89-1350 �q CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ��� FINAL ORDER BY ���""'"�yy�,�" 1S633Si File No. Voting In the Matter of c+�tr�cting a �aeter se a aad �rat�r serriee catn�ctioas ia Ward D4r�iagt� Street fro� Av�a�ts to Tork Av�a�e. 7 under Preliminary Order �� approved � ���� The Council of the City of Saint Paul ha co ducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the C ty harter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all perso s, o jections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, t eref re, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of aint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby ire ted and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the m etion of said improvement; the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the s e the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �� — ( � Yeas H3�0l�d Nays �p�� � Certified Pas d by Council Secretary ltttt11t�1 In Fav r By spnp� � A ain R�� Mayor AUG - ? 198� p��g,���� AU G 121989 � t,, � G�"/� Vs 0 __"�_—�_ 1 . t Final Order: Improving BIRMING AM STREET from Case Avenue to York Avenue by grading and paving, constru ti g concrete curb and gutter, constructing a sanitary sewer ys em with service connections and constructing a street lighting sy tem. Also constructing a water main and water service connections n irmingham Street from Case to York. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL '�..__.,_____���� 14. Final Order: Improving MARKET ST ET from Fifth Street to Sixth Street by removing the existing pave en and constructing a brick surface on a new bituminous or concrete ba e, constructing tree planters and planting trees, constructing a decorat ve globe type lighting system and doing all other work necessary and in idental to said improvement. (Laid over in Committee 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED WITHDRA AL OF THIS FINAL ORDER 15. Resolution 89-978: Approving am ndments to the CABLE ACCESS ST. PAUL INC. By-Laws as proposed by e ASP Board of Directors on May 29, 1986. (Laid over in Committee 6/13 9) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED INDEFI IT LAYOVER (for consideration in the fu ur ) 16. Resolution 89-979: Approvin a endments to the CABLE ACCESS ST. PAUL INC. By-Laws as proposed by he CASP Board of Directors on May 9, 1989. (Laid over in Committee 6/13 89 . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L 17. ORDINANCE 89-1152: An Ordin nc amending the St. Paul Legislative Code by adding a new chapter per ai ing to the franchising of communications systems. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE M NT LAYOVER (to be first item on Commit ee agenda at that time) 18. Resolution 89-770: Request ng the Mayor to direct the Department of Finance and Management to r du e by $28,000 the 1989 assessment against properties which did not re ei e promised street cleaning services in the Fall of 1988. (Laid o r 'n Committee 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYO ER 0 FIRST COMMITTEE MEETING IN AUGUST 19. Resolution 89-323: Plan t p ase out certain water systems. (Laid over in Committee 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA OF SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION 20. Resolution 89-1191: Recom en ing that alternatives to helium filled balloons be found and that pr cautions be taken to ensure they are disposed of properly and t eleased. (Referred to Committee 7/6/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE MO TH LAYOVER - 4 - ����.� -� Members: CITY OF AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair � Janice Rettman ����������� OP`FICE OF T I� CITY COUNOIL ,,;;,��,,,�� Tom Dimond ����" Date: July 19, 19 9 Com i tee Report To: Saint Paul City Coun il From :Public Works, Utilit e , and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, air 1. Approval of minutes of July , 989. . MINUTES of the JULY 5, 1989, co mittee meeting were APPROVED. 2. Vacation: Petition of M.S.D. I . , for the vacation of a one-foot strip of the alley along Lots 24, 25, and 26, Block 4, Denslow's Addition, bounded by Stinson, Burgess an Mackubin. Purpose is to cure a building encroachment. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL 3. Vacation: Petition of the C'ty of Saint Paul for the vacation of part of Lot 1 , Block 2, Auditor's bd'vision No. 75 and part of Lot 8, Summit Cresent which is bounded b J n Ireland Boulevard, Summit Avenue and Rice Street. Vacated land il be conveyed to the State of Minnesota for the new History Center COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA 4. Vacation: Petition of the Ci y of St. Paul to va�ate part of Blocks 46 and 47, St. Anthony Park a d lso parts of Kendricks Street and Kendricks Square located b tw en Raymond Avenue and vacated Bayless. Purpose is to develop a c ve ience store. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APP OV t 5. Final Order: Sidewalk con tr ction and/or reconstruction at the following locations: S-8931 - Both sides ALAME A TREET from W. Arlington to W. Nebraska Avenue, S-8932 - Both sides N. A N TREET from W. Wheelock Parkway to W. Orange Avenue, S-8933 - South side BRAI ER AVENUE from Clark Street to DeSoto Street and West side DE OT STREET from E. Maryland Avenue to Brainerd Avenue, S-8934 - East side DANFO TH STREET from W. Wheelock Parkway to W. CITY HALL SEVE H LOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 a���e . , , ' . � RE 6/14/89 ����'�SD DEPAHTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL• Public Wo�{cs Departmertt 6-3�-89 GREEN SHEET NO. 3945 NRUIUDATE MIRIAUOATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE AqTMEM dpEC�pq CITY COUNCIL Paul St. Martin 292-6280 ��" � r'�' ��y �crtva.E�ac I�WST BE ON COUNCM.AflENDA BY(DI1TE1 (���l�8 9 �nNO O dRECTOR ��FIN.�MOT.SEiiVK:ES ONi ust be in ;City Clerk's 0 e no °aD� y����� C nc 1 Rese TOTAL#k OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL L A FOR SKiNATURE� �cT��oues�o Imp�ove Birmingham St.from Yorfc Ave.to Case Ave.by gr di paving,constn�cting curb and gutter,constructing a san�ary sewer system,oonstructing a street IigMing sysiem,const di a water main and Constructing sewer and water connections File No. 's 18663 and 18663W fiFCAMMEN0AT10N3:Approw(ly or�jeCt(f� CWNqL M EEIRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAI _PLANNII�Ki COMMISSION _CMl SERVICE COMMISSION ���T PHONE N�. CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFF _ COMMENTS _OISTRICT COUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 08JECTIVE? Safer and better neighborhood. INITIATINCi PFOBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(WHO,WHAT.WHEN,WHERE,WH1�: This project is being initiated by a petition from a develope wh is working with the Planning and Economic Devebpment Department of the City of St. Paui. P.E.D.owns and is tryin to evelop the property on the east side of Birmingham St ADVANTACiES IF APPROVEO: Birmingham St. is unimproved and constructing the sireet a utilities would albw the devebper to get building permits for the proposed housing and the proposai will improve the aest et' of the neighbortaod. DISADVANTAGES IF APPHOVED: none DISADVANTAGES iF NOT APPROVED: Development of the adjacent property wouid not take ace The dusty and or muddy conditions of the road would rrti e. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i$99,9�JO.00 CpgT/pEVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIN(i SOURCE��SSfi18f1tS and bng side aid p�y NUMBER F�NANCIAI.INFOHMATION:fEXPlA1M . . C, � ST. PAUL TY COUNCIL c/� � PUBLIC HE ING NOTICE ���-�� PUBLIC IMPROVE NT CONSTRUCTION City Council District 4�7 Dear Property Owner• District Planning Council �t5 File No. 18663 and 18663W To decide on wheth r o proceed with improving BIRMINGHAM STREET PU R PO S E from Case Avenue t Y rk Avenue by grading and paving, constructing concrete curb and ut er, constructing a sanitary sewer system with service connection a d constructing a street lighting system. AN� � Also, constructing a ater main and service connections in Birmingham Street ro Case Avenue to York Avenue. LOCATION RECEIVED ,1U� 131989 CITY CLERK Tuesday, August 1 1 89, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council Cham er , Third Floor City Hall - Court House ----------------- -- --------------------------------------------- Please note that he Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this it m and develop a recommendation to the full City Council. P1 as bring any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meet ng on Wednesday, July 19, 1989, in Room 707 City Hall - Court Ho se at 9:00 A.M. If the Council ap ro es this project, a portion o the costs w FIN A N CIN G be assessed (afte c nstruction) against benefitted properties. The estimated ass ss ents for this project are as follows: IN�ORMATION r �antern Stvle Bent Straw Sanitarv Wate�Main 119bI1l14 LI911tta4 Sewer AI rn Construction $4 ,50 .00 $19,600.00 $8,500.00 $ 13,250.00 $29,700.00 Assessments $4 ,30 .00 $16,800.00 $7,300.00 $ 11,300.00 $25,000.00 City Aid 2.800.00 1.200.00 1.950.00 4.700.00 TOTAL $4 ,50 .00 $19,600.00 $8,500.00 $ 13,250.00 $29,700.00 Assessment Rate $ .00 $ 22.00 $ 9.50 $ 15.00 $ 33.00 per Foot Sewer and water conn ctio s should be assessed at actual cost. The estimated rates are$750/sewer and th w er shall be at the scheduled rate for the size installed. Please note: Th r commended lighting system is the Lantern St le Lighting at $22.00 per foot. The City Counci w' 1 hold another hearing after the construction to ratify the a se ments. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of th exact amount that you will be required to pay. Constr ct on: 292-6281 Assessments: 298-4513 QUESTIONS (Voice or TDD) Also, City staf w 11 be available to answer any last minute questions on th s roject in Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A,M, the same d y s the hearing. Notice sent July 14, 1989 by the Real Estate Division Department of Finance & Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House Saint Paul, MN 55102 ' �' sr.� o ' \0 \\ � �I �, ."�"SIbL"'7' '� s . � ��� '� ��S ' �$0�s,,� � /���r.� � 1 �� o �� ` v'' ' � � � , � N , . � ���w - s� �� � P ` '� l' � �' " 9 9z r� , ��a 1�� �=" a G'2 ,�,. 'n. . -i e.4._ • '�-�'I'-"� 105.5 �0.5 •• ., �3� �(A�) � . � �-r�' pl �41f ., � y .. o \2 � 11S , � � \\ A oL �rsi �� LL 9 � ' ��s.ea i—r��// 1 • N �p f ' � ��I/ �f��s ' �'T�/� ✓/1 / J , � � 6 YGi1�fa o 'b � t�> °9,�io,< . °' 174 . � t_Ic �-i- : �¢9� � V . OZ.) ,�I � � ' s I : G!.G 8 ._� ,6 � is.r. _� �5 oz �li �'�� ' � I Z � �� � a ftl 2� � �a " M (51) �52) � �l . � oL 23 22 � u � �0�21 ` F! �Q ' (54) / 19 " � V � /r r r�F� I' (53) ol � � ,��9 2� ° 7.23 37• 9 J7.11 �6 /B ,� S3.L voR x � � � . 9 . ,. ,�p :( i g j 3 O (tt) �9 b � AREA oF ZMPROVEMENT 18 22 21 20 -- � � •� -- - �-z �� ; � � , I �80) . I/�91 (IBl' ---- �d��i3s) oz,zj400 �e . I b (14) � � . ° (821 2,4 r ��Ri ' fs � .� C2 f� � (��. 3.12 ac� � zz� • M ,! ! 14 y o 2 9'� I 0 I! � , ^ ,�,,� 13 a � , w o �; �2 ; � �� ,..i�_ � 2,2 �. , 21 ST�Lc.wAr�R ° — �0 1 ...� �' J P�.rr� I x`� . ° .' � - - ��-�._- � � � ��y� ,3.� PRELIMI SY ORDER Council File Na 89-1158-By Tom Di on In the Matter of constructing a wat r m in and water service connections in : Birmingham St. from Case Ave.to Yo A e. in Voting Ward 7. The Council of the City of Saint Pa 1 ha ing received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and avi g considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and t s me is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the esti ate cost thereof is $29,700 financed by assessments$25,000, City Aid ,7 . Water Service connections will be assessed according to the sched Ied harge at the time of construction. 2. That a publi� hearing be had n id improvement on the lst da of Augu��s�t, 1989 at 9:00 o'cicek a. ., the Council Cham ers o e i y �"aR ana our ouse Buildin in t e City of Saint Paul. 3: That notice of said public he ing be given to the persqns and in. the manner providesd by the Chart r, s ating the time and place qf hearing, the nature of the improvement and he total cost thereof as estimated. File No. 18633W � �-'��.Y . ..