89-1342 WNITE - CITY CLERK PINK - F.IN f.NCE G I TY F SA I NT PA U L Council `A `/ CANARY -�JEP7CR�MENT File NO. �• /r �- ` BLUE - MAVOR Coun i Resolution `�6�, �� Presented By � �_ ���, eferred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Clerk's 1990 official pu li ations budget was purposely underbudgeted in anticipation of a City Charter change ha would allow less pages of Council Resolution pages to be printed and theref re reducing costs, and WFIEREAS, The City Council did not approve th proposed Charter change, and WHEREAS, The City Clerk estimates a budge s ortage in official publication costs of $48,650 for the balance of 1989, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 1 .0 .4 of the City Charter recommends the following transfers for the 1989 General Fund budge : Current Amended Budget Changes Budget ------------ -------------- -------------- TRANSFER FROM: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve Specified 09061-0537 Operating Transfer Out 3,403,879 (25,000) 3,378,879 Page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g Itl VO Gos�vitz Rettman B ��;�� Aga' st Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By sy A►pproved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �•WHITE�I - C1TY CLERK + � C�unCll � PINK� � - FINANGE G I TY F � SA I NT� PA U L �,.,�'� � GANARV -DEPARTMENT f � BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. ' � ` � Coun i Resol�tion Presented.`By � � �� { . ._. Y Referred To �- Committee: Date � ���1 Out of Committee By Date �" i1f3ERLt�. 3� Msjor a�od the Cit� Coaeei stad deps�t�ts to p�tpare a� inse�torT of kn��w 1984 6s�eral !'�rwd �sd�et i ne+�d• ia esdsr to prioritise tlsaw so. �Zut the �se of #osd i�sls�ce covid be �aintai tiue 12-3l-�a Iefel, :s�d • , i�itEA$, ?�e Cit� Clert'e 299tf offic 6lfasti+a�+r b�at ins pstp�t�y usdesbsitetad is �eticipaEio� of a Cit7r C.barter a 6at w�li �t12ar leas ys�e� �! Coa��il tssolntiae pag�s to �e priatsd aad t e re r�cla� cr�st�, as� �8, ?!� City G�ue�e1l did nst a� the pr�Poa�d Chsste+r cbao�e, �d ii8E�6AS, ?he Cit� Clerk esti�ates � sbas�taae ia Qftici�l patilicstiarcosts o� $45.630 tor t� balfaee of 1989, �id �EAB, t�e lfa�ar, parstaaat te Seeti .07.1 of the Cit� Ckarter. dass ee=tf#� t�t tbare ate ar�ilabl� for appropriatic�►,r ia escess o!` tl�ae �rti#st�d ia ths 191�! bnd�st �Q W�iS, C1�t l�a�ar reaotaends t!� !ol c�a�es to the 1989 bw�aet z __ Carrest Mread� . -___ _ _ _. ._. � " s�get Ct�e.t�es s�et F , . .�Iltd�CI� ri.t1Y CO1 Gaaetsl Pe� laa� sals� 9590 =- Dureser�ed. Undeaiaaat 1Z6.610 23�bS0 lSO,Z60 .�l Ot�r l�insr�cing 12i.191,135 0 1Z4,lf 1.135 ?otaT �md ti�sscisg p2aw 12d,3t7,Tii 23,6Sd �' 12i,3�i1,39S P�e 1 of 2 `.� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: . �" Yeas Nays . Dimond . �n8 �II 8V0 ,.,°.+� " Goswitz �� Aga nst BY Sonnen W��SOD A � � - � . . ' Form Appr.6ved by City Attorney, Adopted by Council: Date ' /'�1 / �j� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � ,.,•` �.;s. ` '�-� � �f: . By . Approved by Mavor: Date App�'d�red by Mayor for Submission to Council By -. �y _,--�''WNIT� - CITY CLERK .r � � � � PINK - FINANCE COURCIl (�//r�. � . CANARV -DEPARTMENT G.I TY O SA I NT PAIT L J� �J BLUE - MAVOR File NO• rJ + _ �� � � Coun i Resolution Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date Out of CommitteeBy Date Cnrcaa� veadad �ndset t'�sa�es E�dget SYBIIDI�6 MJI� Ef�l 6e�sersl �md Cit� Clert's Office dYtS�_ tetsrds t Cit�r Clerk's i 00230-Q245 Pablfcaticyes aed rt sia� 93,Q29 23,bS0 ilb,b7'9 All dthet Gss��raa2 lbad Speradi� I2i�23�,71b 134.22i,�16 �'o�a� �iv� spe�Qina P1au� 124,317,745 23,d50 124*341,395 . "` - 1BS C�CE + �4i�! Z'�,65v ths�elore, b�e it �iSOI.YBif, tDat the C tT cil apprares ti�esa el�es to Lbe 19E'9 b�d��t. Appso�al �s�.w�e�ded: - ,` � '�- __............ Hbd�at � � to�r Pase 2 of 2 `�, � COUNCIL MEMBERS "'""�"" Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �r,,,;�,,,,,, D�mond : � C�� Cr�!!��• �f�� y ��s � [n vo �� A!�!!1 . � � � �� - soswitz � Rethnan U ' � ��;� _ Aga' st BY Sonnen ' Wilson ' A� 2 9 . Form Approve y City Att mey ��' • Adopted by Council: Date f�/� /�j Certified Pa_' md Coun ' cretar BY ' rt ' /1 /fT_( " � � � r By _ � f Approved by Mavor. Date ��G 3 O Approved Mayor for Submission to.Council ' By BY_:_� a WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PA U L Council //� CANqRV - D.EPA�fi�TMENT File NO. ��� _` BLUE -�MAVA'R - � Coun i Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Current Amended Budget Changes Budget ------------ -------------- -------------- TRANSFER T0: City Clerk's Office Records: City Clerk Division 00250 Records: City Clerk's Office 00250-0245 Publications and Advertisi g 68,029 25,000 93,029 00250 All Other Spending 215,187 0 215,187 All Other Spending 124,034,529 0 124,034,529 ------------ -------------- -------------- 124,317,745 25,000 124,342,745 NET CHANGE 0 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council p ves these changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recommende� ----- --- � -J-�-�--���-- Budget Dir ct r Page 2 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond City Cler Of f ice Lo� In F vo Goswitz ` ) E Rettman ,� g f. �",�. scneibe� A gai s t Y - _ Sonnen Wilson Qu�'j L 9 Form Appr ve by City torne ///��� Adopted by Council: Date / Certified Pas e un il S t BY � � By Appr by Mayor for S mis ion to Co`cil Approv d by �Vlavor: Dat — �-----T- By B ppg�� S E P - 9 19._�, . . . ������ Committee Report Finance Meeting - August 21, 1989 7. Resolution 89-1342 - amen ng the 1989 budget by Approved transferring $25,000 from o ingent Reserve to City Clerk' s Office Recor r official publication costs. (Referred from Co ci August 1) 8. Resolution 89-1380 - allo 'n City to contribute Approved 2-1 its portion of buy back pe si n coverage for Parks , Department employee Edna fo d. (Referred from Council August 8) 9. Ordinance 89-1266 - amend' g hapter 370 of the Laid over to 9/11 Legislative Code pertaini t appointment of members to the Board of E mi ers for Certificate of Competency holders. ( fe red from Council July 25) 10. Ordinance 89-895 - amendi apter 33 of the Admin- Laid over istrative Code pertaining o eimbursement for car indefinitely expense by providing a mo h increase for elected officials. (Referred fro C ncil June 15, laid over July 31 ) 11. Administrative Order D- - Budget revision Committee recommends in Public Works for compu er quipment. that resolution be prepared recommending approval. 12. Sale of single family reh i itation loans to Approved Neighborhood Housing Serv'ce of America and use of loan sale proceeds. ( ef red from Housing and Redevelopment Authori ly 26) 13. Resolution 89-1426 - amen in the 1989 budget and Approved adding $24,240 to the Fin c' g and Spending Plans for General Fund PED 1990 . . Decennial Census. (Referred from Council Au us 15) 14. Administrative Order D-10 22 - authorizing payment No action required not to exceed $1,200 to P te Hames for preparing history of the Latimer ye rs. (Referred from Council July 27) 15. Resolution 89-1346 - dete mi ing that neither over- Laid over to 9/11 time pay nor formal compe sa ory time is authorized for unclassified appointe e loyees and that any overtime hours recorded a e rroneous and to be removed from payroll reco ds. (Referred from Council August 1) 16. Resolution 89-1347 - auth ri ing the use of paid Laid over interns in 1990 for each ou cilmember for up to a indefinitely maximum of 500 hours per ea and that the Director of City Council Investiga io and Research Center include funds in the prop se City Council Legislative budget. (Referred from C un il August 1) _ .. . . .. .. . . ... ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . _....__�__�....._.....�,:�.:.� =, �� ':� GITY OF SAINT PAUL . �� � � '-�si`��i;#� . OFFICE OF TAE CITY COIINCI7. Committee Report Finance. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee August 21, 1989 - 1. Approval of minutes of July 31, 1989, meeting. Approved 2. Resolution 89-1218A - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $15,733 to the Financing & Spending Plans . for Special Projects-Police, Uniform Crime Reporting Grant; (Referred from Council July 11, laid over July 31) ; and Resolution 89-1218B - authorizing a Federal Uniform Approved Crime Reporting agreement with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. (Referred from Council July 11, laid over July 31) 3. Resolution 89-1279 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $15,696 to the Financing and Spending Plans for removal of hazardous waste dumped in Lilydale. - (Referred from Council July 20) 4. Resolution 89-1280 - amending the 1989 budget by Denied adding $68,625 to the Financing and �pending Plans for Personnel Office salary market study. (Referred frorn Council July 20) 5. Resolution 89-1301 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 9/11 adding $42,445 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Rental Dwelling Registration Program. (Referred from Council July 25) 6. Resolution 89-1341 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $23,650 to the Financing and Spending Plans in the City Clerk' s Office for official publication costs. (Referred from Council August 1) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 8�°- iO44 —�.—..-,�- ._ JO�N17E GTV GLERI -__ ��r )��� PINK FINANCE -- '/I���� I CANAR - OEP4RTMEI � O• . BLUE - MAYOR � `"" " . . 'l.� L'� ...'��k,i Presented By � ��� �_�� ��� � l �eferred �� � Out of Col WtiE�AS, 2l�e City�� erbndgeted in nniicipatioA i / �� eil Rcso2e�tio� pa$ee' �Z �/� �i$ER�A4, The Git� __�._, ....� VRERl�1j8, The City Cleric estt�ates s bndgec bo age in of#icial publica►tion caste ef $b8,650 for the balu�ce of 1989, and i�ERFdg, The May+�r, pnr�naat to Sectian 1�. 7. o# t� Cit� Charter reca�ends the folio�riaA transfers for the 1989 Geaersl Fa�l bu�get: Carrent �'�� �adgat Ctun�es Endget r.�,. --- TRAli31►88 P�t�: GeQarsl Gever�enL Aceotmte ° Caatin�ent Seserve Specified 3,y03,879 (25,t)00) 3,378,879 p9061-0537 Qperating Transfer Out Page I of 2 ,,�:..: �.T �, COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depactment of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng [n Favor Goswitz �e°�� Against By Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Ntavor: Date — By By _ __ _ '