89-1354 *, , � ' . , .� �4+` � � � � .�.- - -- �.-- _ ._ ._ �--- -- -- - - -— -------_ • _ - - . _ . __.� �.3� City f St.Paul COiJNCIL FILE NO. FINAL O ER IN ��„� �r, :: .-r � By ;a�'--,,� CONDEMNAT ON PROCEEDINGS FIle No. l�E►64-5 y�r�issg In the Matter of cor�da�iag em� a g am eaaea�snt 3n t$►s land �a��es�aa�y Nard or th� +�lopes, e s and f�.21r�, inaludfng ri��t af ra�aval �� �a l.��eral sup r fxam +ru'�jec� lan�E or xssain�ex thereo�. c�c sio�:� bp c atfo�s tt�sszsc�f ox canetres�ti�t� af s2opea - in t�e grAd3xtg n pa,���►g e� th� eaet-aaat allty in C,a�n�pb�l.l'� �e���x�g+r�e�t a B�.ock 3. 8�3t �vex��� l�dditi�. •��� �'��� � � `\ � � under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order f�r proved��`a��o �� ''� ti, � � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvemen�upon ue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations rel tive thereto, and having �lly con idered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the Ci y o Saint Paul hereby or�ers said provement to be made FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Cour.cil ere y determines that the estate requited Co thie improvement be ae describ- ed above, and tGat the proper City ofticers au mit report Lo the City Counoil tor the purp$se of the Council's making an award of damagea for the interest��and de erm' ation of assessments, if any, against the`;benefited propettq. ACQUIRED ���� u� ������ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yea$1�n� Nays ���s Certified Passed by Council Secretary I.aYtg ��t�� I Fa or By Scheibal Sonnetl gain t 6i1lso�t Mayor .. , • - . a , R� 6/14/89 ���`/�jr� OEPARTM � FICElCOUNCIL IN Public Works Department June 6, �sss REEN SHEET No. 1296 INRIAUDATE -INffIAUDATE f�ITACT PERSON 8 PHONE pEp ENT WRECTOH '' CiTY COUNCIL Jadc D1vis (292-6281) "�°N cm rrow�v �cm c��ac NuMeeaFOn 1Ma�e�b�han�noo� l�one�ac'�/�u��e�g�I9��i °R°ER aRecrop �FIN.8MC3T.SERVICESDIFL Y " �► f���ST�1 �Crnmci 1 Research TOTAL#k OF 31GNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOC O FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE�UESTEO Improve the E-W alley in Campbell's Re.and Block 3,Summit Aven A ition by grading and paving the E-W alley from Saratoga Street to the N-S ailey. Also construct a sewer in the E-W alley for storm wat r pu . Also,condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes,cuts and fills,including right of removal of I ter support from subject land or remainder thereof,oocasioned by excavaCbns thereof or construction of sbpes in the garding and pavi o said alley. (File No. 's 18664 and 18664—S) pFCAMMENDATION3:Approvs(/q a Rejeci(R) CWNCIL COMM E RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONA _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST pHpNE Np, _CIBCOMMITTEE _ A STAFF _ �MENT3 _DISTRICT COUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WH�F1 COUNCIL OB,IECTNE7 INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(WHO,WNAT,WHEN,WHERe,NM1�: , This improvement was initiated by a petition signed by 11 of he 8 abutting property owners, representing 61%of the abutting property owners. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: It would eliminate the flooding that occurs in the ailey after ac rain. DiSADVANTAf3E3 IF APPpOVED: .. Abutting property owners would have to pay the assess rrt for the improvemeMs. DISADVANTAGE3 IF NOT APPpOVED: Flooding will continue. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION=$2O,ZZS.00 CpBT/REVENUE BUDGETED(qRCLE ONE) YES � FUNDING SOURCE �ASSt118I1tS ACITVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOHMATION:IEXPLAIM - � G� "-��' ST. PAUL I Y COUNCIL C/� � PUBLIC HE ING NOTICE ���-��� PUBLIC IMPROVE NT CONSTRUCTION , City Council District 414 Dear Property Owner• RECEIVED Planning District ��13 U� 131989 File No. 18664 and 18664S CITY CLERK To decide on whethe t proceed with the grading and paving the PURPOSE East-West alley in a bell's Rearrangement and Block 3, Summit Avenue Addition fr ratoga Street to the North-South alley. � Also, construct a ew in the alley for storm water purposes AN D (bounded by Sarato a, Ashland, Pascal, and Portland) . Also, slope construction an an easement in the grading and paving LOC ATIO N of said East-West 11 y. Tuesday, August 1, 1 89, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G _�ity_Council Cha e , Third Floor City Hall - Court House ------- - --------------------------------------------- Please note that he Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item an develop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please ri g any unresolved concerns that you may have . to this meeting o W dnesday, July 19, 1989 in Room 707 City Hall Court House at 9: 0 .M. If the Council a pr ves this pro�ect, a portion of the costs will FINANCINGbe assessed (aft r onstruction) against benefitted properties. The estimated as es ments for this project, are as follows: INFORMATION ESTIMATED S AND RATES TOTAL CONS U ION COSTS $20,225 Estimate R te per Foot: $17.75 R sidential $35.50 C mmercial (Apartments) Financed y ssessments. The City Counc 1 ill hold another hearing after tNe construction to ratify the ass ss ents. You will receive a notice at that time advising you o t e exact amount that you will be required to pay. Construc io : 292-6281 Assessments: 298-4513 QUESTIONS cVoice or TDD) Also, City sta f ill be available to answer any last minute questions on t is project in Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same a as the hearing. -+ 1 1 ] I�Yfrl 97S I Y2 I M� I " 1 - 1 ^ I N I�Y.yl Yf 1 !• I L MAP . .. .,, . ,,W w�. n Y: rt w.f� J� �:�.,r r I " ji a`:»>i is � n���_i : � �SP 5/ �SP �� + ���.rvs��� �i4�,hf�i,; � �I 2 3 4 ' ���.r�u ' �: � : °, Notice sent July 14, 1989, �s �,,, 5 ��•�;:•:�:;'`y ; �:;�;-' :�;�'' ':' ,�-. . �. C.�) Crll f�s� ,w �` �t.) . � -'i � �.�r Ci C ) c�� - �f r_'- by the Real Estate Division ' , - ~ � rvs� C,a� c�r� c•�) <s�) �_ � � : a+.� S u� Dept. of Finance & Management �, : Services, 218 City Hall - Court � C� ��'ia^Q `��' � .:-� � %��'� '�. � ��,s�,� House, Saint Paul, MN 55102 } C� ` �� �o � . B i 7}-� :�s�� !o H» �ci' '��0- �� SP 5P '• �" � a � ��5/ ?� � � '' x � Y.7 �f . + Yf YR 7 / !. 1� /2 .1 f �������� ���D Q ,• n ' cw��... , . . r N e + ���i� l5t) ; 1z�"> • � `+ 14Ll.EY SMr�oVEJ9E�v7' .:� . . i � ,,3 '+' :�o'=� ; ' � S`laRn SEwER �' 1� �.w) � , : � � `j� : IS 8 i''- � �• ... ..., v{"` I � ^` �` (L5)�. � � ! .r'i ����i-�3.�� PREL RY ORDER / Council File No. 89-1142—By Ao er Goswitz— In the Matter of condemning a d Y ing an easement in the land necessary for ; the slopes, cuts and�ii�Is, inelud g 'ght of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder the 'of, �gsi'aned bg excav�tions thereof or construction of slopes in the' di and paving o� the esst-west alley in Campbell's��Arrangement and Bl k 3. Summkt Avenue Additio�inr Voting Ward 4. , . . - The Council of the Cily ot Sai t P 1 having Teceived the report of the Ma�or � Upon the above improvement, d having co�ssidered said report,.��hereby resolves: 1. That the ssid repdrt a d e same- is �ereby approved with no � alternptiv�at,aad;tt�t t ' at+�d cost thereoi�s;yet to be deteimined. , 2. That a pt�bl3c hearing h on said }Yrnprovement on the�����'� - �i�..l��t,5:00�c .m:,,;l#�the;Councii C13art�bers o the �.y- B '!d` in:t,�ur+����o�:Saint Pau3: .' 3. Th�t•cwtiee �#,�id.�ub bQ giuen ta:the persoz�s,and 'an.� mens�r prov�it�ed=lsy tl�e r,'s�stln8`the tiine andp2ac�e oi Yt�aYin$. the natu7ra'c�,the improv. , and�t�taT cq�:thereof as estialated. File No. 1866l-S . . � ,, AieplMt,i�ti�G�Mdt i ?�. A�IrQJ�!l�.2lN. �.. , � _ : �. F:f� .:r,, y:,..- . , � � Y . .. !'. ' . .. -- . � . . . .. . . i ���t� rl�� S-8963: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDEO TWO WE K LAYOVER S8964 - Both sides DESNOYER AVENUE fr m Eustis Street to Curfew Street. (Laid over in Committee 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 6. Ratification of Award of Damages: Ta ing temporary easement under and ' across the west 20 feet of Lots 1 t ru 20, Block 8, Merrill 's Division of Rice Street Villas. Part of e he ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA AREA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 7. Final Order: Acquire certain 1 ds for the BIRMINGHAM/MINNEHAHA PONDING PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL (landscaping and de�sign recomme da ions to be completed within 2 months; go out to District Councils for ap roval ; final recommendations back to council within 4 months) 8. Final Order: Acquire certain p op rty for the BIRMINGHAM/YORK PONDING PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVA (landscaping and design recom en ations to be completed within 2 months; go out to District Councils f r pproval ; final recommendations back to council within 4 months) , 9. Ratification of Award of Dama es Taking a permanent utility easement for the JACKSON/MAGNOLIA SEW OJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L 10. Ratification of Award of Dam ge : Condemning and taking permanent utility easements for the T UT BROOK OUTLET-PHASE A STORM SEWER SYSTEM. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL 11. Appraval of the WARNER ROAD ri ht-of-way purchase. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR A ------ 12. Final Order: Grading and p vi g the East-West alley in Campbell 's Re- ��� Arrangement and Block 3, S mm t Avenue Addition from Saratoga Street to `�., the North-South alley. A1 0, construct a sewer in the alley for storm ���� water purposes. Also, slo s or the grading and paving of the alley. � (bounded by Saratoga, Ash an , Pascal and Portland) . ,� t COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APP OV L OF THE ALTERNATIVE PLAN �'- (an amended Final Order w 11 be prepared by City Attorney, John ,�f - �- McCormick) - 3 - , ��i3 ; � � S-8963: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TW W EK LAYOVER S8964 - Both sides DESNOYER AVENU f om Eustis Street to Curfew Street. (Laid over in Committee 7J5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 6. Ratification of Award of Damages T king temporary easement under and • across the west 20 feet of Lots 0 hru 20, Block 8, Merrill 's Division of Rice Street Villas. Part of he the ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA AREA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 7. Final Order: Acquire certain 1 nd for the BIRMINGHAM/MINNEHAHA PONDING PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL (landscaping and de�sign recomm nd tions to be completed within 2 months; go out to District Councils fo a proval ; final recommendations back to council within 4 months) 8. Final Order: Acquire certain ro erty for the BIRMINGHAM/YORK PONDING PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVA (landscaping and design reco en ations to be completed within 2 months; go out to District Councils or approval ; final recommendations back to council within 4 months) . 9. Ratification of Award of Dam ge : Taking a permanent utility easement for the JACKSON/MAGNOLIA SEW R ROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL 10. Ratification oftsWfor theDT OU SBROOKdOUTLET-PHAS�aA�STORMrSEWERtSYSTEM. util�ty easemen �, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA 11. Approval of the WARNER ROA r ght-of-way purchase. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APP V 12. Final Order: Grading and av'ng the East-West alley in Campbell 's Re- ``'`�� Arrangement and Block 3, um it Avenue Addition from Saratoga Street to the North-South alley. A so construct a sewer in the alley for storm �� water purposes. Also, slo es for the grading and paving of the alley. � (bounded by Saratoga, As a , Pascal and Portland) . � COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AP RO AL OF THE ALTERNATIVE PLAN . �� (an amended Final Order il be prepared by City Attorney, John .�; _i" McCormick) - 3 -