89-1290 � 3� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. '�'IOC O : FINAL ORDER By _ : � �• "� '` t * ,- •,` � File No. s��� Voting In the Matter of si��xlt reconst t � on Eot� sides Desnoyer Avenge frcrs Ward B�stis Str�Et to Cazfev tr t. 4 �STI1lA?SD CdNSTRUCTION C08TS A D ATBS �ESIDS�ITIAL raEes (SIAGLS FAMI Y 0 ?fl�BE ZAdZLT) Por a 5—foot vide sidewalk: N p oastructioa (vhete no qalk existed) , a13.00 per fras� faac; seplaes e � of old sidewslk, $6.50 per front ft. Far a b—fe�o� wide sidsv 1 t ltev eoas�rnction, S1S. 60 per froat ft. ; reglacesent of old i valk. 57.80 per front ft. All corner resideatial proper is vill reetire a credit up �o �he ; first 150 feet of ner or rec as uc�ed sidewalk alang aa� abn�tiag �he "loag side" of the proper�y. CONMEYCIeL ra�es (s21 proper y ther �han residential) 140 0� actua2 cos� as�i�aEed t be sp�rozi�aa�ely $4.00 per sqaare ' foot of xait constrncted. /,� � under Preliminary Order ��/O approved � � The Council of the City of Saint Paul h s c ducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the ity harter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all pers s, bjections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, t ere re, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the Cit of aint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby dire ted and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the om letion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the s me o the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the CouncIl: Date 1111 � [1 '�Q� Yeas �,a Nays ��t# Certified P ssed by Council Secretary F LO:tg � ! �t�A In av r By Scbeibsl � • Sonaen A ins � Mayor ,AlL 211A89 PUBLISlED J U L 2 9 1989 . - ' _ . , � 6/ /8 �G �j�P� DEPAFlTMENT/OFFICEICOUN(�L DATE IN GREEN SHEET NO. � �+ � °P u b 1 i e Wo t'ks S 1 d ewa 1 k 5 1 � INITIAU DATE �Nmnwn� CONTACT PERSON 8 PIiONE • pEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNqI Thomas P� Keefe - 292-628 � CITYAITORNEY �(�TYCLERK MUST BE N COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE� 6 g g9 ROUTINQ BUOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. Must �ie in City Clerk s 6f�ice no MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) OCounci 1 Res�arch TOTAL#�OF 81QNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP AL L ATIONS FOR 81ONATUR� ACf10N REWE3TED: Reconstruct Old Defective and Unsafe Sid walk in Ward 4 (See attached list) File No. S8964 RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(N a ReJect(I� COUN ITTEE/REBEAHGI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �Y� PHONE NO. _q8 OOMMITTEE _ A STAFF _ COMME _DISTRICT COURT — 8UPPORTS WHICH(�UNpL OBJECTIVE9 � INITIATINO PFiOBLEM.188UE,OPPORTUNITY(INho.Whet,Whsn,Whsre,Wh�: The problem "defecfiive sidewalk'' was cre te because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade material , aiternating freezefthaw cycles s rvice life limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature varlations� etc. These prob) s occur on a cltywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an annuTbasis� Left u co rected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusa le and subJect to Pncreased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible litigations� ADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: The community will benefit from this pr ec because it will provide safe defect free side- walks for its many citizens. The sidewal c ntracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector Jobs are r ted as a result of thls acttvity, DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk reconstructi ns have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment, im ly stated� property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the as essment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial . DISADVANTM3ES IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastruct re of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal inJury suit , ltimately resulting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs and/ r eplacement� as well as claim payouts� Co?���c,� �ecearch Center J UeJ 0 2 i°89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTiON a ���335•OO CpgT EVENUE BUDQETE�CI�E ONE) YE8 NO FUNDING SOURCE $9-M-0658 /�. P tA 89 = 3$ y� ACTMTY NUMBER A22�� � Q2�5� FlNANCIAL INFORMA710N:(EXPLAIN) C± C f S 89 = 35� �O � � �1 ��6 . , � � .� _ � b S-8963: COMMITTEE RECOMMEND D WO WEEK LAYOVER S8964 - Both sides DESNOYER VE UE from Eustis Street to Curfew Street. (Laid over in Committee 7/5/ 9) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO L 6. Ratification of Award of Da ag : Taking temporary easement under and across the west 20 feet of ot 10 thru 20, Block 8, Merrill 's Division of Rice Street Villas. Par o the the ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA AREA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL 7. Final Order: Acquire certa n ands for the BIRMINGHAM/MINNEHAHA PONDING PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL (landscaping and design rec mm ndations to be completed within 2 months; go out to District Councils fo approval ; final recommendations back to council within 4 months) 8. Final Order: Acquire certai p operty for the BIRMINGHAM/YORK PONDING PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR A (landscaping and design re om endations to be completed within 2 months; go out to District Council f r approval ; final recommendations back to council within 4 months) 9. Ratification of Award of D ma es: Taking a permanent utility easement for the JACKSON/MAGNOLIA S WE PROJECT. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA 10. Ratification of Award of D ma es: Condemning and taking permanent utility easements for the RO T BROOK OUTLET-PHASE A STORM SEWER SYSTEM. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA 11. Approval of the WARNER RO r'ght-of-way purchase. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APP V 12. Final Order: Grading and avi g the East-West alley in Campbell 's Re- Arrangement and Block 3, um it Avenue Addition from Saratoga Street to the North-South alley. A so construct a sewer in the alley for storm water purposes. Also, slo es for the grading and paving of the alley. (bounded by Saratoga, Ash an , Pascal and Portland) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APP OV L OF THE ALTERNATIVE PLAN (an amended Final Order w 11 be prepared by City Attorney, John McCormick) - 3 - 13. Final Order: Improving BIRMI GH M STREET from Case Avenue to York Avenue by grading and paving, const uc ing concrete curb and gutter, constructing a sanitary sewe s stem with service connections and constructing a street lighti g ystem. Also constructing a water main and water service connection i Birmingham Street from Case to York. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L 14. Final Order: Improving MARKE S REET from Fifth Street to Sixth Street by removing the existing pav me t and constructing a brick surface on a new bituminous or concrete se constructing tree planters and planting trees, constructing a decor iv globe type lighting system and doing all other work necessary a i cidentai to said improvement. (Laid over in Committee 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED WITHD W L OF THIS FINAL ORDER 15. Resolution 89-978: Approvi g mendments to the CABLE ACCESS ST. PAUL INC. By-Laws as proposed by th CASP Board of Directors on May 29, 1986. (Laid over in Committee 6/1 /8 ) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED INDEF NI E LAYOVER (for consideration in the f tu e) 16. Resolution 89-979: Approvi g mendments to the CABLE ACCESS ST. PAUL INC. By-Laws as proposed by th CASP Board of Directors on May 9, 1989. (Laid over in Committee 6/1 /8 ) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL 17. ORDINANCE 89-1152: An Ordin nc amending the St. Paul Legislative Code by adding a new chapter per ai ing to the franchising of communications systems. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE N LAYOVER (to be first item on Commi e agenda at that time) 18. Resolution 89-770: Reques in the Mayor to direct the Department of Finance and Management to ed ce by $28,000 the 1989 assessment against properties which did not r ce've promised street cleaning services in the Fall of 1988. (Laid o er in Committee 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYO ER TO FIRST COMMITTEE MEETING IN AUGUST 19. Resolution 89-323: Plan t p ase out certain water systems. (Laid over in Committee 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA OF SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION 20. Resolution 89-1191: Recom en ing that alternatives to helium filled balloons be found and that pr cautions be taken to ensure they are disposed of properly and n t eleased. (Referred to Committee 7/6/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENOED ONE ON H LAYOVER - 4 - 21. Appeal of Ms. Jennie Charles to a Summary Abatement Order for property located at 2173 NORTONIA AVE UE (Referred to Committee 7/11/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A TWO EE LAYOVER (to be first item on Committ e genda at that time) 22. Other Business. NO OTHER BUSINESS DISCUSSED - S - . � Members: � CITY F SAINT PAiTL Roger J. Goswitz, chair _ „�._, � Janice Rettman �������s��� OF'FICE F EII� CITY COUNCIL Tom Dimond ����1�»�u '��" Date: July 19, 98 Co ittee Report To: Saint Paul City Cou ci From :Public Works, Util ti s, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz air 1. Approval of minutes of July 5, 1989. MINUTES of the JULY 5, 1989, c mmittee meeting were APPROVED. 2. Vacation: Petition of M.S. . I c. , for the vacation of a one-foot strip of the alley along Lots 24, 2 , and 26, Block 4, Denslow's Addition, bounded by Stinson, Burges ' a Mackubin. Purpose is to cure a building encroachment. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA 3. Vacation: Petition of the it of Saint Paul for the vacation of part of Lot 1 , Block 2, Auditor's ub ivision No. 75 and part of Lot 8, Summit Cresent which is bounded b J hn Ireland Boulevard, Summit Avenue and Rice Street. Vacated land wi 1 be conveyed to the State of Minnesota for the new History Center COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA 4. Vacation: Petition of the Ci y of St. Paul to vacate part of Blocks 46 and 47, St. Anthony Park a d lso parts of Kendricks Street and Kendricks Square located b tw en Raymond Avenue and vacated Bayless. Purpose is to develop a c ve ience store. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APP V 5. Final Order: Sidewalk con tr ction and/or reconstruction at the following locations: S-8931 - Both sides ALAME A TREET from W. Arlington to W. Nebraska Avenue, S-8932 - Both sides N. AV N TREET from W. Wheelock Parkway to W. Orange Avenue, S-8933 - South side BRAIN RD AVENUE from Clark Street to DeSoto Street and West side DE S TO STREET from E. Maryland Avenue to Brainerd Avenue, S-8934 - East side DANFOR H TREET from W. Wheelock Parkway to W. CITY HALL SEVEN OUR SA[NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 a�.�e 1 -� Cottage Avenue, S-8935 - Both sides W. IDAHO AV NUE from N. Dunlap to Fernwood Street, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L N ALL OF THE ABOVE S-8936 - North side W. IDAH AV NUE from N. Victoria Street to N. Milton Street, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO L, AS AMENDED (only 2 sidewalk panels to fected - 939 West Idaho) S-8937 - Both sides W. ROSE V UE from Marion Street to Galtier Street. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO L S-8955 - Both sides BORDNER PL CE from S. Cleveland to Return Court, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL, WITH ADJUSTMENTS, IF NECESSARY (owner at 2044 Bordner Plac t be contacted before July 20, 1989, to clarify that correct panels ar being done) S-8956 - Both sides S. FINN ST EET from Hampshire Avenue to Magoffin Avenue, S-8957 - North side LINCOLN AV NUE from S. Fairview Avenue to S. Wheeler Street, S-8958 - South side MONTREA A ENUE from Davern Street to S. Fairview Avenue, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL ON PREVIOUS THREE ITEMS S-8959 - Both sides PALACE VE UE from S. Fairview Avenue to S. Wheeler Street, (Laid over in Commi te 7/5/89) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TWO W EK LAYOVER S-8960 - Both sides ROME AV NU from S. Fairview Avenue to S. Howell Street, COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL S-8961 - Both sides ST. PAU A ENUE from Montreal Avenue to Edgcumbe Road, - COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TWO W EK LAYOVER S-8962 - Both sides SARGENT AV NUE from S. Snelling Avenue to S. Saratoga St., COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL S-8963 - Both sides STANFOR A ENUE from S. Fairview to S. Wheeler _ Street, (Laid over in Commi te 7/5/89) . - 2 - . � . - � � 9�� �b . , , . , . . . 5���' � PR T• R N TR T ID W B.S. DESNOYER AVE. from Eustis St. to Curfew St. INITIATING ACTION: This order as nitiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of fou (4 complaints and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This w k i poured concrete with tree heaves, water pockets, asphalt patches, unevene s, ettled and cracked panels. ................................... ..... .................................................... � 1 � . . - � I � �_ j��lJ _. ._ . _ ,_ _ _ _ ' . _ `� ��� . ' ��cfl�File IaTo..89-i'0.52�—�7►� � �:: .`_ � � <. ' , In'tt�'�►tfer of Bidew$lk. . , , . ton an both.�ides'�esnoqer ASre:irozn Eust' St.,fio Curfe�r St.�n Vai` ` 4,` : '�„ -. . . ��cor�#rvc� arrn a.a� � `��SI�ENTIAL rat�t ly to 3 family) - �For a'Q�foot wide side�vaik: nstnictibn(wherr�,na�aik`esisted��k,�90,` : per fr�pnt foot;Re�leoe�r► a�. sitlewalk i8.5�1�ftaat ta�it. � For a 6-foot rvlde ;sidew e�► �St�uct�, �18�$li l�:;front i+�tc - Re�i�:af�aid' � . _ . -#saAt foot.: , A11��t�aL ��ve s cr�it.up�o}l��it 154.�,of�' aew�.���seconsiru�ted ��n8 amd�ab�,t�e_•�l�,�ld�••of the, ��3� I�L�lt�etst�l p► t±�Rr?':thaa� . ia�aet�al+�o�s#�A�# be#�SS'oz#a�Lel�,pe:;�are�tocrt.ot ' "rn�►ali�'!ewssttveted.� °::- : ;; � , . . . _ `The G�i�•tl�e�Git�!�� . !izavinj ne�iv�sd,.�t+�pecct�'qr�'3h�Dtotyor ` .. . ` upoin�th�'above .inopr , �hsi�"'cx�asi��'�d`,•s+epC�'!..'�ireby`- �IND1V�8 .�,- . . .,; .< � . � , ., .:, ..., . � ''�St �t,}f�'�1� i'E�fO� �`�E'� �i -�!!1�•-1�V�`�`�i �ttel'I1SttVaS,'a� '�sf;•t�`y�f� �BiE�.a1��•t0! ci�rnc`�`�fs�tut` ;1�C vp!essa�is• � �..&��a��9Yc��► , F �'� � __ .,;+(�ottrt�I6�,�re Hui�dih�� 'o��a3ti�Pasi1:` _ & �'4at neitice of� i�.,¢�po�#4�e:��fil�the ; °,���dg�d;. ` :ats�i�'�,t�e and P� ���. ; � ° t�e�t#�e of Lhe i�p !aad the totol ce�at Eh�reo�sis�e�• ��!�±R:t�> ,� �. � - �l1'1�d 1�►�tt�d•Gour►aii�T ,�►989� . . ,�- .,� � A,�leosrecl dwwtsee i4; 1�88. . - ,. + ( 1. � ��'�� : : �� � s i�� � ST. PAUL ITY COUNCIL /�-•-�- - � � PUBLIC H RING NOTICE SIDEWALk� STRUCTION a�U 3 �989 File No. S-89-64 Dear Property Owner: City Council District 4�4 CI Y LERK Plannin District Council #13 PURPOSE To consider the c st uctian (new) and/or reconstruction of all or part of the publi si ewalk in front of your property. The limits A N D °f this project a e: Reconstruction f idewalk on both sides DESNOYER AVENUE from LOCATION Eustis Street t C rfew Street NOTE: Sidewalk r co struction may consist of replacing from one panel to all of he panels in front of your property. You may call the phone um ers listed below to find out how many panels are to be repl ce . Thursday, July 20 1 9, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RING City Council Cha_ er , Third Floor City Hall - Court House ------------- ------------------------------------------------- Please note that th Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this ite a develop a recommendation to the fu11 City Council. Please r g any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting ednesday, July 5, 1989 in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at 9 00 A.M. IN FO R M ATIO N If the Council a pr ves the orders (or any part thereof, a portion o the costs will b a sessed (after construction) against benefited properties. You wi 1 only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts your property. he estimated assessments for this project are as follows: RESIDENTIAL rate ( INGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) : 5-foot si e lk New o truction (wh re o walk existed) $13.00/front foot Rep ac ment of old sidewalk $6.50/front foot PLEASE NOTE: � Reconstruction il be at the existing width. Public Works will reconstruct som e isting sidewalk that is 6-feet wide down to 5 feet in all c se where this width is practical. This smaller width is to kee t e assessment at the lowest rate possible. In the event you a d our neighbors prefer the existing width and are willing to acce t he higher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Divisi n t 298-4255 to request your preference. All new sidewalks 11 be constructed 5-feet wide. Rates for recc� st ction of sidewalks wider tha� 5 feet are prorated. For example: -f t wide sidewalk -- $7.80/front foot; 10-foot wide sidewalk -- S1 .0 /front foot. All corner res de tial properties will receive a credit up to the • first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side' o the property. COMMERCIAL rat s all property other than residential) : 100 perce t f actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per squar f ot of walk constructed. If the property has area- ways unde t e sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that cost will be a se sed in addition to the sidewalk assessments. Please call 2 -4 55 for construction Ruestions or 298-4513 (Voice or QU ESTIO N S TDD) for asse e t questions. Also, City staff will be available to answer any la t minute questions on tfie pro�ect in Room 218 City Hall from 8:3 - 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent June 30, 1989, by t e eal Estate Division Depa tm nt of Finance & Management Services Room 21 Citv Ha 55102 ourt House Sai t ul, MN