89-1368 WHITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflC1I {�/j[//� / GANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF S I T PAUL File NO. � • /�r BLUE - MAVOR - Council olution �15' � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � ,_ Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Counc 1 s considering implementation of organized refuse collection in the city, and WHEREAS, the Council must hold a p bl c hearing, as required under the Minnesota Waste Management Act, as amen ed to receive testimony and comment from citizens about developing an organized ef se collection system for Saint Paul , and WHEREAS, the City Council Public r Committee of-the-whote held a meeting on July 13 to receive public comment on wh th r the City should organize the residential refuse collection system, RESOLVED, the requi.red public hea ing witt be held at 9:00 a.m. on August 24 in the City Council Chambers. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimona Nays Publ ic Works RAP:jht 7-19-89 �s+�� _�_ In Favor Goswitz Rettman , sche;�i _ Against By Sonnen Dona 1 d E. Nygaa rd, i tor Wilson A� � '�89 Form Appr d by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y ;sed by CounFil Secretary By By� Appro by Mavor. Date _ � � ,� Appro y M o or Su ission to Council Y PU�I�I �u G 1 ? 1989