89-1444 � �':�'��°"/ � City of St.Paul COUNCI�. FILE NO, ' FINAL ORDER IN :F � .J� �` � � � ,:-' a„t.., ; By�� • - . . .,�,, CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS I 1!l670 � M F' Na Vot�.�o�g ��►j In the Matter of �� Acquiring , for public purpo�es , that paa�t of Block 13 , Foundry Addition , foa� the Westea�n/A wate� Ponding P�oject , described as follows : Commencing on East li e of said Block 13 , 5 feet North from the Southeast c r er of said Block thence NoFth along said East lin f said Block 433 . 95 feet to Northeast coa�neF of s id Block thence West on North line of said Block 556 . 03 f et more—os—less to a point 70 feet East fFOm No�th es corner of said Block, thence Southeasterly along a s raight line to a point on the dividing line betwee ots 13 and 14 dis�ant 42 feet South from the Nor� h line of said block , thence Southeastesly along a s raight line to a point on the dividing line between L ts 12 and 13 , distant 78 feet South from the North line of said Block , thence Southeasterly along a st aight line to the dividing line between Lots 25 and 26 o said Block at a point 21 feet East from West line of said Lots 25 and 26 , thence continuing SoutheasteFly along same course 56 feet to a point in Lot 26 , therlce Southeaste�ly along a curved line being tangent to 'sa d last described course 56 feet in length and having a radius of 341 feet with its cente� Northeast of t e and heaein conveyed to a place of beginning. RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sai t Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Couneil hereb de rmines that the eatate required [.or thie improvement be ae describ- ed above, and tLat the proper City officers aubmit rep L to L6e Cfty Counoil for Lhe purpose of the Counoil's making an award of damages for Lhe fnterest�and determi tio oP asaesaments, if any, against the benefited property. acquired ' �pN g 1990 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date YeasM�ot�d Nays , GosNlts ' Certified P d by Council Secretary Lcrtg �ett'�t/�1�4Ct�,14��� �In Fav r By e..��1�t �C��'zM,A+� $e�q�tti �v,�/� � Against �� � �/l 1iil�ot! JAN �. 0 ��g� Mayor I PIlBt{SN�D� �HN 2 01990_ � _ �/.G��c.L /'/� U (.I��!G� -r— %�-� �� �� � .-� �'—�4�4�`7` 18. 12/21/89 Final Order: Impro ing the following Approved streets with a bi'tu inous surfaced with roadway, concret� c rb and gutters, amendments concrete driveway a ons and outwalks, boulevard sodding' an a lantern style street lighting s��st m. Parts of Pinehurst, Yorkshire Hampshire Avenue, Hampshire Court, Col in and Hilltop Lane. To be known as th� F IRVIEW/MONTREAL AREA STREET PAVING AND' LI HTING PROJECT. (Laid over in Committee' 11 15/89) . 19. 12/21/89 Final Order: For co structing the Approved FAIRVIEW/MONTREAL�,AR A STORM SEWER with PROJECT. Area is ,bo nded by Eleanor on amendments the north, St. Paul venue on the south, Howell and Fairview n the west and Davern on the east. Als� c nstructing sanitary, storm or water servi e connections if requested by propert owners. (Laid over _ in Comm' 20. 12/21/89 Final Order: Acqujisi ion of certain Appr property for the W�ST RN/ATWATER PONDING part PROJECT. (Laid ov r 'ndefinitely by B/Rosenthal Council 8/29/89) . I (L id over in Committee Site 11 15/89) . 21. Ordinance: Amending L gislative Code Laid over to deleting in its entir ty Section 157.08 1/17/90 which prohibits vehic es standing on a street with a "for 'sa e" sign. 22. �- Snowbird Tagging artd owing. Laid over to 1/17/90 23. Resolution 89-2093:�, thorizing proper Approved City officials to rec vey taxforfeited parcels to the Stat'�e r area bounded by Maury, Greenbrier, Nor h Street and Truxton. (Referred' to Committee 11/30/89) . 24. Ordinance 89-2106: An ordinance amending Laid over to Chapter 113 of the Leg slative Code 1/17/90 pertaining to response time of complaints for removal of snow' an ice from sidewalks. (Referred t Committee 11/30/89) . - _ -4- . 4_ • � 6 2 s �jc�j-/yU� �P��'�Tb��Np� Rea Esta�e Div. DATEINITIA Finance & Management Services 6/26/8 GREEN SHEET NO. 3��� OONTACT PERSON d PNONE DEPARTAAENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL Peter White � 298-5317 �� cxrv�rroAr�v [2,cm cx�r+K MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA 8Y(DAT� 7 6 89 � BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.&MOT.SERVICES DIH. Must be in City Clerk's office no MAYOR(ORA8813TANT) � Council R TOTAL#►OF 81QNATURE PAGE8 � (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTIWr REGUEBTED: Approve acquisition of that property as sh wn and described on the attached ma.p sheet for the Western�Atwater Pond Acquisition Projec ( ile No. 18670) REC�OMMENDn'nONS:Appiow W a Re�sct(F� COUNCIL REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMIBSION _GVIL SERWCE COMMISSION _GB COMMITTEE _ OOMMENTS: , _�BTAFF — _DISTRIC'T C�1RT _ SUPpORT8 WHICH COUNpI OBJEC17VE9 1 W INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNIIY(Who,Wh�t,Whsn,Where,Wh�: The construction of the total Trout Brook ro ect Storm Sewer System requires the acquisition of this parcel for ponding pur os s as part of the Woodbridge/Front Combined Sewer Separation Pro�ect. ADVANTA(iE81F APPF�VED: This acquisition will provice an area for st rm water runoff drainage. This allows for the most efficient storm ew r system. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: City would be required to purchase the su je t property. pIBADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: To not approve this acquisition would be co rary to the current sewer separation project. An alternative would have to be found. Council Research Center J UN 2 8 i°89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) (YEB� NO FUNDING SOURCE Sewer Se aration Char e p��yrry�M�q 205-12160-0535 FlNANqAL INFORMATON:(EXPWN) Na gs �a � . . . , � ' , ' . � , - .. e NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of documeMs: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Ciry Attomey 3. Gty Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayodAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department AccountaM 2. Ciry Attorney 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Depertment 2. City Attorney 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(3NATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on wh�h signatures are required and reli eaCh of these pages. ACTION RE�UESTED Deacribe what the project/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate Mr the issue. Do not write complete aentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REGIUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions thet created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific wa in which the City of Sairit Paul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�ecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past prxesses might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)T To Whom?When?For how long7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wfll be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inabillty to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Afthough you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you muat ansv�rer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? ri �7�.9oZ 1`'�� �� �� > I I I I I 4- ( ���o ' ��'� - - - - - ' - - - - - - � . . . � - - - - - - - - - - -�d %= �7�`�/ -A3W�� --s-T. � �u Deed� ,�{3) i � ��`f� � VJti7T J � � . .. ; (�rp , ii u, .. .� .. i� ir i� •i b �O � 1 L � N 1 � ��?. . B• x� r / P m � .,, �; . I 3 � '''• �' sarr�,�.�� I 5 � I 2 ' �� �' ` � — �y � � I II ' �O I° , . o.�,�a: �'c� � ,, �6 � i ' � 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 t e Q '� �' � P E o � - �� '- � � . ° ,�, ', " r 4 -' ,� % P 1�1 1 s � � �• ...;� . , �, - • - �� � s a, ,'' � 9 2,o - ����. � ,� , o � '' `� 2 3 6 ' .�6 � I ��� � ,� /�� ' ti c 3ac. i `i. � /� �X, �Sx 24 = � � � � � �� � ., .9jn7 i 7t ! , �, l0' � / .` .. ,> � s,a. � .�s\,,. ►0 � �F .' '�� `�;c 25 � � �f-�. I Sp O / � L 3 ° - , ' _' � O , --I,'F- �'� i � '` _J . r _ � \ e - i /- _ -- ° y � '_ ` ar �.� y 6 _ ' i . O re., �ecr.on � �r ��) `��3 �.r . � �� � �''��, •, ``JC ` ' � f '� '�`- --- '� / '/ I �e �'� '����''4)'.; '� 26 � C�MO , TAT,ON ! /� 19 '" N�L�— . J.���� 'F "?ojB O 4a-Easn'�t' o - i�,. ,S i 9 J3 •3�� D,fJ' � �z � 4���►� � ) �xs ozo so ' r - _iNje ���G%�. cng/aj/����yf cf�_ _ �j,�r - j� - - - - - - � ;, .�o - -� �.� . -�EPds v- _ _ _ I I �� - ----j°- - t-—1 �o I--- . _ --J � ' - a�P s �Sp� � i / � n �9 :�, "j ;� 0 ;__ � j�- °�� �� � � - � � ----�---; � '_ Q � .� ,, �;'� �o�,:y_ �-��' t � • � . O Western Atwater P nd �s�t�on C186� / �►� �--� ! ��„� ARE.A TO SE. A�! RE� That• part of IIlock 13, Foun.�ry Adlit on describc.d ��s follows: "Conunenciny on �asC line of said �lo k 13, 5 ieet North fron .he So�th- east corner of. said i3lock thence 1or h along ::ai�t I:ast line oE said Dlock 433.95 fe�t to Northea:�t coine - oP sai.d nlock thence West on North line ot said Block 556.03 f�et more or less to a point 70 feet East from Norl•hwest corner of saidi [3 ock, thence Southeasterly aleng a straiytit line to a p�int on thc divi iny lii�e bet�aeen Lots 13 and 14 distant 42 feet Soul•h Erom the No�tti line of said hlock, thencr South- east�rly along a straight line to ,a oint un the dividiny line bet�.•ee.� Lots 12 and 13, distant 78 fcet Squt from t:hc *lorth li:�c of s,iid 8?ock, thence Southeasterly along a straigh line to th� ci��iQing lir.e betweeci Lots 25 and 26 of said Block at a �oo nt 21 fcet �ast frc�� ►ti,�st li�:� oc said Lots 25 and 26, thence conti�ui g Southeasterl� along sar.:e course 56 feet to a point in Lot 26, thedce Southe.isterly alon�7 a cur�•cil line being tangent to said last descrit�ed course 5G fc�et in l.�n.ath �nd h��•ing a radius of 341 feet with its cenGer P�ort;�east of the lan.� l�arein convayed to place of beqinniny." , � . _ • i _ � //JJ . �t�G�'i'� � � "���� ���C .. ,�, CA �� � 8. Resolution 89-1370: Au�th izing Public Works Laid over Director to request a vari nce from MSA rules until for the design speed of' t horizontal curve on October 4, VICTORIA from W. 7th td T scarora. (Referred to 1989. Committee 8/3/89). � 9. Resolution 89-138,4: Es;ta lishing residential Approved 3-0 permit parking on N. C�ET N from the Mississippi � River Boulevard to Sel�y. (Referred to Committee 8/8/89) . � 10. Final Order: Acquirin c rtain lands for the Denied 3-0 WESTERN/ATWATER PONDIN� P OJECT. (Laid over in Committee 8/2/89) . � 11. Resolution 89-1418: R mo e the residential Approved 3-0 permit parking restric�io s on: Both sides of Selby Ave. between Wil�er and Moore. ; _ , � -, � � . i � i �I ; i . i , � � � - �T. PAU�. TY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ��%�`��`� PUBLIC IMPROV� ENT ACQUISITION City Council District �15 District Plannin Council 4�6 Dear Property Owner: File No. 18670 To decide whether t p oceed with the WESTERN/ATWATER POND P U R PO S E ACQUISITION PROJECT a quiring for public purposes that part of Block 13, Foundr A dition, as described on the attached sheet. ', RECEIVED JUL 2 81989 CITY CLERK � I il . _ - � . . � . , ����,yyy � Commencing on East line of �ai Block 13 , 5 feet North from the Southeast corner of said Bldck thence North along said East line of said Block 433 •95 feet to N rtheast corner of said Block thence West on North line of, s id Block 556 .03 feet more or less to a point 70 feet East from N rthxest corner of said 131ock, thence Southeasterly along � s rai�ht line to a point on the dividing line between Lots 13 nd 14 distant 42 feet South from the idorth line of said bloc$, hence Southeasterly along a straight line to a point onith dividing line between Lots 12 and 13 , distant 78 feet South fro the North line of said Block, thence Southeasterly along � traight line to the dividing line between Lots 25 and 26 of s�i Block at a point 21 feet East from West line of said Lots 25 a�d 26 , thence continuing Southeasterly along same course 56 feet tQ point in Lot 26, thence Southeasterly alo.ng a curved ine being tangent to said last described course 56 feet in� i ngth and having a radius of 341 feet with its center Northe�s of the land herein conveyed to place of beginning. ; I i . . i � � I - � . � - �,��y- ��/�� , � m �r a�z� - cou�oil�'f1r No, 80�1l00-sy J , Z��1�tN��r o!aequirtt�,!ar I �trp�orn,t�hat p�rt ot 91oek 13,Tottr�ry Adi�t!o� !ar tt�� Wut�rn/AtVir�t d!� Pro��� dho�lb�d �u �ollow� �n Votfn�Wird 6; Go�al�� oe ]Ca� lia� o! ni Dloe�c 13� 6 iat Nortb lrorra t�iya daut�a�t aorn�r o!��id Sloolc Norlh�1����ld�tt 1i�o!talA 81oe1c�8.00!ht to N�uat o!tNA Hlook t�1N�t oe�:Nor4h 1i:u o�aid 81ook O6a:08 !at o r�la� to � point 70 tNt �nt-trons NortbMrKt �ore�r o! uid 9100 � Boathu��t�rly � � � ht �t�oa pol�t on th�d!v!d!�y 1 • �Lot��8 ane!i�dlrtui#� 4o�lb lram ths Nostls liri� o! d Iook, th�a doulMatba��a1� a �trsyh! lins to a polab on t d! li�u b�lw�"Lo� 1 �►�ad�8, dl�ta�t ?! !wt 8outh trom h� � li� o! �aid S1oo1c, tt�no� 19oal�w�tRr1y alos���ilr�i t ir� o t3�divldf� lii��b�t�wN»Lat�96 �rid 4e o!w!d Block�t a po�t 1! ��t lrom�irt 1Sn�o!n!4 Lot�96 and �1h�nc�ooistlnula� 8o�t �y�loa� wma oourn ba t� to � pofr�t!�Lot 9a�lh��dot�th�a �1 �lou�a curwd llnrb�i��t�ryazt to �afd�nt dNOribrd cot�rr�6d! !s� �!h�ad 1�vlas a r�dfn�of 84f iNt wlth !t� c�t�r Nor�h���t ot � d kur�ln eonv�y�d tio a pl� ot , b��it►ol�. Th�Caw�all ot tl�Clty o�8�int au 1�vlty r�c�iwd th� rt ot tl��M�yor up� blu �bov� improv�rna�t, a v!� �aontl�r�d ��r�port, h�r�by r�wiv�t� 1. Tl�b th� �a1d r�port ao t uim� S� 1�sr�by ap�rowd with sfo �it�r�t4vN, �d t�hat t�h� t! tb oort th�r�ot fi�00,000.00�inane�d 'b�►Np►�r Hparatioa eharp ' Z, Ttu! a pnbua h�rSa� b� h d ��id !�prov�m�r�! on th� Au a�t lo �t Or00 o'oloe a. ., i� t��Cone�c�l Ch�snb�rr o ' • � �ri ou�!HoaN 8ui1 !n� n tn.city oi e.snt P.nL 8, That notia oi �afd publlo � b� �ivan to th�:p�rron� �nd !ri ll�a mu�n�r prov��d by th� rt ,�tatia�bh�t�m��ad pl�a o!harin�, tha rtatar�ot!h�improv t d bl�tol�l cat!l�ario���ttilm�t�d, Fl1�No, �9e70 - Adop�d by th�Counofl July 0, lii8 - Approv�d July 7, 19�0, � . (J lY � 1980) I I I