89-1418 I WHITE - C�TV CIERK � PINK - P�NANCE G I TY OF SA�N PAU L Counc,.. CANARV - OEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR . FIIB NL_ . . Council R�es lution _ �� Presented By - � Referred To �%L1u� Committee: Date � ���/ Out of Committee By Date �OI�EREAS, Council File Number 86-112 �stablished residential permit parkzng ad�a���it to Saint Thomas College• and WHEREAS� The Public Works Departra�n nas received a valid petition �equ�sting tne removal of permit parking restrictions from a certain street wi�hi:1 permit area 5 and, NOG4, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, ;Th t the following revisions be mad� iri �the r�sidential perrnit parkir�g rea around St. Thomas CoJ_lege: �. REmovG the residential perm�t parking restrictions on: B�th s�_�es of Sel.by Ave. be,itw en Wilder and Moore. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: I Dimond / Public Warks-Traffic-Donald E. Sobania �� � In'Fa or „ , Goswitz � Rettman B � Scheibel O Agai t Y Sonnen � A� 2 1 � Form App o ed by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified � sed by Council Secretary By By Appro e y Mavo : a e 9$ Appro d or for Subm' i Cou il B , BY � �-- PUBLtS�D S�P - ? 198�. ' . . �.�--/�� DEPARTMENT/OFFlOFJOOUNqL DATE INITIATED Public w rks Traffic - _ GREEN SHEET NO. 3���� OONTACT PEH80N d PHONE � PARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNqL � C17y p7TpqNEy �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNdL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MCiT.8ERVICE8 DIR. A S A P MnvoR�oR�ssisr�rm ❑ TOTAL#►OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL OC ION8 FOR SIQNATUR� ACTION REWESTED: Remove perm��t parking restrictions n Selby Ave. between Wilder Ave. and Moore St. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approvs(ly w Re�t(R) COUNqL EE/RESEARCH f�PORT OPTIONAL ANALY8T -- �j�:;.� PHONE NO. _PIANNINO COMM18810N _CIVII SERVICE COMMI8810N pB COMMITTEE _ OOMME ' A sr�F — - _DISTAICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WNICH WUNpI OBJECTIVE9 y���. . .. ... . . ..A+. i�unnnrx�aaoe�M.issue.oaPORruNm�w►w.wn.e,wne�.whsre.w�: Public Works received a valid pet ' ti n from property owners on Selby Ave. between Wilder and Moore, request ng that permit parking restrictions be removed from the petitioned area. e petition has surpassed the minimum percentage of 60� approval. ADVANTAf3ES IF APPROVED: Residents would no longer be req i d to purchase permits to park on-street. DISADVANTIIQEB IF APPROVED: Non-residents may legally park n street, reducing the number of available parking spaces for residents. DtBADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED: Residents would be required to p rchase parking permits for their vehicles and for visitors to legally pa k on the street during restrticted hours. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION COST/REVENUE BUDQETED(qRq.E OME) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMA710N:(EXPWI� ' . . ��•�'j�/U/� ����o��o� �o� ° ����o�a� o� �c���a�� ����o�� �����ac���o�� :%:4: ....... ....... :� !- � ....... ....... ....... ::o:;::: ....::.:;;;:::.>:.»; >:>:.>:..:;.:t_:.::::::::;%`::::::i::::::::iiii>s::::;:.>i>:.i:::t:::::::::::i::i:r::�:fi:::: �::::::::::::::::�:�.::::.�::.::�:::::::: "::.>:.:.>:.::.::::.. .. �'�';:'i: � ����:'''':::::::`;i:: M :>:::::::::::<:::: ::>:::: :;;:.:: (� ::>'::::: <:>::::>: I� :::`:;>':::::::�:'�:: � ::«:<:<>:'::;: >::::>: .--- :::>:::<: :>:::::': ,. L.() :>> ::<.: .;:.;:.; .... ::.;:.;;.:<::. .. :.. ;;:>:;< .�-- :::::;::>::::»:: ::::: O ::::::::> <:::::: >::>::»:::>::::: >::>;:::>:::>::::> O <:;::>::: � <::::<::::::;:::<: op ::»:::::::::><: op ':::::;:: >:::���� O ::»`:::::>:;>::: >::»::::::: ...::.. ;::.;;:< :;;:;::::.;:.; ;;:_>:::»::>: ::>:::::; O :<:«;:::::::<:: O :::::>: O < »<:: � :::::<::::::;:::;> � :<:::<';;::;<<: O� :;:>::::: ;.:::>::> � :::::::::::::<��:::> :�>:` ,.__ ::::::>::: ::::::: ::::»>: .:::::....... <:>::::::>::>::: «:>::> :::::<::: C�1 ::::::<:: ::::::::> N ::<::::::::»»:: N :.;;:.; N :: r-- :::<:>::: ':::>::::�::�>:> ':::�:i:::i%> :;i;;i;��'i;;i;: iiS:ifC4:%�: :.:.:�::::::::::::::::::�:::::::::::.:::�::::::�::a:.::::.::�;:::. .............................................::::::::::::::.:�.:�:::. �>::�::�::�:::'.:�i:>:::�;:�:�:�:�:i::Y:�:::�:;�:�:;:i:�i:�>:�i:�i::::�:;:�::�i:�:�::�:�:�i::;:�5:�::�: � ���:�:��'�:''�:���:;:�:�:�:�:��:;.:;.::::;::::::'::;;::::;:::::':'::'`:%.:;:;:::'::::;.;::�:i::::�........... �`:�':�:::�:�:�::�:�:;::::':;:�i:�:�i:�:`i`:G:�:�:�i:;�:2�:::`:;::�:�::�::�:�::�<::i:=:::�:�:�::�:':;�:�i::::;:�: . .........__ ..........._......_. ...:.:,:,.:::::::...,. W W � S LBY o � o � ::�:::�� :;::: .:::::: ...... . ... ...... .... . N :::::::::::: :: .........:::::.:.::�»:>.;::::::::.;:.::::::::>:::;>:::::;;:.;>::.:_:.:;:::»::: �.? O o0 ;`:>:: �O <'>:<::>:';;::::: O :::::` d" :::::�::::: ^ :::<:;;;: ><:';:; r- ::>':>:::: d � � ;:;:::?: � :�:`:;;:::.:::`'::: � �:?<:::: � >''>::�:` � ::«>:: ::??> ::::: � ::><:>;: d � � .:>'>>: � ;:::�>:>;:':.';::::;:': � ;:��::: � .- :»:>: � ::::»:::::::::::>:> .- :>::>>: ':����::: N ::<:;::: ;::;:�;:: N :::<.:::::: N N .— ����°'�'��`��'�`��� Support re oval of permit restrictions i.'•i::i•ii�,;j;: Position u known ._ f� i . . � �%�=��i� 8. Resolution 89-1370: A�th rizing Public Works Laid over Director to request a var ance from MSA rules until for the design speed of t e horizontal curve on October 4, VICTORIA from W. 7th to T scarora. (Referred to 1989. Committee 8/3/89) . 9. Resolution 89-138.4: �st blishing residential Approved 3-0 permit parking on N. CRE IN from the Mississippi River Boulevard to Selby (Referred to Committee 8/8/89) . 10. Final Order: Acquiring ertain lands for the Denied 3-0 WESTERN/ATWATER PONDI�IG ROJECT. (Laid over in Committee 8/2/89) . 11. Resolution 89-1418: iRe ove the residential Approved 3-0 permit parking restrict ons on: Both sides of Selby Ave. between Wild r and Moore. . �-�_��,� Members: , C�ITY OF �AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair - ri_����„n Janice Rettman ,�j�l�q„ . OFFIQ� pF FiE CITY COUN(71L TOtll DI1110f1C) .... � RfCEtVED . Date: Augus t 16, �.98 Co�n ittee Re ort AUG 1 s 1989 p CITY CI.ERK To: Saint Paul City Coul� i From :Public Works, Ut�lit es, and Transportation Committee � Roger J. Goswit�, hair � 1. Approval of minut�'s f August 2, 1989. Approved 3-0 Hearing Date 2. 9/5/89 Vacation: Petitior� o the City of Saint Paul to Laid over vacate surplus pr�pe ty at 1889 and 1895 BUSH until August AVENUE between Ha�el and Van Dyke. 30, 1989. 3. 8/22/89 Installation of a' sa itary sewer service Approved 3-0 connection at 140�1 F RNESS PARKWAY. 4. Resolution 89-117�2: Requesting the Laid over Administration tq d velop and implement a school until and playground spee zone policy. (Referred to September - Committee 6/29/8�) . 20, 1989. 5. Ordinance 89-115� : An Ordinance amending the Laid over 90 St. Paul Legisla,�iv Code by adding a new days. chapter pertainiing o the franchising of communications s�ys ems. (Laid over in Committee 7/19/89) . 6. Letter of DISTR�CT ENERGY submitting rates to be Laid over charged to hot wat r customers effective October until 1 , 1989. (Referre to Committee 8/3/89) . October 4, 1989. 7. Resolution 89-1;'�36 : Authorizin Public Works Laid over ' Director to re�ue t a variance from MSA rules until for the width of ICTORIA between Juno and October 4, James. (Refer�ed to Committee 8/3/89) . 1989. CITY HALL SEVE TH FLUUR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �046 . . . ��� �cf/� , . �: We, the undersigned, petition thatjth Permit Parking be rescinde � Avenue between Wilder and Moore Streetsl. The permit parking is not effecti�e 'n this area. �U� �;� j�o 9 D�P�: 0� Pil��i�;� `1-� TRAFFIC�I�GI�EERIi�G DA�E NAME � DRESS � � � �- � s. �9 z� u,S C . � Qua � - e' �� � 7 S eiG� Gv� . ST. /�ac�,�, M �r, s,5!o � � � ��- �n1 �q r h<<r� ��i. ���n,.F:2��� a c�7 � (�,, .� � � / �`e b9�` �Q-��� 77) 'z-C.• :J J i J �/ �� �3� �.�>�. ��,.� ��� , _�>� ��.;�_ � ��_ , q „�� �P� � c � arl� ,-� � r c� �i G :�� �� � �f � �-, Si. �1 '�' -�-��� � �/ I �, �� �'' �,�.�- > ���-,��� -� �' C� � ,���-"� ��„ ���i-�-�-!. � �� � � ) ` � ; .._��'�� (�n�� ���s�. 1 y 9 7 sf,6 y ��� sf, {�„�.,{, rn ,� .���:.�;-� ) .�s �� y / 1/Z�%/�7 =��.� .� ��-�.. ! s� � ���-l�, ,�1�e S f P<,�. , �N �s,�-�� , � ✓ ) r,� J�,�PS �,��� p_b� ^ ,�-�' '� i��/V 3 5 i o� �- .� � � � � �`� �� , � . ✓ , � �J � �'�:� � S�/Ck'� � _ �� T , � _ /:�. / �-<.-�� a��� / � . � a / -�� ��/ ° % � �;;�,� .:.2 Ci/� �-�-� �`,c.e. , �-GL���iv �'�� ��'� � v` � `. 'j - � C� ��-- r j�1 � . �� !� � � �C v J L,�'1 � .'�J" �1 �� I ,v� "' '� `J ' % � `� '�� ��--�-,,�.�G��� i ✓� ,.�� i � r� � ..� � . ����c �/� 7 �`I ���'�c�. ��' � ,..��J �� �c�� �� j�� �u��-- �y; ia,�� �nrv � / ' `� M ,�- � � ��u,�,�.� %la�lg�> �Li1�• ���I.C,�;`� l i �1 c> ���� i�;� . �.j='. �'c!��r� /��/1�, ° ' SJ/ C'l�. 7 � � � j -�� - F 5 !��'� ,�� /�,�'�-�� ,. _, ...) ���7 S�-z�-� � � �-, �,�-�., L .�..� s���y� ��,��� ' - I ���' /�/d�' DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED Fublic 6aorks �i'raffic En . 8-3-8 '� GREEN $,HEET NO. 3,q,�,n�TE CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL — NA MBER FO� �ATTOHNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNGL A(3ENDA BY(DAT� FiOUTIN� ! HUO(iEf DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES�IR. ASAP ��� MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL N OF SIGNATUHE PAGES (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Remove permtt parking restrictionsfon Se1by Ave. between Wilder Ave. and Moore St. ; i RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a iieject(R) COUNCIL M TTEE/REBEARCM REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION ��Y� � ^3�,:�a����� PHONE NO. tiL.�v.... � GB COMMITTEE A �� - COMMENTSG {, F, j' i J����: t _„ _DISTRICT COURT — ` i.. . SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNdLOBJECTIVE? ` ;��Rt .���!;an� �i��i�� INITIAT1NCa PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Public Works received a valid peti,�ti n from property owners. on Se1by Ave. between Wilc3er and Moore, requesti;ng that permit parking restrictions be r-emoved from the petitioned arPa. l:;:T e petition has . surpassed the minimum percentage of 60� approval. ; ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: Residents would no longer be requir d� to purcrase permits to park on-street. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: Non-residents may legally park � on- treet, reducing the number of available parking s�aces for residents. ; � ,.. ._. , , ;� ; � , : - .: . . . � � � � � � � ' � . J:.:d.'.. �., .. _ ,_�.: :.._.. .... , . . :., :.. � �. . . DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: Residents would be required to ur hase`parking, permits`': for their .vehicles and for visitors to legally par tYie street-,:during- restrticted 'hours. • ;t;:-, .t.;: ,;,, �,, �,�;; ,:>. . .. . ., �., . _ .. .: �.�. � . .�. . � . . . �. . :"S.' t i:�� �.c1": *1���:f� v. :" .n. . ..., . . . . ..� . .• . . �..., ,,. . . .h . " . . . .. . . ' . ..� :� .. ,� ... ..,i'. . . . .�. . . ,. .. � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUD(iETED(CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUND�NO SOURCE � ACTIVITY NUMBEA FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(IXPWt� � . . . . . .�� �, - , � ., r,.:,d . � � . . �-�. .. . �.' . . � .. . . � . � � �. . � - ��j� �y��' WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF � S INT PAUL BLVE - MAYOR File NO• Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Council File Number $6- 124 established residential permit parking adjacent to Saint Thomas Coll ge; and WHEREAS, The Public Works Depar ment has received a valid petition requesting the removal of Qermit par ing restrictions from a certain street within permit area 5 and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the following repisions be made in the resi_dential permit parki g area around St. Thomas College: 1 . Removz the residential p�r it parking restrictions on: Both sides of Selby Ave. b tween Wilder and Moore. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: J Yeas Nays Dimond Public Warks-Traffic-Donald E. Sobania ��g Ir�� Fa or Goswitz ' Rettman B � �het�� Agai t Y Sonnen Wilson Form App o ed by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By B� n.,,,�,.,.�.� ►,�, \Aavnr fla�P APP[O d�r for Subm' i Cou�il r ; � � � ����,iy��' . � �l�l���U���V�.lV ���� � :�J��'����v-ti1�.`-. �U ���U'JJ� U ���U������� ��� U �U��� �0�� <>'::<:, ''::>;:� >::;::;,: .... >::>'::�:. >::>::r: .... :::»:::.._:.:.�:., ....... ....... ... ;;;;:::: ....::.;;:;�::;.;;;:. `;»::'::::>::>;�.;::. � ?:`?:: � ':>::'?::::'�:'<: ►�/� .;:.,,,:.:.......::E::;E:;:;:;:;:::;';::.�::::,.::;::;:>:::;;;:;<:;:;::.::�.:;;::;::::;: I� 1 :?>`;;i;:i::i:ii � 2:;i%::' �— /'�� �/'� �iiiiiiiiiii � i?S:?:i:.�'.i;E'i \./' J.'ii;:;!;i?:`.'" LJ / ':i�i:<;:" :iiii:i::i �• ii:iiiii::i:i:%�;i� ��\ �\ ....._ �� tti::::::;;3[ »>r,o- � :ii�ii �:. � �: �i:[[t:i � ;::::::?:%:`:?r ..: �/ ;titi:iii:?"t`: l�/ iiti:?t:ii i'�%iiiiiii � �i'::?iiiii;iii:;i:`i ¢ /� � :i[:�ib';:[:i:: ;:.(:: <.::.>:.; ::::.>::.::>::. . . � >:}i.[:[ � ii:iii?G[: � i^''t:[;[i:ii:'i� V' iii;?:i[:ii::�['[� _�_.f:Y: ...... � 'r`i::: [iiiij;:::t �� ;;t:t2%t[>i:;[:; �� :':t;ii'i iii[;`.:::�: :::::.: ::.:o:;::>:.>i: :.>::.:;::.:::: :::>:::> N ::�:::�:::><'«:::: N :>:<:'::::::::::<:: N :>�:::: N : . .-- =:>::>:�: :<:::>::�>:<. :>:::: ::::»::»:<:>:<::>::::>:�:>::: . . � ` ` <:::>»� :>:>:::>:::::«::<::::;:>�::::� < :: :: ,,.. w w � � LBY o � :::. _ _.:.:�::::.:�::::::::::::::::::. _ � � :::::::::::�::: : ............ ...... ...... :. . . . .:::.::...: ::::::::.::.:....:.:::::::::.:::::::::::::...:.:.::::::::: C�1 :�:�<�:� � O o0 ;:><::; � :':::;:> ::>::>::> O �_<:::: � :�::::::< r— :':::>:< `;';: .___ ;_;;; O O O� :>::>::: � :::;:;:�': �::;<::< O� ':::::: 00 ::`:>::>: O >:=»»:::::><` :.�. O ::::::<:::: O O O� .<:::»� O� :':;;:::>::>�:;< � ;�:;<> � ::::::::� N ::<::::::::::::`:::: N �<'::»:: N N .- : ::< � :> ?:> � < � � Support re oval of permit restrictions Position u known ._ f - �����,y�� � � � v�i �SI':'pFi� � --•.-. r rt- We, the undersigned, petition that th Permit Parking be rescinde "' ;� 'Ei � ���� Avenue between Wilder and Moore Streets; The permit parking is not effective i this area. JU� �;� l�O� D�P�: 0� ���Lii t� "� T�Pr�F�ic������������ DA�E NAME ADDRESS -7- JS• �'9 L� �is c , Qut3 � i2 0 ;7 - Sei(,� av� . s��a��, n-i �v, S��oy �� 2 � - %�- S�' Uq r h��r� �97. � ��2kc1� � ( � �� �-- � 'a �-E-� � �= ��c, y�, �z- �� �=� y �.5� �x�.�>a,. ��.� ��� � _�.j� �}r.;7� �_ f � ,�� ��� � r Ga�l� �—<' 1 �f � G S°� lF� l /t � �, S t . �9 'v ��.��� �, `� \ � ;' ,. ; �• �� � — � L, ' V �� ��'-j"�i,%� J�/ r-Z-s-,(,.�.. �� �.�. � 'y-.�`-f'� / �� � �s _-�.� / , � J ; •-�c����j (�n�J� ,���Sc�-�. I y 9 7 Sc/h y /�✓z. 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A lst , � ��✓�' i - �n.d y�o�.�O / - � � - `� _ � 3rd ' Adopted ��`•_�-�'"� ,'; g- �c °� . �°t "� y'--$`� � Yeas Nays .�l '�� ;;; � ' F: � ' DIMOND � ��` /�fC' � ' � � � � �j � ;�k ' GOSWITZ ��0� _ � � ` � , £ : "°+�� :��� LONG == l{ ,.�,-,� . - ,:, RETTMAN � � " ��_ ' SONNEN ��.:� - r ,�`j - " ;.i WILS�1 - 1 " _ s� MR. PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL , . ,, -� _ � . _ y _ + - — - - , J � ' 1. f 1 I: .. . `� '. . .. . -.. . .. .� ..: '' ''� _ �,. ... .: . - . � . ��'-- .�. -,' ..;". ..:'r. Y � La. _ - 'f�f .-.`. �t .- .: �.�.. _�. . .... . : .v .. � . '.. .. .,:: .� ._ " -.: ..: � ��- ' ' �F:.: - � " s- Z y __ :.` - _ _ � ; " 3- - , `;! :!. . ., ., � .���-. . ' .�`r� .._ �.,,: , `'.,' ..,. - - - 1 � .� . .,.;... . � . 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