89-1300 WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council ��..y CANARV - DEPARTMENT (�JJ ,/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. / � ��" - Council esolution ; � � Presented �� 'v`�' 1 � ���� Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: The workload of the Alarm Per it rogram has warranted an additional position, and WHEREAS: The revenue generated by this ro ram is enough to provide for the addition of a Permit and License Aide, nd WHEREAS: The Mayor, pursuant to Sectio 10.07.1 of the City Charter, daes certify that there are available for appro ia ion, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget, and WHEREAS: The Mayor recommends the follo in changes to the 1989 budget: Current Amended Bud et Changes Bud et FINANCING PLAN 167 �icense and Permit Special Rev nu Fund -31355 Alarm License Activities an Penalties -2091 Police Alarm 0 $10,800 $10,800 All Other Financing $36,150 - 36,150 All Other Fund Financing 59,000 - 59,000 Total Fund Financing 95,150 10,800 105,950 SPENDING PLAN 167 License and Permit Special Rev nu Fund -31355 Alarm License Activities an Penalties -0111 Fulltime Certified $20,631 $ 4,600 $25,231 -0132 Not Certified/Tempor ry - 6,200 6,200 All Other Spending 15,519 - 15,519 All Other Fund Spending 59,000 - 59,000 Total Fund Spending $95,150 10,800 105,950 NET CHANGE +$10,800 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ci y Council approves these changes to the 1989 budget. APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: , B d et r tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Reque t by Department of: Yeas Dimond Na�� c-�/�-"�--�— � ' � �� V� �� � In'Favor ��� � C,� �«�,� B �he1�� _ Against Y �e�r Wilson Form A p oved by City torn Adopted by Council: Date Certified�'• sed by Council Sec�ary BY v��� By, ,� " .� • , < �nGQ A►p v d by �Navor. 2 Z Y�� App y Mayor Eor Subm IIIfL�i� pUgt� S E P : p 1989 • ' " • . � , r ' � ���`� � DEPARTMEI�T/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIAT Fi nance/�i cense 6-29- 9 GREEN SHEET wo. 4 64 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAU DATE I�IAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CRY CaINpL J. Carchedi/298-5056 ��F ciTr arroRN�r �CfTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROU7INO BUDOET DIRECTOR D Y �FlN.&MaT.BERVICE3 DIR. MAYOR(OR A8S18TA � TOTAL fi�OF SIt3NATURE PAGES One (CLIP ALL L A IONS FOR 81GNATUR� ACTION RECUESTED: Approval of Special Fund Budget Inc ea e to enable hiring a Permit & License Aide. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve IAI a►pelect(i� COUNCIL CO MI E/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL —PLANNINO COMMI8810N _GVIL SERVICE COMMI88bW ��Y� RE EI PHONE NO�E G E I U E C� _CIB COMMIT�EE _ _�� _ COMME�L 1 J U L 101989 _DISTRICT COURT — SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTNE4 MAYO S FFICE ��T� ��°��� '���_� INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Wh»: One person was unable to handle all h work involved in the Alarm License Activities and Penalties Special Fu tivity. A second person wi11 eliminate the need for excessive overtime, pr id necessary enfor�ement and keep the program up to date. This position h s een included in the 1990 Budge and ' 1 be funded by fees and penalties coll ct d by the Activity for Activity Y� . ` ADVMfTAOES IF APPROVE � � � ' � ���,S 1 . � DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: RECEIVEp `��� � 1989 BUDGET QFfICE DISADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPF�VED: 3�i��o.c3�ana Council e earch Center �86� � 7�� � L 21989 a3ni3�3a TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = lO�HOO T/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Pol i ce Al a rm Fees p IVITY NUMBER 31355 (Fund 167) FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� � _ , . .� ���/� .- � .>:. ���. � ',\„IER,��i ' GITY OF S INT PAUL �J ` OFFICE OF H C1TY COUNCIL Comm tt e Report � Finance Mana emen Personnel Committee Septem er 11, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of August 2 , 989, meeting. Approved 2a. Resolution 89-1427 - amending t e 1 89 budget and Approved adding $8,673 to the Financing nd pending Plans for G.O. Special Assessment, 19 7 d 1988 Bonds- arbitrage interest ear.nings. ( fe red from Council August 15) 2b. Resolution 89-1428 - amending th 1 89 budget and Approved adding $123,194 to the Financing an Spending Plans for General Debt Service Fund, 1 87 and 1988 Bonds- � arbitrage interest earnings. (R fe red from Council August 15) 2c. Resolution 89-1429 - amending th 1 89 budget and Approved� adding $118,850 to the Financing an Spending Plans for Sewer Service Bond Fund - ar it age interest earnings. (Referred from Counci A gust 15) 2d. Resolution 89-1430 - amending th 1 89 budget and Approved adding $12,000 to the Financing nd Spending Plans for powntown & 7th Place TIGO De t ervice - arbitrage interest earnings. (Referred fr m ouncil August 15) 2e. Resolution 89-1431 - amending th 1 9 budget and Approved adding $7,000 to the Financing a d ending Plans for Park Nursery Development TIG D t Service - arbitrage interest earnings. (R fe ed from Council August 15) 3. Resolution 89-1301 - amending the 19 9 budget by Approved adding $42,445 to the Financing a d pending Plans for the Rental Dwelling Registrat'on Program. (Referred from Council Jul - . Resolution 89-1300 - amending the 19 9 budget by Approved adding $10,800 to the Financing a d pending Plans for the Alarm Permit Program. (R fe red from Council July 25) CITY HALL SEVEN H F OOR SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s• . a Finance Committee Report September 11, 1989 5. Resolution 89-1325 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $30,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans in the Fire Department for new roof at Fire Station No. 10. (Referred from Council August 1) 6. Resolution 89-1423 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $11,706 to the Financing and Spending Plans of General Fund - Fire Department salaries - overtime. (Referred from Council August 15) 7. Resolution 89-1424 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $52,451.96 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Friends of the Library. (Referred from Council August 15) 8. Resolution 89-1425 - amending the 1989 budget and Approved adding $30,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Community Services Library materials. (Referred from Council August 15) 9. Resolution 89-1492 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $20,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for physical examinations for potential city employees. (Referred from Council August 22) 10. Resolution 89-1521 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $70,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for the Public Works Traffic, Signal , Lighting and Maintenance fund. (Referred from Council August 29) 11. Resolution 89-1540 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved Substitute adding $246,151 to the Financing and Spending Plans Resolution for CIS computer upgrading. (Referred from Council August 31) 12. Resolution 89-1243 - approving the appointment by Denied the Mayor of James C. Sargent to serve as a Commis- sioner of the Civil Service Commission. (Referred from Council July 13, laid over July 31) 13. Resolution 89-1469 - authorizing district councils to Denied use funds allocated for neighborhood cleanup projects in addition to the Neighborhood Cleanup Day; and that District 15 Community Council is authorized to utilize its neighborhood cleanup allocation for printing and distribution of solid waste reduction and recycling brochure. (Referred from Council August 17) 14. Ordinance 89-1266 - amending Chapter 370 of the Approved Legislative Code pertaining to appointment of members to the Board of Examiners for Certificate of Competency holders. (Referred from Council July 25, laid over August 21)