89-1412 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. �����. FINAL ORDER .,. ;/`��.w�-`' }�' By �..,.�. File No. 389b5 _... _ �� Voting In the1v�atter of sida�alt coastraction / r rseoastractis�a at the folla�riaE Ward loc�tions 6 Both sid�s Bast Nswt6or�e Ars ro� Vaa D�t� Strut to �ortL Basc�l Str�et. * ESTIKA?BD CQ�S?BiiC?I01� COSTS AI�D 8 TES 1tESIDENTIAL rstes {S��IGLE FAMILY ? ?HBEE FANIL7) For a S—foot ride sidexalks Atev C nstruetion {vbere ne� valk exiated), 313.00 per front foot; seplace■ at of old side�rall�, $b. 50 per front ft. For a 6—foot vide sidexa ks Nev eoastraction, $15. 60 per frout ft. ; replace�ent of old si • alk, $�.80 per froat ft. ell coraer resideatial properti s will reeeive a eredit e�p to the first 1S0 f�et of aav or rscon tu ted aidevalk aloas and abatting the "long side" of the property. COMMBYCIAL rate� (all praperty ot er thsn residential) l0�actual coat estiaated t e spproxi�atel� $4.�0 pes sqgare foot of valk cosstrnctsd. �,� under Preliminary Order ' approved /°��� r The Council of the City of Saint Paul has condu ted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Cha ter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, obje tio and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be t RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sain Pa 1 does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completi n o said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to t Ci Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date AUG � O �� Yeas� Nays ��=s Certifie sed by Council Secretar '�' �" �_� �_ In Favor By Schsibel � � Against Wf�o� ` Mayor AUG � 198 p�gl� AU G 19 1989 . . • . ' : � _ w . � ���i=��r� T• R EW .S. E. HAWTHORNE AVE. from Van Dyke St. to N. Hazel St. lNITIATING ACTION: This order was in tia d by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of three (3) co plaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITtONS: This walk is ou d concrete, disintegrated, scaled, settled and cracked panels. ............................................ ..... .......................................... . 1 � ' C ��y . � ST. PAUL I Y CC�UNCIL �e,.,,� PUBLIC HE ING NOTICE _��,� SIDEWALK C NSTRUCTION � ��� File No. 58966 Dear Property Owner: City Council District ��6 Plannin District Council ��2 P U R POS E To consider the const uc ion (new) and/or reconstruction of all or part of the public si e lk in front of your property. The limits AN D �f this project are: Both sides East aw horne Ave. from Van Dyke Street to North LOCATION Hazel Street NOTE: Sidewalk reco st uction may consist of replacing from one panel to all of the pa els in front of your property. You may call the phone num er listed below to find out how many panels are to be replace . HEARING Thursday, August �o � 89, at 9:0o A.M. City Council Chambe s, Third Floor City Hall - Court House ------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------- Please note that th P blic Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item a d evelop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please br ng any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on ed esday, August�2, 1989, in Room 707 City Hall - Court House t :00 A.M. IN FO R M ATIO N If the Council appr ve the orders (or any part thereof, a portion of the costs will be s sed (after construction) against benefited properties. You w 11 nly be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts your property. Th e timated assessments for this project are as follows: RESIDENTIAL rates SI GLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) : �CE�VED 5-foot side al 2i19g9 New Co st uction JU� (where no walk existed) $13.00/front foot C1TY CLERK Replac me t of old sidewalk $6.50/front foot PLEASE NOTE: Reconstruction wi 1 e at the existing width. Public Works will reconstruct some xi ting sidewalk that is 6-feet wide down to 5 feet in all cas s here this width is practical. This smaller width is to keep he assessment at the lowest rate possible. In the event you and yo r neighbors prefer the existing width and are willing to accept th higher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to request your preference. All new sidewalks wil b constructed 5-feet wide. Rates for reconst u ion of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated. For example: 6- ee wide sidewalk -- $7.80/front foot; 10-foot wide sidewalk -- $13. 0/ ront foot. All corner resid nt al properties will receive a credit up to the • first 150 feet o n w or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" f he property. COMMERCIAL rates (a 1 property other than residential) : 100 percent of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per square foo of walk constructed. If the property has area- ways under th sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that cost will be as es ed in addition to the sidewalk assessments. � Please call 298 42 5 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice or QU ESTIO N S TDD) for assesm nt questions. Also, City staff will be available to answer any 1 st minute questions on the pro3ect in Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 9 00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent July 21, 1989, by th R 1 Estate Division Depar e t of Finance & Management Services Room 18 Citv Hall - Court House Saint Pa 1, MN 55102 ��_ ���� � , PRELI YN RY ORDER . �ouncil File No. 89-1198—By Rog J. oswitz— In the Matter of sidewalk const cti and/or reconstruction at ths fqllowing location in Voting Ward 6: . Both sides�. Hawthorne Ave. fro Va Dyke St. to N. Hazel St. 'ESTIMATED CONSTR,UCTION C S AND RATES RESIDENTIAL rates(single fa ily o 3 famiiy) ' For a 5-foot wide sidewalk:Ne Co truction(where no walk existed)$13.00 per front foot; Replacement of d s ewalk�6.50 per f;orit foot. For a 6-foot wide sidewalk: Ne Construction $15.60 per front foot; Replacement of old sidewalk$7 80 r front foot. All corner residential properties wil rec�'ve a credit tip to'the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk alo g an�1 ahutttng the "�ong side" of the � Property. COMMEBCIAL rates(all prope yo her than residential) 100% of aetual cost estimated t be proximately$4.00 per square foot of walk constructed. The Council of the City of Saint aul aving received the report of the Mayor `. upon the above improvement, h ying considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That �t�e- said report and th same is hereby approved with no . aiternatiires; and that the est' ated cost thereof �s see above for constructian c�sts and rates in ced by assessmeaiks> -2. That a public hearing be h o said improvex�h� "' the lOth da�of _ Au st, 1�9 �t 9:D.0 o'cloc a. , iri the quncil C��ibers o e ity a an �art House Build ng i t2i�Cit�of 3si�t�r'T. . 3. Thq�:�e of�said public ea ' g be gi+ven to ��ersops and in the �eer�ia�eivid�d by the Ch rte stating the time ant��lace of hearing, �t,�e of the improvem t d the total cost tlzereof as estimated. File Nti:"5�$�B'`' ' ,1�dDp�ted b;y tl,�e Council July 6, 989. Appmved�uly 7, 1989. (Ju y 1 198�) /�I��-f`/��°2. � Members: �i�`r CITY O AIN7.` PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair � ,,�i,,,,i, Janice Rettman ,I�i �,r, OFFIQE O T E CITY COQNOIL Tom Dimond �� � Date: August 2, 19 9 Com i tee Report RE�EIVED To:.Saint Paul City Coun I Au� 0 21989 CITY CLERK From :Public Works, Utiliti , and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, h ir 1. Approval of minut s f July 19, 1989. Approved 3-0 Hearinq Date 2. Appeal of Ms. Jen ie Charles to a Summary Denied 3-0 Abatement Order f r roperty located at 2173 NORTONIA AVE UE (Laid over in Committee 7/19/89 . 3. S-8959 - Both sid s ALACE AVENUE from S. Approved 3-0 Fairview Avenue t S. Wheeler Streets , , (Laid over in Co it ee 7/19/89) . 4. S-8961 - Both sid s T. PAUL AVENUE from Approved 3-0 Montreal Avenue t E gcumbe Road. (Laid over in Committee 7/ 9/89) . 5. S-8963 - Both sid s ANFORD AVENUE from Approved 3-0 S. Fairview to S. 'Wh eler Street. (Laid over in Committee 7/ 9/89) . . 8/10/89 Final Order: Side al construction a reconstruction at th follawing locations: � S-8966 - Both sid s . HAWTHORNE AVENUE Approved 3-0 from Van Dyke to . zel Street. S-8967 - Both sid s CEOLA AVENUE from S. Approved 3-0 Pascal Street to lb t Street. 7. 8/15/89 Final Order: THE E NTH PLACE MALL Approved 3-0 Operation and Mai te nce Costs for 1989. 8. 8/15/89 Ratification of Asse ments: THE SEVENTH Approved 3-0 PLACE MALL Operati n nd Maintenance Costs �' for 1988. CITY HALL SEVENTH FL R SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �e . C��q-/��� 9• 8/�5/89 Final Order: Acqu'ri g a permanent Approved 3-0 utility easement f r he ARCADE/MINNEHAHA AREA SEWER SEPARAT ON PROJECT. Part of Lot 15, Johnstone' S bd. of Block 112 of Lyman Daytons Addi io '. 10. 8/15/89 Final Order: Acqu ri g permanent and Approved 3-0 temporary utility as ments under and across part of Lot 1 thru 12, Block 12, Merrills Division f ice Street Villas for the ALBERMARLE NE RASKA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT 11 . 8/15/89 Final Order: Acqu ri g certain lands for Two-week the WESTERN/ATWATE P NDING PROJECT. layover 12. 8/15/89 Final Order: Const uc ing a concrete curb Approved 3-0 on MINNEHAHA AVENU b tween Stroh Drive and vacated Greenb ie Street. This is a part of the ARCADE MI NEHAHA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJE T. 13. 8/17/89 Ratification of As es ents: Construction Approved 3-0 of concrete curb o M NEHAHA AVENUE between Stroh Driv a vacated Greenbrier Street. This is p rt f the ARCADE/MINNEHAHA S E PAVING AND lI6HTING PROJECT. 14. 8/15/89 Ratification of Ass ss ents: For Approved 3-0 installation of san'ta y sewer service connections inciden al to the JACKSON/SYCAMORE ST RM SEWER SYSTEM. 15. 8/8/89 Ratification of Awa d f Damages: Approved 3-0 Acquisition of a pa t f Lot 1 , Block 19, Beaver Lake Heights fo the intersection of ALGONQUIN and NO OM S STREETS to meet M.S.A. standards. 16. Resolution 89-I309: A thorizing proper Approved 3-0 City officials to e ec te an agreement with MnDOT for reco st uction of I-35E from Jackson to the Ca uga Bridge. (Referred to Commit ee 7/25/89) . 17• Resolution 89-1310: A thorizing proper Approved 3-0 City officials to e ec te an agreement with the State of M nn sota for maintenance respons bi ities on trunk highways within the Ci y limits. (Referred -. to Committee 7/25/8 ) . _ . . ��j-/�/� 1$• Approving acquisi io of Lots 13 through Approved 3-0 19, Stenlund's Su di ision, located near Etna and East Thi d treets for ponding purposes in conne ti n with the Belt Line Storm Sewer Proje t. ` 19. Vacation of. part f OTTAGE AVENUE between Laid over Arkwright and Edg mo t Streets. for 4 weeks.