who makes application for such renewal after th licensed period to engage in the licensed �
expiration date of such license shall be charged activity or business;
late fee for each such license.The late fee shall b �2) Where the business or licensed activity ceases
in addition to any other fee or payment require , by reason of the death or illness of the
and shall be ten(10)percent of the annual licen licensee or the sole employee or manager;
fee for such license for each thirty-day period
portion thereof which has elapsed after the exp - �r
ration date of such license. The late fee shall n t (3) Where it has become unlawful for the li-
esceed fifty(50)percent of the annual license fe . censee to continue in the business or licensed
If any provision of these chapters imposes mo e activity other than by revocation, suspen-
stringent or additional requirements for the iss - sion, denial or any criminal activity on the
ance of an original license than would be the ca e part of the licensee.
for mere renewal, those requirements must e (Code 1956, as amended, § 510.10) .
� ��.� .
LICENSES 4 310.11
Sec. 310.11. Transfers; general. is provided for on the part of the transferee before
(a) License a privilege, not property. All licen- any transfer of license is made effective by the
ses or permits issued by the City of Sain Paul action of approving the transfer.
pursuant to these chapters or other ordina ces or (�} Transfer; definition. "Transfer," as used in
laws confer a privilege on the licensee to ngage these chapters, shall include a transfer from per-
in the activity or occupation so licensed, nd do son to person, or from place to place, or a transfer
not constitute property or property rights r cre- of stock in a corporate licensee, or of shares or
ate any such rights in any licensee. IVo ch li- interests in a partnership or other legal entity.
cense or permit may be seized, levied u n, at- "Transfer," as used in these chapters, shall not
tached,executed upon, assessed or in a�y anner include the instance where a license is held by an
taken for the purpose of satisfaction of a y debt individual or partnership and the transfer is by
or obligation whatever. said individual or partnership to a corporation in
(b) Licenses transferable; conditions. A licen- which the majority of the stock is held by said
ses issued by the City of Saint Paul shall b trans- individual or by the members of said partnership.
� ferable unless the specific chapter of th Saint (g) Assignment and bond to accompany appli-
Paul Legislative Code pertaining to each pecific cation. In the case of a transfer from person to
license shall specifically prohibit the tra sfer of . person, the application for transfer shall be ac-
such license. No transfer of any Class III license companied by a written assignment of all rights
issued by the City of Saint Paul shall be fective of the original licensee in and to the license and
until the council of the City of Saint P ul has shall be accompanied by a surety bond in amount
approved the transfer following a public earing and in form required of an original licensee.
' ' by the council's committee designated to hear li- _
cense matters and a resolution approv g said `(h) Public corporations. Notwithstanding other
�_- transfer is passed, approved and publish d. Both . provisions of this chapter, publicly owned corpo-
the transferor and transferee shall make applica- rations whose stock is traded in the open market
tion for transfer of a license on such form as may may comply with the transfer requirements per-
be prescribed by the division, and in ac ordance taining to stock ownership and stock transfer by -
with Section 310.02. furnishing the inspector on request with the names
(c) Transfer ta.� In all cases of tran fer of a and addresses of all stockholders of record upon
license from a present licensee to any o her per-
each renewal of the license.
• son, there shall be a tax on said transf r in the (i) A�davit of transferor. No license transfer '
amount of twenty-five (25) percent of th annual shall be effective unless the transferor submits
license fee charged for said license, said ax to be an affidavit of such transferor, taken under oath,
paid by the transferee. stating the following:
(d) Transfer ta,� deposit retained or efurned (1) That in the case of Class III licenses, the
Whenever an application is made for tra sfer of a transferor-affiant has posted notice to all
license, the amount as set out in par aph (c) employees in a conspicuous place on the
shall be deposited with said applicati n. If the licensed premises notifying all employees
transfer of license is approved,the amo nt depos- of the time,place and date of hearing of the
ited shall be retained by the city.If the t ansfer is transfer of the license to be held before the
denied,the amount deposited shall be r urned to Saint Paul City Council;
the party depositing the same,in accord nce with (2) That said notice specified in subparagraph
the requirements and conditions in Secti n 310.10. (1) above was posted continuously for four-
(e) Transfer tux; exception. Paragrap s (c) and teen(14)days;
(d)shall not apply in any case when, by he terms (3) That transferor has paid all wages due and
of these chapters, payment of the full nnual li- owing the persons employed by the trans-
censee fee or a prorated yearly annual 'cense fee feror or that an agreement has been reached
�� Supp.No.4
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4 310.11 LEGISLAT E CODE '��`'' '°�"�
between transferor and all employees as to (Code 1956, § 510.11;Ord.No. 16822,9-3-81; Ord.
the payment of wages due and owing; No. 17551, § 3,4-19-88)
(4) That transferor has made payment to all
employees in lieu of vacation time earned Sec. 310.12. Inspection of premises.
by said employees or in lieu thereof an �e premises, facilities, place, device or any-
agreement has been reached between trans- thing named in any license issued pursuant to
feror and all employees as to payment in any provision of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code
lieu of vacation time earned; or other law shall at all times while open to the
(5) That transferor has satisfactorily and com- public or while being used or occupied for any
• pletely complied with his contractual obli- purpose be open also to inspection and esamina-
gations pertaining to employer contributions tion by any police,'fire, or health officer or any
to employee benefit programs which include, building inspector of the city,as well as the inspector.
but are not limited to, pension programs, (Code 1956, § 510.12)
hospital,medical and life insurance programs,
profit-sharing programs and holiday pay Sec. 310.13. Renewal.
benefits. Every license renewal under these chapters may
(j) Deceased licensee. Notwithstanding any other be denied for any licensee who is delinquent in
provision of these chapters, in any case where a any payment or contribution to a health and wel-
liquor license is held by a person not incorporated fare trust or pension trust, or similar program,
and where the license would, by reason of the established for the benefit of his employees.
death of said licensee, lapse to the city in the (Code 1956, § 510.13)
absence of this paragraph, the authorized repre- r ::;�:;:j:=:
sentative of the estate of the deceased licensee �c. 310�14. Savings clause. ���;:':�;-"
may consent to and seek to transfer said license (a) If any provision in�these chapters is held
to the surviving spouse of the licensee.The trans- unconstitutional or invalid by a court of compe-
fer shall be subject to all applicable requirements tent jurisdiction, the invalidity shall estend only
of these chapters and existing law. to the provision involved and the remainder of -
(k) No approval under certain conditions. The these chapters shall remain in force and effect to
council shall not approve any transfer where ei- be construed as a whole. �
ther party has not complied with the terms of any �� The repeal of any ordinance by ichis ordi- :
contract or agreement regarding employee bene- nance (which enacts the Uniform License Ordi-
fit or fringe benefit programs; including, but not nance) shall not affect or impair any act done,
limited to, pension, hospitalization, medical and any rights vested or accrued,or any suit,proceed-
life insurance, profit-sharing or holiday pay pro- ing or prosecution had or commenced in any mat-
grams; provided, that any person or organization ter,prior to the date this ordinance became effec-
objecting to a transfer because of failure to pay tive.Every such act done or right vested or accrued
employee bene�t or fringe benefit programs shall Shall remain in full force and effect to all intents
file a written notice of objection with the license and purposes as if the repealed ordina�ces had
inspector seven (7) days prior to the scheduled themselves remained in force and effect. Every
public hearing on the transfer, and said notice such suit, proceeding or prosecution may be con-
shall contain a complete itemization of the objec- tinued after repeal as though the repealed ordi-
tor's claim. nances were fully in effect. A suit, proceeding or
(1) Transfer of more than one license if one is prosecution which is based upon an act done, a
CZass III. If an application is made to transfer right vested or accrued, or a violation committed
more than one license at the same time, the in- prior to repeal of the repealed ordinances, but
spector may, if one of the licenses is a Class III which is commenced or instituted subsequent to
license,handle all said licenses as Class III licenses. repeal of the repealed ordinances, shall be brought
. � .
�'`�" LICENSES §
��_ �.. y,` 310.15
pursuant to and under the provisions of s ch re-
pealed ordinances as though they continue to be
in full force and effect.
(Code 1956, § 510.14)
� � Sec. 310.15. Penalty.
Any person who violates any provision these
chapters, or other ordinances or laws rel ing to
licensing, or who aids, advises, hires, cou sels or
.�, - r
.4+ �
\' ,'.y�
'�-� Supp.No.4
_ • - .
T"`� LICENSES §318.01
• �
conspires with or otherwise procures anoth r to Sec. 316.02. Fee.
violate any provision of these chapters or o her
ordinances or laws relating to licensing is ilty The fee required is forty-five dollars($45.00).
of a misdemeanor and may be sentenced i ac- (Code 1956, § 384.02)
cordance with Section 1.05 of the Saint Paul eg-
islative Code. The term "person," in additio to Chapter 317. Amusement R.ides
the definition in Section 310.01, shall for the ur-
pose of this section include the individual art- �c. 317.01. License required.
ners or members of any partnership or cor ra-
tion,and as to corporations,the officers,agen s or No person shall engage in the business of pro-
members thereof,who shall be responsible fo the viding amusement rides,for charge, to the public
violation. in Saint Paul without a license.
(Code 1956, § 510.15) (Code 1956, § 411.01)
Sec. 310.16. License fees, annual increas s. $ec. 3I7.02. Fee.
Effective on January 1 of each calendar ar, The fee required is one hundred dollars($100.00)
all license fees, escept building trades busi ess _: for each location at which such person will oper-
license fees and fees for building trades ce ifi- ' ate and maintain the business of providing such
cates of competency, shall increase by the er- rides.
centage increase in the budget for the divisi of (Code 1956, § 411.02)
license and permit administration of the de art-
. - ment of finance and management services. ior �apter 318.Mechanical Amusement Devices
. to November 1 of each year, the director fi- �
' nance and management services shall �le ith
�� the city clerk a notice of the percentage incr se, ��• 318.01. License required; definitions.
if any, in license fees. No person shall own and allow to be operated
(Ord.No. 16885, 2-11-82; Ord. No. 17059, 10-2 $3; for business purposes any coin-operated mechani- _
Ord. No. 17303, § 4, 10-29-85) cal amusement device without a license. A coin-
operated mechanical amusement device is hereby
Chapters 311-314. R.eserved defined as any machine which,upon the insertion
of a coin, token or slug, operates or may be oper-
SUBTITLE B. CLASS I LICENSES ated by the public for use as a game, entertain- '
ment or amusement, which amusement device
Chapter 315. R.eserved* contains no automatic payoff device for the re-
turn of money, coins, checks, tokens or merchan-
dise, or which provides no such pay-off by any
Chapter 316. Animal Foods other means or manner.The term "coin-operated
Manufacturing and Distributing mechanical amusement device" shall include so-
called pinball machines; music machines; coin-
Sec. 316.01. License required. operated television units;motion picture machines;
No person shall engage in the business o the amusement rides, excepting those provided for
under Chapter 317,pertaining to amusement rides
manufacture or distribution of animal food in of the type used at carnivals; table shuffleboard
Saint Paul without a license. games or similar games of amusement for which
(Code 1956, § 384.01) a fee is charged to players for the playing thereof;
and all other machines which,by the insertion of
'Editor's note—The licenses under this chapter, de ived
from §§ 345.01-345.03 of the city's 1956 Code,were re sig- a coin or token, operate for the entertainment or
. � nated as Class III licenses by Ord.No.17207,adopted Ja .31, ��ment of the player,except weighing machines.
� 1985,and recodified as Ch.423. (COde 1956, §§ 412.01, 412.02)
SIVERY -MAVORTME~T GITY O� � SAINT �� �1L File �O. '�� //� • '
n ' / l
-r,i� �t�y1P�3 V Oy� in�nce " " �"`
Ordinance 1`��. ��1t 3 �
. ,•
Present,ed By ' ' • � . . . . . `� . . ! '-
;� Referred To � � � �.�� r` Committee: Date � �
Out of Committee By Date
A�-� ordir.anc ro a�..end sectia� 31c�.Ob
� o� t�:e Sain� aul Zegislative C�de by
�` ad3ing c�arif '�; lan�za�;e cencernin�
�he i��osit�o oi conditior.s .
T�!�. CO:TTCTI, G� .'�� CI'�'Y �x� t'.11i"'T 4As.�Z �OE� CRJ.�I�7: ;:, :,, �,. ,•;�,,,
. �.�J•.. � . •V..�
S�ctioa 1 �. ' � � . _ .
Section 310.Ou of tne .aint �aul Le?islative Co�e is �er�by
ar:ended b;r addinb t�:e foll 'rig r.ew sLbsectio�. (c) :
"(c) Ti:�z a reas ab�.e �as�s is z"o�� to
i�ro�e reasonab?� co�dit�cns a,.s�.d/or r�st-ictiars
u�o:: s ��cense issued or ael� u_�:d�r t�:ese
c�a�ters , 3r�� on or mo�� sucil rB3S0�2�'JIe
c���iti��n� �na10 r�stricti`ons ;�:a; b� i..�osed
�.�or_ such Iicens �or t�e rur�ose of �ro��otiz�
?ub?ic ?�.ealt',^:, s �e�� ��.d wel=are, oi�
a�vas c�r.� tn� �u� Iic peac� a�d ��e �li.�.-►ir.atio?i
of co�diti�s or �ctions �•�hicn constit-��� a -
T���.sa:-�ca or a �e r{r�er.� to t?�.e p�acs�:I
� e�jo3rr�en� az" •.irb � Iife, or ^ronating se�uri�
and safet� ir_ r.e rby neigi�bor?�oods . �LCh
r��so�a3le condi iar.s and/or rQstrictiov.s .
��� �ncl•sde or -� r*�ain to , bu� are not li�ited
�o ,
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
��g In Fa c
Scheibel Again t By
Wilson �
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adop[ed by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
. . . � ; �r..���
� . � -2= . . : -
, . . .
(I) a limitat'on on the hours of operation
� of the licens d business or establishmerit, . �
or on partic ar types of activities� con=
ducted in or on said business or establish-
ment; � . .. . _ . .
(2) a limita ion or restriction as to the
location wit in the 'licensed business or �
. establishmen ��hose �particular type of
. activities m y be conducted; . �
(3) a limita ion as to the �means of
� . . ingress or e �ress from the l�icensed
�-�-� -- - - - � "-' --' .�- establishmen or its �parking� lot . or � � -
� immediately djacent area; �
� � (4) a requir ment to provide �off-street �
� parking in e cess of other requirements
' � of la�a; �
� (5) a limita ion on the �manner and means
of advertis ' g the �operation or merchan-
. dise of the icensed establishirierit ; _
� (6) any oth r reasonable �condition or
restriction. limiting the �operation of
� � � � ------�� ---=-the liceiise business or establishmerit •
� � � � to �insure' t at the �said business or �
. � -� - establishme t- will -harmonize �with �the � '
--� � - - - ----� -��-�- �===character o the area. in which �it is �
, ._ . �__ ;-_-_ . - Iocated, or to preverit�the.,�development � �
- - - � - --� ---� - - -�- ��-- --� ---or� continua ion of� a iiuisance.� . � .
The inspector �a .impose �such �conditions on Class I � - .
licenses with th consent of the licenseholder, or
may. recommend th imposition of such �conditions as
an adverse actio against the 'licerise �or licenses ;
the �director �has the same power with respect to
Class II license . The council may impose such . � -
- � - - �conditions on C1 ssIII licenses with the consent
of the Iicenseh der, or upon any ciass of license
as an adverse a tion against the license or licenses
� ,/__ l,.i
. ' . I • ,
� �rdin nce . _. ;
Ordinance H�. /f•t %'y
Presented By l`•� -..{�_ � i �` . ..(. :.: j� ; `• �
Referred To Commi ttee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Tollc��n� �otice and r eari�g as ;uay he rea,uirQd.
Such co:�ditions n�;� b i,r-:voseci orl � Iicense or Iicer.ses
;rr.on issuance, re.e:aa ar transfer t�ereai, oL upon
ar_d as part of au� a3 2rse a�tion a�ainst � Iicense
� � cr Iicer_ses , inclLdii °L1ST.:8Z1S10?l.
�Ctj.O11 i
_Ie�tn�?- this ordinauce �or �y e:�i.st:�.�� or ii:ture ar3ir.�*:ce
z�o�tzd by the Cit� of �aint Pa� 1 to re.�3�te a.n3/or license an;�
- occu�ations , �us�r_ssses or acti "ties s���1 be corlJtru�d ta Ii�.t
or Yestrict iLg inyzerer�t poli�e rewe� to r��u?a�e and Iicense, �or
to ii:nit or �e���ict a�? �o��r o��e�ed o� �r �� the LTnit�d S��t�s
or :^.-'.rrnesata, C��nstitu�-±ons or s atutes (or re�ulations -�ro���I�at�d
tiZerec�der� �� so r`��.late �rd/ r ?�c��s�.
S c�ioz 3 -
'�?�!i� o�d-�n�ncA shall Ca'_�Q _frect �ar_d bz in forca t�irt�
(30) �?ays .���'ollcw-�r.Q its t.as�a _, a:�pra�►a3 ard �;•sbiication.
; •
Yeas Nays „ Requested by Department of:
Dimond f
��g � In Favor
Scheibe! Against BY
Sonnen �
n��'j � � i9R8 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
B - , _ � ---- --
Y : , ... ,
,,:,ti' •j:�:*;,7
.+i.;►:s •�.Jr ���.::° Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Approved by Mayor: Date
, plVE —�MAVOR , / File 1\0. .�� � "
Gi�y ALt�.y/P33 V •
./ ;- ;� 0 �in�znce -�� Ora;naace N 0. I 'l-��
�� ' �:�� , i ��
Presented By '.�.: ,. ;, ��, f;�_ ��<� ; / :,�f=—�' � . ��"Y..-�
,.� f
r {
Referred/To " Committee: Date
Out of Committee By "' - - -n ' -%�� � � -� ` "r�� °� � ' ��� '� 'f
.An o dina�ce clarif,Ting the �:�,_,
Iicense_ Ider's resp�nsibility � `�_�;'� �.,
� for thz ctions of z�is or her . � : � .
� er�loye s on the licensed preai.ses:._ '���o - •'�
� �; :� �� �^ - '��
.' �-- �'{�� �4 � .
- .'-.; _e+.. �.�r��
� � �:E...COUi�CIL Q� 1'I� CT_TY OF AI�ZT P�TJL iOES Q?�DAI?Z: ,
� • ;,���. _.
. , ;,• _
- Section I � � =
� C?�a�ter 3IQ of t?-,;� Sai t PauZ L�gislative Co�e is her��v
ar�ended to add a new secti 3Z0.07 to be read as follows:
. "310.I7. License 's R�s�ionsibilitv. �
A�y act ar cvn •sc y an� c er , e�Zoyee,
. �. �.�xzag�r or .agent f a license�, �or .by �y
person providing _ tertain�er�t or wo=ki:�g
� for or on behalf f a licert,see Tahether � � �
� . � cor�ensated or �ac , waich a�ct or conciuct
�. :' takes ,r.lace eit�e on t:�e licens�d gre�ises ' .
��` or in any narking io` ar other area aci�acent
,, to (or unrier the eaae or co:ntrol of} the
- Iice:?s�d premises and �*?:ich act or conduct _
violates �g sta� or federal statutas or . -
� re�ulatirns , or � citg ar�in��e, sha1l be
co*�sidered to be d treatQd as the act or -
. co:3c'suct o� the Ii er_�ee for t�e purpose of � :
adverse activ� ag inst all or a�y of the
1?cens�s held bv ucz Iice�see. To tae
� ext�nt this secti � is ir� conflict wit:�
� sections 409.I4 a d 4?0.0� of t?��� �gislative
Yeas Nays Requested by Department oE: •
�ng In Favo
Scheibel A gai ns t BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
�' -�ified Passed by Council Secretary BY
�y .
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
PINK � FINANCE (�,OUI�CSl �/ . �
OI.VERY,-�AAVORTMENT GITY OF S INT PALTL File NO. �/ 1 -��d�`f ���'y�
, • A .. 0•��L� �nce Ordinance N O. � �l `'' r
�;:' _ •':.i" f�?�j
P�esented By ,�`.: .', �•_'.� :; �; -- .
�.. • ,/ �/,. c, . •'� :r -
Referred r .. - ���. C�. :�,�=''..°` " _ ,� �' • '' / � �/ - i
To , f..=.�._ _��%::;�-F ' Commiitee: �J'�Date' '(-�.',: �< ,��,
- Out of Committee By Date
_�_ .
Cod�, this sec�ion s� I� be contY�Ilir.�; and
uretTa�l; '�ut shay? r.c ot�erwise a.��ncl, alter
or af�ec� suci sectio s."
ection �
This ar�in��ce s1:a11 take ffac� z„d be in �orc� thirty daJs
aft-er its psssaoe, ap�rov�? a,-id t�ualica�ian.
Yeas � Nays Requested by Deparfinent of:
Dimond .
��g '�- (n Favor
Rettman .�
Scheibel A gai ns t By _
'�', � Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date ���' ' �
� -tified Passed by. Council Secretary BY
By ' � • :-•-.....
Approved by Mayor: Date �'--' '� ='�1 ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�y' i��r
� City v Peoples C oice _
City's Exhibit # �4pp•� _
§403.06 LEGISLA CODE `'�,-
. . ._s,.r�% ..
Sec. 403.06. Bingo equipment. (1) A meeting place or club rooms where in-
All bingo hall licensees shall provide and main- ��cating or nonintoxicating liquors or bev-
tain in good working order the following bingo erages are not permitted for consumption,
equipment: reusable bingo cards and bingo mark- �sPensing or storage either by the club or
ers, if needed; bingo blower, flash board, master any member thereof or any other person;
board, monitor system,bingo balls, public address or
system and numerical counter. (2) Places holding on-sale retailer's licenses for
the sale of intoxicating or nonintoxicating
. liquors.
Chapter 404.Private Clubs* (Code 1956, § 392.01)
Sea 404.01. License required. Sec. 404.04. Location.
No person shall keep or operate a private club (a) Area prohibite� maximum number. No li-
in Saint Paul without a license. cense shall be granted hereunder for the opera-
(Code 1956, § 392.01) tion of a private club except in a B-2 Community
Business District, a&3 General Business District,
Sec. 404.02.. Definitions. an I-1 Industrial District, and an I-2 Industrial
� District; nor shall there be more than one such
The following definitions shall apply to this license issued for every seventeen thousand(17,000)
chapter: � inhabitants of the city, which shall not be trans-
(1) Person, for the purposes of this chapter, is ferable from person to person. Private clubs li-
defined to mean and include a natural per- censed on April 1, 1976, even though in excess of
son, firu�, partnership, corporation, associ- the above limitation,may continue to operate and :; ,,
ation, society or organization or any group have their licenses renewed so long as such clubs =� �
of natural persons. comply with all other provisions of this chapter ����'�=^
and other laws.Bottle clubs having a state bottle
(2) Privccte club is defined to mean and include club permit on April 1, 1976, and continuously
both the place, meeting rooms or premises �ereafl;er,may obtain a private club license with-
used or held out to be the meeting or gath- out regard to the numerical or population limita-
ering place for members of the private club, tions above,so long as such clubs comply with all
and any corporation or unincorporated as- ather provisions of this chapter and other laws.
sceiation, or person as defined, regardless private club licenses issued to clubs which had
of the number of inembers, organiied fo either a state bottle club permit or a private club
civic,fraternal, social,business or charita license on Apri11, 1976,shall not be transferable
ble purposes or for intellectual improvemen from person to person.
or for the promotion of sports, which per �e provisions of Section 409.16(d)and(fl through
mits the storage, dispensine or consum
tion of any intoxicating or nonintoxicatin ��� � the extent applicable, shall apply to the
� Iiquor on the premises.'"
- ---•--- council's initial issuance of private club licenses
(Code 1956, § 392.02) pursuant to this section;provided, however, that
� the priority listing contained in Sec�ion 409.16(fl(2)
Sec. 444.03. Egemptions. � shall be revised as follows:
The following are exempt from the requiremen (1) As an absolute priority, an applicant who
of this chapter: at some previous time was licensed by the
state and/or the city as a private club or
•G�oss references-Liquor and bee Title XXN; blin , bottle club.
Ch.270;disorderly housea,Ch.271;la ing,Ch.40 ;
dance hall Ch. 405; game rooms, Ch. 4os; intoxi�ating - (2) All other applicants, in the order by date
quor h.409• onintoxicating malt liquor,Ch.410;con�ers - and time on which their completed appli-
tion ors,Ch.413. cations were received by the license inspector. -
Sypp.Na i • ��i'
'�1, LICENSES §404.07 _
, j -
� `�� ..;�
(b) Distance from school or church, e c No pri- tion as he may require, which shall at a mini-
vate club shall be licensed for any pr mises lo- mum contain the following:
cated within three hundred (300) feet from any �1) The name and place of residence of the
elementary or secondary school, churc or syna- applicant; �
gogue, said three hundred (300)feet b 'ng calcu-
lated and computed as the distance me ured in a (2) The exact location of the premises upon
straight line from the main entrance o the prem- which the applicant proposes to operate the
ises proposed as the location for the cl b license private club;
to any elementary or secondary school, church or
synagogue in the area for which the license is �3) Whether the applicant has ever been en-
sought. gaged in a similar business and, if so, the
location thereof and the date when so
(c) Consent requirements. No perso shall be engaged;
licensed to keep or operate a private c ub within
two hundred (200) feet of any private esidence, �4) Whether the applicant proposes, in addi-
dwelling or apartment house,unless c sents are tion to the conducting of ineetings,to provide:
obtained as follows: The applicant sh 11 present a. Instrumental music with dancing for
with his application a statement in wri ing to the _ the guests therein;
owners and tenants of ninety (90) pe ent of all b. For the serving of food for consump-
private residences, dwellings and ap nt houses tion on the premises;
located within two hundred(200)feet of uch prem- c. Nonintoxicating beverages for consump-
ises to the effect that they have no o jection to tion on the premises; and
the granting of such license or the o eration of
'� the private club at the location propos d; provid- �5) A complete listing of the names, addresses
' ed, nevertheless, that no consents sha be neces- and telephone numbers of each member of
��' "� sary when the premises whereon t1�e p ivate club the private club, together with the date
is proposed is zoned as I-1, I-2, or I-3 Industrial each such member joined such club.
District. Private clubs already licen ed on the (b) The application shall be signed by the ap-
effective date of this section (June 6, 977) may plicant in person, and if the applicant is a corpo-
continue to operate and have their 1 censes re- ration or other type of organization,by an officer
newed without regard to the requirem nts of this of the corporation who shall agree to comply with
section, so long as such licensees conti ue to com- all of the ordinances of the city relating to the
ply with all other provisions of this c apter and conducting of a private club.
other laws. Applications for new licen es and for (Code 1956, § 392.04)
the transfer of licenses as defined in ion 310.11
made after the effective date of this s ction shall Sec. 404.07. Investigation.
comply with the consent requiremient contained
in this section. Whenever an application for a private club li-
(Code 1956, §§ 392.07,392.11;Ord.N . 17464, §§ cense is filed with the license inspector, he shall
1,2,6-11-8?) register the same in a book for that purpose and
shall refer the application immediately to the di-
Sec. 404.05. Fee. ' rector of the diyision of public health,the director
of the department of police, and the director of
The fee required is three hundred doll ($300.00). the department of fire and safety services, who
(Code 1956, § 392.03) shall proceed to inspect and examine the prem-
', ises described in the application and report to the
Sec. 404.06. Application. inspector whether the applicant is a proper per-
(a) Any person desiring a license under this 8On to receive such a license and whether the
chapter shall make application in ting to the Premises are suitable for the business of a private
inspector on such forms containing su h informa- club.Upon receipt of the reports by the inspector,
� ; � > Supp.No.l
_,� .
. .
$404.07 LEGISL TNE CODE • •>�-
� �,.-
_ :Y,;
he shall transmit the reports to the council for or renewal of a license impose such reasonable
their consideration in connection with the appli- conditions and restrictions on the manner and
cation. circumstances under which the private club's li-
(Code 1956, § 392.04) censed activities shall be conducted so as to pre-
serve the public peace and protect and promote
Sec. 404.08. Hearing, issuance or denial of good order and security.
application for license. (Code 1956, § 392.08(a),(b),(d),(e))
(a) Public hearing; discretion of counci� The �c. 404.09. Regulations;prolubitions.
applicant and all interested parties are entitled (a) Inspection. It shall be a violation of this
to a public hearing in connection with the appli- chapter for the holders of such license to prevent
cation. The council shall have the discretion to entry by police officers or the inspector when said
consider, in denying or granting the license, any entry is for the purpose of inspection and when
fact or circumstance reasonably relating to the said officers or inspector are on official duty.
public health, safety and welfare, including, but
not limited to,the following: (b) Hours of operation. No private club shall
permit any person to consume or display alcpholic
(1) The character and suitability of the area or beverages nor shall any person consume or dis-
neighborhood in which the private club is play alcoholic beverages after 1:00 a.m. on Sun-
located; day nor between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 8:00
(2) The proximity of the site for the private a.m. on any weekday, nor between the hours of
club to churches, schools,playgrounds,parks 1:00 a.m.and 8:00 p.m.on any primary,special or
or other community facilities which are or general election day in any club premises not ,*r:
would be adversely affected; ���cally for members residence purposes. - ;':
(c) Live entertainmen� Private clubs licensed ' �`�'�
(3) Numbers and proximity of existing private hereunder shall not provide for members any in-
clubs or state-licensed bottle clubs so as not ��ental music, singing or vaudeville entertain-
to cause excessive concentration in an area ment without a license under Chapter 411.
or neighborhood, even though within the (Code 1956, §§ 392.05, 392.06, 392.10)
limits in Section 404.04(a);
(4) Tr�c congestion and parking problems; Sec. 404.10. Pull tabs,tipboards permitted.
and • Private clubs which are federally chartered as
(5) Reasonably anticipated likelihood of exces- either fraternal or veterans' organizations may
sive noise, disturbance or �ghting by per- conduct lawful charitable gambling on the licensed
sons in or about the private club. premises, subject to the following conditions:
The council may deny a license application, or (1) The organization must be eligible for and
refuse to renew a license, on the basis of a deter- obtain either a city gambling permit or state
mination that the public health,safety or welfare gambling license.
would be otherwise adversely affected,taking into
account one or more of the facts or circumstances �2) The organization may not receive any rent
in this section together with any other relevant from gambling proceeds.
facts bearing on the public health, safety and (3) The only forms of gambling permitted,other
welfare. than bingo, shall be pull-tabs or tipboards
(b) Restrictions may be imposed Where a rea- approved by the license inspector.
sonable basis is found by the council to impose (4) The organization must demonstrate to the
reasonable restrictions upon the license, taking license inspector that at least five hundred
into consideration one or more of the above facts dollars ($500.00) in gross gambling reve-
or circumstances, the council may upon issuance `nues weekly are or will be generated. -
Su�p.No.l ._
,, ,
� �P�� ���>
LICENSES §405.02 -
(5) The organization may not participate in Chapter 405.Dance Halls*
charitable gambling in any licensed liq or
establishment. Sec. 405.01. License required; definition; cer-
(6) Ten (10) percent of the proceeds recei d � tain exceptions.
from the gambling activity shall be paid to (a) License. No person shall conduct a public
the fund established under Section 409. 3 dance hall in Saint Paul without a license.
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
- (b) Defcnition. "Public dance hall" means and
(7) Must file with the license inspector an u- includes any room,place or space open to general
ally a list containing the names and d- public patronage in which is carried on dancing
dresses of all current members. wherein the public may participate, whether or
(8) Must file financial reports weekly with t e not a charge for admission for dancing is made,
license inspector. and a public dance is hereby defined to be one
which is or may be attended by the public gener-
(9) Must exhibit and sell pull-tabs and tipbo ally, whether or not a charge for admission for
in a method as required by the licen e dancing is made.
_. (cl Live entertainmenG Every place licensed under
(10) Workers or managers may not divulge t e this chapter, which is also licensed for live enter-
number of or the dollar amount of the wi - tainment under Chapter 411, shall not, when op-
ners at any time. erating such live entertainment,be subject to the
(11) Shall not comingle game cards. provisions of Section 405.04.
- (Code 1956, §§ 405.01, 404.01,404.08) .
- (12) Shall pay employees a minimum wage f
-;• ° ,`y three dollars and thirty-five cents ($3.3 ) Sec. 405.02. Fee.
�` per hour (Federal minimum wage) and o �a) The fee required is as follows:
more than�ve doilars($5.00)per hour.
(13) Shall comply with all the provisions of Mi - (1) Area less than 2,500 square feet . .$ 48.00
nesota Statutes, Chapter 349. � (2) Area between 2,500 and 5,000 square
(14) Gambling manager's compensation shall n t feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.00
exceed�fty dollars($50.00)per week. (3) Area between 5,000 and 6,500 square
(15) Shall register with the State Gambling Bo feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.00
all equipment and supplies used in a 1 - (4) Area more than 6,500 square feet . 160.00
censed private club.
(b) The council may waive the required fee in
(16) Shall post in a conspicuous place rules the case of any lodge or society, not organized or
regulations concerning charitable gamblin maintained for profit, desiring to conduct public
as required by the license inspector. dances.
(17) Reserved. (Code 1956, § 405.05; Ord. No. 16883, 2-11-82)
^ (18) The organization shall not use a pull-tab
tipboard which dces not return to the playe
a minimum of seventy-five (?5)percent, n
a maximum of eighty (80) percent, whic �
percentage shall include free plays awarde . `�as reterences—Curt'eW for minors,Ch. 230;provisions
regulating liquor and beer,Title XXIV;disorderly houses,Ch.
(Ord.No. 17374, § 1,7-17-86; Ord.No. 17543, § , 2�1;solicitation to vice,Ch. 272; noise regulations,Ch. 293;
3-10-88; Ord. No. 17613, §§ 7, 8, 11-17-88) private clubs,Ch.404.
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ST PAUL, MN 551 4
5-19-89 City v. Peoples Choice —
City' s Exhibit #5 (3pp•)
I hereby certify that this is a true
and exact copy of the records of the
License & Permit Division of the
City of St. Paul for BUT Inc. DBA
People's Choice Club at 920 Selby
Ja t Odalen
L ense & Permit Division
'��+,j� NOTARY P��r�
�;,��': w� f?,�.�,f `•o, —=��'1�l,TY
" r�,,,,.. ...,.-i E; ..;P,i�
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L I CvEiN+SyE vR�E NvE W�A N O T I C E INV-DT: 06/06/88 '
� : �
'�"� REMIT TO : CITY OF S INT PAUL g� �"' '�°'�""�`nO'�C2`�"``� I
203 CITY HALL, SAINT PAU , M�pA�� DUE DATE : 07/O1/88
ST PAUL, MN 55104
�� - ------- ----01
2244 PRIVA`�E �LUB 441.50 441.50
2573 RESfiAUR�T 14HRS 1005 OR MORE-D 441.50 Ol 441.50
y;;,' N .
�=,:� ._,. APPLICATION FEE : 2.50
`,� � TOTAL : $885.50
� �
_, co
LIC-ID: 17996-5
�� �-c� �/a����
I hereby certify that this is a true
and exact copy of the records of the
License & Permit Division of the
City of St. Paul for BUT Inc. DBA �°""'�:•t,MARCEL�A G. SCHILLINGER
People's Choice Club at 920 .Selby �� �� Norne;��Pua�iC—�MINNESOTA
Avenue. R�ti95EY COUIVTY
�••'� My Commission Expi:as Mar.21,1891
e Odalen �'�-�
cense & Permit Division
�, X�J'- /�i-'��
N 0 T I C E
Pursuant to the Minnesota State Legis ture by Chapter 332, Section 47, Laws of 1987,
every state and local licensing agenc is required to withhold the issuance or re-
newal of a license or permit to opera e a business in Minnesota until the applicant
presents acceptable evidence of compl ance with the workers' compensation insurance
coverage requirements of Section 176. 81, Subdivision 2.
This information is required by law, nd licenses and permits to operate a business
may not be issued or renewed if it is not provided and/or is falsely reported.
Furthermore, if the information is no provided and/or is falsely reported, it may
result in a $1,000.00 penalty asse�se against the applicant by the Commissioner of
the Department of Labor and Industry ayable to the Special Compensation Fund.
Upon request, licensing authorities a e required to furnish workers' compensation
insurance coverage information to the Department of Labor and Industry to check for
compliance with Minnesota Statute Sec ion 176.181, Subdivision 2.
Any questions regarding workers' comp nsation should be directed to the Minnesota
Department of Labor and Industry - Sp cial Fund Section - 297-4777.
Please su 1 the followin informat on and return this form with other a ers if
a licable, and our a ro riate fee to: Cit of Saint Paul License and Per�it
Division, Room 203 Cit Hall, Saint aul, MN 55102.
- - - - - - - - - - -• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Insurance Company Name �
(NOT the insurance agent)
Policy Number or Self-Insurance Pe it Number
Dates of Coverage
effe tive expiration
I am not required to have workers' compensation liability coverage because:
( ) I have no employees co ered by the law.
( X ) Other (Specify) Work done b me�nbe.rs onl . No ca�ensation 'ven.
Business Name Peo le's Choice C - B.U.T. Inc.
Address 920 Selby Avenue St. Paul NN 55104
street ity state zip code
� ^ 6-22-88
si n ture • date