89-1469 WF11T£ - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council C BLUERV - MAYORTMENT File �NO.� �-���/ � Council esolution ,���. o��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the annual neighborhood cle ups encourage the citizens of Saint Paul to take pride in their neighborhoods and pro ote a better living environment through reducing accumulations of trash and solid aste in the neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, a Solid Waste Disposal pub education effort would complement the objectives of the Neighborhood Cleanup y activities by promoting continuous, . individual efforts to clean up and maint ' clean, attractive neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the cleanliness of Saint Paul' neighborhoods can be enhanced by providing residents with information which will allo them to safely and systematically dispose of solid waste materials throughout the year; and RESOLVED, that the City Council hereb requests the Administration and Public Works Department to work in conjunctio with Ramsey County to develop a citywide public education program on recycling an solid waste disposal to be implemented in cooperation with the Neighborhood Ener Consortium and the District Councils; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appr riate funding sources and informational material for such a public education pro am be recommended by the Public Works Department, with such program recomm ndations subject to the final approval of the City Council, by February 1, 1990. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g [n Favo Gosw;tz Rettman � B scheibe� A gai n s t Y Sonnen -�ilse�r> RQV — � 198 Form Appr e City A rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya.s Council Se ta By � gy, � a 1 A► bJy �Vlav : a _ ���� `' `� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � _ By ����n A��:;�:-� i �� 9 s� ,C���� �o-�d �� ��,�� "'"""'��� s��e. �'�� - 1�1�u� c� g�— � �lo. �d� k� /y�oq DEPARTMENTlOFFICFJCOUNpI DATE INITIATEO City Council - Councilmember Long 11/1/89 REEN SHEET NO. 5 3 21 CONTACT PERSON R PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIALlDATE �DEP ENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNGL Rick Person 6122 �� crrv rroRNev �ciTr c��uc MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTNiO BU ET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BERVICE8 DIR. MAY (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOC TIO S FOR 81QNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Approval of Council Resolution r qu sting Administration and Public Works to work in conjunction with Ramsey County to dev lo a city-wide public education program on recycling and solid waste disposal to be impl me ted in cooperation with the ATeighborhood Energy Consortium and the District Councils. RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(/a w Rs�ect(F� C01lNCIL COM RCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _Gs oa�rcr�E _ Bruce Ho eisel 298-5309 COMMENTB: _8TAFF — _DISTpICf COURT — SUPPORTS WNICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? Solid Waste Mana ement INRIATINO PROBLEM.ISSUE,OPPOFlTUNITY(Who,Wh�t,Wlrn,Whsro.Whyg The present guidelines of the one-day annua n ighborhood clean-up policy limits the number of participants due to religious and job-re at d reasons. This problem could be alleviated by providing residents with information whi h ill allow them to safely and systematically dispose of solid waste materials throughout th year. ADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED: This resolution would complement the objec iv s of the Neighborhood Clean-up Day activities by promoting continuous individual efforts to clean up and maintain clean, attractive neighborhoods. I D18ADVANTAQE3 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTA(iE3 IF NOT APPROVED: ue to the present gu�delines of the ne gh orhood clean-up policy, some citizens will ontinue to be excluded from the neighb rh od clean-up project because of religious and 'ob-related reasons. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 NO �Np�p gp�p(� ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANdALINFORMKIION:(EXPWM Appropriate fun in sources and informational material for such a ublic education program is to be rec mm nded by the Public Works Department, subject to inal approval of the City Council by Fe ruary l, 1990. NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-422�. ROUTING ORDER: Below are prefened routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. City Attorney 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayodAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council _ 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief AccountaM, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. DepartmeM Axountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Councfl 5. Ciry Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Sres. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. City Attorney 3. MayoNAssistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and pa�erc_I'ip each of these pages• ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to axomplish in either chronologl- cal order or order of importance,whicheve�ia rtrost appropriate for the issue. Do nat wNte complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the iss�e in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/FlESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your proJect or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED .Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are speci8c ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projecVaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this proJect/request produce if it is peased(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)7 To Whom?When1 For how long? DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service? Continued high trafflc, noise, accident rate7 Loss of revenue? FlNANCIAL 1MPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE • , COUnC1I D[//� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Q 7 ��� 9 �BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Counci Resolution ��`�` J Presente By � !�` ,��`"` Referred To Committee: Date ��� ��� Out of Committee By Date �. WHEREAS, the annual neighborhood cl anups encourage the citizens of Saint Paul to take pride in their neighborhoods and pr mote a better living environment through reducing accumulations of trash and soli waste in the neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, a Solid Waste Disposal pu lic education effort would complement the objectives of the Neighborhood Cleanup ay activities by promoting continuous, individual efforts to clean up and maint n clean, attractive neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the cleanliness of Saint Pau 's neighborhoods can be enhanced by providing residents with information which will all them to safely and systematically dispose of solid waste materials throughout the }�e and WHEREAS, following the completioa o the Neighborhood Clean-Up Day's in the past there have been unexpended funds rema 'ng; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council auth rizes the district councils' use of the funds, up to $4,000.00 per District Council, remai g in the Neighborhood Clean-Up Day account after the Clean-Up Day activities have b en paid for to fund Solid Waste Disposal public education efforts that share the p ose of the neighborhood cleanup projects of reducing accumulations of trash and soli waste in our neighborhoods; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the criter for public education efforts be established by Public Works Department staff assigned o Solid Waste policy and enforcement activities and such criteria be provided to district uncils when completed. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By t#pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �C�C-(/-����;,�� �—02 f—d /� ' WM �- CITY CLERK � � ,:. .<�N� . . . - P ��-. - FINANCE •������"��!��G I TY - SA I N.T' �A U L �O1nci�l ��—,�� . . ARV = DEPARTMENT �+ � UE -MAVOR ' . {�..IIe . N_O• _ � .C�o�� ' R�solut�n ,.. .��: M , . _ Presente y _ � . . ; . � 9/�r %'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � the annual neighborb cl anug� e,niQurag� the citizens of Saist Paul to take pride it��th�t neighborhoods and pr mote a be�ter living environ�nent through reducing accumulations of trash and li waste in the neighb�rhoods; aud . , WHEREAS, a Soli� �Vaste Di�posal 'c ednca#ion effort would complement the objectives of�he Nr�horhood Cleau p activ�tits by �romoting coniinuous, � -- individuat efforts to clean up and ' clean,-�ttra.ct�ve neighborhoods; and � � � . � ,. WH��tEAS, the c1e �a�iliness of Saint a ' s neig�orhoods can be enhanced by providing � residents with infonnatian wl�ch wiit o them to safely and systemagcally dispose of ~ �+ solid waste materials throughout the and . WHEREAS, following the oompletio o the Neighborhood C1eazrUp I?ay's in the �ast �' there have bee� unexpended funds re ' g; now, therefore�be it � � � - � � h . RF.�OLV�D, that the City Council ` the distric:t councils' t� of the funds, t�p > ` _ to 5�4,000.00 per District Counci�, re . . 'in the Neighborhood C1ean-Up DNay account : after the C1ea�Up Day activi�ies hav be n paid for to fund Solid Waste: I)i�posal y ,public education efforts that share the p of the n�ighborhood cleanup projects of reducing accumulatians o�trash and lid waste in our�;eighborhec�ds; and be .it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the cri eri for public educatio� efforts i�e esta��ish�d by Public Works Department sta,ff assign Solid Waste policy and enforceme�t'a�ivities - ` and s�ch criteria be provided to distri uncils when oompl�ted: . , � ,, COUNCIL MEMBERS � � . , • .!; Yeas Nays Requestqd by Dibpertment of.- , Dimond i.�une �In Fav r _;.' �:,` coswjtz _ Rtttinan �� Agains By so�neu r�Vflson ` Form �kppcoved by City Attornep Adopted by Council: Date _ _. ,. Certified.Fassed by Councit Secretary By' ;"�',.. . "` . ' ;; Approved 6�r Mavor: Date Appcov�d by Mayor for Sub�ission to Co�tncil By --- � BY , J . . . . . .. -... WN - CITV CLERK � � � .. �. � � � C ARY - DEPAR MEN 7 • M • G I TY O-� SA I NT PA U L COLLflCIl ;�-`� UE - MAVOR � F1Ie NO. �� � �� �i � � � Coun 'l Resolution �.f � Presente y � � � - ? f �• �'� � Referred To % � �-�', �� ���"�'-- Commi ttee: Date ��� `` r Out of Com,mittee By Date I WHEREAS, the annual neighborhoo cl ups encourage the citizens of Saint Paul to take pride in their neighborhoods ani pr mote a better living environment through reducing accumulations of trash and lid waste in the neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, a Solid Waste Disposal u 'c education effort would complement the objectives of the Neighborhood Clean p ay activities by promoting continuous, � individual efforts to clean up and ' t ' clean, attractive neighbc�rhoods; and WHEREAS, the cleanliness of Saint aul s neighborboods can be enhanced by providing residents with informa.tion wlrich will o them to safely and systematically dispose of solid waste ma.terials throughout the y ar• and ; , WHEREAS, following th� completio of the Neighborhood Clean-Up Day's in the past there have been unexpended funds re ' g; now, therefore be it , RESOLVED, that the City Council a o ' s the district councils' use of the funds, up to $4,000.00 per District Council, re ' g in the Neighborhood Clean-Up Day account after the Clean-Up Day activities hav be n paid for to fund Solid Waste Disposal . public educa.tion efforts that share the p se of the neighborhood cleanup projects of reducing accumulations of trash and s lid aste in our nei�hborhoods; and be it FLJRTI�R RESOLVED, that the cri ri for public education efforts be established:by Public Works Department staff assign t Solid V�asfe policy and enforcement activities � and such criteria be provided to distri uncils when completed. 4 . . COUNCIL MEMBERS Y� �S Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favdr Goswitz Rettman sche;net A gai n s t� BY " Sonnen . �V'ilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Courtcii Secretary BY By ' . Approved by Mavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . �,. �. WH -...= CITY CIERK - �� .. � - C ARYa- DEPARTMENT � r � COIIDCII � � ,' .�. P UE -MA oRE �� � G�T�Y ��(��� . � SAINT PALTL File NO. `. � � `�, Coun i Resolution � �. _, Presente By ' Referred Ta Committee: Date �' Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the annual neighborh __ cl anups encourage the citizens of Saint Paul to take pride in their neighborhoods an pr mote a better living environment through reducing accumulations of trash and li waste in the neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, a Solid Waste Disposal u lic education effort would complement the objectives of the Neighborhood Clean p ay activities by promoting continuous, � individual effoits to clean up and clean, amactive neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the cleanliness of Saint a s neighborhoods can be enhanced by providing residents with information wluch will o them to safely and systematically dispose of solid waste materials throughout the ar and WHEREAS, following the completio o the Neighborhood Clean-Up Da}�s in the past there have been unexpended funds re ' g; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council a th ' s the district councils' use of the funds, up to $4,000.00 per District Council, re ' g in the Neighborhood Clean-Up Day account after the Clean-Up Day activities hav n paid for to fund Solid Waste Disposal public education efforts that share th p se of the neighborhaod cleanup projects of reducing accumulations of trash and li waste in our neighborhoods; and be it F�JRTI�R RFSOLVED, that the ' e ' for pnblic education efforts be established by Public Works Department staff assign Solid Waste policy and enforcement activities and such criteria be provided to distri uncils when completed COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Fa or coswitz Rettman �6��� Again t BY Sonnen �'Vilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By ` A►pproved by IVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � � � • ���'r- /�09 DEPARTMENTIOFFI6E/COUN • OATE INITIA D Legislative Operating 8/8/8 GREEN SHEET NO. 7j�mn�Ld7►� OONTACT PER80N 8 PFWNE pEPpp�1�Ap�1T p�pECTpp �CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Bob Lon 298-4473 � a7v nrroaN�r ❑arr cx�c MU8T BE ON WUNGL/U�ENDA BY(DAT� IIOUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.�MOT.SERVICE8 dR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAtiEB (CLIP ALL OC TION8 FOR SIpNATURE) ACTION RECIUEBTED: RECOMMENDATIONS:MP►as Uy a Rsl�(� COUNCIL M iiEPORT OPTIONAL ANALYBT PHONE NO. —PUINNINO COMM13810N _GVIL SERVICE COMMIS310N _p8 OOMMI7TEE _ COMMENT8: _8TAFF _ _DI8THICT WURT — SUPPORTS WHlqi COUNpI OBJECTIVE9 INITWTIN(3 PHOBLEM.188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Wh�t,Whsn.Whsre,Why): The present guidelines of the one-day an ua neighborhood cleanup policy limits the number of participants due to religious and job re ated reasons. This problem coulil be alleviated by allowing the district councils to cre te methods that would share the same purpose of the neighborhood cleanup pro�ect, as the Di trict 14 Council has done by proposing to distribute a Ramsey County brochure on s li waste reduction and recycling. ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: This resolution would allow each distric c uncil to reduce accumulations of trash in ways that best accommodate the individual dis ri t's special needs; therefore, more citizens will be able 'to participate in keeping t ei neighborhoods safe and clean. DISADVANTAOES IF APPFiOVED: Unrestricted use of the neighborhood cle n fund could lead to discrepancies as to what should be defined as a neighborhood cle u project. Ca�.;nci! Research Center f��G �0 1��� asn�v�wr�oes iF r�or,wPROVe�: Due to the present guidelines of the ne gh rhood cleanup policy, some citizens will continue to be excluded from the neighb rh d cleanup pro�ect because of their religious and �ob-related reasons. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ; C08T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � . � • , 4. � .. NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCIUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFlCE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the flve most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUNGL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. DepartmeM Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Bud�et Dfrector 3. City Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistaM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Axounting 6. Chiet AccouMant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating DepartmeM Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council , 5. City Clerk � 6. Chief AccountaM, Fn&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating DepertmeM 2. City Attomey 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAC3ES indicate the#of�ges on which signatures are required and psperclip each of these�a e�. ACTION REQUESTED Describe whet the proJect/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologh cal order or order of importance,whichever is rtrost appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sente�. Begin each item in your Iist with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the lasue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by Ifsting the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(i PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTA(�3ES IF APPROVED _Indicate whether this Is simply an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/ charter or whether there are specific waya in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will beneHt from this proj�t/action. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When4 For how long? A DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequenc�es if the promised action is not approved?InabiUry to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accideM rate7 Loss of revenue? FINANGAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is�ing to pay? WHITE� - CITV CLERK . ///yy�y���� PINK - FINANCE COUflC1I � /��/ O CANARV - DEPARTMENT ' GITY OF SA NT PAUL Q ����� � ` BLUE - MAVOF ' File NO. ouncil R solution �q ��� � ._.___,� Presented By �Referred T Committee: Date ���7 � Out of Committee By Date �,,,, WHEREAS, the annual neigh?�or ood cleanups encourage the citizens of Saint Paul to take pr de in their neighborhoods and promote a better living environme t; and WHEREAS, the success of neig borhood cleanup depends on the number �of participants of each di trict; and WHER�S, the present guidel ' es of the neighborhood cleanup policy limi s the number of part'cipants by making the project a one day even - which then exclud s some citizens due to job- related or re �gious reasons; an ,,� WHEREAS, th�, intended goals of the cleanup project could be better accomplished if the metho s used suited the individual district councils; a�nd WHEREAS, the district counc' ls are in a better position to evaluate the needs of th�e indivi ual districts and could create methods that would be sui�able or the districts; now, therefore be it ''> RESOLVED, That the City ��►,o ncil authorizes the district councils to use the funds allo ted for the neighborhood cleanup for projects, in addition to th i.Neighborhood Clean-Up Day, that share the same purpose of the n i�borhood cleanup project and result in reducing accumulation o . trash in our neighborhoods; and be it ��"y FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Distri�t 15 Community Council is hereby authorized to utilize it Neighborhood Cleanup allocation for the printing and distributi n of a Ramsey County proposed brochure on solid waste reducti n and recycling that will educate citizens on how to reduce soli waste and properly dispose of items, including household haz rdous wastes,, that could otherwise be left as trash in our neighb rhoods. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i.o�g [n Favor Goswitz Rettman B �he1be� _ A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By gy. Approved by 1Aavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ;,..� , � .. ... WHIT� - CITY�CIERK y�... �� .. . . .��' .. .' " . R R� = oEP TME�:�' �" � (�.tITY �F� S INT PAUL Council �����vp _! UE -M A V O i1M�"� � File N O. 7 ; � � � ounci esolution i� � .. - � �� � , -___._�-' �Presented By ' , " ` Referred T Committee: Date �" �7-�, Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the annuai nei rhood cleanups encouraqe the citizens of Saint Paul to ta e ride in their neighborhoods and promote a better living envi on ent; and WHEREAS, the success of ne ghborhood cleanup depends on the number of participants of ea h istrict; and WHEREAS, the present gu d ines of the neighborhood cleanup policy limits the number of a icipants by making the project a one day event, which then ex 1 es some citizens due to job- _ related or rel`igious reasons d WHEREAS, the�.intended g a s of the cleanup project could be � better accomplished,. if the m t ods used suited the individual district councils; and ,�� WHEREAS, the distr4ict u cils are in a better position to evaluate the needs of °the. i i idual districts and could create methods that would be suita le for the districts; now, therefore be it , _ RESOLVED, That the Cit C uncil autharizes the district """�councils to use the funds a lo ated for the neighborhaod cleanup for projects, in addition t e'� Neighborhood C1ean-Up Day, that share the same purpose of t e eighborhood cleanup project and � result in reducing accumula i s of trash in our neighborhoods; and be it � FU�'FHER RESOLVED, That t e District 15 Community Council is hereby authorized to utiliz ts Neighborhood� Cleanup allocation for the printing and distri u ion of a R�msey County proposed brochure on solid waste red c ion� and recyclinq that will educate citizens on how to reduce s 1 d waste and properly dispose of items, �includinq household a ardous wastes, that could o��erwise ` ' be left as trash in our ne' h orhoods. ¢ _ _ --�-�_� COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by Department of: ' Yeas Nays ,�,:.. Dimond r.ong [n F or _ Goswitz :..�„--�,. � Agai st By `'`�,,;>m sonnen Wilaon . Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date' Certified Passed by Council Secretary $y ' . F, .... ... � ' . B`r 7 Approvec�= Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council .�.. g -� gy Y � ..iNHI WTV CLERK�..:. •'���` . }. . .` . � .. ' ., ' 1''� -. � . �'y+<� _ . ... .r_ + . . PlN — FJN ARI G E � . � li� ►: � � �4.. . � .. COIl11C1I � . p.. . RY�-- DEPARTME�9�'IF��..�`_'.s'�•5 � +' . 1 TY O i'� I NT �PA U�L � �41E —MAVORF+P �� � � . Fite-� NO�.� ����� ! .. . � ; . . , .,. - ouncil eso�lu�ion �� .��� , �f; � i � _ . ,: r .. . _ _ _ ._ : 'Presented By � :� �; ,�.. . .. ,.. _. e � . , - ` . '. . �'' �y �. t/ Referred T Committe�: Date �—A�`�4�� , z • Out of Cbmmittee By Date WIiEREAS,-_the annua�.'neiq, o ood c��nups e�hcc�u�age the;-' citizens :of Saint Paul �.to take p de in t�ie�r neighbQrhoods and- , - ' - promote a better living env�ro t; and • WHEREAS, the success of n i orhood cleanup depends ;.on tfie x�umber of participants of e�ch d strict; and � � . WHEREAS�-z the p�esent g�i 1 nes of the neighborhood cleant�p ` policy limits the number �� pa t aipapts by making the pro�ect � > one d$y. �ven�, whi.ch thea e� d s som+� c�ttiz�ns d�e to �ob- : , � related or_'religicus =�easanst< n - . � ' WHEREAS, .tbe int�snded �qo s� o� the cleanup project cauld be,, - better acconeplished if the n� 4 s used� suited the individual :� district cow�i'c#.ls; and `� ,.� �� � .� � . : .�., - . � WHEREAS, the distri�t ca c is a�e i'n a better: position to � .�; evaluata the needs of the ind i: uaY dis�ricts ans� 'aoulc�,:Ycre�e �� �'� methods t�iat would be su€itabi� or the districts; now, therefore � ' `; , be it ' ,,,,.:�- . ^ : _ • . 9 ,. - � .: ` RESQ"LVED,� �That the CitX cil authorizes the district .: ,���'''� councils�: to use. the funds all ca ed for the neighborhood cle,,,�p _. �o�r -pro��cts, i-n addition �to h Neighborhood C�ean-t�,_.���; �hat . �� : share the same purpose o£ t�t� ghbo�hoc�d, clean�-�FO ject and :� � � re�uit in reducing accumulati n of tras� in, oux neighborhoods; and be it ; ., - _ :..;:-,,�'-' FUR�ER RESQ�+VSD, That t e istrict 15 Community Counc�l is � ' hereby a�'thorized to �tilize t Neiqhriorhood `Cleanu�•-�filocati.� "' ° � ' ` for the printing and distribu i' n of a Ramsey County propaseS ;: � - brochure on solid waste reduc i n and reeycling that will educate '` --: ----� citizens on how to reduce sol d waste and properly dispose of ' �- �� �t�ms, including house�old ha a dc�us wastes, that could ot�.Yierwi�e -. be left-as trash in_ ou� neig o hoods. �` �; .� � - . , ; , .: , . . , _ - ... , . . �:: ..�.,.�.�,,:; COUNCII:.MEMBERS Requested by Depertment of: Yeas Nays ` Dlmond ` '- t.ons In Favo y-, Goswitz ,��-� Rettroxn �-",.., scheibel ` Against BY s _ Son�n :.",M, . � � , .. _ ., � � - � � � Form Ap'proved 6y City Attorney _ � Adopte�by Council: Date., �.. �` Ce�tified Passed,by Council Secretary By' By� . Approved �iy Mavor: Date - Approved 6y Mayoc for Submission to CoutL�il � �� � ti? By � . : ,�y : �► � _ ' � , f . WHI* - CITV CLERK . ,� . : � . . . . � . PINk - FINANCE ` � , �,,;`�,;� � � ~ GITY_ -�OF �AINT PAUL Council ��-� �t��. rl RV - OEPARTME � File NO. .� � UE - MAVOIi� � . - � f Council esolution Presented By ° ' �Referred T -/' �` � �'-�� - Committee: Date �� �t-% '"� � � t Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the annual neigh or ood cleanups encourage the citizens of Saint Paul to take p 'de �n their neighborhoods and promote a better living enviro m t; and WHEREAS, the success of n i orhood cleanup depends on the number of participants of each d'strict; and WHEREAS, the present guid l nes of the neighborhood cleanup policy limits the number of pa t cipants by making the project a one day event, which then excl d s some citizens due to job- related or religious reasons; ar► WHEREAS, the intended go ls of the cleanup pro�ect could be better accomplished if the me ho s used suited the individual k district councils; and WHEREAS, the district co n 'ls are in a better position to � evaluate the needs of the ind v' ual districts and could create . methods that would be suitabl for the districts; now, therefore - be it - RESOLVED, That the City o ncil authorizes the district councils to use the funds all c ted for the neighborhood cleanup for projects, in addition to h Neighborhood Elean-Up Day, that � share the same purpose of th n ighborhood cleanup project and - result in reducing accumulat on of trash in our neighborhaods; and be it � . FURTHER RESOLVED, That he District 15 Community Council is ' hereby authorized to utilize it Neighborhood Cleanup allocation for the printing and distrib ti n of a Ramsey County proposed brochure on solid waste redu t' n and recycling that will educate - citizens on how to reduce so i waste and properly dispose of items, including household h z dous wastes, that could otherwise be left as trash in our neig b rhoods. COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i �os [n Fav�r --- Goswitz Rettman s���be� Agains� By . Sonnen 1�V'ilson I Form Approved by Citg Attorney Adopted by Council. Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' By _ Approved by Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci� By BY � � • M � � � ���9 i��9 Finance Committee Report September 11, 1989 5. Resolution 89-1325 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved adding $30,000 to the Financin,g a d Spending Plans in the Fire Department for new ro f at Fire Station No. 10. (Referred from Counci,l gust 1) 6. Resolution 89-1423 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved adding $11,706 to the Financing nd Spending Plans �-: of General Fund - Fire Departmen salaries - overtime. (Referred from Council August 15 7. Resolution 89-1424 - amending th 1989 budget and Approved adding $52,451.96 to the Financi g and Spending Plans for Friends of the Library (Referred from Council August 15) 8. Resolution 89-1425 - amending th 1989 budget and Approved adding $30,000 to the Financing nd Spending Plans for Community Services Library m terials. (Referred from Council August 15 9. Resolution 89-1492 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $20,000 to the Financing nd Spending Plans for physical examinations for p ential city employees. (Referred from Coun il August 22) 10. Resolution 89-1521 - amending t e 1989 budget by Approved adding $70,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Public Works Traffic, S gnal , Lighting and Maintenance fund. (Referred fr m Council August 29) 11. Resolution 89-1540 - amending t e 1989 budget by Approved Substitute adding $246,151 to the Financin and Spending Plans Resolution for CIS computer upgrading. (R ferred from Council August 31) 12. Resolution 89-1243 - approving he appointment by Denied the Mayor of James C. Sargent t serve as a Commis- sioner of the Civil Service Co ission. (Referred from Council Jul 13 laid ove July 31) 13. Resolution 89-1469 - authoriZi district councils to Denied use funds allocated for nei�hb rhood cleanup projects in addition to the Neighborhoo Cleanup Day; and that District 15 Community Council s authorized to utilize its neighborhood cleanup al�oc tion for printing and distribution of solid waste re uction and recycling brochure. (Referred from Coun il August 17) 14. Ordinance - 6 - amending C apter 370 of the Approved Legislative Code pertaining to appointment of members to the Board of Exa�nin rs for Certificate of Competency holders. (Refer ed from Council July 25, laid over August 21) . . � . . . ' . f`�� ,�'° GITY OF �AINT PAUL • �, Sfi�P6i�lI � \a15f e i;:li °`- OFFICE OF THE C1TY COUNCIL Committee Report � Finance. Management. & Personnel Committee September 11, 1989 l. Approval of minutes of August 21, 1989, meeting. Approved 2a. Resolution 89-1427 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $8,673 to the Financing and Spending Plans for G.O. Special Assessment, 1987 and 1988 Bonds- arbitrage interest ear.nings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2b. Resolution 89-1428 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $123,194 to the Financing and Spending Plans for General Debt Service Fund, 198T and 1988 Bonds- � arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2c. Resolution 89-1429 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $118,850 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Sewer Service Bond Fund - arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2d. Resolution 89-1430 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $12,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for powntown & 7th Place TIGO Debt Service - arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2e. Resolution 89-1431 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $7,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Park Nursery Development TIGO Debt Service - arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 3. Resolution 89-1301 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $42,445 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Rental Dwelling Registration Program. (Referred from Council July 25, laid over August 21) : 4. Resolution 89-1300 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved. adding $10,800 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Alarm Permit Program. (Referred from Council July 25) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 8• c+�' •46 � WH E - C7TV CLEriK � P K - FINANCE • GITY OF S INT PAUL Council ANARY - OEPARTMENT ° File NO. lUE - MAVOR Council esolution ' �'�-,���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the annual neighborhood clean ps encourage the citizens of Saint Paul to take pride in their neighborhoods and prom te a better living environment through reducing accur�ulations of trash and solid w te in the neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, a Sol�d Waste Disposal pul�lic education effort would complement the objectives of the Neighborhood Cleanup Da activities by promoting continuous, individual efforts to clean up and maintain lean, attractive neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the cleanliness of Saint Paul's eighborhoods can be enhanced by providing residents with information vvhich will allow em to safely and systematically dispose of solid waste materials througho�t the year; d .� � WHEREAS, following the comp��tion of e Neighborhood Clean-Up Day's in the past there have been unexpended funds i�emai ' g; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council aufho ' es the district councils' use of the funds, up to $4,000.00 per District Council, remainin in the Neighborhood Clean-Up Day account after the Clean-Up Day activities have bee` , paid for to fund Solid Waste Disposal public education efforts that share the p ose of the neighborhood cleanup projects of reducing accumulations of trash and solid aste in our neighborhoods; and be it FURTHER RFSOLVED, that the criteria for pul�lic education efforts be established by Public Works Department staff assigned t Solid V��aste policy and enforcement activiries and such criteria be provided to district co ncils whe� completed. ti ,,,_ COUNCIL MEMBERS ` ~ Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Fa`vor coswitz Rettman s�ne�ne� A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Councit: Date Ceriified Passed by Council Secretary BY • By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ., . � ����� 5. 11/9/89 Final Order: Cons ructing the Approved 3-0 SEVENTH/OTTO AREA TORM SEWER PROJECT. (Bounded by Inters ate 35-E on the west and north, Shepard Road on the south and on the east by Osc ola Avenue and Sumac Street. Also, constructing storm, sanitary and water service conn ctions if requested by the property owner , for the SEVENTH/OTTO AREA STORM SEWER A D STREET PAVING AND LIGNTING PROJECT. 6. Resolution 89-1715 Removing residential Approved 3-0 permit parking res riction on both sides of WILDER between ayton and Selby, and both sides of MOOR between Laurel and Selby. (Referred o Committee 9/26/89) . (Laid over in Comm'ttee 10/18/89) . 7. Resolution 89-1�469: Authorizing District Approved Councils to use fu ds allocated for substitute neighborhood clean up projects in addition resolution to Neighborhood C1 an-up Day and that 4-0 District 15 Commun'ty Council is authorized to util 'ze its Neighborhood Clean-up allocatio for printing and distribution of so id waste reduction and recycling brochure. (Referred to Committee 9/21/89) . (Laid o er in Committee 10/18/89) . 8. Letter of DISTRICT ENERGY submitting rates Approved 3-0 to be charged to h t water customers effective October , 1989. (Laid over in Committee 8/16, 9/ 0, 10/4 and 10/18/89) . 9. Ordinance 89-1901 : An ordinance amending Approved 3-0 Chapter 161 of the Legislative Code pertaining to SNO EMERGENCY ROUTES and establishing a pil t snow emergency plowing program. (Referred to Committee 10/19/89) . Members: �����/ �, CITY OF SA NT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair - ������„��� � Janice Rettman �p„� ��;�� OFFIC� OF TFiE ITY COIINCIL Tom Dimond r Date: November 1, 1989 RECEIVED Committe Report NOV011�9 To: Saint Paul City Council . ciTY c�ERK � From :Public Works, Utilities, nd Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair 1 . Approval of minutes o October 18, 1989. Approved 3-0 Hearing Date 2. 11/9/89 Vacation: Petition of Kawalski 's Red Owl Approved 3-0 Store to vacate the a ley in Block 1, Stinson's Blvd. Addit on. Bounded by GRAND, SUMMIT, SYNDIC TE and the SHORT LINE. Purpose is to xpand present business. 3. 11/9/89 Vacation: Petition of City of Saint Paul Approved 3-0 to vacate a 10-foot s rip of STROH DRIVE between REANEY and B H. Purpose is to correct a title probl m. 4. 11/9/89 Final Order: To imp ove the following Approved 3-0 streets with a bitum nous surface, concrete curb and gu ters, concrete driveway aprons and utwalks, boulevard sodding and a lanter style street lighting system. Pa ts of Palace, James, Chatsworth, Pleasant Clifton, Fulton, Victoria, View, Arms rong, June, Watson, Tuscarora, Milton, y, Race, Middleton, Rogers, Canton, Sch fer and Otto. To be known as the SEVENT /OTTO AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. CITY HALL SEVENT'I-i FLOU SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ae wr�• + • P, K E .i�� FIN�C`E p� ��� COUflC1I •N.�RV - DEPARTMENT GITY �OF SAINT PAUL ��—/�-f� 9 e��e - M.�oA File N�. _ � Council esolution ;. ;� � 1, � � ` Presente �'By ����� '''��r r , Referred To \ ���o-"'� Committee: Date �/�-� ��� � � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the annual neighborhood clean s encourage the citizens of Saint Paul to take pride in their neighborhoods and prom e a better living environment through reducing accumulations of trash and solid w te in the neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, a Solid Waste Disposal public ducation effort would complement the ; objectives of the Neighborhood Cleanup Da acrivities by promoting continuous, individual effcs.-�ts�to clean up and maintain c ean, attractive neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the cleanliness of Saint Pau1's eighborhoods can be enhanced by providing residents with information which will allow em to safely and systematically dispose of I solid waste materials throughout the year-, d WHEREAS, following the .completion of t e Neighborhood Clean-Up Day's in the past there have been unexpended funds rem ' ' g; now, therefore be it � ��_;'-':� 1 RESOLVED, that the City Council autho ' es the district councils' use of the funds; up � , to $4,000.00 per District Council, remainin in the Neighborhood Clean-Up Day account - ' after the Clean-Up Day activities have bee paid for to fund Solid Waste Disposal public education efforts that share the pu ose of the neighborhood cleanup projects of reducing accumulations of trash and solid aste in our neighborhoods; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the criteria for public education efforts be established by Public Works Department staff assigned t Solid Waste policy and enforcement activities and such criteria be provided to district co ncils when completed. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimor.d Long In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen �Ison � Form Appcoved by City Attomey .. pted by Council: Date Certi(ied Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by �lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council $y BY \ DEPARTMENT/OFFlf�JCOUNq DATE INIl1ATED ''i/�, �=, - ��� Legisl�tive Operating 8/8/89 REEN S�HEET NO. 3i��8�' OONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE DE ENT DIRECTOR �G1Y COUNpL Councilmember Bob Long 298-4473 NuM'BE�R FOp [�c ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNGL Af3ENDA BY(�AT� ROUTINQ �BU Ef DIFECTOH �FlN.A MCiT.SERVICE$DIR. �'.- ORDER �MA OR(OR ASSISTANT) � � . TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATI S FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N REQUESTED: RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)«Heject(R) COUNCIL COMMITT RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLAWNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE? ' INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,Whsn,Whsro,Why): The present guidelines of the one-day annual eighborhood cleanup policy limits the number of participants due to religious and job-rela ed reasons. This problem could be alleviated by allowing the district councils to create m thods that would share the same purpose of the neighborhood cleanup project, as the Dist ict 14 Council has done by proposing to distribute a Ramsey County brochure on solid aste reduction and recycling. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: This resolution would allow each district co cil to reduce accumulations of trash in way that best accommodate the individual distric 's special needs; therefore, more citizens �.Y,` will be able 'to participate in keeping their neighborhoods safe and clean. . OISADVANTA(iES IF APPFOVED: Unrestricted use of the neighborhood cleanup fund could lead to discrepancies as to what should be defined as a neighborhood cleanup roject. C���;;�:1 ^���;Yci� Center _ . �:;;U �o i�°�J � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Due to the present guidelines of the neighb rhood cleanup policy, some citizens will continue to be excluded from the neighborho d cleanup project because of their reTigious and job-related reasons. �.., TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COSTIAEVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE7 YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTiVlTY NUMBER FlNANpAL INFORMATtON:(EXPIAIN) MrMITF - C�TY �LERK� � �, � ��� PIN' - FINANCE - COURCIl �OIUERV � M��y��,TMENT1, GITY OF SAI T PAUL File NO. � �- � _ ���� � Council Re olution �, �, �n'�� � �� � g c1 Z, �`7 '' �sented By ' ,\ . , ' _ _ % Referred Td`-�' Committee: Date �'�7 � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the annual neighborh od cleanups encourage the citizens of Saint Paul to take pri e in their neighborhoods and promote a better living environmen ; and WHEREAS, the success of neigh orhood cleanup depends on the number of participants of each dis rict; and WHEREAS, the present guideli es of the neighborhood cleanup policy limits the number of parti ipants by making the project a one day event, which then exclude some citizens due to job- related or religious reasons; and � WHEREAS, the intended goals f the cleanup project could be better accomplished if the method used suited the individual district councils; and . WHEREAS, the district counci s are in a better position to evaluate the needs of the individ al districts and could create methods that would be suitable r the districts; now, therefore be it _ � E � �'=: RESOLVED, That the City Cou cil authorizes the district � � councils to use the funds alloca ed for the neighborhood cleanup for projects, in addition to the Neighborhood Clean-Up Day, that share the same purpose of the ne ghborhood cleanup project and result in reducing accumulations of trash in our neighborhoods; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the istrict 15 Community Council is hereby authorized to utilize its Neighborhood Cleanup allocation for the printing and distributio of a Ramsey County proposed brochure on solid waste reducti and recycling that will educate citizens on how to reduce solid aste and properly dispose of items, including household haza dous wastes, that could otherwise be left as trash in our neighbo hoods. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimund �ng In Favor Goswitz Retta,an B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By BY . . - . ��' �S/{oY pEpARTMEK'/OFFlCFJCOUNpt 1� DATE INITIATED' p Le.gisla*_ive Operating 8/8/89 REEN S�HEET NO. 3��m�Ar� CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE �DEP ENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Bob Long 298-4473 ��B"��R ❑c ATfORNEY �CITY CLERK ►'��ST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY(DAT� �� �BU ET DIRECTOR �FlN.d M(3T.SERVICES DIFi. - �MA OR(OR ASSISTANI� � TOTAL�i OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIO S FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Rejsct(R) COUNCIL COMMITTE RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ��Y� PHONE NO. _pLANNINd COMMISSION -CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE - COMMENTS: __STAFF - _DISTHICT COURT - SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL 08JECTIVE9 INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(1Nho.What,IM�en,Whers,Why): The present guidelines of the one-day annual eighborhood cleanup policy limits the number of participants due to religious and job-rela ed reasons. This problem could be alleviated by allowing the district councils to create m thods that would share the same purpose of the neighborhood cleanup project, as the Dist ict 14 Council has done by proposing to distribute a Ramsey County brochure on solid aste reduction and recycling. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �- This resolution would allow each district co cil to reduce accumulations of trash in ways � :. ''that best accommodate the individual distric 's special needs; therefore, more citizens will be able �to participate in keeping their neighborhoods safe and clean. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Unrestricted use of the neighborhood cleanup fund could lead to discrepancies as to what should be defined as a neighborhood cleanup roject. , C�:.'::�:J ^,e�narCr► Center ���l� �Q i�;�� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Due to the present guidelines of the neighb rhood cleanup policy, some citizens will continue to be excluded from the neighborho d cleanup project because of their reTigious and job-related reasons. i. � �JTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) . - - , � � � ���q_i��9 . '�� - � ' . ' . Finance Committee Report September 11, 1989 5. Resolution 89-1325 - amending the 1989 -budget by Approved adding $30,000 to the Financing an Spending Plans in the Fire Department for new roo at Fire Station � No. 10. (Referred from Council Au ust 1) 6. Resolution 89-1423 - amending the 989 budget by Approved . adding 511,706 to the Financing an Spending Plans of General Fund - Fire Department alaries - overtime. {Referred from Council August 15) 7. Resolution 89-1424 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding �52,451.96 to the Financin and Spending Plans for Friends of the Library. (Referred from Council August 15) . 8. Resolution 89-1425 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding.�30,000 to the Financing a d Spending Plans for Community Services Library m erials. (Referred from Council August 15) 9. Resolution 89-1492 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved as amended � adding $20,000 to the Financing nd Spending Plans for physical examinations for po ential city employees. (Referred from Counc 1 August 22) 10. Resolution 89-1521 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved adding $70,000 to the Financing nd Spending Plans for the Public Works Traffic, Si nal , Lighting and Maintenance fund. (Referred fr Council August 29) 11. Resolution 89-1540 - amending t e 1989 budget by - - Approved Substitute adding $246,151 to the Financin and Spending Plans Resolution for CIS computer upgrading. (R ferred from Council August 31) 12. Resolution 89-1243 - approving he appointment by Denied the Mayor of James C. Sargent t serve as a Commis- sioner of the Civil Service Co ission. (Referred from Council Jul 13 laid uve July 31) 13. Resolution 89-1469 - author�zi g district councils to Denied use funds allocated for neighb rhood cleanup projects in addition to the Neighborhoo Cleanup Day; and that District 15 Community Council s authorized to utilize its neighborhood cleanup alloc tion for printing and distribution of solid waste re uction and recycling brochure. (Referred from Coun il August 17) 14. Ordinance - 6 - amending apter 370 of the Approved Legislative Code pertaining t appointment of members to the Board of Exami ers for Certificate of Competency holders. (Refe red from Council July 25, laid over August 21)