89-1436 WHITE - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE COI�QCII CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY O AINT PAUL BLUE r MAVOR File NO• � /�� = nci�l esolution �� , �� Presented By Referr o ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I i BE IT RE50LVED, That th�e ouncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves he action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Revi w pertaining to the following listed property and as shownib the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, d ted June 13 , 1989, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference : DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO: PRO ERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 06/13/89 129-88-H 7',Ol Jenks Ave. Lothar Horn BOARD ACTION: Granted an e te sion of time for one (1 ) year (July 1 , 1990) o complete the work on disconnection of rainleader. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: ArlirLgt n Hills Addition to St�. aul 40/451I t ru 49 Lot 10 Blk 13 --------------- ---------------- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman B scne;n�� __ Against i Y Sonnen I Wilson � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By. t�pproved by Ylavor: Date _ ' App ved by Mayor for Sub ' ion o�o�u r�il By _ Q� . . �,��--i��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICEIOOUNqL DATE INITIA Communi y serv'ces � � GREEN SHEET NO. 2�� — iNmnu onre CONTACf PERSON A 2 g 2—7 7 7 5 o�nr��rrr a�croR }_ �CRY COUNqL � ITY ATTORNEY {/� �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNGL AOENOA BY(DAT� ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR A8818TAN � TOTAL#►OF SKiNATURE PAGES � (CLIP AL L TIONS FOR SI(iNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Resolution approving the actions f he Board of Appeals & Review. REC�tVEp RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(/q a Re�x.K(R) COUNCIL TT6E/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAI _PLANNINC3 COMM18810N _qNIL BERVICE COMMISSION �ALYBT � �����j �E�. 31 1989 _CIB COMMITTEE _ COMMENTS p _STAFF _ � �c'� �� ��JO �� _DI8TRICT COURT _ suPPOrarrs wHia+oouNa�oaiecnve� °� �����E �;�`i�E'�ti� �`'� INITIATINO PROBLEM�188UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who�What�Whsn.Whero,Why): Approving the action of the Board o Appeals & Review of the meeting of the June 13, 1989 meeting. 8 ex e ion of time ADVANTAQE8 IF APPROVED: Extensions granted to the propert ner by the Board will be ratified. DISADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The action taken by the Board wil returned to the Board by City Council for further review. Cou�;cil Re�e�rch Center. AUG 3 "i:;8y � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = N�`�°' COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(q1�LE ONE) YES NO X FUNDINO SOtJRCE N�A ACTIVITY NUMBER 3 3 2 6 3 FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� . ; ; �-�,���� DATE OF BOARD , MINUTES CASE NO: P�O ERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 06/13/89 132-88-H 107 York Ave. James J. Schumacher BOARD ACTION: Granted an exte sion of time for twenty-four (24) months (July 1 , 1991 ) to bring the rainleaders into compliance. , PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Dawson' Earl St. Addition to St, aul , Ramsey County, Minneso a. Vac All accruing and Fol Subj to t Lots 11 thru Lot 14 Blk 76 ----------------------- -------------------- 06/13/89 09-89-R 1123 Burnquist Ave. Lee O. Sanny BOARD ACTION: Granted an exiten ion of time until October l , 1989 for complianc2 o the rainleader in front yard. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Hans And rsen' s Rearrang ment St. Paul Minn Lot 2I ----------------------- -------------------- 06/13/89 27-89-F 20 E Exchange St. Central Towers , Inc. Susan Landais BOARD ACTIOIV: Granted an ex en ion of time for one (1 ) year, (June 30, 199 ) o bring the alarm system into compliance . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Bazil & uerin' s Addition to St., P ul in thq C ty of St. Paul Revised escription Number 990 A Sp cific Part of Blk 7 ----------------------- ------------------- 06/13/89 38-89-F 1�00 Forest St. John D. Lenzi BOARD ACTION: Granted an exten ion of time for one (1 ) year until July 1 , 1990 to ring into compliance the escape window in N.W. B droom. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Eastviill Heights N 42 F!t f Lots 14 and Lot 15 Blk 3 ��, ��,y�� � DATE OF BOARD I MINUTES CASE N0: PRO ERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 06/13/89 42-89-F 5� aurel Ave . Dennis A. Louie BOARD ACTIOIV: Granted an ex�e sion of time for ninety (90) days (September 13, 1989 to start the remodeling and must be complet in five ( 5) months (November 13 , 1989) pertain}n to escape window in basement and the general rem eling. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Woodl�n Park Addition to St. P ul Lot 5 ; lk 7 ----------------------- ---------------------- 06/13/89 43-89-F 807 olly Ave. Thomas R. Zahn BOARD ACTION: Granted an extten ion of time until November l , 1989 to instaTl econd exit from third floor. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Bryantt ' s Addition to St. Paul Lot 29 a d Lot 30 Blk 2 ---------------------�-- ------------------------ WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF� A I NT PA U L Council -/ CANARV -.AEPARTMEN7 (7y BL`UE - MAVOR File NO• ' /• - Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date i � DATE OF BOARD ' MINUTES CASE N0: PRO ERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 06/13/89 47-89-F k56 /61-1570/71 Gaughan Co. 158 /81 Wheelock Ln Carolyn J . Kolar BOARD ACTION: Granted an e�te sion of time for six (6) months (December 13 , 1 89) to install Key Box. i PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: CondQmi ium Number 247 Whee�oc Way Condominiums Unit� 1 thru 96 inclusive & Ga�^a Units -------------------�--- -------------------- I i i i ,i j • COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I Dimond � �.ong �_ [n FavQr Goswitz Rettman � Scheibel _ Ageins� BY Sonnen Wilson 1� �� 19�9 Form prove by C' torn Adopted by Council: Date �. Certified Ya.s Counc.i cr r ! By � sy � t#ppro y Mavor: Date ` __ � 6 189 Appro d by Mayor Eor Sub ' si to C uncil By — - B �PUBLtS� AU G 2 6 198� � I . ; . �� ���� i , � s � SAINT PAUL �OA D OF APPEALS 8 REVIEW 5 5 edar Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 �61 ) 292-7775 Minutes, e ing of June 13, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron G�a man, Chairman Harold utson Oavid 5 ultz Rober� iering MEMBERS ABSENT: Ronald keny Sean IM. arey William L. Tilton OTHERS PRESENT: Pat F�s , Fire Prevention Robert rown, Public Works Steven . Herbert, Public Works Phili� thier, Public Works Jeffrey W. Reed, Public Works Thomas ayer Geoffrey A. Miller Dick �Ce rowski Patti J. Sullivan Gerald obinson James J. Schumacher Robert randsen Jennifer Strong Leo H�f ely Carolyn Kolar Randell Haffely Sue Landais Lothar orn Steve H. Belmont John �. Lenzi Lee O. Sanny A. Krem r Wayne Carlson STAFF: Josep�i e P. Bongiovanni 1 . Approvai of the hearin and advisory rulings of the Ad Hoc meeting of the May 9t�, 1989. Chairman Glassman called th meeting to order at 1 :35 p.m on June 13. 1989. Chairman Glassman stated that last month the board did not have a quorum. For the members who were not present at the last meeting, who have re�d the minutes, Chairman Glassman would like to get ratification �f everythi�g that was approved and disapproved, so as to make 11 actions from last months meeting legal . Motion for the sam�e. Harold Knutson made th motion to ratify minutes of the last meeting and the ent�ir agenda, which has been reviewed and Mr. Knutson concur's with the Boards Committee findings. Seconded by David Schu tz. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Let it be known that lastl nths meeting now has a quorum. Chairman Glassman, stated t at he spoke to Councllmen Jim Scheibel . Several months a o it was suggested that a letter be sent to Councilman Scheibel regarding a name change for the Board of Appeals 8 Review. Itlwa suggested that the Board members think about this and then h ve a discussion on the issue at the I t S next meeting. 2. Approval of the minutes of the May 9, 1989 meeting as submitted in writing. Motion made by Harold Knutson to approve the minutes of the May 9, 1989 meeting as submitted in writing. Seconded by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Glassman welcomed the appellants and explained the procedures, stating that what the board does is, recornrnends action to the City Council . 3. CASE HEARINGS: CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 52-89-H 1601 Hague Ave. Michael G. 8 Mary C. Cole (2 units) SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time until June 30th, 1989 to vacate the tenants, so as to allow the tenants to find a new place to live. Resolved, case withdrawn. ---------------------------------- 50-89-H 1006 Surnrnit Ave. Arthur Dickey Architects ( 1 unit) Steven H. Belmont APPEARANCE: Steve Belmont SUBJECT: Appeliant is requesting a variance for constructing a eight-foot high wall in the back yard and east side yard of the property for security and privacy. PROCEEDINGS: Appellant requested to be allowed to have a 10 foot area in the east side yard be about 10 feet tall in addition to the eight-foot high wall in back yard. There are no ob,�ection from neighbors, and it does not obstruct any thorough-fare. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant a variance on constructing a eight-foot high wali in the back yard and a 10 foot section be 10 feet tall on the east side yard. Seconded by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- � II . C;��`���� , s � 67-88-H 1697 Ford Park'wa Gene H. Rosenblum (single famt y) SUBJECT: Appellant is reqUe ting a variance on the requirement of having to disconnect fo'ur rainleaders on his house. Letter dated May 6, 1988. Case postponed until the Aug st 8, 1989 meeting. Phil Ethier, from Public Wor s Rainleader Division, stated that the City would like to rai �e an objection to the postponement. Mr. Rosenblum has attempted o extend the issue to the next century. Mr. Ethier is requ sting that no more extension be given, this has gone on for ver a year. Mr. Glassman suggested that letter be written to Mr. Rosenblum letting him know that the ex ension until August wilt be his last extension and last privilege o request a hearing before the Board. -----------I�I- ------------------- 129-88-H 701 Jenks Ave. Lothar Horn (single famil ) APPEARANCE: Lothar Horn I SUBJECT: Appeliant is requ�sting a variance on the requirement of having to disconnect the rainleader on the north side of the house. Letter dated June �, 1988. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Horn stat�gd hat the entire yard is enclosed with a retaining wall . This ' s the second wall that has been installed, The wall will h�ve to be repaired again which will cost about �2500.00. Ther� a e stress marks on the bottom, if the entire wall has to be rtep aced then the cost could be about $16,000.00. Mr. Horn feels �a ariance is necessary, because the circumstances warrant it. The house is at the bottom �of the block ( low point) about a 12 degree slope. Jeff Reed, from Pubtic Works- ainleader Division, stated that the Appellant needs more time. i BOARD ACTION: Motion madeiby David Schultz to deny the request for a variance on the rainl'ea er, instead grant the Appellant an extension of time for one (�1 ) year until July 1 , 1990 to complete the work on disconnection of he rainleader. Seconded by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIED UN�AN MOUSLY. -------------- ------------------- I I i 3 S 132-88-H 1074 York Ave. James J. Schumacher (32 units) APPEARANCE: James J. Schumacher SUBJECT: Appeilant is requesting an extension of time on the requirement of having to disconnect the rainleaders until such a time that a storm sewer is made available to the property. Letter dated September 18, 1988. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Schumacher stated that he would like time to connect to the stormsewer in the future. He became the owner in 1986. He applied to the city for a variance and the variance was denied. Mr. Schumacher introduced a letter which is the original permit creating the sewer line catch basin in the parking lot next to the building. Mr. Schumacher stated that he purchased the building in December 1986. Planning at that time was going on to provide for the disposal of stormsewer and surface water in that area. The Engineers, Toltz, King, Duvall , Anderson, directed a letter to this property on January 23, 1987. The letter was directed to the previous owner. In that letter they attempted to advise the previous owners, that if they wanted to save money and provide for a good way of disposing of their surface water and conform with the rainleader disconnect ordinance, that they could purchase or provide a payment of $1200.00 and get the stormsewer extended up York Ave. , so that the lines that were in place already, could be connected to the stormsewer, that could be perfect solution. The City should have known that I was the property owner. The long and short of all this is that the stub was never put in on York Ave. , to service the other epartment buildings. A letter dated September 19, 1988, wherein, it indicates, in denying the variance, that upon investigation of the situation, it indicates that there is no storm sewer service available to the subject property, only a connect to. Other alternat9ves were discussed. The appellant feels that he should not have to construct any extension of the sewer system to service the building, because the city failed to notify me. Steve Herbert, Public Works-Rainleader Division stated that all storm sewers in the area have been completed. City will allow him to connect to the one nearest to his property, which is about 100 feet. . �, ��—i��� . , s � � Steve Herbert, stated th�t the letter dated January 23, 1987, which the appellant refel-r was in error, on the quote of $1200.00. This letter w�s ritten by a City Hired Engineer. The letter did not origi�hat from the city. The section that is being referred tb s never approved by the city to be built. The city will alldw he appellant to connect with the catch-basin. The distanc� f om the apartment building to the catch basin could be at �ea t 100 feet. Chairman Glassman, askedlwh t the cost to the appellant would be? Steve Herbert, stated that he cost could be about 50 to 60 dollars a foot. Philip Ethier, stated tha�t r. Schumacher and Mr. Herbert are talking about connecting,, b th the rainleaders for the building and the drain for the par,ki g lot to the storm sewer. This would take care of the drainage; p oblem for both the building and the parking lot, it's just a qu stion of expense in doing so. Steve Herbert, stated thalt here are several options; one-just connect the catch-basin to he storm sewer, drain the building into the parking lot, which in turn would go to the storm sewer. Another options would be to connect up the storm line, then pick up the catch-basin. � Phil Ethier, stated that th e would be charge for water treatment, and what will '�h cost be? Steve Herbert, stated tha$ t e charges would be the amount of money the appellant would � ha e to pay to offset the cost that the city would pay, as a city� t treat the rainwater, this would be at a cost of $45. 00 per! t ousand square feet per year. BOARD ACTION: Motion made 'by Robert Viering to deny the request for a variance on the rai�ile der disconnect, instead grant an extension of time for 24 nion hs (July 1 , 1991 ) to bring the rainleaders into compiianc�e. Seconded by David Schultz. Yeas 3 Nays Abstension 0 -----------I',-- -------------------- 01-89-R 959/961 7th S . E. Richard L. Kedrowski APPEARANCE: Richard Kedrow�sk & Pat Suilivan, Atty. SUBJECT: Appellant is requjes ing a variance from Code requirement on the rainleader, which r}�n through the center of the building, because it wili create fin�n iai hardship. , � � � s PROCEEDINGS: The appellant would like a variance on having to bring the rainleaders into compliance, because the building is all brick and the appellant does not own any property near the building as to allow drainage of the water. Mr. Kedrowski has had bids to try and correct the problems and the bids have been between five to seven thousand dollars. Phil Ethier advised the appellant of the sewer charge if a variance is granted. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Ron Glassman to grant a variance from �egislative Code 41 .03 on having to disconnect rainleaders for five years. Seconded by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 09-89-R 1123 Burnquist Ave. Lee O. Sanny (single family) APPEARANCE: Lee Sanny SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the requirement of having to disconnect rainleaders Nos. 1 8 2. Letter dated 12/20/88. PROCEEDINGS: The Appellant stated that the rainleader was disconnected, the end results was that he had water in the basement. The stope of the land is such that there would be a water problem. Phil Ethier, stated that Bob Margraf inspected at the house and would grant a variance on the rainleader in the back yard. David Schultz asked what it would cost to relocated the rainleaders? He was informed that it could cost about $50.00. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Glassman to grant a variance on back yard rainleader. The request for variance on rainleader complience for the front yard was denied, instead was granted an extension of time until October 1 . 1989 to comply. Seconded by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- � � � � ; ���14��� i s 20-88-H 823 Snelling A e. Beta Kappa Corporation (9 rooms) Geoffrey Miller APPEARANCE: Geoffrey Millet� Tom Mayer �+UBJE�,T: Mr�, Ge��ff=r•�� M111er wr�s befare the Baard on May 10, 1988, and on September 14, ; 1 88. at which tirne, the Board gave the Appellant an extension� o time for 12 months, to bring the building into compliance. ' A this time the Appellant is requesting a hearing befor�e he Board with a new plan, to request a variance, then be ble to do the work. PROCEEDINGS: Geoffrey Mill�er stated that he was before the board on September 14, 19a8, at which time there was an extension of time granted to bring t,�he baths into compliance. Mr. Geoffrey Miller has hald ome contractor's give him some bids, so as to bring the baths i,nt compliance. The bids have been between $ 15.000.00 8 $20,000 00. Mr. Geoffrey Miller stated, hat presently on the second floor, there is one urinal , 1 showe , 1 stool and 2 sinks. What we are requesting to do is add anot er shower and another stool on the second floor. Basement as a shower, stool and a sink. What is needed is a variance all ing the basement bathroom to be counted as one of the bathr ms in the house, also be allowed to increase the number of oceu ants to 16 instead of 15. Time frame to get this done would be' 6 months. Mr. Miller stated that he has gotten an informal appr val from the National Chapter. Don Miller, from Public Hea th stated that the Ordinance must be enforced, which is a 5 to� l ratio. Molly O'Rourke, Legislati;ve Aide to Kiki Sonnen, stated that Councilmember Sonnen had �so e concern about the density issue. She also realizes that t�'e ssue here is bathrooms, but that is what determines the number f persons that are allowed to live in the house. The concern �Ibo t the density is because of the problems that have been hap ening in the neighborhood. The Fraternity house has had �ni e police calls in 1988. The Sorority which is ,just around the 'co ner has had nine police calls. Toilet paper on neighbors t ees, garbage on the lawns, parties late at nite. Basically{ o r office is getting numerous calls regarding the noise and �h number of people. The neighbors are very concerned, that if �h bath variance is ailowed, then we are putting more students in � t building and the noise wiil be louder. For this reason; w request that the variance be denied. If the board choices to gr nt the variance, then Councilmember Sonnen would like to reqUe t some conditions. One-proof of financing; two-specific re deling plans; three-lock lnto a tlme frame to complete the work four-the long list of deficiencies from the health department must be brought up to code. � 7 S Mr. Geoffrey Miller, as for financing, that will depend on whether or not we are able to get a variance on the baths. Mr. Don Miller, from Public Health stated that he would like to see all work done in a workman like manner. . BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Robert Viering to grant a variance to allow the basement bath to be counted, allow a maximum of 16 occupants only; show proof of financing within 60 days, have work completed in six months (December 13, 1989) ; unless previous deadlines were issued on orders. Seconded by David Schultz. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 40-89-H 126 E. 9th St. Al1en Kremer (29 units) APPEARANCE: Al1en Kremer SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the number of bathrooms for the number of occupants. Letter dated April 4, 1989. After much discussion the board requested that Mr. Kremer return to the July 11 , 1989 with some definite plans regarding the bathrooms. ---------------------------------- 27-89-F 20 E. Exchange St. Central Towers, Inc. (280 units) Susan Landais APPEARANCE: Susan Landais SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time to complete items from a deficiency list, pertaining to provide fire separation-trash room, replace all giass in corridors with wired glass, stairway indentification, update alarm system, provide sprinklers-rubbish chute. Letter dated February 24, 1989. PROCEEDINGS: Susan Landais requested time to do the orders requested by the fire department. Presently, they are in the process of completing all items except updating the alarm system. requesting one year to complete the alarm system. Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that she would not have a problem with the year extension on updating the alarm system to bring it into code compliance. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Harold Knutson to grant an extension of time for one year June 30, 1989 to update the alarm system. Seconded by David Schultz. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 8 _ ; (��--���� � • s ; 38-89-F 1200 Forest t. John D. Lenzi (5 units) APPEARANCE: John J. Lenzi SUBJECT: Appellant is reque ting a variance from Code requirement on the sharing of bath bctw en Units E 8 F, which has been in existence for 40 years. 'Se ondly, requesting an extension of time for one year to change the NW Bedroom window, and be allowed to continue to rent the yni as a three bedroom unit until work is completed. Letter dated April 4, 1989. PROCEEDINGS: There are ohly two units sharing the baths. Pat Fish, from Fire Prev�nt on stated that the sharing of baths would be no problem. BOARD ACTION: Motion madie y Harold Knutson to grant a variance on sharing a baths, with ith condition that one unit has only one occupant and the other un t no more than two occupants for the duration of the building�. Seconded by David Schultz. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FURTHER ACTION: Appella�t needs more time to compiy with code pertaining to the NW Bedroo window. BOARD ACTION: Motion made� b Harold Knutson to grant an extension of time for 1 year unti �l uly 1 , 1990 to comply with code pertaining proper escape wi dow in NW Bedroom. Seconded by David Schultz. MOTION CARRIEO UN NIMOUSLY. ----------+- --------------------- 41-89-F 446 Holly �t. Holly House Associates (7 units) Jay Rusthoven APPEARANCE: Jennifer Strorng SUBJECT: Appellant is req�es ing a variance from Code requirernent pertaining to "Provide se on exit from third floor" and "Install door closure�". Letter dated March 24, 1989. After much discussion th� b ard requested to postpone until the July meeting as to all.ow the appellant to work with Fire Prevention to try and resdlv the issue pertaini�g to the second exit from the third floor �an the door closures. ------------- -------------------- il c � ! . S 42-89-F 586 Laurel Ave. Dennis A. Louie (3 units) APPEARANCE: NONE SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time to complete the remodeling of the basement. Letter dated March 28, 1989. Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention, stated that this is a basement unit which does not have an escape window. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant an extension of time for 90 days (September 13, 1989) to get started, then must be completeed in five months by November 13, 1989 pertaining to the escape window in the basement and the general remodeling. Seconded by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 43-89-F 807 Holly Ave. Thomas R. Zahn f3 ��it�) APPEARANCE : Thomas Zahn SUBJECT: Appeliant is requesting a variance from Code requirement to "Provide second exit from third floor" . Letter dated April 11 , 1989. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Zahn stated that he lives :�n the house and really wants to com y, but he wants to know what the aptions ere and where to install the stairs. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Harold Knutson to deny the request for a variance on the second exit from third floor, instead granted an extension of time until November 1 , 1989 to instail Second exit from third floor. Seconded by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 44-89-F 420 N. Lexington Pkwy. Atlan G. Cederberg (4 units) APPEARANCE: Allen Cederberg SUBJECT: Appetlant is requesting a variance on having to provide permanent source of heat in bedroom for unit #1 . Letter dated April 11 , 1989. 10 _ _ . ��.-/��� ' A I s I PROCEEDINGS: The appellar�t urchased the building 12 years ago. At that time Apt #1 had no r diator in one bedroom. The appellant checked with the former t�na t, and these radiators were removed when the conversion form coa to natural gas took place. This room is above the furnace ro m, so this shouid be a warm room. Ron Glassman suggested th�t he appellant put electric basement heat. BOARD ACTION: Motion mad� b Harold Knutson deny the request for a variance on having to rovide heat in bedroom of Apt #1 . Seconded by David Schultz! M TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -----------�- -------------------- 45-89-F 506 N. Lex#ng on Pkwy Craig J. Hamilton (2 units) i SUBJECT: Appellant is re ue ting a variance on "Provide one hour fire rated door with appr�v hydraulic closure at both entrances to furance room; provide n hour fire rated ceiling for furnace room." Letter dated Apri� , 1989. Resolved, case withdrawn. ----------�-- -------------------- 46-89-F 801 Barge �h nnel Rd. Alter St. Paul , Inc. (2 units) i Erik Svedin,Mgr. SUBJECT: Appellant is reque ting a variance on the requirement to raise the furnace 8 wa�e heater in the parts room to 18 inches from the floor; also changing the exit door to swing in direction of exit flowji office. Letter dated April 11 , 1989. Resolved, case withdrawn. 47-89-F 1560/61 15170 71 1580/81 Gaughan Companies Wheelpc Lane Wheelock Way Condo Ass'n (96 units) Carolyn J. Kolar APPEARNCE: Carolyn Kolar � SUBJECT: Appellant is rec�ue ting a variance from Code requirement to install "Keybox at all� s cured building entrances doors". Letter dated Aprii 25, Ig89 � i i i 11 � � < s PROCEEDINGS: Ms. Kolar stated that these are Condo's owned individually. There are six buildings in the development. There are two common entry doors to each of the buildings and each of the buildings have units at either end that has their own privated entrance. The people of these units refuse to have the master key in a lock box. The alterative would be to go to a two key system for the Condo owners which would be very expensive. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz deny the request for a variance on having to install Key Box, Motion amended to grant an extension of time for six months December 13, 1989 to install Key Box. Seconded by Harold Knutson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSIY. ---------------------------------- 48-89-F 429 Fry St. Wayne Carlson (7 units) APPEARANCE: Wayne Carison SUBJECT: Appellant is appealing items from a deficiency list letter dated April 18, 1989, pertaining to: fire separation basement apartments, provide ciosure-laundry room, provide proper escape windows in apartments 5 and 7, cover giass rear stairwell or provide wired glass in metal frame, remove storage under stairs, fire extinguishers-first floor, fire doors, hard wired smoke detectors inter-connected, repair or replace door closures on all apartments that are inoperable. After much discussion the board suggested that the appellant return in 30 days with some plans. ---------------------------------- Their being no further business, meeting adjourned at 4: 15 p.m. i �