89-1308 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMEN T G I TY SA I NT PA IT L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �_ ��� . - Coun i Resolution : �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Resolved, that the pro e City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an g eement with District Planning Council 14 pertaining to the operat' o of a Kids Park at Groveland Recreation Center subject to the terms a d conditions setforth in said agreement, a copy of which is to be ke t on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management S r ices. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: �� , Yeas Nays A Dimond � (iON1/�'1(//✓� ��� ��g In F vor �� Rettman �be1�� � Agai st BY --sen�a ��i�ilsew al1,}L � 5 Form Ap r ved by Ci Atto Adopted by Council: Date � L Certified Yas• Council S ta BY B� Appro y i4lavor at u I�� Appro e y Mayor Eor Sub ' io ` cil P�si� f{U� ° 1 8� � c� �q- /308 DEPARTMENTIOFFlCEICOUNqL � DATE NfT1A D Comnuni ty Servi ces 6/ 0/ 9 GREEN SHEET No. ����p�� CONTACT PER80N Q PHONE DEPARTMENT WHECTOR �CITY WUNqL Vi nce Gi 11 espi e 292-7400 cmr�rroa►a�r 0 cirr c��c MU3T 8E ON WUNpL AOENDA BY(DAT� NQ BUD(#ET DIRECTOR FlN.8 MQT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSIST � �2$ 1 Q TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAOEB � � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE�UEBTED: O �n�� .J Approval of agreement between KidsP rk and City of St. Paul �'�'�` ��� REC�IVED ���J� � RECO�My1ENDATIONS:MP►ove W a Relect(R) COU L REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CIVII SERVICE COtdMI8S10N ��'Y T PFIONE NO. C�� _p8 GOMMITTEE _ OOMM NTB: _STAFF _ —D18TR1�001f� — AYOR'S OFFICE SUPPORTS WNICFI COUNpL OBJECTIVE7 J lJ L O c) '198(� INITIATINO PROBLEM,18SUE,OPPOHTUNITY(Who�What.WMn�WMro.Whyg + k sr�`� y ` � �. �flIT��' � �� � ������ To provide short term, flexible time hi d Care. RECEIVED' J U L 1 01989 Commwitty Services ADVANTAOES IF APPF�VED: ' To benefit the community with more af or ble Child Care options. DISAOVANTAOES IF APPF�VED: None 01$ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: ' Reduction of low cost services availab e o the public. Council Research Center. J U L 121989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 2065.5O COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE Speci al Servi ce Enterpri se Fu d ACTIVITY NUMBER 23102 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(D(PWN) ' , �� . ���'� V� �� / C��(;� � AG EEMENT C� THIS AGREEMENT made and e fe tive this day of by and between the City of Saint au , Minnesota, a municipal corporation organized and existing under t e aws of the State of Minnesota, � hereinafter referred to as "CI Y" and KidsPark under the auspices of the District 14 Community Coun il a Minnesota non-profit corporation, 320 S. Griggs St. , St. Paul, 5105; hereinafter referred to as "COUNCIL". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY is the owne o certain property known as the Groveland Recreation Center - s a onal building which is located within the corporate limits of the Cit f Saint Paul, at 1961 St. Clair Avenue; hereinafter referred to a "CENTER". WHEREAS, CITY desires to p o ide from and through the CENTER short term, flexible day time child c r (babysitting) known as KidsPark for the area south of University Av n e and west of downtown. WHEREAS, CITY has historic 1 y sponsored and promoted human services activities of the sort a d nature which have helped and benefited the social, recreatio a , health, educational, and the general well-being of the resid n s of the Saint Paul community and � WHEREAS, CITY and COUNCIL a determined that the residents of Saint Paul would experience an f ctive delivery of human services if COUNCIL leased CENTER, and mana e KidsPark on a transition basis until it becomes an independent non-p o 't organization. 1- --�<,�,r:� �,_,..> ,u,.,��, :.n,�...���...�,,.....�.�.,-.,,._:��.._.._._7_.._ .... .� .,.,.,.�.,..�.�.m._.._...__...,: .. ..__ _ _�_.._ . . _. _ _ U . ���,i 3a � NOW, THEREFORE, in cons�de a ion of the mutual and reciprocal agreements and promises hereina t r set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the par i s hereto agree and have agreed to as follows: 1. Leased Premises. CITY a rees to lease and COUNCIL does hereby lease space in the CENTER, spac eing more particularly described as warming room, office, office st r ge and restrooms. (This does not include garage storage room) . e Exhibit A. CITY agrees to permit and hereby authorizes COUNCIL t rovide human services programs and activities therein, subject to h restriction stated herein. 2. Term of I,ease. The te of this agreement shall be one year and commence as soon as KidsPar 's properly licensed. The COUNCIL and CITY may renew this lease for a t ird year upon subsequent written agreement. 3. IIse of Premises. The r mises shall be used and occupied by the COUNCIL for the following p r ose and for no other purpose without the prior written consent of CI Y• To provide drop-off, licensed baby- sitting services for babies, to d ers and pre-schoolers. The hours shall be 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. , Mond y Friday, during the school year. Above spaces must be accessible f r recreation programs before and after contract hours. The prog a shall be conducted under t�ie direction of advisory committee COUNCIL will see to it that the program meets all applicable li e sing requirements. Equipment and supplies may be stored in the C N ER, in the office storage room, during the summer months when K'd Park is not in operation. -2- , � . �'� /� lJ� 4. Basic Rent. In consi er tion of the monthly rent of $229.50 to be paid by COUNCIL, for mon hs September through May, the CITY hereby leases those portions o i s facility set forth on Exhibit A. The first payment to be made w n the program opens and subsequent payments to be made on the firs ay of each month through � May 1, 1990. The CITY will pay c sts of utilities, including but not limited to water, heat and elec r'city. COUNCIL shall make all pa e ts of Basic rent and Cost Reimbursement to CITY at the fo 1 ing address: Supervisor of Recreation, 300 C t Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th St. , St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. 5. Cost Reimbursement. T e OUNCIL shall reimburse CITY for all amounts, other than Basic Rent ro ided for in paragraph 4 above, which COUNCIL is or may become obliga ed to pay under this paragraph or other provisions of this Lease. Cost Re mbursement includes, but is not limited to, the following fees, co ts and expenses: (a) telephone, and (b) costs for the repairs, impr e ents or alterations required to be made by the COUNCIL in paragrap 1 of this Lease. 6. Personnel. COUNCIL sha 1 bear all costs and responsibility for operation of its programs an ersonnel administering its programs. The COUNCIL shall notify CITY in w iting of all personnel who;�will be stationed at the CENTER. ...��,�.„�,._ ;.,: _ . ....�.,,�,..,�..�..-.., . __,_,..r .._..._ ,. . . .. .. . �. . _. _ . .. ...._. _... _ _ . � il� / � � 7. The Advisorv Committe . An Advisory Committee of parents and professionals will be formed t m ke recommendations on program management. The role of the A i ory Committees will be spelled out in the Procedures Manual required in Paragraph 13. The CITY will appoint and the COUNCIL will confirm a o ing representative, to serve on the KidsPark Advisory Committee. 8. Manaqement and Technic 1 Assistance. At all times during the term of this lease, the CITY sh 1 have the right, by itself, its agents and employees to enter i t and upon the leased premises during reasonable business hours for t e purpose of examining and inspecting facility and program activities. During these visits, oral recommendations may be given to s aff in charge. These recommendations will be followed by a written r p rt, within 48 hours, to the Contract Administrator. 9. Indemnification. The I Y acknowledges that under this Agreement the COUNCIL will be p o iding services to the community which might otherwise be provided by h CITY. Accordingly, the CITY agrees to indemnify, defend and hold h less the COUNCIL, its directors, officers, agents and employees r any and all liabilities, claims actions and judgements arising u of or in connection with the COUNCIL'S use of the CENTER dur n the term of this Agreement„� including the child care activi i offered by the COUNCIL, and in connection with claims against h COUNCIL, its directors, officers, agents, and employees, relating t use of the CENTER by KidsPark. (District 14 or its members may no hire other counsel without permission of the CITY, which p rm'ssion will not be unreasonably withheld) . 4- . �o`b � ��1 � This indemnification shall not ap ly to any claims for taxes owing to the State or Federal Governmen . Indemnification will be provided by CITY at a level up to the stat o y limits of $200, 000 per individual claim and $600,000 in the aggre a e. In addition, cost of defense will be borne by the City. Any liab'1 ty over and above said limits will be assumed by COUNCIL. The COUNCI grees to give the CITY prompt notice of any claim and to cooperate w t the CITY in the investigation and defense of such claim. Nothing i this Agreement shall require the CITY to indemnify any person fo 's, her or its wilful misconduct, nor shall anything in this Agreemen quire the CITY to indemnify any person other than the COUNCIL, ts directors, officers, agents and employees. The obligations of he CITY under this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Ag eement, but only with respect to claims, liabilities, actions an j dgements relating to actions or omissions of the COUNCIL, its d're tors, officers, agents and employees during the term of this Agreeme . 10. Cancellation or Termin i n. This lease shall be subject to cancellation and termination by i her party at any time during the term hereof by giving the other a ty notice in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date w en such termination shall become effective. �, 11. Notice. All notices he e' provided to be given, or which may be given by either party to the t r, shall be deemed to have been fully given when served personal y n CITY or COUNCIL, or when made in writing and deposited in the Uni ed States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, and addressed to the CO NC L at the address stated on Page 1 and to the CITY, at the Division of Parks and Recreation, 300 City Hall Annex, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 2 . The address to which the notice shall be mailed may be changed b w itten notice given by either party � �a� , ���,[ � to the other. Nothing herei� ha 1 preclude the giving of such address change notice to personal serv'ce 12. Assignment and Sublet in . COUNCIL shall not assign or sublet CENTER. 13. Reports. COUNCIL will b expected to develop the Procedures Manual that is approved by CITY p ior to start-up of program. Procedures Manual will include u not be limited to the following: Emergency procedures, detailed r gram ingress and egress, release procedures, complete financial e ort of all income and e�enditures and report forms for agendas an inutes of advisory committee meetings. 14. Participant Aaivers. I will require COUNCIL to receive from each participant in their t ctured events a form signed by the participant's guardian that hol s armless the COUNCIL and the CITY from all claims resulting from c 'dents. See Exhibit B for Parks and Recreation form to be adapted b C UNCIL for KidsPark. 15. Publicity. COUNCIL wi 1 rovide to CITY copies of all flyers and programs sent to the commun ty at time of distribution. 16. Surrender of Premises. T e COUNCIL, at the expiration of said term, or any sooner termination of this lease, shall quit peacefully and surrender possession of sai p operty and its appurtenanc�s to CITY in as good order and condition s he property was delivered to the COUNCIL, normal wear and tear e pe ted. 17. Comtiliance with Laws. h property described herein may be used for only the purpose state h rein. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the COUNCIL i t e use of the property to comply with any and all laws, rules, regulat'o s, ordinances and obtaining of licenses imposed by any jurisdic i n affecting the use to which the property is proposed to be put. 6- � �j i' ��v� � All parties shall abide.- by a 1 such rules and regulations mutually agreed upon and established by i her party or by governmental regulations current and future o insure safe, sanitary, fire and health protection to all person . The COUNCIL shall, at its x ense, make any changes to the CENTER necessary to cause the CENTER t e in compliance with such laws, rules, regulations and ordinanc s with the exception of constructing a fire wall separation and making t e center handicapped accessible. 18. Maintenance. CITY sha 1 be responsible for routine repairs, maintenance and upkeep of cente nd emergency repairs to keep the CENTER safe and in good repair. ITY WILL be responsible for upkeep, mowing and clearing of snow in u side areas adjacent to the CENTER. COUNCIL shall be responsible, ts own cost and expense, for such repairs and maintenance if the a se of the damage or condition necessitating the repair or ma' t nance is due solely to the negligent failure of COUNCIL to supervis p rticipants in the COUNCIL-sponsored activities during such activit' s The aforementioned maintenance will be provided at the same level rovided at neighborhood centers with wear and tear e�cpected. COUNC hall be responsible for all housekeeping for the interior f he CENTER and exterior maintenance if they desire more frequent serv' e �, 19. Worker�s Com ensation. or all purposes of this Agreement the COUNCIL shall be deemed to be n ndependent contractor, and not an employee of the CITY. Any and al claims that may arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of M'nn sota shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility o t e CITY. -7- _ U . ,'� / �"` � 20. Contract Administrator . The Contract Administrator for the CITY is Vince Gillespie or such o her person designated in writing by the CITY. The Contract Adminis r tor for the COUNCIL is Kathie Tarnowski or such person d signated in writing by the COUNCIL. 21. Operations. The CITY i 1 provide COUNCIL with a copy of the Parks and Recreation Division A m' istrative Guide for operating recreation centers and explain n train employees of COUNCIL on use of forms and procedures to success ul y utilize CENTER, , including forms for attendance, accident, incid n , and vandalism. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par ie have set their hands the date first above written. AP O ED T O . T OF SAIN ` � L Assistan ity A to ey ayor DISTRICT 14 COMMUNITY COUNCIL Director, Department of Finance and anagement Services by . t , epartment f Community its Services by its Contract Administrator Contract Administrator 4 c:kidspark 8-