89-1319 - Cit of St.Paul COLJN IL � Y - FINAL ORDER IN �, `�' � ' ,,� � gy_.,.'"_....,,"„�r/ ��-,!t��/ . CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS �$��� File No. ��t�'� In the Matter of Acquisitio� af Ia� f rad�.n� i�t cooaectiv�n aith t�e B�lt iisrd L�na Stor� 14�aer to b� s ed �'T�e Bts^oiA�b+ua�Yort 1►ax�d� 7 City Prc►ject SI75T) aA e� crihad •a fr�ll.awss Lats 4 th�cu 9 anet Z1 t 3• Elock S, I.o�s a ths�s 23. Bloek 8, a�ad �.oti t Z4. Blo�t� 7: �f FaixchiYd etnd �er�►�rds �t,e-Azr�nga a . _ under Administrative Order � apgroved � under Preliminary Order ��� approved � ` � �� A public hearing having been had upon the abov im rovement upon due notice, and the Council having heard ail persons, objections and recommendations relative ther o, d having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sain Pa 1 hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Councii hereb d termines the estate required for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute aX��X�F��#K as described above; nd e City Officers and City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions necessary to acquire sai re estate by purchase or eminent domain. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date r`�' 2 5 � Yeas �� Nays F�D�Mits � Certified a s C uncil ecr ry �E 1�A�'�a� In Favor B '��•��•'� JUL Z 8 l�9 �S�� b Against Mayor PUBl1SHfD QU G - 5 1989 ' RE 6/7/8 � �9—��f 9 � p.. / DEPARTM iDFFICE7G)UNCIL �ATE INITIATED Finance Department/Real Estate 6/7/89 GREEN SHEET NO. 3i�� CONTACT PER80N&PHONE � pARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL TE Peter White 298/5317 Nu�� � p�7pqNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(OA7'� 6/����9 ROUTiNQ � UDOET DIRECTOR �flN.�MCiT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in City Clerk's ce no � AYOR(OR AS818TANn Di Council Re TOTAL#�OF SKiNATURE PAG�E8 (CLIP ALL L A ONS FOR 8KiNATUR� ACTION REfiUEBTED: 1. Setting date of hearing 2. Approve the taking of lands for water et ntion in connection with City Project 51757 Birmingham-York Pond. Description and ma. attached (File No. 18662 RECOMMENDATION8:Approve(A)a Re�ect(F� COUNCIL IA EARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOAAMISSION _qVIL 8ERVICE COMM�S310N ��YST PHONE N0. CIB COMMfiTEE _ A STAFF _ COMMENTB: _DISTRICT COURT — BUPPORTS WFlld�l COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Sewer Separation INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISBUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Wh�: Combined sewer separation requires the us of storm water detention areas. This area is one of the ponding areas needed for the B t ine Storm Sewer. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The ponding will eliminate building more nd larger sewers to carry rain run-off. It uses undeveloped, deeply depressed land t i s highest and best use. • DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: City has to purchase the parcels DISADVANTAQEB IF NOT APPROVED: City will need to build more and bigger to m sewers to comply with the Federal mandate to separate storm and sanitary sewers �c��r�c►� Research Center Juf�V Go j�g9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TIiANBACTION 1 SO�OOO (;pgT/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� (1�ES� NO FUNDINO SOURCE 1988 Sewer Service Fund - 5 O ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) L IH9 S2W2r Service Fu d $100,000 ' ���/ `e � (�� :3'- �.J `' ;• . q � � � �� . . •� / S° 6 �asl . Y�i%�'/� � zoz �9 9z ' o A � '�', oz � oz ,��' ., �9, 3 .. I « •.�-� � '^ n. 22i.a� ' , E I ;� se _, eA._ A � � . �o.s � � � �\ t (21 '� a� °J v �os.s �: (�1 � � V � ,o i 'fa � � Z ��j h 1 .��W) e �f �ei � ; � �( at �' � 'r, � ''' (�,qSE �o �� ` ����i;�`��--�.,, `/' ,,,' �.. (c) s -++ �.s .�` �: �,� , �f ��� w ' �sA� 1 I� f ~ � —)°-'� ' _. —�(`y�l .� I 4 ,. . 1p�� � , � ��� •• .i•; �,�� io I6 os � �,oa) � -5 �' -�s--=- �,��.�L�.�e! �. -�---T ;� 2 „3 �fl. - 2�16 15 oj' . 9� \ � - — (5cl � . �Y�� �; ` a `�ts �° i t � � (� ` 'y ` �J �� . �� � 18 a(51)��St � ��j� � o � S q=� • ►', 9 • s�' �3 2 __�--� i : � . � , -�-- (9) 'a5 2 �9 - � ,ax ���� cs�) �0 ' ` � 2 s C / ---�— � .,°'' ' ol �� ' i A zo ° ;,�� � z� '' - , a x:, •� ,• i. „ - � �j'' v i QIK �o iw �` 'a �f�[` v ,. (rtl 19 ., � � �o� ---- ,:o� I,r� : � � ►s ox �'° � n 2 (u) �23, 2z ' - - --�' i�: � � �„� � c�� � /r t, ; � ,� �,�., or,�;�), �._ ... � , 3 u� ►6 (wl c�a,+, �,e�, �IL) V___ � lJ � ('b'L� � � :+ ° 4 5 � 112►• _ . � J �eel �;[•� v IZ 1� 5 �13� � � ,� I �4 ' � a ��� � C°� } �g g � 1 0 11 � - an.� � , g � 13 � � ': E R ' � (Nl � � n` ^�2 � � 2 2� 2 I . .�r IV ,... .� ' i V I . —�� � i — ' N� s'rl LL W/a'rE� � u,�: le:-r � -�-- � .. .. 9v '• � an.� � � , �y .� ZQ � o • : � (�i �,�.- r tee, 19 /., e 2 14 V iZ'i 24 2 22 21 L ----- , / 18 � -- ,�).roo . �2�� • �ail � 4 � 1 (sel :;.._ 17 ; �� I . , ,. .•Y: ,i ( �) Y • .w..,s ��-� � 9 (Q� I C!� (SO\ • - e J3'� �'t (ze) (7L` (�� � + � - e �. +(a*1 � (� � 3 15 ' ;5 � , � a 9 � 1 12 �3 F'4 IS 18 ' 7! � � � '` ' „.• i� f^ • •s, ,,,.,1- :��, Q �J_.. » _ , �, ,.- �o ..� • ��is�_ --- - - __�-t_f« �-r ---- - ---. _ _-- -��H-- � +^ .. .. 9ti ')7� ,�o ,e, .. .. . .�p 7j1� �� � . .. •. 14/J : �� oal °'� � 'so� �t o, � �' -- _ 4 ?, 2 ��� �� I � c 7 R 5 4 j � 2 14 -8 5 � � � �Ai2cN ,�,p �. �o�J�A 2D s E I�'s �f �-��� q ��ro � -r���, �S (3�� 5 I�a-ts � -r�,� �-3 �� ��'CS � 7'NRL � Y bk '� . � �y . ST. PAUL C T COUNCIL c��,�. �, PUBLIC HEA NG NOTICE PUBLIC IMPROVE NT ACQUISITION City Council District 4�7 Planning District Council ��2 Dear Property Owner: File No. 18662 To decide on whether t a uire lands for ponding in connection with P U R PO S E the Belt Line Storm Se er to be called the BIRMINGHAM-YORK POND and described as follows: Lo s 4 through 9 and 21 through 25, Block 5, Lots 8 through 23, Blo k and Lots 9 through 24, Block 7 of Fairchild and Howard's Re rrangement. (See map below) . RECEIVED JUL 101989 CITY CLERK Tuesday, July 25, 19 9, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council Chamber , hird Floor City Hall - Court House -------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------- Please note that th P lic Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item a d velop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please br ng any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on ed esday, July 19, 1989, in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at 9:00 A. . Construction: 92 bI48 Acquisition: 298-5318 QU E S TIO N S Also, City staff w' l e available to answer any last minute questions on this project in o 218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M, the same day as the hearing., � � � � :a MAP ry �'�� �1 5 � e\ \ �� ���.in � � ' •��. " " � (»� �,l yE• i; d , A e� l . a J i^;'�./, .. \,. i � , �7 � . ' (�nSE � a . i v�� ` 9 � t � ��• ! ! Fp� 0 ���� .J+f�� � ;,.�1 „ � � -,s--,. x :� ��p � �'33Y ie � t � ) - —__�._. �7 '�LYf S / ' '�, • _'�___ Z z� �e tr z�� —___a_ , 2 6 � �� � Notice sent July 7, 1989, `-�-2�-- A c �� �CzO 1-� , o . —,.�-- - by the Real Estate Division y°� " ' Dept. of Finance & Management Service G '; , „ s " 218 City Hall - Court House �---�-�-�p� '" �^ Saint Paul, MN 55102 !" '—T-7 -'-"' r: -':. m '" , .. � ' J Gtl '.. rf/ " _... . .KI � " __--____.__ '. .: ( � � _ __... .. . � a . - A REA � IJE �A�fN �de N IN � . _ _ � �„ ^ 9'� ' %�,^, � � 9 -- r',,., w i ;z � �, � ... � _ _ � s�«W�,-Ee . - � ��— � � � _ E o �r; • V 2 ( , 19 t V A 7 27. 21 _ . _._.... �. . / n1 _ . ,_...._e__r i _ _ �A� (�n +/ 17 : p, 'i: u•rY`I r.• :5 O I fl 9 1(1 1 2 1 IS If 1 <n —'_ " -=.�— �� . v _ i G r� 8191 _. - ---� �----- —-- --. . _ _ _g��I. _, - �,:. _ . . .__,_'_�._�'—_�_.�-_..rn .. r:_r'...�_... � .. � . �'��r�i� �,�1 S-8963: COMMITTEE RECOMMEND D WO WEEK LAYOVER S8964 - Both sides DESNOYER VE UE from Eustis Street to Curfew Street. (Laid over in Committee 7/5/ 9) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L 6. Ratification of Award of Dam ge : Taking temporary easement under and across the west 20 feet of L ts 10 thru 20, Block 8, Merrill 's Division of Rice Street Villas. Part of the the ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA AREA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L 7. Final Order: Acquire certai 1 nds for the BIRMINGHAM/MINNEHAHA PONDING PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO I L (landscaping and design rec m dations to be completed within 2 months; go out to District Councils fo approval ; final recammendations back to council within 4 months) ....,�...�_,.��..,,,� . ,�..,� ........v. ,_.... .. .��,�.__�_....�-..�.--�-�__......_.............� ------�.-... 8. Final Order: Acquire certai p operty for the BIRMINGHAM/YORK PONDING '��-�� PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL (landscaping and design rec mm ndations to be completed within 2 months; go out to District Councils fo approval ; final recommendations back to council within 4 months) 9. Ratification of Award of Da ag s: Taking a permanent utility easement for the JACKSON/MAGNOLIA SE ER PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL 10. Ratification of Award of Da ag s: Condemning and taking permanent utility easements for the T OU BROOK OUTLET-PHASE A STORM SEWER SYSTEM. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL 11. Approval of the WARNER ROA ri ht-of-way purchase. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR A 12. Final Order: Grading and p vi the East-West alley in Campbell 's Re- Arrangement and Block 3, S mmit Avenue Addition from Saratoga Street to the North-South alley. Al o, construct a sewer in the alley for storm water purposes. Also, slop s or the grading and paving of the alley. (bounded by Saratoga, Ashl nd Pascal and Portland) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA OF THE ALTERNATIVE PLAN (an amended Final Order wi 1 e prepared by City Attorney, John McCormick) - 3 - , . . ���,��� 13. Final Order: Improving BIRMIN HA STREET from Case Avenue to York Avenue by grading and paving, constr ct ng concrete curb and gutter, constructing a sanitary sewer sy tem with service connections and constructing a street lightin s stem. Also constructing a water main and water service connections in Birmingham Street from Case to York. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV 14. Final Order: Improving MARKE S REET from Fifth Street to Sixth Street by removing the existing pav me t and constructing a brick surface on a new bituminous or concrete b se constructing tree planters and planting trees, constructing a decora iv globe type lighting system and doing all other work necessary an i cidental to said improvement. (Laid over in Committee 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED WITHDR WA OF THIS FINAL ORDER 15. Resolution 89-978: Approvin a endments to the CABLE ACCESS ST. PAUL INC. By-Laws as proposed by he CASP Board of Directors on May 29, 1986. (Laid over in Committee 6/13 89 . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED INDEF NI LAYOVER (for consideration in the f tu e) 16. Resolution 89-979: Approvi g mendments to the CABLE ACCESS ST. PAUL INC. By-Laws as proposed by th CASP Board of Directors on May 9, 1989. (Laid over in Committee 6/1 /8 ) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL 17. ORDINANCE 89-1152: An Ordin nc amending the St. Paul Legislative Code by adding a new chapter per ai ing to the franchising of communications systems. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE N LAYOVER (to be first item on Commi te agenda at that time) 18. Resolution 89-770: Reques in the Mayor to direct the Department of Finance and Management to ed ce by $28,000 the 1989 assessment against properties which did not r ce ve promised street cleaning services in the Fall of 1988. (Laid o er in Committee 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYO ER TO FIRST COMMITTEE MEETING IN AUGUST 19. Resolution 89-323: Plan t p ase out certain water systems. (Laid over in Committee 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APP V OF SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION 20. Resolution 89-1191: Reco me ing that alternatives to helium filled balloons be found and tha p ecautions be taken to ensure they are disposed of properly and ot released. (Referred to Committee 7/6/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE MO TH LAYOVER - 4 - . . . �c-�1/�/l� 21. Appeal of Ms. Jennie Charles o Summary Abatement Order for property located at 2173 NORTONIA AVE E. (Referred to Committee 7/11/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A TWO EE LAYOVER (to be first item on Committ e genda at that time) 22. Other Business. NO OTHER BUSINESS DISCUSSED - 5 - ������ �--- Members: CITY F SAINT PAi.TL Roger J. Goswitz, chair _�� � Janice Rettman ����������� OFFICE F EII� CITY COUNCIIL ,;;,�„�,�, Tom Dimond '" �� Date: July 19, 98 Co ittee Report To: Saint Paul City Cou 'ci From :Public Works, Uti iti s, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz hair 1. Approval of minutes of Jul 5, 1989. . MINUTES of the JULY 5, 198 , ommittee meeting were APPROVED. 2. Vacation: Petition of M.S. . nc. , for the vacation of a one-foot strip of the alley along Lots 24 2 , and 26, Block 4, Denslow's Addition, bounded by Stinson, Burges a d Mackubin. Purpose is to cure a building encroachment. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA 3. Vacation: Petition of the it of Saint Paul for the vacation of part of Lot 1 , Block 2, Auditor's ub ivision No. 75 and part of Lot 8, Summit Cresent which is bounded b J hn Ireland Boulevard, Summit Avenue and Rice Street. Vacated land wi 1 be conveyed to the State of Minnesota for the new History Cente . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APP V L 4. Vacation: Petition of th C'ty of St. Paul to va�ate part of Blocks 46 and 47, St. Anthony Park nd also parts of Kendricks Street and Kendricks Square located et een Raymond Avenue and vacated Bayless. Purpose is to develop a c nv nience store. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APP OV L 5. Final Order: Sidewalk con tr ction and/or reconstruction at the following locations: S-8931 - Both sides ALAME A TREET from W. Arlington to W. Nebraska Avenue, S-8932 - Both sides N. AV N TREET from W. Wheelock Parkway to W. Orange Avenue, S-8933 - South side BRAI ER AVENUE from Ciark Street to DeSoto Street and West side DE OT STREET from E. Maryland Avenue to Brainerd Avenue, S-8934 - East side DANFO TH STREET from W. Wheelock Parkway to W. CITY HALL SEVEN H LOUR SA[NT PAUL, MINNESOT'A 55 io2 s�.<e ���'��/� Cottage Avenue, , S-8935 - Both sides W. IDAH A ENUE from N. Dunlap to Fernwood Street, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL ON ALL OF THE ABOVE S-8936 - North side W. IDAH A ENUE from N. Victoria Street to N. Milton Street, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL AS AMENDED (only 2 sidewalk panels to e ffected - 939 West Idaho) S-8937 - Both sides W. ROSE AV NUE from Marion Street to Galtier Street. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL S-8955 - Both sides BORDNE PL CE from S. Cleveland to Return Court, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR A , WITH ADJUSTMENTS, IF NECESSARY (owner at 2044 Bordner Pla e be contacted before July 24, 1989, to clarify that correct panel a being done) S-8956 - Both sides S. FIN S REET from Hampshire Avenue to Magoffin Avenue, S-8957 - North side LINCOL A ENUE from S. Fairview Avenue to S. Wheeler Street, S-8958 - South side MONTRE L VENUE from Davern Street to S. Fairview Avenue, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA ON PREVIOUS THREE ITEMS S-8959 - Both sides PALACE�AV NUE from S. Fairview Avenue to S. Wheeler Street, (Laid over in Comm tt e 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TWO EE LAYOVER S-8960 - Both sides ROME A EN E from S. Fairview Avenue to S. Howell Street, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APP V S-89fi1 - Both sides ST. P L VENUE from Montreal Avenue to Edgcumbe Road, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TWO WE K LAYOVER S-8962 - Both sides SARGE T VENUE from S. Snelling Avenue to S. Saratoga St. , COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APP OV L S-8963 - Both sides STANF RD AVENUE from S. Fairview to S. Wheeler Street, (Laid over in Com it ee 7/5/89) . - 2 -