89-1446 _ s ' ,�...,,.. 3� � .�, �f . . � City of St.Paul i COLTNCIL FILE NO. ' ; � FINAL ORDER IN , gY n`+�.�� :�F== y?�����: ,. CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS '� ����,,,� File No. V�ttng � ��z� In the Matter of � � Coadesaing a�d taicia� a parmape L e�tilit� �aa��en� ior tl�• Arcad�lMtnaehst�a Arsa Sa�r�r ��Ipa a�ion ?ro,jsct �►�, �ad�z •ad across thst parC o! Lot 15, Jeh t ae'� Subdi�i.s�.a� a� Hlo�k 11� Qf L�a�a� DaTten's Addl�tion t� �ai � Paal� tzi.aa�alar fa shape� 2yieg e�sterly n# a ii�� fspa ia �ia� 1�. 5 t��� r��t ot tbi aoxth�ast cornsr of said t�ot IS►j� s:sussd om th� s�a�th 2ia• of �aid Lo� i3 and • p8ist �.4 fee� or�thrastsr2f ot Lbs �+��t�eaa� corner of said Lc►t IS, •easura a th• •�at2e�rst�sly 1lee� o! said Lot i5. ' i , I � , � under Administrative Order ""' approved '�— under Preliminary Order �� �O�°?°�� approved �`�� ~�� � A public hearing having been had upon the iabo e improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relativeithe to, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City o$ Sai t Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Couecil herelly d ermines that the estate required Wr thie improvement be as describ- ed above, and tt,at the proper City officers submit ia re ort Lo the City Counoil foe the purpose ot the Counoil's making an award ot damages for the interest�a�d and determ�nati n ot assessments, if anq, against the benefited property. acquired � i . � �-, � COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Counc�l: Date i ���� YeasII� Nays 6ostlit� i Certified se y Counci ecreta � �In Fallor By �" — Sc'k�iQ�l � �a Agair�st yi�,� , Mayor �t�� �,U G 1989 AU6 ) fi 1889 I • � _ • r RE' 6� 8� 9 ��/��5� a . � DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEIOOUNdL DATE I Finance 6i2 i8 GREEN SHEET No. 3��,�1A,� CONTACT P�N 8 PIiONE �DEPIIRTMEM aRECTOR n CITY OO�Nd� Peter White - 298-53ll � �����, ��,�� MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� 4 �BUDOET DIF'�CTOR �FIN.d MQT.SERVICES DIR. �a�erb�han noo�i �e�dnes�aa��7��/�� ❑�"uYOR�"�ST"� � Council Resear TOTAL�OF SIONATURE PAGE8 (CLIP L CATIONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REOUEBTED: Approve acquisition of a permanent util ty easement for the ARCADE/MINNEHAHA AREA `'''' �J: '. SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. (Piv�anc.2 File 1 454E-2� REOOMMENDI►7ION8:Approw(y a t�.�t(i� COUNCI REP�1T OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMIS810N _CML BERVICE OOMMISSION A�Y PHONE N0. _GB COMMITTEE _ A STAFF _ OOMME . _DI8TRICT OOURT — SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATiN(i PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Wh�t,WMn,VYMro,Why): The future maintenance of the above ment on d storm sewer requires the easement as shown on the attached map and as described on he attachment. ADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: " This easement will facilitate futur� rep ir on the above mentioned sewer. DISADVMITA(iE8 IF APPROVED: Easement will create an encumbrance upon he subject property. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: To not acquire this easement would make f tu e ma.intenance on this segment of sewer impossible without securing an easement a t at time. Co�;r���f Research Center J�i11 2 S i��9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANS�CTION 123.C)O �gT/i�VENUE SUD�iETED(qRC1.E ON� YES NO FUNDIN�i SOURCE Easement Fund A�V�N�� CPL-C87-2T602-0787-29023 FlNANCIAL 1NFORMATION:(EXPWf� � � b � I ,,,y �y V '"d �i � O.1 i � ��b� � .� c�w � °a � , � � � � M � � � o A °' N.... � — � � �;._, ai � �' ' 6'� � X Q� w � � 3� � r I � — i � �w ,� R3 � W +�+ y�,,,,, �`"� ���,, ��' W p.�-� +Q� O ` O � +�.'�7+a v� � , � r` W � � �� � � O 'i v � ,,q a�i'�w ,� � Q W � ''d O �c�.�� q � j � O J •.-� �" F- � �.�, O00 p 9 � � �rd °� . • L_ Z � . � � °~ �•� � � ' � .� . H ZD- F .b � � oa � _ ,;. . � — z L," ;.� � c.� � � �• • � `,,.. 4J � �.� � � a� � -;QZ'S , ' , ( � Z > �.�.� � � � X �LJ-OZ i- Z � W W c`�7 � o .a s. .��� � :�� � �9� 0 � W w � q cd o -_ s� � .J d. o ���.-� +� a� o►� ~ . 9-OZS 'j ' -- � � � � ��a;�, . . � : . �, ,, � CC Q , � �•�wb � ' _ �-----._ �. _ Q W � .�-��a�,° - -; - � 0 _�_-�-� - - ,z . � �a� � � -�.,������ `'r � ' , _ "' = - 4 ; �� �' w�w� �° � ' �' �-1z�s„�.:. o a � `''' ���n,� +�� � � � �3- . I-IZ HW �vlc "'�, � A,� � � '1S �d 4N31N ,,, �- - --�' „ � b.�� � ` . � �, co�,o � ob a+ � � � v�, �Z . � � o da a � � � • HW �� � y � a � I � � > � � `� GD X cn Q � �� I � ` � �'� ��" 7 Q ` ` ' "°� � i ; , �, � s _ � : ��, �- o � . . • a �. -9 s� �o �_ , ��� . .. � � ti o w I .� •. . cv z �' i; '• ;S `'��; c� `�cf� _ X Z { - ',` •., , . � � •f,� , � •, � � HW� � i �, �• , , , . ; •, I � • �' . I 09 ' I � j ,�fi��_(�� . . • _ . � . . „ � _. � � c,�- . . . y ST. PAUL CIT COUNCIL �!� � PUBLIC HEA(�I G NOTICE ��!��`�`�� PUBLIC IMPROVEI�i NT ACQUISITION City Council District �t7 � District Planning Council 4�4 Dear Property Owner: � � File No. 18454E-2 � � To decide whether to pro�ee with the ARCADE/MINNEHAHA AREA SEWER P U R PO S E SEPARATION PROJECT on, u�hde , and across the following: That part of Lot 15� J hnstone's Subdiv. of Block 112 of Lyman Dayton's Add. � to Saint Paul, triangular in shape, lying easterly of a, li e from a point 10.5 feet west of the northest corner' of said Lot 15, measured on the north line of said ��Lot 15 and a point 8.0 feet southwesterly of the northeast cq'rn of said Lot 15, measured on the southeasterly line �of said Lot 15. � ; RECEIVED � JUL 2 81989 . CITY CLERK Tuesday, August 15, 1989, t 9:00. A.M. H EA RIN G City Council Chambers, �fhi d Floor City Hall - Court House -----------------------�-- -----------------_..--------y--------------- Please note that the Pu!bli Works Committee of the Cit. Council will discuss this item and d�ev op a recommendation to the full City Council. Please bring ;an �unresolved concerns that you have to this meeting on Wednesday, August 2, 1989, in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at 9:00 A.1�. Construction: 292-�62 1 Assessments: 292-4513 QUESTIONS ' (Voice or TDD) Also, City staff will i�e vailable to answer any last minute questYons on this project in Roort� 2 8 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same da as the hearin . MAP - ; � - , Z v -°-� Notice sent July 28, 1989, i D by the Real Estate Division, � -N�1 Dept. of Finance & Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � MINNEHAHA ;AV . io.s' $� - - _ Q �J�� ARCADE/MINNEHAHA N �, 5 ; EASEMENT PROJECT LEGEND ' � PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT � ' ` ' - • �� (������� 9. 8/15/89 Final Order: A qu ring a permanent Approved 3-0 utility easemen f r the ARCADE/MINNEHAHA AREA SEWER SEPA T ON PROJECT. Part of Lot 15, Johnsto e' Subd. of Block 112 of Lyman Daytons A di ion'. 10. 8/15/89 Final Order: Acquiring permanent and Approved 3-0 temporary utilitly sements under and across part of ljots 10 thru 12, Block 12, Merrills Division o Rice Street Villas for the ALBERMAR�E/ EBRASKA SEWER SEPARATION PROJE�T. 11 . 8/15/89 Final Order: Ac�qui ing certain lands for Two-week the WESTERN/ATWA�ER PONDING PROJECT. iayover 12. 8/15/89 Final Order: Con�tr cting a concrete curb Approved 3-0 __ on MINNEHAHA AVEWUE between Stroh Drive and vacated Gree br er Street. This is a part of the ARCA�E/ INNEHAHA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJEC . . 13. 8/17/89 Ratification of pss ssments: Construction Approved 3-0 of concrete curbion INNEHAHA AVENUE between Stroh Dri�ve nd vacated Greenbrier Street. This is par of the ARCADE/MINNEHAHA 5TR ET PAVING AND LIGNTING PROJECT.i 14. 8/15/89 Ratification of A�se sments: For Approved 3-0 installation of sani ary sewer service connections incid nt 1 to the JACKSON/SYCAMORE �TO M SEWER SYSTEM. 15. 8/8/89 Ratification of A►�ar of Damages: Approved 3-0 Acquisition of a par of Lot 1 , Block 19, Beaver Lake Heigh�s or the intersection of ALGONQUIN and I�OK IS STREETS to meet M.S.A, standards. 16. Resolution 89-1309j: uthorizing proper Approved 3-0 City officials to �exe ute an agreement with MnDOT for recbns ruction of I-35E from Jackson to th�e C yuga Bridge. (Referred to Commi�te 7/25/89). 17• Resolution 89-1310t uthorizing proper Approved 3-0 City officials to xe ute an agreement with the State of �in esota for maintenance respon�ib lities on trunk highways within th$ C ty limits. (Referred � to Committee 7/25/$9) - i . � . � �'-���� � . _ '__ PRE�Mt Y QRUEIt , . j _ . , Council Fite•<�� -t?.'l.2'— By Rog,er 'ta,Tom Dimond— In the N€at*e� �, ,-.,1demnir�g and s�errrsaneat utility ease�nen!fatthe Arcade/ML,nei r„r� ti a Sevvcr$epa_ tf �j�.a�,under and acsess ti►#�t p�rt o�In�+. 25.Jof-;:, t '�: Sutid�dissof�oi r �2�of�n Dagton's AdeT'iti'au to Saint Paul,t .:� : �;�,r in shap�ly;ng of a line irom a pofnt 1E1.5 feet�vest of the rwrtnc�;:; ��.-ner af ssid I;ot 15 � and a uu�t B_c;;; �,�u?:-. , . om�nartlt lirte Atksetd':Eot 15.: � .westerlq of ,� t cQ on the s�pth�': , :nc�nf said Lot I . ;�s ot�d Lot 15,ine$$qted . :T�:'xu�rc�: , �h.:City of Saint Pa �reC�iY�d�lie report o�thel►[ayt5r upon the ah.:-c ,,rzpiovement, and ha � resolves. b �tifis�der� �id re�iort, �tij� 1 '.x'na+ t�a ,aid, regor.t and t C , � 8e�'bY' ap Prbved �vitk iio` a..t�r..:` ariii that'the esti t cost tiiele�f is�1L�.60. .^.. -Tka� :� � �,:;ieari:ig be had n. 'd,improv.ement on thg 15t�, e�:::`�f Au� , tQi'� a±9'.'!OO o'cloc a: „ tl�e Conneil Clsatnbers oi�'y �� .ouse ui� i;i ��t . . �`itY�o�.S�int Paul.` _. �• T'u� .�4�aid public :�e in� , given to the persons and in�the ' ina� ... �c k y th� Chart , s tiing t'�e time and p�jace of hearing, � - � i �pi•c�.e�ment nd e total cost thereof as estimated: File I�to. �s. Adoptr i:ncil July 11,.19 . Appm . 19R�. ' ;July 2 � l 9) . • �I � � I �I