89-1426 WHITE - GITV CLERK COU[ICII / PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF S I NT PAUL t CANARV - DEPARTMEN T .i/��/O BLUE - MAVOR � . FIlC NO. � Cou 'l� esolution ,f�:��; �� Presented By r � Referred To Committee: Date �`S Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Mayor and the City Counc�l,reques�ed departments tq p;epare an inventory of known ��9 General F nd bud$et r�vision nee s o de to prioritize them so that the use of fund balance cou�d be maintained at the 12 �1-�8 �evel, and WIiEREAS, The,Pla�ning Division pxoposes to hir t mp y staff to assist witl� ompilation and computerization of data required to suppor� t e ���� United States Decennia� Census, and WEiFREA�, It i$ a�vantag�ou$ to assist i compilin tl�� c nsus to ensure an accurat count is �tad�ederalean t s popu ation because t�io$e co u�nt wi 1 �e used over �the next decade by � �tate government to determine r so rce allocations, an WHEREAS, The Mayor, p su�nt to Sect�on,10.07.1 o t�e City Char�te , does �ertify �hat th���9a�udget;la�ae or appropriation rev�nu s in excess o t�iose estimated in the WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following ch�ng s to the 1989 budget: Cu rent Amended FIN ING PLAN i Bu�get Changes __Budget ------------ ------------ ---- GENERAL FUND 9890 (jse of Fund Balance, Unreserved 126,610 24,240 150,850 Ungesi nated Al1 Ot�er Financing i 124,191,135 ___________0 124,191,135 ------------ ------------ I24,31'1,745 24,240 124,341,985 SPE D NG PLAN 0 GENFRAL FUND p1 in & Econ ic,Development 06 p�p C ntri�ution I � 88-Q21� Fees-Other� Professional Servf.ce g, p 24,24p 2,g� All Other� Spen ing �,��j,��Q 8 �,��j,{� � A Other Spen ing I _12 , 1, � 12 , 1,52 ----------- ------------ ------------ 124,317,745 24,240 124,341,985 NET CHANGE 24,240 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these ch nges to the 1989 budget. II Appr val Reco�nd�Sl,�:�`_�11 �� �,� .!J L, �. Budget Di e tor I COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays i Lon��d / [n Favor �end .wk �' coswitz Rettman O ' �be1�� Against I� BY � ` Sonnen ` Wilson A�G 1 9 �g9 Form Ap ro ed by Cit Attor y Adopted by Council: Date I� Certified Pa- e n ' e a BY i � By� ` A►pprov y Mavor: Dat � 4� Appro� Mayor for Sub ' si n to Council B ! By, � � ��--__ ' � ���.� J�.� ° � ��a� . t � �i�i�a� . DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUN L, DATE INITIATED ��O � la in Division 6 GREEN SHEE NO. ,Nm,�,�A� CONTACT PER�N 8 PHONE EPARTMENT OIRE OR GTY COUNpL Peggy Reichert 228-3270 � pnppNEY CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MU8'f BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO UDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.�MOT.SERVICES DIR. YOR(OR ASSIST � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL L CA ONS FOR SIGN TUR� ACTION REf�UESTED: Adjust PED 1989 budget to increase pe ding aut ority to allow them to hire temporary employees to assist with om ilation and computerization of data required to support the 1990 U.S. D ce nial Ce sus. RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(/U or RejeCt(F� COIJNCIL CO M E/RESEARCH OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL BERVICE COMMISSION A��Y� �ONE NO. -CIB COMMRTEE _ �U� �� _STAFF _ COMMENTS: ECr �V�D _DISTRICT COURT _ �y��� � �.����;�'��'�y� 3UPPORT3 WHiqi COUNpI OBJECTIVE7 ` " 1�8� R JU � � - INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,Whsr�,Whero,Why): , Task is over and above planned wo� ��� �' �if planning division. Task is once in 10 year project. No dollar re budgeted in 1989 for this task. _ ADVANTAQES IF APPF�VED: Providi.ng information and support t risus bureau prior to the actual enumeration is� essential to ensure n ccurate census count for the City. If population undercounted it could h e serious implications for the City over the next decade because census d a is used in many resource allocation decision5 by the federal and state o r�ment. OISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: $24,240 use of fund balance (Genera und) . RECE��ED ,�,�� � 1 ��ag I r��CE , BUu:.:-, ''. � DIBADVANTAQEB IF NOT APPROVED: City' s population may be undercount d (especially more difficult to count populations like homeless and minor 't groups) causing St. Paul to get less than its share of federal and state r source allocations. Cot�ncii Research Center, A U G 3 1989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI�1 s 2 4,2 4 0 �T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) �ES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER O 6 O O O FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� $3250 staff hours (4 FTEs) , $7.00/ ou data entry and 1 $9 .00/hour on-site coordinator ' . . . , . � ��_��a� � ��$GITY pp '. • 4 Z CITY OF SAINT PAUL a ���������„ ; DEPARTMENT F PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT °►m °11 �� � „a' DIVISION OF PLANNING 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 iss• 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER ' MAYOR RECEIVED MEMORANDUM J U�. 1 1989 DATE: June 26, 1989 ' k , To: Greg Blees ' BUDGET OF�ICE FROM: Peggy A. Reichert d��[�� • RE: 1989 Budget Amendment Reque�t or 1990 Census Preparations The Planning Division was directed by e Mayor's Office to serve as the City's liaison with the U.S. Census Bureau �fo the 1990 Decennial Census. Providing complete information and public suppor to the Census Bureau prior to the actual enumeration is essential to �ns re an accurate census count for the City. If the population is undercount d, it could have serious implications for the City over the next decade beca se census data is used in many resource allocation decisions by the federal ,an state goverrunent. There are two areas in which the Ce�su Bureau has requested local government participation: 1) to promote public a areness of the Census through a "Complete Count Committee" ; and 2) t�o eview pre-census and post-census housing counts for the City provided by thelCe sus Bureau (Local Review Program) . Later this year a "Complete Count Comm ttee" will be established as a task force of the Planning Commission. �he members of the task force will include persons representing more difficultI to enumerate populations such as the homeless and minority groups. The rt�aj rity of the task force's work will occur during the first three months of 19�0. In 1990, the Planning Division is budgeting $10,000 for any special publ cations, programs and events that the committee may undertake to promote �om unity awareness of the Census. We plan to staff the task force with existing ersonnel from PED in Public Relations and Planning. ' To support the Local review program, t e City must have housing unit and group quarter counts on a block by block pas s to assess the accuracy of the counts provided by the Census Bureau. We hav determined that the most efficient and appropriate way to support the Loca�l R view program would be to compile and enter the required housing and group q arter data into the PRRIS (Property Related Information System) compute�r d tabase. If the data is computerized, it will be more flexible to work with �nd we will be able to respond more quickly and accurately to the Census Bureau's 'nformation needs than if the data were compiled manually onto worksheets f'Iro hand-drawn maps. Completion of this data entry is an important part of P S completion which will have considerable continuing benefit for� ci y departments. I , � � . � . . �� . ��-��.�� Greg Blees June 26, 1989 Page Two Because of the City's need to respond q ickly to the Census Bureau, it is particularly important that this dat� b available for the pre-census review � scheduled for November. For this reVie , we have only 45 days to compare housing counts for approximately 4,0�0 locks and to substantiate with documentation any discrepancies thati, ar identified. If a housing unit or group quarter undercount of a block s ot identified in the pre-census review, the field enumeration by the Census ur au is not likely to be complete. And even though a discrepancy may be ide ti ied in the post census review, the Census Bureau may not consider the d sc epancy large enough to warrant a recount. Small discrepancies in sev�ra blocks could add up to a significant undercount for the City. In order tv m et the Census Bureau's schedule, it is necessary to amend the Planning Divisio 's 1989 operating budget by $24,200 in order to hire temporary staff to compil and computerize the required housing data. We have estimated that it will t ke about 3,250 staff hours to complete this task and it will be necessary to h re 4 persons on a full-time basis at $7.00 per hour to do data entry and 1 p rson on a full-time basis at $9.00 per hour to serve as the on-site coordinato and quality control specialist. The overall project will be supervised by e isting professional staff in the Planning Division and will require the quivalent of 25 percent of one full-time staff person's time. City-wi e Information Services (CIS) will be able to loan the required hardware, �o t will not be necessary to acquire additional equipment for the project'� e are currently evaluating alternatives for office space. The attached sheet summarizes our bu�lge amendment request for the 1990 Census Local Review Program. Please adviselme if any additional information is needed. Thank you for your continue s pport of the Planning Division. PAR:ss i I !, , . . . . ��� - ���� 1989 OPERATING BUDiGE AMENDMENT REQUEST FOR 1900 DECENNIAL CEINSU LOCAL REVIEW PROGRAM Planning Divi ion, June 1989 PROJECT PURPOSE: To hire temporary �,st f to assist with the compilation and computerization of data required to ',sup ort the 1990 United States Decennial Census. I ADDITIONAL STAFF NEEDED: Al1 staff wil be hired on a temporary basis for the duration of the project. ', One (1) on-site coordinator/data qua�lit control technician (740 hours) . Responsibilities include daily schediuli g of data entry personnel, compilation of group quarters, building permit a d icensing information, preparation of maps and information for data entry, q lity control of data entry, trouble shooting with CIS and light computer pr gramming. Job Requirements: Course work in ge��logr phy and computer science with an emphasis in geographic information s st ms. Five (5) to seven (7) Data Entry Tec�ni ians (2,500 hours of data entry) . Duties include preparing maps for dalta ntry, key punching data, proofing data and assist with other related tasks as ecessary. Job Requirements: Data entry skills', a aptitude for reading maps. ADDITIONAL STAFF COSTS: $24,240 ' One (1) Coordinator/Quality Control Tec nician: $6,700 (740 hours at $9.00 per hour) . Data Entry Technicians: $17,500 (2,I500 hours at $7.00 per hour) . EXISTING RESOURCES REQUIRED: The prbje t will be supervised by existing professional staff and require an eq�zi lent of 25 percent of one full-time staff person's time. CIS will be ab'le o loan the required computer hardware, so no additional equipment will be req 'red for the project. PROJECT TIMELINE: The project will tak approximately 15 weeks to complete with 5 full-time data entry technici�ns. At this staffing level, the pro�ect must be started by August 15 to meet', th pre-census review schedule. '' �<OG'c�� -��,d9 � � T - . �- . ; ��-/��� Committee Report , Finance Meeting - August 21, 1989 � � 7. Resolution 89-1342 - amending the 989 budget by Approved transferring $25,000 from Contiing t Reserve to City Clerk' s Office Records fo�' o ficial publication costs. (Referred from Council ;Au st 1) 8. Resolution 89-1380 - allowing ait to contribute Approved 2-1 its portion of buy back pensio�i c verage for Parks Department employee Edna Alfor�. (Referred from Council August 8) 9. Ordinance 89-1266 - amending Ct'iap er 370 of the Laid over to 9/11 Legislative Code pertaining to; ap ointment of members to the Board of Examin�rs for Certificate of Competency holders. (ReferXed from Council July 25) � 10. Ordinance 89-895 - amending Ch�apt r 33 of the Admin- Laid over istrative Code pertaining to r�ei ursement for car indefinitely expense by providing a monthly� i rease for elected officials. (Referred from Cou'nc June 15, laid over July 31 ) � 11. Administrative Order D-XXXX - �Bu get revision Committee recommends in Public Works for computer dqu" ment. that resolution be ; prepared recommending , approval. 12. Sale of single family rehabilita ion loans to Approved Neighborhood Housing Services 'of America and use of loan sale proceeds. (Refe�re from Housing and Redevelopment Authority Ju�ly 26) 13. Resolution 89-1426 - amending�th 1989 budget and Approved adding $24,240 to the Financi g nd Spending Plans for General Fund PED 1990 U.SI. D cennial Census. (Referred from Council Augustll5 14. Administrative Order D-10322 �- a thorizing payment No action required not to exceed $1,200 to Peter� H es for preparing history of the Latimer years.� ( eferred from Council July 27) ' 15. Resolution 89-1346 - determi�in that neither over- Laid over to 9/11 time pay nor formal compensattor time is authorized for unclassified appointed er�pl yees and that any overtime hours recorded are �rr neous and to be removed from payroll records� Referred from Council August 1) � 16. Resolution 89-1347 - authori�in the use of paid Laid over interns in 1990 for each Cou}�ci member for up to a indefinitely maximum of 500 hours per yea� a d that the Director of City Council Investigation a d Research Center include funds in the proposeti C ty Council Legislative budget. (Referred from Coun�il August 1) . _ __ .. . _. . . -'._ _.. ..... .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .� . . . ..- ..... ..'"'.._.....��.._.__.......�....�<1i3w:•!: . � :� ���. . `:� GITY OF SAINT PAUL �� : h ���s�fl::r;t� . �"t `�s'n' OFFICE OF TAE CIZ`Y COIINCIL �_. . Committee Report Finance. Manaaement, & Personnel Committee August 21, 1989 � 1. Approval of minutes of July 31, 1989, meeting. Approved , 2. Resolution 89-1218A - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $15,733 to the Financing & Spending Plans . for Special Projects-Police, Uniform Crime Reporting Grant; (Referred from Council July 11, laid over July 31) ; and Resolution 89-1218B - authorizing a Federal Uniform Approved Crime Reporting agreement with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. (Referred from Council July 11, laid over July 31) 3. Resolution 89-1279 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $15,696 to the Financing and Spending Plans for removal of hazardous waste dumped in Lilydale. - (Referred from Council July 20) 4. Resolution 89-1280 - amending the 1989 budget by Denied adding $68,625 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Personnel Office salary market study. (Referred from Council July 20) 5. Resolution 89-1301 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 9/11 adding $42,445 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Rental Dwelling Registration Program. (Referred from Council July 25) 6. Resolution 89-1341 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $23,650 to the Financing and Spending Plans in the City Clerk' s Office for official publication costs. (Referred from Council August 1) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 8 af�i.48