89-1365 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COI�RCIl ��yy.. PINK - FINANGE G I TY O A I NT PA U L � CANARV - DEP4RTMENT �/✓/� BI.UE - MAVOR File��_,l�o• � � • • ` ounc l Resolution �1�:���:� , ___: ? Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the St. Paul City ou cil adopted an enabling resolution, C.F. 89-911 , on May 23, 1989, all wi g that if sufficient signatures were collected supporting mounting co em rative Old Rondo Avenue signs, the Council may authorize such signs; an WHEREAS, the Rondo Avenue, In . , has collected some 955 signatures of area residents in support of com em ative signage and has raised the necessary funds to cover the cos o street signs; and WHEREAS, the commemorative si ns will be mounted along with the existing Concordia signs at each corner f om Griggs along Concordia to Western; and WHEREAS, the authorizing a d ounting of commemorative Old Rondo Avenue signs, is done as part of a neig bo hood celebrating its history and does not constitute renaming Concordia Av nu ; and WHEREAS,� the St. Paul City Co ncil commends, in memory of Richard Travis, the Rondo Avenue, Inc. , fo its leadership in sponsoring the Rondo Festival ; and, now BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, he St. Paul City Council herein finds that sufficient signatures of area re id nts have been submitted by the Rondo Avenue, Inc. , ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, t . Paul City Council authorizes the mounting of the commemorative R d signs with the language "Old Rondo Ave. �963--to 1966." 1865 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond -i+.� [n avo Goswitz Rettman B �6Q1�� Aga nst Y Sonnen Wilson .'�n IiW -' 3 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas d by Council Secret ry BY gy. A►pprov by 1�lavor: — Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY PUBl15�D �1'�G `'_ 989_ ��j=/��e.5 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL TE 1 IATED 13 6 0 c�t coun��z GREEN SHEET No. CONTACT PERSON 6 PMONE INITIAU DATE INITIALIDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL �11118711 W11 SOIl N � �GTY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� �BUD(iET DIRECTOR �FlN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. for Au st 3 1989 ❑�YOR(OR A881STANn � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAQES ( P A L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE�UES'TED: Resolution certifying peta.ta.on nd authorizing the mounting of commemorative signs for Old Rondo Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONB:Aqxova(A)a Reject(t� CO Nd REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNIN(i COMMIS810N _qVIL SERVICE COMMI8810N �T PHONE NO. _qB OOMMITTEE _ E _STAFF _ -DISTRIC'T COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,IS8UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Whsre,Why): Community has requested s�.gns to c e orate O1d Rondo Avenue and has presented a petition as required under C.F.89 91 . ADVANTA�ES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: DI8ADVANTAQE8 IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = "�'" COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(DCPWN) NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINl3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298�4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the�ive most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Aa�pt. GraMS) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. City Attorney 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistaM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director b. City Council 6. Flnance Accounting 6. Chief AccouMaM, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (ad others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Depanment Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attomey 3. DepaRment Director 3. Mayor//�ssistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. Ciy Gerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. City Attorney 3. MayoNAssistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on wh�h signatures are required and ercli each of theae pages. ACTION REQUESTED DescMbe what the projecUrequest seeks to axomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin�ch item in your li�t with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or p►ivate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objecUve(s)your projecUrequeat supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEIt3HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVfLOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or condftions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Ind�ate whether this is aimply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will beneflt from this proJecUaction. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED Whst negative effects w maJor changes to existing or past processes migM this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,treffic delays, noise, tex increases or asaessments)?To Whom?When?Fa how long? DISADVANTA(3E5 IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver aerv�e? Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue4 FINANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer lwo questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay't � � i.3G.� WHITE - CITV CLERK � . � PINK - FINANCE GITY O AINT PAUL F1eci1N0. ���� ��� CANARV - DEPART1JENr BIUE - MAVOR ' �p ���`�'�;,�; � � �-� Counc 'l Resolution , Presented By '���� ;� �=' ���' �" ��: /� � --�"% Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WEiEREAS, Rondo Avenue, nc rporated, is a neighborhood orqanizatian which annually spansors th� Ron o estival; and WBEREAS, the Rando Festiv 1 s organized to help celebrate and recaq- nize St. Paul's 82ack or Africa erican Community; and WHEREAS, this co�maunity de el ped and thrivad with Rondo Avenue as its priaiary commercial avenues= and WHSREAS, historic Roado Av u was 'eliminated alonq with t2�e construc- tion of Interstate 94 at whic t e the na�cee Concordia was as�iqned fro�n Dunlap Avenue East to Rice Stre f snd WHERLAS, Rondn Avenne, I c , with �ho support of the co�unity, desires to have �onnted e r tive historic �tondo S+tseet signs alonq with the existing Concordia St e t signs on poles fzom Dnn�ap Avenue to Western Avenue�t and WHBRSAS, the presence af Rondo siqns is not €or the purpose of renaminq Concordia, but moreov8 or the purpose oF affinainq the role and contribntion Rando Avenue made i the settlement and developsaent of the St.Paul indigenous Sl.ack Co�muni y and Aow, therefore BB IT RFSOLVED, that Rondo v ue, Inc. , ivithin 30 days of the passaqe of the enabling resolution wi 1 ollect sufficient siqnatures of area residents to de�nstrate adequa e tipport for mountinq commemorative Rondo Street signs and Ron3o Avenue, I . , will raise the necessary funds to defray exp�nse of the si.gnsf and BE IT FURTFISR RBSOLVED, th t pon submission of a satisfactory aumber of signatures, the City Connc 1 y adopt a resalution authorizing the mounting of commemorative Rond S eet siqns grior to the August Sth and 6th, 1989, Rondo Festival. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ����� ' Dimond °% i � t� �.ong In Favor �`,.,� �; � ;�:. Goswitz � '•�:�:a:,=;�4 .; � ; � Rettman � By _ A ainst ;l ,_ Scheibel - g i`� 1[,� Sonnen - ���C.�; Wilson y�y 1"W 1 Z � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date - ui: . 11�JJ' B ����-. Certitied Passed by Counc.il Secretary y �° -, � „ �j,; / ;� ;�. __ . ,� B} ._ • • � -; - .. _ : , . Approved by ylavor: Date _ �°`+'� � � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By – — BY — i . ��-��� F-IISTt�RIC a DO aVENL'E SdG`dS �.�le the undersi�ned support placeme t f commemorati�e- Rondo Avenue signs on ;treet posts below the existing Conco di signs at eaeh corner startin� with Dunlap and �r,ding at ��estern. Further, it is als re ognized that plaeing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the p rp se of renaming Con�cordia. I. � a C� � � ° w � �2 � ' C _ �. `�� � `� .�.� _ B w �'�� . ��-�—i ���%���� , �.. � C� .S`� � � � ��� � � � - --_ _ , , _ , r � r"'-� �; � ,-� �o J � .�.��-� �. ' �� � ? . _� �3� A�.5!�.�___._-.__ h. _ �� °�, l.lC_ _ ....._ :��.__ __. ��� �,�,���( �- ��� �- _ ��-�Z"-� �t- ; _._..� � 9 a a� �,�- ' �, P il.� �,C�� '� � ��� _ ..._... ��.. �� � ' ��� � .�,..._._ --- , �� � �3. � �' � �% � .---. i � � G.c�{!�-G.� - � 15. ' �� �( (( /� 16. - 1`? :. , _ ( '- � � r� �' // �1t3. 19 ` ��. , �I,c�j._ /��3 HISTORIC O DO AVE�'L�E SiGNS Wz the un�ersiDned suppor� ptaceme t commemorative Ronda Avenue signs on street posts betow the existing Conco dia si,ns at ea�h corner starting with Dunla� and ending at Western. Further, it is als re ognized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the p rp se of renaming Concordia. l. �. � �� 3. �. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 i. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1$. 19. ?0. � '� —/���" � �i HISTORIC RO AVENUE S�GNS We the undersigned support placement f mmemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordi si ns at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also r co nized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purpose d is not for the pu os of renaming Concordia. 1. �X1��12X�'��-�' 2.%��C��itJ(Y: �� ` 3. �_ 7 , , � 4. `��� s. w 6. �`�U � , . 7. � � � � 8. 9. 10 11 �— � 12. . 13. a- * /��l � ��-- / ���c,�� 14. � �s. - � G�_ ��-- ---- � `� 1�. ^ '� _ �/� �z� --- .�- � - l�. � �c �- � �� / -� � �v , � ���� � � � � ���, �.� -�-�� 1�. ni ._ --- --- c�►�' � � " . 19. 20. � �n` s � /� a . � �//�r� ..��(o.5f �r, HISTORIC R N O AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placemen of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concor 'a 'gns at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also ec nized that placing the Tto�do signs are for � historic p oses and is not for the pu os of renaming Concordia. 1. �/!�• c� �� 7� CG�-e . V•� . S S 90 f r c i/L 2. � �i' �''rl. 4. 5. � �22� G..� s� � �- 6. 7. ��� f ����G��� ` ' � �8 . �S Y� lo l� S�`�— 73 r � a��' �Z. � 1 / �i(/ � � SS/I i2 �3�� _ ��� 13. ��� f 14 15. -1 ' � �� 16. ' /� �' � ? � 17. �.c�f;t.�` .�.-���' .�-�` �� � � _�. � � . ��� is. !� ' �S' � � i9. Sl� . �o. � ��o ��/� , . � ��, /��3,- - HISTORIC R N O AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placemen of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concor ia igns at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also ec gnized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the pu o of renaming Concordia. 1. �� �, � � 2. 3 � 3. � v - � 4, a 3 � 5. � 6. • G ts . �.� � o� s. `�'�i�-� 9. / � � �- ' �''`" ia 1 b 1�-- �-��.,,&.�-- �, 11. d ��1�t�Gt� �/U 1 d�� _ � � � 13. � / 14. ��� � �� 15. ✓r 16. ' S � �1 IDI� a� ' �� is. �� o�a. 19. � �� � Zo. ` � ' � — �, l�S�' �� 5z` . C��-/���� HISTORIC R AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placement f mmemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the e�cisting Concordi si ns at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also r co nized that placing the Rondo signs are for � historic purposes and is not for the pu os of renaming Concordia. 1. 2. 3. �` 4. ; 5. ` 6. ' 7. �� / 8. � 9. 10. il. l . . > 13. �--� , 14. 15. � 16. < 17. . . 18. 19. 20. _ � � / � . . ������5 HISTORIC R NDO AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placem nt of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Conc rdi signs at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is al r cognized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is no f the u ose of renaming Concordia. 1 ' �� 2 J � b � 3. 4. _ ` '�a 5. -/�'I /� 7 ` �, r �"� ��' . . � ,_ , _ r . � .�,�c���- -- �',�l� /d� � ��v�i �l��z.-/ �. � a 7 �� . _ s. 3 � � , � 9. � � r1�'�-�� G�� �� ,�`i� 10. � %062 -���� �� � �� SSiv� � 11. � � l ' ' ~ � ����/ / 12. � 0 1' ��c-P-�,Pi--� G��— 13. ��°2� , 14. 15. * O O � , 16. ' 17. � � �-�Lc� 18. �� ��.������ 19. 20. -c I�.�.1.� ���a� � — • ' ' • � • • � - � - � • �� � . � «� � ' � � � • • � �� � - � � � � � , � � � � . • . � � � � � � - � � � ' � � � � � � - � � � - � � � - � � � - • � � � � . � � �� ,. � , /,�.� - �. �� 'r° � ' , ' • � ' � , - , /I� ,. .,►.. :�rf. ' � _ ! � � : . _ ` ,�� � � ' - �,-���� � � i � � � . ►� /_-� �,,.:''�l _ _ . - - - , , � / � %� ; r • �! � , , ' �.��_ r r� � � r / / / �� , � / �� ..�� • � .. r -���-- �/ /� �� ,i� /j / / 1 , � ri.���,�,%_�//..'. V � ��� � /. ��. � �� � � �� � � � � � ' (, , � • � : 1� � � / � ��� i � � � � , �/ � � � ,� 1 I / � � �r � � , . � , _ e � � , ii,�- - ��.� ; � L,. / �/ / i /�' � % ; � � � / / n�':_.�� _ , _ _ � � �i i . � _ .i / �� - � � � � '�r �' •� _.- /- � . � � � _ c � � - `�, ,� , , , , � � . • �� ., • � , i• � /� � � � ' � � � •, .�,.�/�.L,. � _ � �L., �� � , ' �<<� I •' . ! . �_�, � _�,,� l i , ..�� � % � / / , .��i L , / / �/ L . /�� �11 I�1 � I ' ! : � _ L �. I ` L /�. I � ' ' � �� . � " / .� �I� � � � ,� , � �� / � . 1 , • . � - ��- /��5 . � A HISTORIC RO D AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placement f c mmemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordi si ns at each corner starting with Dunlap and endin� at Western. Further, it is also r o ized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purgoses and is not for the pu se of renamin Concordia. � 1. i t � _ S�� . ��-v� 2. ��'' � � l '`u/ �i 2 � , ��. _ � � , , �� , ; � � � � �r �.%`'`��,�f� Gu� �J'�, 3. — 4. � `'�',i;� _ - �, -� � � � . , ;� � 5. i �� �,.Z . 6. - �.�� � � 1 � � � �. � � � ,. s. � � �/ 9. � � � � /l� S b�v io. .�:�� ����- � � ��. ��� �.��o� � �s �. � A ��'S _ , 13. � • � ia. a is. Sc� 16. � e.�v►h r 0 17. l D v 18. Sc� ,�. 9Q t �9. �s�.L k � a f �, . 20. a.� `5� c. kra �„ �;��� ���s� HISTORIC R N O AVENUE SIGNS ��'e the undersigned suppor� placemen of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the e:cisting Concor ia =.gns at each corner startii�, with Dunlap and er�ding at Western. Further, it is also ec gnized that piacing the Rondo signs are for histo ic pu s an ' t for the pu u e of renaming Concordia. ��'oi , � �� L ° lJl�, (� �� � ���� 2. ; 1 ���`�� � — � — � � ��✓� � G� _ -� l �. ' � ���� � � � �, , > „ ' a i�, ��,� �; � �' ti _ _�� �•L, �. �S G�"[/ � = /� , i. �' _���-- `�f f� — ,� - �7 �: % � .. 3 �. ,.�_�' i � _ 3. p= �2 _ i�a. �-� `� ���.. �� � � �7 � � � � � � 1�. — v z -- _ �. _ �. � �J ls. � 1p z.~l - 16. -G � � . �3 < ���?�-�i �? _.�.-c 28� � �� . 19. ` . � 24. � s - . �`�_/3�� U`� HISTORIC RO D AVENUE SIGNS VVe the undersigned support placement f c mmemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordi si s at each corner starting with Dunlap and endin� at Western. Further, it is also re og ized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic urposes and i ot for the purp se of renaming Concordia. 1. �d �?��/,,���� ��X�� � �2. � S ,�_< �� 3. . 7� ' � ' � � �� 4. 5. �� s � � l� �'t � �� ^ / ;/�' 6. �' '' /;� , _ 7 .�' i%;- � � �.. 8. � � / �- � 9. l�� �f- � -� P ..— � io. � 11. � ✓�, � 12. :,P�. U"L l�'�L-�� , ,. - 13. 1 � � � � . , 15. � ,� r � C � 16. / �7` ����� ��. S� _ , �- �s. P ii ,.� , 19. ' - — � ,�r��� - -7 2U. � ';� �.- . _ �c �y'- /�G-�" HISTORIC O DO AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placeme t f commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Conco di signs at each corner starting with Dunlap and endin� at Western. Further, it is als r ognized that placing the Rondo signs are for histo 'c urposes and is not for the u se of renaming Concordia. � � ��1 � _._ __ � 2. G ��� �� � �� 3. � � / 4. ► 'r� 5. ,, 6. ` 7. � � i/ 8. � / 9. , 10. .. , 11. � � 12. �� - �. - 13. ��''� 14. � 15. 16. � . 17. 18. � �` 19. � - Q� 20. � a� . , � �.2.1 — � 7/� ��j—/��3 HISTORIC R N O AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placemen of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concor ia igns at each corner starting with Dunlap and endin� at Western. Further, it is also ec gnized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the pu o of renaming Concordia. % " �,1/ � 1 - , � ��z yl.c�% �. � ^�,����l�c%✓L���'i���` ti���� � � 2. ,' �, ` ��:� , !='� � - , � � �' / v _� ;� 3. � ' _ � ���� � t�ll �i�G��%�-1%�> ��� l�,�'�� �� /' / / , / 1 _ � � �L G.'� � � 4. � - . ,,1'�, _'_ ' � �` _ � . , �._�; \�.c,��% ���.���� �' � � � ��%�;� �' � ����, `�� �.�'1` 5. � 6. G� �� ` �. � 8. � . 9. '�_ " ��f/Y1 10. i l. '�'Y� � 12. �C�, �1 , 13. �__ _ 14. � � � 15. ` - 16 � , ,�'� � �� ���_/�C \ .� G WL 17 '(��v��',n,�- 1 � � GZ_�S -� �, . 19. 20. � .. . _ ����GS-� HISTORIC R NDO AVENUE SdGNS � We the undersigned support place nt of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Conc rd a signs at each corner starting with Dunlap and endin� at Western. Further, it is al o cognized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the u ose of renaming Concordia. 1. � _ _ ���J�- f�cSCJ 2. �. To� '����� / , �� . ��� 3. 4. 3 � ���� �'� � ---d�c� s. � � �. � � �^�� �- 6. ��0 733��� d �. � o� � - ��- s � ���- �a 9. � � � l�f . /¢ �o. — j� � — �JD ii. � � � 7 �2. � � l D � 7 /.?� �� v-�S��s�'. 13 � �OS` _ 14. � � �7 L � �C� 15. � C� �-� � �D�� C 16. ��. ` � �I I e�- l�- Z ~ 7�i' ..� �8. �Q ' � -� � �9. ' �� � �.�.� - �a � - Zo. � � `' �'�`� , . _ . �- �. ,3�.5-- � .. ��iISTOR C OtiDO �V�ti�E SIGNS LVe ;ne undersigned support plac m nt of comr.lemorative Rondo A�•enue signs on street posts beiow the existing C c dia signs at each corner starting with Dunlap and endin; at Western. Further, it is als recognized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes :;nd is not for t e rpose of renaming Concordia. J �� - ,� � �. 3. 4. 5. 6. � __.__^ S. 9. d �o{ , �o. � ��— S��z .�u.�> 11. �� � � L � Q — ��� � , �1-�. 0 15 1 ' .0 " � � i�!Li2� 4�P 1 . / 19. G � � . �o. � �� � ��� ��i- i��s �, HISTORI R NDO AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support place en of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Con rd a signs at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is al o ecognized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the u ose of renaming Concordia. i. S o1--�� �� ���,�-u-�-����� , � `, 2. � � lk�. ^ ��C ��6 �- fo/'c,� .��. ��n /J J d 4. y 5. � � � 6. � 7. � �//"��� � /� 9. ` c� 10. � .5'� G� 11. � G(_ � .� ��uJt.lvl.a.. [,l.c�L.' • �<<,r�Q .S��S/11� � � 12. � � �� �� 14. � � � � s� ��� 1 16� � U'h,�� �1�P� . - S� 'Y , 1 .� O 1 ,3`y �si� ��'�° � 19 - 2�. '1'� � � . U �"'� ' J� �c- i3G.s� � � � � ' HISTORI NDO AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support place e of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Con or ia signs at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is a so ecognized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the pu ose of renaming Concordia. 1. � � �O � s�r�l 2. U CU Q 3/3 � 3. �v ��� , 4. s. -��� �`"��a� . 6. � ��� � . �. y� e l 3/ � s. .� .� F v 9. ,� �,� , /�- �'L�-i�. C e%!�c`�c�. � � ' y�. �1 I'%r.�, �� 10. t �_i 11. l� 12. � � 13 . � s • 14 � � � !(t(��- tD � 15. �J lo f! �6. 9 9 .s�' �J�''l� �. _ ��. /� � �s�dy 18. G �.Cifi�(/ � � � � � « � , �i . 19. � � 1� �� 20. . , � ` C���-/3Gs , . . HISTORIC RO D AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placement o c emorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordia sig s at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at W ern. Further, it is also re og 'zed that placing the Rondo signs are for - historic p po s and is not for the purp se f renaming Concordia. - �, 1 2. �� 4. � 5. 6. 7. ` . 8. ' , 9. • , 10. , � � �c 11. � 12. • 0� �� 13. � 14. � ; � 15. \ 16. ��� ► _ _ � 17. � • -�- � ' �dS 19. 5 � 20. � �' ✓ . . _ C��'r/��s � HISTORIC R NDO AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support place nt of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street nosts below the existing Conc rd a signs at each corner starting with Dunlap and endin� at Western. Further, it is al o cognized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the u ose of renaming Concordia. 1. _ , � — � 2. � � L� � ��Z' Z—' 3. c ��'� — 4. � ���eb 1� �� ,� /od� � ��=G7�S� 5. ,���� 6. � � I � ` �� � s. � G �° ? �' � �iarv� , 9. � /�� �'��� ��-/?�z�../ io. "` � `� � 11. �' l ' � '� �� 12. 13. '�Q,�-�e�-�- W `S °2 "� I la. �w c� c� �n -� � 3 3 �J'/��u�,l� a�� �� ° � 15. �� r��i -l' l 1 $ � .�.— 17. � � L � � � O�'� 18. ' � � 7 /l'�� � i9. '� � 3 - Za� � 7 �� � -J' U . ������ HISTORIC R N O AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placement f ommemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordi si ns at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also r co nized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the pur os of renaming Concordia. ;� %� %� / , 1.✓` ' � l -.—' ,� �� ^ ��`� 2. ` �-' � � ✓� �� 3. � 4. - � ' - �i�-� � 5. _ � _ � �� , (^ � f).. ��r ;! I��Gv�" �i� - � �Y/Gc �'�� �l/ ' ��r I <-(U �; J � .� � �_ � � ��� � � � � � `i 8. 9. � � ` ' � � �- — �� 1 -� ,.,.�,' � � Z 11. `� ' � T �1 A-f � 1 13 � � ,-�� � " �� ,� �.� ' � �' � � < < i � , t 1 �5. � ` ,� 16. � �--'�'c�C. 17. L� � _` � �__ '.�.'L ',-� C Cr �_ -- � . , � 18. %� ` , ' / , . � ; 19. �v �r - � � � ��.��G 20. -z' ` � �-r-� � i ��-i��� � HISTORIC O O AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placem t f commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Conco di signs at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is als r ognized that placing the Rondo signs are for hist ric purposes and is n for the p rp se of renamin Concordia. 2. ' a��� � 3. � � � 4. 5. % � /� ���,� 6. / .3 7. s. � �.3 r� 9. �� � � 5 �_��L�" �� � �� " 3 � �� 11. � � l � �� � 12. � 13. 14. ` 7 t���l�'Y/Gl/�--' 15. � 1 ' � -� � 18. . /� . 19. ' 20. Q . , ` �c�y'-�3Gs- HISTORIC R N O AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placeme o commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concor ia igns at each corner starting with Dunlap and endin� at Western. Further, it is also re gnized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the p rp e of renaming Concordia. i. � � r�C V. � 1 i� ` �I �1D 1�r�4rsha � l _ , -� ,� 2, ' l��. / � ��ti2� � s— 3. ��' � �-- �-' � � 1 �l.c.i r_ 1 � 4. /� � �- 5. � �7 G�f �� 6. � � �`� � c ���� 7. S �� �G�' 8. �� ,,,� � / �� �.� 6�- 9_ ��, . ��G� '�'L i� ' � ��."� - 1L d6 � `� � 12 � �' ,�-'��-° � � ' � , �'� r Q �' -S -��C.�-' ��Gt�'_;, 13. �' � " . _ � 14. � , �� `� � 15. - 16. � � � �G G'S � —_� � ic ��. .�..� . i 1 18. ' (d 19. � ,� � G L �� 20. � �� , � ���/3� , HISTORIC R N O AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placeme o commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concor ia igns at each corner starting with Dunlap and endin� at Western. Further, it is also re gnized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic pur�oses and is not for the rp e of renaming Concordia. i. l�` . v ����� ��'� q 2. �r�-� ��,. q �S'� �.e a�� -�sz 3. 7 4. ' �s �.� � z°/t � � � 5 � 6. `� �,�1. � �e- � =�- �. ��.� �- �� , �� � - ��- � , s. � � - . 9. � � ' � _ �—, � i ' 10. ' ' - � 11. �^-- 12. ` � � - „ - � 13:� � � - 14. � �w�� �1 � ��G` C �'<� � 15. ,C �L 6�ir �� �� 16. 17. �� ` '�v'� � � � � i 18 �L 1 ��/�C� . � ��20. i ��� . . � . � . ���i�s � . HISTORIC O DO AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placeme t o commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concor ia igns at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also rec gnized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes an ' not for the p o e of renamin Concordia. i ��' I 6 � � 2. / �� ss- � 3. �� � �� 4. � 5. ' � - 6. �� 7. ��Z�- �� G '�_ g. � �C.� !� �u�� -� -�- �� . 9. �� 2� w�e < < � C , , � 10. �� � 3 � � �r ,�-ZL�ri'7 � L� i i. . ' ��. � �c�m �� � � ��r � �.-.. 12. ' ' r - 13. � � � a < . 15. � �'���� 16. '� � •�.�,�—►�- , \� a �-�' , - " . ��. ls. c�-��2 � �'> 19. �o��� �� 20. � ��� � � � � � � � � ��_����' HISTORI R NDO AVENliE SIGtiS We the undersigned support place en of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Con or ia signs at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Furt er, it is a so ecognized that placing the Rondo si?ns are for historic purposes :;nd is ot r the ose of renaming Concor�ia. 1. �4 � . -, � � .�.G�� �... 3. � G��- � G�.�-.� _ , �. s. - 5, � � ;. � �� �e � � g. `� /�% C�IG�''�l". 10. 1 i. � �� ( / �--%�--�/ v� !� • � i� .. �, . 3 � � ���� . � , � � 2 �� � /, / 14. J � � c� � �-�� � � /` �5. , 16. �j / 17. ? C is. �7� � s -�..�`� �'� i9. ��jf � � ��' o�� � 97'�.s�,2 zo. �-� �� -� ' �/-�� � � � � . � . ��-���3 HIS�'ORIC F ti' O AV�`liE SIGtiTS 1Ve the undersigned support placemen of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concor ia igns at each corner starting w�ith Dunlap and ending at Western. Furth�r, it is also ec gnized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes :;ad is not for e p o e of renaming Concordia. 1. ` - 2. � ���s�,qf� � ���,-- °�-- ���5..��rz�� �.Q, • y �� ��� -i�� � -��� ---�-_1�.� b. � 1.c� �-, ' �-c- -5 � d-cc.�.�— � S l�� � ; � � �-� ��� 2 �- " - -� �. ��� .s�s�� s. .�� 9. f' F L�,+�-� �.`'� ` �-� .�,� 10. G j� , � � .� ��� , (� f � ��/ � ,�� -��y, 11. `�`'� � ' ,� ��� 1,�. '� � `� ` ' 4 �.. � {�A����� 13 � .. �► t��.�� �� � �'� �1 c�---%'�C---'�..`�' /r ��(�_ � ""� �l ?�._� 14. ` 15. �''�' J ` % �''� c � 16. �c.�,�- �� �.�,,, �'1 � .t_���-- , � 17. � �����'._� , —. -,, 18. c � 19. - ^ �. < 20.� /� ^�t� a- . . . _ � . C;�.'� ���5` - HISTORiC R NDO AV�NUE SIGNS tiVe the undersigned support placem nt of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the eacisting Conc rd signs at each corner starting ���ith Duniap and endin; at West�rn. Further, it is al r cognized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes ;;nd is not for the u ose of renaming Concordia. 1. .�x-�— ✓s c� � � �� � `�. �`,`�`� � �.�/' k.� �4�,,� �� //-�' 5-��-,�� l - 3."�� l� � 4- c��z� .s -�- � z � � � � � � . v n J o� � L�,'1 L'�rt� �1—� i 4. ,t_ - ,�_ ,�, . __ � �, _ � s. ` ; , � �� -� � . � � � 6. -;c1 ,_.. L � � �. ��� L ��� �_ " � � ---� , � �� i ��� �C L ;-1�,���, � - ; � � `u!� 8. ��-�"V'�='%L =c `� 1 �_ � � �' � ;G�_,. � � �. 9. c� � - �� � � h��,, G-�,�' ;,,�,,,_';;; ,i�/�/ /�� � �•-- - . %=' 1 //� �-�. // �/ / '� -�.- � � �� r�4 ! � �C...� � / / i0. �" � 11. �..�,- ,,, - �G �� �� � .u,� � n � �1% �`1�-�r /.��.�_�//G�� � C :�- � / 12. � (�:',�vF��y1�', ����� 3'' G� � �� �'�- ��1. .� -f�'�� � i 3. h �-�-' � '. ''`i�'� .I��.,� , _� . 14. � � z 1 � '' �� � �(.Et� � 15 Y L � � � 17. ��`-t�� _ _ � �.-� .8. -� � , � ��. � ��'� � - � � � �,� v 20. . , . - ���'/��.� . . � HISTORIC R N O AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placement of omrnemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordi si ns at each corner starting with Dunlap and endin� at Western. Further, it is also r co nized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the pu os of renaming Concordia. 1. ~ � �'a ..._ _ — f�/�l / 2. �� � f. .`/ !/ _�_�..���,�%' __ "" 1� 3. �'7 �-Z- � �8 Z ` `� l � 4, s. � 9 y���a�, 6. � � ( �f 7 ��`/ .� �� 7. � _ a���3,�` s. -� 9. �' � � a � �� v �� o �o� :�.� �� ��`� _ ,���- _ ii. ' g ����"�� S�" 12. .�� � _ (�� /� � �----- - _, `�� 13. ia. � � �� ' ��' �l� � is. ' ' o�-,�-� � �� ' � (� ,of�� . i-�e� � 16. `� � ow-� � ' -d3`-�- i 17. ^ 9 Gl �8. � ,� �. - �6 / ,�:;� ,.,.� � � -��� � i9.���� � 20. ��"'� �' 7 ---�'.P.�-l:a.a* y�r� 6 s� y��>.� ._ . rt - - �-�v�3�� HISTORIC R O AVENUE SdGNS We the undersigned support placemen o commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concor ia igns at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also ec gnized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the pu o e of renaming Concordia. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -- '� 4�S�P � �. v 8. � 9. � 10. , 12. g a � � �3. 1� a� g . . ; � - � �-- �s. 16. ��� 17. . 18. lrl�`u� � a-- i9. �/l�� � �. . � ` � C�. 2a G�i'� � � �1-. ' , � ��✓/��� - HISTORIC RO D AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placement f c mmemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordi si at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also r o 'zed that placing the Rondo signs are for historic pu oses i for the u se of renaming Concordia. � � �� 2 ,t� vd � � 3: �� � � i 4 �6 D r i 5 �G C� � � _ � � 6. 7. 8. �� � �1/V' 9. � �� ' r io. � � � � � ' �� � ��. � 1 � 13. � 77� �Corc�� 14. � z�! " �. /e3 15.� � � � � _ �. . � 3 16. 17. S �-- 18. �S ' "'� � � � 7 ZZGZ � i9. � • 20. ` �' �2�7 ' —�G.3 . � � I /���`��0� , l., HISTORIC O DO AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placeme t o commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Conco ia signs at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is als re ognized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purpos and is not for t e p rp se of renaming Concordia. � 1. �t� / T Z �� '� 2. / + (2?� ���.c,r,�r-�,,,,�—�- . ' ' 6� � d.� 3. �� ��� 4. , -:� �5 Ca-,�.,- �.�:. s. � � � ��� ��� ,. � ��,��� �_� -�.. . . ► �. . � � loo,� ��� 9. �� � • � ' �C� ' _ _��� i i. .�., � 12. . �d"E��.I.uv� � o� 13. ,,�- I 10'-4� �AQ. a �l�t�t• y 14.� 7 1.�2v�.�.�x 16. ��. �'3� � i��� is. � �� � � 19. � �� 20. �� '`� „ . • . G�-�_�� �- HISTORIC R N O AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placeme o commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concor ia igns at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also ec gnized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is n t for the p o e of renaming Concordia. �. � � s�- 2. .�� .�. 4. s. � � � 6 � /D an �. �/�" , � ��j � , c_o 8. � �, � �, � 9. � t; i' -.�.� �.�,� � �� �,r, �� o(_,���?_� 10. � 0 il / � . 1 � %�-�t�C� �3. - � � �� �� :� ,�� � G 14. � ` 15. �S , 16.� ���° � . � . , 17 f � � ,. �y,.,�s� , 18. ' �9. � � �� � � � S�'�� 20. ` � V / ��` t� r � - � ' • • J� • • � - � - � � � � � . � � � ' � � � � • � � � - � � � � � . � � - • � . � � � , - - � - •� � - � � • _ ' � • • � � � �.- • � � • • r ' � � �. ' � . : • � � . � t, � / � 1� / � / � � �I� ' � — -iL�_ . � / � � ��� �� �� �/� . , � ��/� / � �� /, .�,� _ _ J�/% - _ i �S _✓ �-, � ��:�' �� _....y � � , �� � � ,� , `� � ' ����i �.���i �" ` E!..� � . �/ - � � � , % ;.u�. I �i/ / • -/ -- . - i I/ � , � �//./.0 / ` ' �, .%!'/�rL ' �����- - � ► � � � � � �.A..�..�L�'�1 � + � , � � : ������� . � ,i�� � � . ��' ' i J�, ://� �1 ' ��.� .� � � , , 1 • .� .. ; � • .u!L�:,_ • / � � � ,r t%�, .,, / �i �- �� I .j ! _ //.�`� � _ __ - __�� :�l���r�l � , . `��.�I � . �� - _ �' . ��.!�� , �- ._ �_� �. , . � � � - .� .�% ��,��, � � ,� � :.���! , �IIL -- - � , � i , .�.J,.� �. �,... I �• , � ��' �..� � � � r" / ������ -� _ � '.�....' �- � � : /��� .�. �/�, _� • ' , ��!,L' � ,��. � . i ' ' �.i.. . /.. _,�� ,.0.� i 'r�rr � � �L!�vi.a. ��ii' iJ / � / / � • � I � 1 � ' � I'::� � � `- � � � � ./ �a_ � . . _ C/�y_i�l� HISTORIC RO D AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placement c mmemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordia sig s at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also re og 'zed that placing the Rondo signs are for his ic purposes and is ot for the purp se f renaming Concordia. � 1. 1 2. �� � 3. � 4. ' � 5. � . 7�..� � /Q 1 ��� W � 8. 9. ����� J � `� 10. �-F'�- � , 11. r 12. � ( ' . � 13. � 14. ' � 15. � ' � � �.���� ' 16. ' 17. . ' C�� 18. � �� � �` r � ��i'�/�`".1� 19 20. � . � ������s HISTORIC R �tiDO AVEtii,TE SIGVS �Ve the undersigned suppor� placetn nt of commemorative Rondo Avenu� signs on street posts below the exzsring Conc rd a sigas at eaeh corner starting with Dunlap and er.ding at W�siern. Further, it is al o r cognized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic p rposes and is not for the u ose of renaming Concordia. 1. 2. 3. � � � �1 4. � �� "�� ,� �? � �Z� _ 5. i — �. ' 9.� zv. � � _ s. '' � _ ___.._________.—____________ , �, -��• � _.._.._.__._..___.____._ :o. ��' ,�. � __�.____ _ �� r ��. �t '� � _ ___ _. . �. � �...��._ �: ,t , �� 13. � � � I4. �'�.� ` � � �,,�, �, _ �s. Q 1 � � ., `� , is. /S`� l<C� �'�--f ,� � ��� �� ��� � � 24. � �� �e�� 1 , � ��✓/��� HISTORIC R N a AL'£NLTE SIGNS �Ve the unc�ersigr.ed suppor� placemen � comr:�emorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the exis�ing Concor ia igns a� �ach corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also rec �nized that piacing the Rondo signs are for his�or' purpos nd ' ot for the p o e of renaming Concordia. . � � I. -- , 2. - ' p 6 3. � - � � � , 4. - 1• � V• �� �/�' / � "� _ .� �� , � � 7. fi. � � 3 � � �� � I � �. �. ;� Z L � l�. _ + � �� � � �a. �. � t ..� 13. �' '�7�1 14. � - , � 15. � � . lb. /��� HNr �U So� � /� I7. � 18. `� �-'' << � � 19. - �p, � � �� (�V �✓/��� HISTORIC R N O AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placemen of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concor ia igns at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also ec gnized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the pu o e of renaming Concordia. 1 ���c= 21 4 3. '� � '�% � 4. �� � 5. � � 6. -� 7. � � ���� � 8. ����� �`c � � �J f � � . 9. � 10. � �2 � ._. ��. �/'� � 12. � �y i� 13. 14. � i' � � 15. '���%! � 16. / 17. 8 � i 19 ��' 20. � � . // �J�/��� / v s � HISTORI ONDO AVENUE SIGNS � We the undersigned support place e of commemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Con or ia signs at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is so ecognized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for th pu ose of renaming Concordia. 1. �� `-� �.n. - �, . 2. , "-�=� �i:�'-�' '�,>!� ,< <�� �: 3. � 4. 5. � � 6. � 7. � - , 8. ` i , . 9. �� ' � �--- 10. 11 ,����(:�.-v ' ,, 12. ' � 13. � 14. �� f� ��� � 15. � , � ; 16. 17. J � ' �'� � � 18. a � � . 19. � ^ � 20. �� ` �� ���s HISTORIC RO D AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placement o co emorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordia ig at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also re g zed that placing the Rondo signs are for - historic purposes and is not for the purp e f renaming Concordia. �. � �� n 5�ia� � ,7 �� �sio , - �% � � �i� �� � Gc.� L���`��. � a� J�����G�`-� `_`'>>O 4. ,,� � �, � .,,� � - , �. p�_ $. �� � -��Q 55� a� 6. ' 7,._. ! b o � ' �S� � g. S $ . 9. � .� m io. � 3�� � � s"�"��� , , - � �' � = oi 4. �- - , ; .. y -� . ._ 12. � - � � , � `�-�'� S�,G�� 13 � �-- 14� � � � � ' 15. , � ��'� /4�. .�S�d� 16. f��r� D�/� -�-= -Q�,�/.� .fs'ia�' 17.��� � llJWL stl� �/��3 w • CL�I�'i��4L 18. � _ . � . 19. 20. / �` � � ^`�' U � ������� HISTORIC R AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placement f ommemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordi si ns at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also r co nized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the pu os of renaming Concordia. 1. � li l ��� �� �� r � . C�o� W ,� �i �U,�'�J 1���� �U� � 3. �/c�s �. �o �v �SI ���� Y�. � � � �-� � � ` u C��.�.z�.�, _-�� � � 5. � � 6 � - � , —' '� p � 7. ' 8. �� - � �' /� ?� .� 9. �-'�����'�' ��' � � . � �� ���� v 10. � . � � 11. � � ,, 12.-,_ '� ��G� �� 7 � � ��� �-� �_ �-� � .� 13. J � ', f' . �- �' �- � , � � � � � y � � � ���t �.� r � �,,.� . z. G V �� ��� ��� � i 15. `� , , _ , /16. �' � `7� / � � ��', � 17. � �� �r�ll �7�3 �5���� 18. 1\ � � L � '�" 19. ,— /� �',--�- �i�� ��C.i . � �- . ���e L.� ��� �` � � .�'�-�- �� 20. L< <<' �-� , ;% � . . . ��_���5 HISTORIC RO D AVENUE SIGNS We the undersigned support placement f c mmemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordi si at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also re og 'zed that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not for the pu se of renaming Concordia. o � i � 1. � � 2. ^ � ��. ��; ,'- __ 3. v 4. ' � 5. ��;���,�� 'I%Z � ���� 6. - � 7. / ��' � � 8. C�z � � � � 9. / '1 ► --� � � 10. . ` �J.� �� ► � 1LG,�' f�� , ��-e 12. - ��i % � � s 13. �`?� �' � 7 r`�� � �d 14. � �-��''�-�.1 15. � G� �' �� i6. s � � ,r, Q �.�' - . , �� ` � 17. ' " 1 �' � 18. y -C�� ��Z�-d ; i 19. �tG�Glf� ti�- �� �ertiv/� � - � , zo. �! �. ' `' i �'�7 ���a ���� . C��=/��5 HISTORIC R N O AVENUE SdGNS We the undersigned support placemen of ommemorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concor 'a gns at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western Further, it is also ec gnized that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not fr�r t�e pu o of renaming Concordia. 1. - �� � �:.�t.-���--�'_� G�.� 2. � � , �� � ��� �� 3. � �y� ,�C � 2 � C:E(��� 4. ` GG<�iLq' �G' � �..�. $. / - � > "� ' C./1�2�� 6. �� ' � �`� r ' l�d � , �. �-'�� � �� � � � � �-�' �� �� ,..� �� ���. �� �. � r� r �� 9 ' �;CG�?%S � n�' >Lt-.�, 1 /�r T�' �� ��, ` i< � l �� �1�1'1rL.(T �f � 1�. (�"(- ` � ii. � ��%�� : � , ► 6 �/ i/ \ ' ��� � �. � 12. "J�'�lj��" :� � � 13. �_ ��-", ��.S� � �(.,Q_ 14. �s. ��-yv� �'��`� Il�' ���-�=-��� �. , .i �6. `� - � .� �� � � . � _, , /� _ �, , . 17. � �c,J ��IG--���� _ '�' � l' � .,c� �/� � - ����� ��� �g. � ��. �� � �'� ��'-� �, �, �, ��� � � �� � �� n �r � �� ,�'����� � � 20. %�.�-�� d �- �• ` ,,� � . - , ` r i�Gs , 6�- HISTORIC RON O AVENUE SdGNS We the undersigned support placement o co emorative Rondo Avenue signs on street posts below the existing Concordia ig at each corner starting with Dunlap and ending at Western. Further, it is also re g zed that placing the Rondo signs are for historic purposes and is not f�r the purp e f renaming Concordia. 1. � 2 3. � � 4. 5. ' 6. � 7. - 8. ° � . 9. r 10. . , � % �� � 11. <- � � ,� - l Z� C , 12. 13. 14. 15. � 16. i � ` 17. 18. � , G � ..�" �� c� G �/� - 19. � 20. �