99-1129��1C1NAL RESOLUTION CITY)OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To � coun�a F�e # 9y i�a � Green Sheet # 101638 Committee Date i WHEREAS, the Legisiafive Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 19990005398) for Malt 2 Off Sale (Strong), Wine On Sale, and Restaurant (B) Licenses by Roshan Corporation, DBA Puerta Azul, 1811 3 Selby Avenue, be approved; 4 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves these licenses. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Yeas Nays Absent Blakey y � Coleman �- Hazris „/ Benanav � Reiter V i�' Bostrom ��' L�n ✓ � ) 12 Adopted by Council: Date �_,� a� `��� 13 14 Adoption 15 By: 16 Approved i7 By: Requested by Department o£ � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 99- //a9 DEPARTMINT/OFFICEACOUNCIL DATEINRUIT� c�t Council Offices 11-17-99 GREEN SHEET No 1 01638 CON�ACT PFR� & PFiONE YYtlaYDaO� NtlWlmb Gerry Strathman, 266-8575 oa..,,e,ro�ear,e ana,,,,a MUST BE ON COUNCILAGEbH.Y1 BY (OA7� November 24, 1999 � IYY�6tFOR OIYAi101EY OiYCIi�K ROUTWG � R1I111WLa0NIKSOR ❑ n+�I1CY1tiFTYP11LCfC ' ❑wvaRfde�asnwn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Approving application for Malt On SAle (Strong), Wine On Sale, and Restaurant (B) Licenses by Roshan Corporation, DBA Puerta Azul, 1811 Selby Avenue. RECAMMENDATION Approve (A) w Rejec4 (R) 7EILSOWIL SERViCE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER iXE FOLLAM/IN6 QUES7ION5: 1. Fi�thisP��erervrorkedunderawnhac[torfhisdepaAment? PLANNMG COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMI7TEE 2. tias mis pe�saJfirm e+�er 6een a ary empoyee9 CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION VES NO � a ores uwc persaUfum po�c a slau not nonn�Naacessed br am cu�rent citv emvbree? YES NO 4. la tltia peisaNfirm a tergetetl ventloR YES NO F�lain �I Y� a�s on sepa�ate sheet anA attach to Oreen shee[ INITIATINCa PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WFa, Whaf, When, Where, Why) ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED , �C�':�`;;'s' �'; , w. u'� .� �`"'��' Gc,a^ _ .. 6V�§ � 8 ���e8 DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED ` �� N � � � -- � � � � TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION S CC3T�REVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FlINDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUFIBER FIN4NCIAL Wf-0RMATON (EJfPWN) �t� �\ZR �. NffNi JTES OF THE LECTISLA"l IVE HEARING PUERTA AZUL, 1811 SELBY AVENLJE Monday, November 15, 1999 Room 330 City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legisiative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 3:35 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Martens, License, Inspecrions, Environmental Protection (LIEP) Gerry Strathman stated this legislative hearing is being held to discuss objections to the issuance of licenses to Puerta Azul, 1811 Selby Avenue. At the conciusion of the meeting, Mr. Strathman will make a recommendation to the City Council; the City Council will make the final determination on this matter. Corinne Martens reported this is a license application for Roshan Corporation, DBA Puerta Azul, 18ll Selby Avenue. They aze applying for Malt On Sale (Strong) and Wine On Sale licenses. These license have been approved by Fire, Zoning, and Environmental Health. There aze no pending adverse actions against this applicant. Mr. Strathman asked to hear from people in objection to these licenses. (No one came forward.) Mr. Sirathman stated he received objection letters from the following: Helen Elizabeth Proechel, 224 Fairview Avenue North, wrote about the restaurant being open late, noise, tzaffic, and expensive food; Lynette Koopman, 1790 Selby Avenue, wrote about liquor; Christine Wahlstrom, 1824 Selby Avenue, wrote about liquor, pazking, litter, security, crime; George Scholler, 1747 Selby Avenue, wrote about beer and wine licenses; and Chillon Leach, 1795 Dayton Avenue, wrote about wine and beer, tr�c, pazking, late night pedestrian problems. Mr. Strathman asked to heaz from people in support of these licenses. Jon and Kathleen Walsh, 1829 Dayton Avenue, appeared. Mr. Wa1sh stated that having a restaurant in the neighborhood will be a benefit. However, he supports the other neighbors in their objecrions because of college students that cause problems in the neighborhood. The neighbors are so sensitized to pariying and drinking in the neighborhood with the college students, that whenever the issue of alcohol is brought up, people get upset. People having wine and beer while having dinner, stated Ms. Walsh, are not ordinarlly creating the problems the neighborhood is concerned about. Also, it may be an impairment for Puerta Azul to not provide wine and beer. Parking should not be a probiem because Puerta Azi.il has approximately 12 parking spots, which is about how many tables they have on the premises. Some businesses in the neighborhood have failed, and Ms. Walsh would like to see this business do we11. ��- �� Z.� PLTERTA AZLTL, 1811 Selby Avenue, 11-15-99 E�T-� Mike Ashton, 1816 Se1by Avenue, appeazed and stated he lives across the street from Puerta Azut, and Mr. Ashton has a business on the corner. This is an upscale, nice restaurant. Not being able to ha�e a glass of wine or beer would be takiug something away. It is not the kind of place where young people will just hang out. It will be good for Mr. Ashton's business also. Florence and James Pappas, 1791 Hague Avenue, appeared. Ms. Pappas stated this is a quality restaurant and the azea is fortunate to have it. This part of Selby has not been interesting over the yeazs, and does not have the class that Grand Avenue has. This restaurant will help unprove the area. It is the college students houses that cause concern. Taste of Thailand is about two blocks away, they serve wine and/or beer there, and there has not been a problem in the area because of that. This restaurant is an improvement, stated Mr. Pappas, and will help the antique stores. Katharine Macey, Pete's Hazdwood Floors, 186 Fa'vview Avenue North, appeared and stated she agrees with the testimony that preceded her. The focus at Puerta Azul is on the food. There is no beer counter. It is cleazly all geazed toward a dining experience. The conditions are not conducive to drinking to excess, parrying, or massive diuukenness. Also, this business will attract the kind of patrons that will also benefit Pete's Hardwood Floors. William Poynton, 1817 Selby Avenue, appeared and stated he is a landlard of the building and owns a business next door. The owners have made a contribution into the neighbarhood by , investing a lot of money into improving the restaurant that is there, and they have signed a long term lease. Puerta Aznl is a very small space with a limited number of seats. They are serious about the food. It has improved the neighborhood, and they haue brought a lot of people into the neighborhood. It is unreasonable to deny them a license to serve a glass of wine or beer. Mr. Strathman stated he received letters in support of the application as follows: Leon and Elaine Oman, 1865 Laurel Avenue; Robert Carlson, Sweeney Hagerman, Pete Peters, Kadee Macey from Pete's Hardwood Floors, 186 Fairview Avenue North; Angela Marckei, 115 Fairview Avenue North; John Waddle, 1847 Selhy Avenue; Jon and Kathleen Walsh, 1829 Dayton Avenue; Sherilyn Young, Merriam Park Community Council, 1573 Selby Avenue, Suite 311; and Roger Meyer, Merriam Park Community Council, 1573 Selby Avenue, Suite #311. (Mojtaba Sadr-Panah gaue Mr. Strathman a letter in support of the licenses from Jack Otis, 156 Fairview Avenue North.) Mojtaba Sadr-Panah, Manager, appeared and stated their focus is on the food; beer and wine would be a complement to the food. He had been in business for over a yeaz at another location, and had to move because the buiiding was demolished. There was beer and wine there. That restaurant was surrounded by student housing and maybe 5% of the business came from students who wanted to have a nice meal. However, his focus is not on drawing students to the business. Mr. Panah has been in the restaurant business many years and lrnows how to manage it. ���\12G PLTERTA AZiTL, 1811 Selby Avenue, 11-15-99 (Mr. Panah gave Mr. Strathman a copy of the menu.) Page 3 Gerry Strathmau recommended approval of the license application citing he understands the neighbors who aze in objection; however, the license application is in order. He cannot find a reason to believe the issuance of these licenses would be contrary to the best interests of the City and neighborhood. The meeting was adjoumed at 3:58 p.m. rrci ��1C1NAL RESOLUTION CITY)OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To � coun�a F�e # 9y i�a � Green Sheet # 101638 Committee Date i WHEREAS, the Legisiafive Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 19990005398) for Malt 2 Off Sale (Strong), Wine On Sale, and Restaurant (B) Licenses by Roshan Corporation, DBA Puerta Azul, 1811 3 Selby Avenue, be approved; 4 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves these licenses. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Yeas Nays Absent Blakey y � Coleman �- Hazris „/ Benanav � Reiter V i�' Bostrom ��' L�n ✓ � ) 12 Adopted by Council: Date �_,� a� `��� 13 14 Adoption 15 By: 16 Approved i7 By: Requested by Department o£ � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 99- //a9 DEPARTMINT/OFFICEACOUNCIL DATEINRUIT� c�t Council Offices 11-17-99 GREEN SHEET No 1 01638 CON�ACT PFR� & PFiONE YYtlaYDaO� NtlWlmb Gerry Strathman, 266-8575 oa..,,e,ro�ear,e ana,,,,a MUST BE ON COUNCILAGEbH.Y1 BY (OA7� November 24, 1999 � IYY�6tFOR OIYAi101EY OiYCIi�K ROUTWG � R1I111WLa0NIKSOR ❑ n+�I1CY1tiFTYP11LCfC ' ❑wvaRfde�asnwn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Approving application for Malt On SAle (Strong), Wine On Sale, and Restaurant (B) Licenses by Roshan Corporation, DBA Puerta Azul, 1811 Selby Avenue. RECAMMENDATION Approve (A) w Rejec4 (R) 7EILSOWIL SERViCE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER iXE FOLLAM/IN6 QUES7ION5: 1. Fi�thisP��erervrorkedunderawnhac[torfhisdepaAment? PLANNMG COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMI7TEE 2. tias mis pe�saJfirm e+�er 6een a ary empoyee9 CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION VES NO � a ores uwc persaUfum po�c a slau not nonn�Naacessed br am cu�rent citv emvbree? YES NO 4. la tltia peisaNfirm a tergetetl ventloR YES NO F�lain �I Y� a�s on sepa�ate sheet anA attach to Oreen shee[ INITIATINCa PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WFa, Whaf, When, Where, Why) ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED , �C�':�`;;'s' �'; , w. u'� .� �`"'��' Gc,a^ _ .. 6V�§ � 8 ���e8 DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED ` �� N � � � -- � � � � TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION S CC3T�REVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FlINDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUFIBER FIN4NCIAL Wf-0RMATON (EJfPWN) �t� �\ZR �. NffNi JTES OF THE LECTISLA"l IVE HEARING PUERTA AZUL, 1811 SELBY AVENLJE Monday, November 15, 1999 Room 330 City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legisiative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 3:35 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Martens, License, Inspecrions, Environmental Protection (LIEP) Gerry Strathman stated this legislative hearing is being held to discuss objections to the issuance of licenses to Puerta Azul, 1811 Selby Avenue. At the conciusion of the meeting, Mr. Strathman will make a recommendation to the City Council; the City Council will make the final determination on this matter. Corinne Martens reported this is a license application for Roshan Corporation, DBA Puerta Azul, 18ll Selby Avenue. They aze applying for Malt On Sale (Strong) and Wine On Sale licenses. These license have been approved by Fire, Zoning, and Environmental Health. There aze no pending adverse actions against this applicant. Mr. Strathman asked to hear from people in objection to these licenses. (No one came forward.) Mr. Sirathman stated he received objection letters from the following: Helen Elizabeth Proechel, 224 Fairview Avenue North, wrote about the restaurant being open late, noise, tzaffic, and expensive food; Lynette Koopman, 1790 Selby Avenue, wrote about liquor; Christine Wahlstrom, 1824 Selby Avenue, wrote about liquor, pazking, litter, security, crime; George Scholler, 1747 Selby Avenue, wrote about beer and wine licenses; and Chillon Leach, 1795 Dayton Avenue, wrote about wine and beer, tr�c, pazking, late night pedestrian problems. Mr. Strathman asked to heaz from people in support of these licenses. Jon and Kathleen Walsh, 1829 Dayton Avenue, appeared. Mr. Wa1sh stated that having a restaurant in the neighborhood will be a benefit. However, he supports the other neighbors in their objecrions because of college students that cause problems in the neighborhood. The neighbors are so sensitized to pariying and drinking in the neighborhood with the college students, that whenever the issue of alcohol is brought up, people get upset. People having wine and beer while having dinner, stated Ms. Walsh, are not ordinarlly creating the problems the neighborhood is concerned about. Also, it may be an impairment for Puerta Azul to not provide wine and beer. Parking should not be a probiem because Puerta Azi.il has approximately 12 parking spots, which is about how many tables they have on the premises. Some businesses in the neighborhood have failed, and Ms. Walsh would like to see this business do we11. ��- �� Z.� PLTERTA AZLTL, 1811 Selby Avenue, 11-15-99 E�T-� Mike Ashton, 1816 Se1by Avenue, appeazed and stated he lives across the street from Puerta Azut, and Mr. Ashton has a business on the corner. This is an upscale, nice restaurant. Not being able to ha�e a glass of wine or beer would be takiug something away. It is not the kind of place where young people will just hang out. It will be good for Mr. Ashton's business also. Florence and James Pappas, 1791 Hague Avenue, appeared. Ms. Pappas stated this is a quality restaurant and the azea is fortunate to have it. This part of Selby has not been interesting over the yeazs, and does not have the class that Grand Avenue has. This restaurant will help unprove the area. It is the college students houses that cause concern. Taste of Thailand is about two blocks away, they serve wine and/or beer there, and there has not been a problem in the area because of that. This restaurant is an improvement, stated Mr. Pappas, and will help the antique stores. Katharine Macey, Pete's Hazdwood Floors, 186 Fa'vview Avenue North, appeared and stated she agrees with the testimony that preceded her. The focus at Puerta Azul is on the food. There is no beer counter. It is cleazly all geazed toward a dining experience. The conditions are not conducive to drinking to excess, parrying, or massive diuukenness. Also, this business will attract the kind of patrons that will also benefit Pete's Hardwood Floors. William Poynton, 1817 Selby Avenue, appeared and stated he is a landlard of the building and owns a business next door. The owners have made a contribution into the neighbarhood by , investing a lot of money into improving the restaurant that is there, and they have signed a long term lease. Puerta Aznl is a very small space with a limited number of seats. They are serious about the food. It has improved the neighborhood, and they haue brought a lot of people into the neighborhood. It is unreasonable to deny them a license to serve a glass of wine or beer. Mr. Strathman stated he received letters in support of the application as follows: Leon and Elaine Oman, 1865 Laurel Avenue; Robert Carlson, Sweeney Hagerman, Pete Peters, Kadee Macey from Pete's Hardwood Floors, 186 Fairview Avenue North; Angela Marckei, 115 Fairview Avenue North; John Waddle, 1847 Selhy Avenue; Jon and Kathleen Walsh, 1829 Dayton Avenue; Sherilyn Young, Merriam Park Community Council, 1573 Selby Avenue, Suite 311; and Roger Meyer, Merriam Park Community Council, 1573 Selby Avenue, Suite #311. (Mojtaba Sadr-Panah gaue Mr. Strathman a letter in support of the licenses from Jack Otis, 156 Fairview Avenue North.) Mojtaba Sadr-Panah, Manager, appeared and stated their focus is on the food; beer and wine would be a complement to the food. He had been in business for over a yeaz at another location, and had to move because the buiiding was demolished. There was beer and wine there. That restaurant was surrounded by student housing and maybe 5% of the business came from students who wanted to have a nice meal. However, his focus is not on drawing students to the business. Mr. Panah has been in the restaurant business many years and lrnows how to manage it. ���\12G PLTERTA AZiTL, 1811 Selby Avenue, 11-15-99 (Mr. Panah gave Mr. Strathman a copy of the menu.) Page 3 Gerry Strathmau recommended approval of the license application citing he understands the neighbors who aze in objection; however, the license application is in order. He cannot find a reason to believe the issuance of these licenses would be contrary to the best interests of the City and neighborhood. The meeting was adjoumed at 3:58 p.m. rrci ��1C1NAL RESOLUTION CITY)OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To � coun�a F�e # 9y i�a � Green Sheet # 101638 Committee Date i WHEREAS, the Legisiafive Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 19990005398) for Malt 2 Off Sale (Strong), Wine On Sale, and Restaurant (B) Licenses by Roshan Corporation, DBA Puerta Azul, 1811 3 Selby Avenue, be approved; 4 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves these licenses. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Yeas Nays Absent Blakey y � Coleman �- Hazris „/ Benanav � Reiter V i�' Bostrom ��' L�n ✓ � ) 12 Adopted by Council: Date �_,� a� `��� 13 14 Adoption 15 By: 16 Approved i7 By: Requested by Department o£ � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 99- //a9 DEPARTMINT/OFFICEACOUNCIL DATEINRUIT� c�t Council Offices 11-17-99 GREEN SHEET No 1 01638 CON�ACT PFR� & PFiONE YYtlaYDaO� NtlWlmb Gerry Strathman, 266-8575 oa..,,e,ro�ear,e ana,,,,a MUST BE ON COUNCILAGEbH.Y1 BY (OA7� November 24, 1999 � IYY�6tFOR OIYAi101EY OiYCIi�K ROUTWG � R1I111WLa0NIKSOR ❑ n+�I1CY1tiFTYP11LCfC ' ❑wvaRfde�asnwn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Approving application for Malt On SAle (Strong), Wine On Sale, and Restaurant (B) Licenses by Roshan Corporation, DBA Puerta Azul, 1811 Selby Avenue. RECAMMENDATION Approve (A) w Rejec4 (R) 7EILSOWIL SERViCE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER iXE FOLLAM/IN6 QUES7ION5: 1. Fi�thisP��erervrorkedunderawnhac[torfhisdepaAment? PLANNMG COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMI7TEE 2. tias mis pe�saJfirm e+�er 6een a ary empoyee9 CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION VES NO � a ores uwc persaUfum po�c a slau not nonn�Naacessed br am cu�rent citv emvbree? YES NO 4. la tltia peisaNfirm a tergetetl ventloR YES NO F�lain �I Y� a�s on sepa�ate sheet anA attach to Oreen shee[ INITIATINCa PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WFa, Whaf, When, Where, Why) ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED , �C�':�`;;'s' �'; , w. u'� .� �`"'��' Gc,a^ _ .. 6V�§ � 8 ���e8 DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED ` �� N � � � -- � � � � TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION S CC3T�REVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FlINDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUFIBER FIN4NCIAL Wf-0RMATON (EJfPWN) �t� �\ZR �. NffNi JTES OF THE LECTISLA"l IVE HEARING PUERTA AZUL, 1811 SELBY AVENLJE Monday, November 15, 1999 Room 330 City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legisiative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 3:35 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Martens, License, Inspecrions, Environmental Protection (LIEP) Gerry Strathman stated this legislative hearing is being held to discuss objections to the issuance of licenses to Puerta Azul, 1811 Selby Avenue. At the conciusion of the meeting, Mr. Strathman will make a recommendation to the City Council; the City Council will make the final determination on this matter. Corinne Martens reported this is a license application for Roshan Corporation, DBA Puerta Azul, 18ll Selby Avenue. They aze applying for Malt On Sale (Strong) and Wine On Sale licenses. These license have been approved by Fire, Zoning, and Environmental Health. There aze no pending adverse actions against this applicant. Mr. Strathman asked to hear from people in objection to these licenses. (No one came forward.) Mr. Sirathman stated he received objection letters from the following: Helen Elizabeth Proechel, 224 Fairview Avenue North, wrote about the restaurant being open late, noise, tzaffic, and expensive food; Lynette Koopman, 1790 Selby Avenue, wrote about liquor; Christine Wahlstrom, 1824 Selby Avenue, wrote about liquor, pazking, litter, security, crime; George Scholler, 1747 Selby Avenue, wrote about beer and wine licenses; and Chillon Leach, 1795 Dayton Avenue, wrote about wine and beer, tr�c, pazking, late night pedestrian problems. Mr. Strathman asked to heaz from people in support of these licenses. Jon and Kathleen Walsh, 1829 Dayton Avenue, appeared. Mr. Wa1sh stated that having a restaurant in the neighborhood will be a benefit. However, he supports the other neighbors in their objecrions because of college students that cause problems in the neighborhood. The neighbors are so sensitized to pariying and drinking in the neighborhood with the college students, that whenever the issue of alcohol is brought up, people get upset. People having wine and beer while having dinner, stated Ms. Walsh, are not ordinarlly creating the problems the neighborhood is concerned about. Also, it may be an impairment for Puerta Azul to not provide wine and beer. Parking should not be a probiem because Puerta Azi.il has approximately 12 parking spots, which is about how many tables they have on the premises. Some businesses in the neighborhood have failed, and Ms. Walsh would like to see this business do we11. ��- �� Z.� PLTERTA AZLTL, 1811 Selby Avenue, 11-15-99 E�T-� Mike Ashton, 1816 Se1by Avenue, appeazed and stated he lives across the street from Puerta Azut, and Mr. Ashton has a business on the corner. This is an upscale, nice restaurant. Not being able to ha�e a glass of wine or beer would be takiug something away. It is not the kind of place where young people will just hang out. It will be good for Mr. Ashton's business also. Florence and James Pappas, 1791 Hague Avenue, appeared. Ms. Pappas stated this is a quality restaurant and the azea is fortunate to have it. This part of Selby has not been interesting over the yeazs, and does not have the class that Grand Avenue has. This restaurant will help unprove the area. It is the college students houses that cause concern. Taste of Thailand is about two blocks away, they serve wine and/or beer there, and there has not been a problem in the area because of that. This restaurant is an improvement, stated Mr. Pappas, and will help the antique stores. Katharine Macey, Pete's Hazdwood Floors, 186 Fa'vview Avenue North, appeared and stated she agrees with the testimony that preceded her. The focus at Puerta Azul is on the food. There is no beer counter. It is cleazly all geazed toward a dining experience. The conditions are not conducive to drinking to excess, parrying, or massive diuukenness. Also, this business will attract the kind of patrons that will also benefit Pete's Hardwood Floors. William Poynton, 1817 Selby Avenue, appeared and stated he is a landlard of the building and owns a business next door. The owners have made a contribution into the neighbarhood by , investing a lot of money into improving the restaurant that is there, and they have signed a long term lease. Puerta Aznl is a very small space with a limited number of seats. They are serious about the food. It has improved the neighborhood, and they haue brought a lot of people into the neighborhood. It is unreasonable to deny them a license to serve a glass of wine or beer. Mr. Strathman stated he received letters in support of the application as follows: Leon and Elaine Oman, 1865 Laurel Avenue; Robert Carlson, Sweeney Hagerman, Pete Peters, Kadee Macey from Pete's Hardwood Floors, 186 Fairview Avenue North; Angela Marckei, 115 Fairview Avenue North; John Waddle, 1847 Selhy Avenue; Jon and Kathleen Walsh, 1829 Dayton Avenue; Sherilyn Young, Merriam Park Community Council, 1573 Selby Avenue, Suite 311; and Roger Meyer, Merriam Park Community Council, 1573 Selby Avenue, Suite #311. (Mojtaba Sadr-Panah gaue Mr. Strathman a letter in support of the licenses from Jack Otis, 156 Fairview Avenue North.) Mojtaba Sadr-Panah, Manager, appeared and stated their focus is on the food; beer and wine would be a complement to the food. He had been in business for over a yeaz at another location, and had to move because the buiiding was demolished. There was beer and wine there. That restaurant was surrounded by student housing and maybe 5% of the business came from students who wanted to have a nice meal. However, his focus is not on drawing students to the business. Mr. Panah has been in the restaurant business many years and lrnows how to manage it. ���\12G PLTERTA AZiTL, 1811 Selby Avenue, 11-15-99 (Mr. Panah gave Mr. Strathman a copy of the menu.) Page 3 Gerry Strathmau recommended approval of the license application citing he understands the neighbors who aze in objection; however, the license application is in order. He cannot find a reason to believe the issuance of these licenses would be contrary to the best interests of the City and neighborhood. The meeting was adjoumed at 3:58 p.m. rrci