89-1484 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY O SA I NT PA IT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `/ Counci esolution �q , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date L�./�/�� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 12905) for renewal of a Class B Gambling License by Johnson, Ar a Hockey at Governors, 959 Arcade Street, be and the same is he eby approved/�_ COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ' Dimond �ng [n Fav Goswitz � Rettman Scheibel __ A gai RS t BY Sonnen Wilson A� � ( � Form A ove by Cit orne Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Pass d y ncil Se e r By � — g� � Approved Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �l� AU G 2 6 1989 . �� � ���y�� DIVISION OF I,ICENSE ANI) PERMIT A.DMINI RATION DATE �Q � O�/ � 3 g INTERDF.PARTMF.NTAL KEVIEW GHECKLIST A.ppn roc ssed/Receive by Lic Enf Aud Applicaut J��h,SC�i'1 t-F�1�Fet,� C�p Home Address � �Q S /Tr�/nl'j�OI'� Business Name C 6U� vn0+f'S - Home Phone �7 � -��JV Business Address Q� ! Cf"1�CQ�� Type of License(s) C�a,SS � -- Business Phone �GL►�'����/�!j �-IeQI�S� �ItQC�/�-� Public Hearing Date g �1 �� License I.D. 4� fa9os at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Chambers, n 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �'/"� llate Notice Sent; , Dealer �� � to Applicant �l"-� I'ederal Fi.rearms 46 � � Pub.lic He��ring ' DATE INSP CTIUN REVtEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved N t A roved � Bldg I & D � ��� Health Divn. ' � ��� � i Fire Dept. � �In � I ��� � � � �nE � Police Dept. I �f,Z � b � � License Divn. � � I Q � City Attorney �}I � t) � � , p � Date Received: Site P1an � �' � To Council P.esearch Lease or Letter D te from Landlord 3� g - « CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: , Stockholders• . � City f Saint Paul ���_���� • • Department of Ein ce and Management Services Division of Lice se and Permit Registration INFORMATION RE L'IRED WITH APPLICATION FO PERMIT TO SELL PULLTABS � TIPBOARDS I�T SaI�T ??�UL (Class B Gambling License in Liquor Esta Iishments - Renew) 1. Full and complete name of organizat on which is applying for license �o�n s 6�y_ . r o� se . - 2. Address where games will be held � "�'•�Il �5 �V�• Number Street City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this applic tion who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games G � �� e�✓1 Date of Birth �0 �� �� (a) Length of time manager has been member of applicant organization � �/�GAlr,s -T 4. Address of �fanager � 5 � '{'�N� 5 'S� � � Number Stre City Zip �p� — 1'��"o ti�%3+C�Q•w+ . !a :3 Oawti 5. Day, dates, and hours this applicat on is for Sq�{- f s�h 1� :OOpN^. - 1�:��"^ 6. Is the applicant or organization or anized under the laws of the State of �IId? V Q,S _.�_��— 7. Date of incorporation � a70 "') 8. Date when registered with the State of Minnesota at�3 9. How long has organization been in e istence? '�I y �A�3 10. How long has organization been i;n istence in St. Paul? � �1 y �r S 11. Wha[ is the purpose of the organiz tion? �'O M�. y�'4'� aC'�'f��1"�'1!S 12. Officers of applicant organization Name A✓O � ✓`� Name ��1' 1'�`��✓� Address � 1 -E- Address ����5 ��V✓' Title ��,��•� DOB � � d Title � DOB ` y y/ ;Iame i ��V�SOM' Name S-� �ar�}+,/ Address �V�lt� Q• Address .�3���• C`sln �Tl�l�t W Title V� rlrlSi�h� DOB q � '3 Title �'�►sb►l.✓' DOB � �� � 13. Give names of officers, or any oth r persons who are paid for ServiCeS t0 the organization. :Vame Name Address Address Title Title (Attach sepa te sheet for additional names. ) . �. - C��-���� 14. :�ttached hereto is a list of names a d addresses of all members of the organization. 15. In whose custody will organization's records be kept? Name Ad'O d r•,A✓ Address '�t, � �h IL 16. List all persons with the authority o sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: .Name S�VL ��,W Name �1"'iAGt. W l t+�'!1/� Address '�.�� �hG��f s Address I�I�iS A�l�'�► �'9s ✓� Me er of Membe f DOB ���a1 ) J � Organization? S DOB �� �� �� Organization? vQ'S _�_ Name j V��� Name - :�ddress �a�� �O�h � Address Member of Member of DOB � ay t,�I Organization? S DOB Organization? 17. Iiave you read and do you thoroughly nderstand the provisions of all laws, ordiaances, and regulations governing the operat 'on of Charitable Gambling games? v •�5 _T` 18. Attached hereto on the form furnish by the city of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which itiemizes all receipts, expen s, and disbursements of the applicant organiza- tion, as well as all organizations o have received funds for the preceding calendar year which has been signed, prepare , and verif ied by ���-!� �'�@q�. ��L� • 71"'1 ' "l'��'` S�I-. �fi�av.� U11 h � 10 l. Address who is the aGGOtAV�e�� a►h�' of the applicant organization. Name 19. Will your organization`s pulltab op ration be operated/managed solely by members of your organization? yes no 20. Has your organization signed, or do s it intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a managerial agreement with any perso or company to ssist your organization with the pulltab saies and/or recording keep ng? yes � no It answer is yes, give the name and address of the person and/or company contracted. . ,r - .7.�...? � �.�.�,,, 5...�... i�ar�e W��'+'t- R�A�. �w �r`� Address tiame A/VG l� /� • A EC Address �'iIl�i tt l�ec� /�cc,►u,�t.',�� �?77�7��3-i If answer is yes, how will such a c nsultant be paid? (percentage, fZat fee, gambling :unds, general funds, etc.) Attach a copy of said contract to this application. 21 . Operator of premises where games wi 1 be held: :�ame � •�E�N�� Business Address � C f9 sf, s��� �4'� � �'V Home Address . �-�i��f �2. a) Does your o ganization pay or inte d to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes no b) if you do pay accounting fees, to hom will such fees be paid? Name �^I�'G �A� QGCT Address ��� L �� S� . ,DOB Member of 0 ganization? h� c) How are the accounting fees char ed out? (fIa[ fee, hourly, etc.) o1r►✓t - �o y' 0 - �la � g,�� / 7S,ac e� a -�� ��,P/No.uf�/✓,Pp,�t Gt�. �:,/I �f '� -Yr^ y.. � d) What do you anticipate will be y ur average monthly deduction for accounting fees? 23. Amount of rent paid by applicant org nization for rent of the hall: ��Qb�po � �z 24. The proceeds of the games will be di bursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: l�rvrn, ak c-��Li-I-�'� IK S'�• 1�a�.� 25. Has the premises where the games ar to be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? � `�S 26. Has your organization filed federal form 990-T? � If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If a swer is no, explain why: Any changes desired by the applicant ass ciation may be made only with the consent of the City Council. , �d 1�V�S�+1r� �Y'e I� l�T�� Organization Name ilate �p ._o� C'7 ' �S' By: �1��1CQ� w i���t.h Manager in charge of game �'�.vnl� �ha✓ Organization Presi ent or CEO � ���, ���� /a-9o� Ci y of Sai�t Paul • . Depshment of Fina ce and Management Senices ������L� License nd Permit Division �'7 City Hall St. Paul, Mi neaota 55102•298-5056 APPLtCA ON FOR LICENSE CASN CHECK CIASS NO. w Renew � � � Date 1�.� Code No. Titleof License pro — 19�To ' �19� � �.���..2.� �� \� �t- Cl►1���� n � �( ,7� . -� ' 1 ,00 , � • :�o.t� ; v 5srl '��, F,v; "1 �� Appl unUCompany Name 100 C� !) CrFvr'��;r S - - 100 eualness Name ( � /� — ,oo �.S� i`�-r c c�.c1-e� �� =�(v Busineas Addres� Pho�f No. �oo J i • f G ��. I 100 � MailloAddress PhoneNo. 1 � � j �100 �(,( ^ l,�✓� G y"\ � Manaper/Owner•Name �-1v � 100 � � �� .�`f / //i)�`+f� 1 �'7 `�C7 .100 Atanaqer/Gwner•Home Addreaa Pho�e No• � 4098 App�cation Fe� Z, 5p � "�- � / Recefved the Sum of ' 100 � 1 � �CL��� (J v� •�� M�naqtdOwner•Gty.Stale d Zlp Code /00 Tot 1 100 � � / � . Ucense Inspector �"� `"� 8y: ` � Slqr+aturo o1 Apptie BOnd' Company Name Policy No. Expinlfon Oale Insurance: Company Namf Poticy No. Expintlo�Date Minnesota State Identlflcatlon No Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Ssrlal Numba ��� ��� Othef: THIS IS A RE EiPT FOR APPLICATION ' THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Yow application for lic nse will either be p�anted or rejecled subject to tAe provfsfons ot the zo�inq ordlnance and completion of the Inspections by the Healt�. Ff e,Zonfnfl andJOr Llcens�Inspectori. �15.00 CHARGE FO ALL RETURNED CHECKS � \� / �� �� � � �- ��1ti-� ����% '�l� ' � ��� � ' • � C1 y of Saint Paul pag• � ��r���� ' . , _ Depattmaat of F nance snd Mana�amanc Setvlce� Division ot Lie nas aad Psrait Ad�inistcstlon ' {lNIFORlt CtlARIT L6 CAl18LINC FINANCIAL REP�R? �acs 6/29/89 t. Naa. ot Oc`anisatioa Johnso Area Hocke Association 2. Addt�s� vhsr� Charitabl� Ca�blin !� coaduetsd 959 Arcade Street , 3. R�porc for period eov�rin` May 19 88 throu;h I"�8Y %19,�,� 4. Total nuobsr oE days pltysd 2 58 S. Ccoss reesipu Eor abov� p�riod i 898.088.�Q 6. Gross priss payouts for sbov� ps lod (ineluda e�ah �hott) S 705,214,00 _ _ 192,874.00 7. N�[ rsceipts - lin� S alau� lin� 6 - 8. Expen�e� ineusred in eonductia` nd op�Tatin� �as�: �y�,o0 A. Ccoss vs�ss paid. Attaed v k�r li�t vich 19,�.� nsm��� addr�ss�s, tto�s va� . nusb�r ot hous� _ -- vorked, and amount psid psc our. , � y,s'y 6 Q y2 � vs�ks Q- 7 C = � B. Rant fot 3 �Q �G �. � �� �"�� : - _ D. Insurancs ' E. Bond = , Y. Dishonorad ch�cks not teeov red ; = 2,��2.00 C. Aetountin; Eapsnse = 1,457.00 H. Employsr� F.L.C.A. i. Pulltab tax PaiJ to D�par �nc OL A�V�OY! = 24,015.00 � : 155.00 J. tiinn. U.C. Tu • = 2,245.00 . R. Psd�tal Exciss Ta�c i Suarp L. Stat• Cublin; Tax = M. Hi�esllan�ou� ExP�nis�• I �ntifr th� �aoont and to vho� paid. • 1. Advertising = 4_06.00 Z. Utilities � _760.00 �. Maintenance � 1,494.00 . 4, Purchases s 23,527.00 7 y� ��70,� g. Total Expsnsss ro�rer, i � s � 114,224.00 10. N�t Iaeo�� - 11a� � aiau� liu 9 ' = j�� ��D ll. Chsckbook balaae• b�Ylonini o p�riod 12. Total of lin� 10 sad 11 : •• 17. Totsl coatribution� (fro� at ah�d voek�h��c) = 82.506.00 14. Checkbook balanes snd ot rsp rtin` p��iod - = 32,935.4g llne l2 less llns l3 . - � UNIFORM CHARITABIE GAMBIING rINA1VCIAL REP4Rt /Vr.�_ �c�t� � ' LAWFUL PURPOSE CON RIBUTIONS - WORKSHEcT (�- Line #13 - Total Lawful Purpose Con ributions. S List below all thecks r+ritten rom gambling funds which are charitable lawful purpose cont ibutions. The total dollar amounts of these checks must tch the amount claimed in line �13. Use additional shee s as necessary. � CHECK # DATE � PAYEE CHECK AMOUN PURPOSE - 1. 2162 3/13 PHALEN ARENA 6,450.00 ICE TIME 2. 2163 3/16 C.A.I.C. 144.00 PROGRAM PRINTING 3. 2164 3/19 EVERGREEN MOTEL 744.89 ROOMS FOR TEAM ATTENDING ROSEAU TOURNAMENT 4. 5. 2165 3/21 MAPLE LEAF TRAVEL .r 28,116.00 PAYMENT ON TRIP TO JAPAN 6. 2182 4/7 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1,621.10 CITY YOUTH FUND 7. 2192 4/19 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL BASE ALL 150.00 BATS & BALLS FOR ATHLETIC PROGRAM 8. 2203 4/27 MID—AMERICA 5,000.00 MEALS, ROOMS, AND INTER—CITY TRANSPORTATION FOR TRIP TO JAPAN 9' 2204 4/27 STRAUSS SKATES 5,732.79 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 10. 2215 5/16 THE TROPHY CASE 2,165.07 TROPHIES FOR ALL PLAYERS 11. REF[TND FRpM ST. P 12. YOUTH FUND , ( 4,000.90). 13. TOTAL CHECK l�pUNT S 46,122.95 NOTE: These expenditures will be prov ded to Council Members at your Council hearing. Be sure that your financial rep rt is complete and accurate. .. ♦ � � � » �:. .. - _ _•� � � � e�^ � � '� .+. i = r �' c :. .. a � � • � � i ( :: . � a � �.. • ,. .. .. a ` � � � " a � + .� . � �+ o • � . o . a s . 7 � M� = � = s .� � i � 'z r .r . s �, • � r w T j � i � A r w ► � = A � � a = t y � T � a + � .. � � • 2 r � "� � � •. � s � � � '� " � • � i ~ � � d > f � � .Oi i � � • � w > � � i��1 � � � i , � ^ i ' , + � o ~ • ; • • ; . ,�� ! � � -• y � n � n �r•rv s � a �� " n � • • 'r�r � w "' i .�i • • ~ ~ � •1 , : � � � � � = �� r � � s n • �_'.�� :1 i � � � � .� � — .� s + i i � • � • I � i • � I � �' I ^ i . � . 21 � � ► � J i Y � � � .� � = . , I � ,.� . , • ,. r' �( i . ; ` a� }� > I � a� � I i s1 ' I �. y � � � ' ` UNIFORM CNARITABLc MBLING �I�ANC IAL REPORT ��/G� —l�I'�� � � LA�FUL PURPOSE CONT IBUTIONS - WORKSHEET Line #13 - Total Lawful Purpose Con ibutions. S List below ail checks written om gambling funds which are charitable lawful purpose cont 'butions. The total dollar amounts of these checks must m ch the amount claimed in line �13. Use additional shee s as necessary. ' CHECK # DATE � PAYEE CHECK AMOUN PURPOSE - 1. 2015 10/3 CITY OF ST. PAUL 603.52 CITY YOUTH FUND 2. 2045 11/2 CITY OF ST. PAUL 948.82 CITY YOUTH FUND 3. 2046 11/7 STRAUSS SKATES 6,711.45 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 4. 2063 12/5 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1,338.88 YOUTH FUND 5. 2076 12/14 IRS 12,564.00 990—T TAXES 6, 2128 1/30 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1,466.70 CITY YOUTH FUND 7. 2105 1/6 SPIRIT COACHES 930.00 TRANSPORTATION TO CROOKSTON TOURNAMENT 8. 9. 2113 1/17 TOWN & COUNTRY BAN 9,180.00 990-T ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENT 10. 2134 2/17 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1�239.00 CITY YOUTH FUND 11. 2155 3/31 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1,140.80 CITY YOUTH FUND 12. 2160 3/10 ST. PAUL MINUTFMEN 160.00 . PROGRAM PRINTING 13. 2161 3/10 MAROON & GOLD HOC Y 100.00 PROGRAM PRZNTING TOTAL CHECK AhbUNT S 36,383.17 NOTE: These expenditures r+ill be prov ded to Council Members at your Council hearing. Be sure that your financial rep rt is complete and accurate. � .. � .. � � = �: � � ' � A � � .� � T O �+ w .� � � `� r • T O � r • _ � � C w .�. : • �. y j I .�i M � 17 ` �� � I � w .. a ` - + � � a � a • � • o . . , � s � � s '_ � ' a � - � . � • w' = � • � r 7 r = y A r • Y A + � a r � 1 � ^ l � O � y 1� . S � r � � � r � 1 � .�. � M + � • � � � � s s ' � : � � � ' y .. d i�.l w 1 � � � . - ' ' � A =i . 1 y '� � � j 1 '! :� ! � � a � j n � .�•rv i � ! �, + � � • � �� + 7 � j M • � � ~ � • •'7 • � � ~ � • � �� r ` � 1� y r � � � � t , • s � • _ , .� a —� � . � � s � � • • � 1 . � . . a I � aI r r � i r s ^y �. � s� 3 � � w ..� , 1 + � � s� � .. 7 I � w� + � i j( � ti • + •1 I i I y � I �.{ �I i i I