89-1304 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK � FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PA U L Council d CANARV - DEPARTMENT �+ PLUE -MAVOR {'lIe NO• � �ob Creation • • _ o� i Resolution ��� i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Paelof2 WHEREAS, Congress has recen ly passed a new employment program called Job Training Partnership Act Title I I, Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance (EDWAA) Act, and WHEREAS, the State of Minne ot has designated the City of Saint Paul grant recipient for EDWAA in the Sa' t Paul area, and WHEREAS, the EDWAA program i1 provide employment and training services to Saint Paul's dislocated worke s; ow, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon recomme at'on of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approv th City's participation in the EDWAA program for Saint Paul, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the p op r City of Saint Paul officials are hereby authorized and directed to execut a propriate contracts for delivery of employment related services; FINALLY RESOLVED, that the 1 88 Special Funds budget be amended as identified below: Activity 36553 - JTPA Title III E WA Fund 345 - Governmental Employmen a d Training program COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: n�mooa ;/. Planning & Economic Development �� _L- In Fav r cosw;tz Rettroan sc6e;be� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form A ro ed by City A rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY v gy, App o Mayor for Subm' ou�nZ'1 � Approved by Mavor: Date — � By BY � - �� . WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK = FINANCE G I TY SA I NT PA U L � Council , /�� CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � ��ob Creation Coun i Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date P ge 2 of 2 ur ent Increase Revised Financin� Plan ud et (Decrease) BudQet Economic Dislocation & Worker Adjustment Assistance Act 12 ,625 $111,320 $233,945 345-36553-3111 , Direct Grant State Administered-Federal 12 ,625 $111,320 $233,945 ur ent Increase Revised Spendin� Plan ud et (Decrease) Bud�et Subcontractor Payments 345-36553-0547 11 ,362 $105,320 $215,682 Operating Transfer Out 345-36553-0537 1 ,263 $ 6,000 $ 18,263 Net Change 12 ,625 $111,320 $233,945 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: � Direct r, Dep tment of Finance �; L Budget D ec or and Management ?� _�`j COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Planning & Economic Development �� [n F vor ..�"�' B -���. � � Rettman � Scheibel __ A ga i s t Y —�woen -�5lsew.. Adopted by Council: Date !a�i. 2 5 89 Form Ap o ed by City Attorne Certified Pa s d by Counci r ry BY By � A►ppr by lNavor: Dat _ �� App v Mayor for Sub n o ouncil B � P����� A U G - 5 98 � �'I /30 DEPARTMEP4TIOFFICE/OOUNqI + rDA IN D � PED/Job Creation & Training 6 29 89 GREEN SHEET NO. 3 5�2 3� CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �pTY WUNpI John Harvanko � �CITY ATTORNEV �CRY q.ERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� WO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.8ERVICE8 DIR. July 15, 1989 0�u►voa coR�sr W. Patton '' TOTAL#�OF 81QNATURE PAQES 1 (CLI AL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� �`��'�o- JUL 07 1989 Signature to attached Council Reso ut on ��',,��Y ������"���( AEOOMMENDI►7IONS:MP►�(N o►�l� COU L RCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMAMSSIOW _dVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� PHONE . _pB OOMMITTEE _ —�� — �°"""" 111989 —�����u� — M YOR'S OFFICE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR suPPO�s wHic►+oouNa�oe�ecnve� ���PARTMENT OF i�x�ru►nNa PHOe�M,issue,o�o�uNrrr�wno,wn.�,wn.�,wn.►.,why>: - AGEMENT SERVtCc� The State of Minnesota has recentl a located $111,320 in JTPA Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance A t sources. Signature to attached City Council Resolution will autharize acceptan e funds and operation of program. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: On—going dislocated worker employme t ervices will be provided to approximately 100 participants. DISADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: None REC�IVED JUL 1 1989 BUDGE"r QEFICE DISADVANTIK�ES IF NOT APPROVED: Loss of jobs and training opportunit ��� � �� CounciJ Research Center JUL 13 i989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 111 320 COST/pEVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �i��� State JTPA E WA ACTIVITY NUMBER ��S..S� FINANGAL INFORMATION:(DCPWN)