89-1475 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE ' COIIflCII C�///� CANARV - ',�EPARTMENT GITY O SAINT PALTL j �/ � BLUE� - MAVOR File NO. (L • ���� - Cou�c l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ( 5) The request for var ance is based primarily on a desire to fully utilize the site rat er than economic gain. WHEREAS , pursuant tol' e provisions of the Zoning Code , Bernard Waltzing duly fil'ed his appeal from the determination made by the Board of Zonin Appeals requesting that a hearing be held before the City �ou cil for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Board; and WHEREAS , acting pursuan to Sections 64. 205 through 64. 208 and upon notice to appellant and other affected property owners , a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on July 20, 1989 where all ir�te ested parties were given an oppor- tunity to be heard; and WHEREA5 , the Council aving heard the statements made , and having considered the variance application, the report of staff, the minutes and fin "ngs of the Board of Zoning Appeals , does hereby RESOLVE , that the Counc 1 of the City of 5aint Paul does hereby affirm the decision f the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter and does hereby concur in the findings made and determined by said Board, th City Council further determining that the Board of Zoning Rp eals did not commit any error in fact or procedure ; and, be i,t FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Bernard Waltzing be and is hereby denied; and„ e it FINALLY RESOLVED, that he City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Bernard Waltzing, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and to the Board of Zoning Appeals . 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS , Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Fauor Goswitz Rettman i� B Scheibel _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson �1� � � � W Form Approved b City Attorne}/1 Adopted by Council: Date ;f Certified Pas uncil S eta � BY � By ' /� �/�r; � S _ Approved b�MrAyor for Submission to Council Approve b iNavor: Date � l By — BY pUflltS� ���G 2 6 1989 NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINCi OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). , ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequeM types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumea authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend,Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency � 1. Department Director 2. Initfating Department 2. Budget Director , 3. City Attorney 3. Ciry Attorney 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fin�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOWTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Axountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. MayodAsaistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. Ciry Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) � 1. Initiating Department 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant � ° , 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAOES Indicate the#of pages on which signaturea are required and paperclip each of these peges. ACTION RE(�UESTED Describe what the projecUrequest aeeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your proJecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEI(iHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC OEVELOPMENT, BUDOET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) I COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ chaRer or whether there are apecific wa in which the City of Ssint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�ecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effecta or maJor changes to existing or past processes might this proJecUrequest produce ff it is passed(e.g.,trafffc delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how Iong7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative conaequenc�s if the promised action Is not approved?Inability to deliver service? Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Anhough you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it gofng to cost?Who is going to pay? ��=��/�7s �, , . °��"�"� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4.��,G1TT O� 3�°� '�9 �; ��, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATT�ORNEY ?-,r iiii�i ii�iiJ �_ < . „� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �'`<<�„�',°,',m��''� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 31 , 1989 ����'��D AU� �11989 CITY �L��K Albert Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Re : Bernard Waltzing - Zonin Appeal Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed is a resolution re uested by the City Council denying the appeal of Bernard Walt ing from a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals . Would y u prepare the necessary Green Sheet and submit this to the City C uncil . Your very trul�, � �' ' j � � JERO J . S GAL Assis n ' ty Attorney JJS :cg Encl . �,z: o, . ` ' ���y�S� ��` �, ; � CITY OF SAINT PAUL a ��������,,, ; DEPARTMENT F PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ���� �� � ho' DIVISION OF PLANNING o - ---.,,, +sa• - �ti `� 25 West Fourth Streef,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � � ri\ � 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER j MAYOR ..,,,. � ��CE�V�Q June 14, 1989 �UN 151989 C1T1C �L��� Mr. Albert B. Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Olson: This letter is written to confirm the earing date for: Applicant: Bernard Waltzing File Number: #10502 Pupose: Appeal the decision o the Board of Zoning Appeals Legal Description of Property: 214 Saint Anthony Avenue ot 8; Blk 3; Merriam Park Addition #5 Previous Action: Planning Division Decis on: Zoning Committee Recomm ndation: Board of Zoning Appeal: Denied, vote: (5-0) , June 14, 1989 In order to allow time for the maili g of appropriate notices, please schedule the hearing date as soon as possible after 7-13-89. Our preference would be 7-13-89. I will phone you within the next few days for schedule confirmation. Sincerely, � _ �i„��-� � � �Daniel K. Bayers Zoning Section � cc: file # 104502 cc: Mary Jean �.� , '� �� J � .:� r / CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTME TAL MEMORANDUM RECErVED �Ul 2 61989 CITY CLERK M E M O R A N D U M DATE : July 25 , 1989 TO: Al Olson City Clerk FROM: Edward P. Starr City Attorney I have received your letter of July 24 requesting a Resolution implementing the action of he City Council concerning an appeal of a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals regarding property at 2214 St. Anthon Avenue. Jerome Segal of our office as been assigned to prepare this matter by August 8 . Worklo d, vacation schedules or other problems may result in this deadline not being met, but if not, I have asked the assig ed attorney to communicate with you in writing as to his or her progress with your request. If our proposed deadline d s not meet your needs, please advise me or Jane McPeak and we w' ll try to accommodate circumstances which require special cons ' deration. EPS : j r v s 4'�' 4 � f pdi ti^ Y}<'+ ,t�. '��g P r;n.s x -U✓ ��}:s S . f s ,�„��c �� ��yf' � .Ao a ]�►' � ' ' .� '" ��' r>�.' � r�,r xi 5�;"` �* s�n t<�: r ��",T� �' � 7t>t�'�,� �' � �7r r ���• �' 1 +. �.�,u�: Fct' ,a t �.iiy"�'��� f � L � �4 f� ? ,� : + � ' P�.'S .. � �Y}' Kr � 4 Z � YI { ,. , �k''i �'/R : 2> �k� y�, � .t -,r� �c � :.d n �;,� .. f h. 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L�C A T I 0 N 2214 St. A th ny Avenue (Southwest side between Pillsbury & f3everly) PETITIONER 6ERNARD WALTZ NG H E A R I N G Thursday, �U�,, 20, 1989 9:0o A.M. Citv Council Ch mbers, 3rd Floor Citv Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning Conta t Marv Bunnell at 228-3368 Contact the Zon ng section of the Planning and Economic Development Dep rtment, Room 1T01, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Stree , St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Legal Descrip ion: On file Notice sent 7/6/89 � � , � ���t-/�1�5� ► � , � , s 4¢`C�TT �� '� , , CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° '' DEPARTMENT F PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � iiii�lil ii � �. � � DIVISION OF PLANNING 0 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 iss♦ . 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER M^YOR July 5, 1989 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #10502 - Bernard Walt ing City Council Hearing: July 20, 89 PURPOSE: Appeal of the Board of Zo�ni Appeals decision to deny a requested one foot side yard setbac,�k ariance and a requested 8.3� lot coverage variance to construct a car ort addition onto the rear of a single family house with an exi�ti g attached two car garage at 2214 St. Anthony Avenue. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deny SUPPORT: None OPPOSITION: One neighbor Dear Sir: On June 13, 1989 the Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing on these requested variances. The applicant estified. At the close of the public hearing, the BZA voted S to 0 to de the requested variances. This appeal is scheduled to be h�ar by the City Council on July 20, 1989. Please notify me by July 17, 198�, f any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presente$ a the public hearing. Sinc rely, , ,�C���"/ �' � Peggy A. Reichert Deputy Director for Planning PAR:bp Attachments cc: Mayor Latimer � . , � . � � . ��_,��s- APPLICATION FOR APPEAL ZONING OFfICE USE ONLY CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' R E C E I V - � File �' �dsda c� ,JUN 1� �� Application Fee S �� � �.�.- � ����� Tentative Hearing Date �—���� Application is hereby made for an Appeal o the under the provisions of Chapter 64i �ecti , Paragraph of the Zoning Code to appeal a decision made by the � Board o�ng Appeals Planning Corrmission on �'�3 , 19�9 Zonin Administrator (date of decision) Plann 'ng Administrator Other A. APPELLANT h � Name U �Y (�- Daytime phone � � - �/� a, Address �->- L.� , Zip Code s�/O � , G%�./� B. DECISION BEING A�PPEAtED , Zoning file name Zoning File # /D ��''J� Property Address/Location � , . Legal description � p� C. GROUNDS FOR APPEAL (Use additional sheet if necessary. ) (txplain why you feel there has been an rror in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative dfficial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals on t e Planning Commission. ) � � ' ' ,� ,� ;� � ./�' �� � � �3 � 1r(/�� ' . If you have any questions, please contact: ���n�, Applicant 's signature St. Paul Zoning Office 1100 City Hall �+nnex � 25 '�est Fourth Street � '� � 3 — �� � - Saint Paul , Minr,esota 55102 Date City agent (293-4154) 9/82 • 1•iINUTE� OF THE MEETING OF TH BOARD 0 ��r/y��� , OF Z NING APPEALS 13th FIAOR CONFERENC� R OM, CITY HALL ANNEX . ST. PAUL, MINNES'OT , JUNE 13, 1989 PRESENT: Mme, Maddox; Messrs. Grais� D vis, Kirk and Osborn of the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Sega1, As istant City Attorney; Mr. Zangs of the Division of Building IMSp ction and Design; Mr. Ryan and Ms. Synstegaard of the Planning D vision Staff. � � ABSENT: Messrs. Horak and Zimniewi�z. The meeting was chaired by Sam Grais, irman. BERNARD WALTZING (#10491) : A side yard setback variance of 1 foot and a lot coverage variance of 8.4$ to construat carport addition onto a single family house with an existing attached two car garage. The applicant was present. There wa$ n opposition present at the hearing. Mr. Ryan showed slides of the site a�d eviewed the staff report with a recommendation for denial. ; Ms. Maddox asked where the trailer wiou d be stored that was shown in the slides. Mr. Waltzing replied that the trailer is no longer there and he had intended to have the trailer moved bef re the slides were taken. He stated that he would like the carport beca�a.se his daughter is handicapped and she parks her vehicle where the carport �wo ld be placed. Because there is no roof over the area, she slips and falls �re uently on the ice because of the melting snow runoff from the roofs �re zing on the paved driveway. Mr. Osborn asked Mr. Waltzing if he� ha an attached garage. . Mr. Waltzing replied yes but that his daughter par her car outside because the garage is too narrow for her. � Tom Wimplisauser, stated that he h�s ad that concern himself and suggested Mr. Waltzing put up gutters around ;hi garage. Mr. Waltzing replied that the gutt�rs would not help his problem because the snow and ice come off of the house �an garage roof. He stated that he has had gutters on before and they have alway froze up on him. Hearing no further testimony, Mr. Gra s closed the public portion of the meeting. . Mr. Davis moved to deny the varian'ce ased on findings 1 through 5. Ms. � ' Maddox seconded the motion, which 'pa sed on a roll call vote of 5 to 0. Submitted by: Approved by: � ^,`"'' � � Roge R n Sam Grais � - ;� . , F � , `` . , • . C��"��>Si . � CiTY OF� SAtNT PAUL � : BOARD OF ZONING APPEA S RESOLUTION ;` ZONING FILE NUMBER: ioa9 DATE: .tune 13, 1989 . WHEREAS, Bernard Waltzing has appli d for a variance from the'strict application of the provisions of Sections 61.101 and 62.10 (l) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to thc construction of a carport addition nto thc rcar of a single family house with an � existing attached two car garage in the R-4 zoning district; and . � . • WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zo ing Appeals conducted a public hearing on June 13, 1989, pursuant to said appcal in ac rdance with the requirements of Section 62.204.of the Lcgislative Codc; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Z ning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflcct d in thc minutes, made the following findings of � fact: 1. The applicant wants a carport addi 'on on his house in order to park his vehicles and � boat out of the weathcr. Thc propo cd carport would store a vehicic while the existing � garage would storc anothcr vehicle nd a boat. 2. The property in question can be;pu to a rcasonable use under the strict provisions of � the zoning co�ie. � � The ro ert cu I p p y rrently has two�cn oscd parking spaccs in' thc existing attached garage. . Outdoor storage of a vehicle is �on idered to be a mere incon��enience and not an � ezccptional practical difficulty�or ardship. 3. The proposed varianc� may altar t e cssential charactcr of the surro.unding area or unreasonably diminish cstablisticd roperty values within thc surrounding area. The proposed carport increases�the existing lot area coverage of 339b, already exceeding thc required 309�6, to 38.4°io. Th�is t pe of structure is not prevalent in this neighborhood and may negatively impact the�ch racter of the neighborhood and could potentially diminish property values in�th� ar a. : . 4. The variance, if granted, would n t permit any use that is not permitted in th� zoaiug district where the property is l�oca ed. 5. Thc;requcst for variance is ba�ed rimarily on a desire to fully utilize the site rather : ; • than economic gain. � . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL ED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the application to waive provisions f Scctions 61.101 and 62.106(1) be hcreby denied on , property ]ocated at 2214 St. Anthon Avcnue and legally described as Lot 8; Block 3; ' Merriam Park Sth Addition; in acco dance with thc application for variance and the sitc plan on file with the Saint Paul Pla ning Division. (continued) • ' . �� � '� � � � ' , � �,�d��'��� ' File t*10491 � . Pagc Two � � MOVED BY: Davis ' SECONDED BY: Maddoz � IN FAVOR: s AGAINST: o AiAILED: June 14, 1989 TIME LIMIT: No order of th� B rd of Zoning Appeals permitting the erection or alteration of a bui ding or off-street parking facility shall be valid for a period lo�ge than one year, unless a building permit for such erection or alterat on is obtained within such period and such erection or alt�ra on is proceeding pursuant to the terms of such permit. The Boar of Zoning Appeals or the City Council may grant an extension nbt exceed one year. In granting such extension, the Board of Zonipg ppeals may decide to hold a public hearing. APPEAL: Decisions of t�e oard of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the City Co'un I1 within 15 days by anyone affected by the . decision. CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigne Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the • City of SaintlPa 1, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the; fo egoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the 'sa e to be a true and correct copy of said original and � of the whole jthe eof, as based on approved minutes of the Saint Paul Bosrd of Zonin Appeals meettng held on .Iune 13, 1989 and on record in the Sa nt Paul Planning Division Office, 25 West Fourth , Street, Saint.Pa l, Minnesota. � SAINT' PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS __�!�_� .,,�i QrI1.Ql��--------- �7—� ���,��T�—� Secretary to the Board . • � , ' BdARD OF ZONIN APPEALS STAFF REPORT �G�j— I�751 1. APPLICANT: Bernard Waltzing FILE #10491 2. CLASSIFICATION: Minor Variance ' ' DATE OF HEARING: 6/13/89 3. LOCATION: 2214 St. Anthony Avenue SW side between Pillsbury and Beverly) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8; Block 3; Merriam Park Sth Addition 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 13M 6. PRESENT ZONING: R-4 ZONIN CODE REFERENCE: Sections 61.101, 62.106(1) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: ' TE: June 5, 1989 BY: Marv Bunnell A. PURPOSE: To construct a carport ad ition onto the rear of a single family house with an existing attached two carl, g age. B. ACTION REOUESTED: A side yard se�tb k variance of 1 foot and a lot coverage variance of 8.4$; proposed setback o 3 feet and required setback of 4 feet; • proposed lot coverage of 38.4� an�1 r quired lot coverage of 30�. C. SITE AND AREA CONDITIONS: Lot si�e s 4,800 square feet. The lot is level. Surrounding Land Use: i North: Public right-of-way i East: Single family residential South: Single family residentiaL� West: Single family residential D. BACKGROUND: The applicant proposes o replace a portion of his garage roof and to add storage space in the ceili�g f the garage by constructing a new roof from the peak of the existing garage horizontally west to about three feet from the property line. This new roof'Iwi 1 create a carport immediately west and adjacent to the .existing garage. Th proposed carport roof is planned to be higher than the windows of the ap�li ant's house. The proposed carport will not be totally enclosed. E. FINDINGS: � l. The��applicant wants a carport 'ad ition on his house in order to park his - vehicles and boat out of the wea er. The proposed carport would store a vehicle while the existing garag would store another vehicle and a boat. 2. The property in question can be p t to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the zoning code. The property currently has two en losed parking spaces in the existing attached garage. Outdoor storage of a vehicle is considered to be a mere inconvenience and not an exceptio al practical difficulty or hardship. . • � File #10491 � / 1G.�(,�'—�t�75 Page Two , � 3. The proposed variance may alter t e essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish �st blished groperty values within the surrounding area. The proposed carport increases th existing lot area coverage of 33�, already exceeding the required 30 , to 38.4�. This type of structure is not prevalent in this neighborhood an may negatively impact the character of the neighborhood and cauld pot�nt ally diminish property values in the area. 4. The variance, if granted, would n t permit any use that is not permitted in the zoning district where the pro erty is located. S. The request for variance is based primarily on a desire to fully utilize the site rather than economic gain. F. STAFF RECOIrII�'IENDATION: Based on findi gs 1 through 5, staff recommends denial of the variance. I • ^ � �`� — . � • ' i � ,} . <` � � ^-- . . � ; � ���1"�c��5 . ZONING BOARD �� ��y�/ . APPLICATION �FOR ZONING ORDINANCE ARIANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL O v V U � • �p � � Q � . A VARIANCE OF ZONING CODE CHAPTER__�p�__,SECTION PARAGRAPH� .IS REQUESTED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE POWERS VESTED IN THE ARD OF ZdNING AP— PEALS TO PERMIT THE � CI � �I . /' �ON PROPERTY � DESCRIBEO BELOW. I r _ A. Applicant; NAME: ' ADDRESS � `!� �"Y� �AYTIME TELEFHONE NO. ZIP CODE�y� 1. Property interest of applicant: (owner,contract purchaser,etc:) " 2. Name of owner (if different) B. Property Description: ADORESS z2• E � -ST QuTElDIVy�/� � � 1A� ���� ��� i'� 1. Legat description: LOT o • BLOCK ADD. � 2. Lot size: O � � � v�� �� v , . , � 3. Present Use� , � - � �� I resent Zoning Dist, I' '� � ' � C: Reasons for Requesr. � 1. Proposed use ��v�� � � � � � 2. What physical characteristics of the property prevent its being used fo any of the permitted uses in your zone? (topography,soil conditions,size and shape of lo�,etc) T�� �o -� , S 5 r,,,4 � l ', � 3. State the specific variation requested,giving distanca where app�opri te. A�� li�c.a-,4�'`5• Ca. rpo� f' c..dc1 ��- �'�ox �c�Q4S2S Lo : � "�av@.ruc�rcS -�d 3�% ;— p% L.oT CoV • Al_LOwEj�. The o.c� Cli��o-r� �5 P�c�cs d �j'-Q' ��o� 4. Exp�ain how your case contorms to each of the following: �Q,S f �oP � i N c�.�'4-0 KEQ- -I a. That the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Or�ianc would result in peculiar or ezceptional practical difficutties,or exceptional undue hardshi ��� � . - (�d�r� ,��-f- - b � �� �� '� �v�ti � � �� 5 ; - � . �' O v f' D� `f�Q L<-'E 4� C► �' i CASHIERS SE ONLY I b. That the granting of a variance wil! � not be a substantiat detriment to I , public good or a substantial impair- ��= �:;:,:� `;,y :�. ^• w� • �_-l�_. •�,Q0�1�_ L_L�.�•. i ment of the intent and purpose of ,.,T,,, the 2oning Ordinance. �"�''� ��r�''�'•-� �?1`;,'�`; ` ;� �j�=�i. {'-`�U.•�'_� ��v I •i�..l � • �� t � i��.t:Tt ' �•L' �:�.�.'��' (7,.;�-1 � ��.� `�fC�Vr ��/ Gt,ci�?Ge^� ,���,.�::-rT !v .. � �r n� � ba ci.���c �v �1 :.�,..,::�_ x,�t�; C,C�C�^ S�c (y by �%+ i; �c�r, S? �v�� — NOTE: THIS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT A COMPLETE SIT PLAN! %� % �' r2 � � � � � � � , ��o i Signature /✓ L ✓>./ � t � 'J V � , ; � ; � . � - . ; .. ' i I I j �I�l���.��� � �l� ' L � ' � ( ' . � '� � : � 1 i ; , ; _� _ _.;_'I� " � ' I i �/ ; � i , !� � ' . I '�;' i � I ' ; 1 � ' j . I � I I 1 ! , I ' I � ; I � � � . �__� I � ! , ' � I I , ... 1 � i I . i � 1 i I . ,�� . ` i � � I I � I I I � 1 "'�' .__ . ' _ ' , I , '_� � ( � � _ _ 'i ' ' ' " � � ' I I I .-- . --1!-r � -r- . I-'! 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DIST 13'� MAP# 9 & 1� o one famiy • • ^ c�rrunerci � two tamiy ♦ �.� industrial SCALE t'�400' � . ��-Q muitipie tamity V vaCarrt � � � � � - ��-i�� , � S `��_= o, � . ' R° � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° �� DEPARTMENT F PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � iiii�i�ii�ii' � � � � DIVISION OF PLANNING 0 ,••• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-22&3270 GEORGE IATIMER MAYOR July 5, 1989 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #10502 - Bernard Wal zing City Council Hearing: July 20, 989 PURPOSE: Appeal of the Board of Zoni g Appeals decision to deny a requested one foot side yard setba�k ariance and a requested 8.3$ lot coverage variance to construct a �ar ort addition onto the rear of a single family house with an exi,�ti g attached two car garage at 2214 St. Anthony Avenue. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deny SUPPORT: None . OPPOSITION: One neighbor Dear Sir: On June 13, 1989 the Board of Zo�in Appeals held a public hearing on these requested variances. The applic�nt testified. At th� close of the public hearing, the BZA voted 5 to 0 to, de y the requested variances. This appeal is scheduled to be h'ea by the City Council on July 20, 1989. Please notify me by July 17, 19$'9, if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site present�d t the public hearing. Sinc rely, , � � ��� �' • Peggy A. Reichert Deputy Director for Planning PAR:bp Attachments cc: Mayor Latimer ` , . . . � , � �������. APP�ICATION FOR APPEAL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � E C E I V � File � �bSdo� . e� ,1UN 1� �g$g' Application Fee S __ �� �" �.�� . Z����� ' Tentative Hearing Oate �`�'�� Application is hereby made for an Appeal to t e under the provisions of Chapter 64 ectiom , Paragraph of the Zoning Code to appeal a decision made by the �Board of oning Appeals Plann�ng Comnission on �'�3 , 19�9 Zoning A ministrator (date of decision) Plann�ng Administrator Other — A. APPELLANT h Name U � ,Z, � (�- Daytime phone � � - y� o, Address �-�-- G , Zi p Code SS/O�_ , G��'►�t.f j ��yl�. B. DECISION BEING R�PPEAtED , Zonin file name i Zoning File � /O �`J� 9 Property Address/Location_�- , � Legal description � '' � C. GROUNOS FOR APPEAL (Use additional sheiets if necessary. ) (Explain why you feel there has been a�n ror in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative afficial , or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or t e Planning Commission. ) �,. �" �° � . .� ,� � ! ;�' � " i�' , � ✓ � n u tions lease contact: � ' � vV C,��-� I 1 If you have a y q es , p - Applicant 's signature St. Paul Zoning Office 1100 City Hall �nnex � 25 �:est Fourth Street �% � � 3 — �� ' Saint Paul , Minresota 55102 Date City agent (2G�-4154) 9/82 � � � � � � ���-i��s � MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF E BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 13th FIAOR CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL ANNEX . ST. PAUL, MINNES TA, JUNE 13, 1989 PRESENT: Mme. Maddox; Messrs. Grais, Davis, Kirk and Osborn of the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Sega1, ssistant City Attorney; Mr. Zangs of the Division of Building,' In pection and Design; Mr. Ryan and Ms. Synstegaard of the Planning Division Staff. � � ABSENT: Messrs. Horak and Zimnie�tai . The meeting was chaired by Sam Gra�s, Chairman. BERNARD WALTZING (#104912: A side;ya d setback variance of 1 foot and a lot coverage variance of 8.4$ to construc a carport addition onto a single family house with an existing attached two c r garage. The applicant was present. There !wa no opposition present at the hearing. Mr. Ryan showed slides of the site a d reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for denial. Ms. Maddox asked where the trailer w uld be stored that was shown in the slides. Mr. Waltzing replied thaZ t e trailer is no longer there and he had intended to have the trailer moved b fore the slides were taken. He stated that he would like the carport be,�ca e his daughter is handicapped and she parks her vehicle where the carpo�rt ould be placed. Because there is no roof over the area, she slips and falljs requently on the ice because of the melting snow runoff from the roo£s reezing on the paved driveway. Mr. Osborn asked Mr. Waltzing if,'he had an attached garage. Mr. Waltzing replied yes but that his daughtei p rks her car outside because the garage is too narrow for her. Tom Wimplisauser, stated that he; ha had that concern himself and suggested Mr. Waltzing put up gutters arou�nd is garage. Mr. Waltzing replied that the gutt rs would not help his problem because the snow and ice come off of the house and garage roof. He stated that he has had gutters on before and they have ;al ays froze up on him. Hearing no further testimony, M�. rais closed the public portion of the meeting. , Mr. Davis moved to deny the varian e based on findings 1 through 5. Ms. ' Maddox seconded the motion, which assed on a roll call vote of S to 0. Submitted by: Approved by: � ^�`.'' / � Roge R n Sam Grais . . . _ .� • . � � .. C1TY ���'1—/�75 OF SAtNT PAUL � BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ESOLUTlON .` ZONING FiLE NUMBER: io49i DATE: June 13, 1989 . WHEREAS, Bernard Waltzing has applied f r a variance from the'strict application of the provisions of Sections 61.101 and 62.106(l) f the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the construction of a carport addition onto hc rcar of a singlc family house with an � existing attached two car garage in the R-4 zoning district; and . � • • WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zonin Appcals conducted a pubIic hearing on June 13, 1989, pursuant to said appeal in accord nce with the requirements of Section 62.204.of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoain Appeals based upon evidcnce presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected i the minutes, made the following findings of � fact: 1. Thc applicant wants a carport addition n his house in order to park his vehicles and � boat out of the weathcr. Thc propostd arport would store a vehicle while the existing '� garage would store another vehicle and boat. 2. The property in question can be put�to reasonable use undcr the strict provisions of � the zoning co�e. � � The property currently has two cnclose parking spaces in'the existing attached garage. . Outdoor storage of a vehicle is conside d to bc a mcre inconvenicnce and not an � exceptional practical difficulty or h;ard hip. 3. The proposed variancc may alter thC cs ential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish cstablishcd pro erty valucs within the surrounding area. The proposed carport increases the exi ing lot area coverage of 3396, already exceeding thc required 309b, to 38.496. This type f structure is not prevalent in this neighborhood and may negatively impact the charact r of the neighborhood and could potentially diminish property values in�the area. . 4. The variance, if granted, would not pe mit any use that is not permitted in th� zoning district where the property is locatt�d. 5. ThG;request for variance is based p�ri rily on a desire to fully utilize the site rather : , • than economic gain. � � . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLY�D by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the application to waive provisions of Sc tions 61.101 and 62.I06(1) be hereby denied on . property located at 2214 St. Anthony ;Av nue and legally described as Lot 8; Block 3; ' Merriam Park Sth Addition; in accordan c with thc application for variance and the site pIan on file with the Saint Paul Plani�in Division. continued) • ' � � � � � ' ��-i�7s � � File #10491 . Pagc Two � MOVED BY: Davis " � SECONDED BY: Maddox � IN FAVOR: s AGAtNST: o TiAILED: June 14, 1989 TIME LI1�4IT: No order of the Boar of Zoning Appeals permitting the erectioa or alteration of a build ng or off-street parking facility shall be valid for a period longer t an one year, unless a building permit for such erection or slteratio is obtained within such period and such erection or alteratio is proceeding pursuant to the terms of such permit. The Board f Zoning Appeals or the City Council may grant an extension not io xceed one year. In granting such extension, the Board of Zoning Ap eals may decide to hold a public hearing. APPEAL: Decisions of the Bo rd of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the City Council iihin 15 days by anyone affected by the . decision. CERTIFiCATION: I, the undersigned ecretary to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the - City of Saint P�ul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the fpre oing copy with the original record in my office; and find the saaie o be a true and correct copy of said orSginal and of the whole tl�'ere f, as based on approved minutes of the Saint Paul Board of Zoniqg ppeals meeting held on June 13, 1989 and on record in the S�ain Paul Planning Division Office, 25 West Fourth , Street, Saint P�ul Minnesota. � SAINT' PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ���_� i �--------- _�°�T' Secretary to the Board � � � � ` �.,��'���f 75� • BOARD OF ZONING AP EALS STAFF REPORT 1. APPLICANT: Bernard Waltzing FILE #10491 2. CLASSIFICATION: Minor Variance � DATE OF HEARING: 6/13/89 3. LOCATION: 2214 St. Anthony Avenue (SW ide between Pillsbury and Beverly) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8; 31ock 3; Me iam Park Sth Addition 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 13M 6. PRESENT ZONING: R-4 ZONING C E REFERENCE: Sections 61.101, 62.106(1) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DAT : June 5, 1989 BY: Marv Bunnell — A. PURPOSE: To construct a carport addit'on onto the rear of a single family house with an existing attached two car g�ra e. B. ACTION REOUESTED: A side yard setb�ck variance of 1 foot and a lot coverage variance of 8.4$; proposed setback c�f feet and required setback of 4 feet; � proposed lot coverage of 38.4$ and req ired lot coverage of 30�. C. SITE AND AREA CONDITIONS: Lot size ;is 4,800 square feet. The lot is level. Surrounding Land Use: North: Public right-of-way j East: Single family residential South: Single family residential ! West: Single family residential i D. BACKGROUND: The applicant proposeslto replace a portion of his garage roof and to add storage space in the ceiling of the garage by constructing a new roof from the peak of the existing garag� h rizontally west to about three feet from the property line. This new roof w'll create a carport immediately west and adjacent to the existing garage. �e roposed carport roof is planned to be higher than the windows of the appl�.ca t's house. The proposed carport will not be totally enclosed. i E. FINDINGS: i 1. The"applicant wants a carport addi ion on his house in order to park his � vehicles and boat out of the weath r. The proposed carport would store a vehicle while the existing garage ould store another vehicle and a boat. 2. The property in question can be pu to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the zoning code. , The property currently has two �nc osed parking spaces in the existing attached garage. Outdoor storage f a vehicle is considered to be a mere inconvenience and not an exception 1 practical difficulty or hardship. . • • � i i �}� �. File #10491 . (��(���?S � Page Two . ' 3. The proposed variance may alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish estab ished property values within the surrounding area. The proposed carport increases the xisting lot area coverage of 33�, already exceeding the required 3Q�, to 38.4�. This type of structure is not prevalent in this neighborhood and ay negatively impact the character of the neighborhood and could poten$ia ly diminish property values in the area. 4. The variance, if granted, would �ot permit any use that is not permitted in the zoning district where the prope ty is located. 5. The request for variance is based p imarily on a desire to fully utilize the site rather than economic gain. F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findin s 1 through 5, staff recommends denial of the variance. I I I I � _ , . ��� _ , • ' � , � 1 .`;` '� . . . .� G�� ���� . ZONING BOARD �� �D y�� . APPLICATION �FOR ZONING ORDINANCE VA IANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL O � " � � � i r o�� A VARIANCE OF ZONING CODE CHAPTER_�p�__,SECTION / b��PA AGRAPH� .IS REQUESTED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE POWERS VESTED IN THE BOA D OF ZbNING AP— PEALS TO PERMIT THE � C� � T I . /' �ON PROPERTY • . , DESCRBED BELOW. ; r - A. Applicant; NAME: � ADDRESS � �✓ �'Y� OAYTIME TELEPHONE NO. ��� ��.eZ.D�S IP CODE'�� 1. Property interest of applicant: (owner,contract purchaser,etc.) � 2. Name of owner (if differeni) � B. Property Description: ADDRESS ZZ � � SZ t�uT�lOIUyJ�/f �� �a� �j��� �- � ,(� / 1. Legal description: LOT " • BLOCK DD. � � O :- D y $oo A o v , 2. Lot size: 3. Present Use� r � • � 1 resent Zoning Dist. � � C: Reasons for Request: 1. Proposed use �`����`-'�''� � �'t � �' � 2. What physical characteristics of the property prevent its being used for ny of tne permitted uses in your zone? Itopography,soil conditions,size and shape of Iot,�etc.) T�� /o -f , s S �� tl � r � 3. State the specific variation requested,giving distances where appr I riat . A�� � i «.-u�"5' CarPorf c�.clClr�'��Gx �Ct'2�cS2S L..� : '�ou �ruc�r� s -fo 3Co% -� p% l.oT Co� . Q �LOwcD. The add �-��Q-„ � s Pr�Pcs d 3 '-U ' �ro�w 4. Explain how your case contorms to each of the following: �,,,J�S� �P � t N��!�-0 QEC{- a. That the strict application of the provisions ot the Zoning Ordiance ould result in peculiar or exceptional practical difficulties,or exceptional undue hardships �,(� /� / � • WG v�C( ✓l e� �Q !.�� �f� '� �7-T' /((�CL�'t � C l �C S j - ��' O� f' Df �G�fc C,�-'E�i� e' r" ; - ._ . CkSHI RS SE ONLY �J I b. That the granting ot a variance will � , not be a substantial detrime�t to I , public good or a substantial impair- ;J=;,.'`_i�`'CO�•1�v�%�±? �:=h'�� j men; of the intent and purpose of ,_„� „_ _ ��1:,:� ' ' t '1�' .�, the Zoning Ordinance. '�` -�' { 1`�''`� .�. I �:i:i�'L {'4�},t�!_i � .� t_ ' � �� � i ,�-..� � �• ��:__�� ,r, ! if' +�i]i_: r I.y r/lllrl��^C ..� . . ..ti`_ ��;�—1 �1rr `�!C{�Gr !, �•��.s:��' (u�� � t(1 nc � �G Gi1��C �crCl __ x,il.^� �,���C� S�c (y � v �!� � ; CL'nSl rv'-� NOTE: THIS VJILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT A COMPLET SIT PLAN! n u �� �_f' J � ,/� /� -�'" � � Signature �� �/�✓ +-� y� /V ' y✓.�1.-�� � �G� � � U I � � : . . � �i ' " 1 I I � / � � 3 ���H � � � _�`_ �� ' � � � 1 -�� � � � —�- ; � � . ; ;- ; -�� -- ;- ; ; � � ' � i �l 7�' i '�� i �� ,1� i I—i-i :—i - ; i � ( � ; � l ; _ •�.!_� � _1 i i I � , . —T— � 1 � � i � I , i , i i i .�'� ' . ' i � ' 1 + I ._ —� (--i _�— � _ � � � ' ' i i � { � I 1 —_ � � � i � I � ;`e i , + '� —'�"'1_� _r_ __' ' __'—'.J—'__" _.'____"_'."__._._� —_�—� I � � , . � � . . . . . _� _—__ —' i I � � ---- •'--- .--�----- ------ � ------�—,��4-""--��' --------- -- . ---- — i I . i , j ,,{{�� . . . _. ..... . � .. .._ _.-t__._.. __ .._.—"_'_....._._. _.'_"..__ �(� .. .__._... __.•.' 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