89-1398 ---- ----- - - --- --- . ____ _----- ------------ -� -�- �.;�--�/7G.��--- ,, . - WHITE — CITY CLERK PINK — FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council � CANARY—DEPARTMENT eLVE �MAVOR File H�. �—/�� ; Or i �n�e q� Ordinance N 0. � Preseated B ��. ,�—' / i� � Re, erred To � Committee: Date l, Out of Cort:mittee By � Date — An ordinance a e ing Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legi 1 ive Code pertaining to gambling manager b increasing allowable compensation to t�he d to other employees by setting new uppe d lower limits for their compensation. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA N PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ec ion 1 That Section 409.22(i) nd (k) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby i mended to read as follows: " (i) Shall pay employees a least the federal minimum wage e�-�k�ee-de��a s a�d-�k}���-€}�e-eex�s -per ,_,- hour and no more th n ���e-de��a�s-f��TAA� double the federal minimum w ge per hour. (k) Gambling managers ' o pensation shall not exceed �}��� one hundred d 1 ars �$�A:AB� ($100.00) per week for compensati n for services as a amblin manager. " ec ion 2 Tha'c Section 409.24(4) o the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is am nd �d to read as follows: • COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays . Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel Against Y Sonnen Wilson �� ' Form Approved by City Attorney �._,,pted by Council: Date • Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ��'�" �` �r°� �8 / By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bv BY __. WHITE — CITV CLERK COUI1C11 /�O(% PINK � FINANCE - CANARO —DEPARTMENT GITY OF S INT PAITL '� jv el.UE —MAYOR " , � F1I@ NO. • O� dnCP, . Ordinance NO. `� ' .. Presented By / �� Refe��d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date " (4) Gambling managers m y ot receive more than � ����3� one hundred d 1 ars f$�A=AA� ($100.00) per week for compen a ion for services as a gambling manager. " ec ion 3 This ordinance shall t k effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its a sage, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng In Favor • Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen �Ison Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date _'" Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ��t"e' �'`� �` 3 r�' �7 By . Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council T__ _ SZ. �• _ • v��- `.c1-�--� . � . • . Members: r� ��� � '��, Janice Rettman`�;cha�r - " � �' CITY OF INT PA.UL Bill Wilson 3 ��':;:[id:i711 t' . "->C. L'i€11 , ,� - OFFICE OF H CITY COUNCIL Bob Long - h7y ........ . ' - . Date: August 3, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN CouncIlperson C O 1 1 1 itt e R e p o rt . To: Saint Paul City Council ' From : Community and Hu n Services Committee . Janice F�ettman, C ai A meeting of the Community and Human Se i es Committee was held on Wednesday, August 2, 1989. 1. A roval of Minutes of JuZ 19, 198 m etin . Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. . 2. Cit Council A enda S/5/89, Item No 2 First Readin - 89-1001 - An ordinance amendin Section 4.09.26 of the Le i la ive Code allowin fines to be im osed in lieu of sus ensions. (For referral to the Communit and Human Services Co�ittee.) (Laid over to Au ust 2 1 89 for draft ordinance to be com osed ''�'�'��� usin the seatin rationale in lieu of fines in the matrix on all items exce t Numbers 1, 2, 3, 7; and 10.) Substitute ordinance recommended fo a proval on 3-0 vote. 3. Cit Council A enda 6/15/89, Item N . First Readin - 89-1082 - An ordinance amendin Section 409 of the Le isla iv Code ertainin to the hasin out of Private Club Licenses in favor of 0 S le Intoxicatin Li uor I,icenses. (For referral to the Communit and Human Se vices Committee.) Reco�ended for approval on 3-0 vot . 4. Ordinance increasin amblin mana r a es and worker wa es. This ordinance is resented as an out rowth of dis us ion in the Communit and Human Services Co�it tee. Recommended, on 3-0 vote, to be pla ed on City Council agenda for action. 5. Child Care Financin Pro ram, as re ue ted b Gre Davidson, Nei hborhood Development Division of P.E.D. � Discussion was held. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr CTTY HALL ROOM NO.718 PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 a 4a • , �� \ • � ' � Members: ��-��� ;-�� ��`���, Janice Rettman, chair " f,=-i:�:�;� ' CITY OF S INT PAUL Bill Wilson � � �7� I`;_<.a t�ru �� ; OFFICE OF H C[TY COUNCIL Bob Long '�h�� Date: August 3, 198 JANICE RETTMAN Counc�person Co m it ee R e p o rt To: Saint Paul City Counci ' From : Community and H m n Services Committee Janice Rettman, C a r A meeting of the Community and Human S rv' es Committee was held on Wednesday, August 2, 1989. 1. A roval of Minutes of Jul 19, 19 etin . Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. 2. Cit Council A enda 5/5/89, Item No. 2: First Readin - 89-1001 - An ordinance amendin Section 409.26 of the Le i la ive Code allowin fines to be im osed in lieu of sus ensions. (For referral to the Communit and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to Au ust 2 1 89 for draft ordinance to be com osed usin the seatin rationale in lieu of fines in the matrix on all items exce t Numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, and 10.) Substitute ordinance recommended fo a proval on 3-0 vote. 3. Cit Council A enda 6/15/89, Item N . First Readin - 89-1082 - An ordinance amendin Section 409 of the Le isla iv Code ertainin to the hasin out of Private Club Licenses .in favor of 0 S le Intoxicatin Liquor Licenses. (For referral to the Communit and Human Se vices Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vot . 4. Ordinance increasin amblin mana r a es and worker wa es. This ordinance is resented as an out rowth of dis us ion in the Communit and Human Services Committee. Recommended, on 3-0 vote, to be pla ed on City Council agenda for action. 5. Child Care Financin Pro ram, as re ue ted b Gre Davidson, Nei hborhood Development Division of P.E.D. Discussion was held. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr CTTY HALL ROOM NO.718 S PAUL,MINNESO'TA 55102 612/298-5289 46