D00721CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFEICE OF TE� MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: � � L ( • BI3DCETREVISION Date: `� � � ADMINISTRA'fIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor In Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of Director of the Deparlment of the Division of Parks and Recreation to amend the 1995 budget of the General fund, the Director of �e Department of F'mance and Management Services is auihorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Deparhnent of Community Services Division of Pazks and Recreation General Fund Spending Plan 001-03104-0279 601-03104-0341 001-03104-0344 001-03104-0822 001-03105-0131 001-03105-0219 001-03105-0356 001-03124-0279 �11-03132-�273 ��1-03172-0273 001-03172-0291 001-03172-0322 001-03177-0121 001-03177-0221 001-03177-0235 001-03177-0241 Totais 789,178.94 0.00 789,178.94 Adjust 1995 budget to reflect proper spending authority for anticipated year end expenditures �. ',� �� U� Appiove" b : Budget Dicecmr � ( - � -� �_ Other Repair & Maintenance Motor Puel Parts for Vehicles Trucks & Vans Certified - Temporary Fees - Other Professional Services Safety Supplies Other Repair & Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Refuse Disposal Aggregates Part Time Certified Current B�udgeL 20,497.00 71,380.00 73,067.00 342,943.94 2,160.00 2,798.00 4,083.00 9,832.00 61,616.0(1 43,282.00 66,103.00 51,807.00 30,676.00 �.�� 6,750.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 (5,400.00) (1,000.00) (1,100.00) 2,100.00 (1,350.00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00} (20,000.00) (5,000.00) (7,OQ0.00) Amended �v�gQL 27,2A7.00 76,38a.00 103,067.00 337,543.94 1,160.00 1,698.00 6,183.00 8,482.00 56,616.00 38,282.00 46,103.00 46, 807.00 23,676.00 '� . .. 11 1f1 11 �. s It �- 1' `:1 11 � 111 11 ••'1 11 • �• ' `: 11 61:1 1.1 '' 1.1 Rzquested by: DepaNme�. Director Parks & Recreation Stromen 266-6435 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ` (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� CRY CAUNCtL CRVCtEpK FIN. & MGT. SE Approval of administrative order amending the general fund spending plan. (A)or Rajact(R) _ PLANNING COMAlI55ION _ CML SEPVICE _ CIB CAMMITTEE , �_ S7AFF _ _ DISTRICT CqURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTiVE? ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What. Whan. Where, Why): 9djust 1995 budget to reflect proper spending authority for anticipated year end expenditures. spending authority will be in place and payments can be made. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None Invoices will not be paid and the budget will not be in compliance with the City Charter. AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION S � S� �. 0`la.! 'EINITIATED �REEN SHEET 11-1-95 N_ 7 u �EPAFiiMENT DIRECrOR FON �CT'ATTORNEY � BU�GETDIRECTOR � � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANi) 35134 — INITIAL/DATE PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worketl u�er a contract tor this depar4nent? - YES NO 2�Has Mis person)firm eve� been a c�ty employee2 VES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM cify emptoyee? YES NO Explain all yea enswers on separate aheet antl attaeh to green sheet RfCEIVED NOV - 6 1995 CtTY C(,�R� COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINCa30UHCE �=Pnaral F�mA pCTIVITYNUMBER FINANC�AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �> d