89-1296 wHITE - CiTr CLERK COUtIC1I ^/ / PINK - FINANCE G I TY SA I NT PA U L �( /w .CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �/„` �L BLUE - MAVOR • Cou c l solution ,-�--���.. �a � Presented By • `' Z/iv �.� Referred To Committee: Date �_ Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (I #5 507) for a General Repair Garage License by Peter F. Witt DB Ph len Park Auto at 1335 Prosperity, be and the same is hereby app ved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n av Goswitz R�ettman sche;n�l � Aga nst BY Sonnen ��ea ,1U� 2 p g Form Appr ved by City t rney Adopted hy Councii: Date - � � Certified Ya. d Counci cr ry By gl, Appr by Mavor: Date � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PllA�.lStfD J.J�L 2 9 1 89 . , � . �� f� 9� DEPARTMENTlOFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE IT1A D � Finance/�icense GREEN SHEET No. 58 CONTACT PERSON�PHONE INITIAU DATE �I�ALIDATE �DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 � CITy qTTpRNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� F�U O �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. 7-ZH-H9 �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn ��,W1W� TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP LL OCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a General Repair Ga ag License. Notification Date: 6-28-89 Hearing Date: 7-18-89 RECOIiAMENDATI0N3:Approve(IU a Rsjs�t(F� COUN L MMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVII SERVICE COMMIS810N ANALY PHONE NO. -GB OOMMITTEE _ -STAFF _ COMME 8: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE4 INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Wlw,What.When.Where.Why): Peter F. Witt DBA Phalen Park Au , equests Council approval of his application for a General Repair Garage License ,t 335 Prosperity. All fees and applications have been submitted. All required di is ons - License, Health, Fire and Zoning have given their approval . ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Cou�cy! Research Center JUL 10 i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDIN�3 SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER fINANGAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) . � � � r� �� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT AD IN TRATION llATE �' � `�� / `� 7 O / INT�,RDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW (:HECKLIS Appn Pro essed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �Q,�(' ,�' � W, � Home Address �3 i./G/ �rv���Qr,��j �— Rusiness 1�'ame �{1(, �Pr �i r� �� (� Home Phone Business Address ��j3'= ��v �, Type of License(s) ��e h e�li.( ��.,�a.,,- Business Phone � 1 - oJ �ltt ✓G �� � Public Hearing Date f] �g g License I.D. 41 j/� U� at 9:OQ a.m. in the Counci Ch be s, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. It �.J�A- llate Notice Sent; Dealer 41 ��� to Applicant �p—o�(�� Pederal I'irearms �� � �p Public He�.iring DATE II� PE 'TION REVtEW VERFIED CO UTER) CUMMENTS Approved No A roved � Bldg I & D � b �C— ��a$ � Health Divn. �� � A' ' � Fire Dept. � / l�l�I Q v i lQ /`� I ' 4 ,� �� � Police Dept. �(�Si� � a�c.� License Divn. � fo 2 �; 8 lC.._, City Attorney . � ' I��I�► � o� , Date Received: Site Plan � •'� �) n To Council P.esearch "/ �� � Lease or Letter �j ate from Landlord � � � � Department of Fin �ncef andtManagement Services � ' _� �' � Lic ns and Permit Division 203 City Halt St. P ul, innesota 55102• 298•5056 APPLI A ION FOR LICENSE Ca HEC CIASS N0. ew Re� Date �� ' , 19� � Code No. Title of License � "' J �� From � � 19��To °� � 19 � � � �' � ' �j r' � ,� ,�/_ , c� � j ��' � =1_.t� ,J i 00 �-h�f-- �; � ,�)j ApplftanUCompan Name 100 / � 1 / �'�• � r`•� �,.7`/, '�.,�r� //^`, 100 Busfness Name � �7��;_ ��'-�� / i 100 ��S (�1�,:�.'n"'�i�' � (�� ' /C.��'��: Business Address r � Phone No. 100 �S; ,�, ; 100 Mail Io Address Phone No. 1 100 �-� ,/� �;�--._ � r ManagerlOwn •Name Gfj '• 100 `, � � � i 'c/�� L. �;'���G��i��' 100 �tanager�Gwner-Ho ��ddress ! Phona No. 4098 Application Fee 2. 50 ReCeived the Sum of 100 ��! Manager/Owner•City,Slale 8 Zip Code 100 tal t00 n � � LiCense InSpeCtOr By: Signalure ol Applicant . ( \�, Bond: — Company Name Policy No. Expiratio�Date Insurance: Company Name � Policy No. Expiration Oate Minnesota State Identification No. ���� �/ � Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial Number Plate Number Other: THIS IS A RE EI T FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for li ens will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions ot the zo�ing ordinance and completion of the inspections by the Health, F r6, ning and/or License Inspectors. , $15.00 CHARGE FO A L RETURNED CHECKS `�t'� � ' ��, � � �� `-`�'�. � - , �'�� � �� � ��C-��" �J / j / � �.� � �y �A . .� i ._. R��/ � � � • � _ \" C 0 ST. PAUL DF�PARZ7�NT OF F AND MANAGB�T SffitVICES LICEl�SE PERMIT DIVISIOA . Zt�ese statement forma sre issued in d cste. Please answer all questions tully aad completely. This application ia thor checked. Any falaificaLion vill be cause for denial. � �s'— ��— �9 //,�% 1. Application for � � . -,� �c,� "r - • (Licease) (Permit) �� � � 2. Name of applicsnt L � � � ; � ��� � 3. IP applicant is/has been a mnrried fe le, list maidea name b. Date of birth ` _ /� - `� Ag place ot birth , /�s,��� ��j/. 5. Are you a citizen of the United St te ��-:! Native �Naturalized 7�.�.�� 6. Are you a registered voter �' Where 7. Home at)dresa `� �� r , ` i • Aome tel.ephone � ac�' . � M a. Preaent business addresa ,�; ,•T �i�si ��bp� 1, �J� 9. Including your present busineas/ 1 nt, whst bnsiness/eaq�loymeut ha�e you foZlo�red for the past five years. sines Fbiployment Address � � .� . � .� � �f��/ , , � � .. , � ,�.� % � 10. Married � If ana�+�er is ",vea", li t ame and address o! apouse 21. xtave yau ever been arrested for an ff nae� thst haa resnited in a co�tvictioal�� If answer is ",yes", list dates oP re s, rhere, charges, convictioas snd senteoees. Date of arrest 19 e CAAF.GE , CONVZCTION S�CE Date o:' arrest 19 er CF�ARGr CONVICTIOiJ 5��� , • � 9�/�9,� 12. List the names and addresses if ed, name of spouse also) of a11 persans, corporations, partnerships, a o ations or organizations Wtrich in any Way have: a. A mortgage interest in th l.i ensed premise, �'��, �^�� di%� � r �c� ��� s-v�T ' �.� b. A security intere�t in the li nsed premises, license, or fvrnishings of the licensed premis�, �'1'T.ai. �v�' � ���,�< �// c. A promissory note for fund 1 d for the operation of the licensed premise -� � _ J�� �99 j or the purchase of 'the li ns , -�� h'_rL/�;,� �r�?.'?'a:✓'� ��. d. Financially contributed to th purchase of the premise or the license it- self � � . ,�"1 e. Ar�y other interest either ir ct or indirect, either financial or otherwise � in the licensed premise or he license itself, .� Attach a copy hereto of any and all o nta referred to in this atfidavit. 1?. Give names and addresses of two pe sons, resideata of St. Paul, Minnesots, �vho can give intormation concerning yo . AAI� ADDRF�S � _ l�l r� .�����''�",� ��/'C'� �, ,� � - .� s� ,� � T/� 14. Addreas ot premisea for �rhSch L ce se or Permit is made � � ✓-•� �� Addreaa Zone clasaification 15. Between what croas streets � �Qi Which side of street l � 16. fta�ee under Which this business 1 be cenducted � (�� s ./.i,oi1„/ ,�/�,r�/ �'���r,� 17. Buainess telephone rnaaber � � lQ. Attach to this application, a d ai ed description of the design, location, and square footage of the premises b licensed i9. ?re premises now occupied at business ,lipf �fT% vr��� H�c� long �(���d! �C'� _� . . � - � �� i��� 20. List license which you current ld, or formerly held, or msy have an intere l I] �" ,�- ' �-�A ;.(� �I� � 21. Have a�► of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been sevoked. Yes No ���, If anarrer ia "yes", li t dstes and reaaons: ?_2. Do you have an interest of ar�r yp in atLy o�her busineaa or businesa premises. I° answer is "yes", list busine s, businese address and telephoae number. �C� . 23. If business is incorporated, gi e ate of incorporation f''r�� 19 and attach capy oP Articles of nc rporation and minutes of first meeting. 2�. List all officers of the corpor ti n giving their names, oPfice held, home address, and home and business 1 hone numbers: � _ , r � �� �� ` J � 25. If business is partnership, list pa ner(s) address and telephvne n�bers: �� ` dress T+e1.Ro. - __ 26. Is there aTMyone else who will ha e interest in this businesa or premises4 If answer is yes", give name, h addreas, telephone a�bers and in xhst manner is their intereat: • J 2T. Are you goinR to operate this bus ne s personal�}r � if not, Mho �rill operate it: R� Home address Te1.Ao.