89-1423 WMITE --liTV CLERK COURCll '/`� PiNr) � - FINANCE CjITY O�'' AINT �AUL 3 CANARV - DEPARTMENT .�./7� BLUE - MAVOR File NO.�� ' Counc�l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date i (SPENDING PLAN CONTINUED) 05121—EMERGENCY MANAGENI�'NT I 0299—OTHER MISC. SERVICES 15,000.00 (5,000.00) 10,000.00 0848—IIKERG. PREP. SIRENS , 30,000.00 (10,000.00) 20,000.00 ALL OTfiER FUND SPENDING I 122,309,366.00 0.00 122,309,366.00 j 124,417,745.00 11,706.00 124,429,451.00 NET CHANGE ' 11,706.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, tl�at the City Council adopts the following changes to the 1989 budget. � RECONIlKENDED FOR APPROVAL �'f7, � I BUDGET TOR I i I I I i i COUNCIL MEMBERS I Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� � [n FaWor Goswitz �� Rettman �( ��;�� �_ A gai n i t �Y` �� �waso� S E P 2119 Form Ap ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a �ed by Council Secreta BY � By �� • '� Appro e by 1+lavor: Date App e y Mayor for Sub s io to Council B co�i s9a p�g� S t P ;; � i 9 � , P ��-�--��,� 3 �DEPARTME lOFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITI TED Fire & s�et se���s o7-1 s GREEN SHEET No. 5��5� CONTACT PER80N 3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR m CITY COUNCI� Chief Steve Cbx�z•o - 228-6221 �M� crrv���' �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNdL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO BUDQET DIRECTOR FIN.3 MaT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR A8818T � TOTAL�Y OF 81QNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP AL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: ° � Approval of tYbe attached Council 1�,esolu io . J U L N 41989 RE�MMENDATIONB:Approve W c►Rel�(RI COUNCI ITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT —PUWNINO OOMMI8SION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST _ ���n PNONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ U` � �1 � COMME —STAFF _ _oisr�ucrcouRr _ YCy�i`� O�FICE SUPPORTS WHiqi(�OUNpL OB,IECTIVE9 INITIATIPK�PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(1Nho.Vlmat�Whsn.Whsro�Why): This Council Resolution will pmvide p i 1 funding for projected shorta,g�es in Fire Department salaries resulting from a Co Injunction. This resolution provides $188,706.00 tawards a projected sY�rt o $353,711.00 . ADVANTAQES IF APPROVEO: The F'ire Department's budget will be cl se to complying with it's 1989 expenditures fran tl� overti.rne salaries expense code DISADVANTAOES IF APPHOVED: lvone apparent. �U L 211989 BUDGE� �F��E DIBADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: The Fire Departrnent's 1989 budget will ot comply with it's 1989 e�enditures. Councif Research Cente� JUL 2 '7 ��89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : 1HH 7OG•OO C08T/REVENUE BUDGETED(qRq.E ON� YES NO �N���� C�neral Fund 001 p�y�y N��p 05050�05051.05110,05120�05121 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� Ftiarid Ba.lance = $11,706.00 Transfers = $177,000.00 '� . . � � � � ���'��`� Finance Committee Report September 11, 1989 I 5. Resolution 89-1325 - amendin� t e 1989 budget by Approved adding $30,000 to the Financi g nd Spending Plans in the Fire Department for ne�r r of at Fire Station No. 10. (Referred from Co 6. Resolution 89-1423 - amending th 1989 budget by Approve adding $11,706 to the Financing nd Spending Plans of General Fund - Fire Depart�nen salaries - overtime. Referred from Council August115 7. Resolution 89-1424 - amendingl th 1989 budget and Approved adding $52,451.96 to the Financi g and Spending Plans for Friends of the Librlar . (Referred from Council August 15) 8. Resolution 89-1425 - amendin� t e 1989 budget and Approved adding $30,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Community Services Librar�y aterials. (Referred from Council Augus� 1 ) 9. Resolution 89-1492 - amendin� t e 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $20,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for physical examinations fo� p tential city employees. (Referred from Cdun il August 22) 10. Resolution 89-1521 - amendin t e 1989 budget by Approved adding $70,000 to the Financ�ng and Spending Plans ��, for the Public Works Traffic� S gnal , Lighting and Maintenance fund. (Referred fr m Council August 29) 11. Resolution 89-1540 - amendin� t e 1989 budget by Approved Substitute adding $246,151 to the Financin and Spending Plans Resolution for CIS computer upgrading. i (R ferred from Council August 31) 12. Resolution 89-1243 - approving he appointment by Denied the Mayor q,� James C. Sargent t serve as a Commis- sioner of the Civil Service �Com ission. (Referred from Council July 13, laid over July 31) 13. Resolution 89-1469 - authori!zin district councils to Denied use funds allocated for neighbo hood cleanup projects in addition to the Neighborhlood Cleanup Day; and that District 15 Community Council i authorized to utilize its neighborhood cleanup all,oc ion for printing and distribution of solid wastelre ction and recycling brochure. (Referred from Coun il August 17) 14. Ordinance 89-1266 - amending C apter 370 of the Approved Legislative Code pertaining to appointment of members to the Board of Exar�in rs for Certificate of Competency holders. (Refer ed from Council July 25, laid over August 2l�) �' . � ���1 ' 1 GITY OF SAINT PAUL � i „����l�� °������J OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Committee Report � Finance. Management. & Personnel Committee September 11, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of August 21, 1989, meeting. Approved 2a. Resolution 89-1427 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $8,673 to the Financing and Spending Plans for G.O. Special Assessment, 1987 and 1988 Bonds- arbitrage interest ear.nings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2b. Resolution 89-1428 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $123,194 to the Financing and Spending Plans for General Debt Service Fund, 1987� and 1988 Bonds- � arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2c. Resolution 89-1429 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved� adding $118,850 to the Financing and Spending Plans � for Sewer Service Bond Fund - arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2d. Resolution 89-1430 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $12,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for powntown & 7th Place TIGO Debt Service - arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 2e. Resolution 89-1431 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $7,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans � for Park Nursery Development TIGO Debt Service - arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred from Council August 15) 3. Resolution 89-1301 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $42,445 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Rental Dwelling Registration Program. (Referred from Council July 25, laid over August 21) - : 4. Resolution 89-1300 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved� adding $10,800 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Alarm Permit Program. (Referred from Council July 25) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 s•+�.•4a