89-1289 �5 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUN FILE N _ q FINAL ORDER ��� `'r�''*` - By � 88l65 File No. Voting In the Ma er �� sidavalt eon t ctian an the Aorth sid�e Esst Lllogg Ward ��rd fso� Eroadray et Co apprvzf�atslp 233 f�et Sast of Broaefiray Strset. 2 *t�0l�CL1L B�?ES: (/111 propert� ot�er t r�si�ential) 100Z of actwl eost estisatsd to be app te2y =4.00 p�r sqaaira foot of �ralk constrncted. under Preliminary Order ��� I approved ��� ` / The Council of the City of Saint Paul ha co ucted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the C ty arter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard ali perso s, o jections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, th ref re, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City f int Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby irec ed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the c mpl tion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the sa e t the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COi��RSON Adopted by the Council: Date J�L 2 � � Yeas��t� Nays � Certified ssed by Council Secretar ltettaan � E�heibal In vor ��n � Aga st � Mayor JUL 2 i 1989 PUBtlS�Efl J U L 2 91989 . - ,� - ° � RE 6/1,489 �� l°�l�� D PdATirIECfTlOFPICE/bOUNGL ^ DATE INITIATED � ��� Pub 1 i c workS S i dewa 1 ks 5/25/8 GREEN SHEET No. CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE � EPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Thomas P� Keef e - 292-6283 N�� p m�TroRNev g GTY CLERK MUBT BE ON O�UNqL A(iENDA BY(DATE) (/$�89 ROUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.BERVICES DIR. ust be in City Clerlc's bf ice no �roR�oRnssisTnrm O�u�L Re TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PA�iE8 (CLIP ALL CA IONS FOR 81QiNATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: Construct Sidewalk With Integral Curb in W rd 2 (See attached list) F�c.E �vo. S d46S RECOMMENDAT10N3:Approve(A)a Ryect(R) COUNdI MM E/RESEARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNIN(�COMMIS310N _CML BERNICE COMMISSION GB COMMITTEE �8TAFF _ COMMENTB: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WFIICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATINa PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): The problem ''defective sidewalk"' was crea ed because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade material , alternating freeze/thaw cycles, se vlce life limits , chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc, These probl s ccur on a citywide leve) and must be addressed and corrected on an annuTl�asis. Left un or ected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unusa le nd subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible liti�ations' ADVANTAf3E3 IF APPROVED: The community will benefit from this pro ec because it will provide safe defect free side- walks for its many citizens. The sidewal c ntracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that prlvate sector jobs are re ted as a result of this activity. DI8ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Historically� the sidewalk reconstructi ns have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment, DISADVANTACiE3 IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastruc ur of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury sui s, uitimately resulting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs and or replacement, as well as claim payouts. �ot�ncil (�esearch Center J�JPJ 0 2 i�$9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION �3►980�OO �gT BUDOETE (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURC.E $9'M-OE��H A. P I A 89 = 3 �� �� ACTIVITY NUMBER AllO� � OZ�SO RNANqAL INFORMATION:(IXPWI� B• AST S 3 � � OQ C, CIB 89 = o, 00 . ,. . . � . � 9��a � g . - _ - . � N.S. E. KELLOGG BLVD. from Broadway St to pproximately E. 233'. � INITIATING ACTION: This or�der w i tiated by the Director of Public Works as pubiic necessity on the basis of an in p ion of the wa�k. EXISTING CONDITIONS: First time co struction - no anticipated grade problems - commercial property. ..................................... ..... ................................................. ; i ► 1 , , . . �p- /��� ,� . 7/20/89 S-8955 - Both si es BORDNER PLACE from S. Laid over Cleveland to Ret rn Court, until next S-8956 - Both si es S. FINN STREET from available Hampshire Avenue to Magoffin Avenue, committee S-8957 - North s de LINCOLN AVENUE from S. meeting. Fairview Avenue o . Wheeler Street, S-8958 - South s de MONTREAL AVENUE from Davern Street to S. Fairview Avenue, S-8959 - Both si es PALACE AVENUE from S. Fairview Avenue o . Wheeler Street, 7/20/89 S-8960 - Both si es ROME AVENUE from S. Laid over Fairview Avenue o . Howell Street, until next S-8961 - Both si es ST. PAUL AVENUE from available Montreal Avenue o dgcumbe Road, committee S-8962 - Both si es SARGENT AVENUE from S. meeting. Snelling Avenue o . Saratoga Street, S-8963 - Both si es STANFORD AVENUE from S. Fairview to S W eeler Street. 7/20/89 S-8964 - Both si es DESNOYER AVENUE from Laid over Eustis Street to Cu few Street, until next available cortnni ttee meeting. 7/20/89 S-8965 - New sid wa k construction on the Approved North side EAST EL OGG BLVD. from Broadway Street o pproximately 233 feet east of Broadway St eet. S-8928 - North s de OTIS AVENUE from Laid over Pelham Blvd. to us is; (480 & 486 Otis until next laid over in Com it ee 6/21/89) . available committee meeting. 6. 7/13/89 Ratification�of ss ssments: Improving Approved COTTAGE AVENUE f om Galtier Street to Rice Street (to be kn wn as the COTTAGE/GALTIER PAVING AND LIGHT NG PROJECT) . Work completed summer of 1988. 7. 7/13/89 Ratification of ss ssments: Construction Approved of the skyway br dg crossing over FOURTH STREET between S bl y and Jackson Streets. To be completed y all of 1989. 8. 7/13/89 Ratification of ss ssments: For the Approved construction of s nitary sewer and service connecti ns in BREEN STREET from Hyacinth Avenue o awthorne Avenue. Work completed in 198 . i ' 9. RESOLUTION 89-10 6: Directing the Public Approved, Works Director t n gotiate with all 3-1 parties stated t t e 1987 discharge incidents to ful y ecover appropriate shares of fines ev ed on the City by State or Federal 're ulatory agencies and that all monies ec vered for the 1987 discharge incide ts be deposited in the Sewer Service Fu d ith appropriate budget amendments to be ma e in 1989 to recover revenue to pay f r ines levied against the City. (Refe re to Committee 6/15/89) . 10. Ordinance 89-100 : An ordinance granting Approved permission to Bu li gton Northern Railroad Company to const uc , operate and maintain an OPTICAL FIBER CO MUNICATIONS CABLE in the public right of way from the Burlington North rn tracks south of I-94's Sixth Street Ram t the Burlington , Northern offices on Fifth Street between Sibley and Jacks n. (Referred to Committee 6/6/89) . 11. Resolution �89-10 9: Amending the 1986 CIB Approved budget by adding $2 2,000 for SHEPARD ROAD consulting desig f es. (Referred to Committee 6/6/89 . 12. Resolution 89-77 : Requesting the Mayor Laid over to direct the De ar ment of Finance and until first Management to re uc by $28,000 the 1989 cor�nittee assessment again t roperties which did meeting in not receive prom se street cleaning August services in the al of 1988. (Referred back to Comm�tte 6 8/89) . 13. Street and Alley As essment Notices. (Laid Laid over over in Committe 6 21/89) . 14. Resolution 89-32 : Plan to phase out Laid over certain water sy te s. (Laid over in Committee 6/21/8 ) . 15. Ratification of ss ssment for Summary Delete the Abatement for pr pe ty at 2279 Summit Assessment Avenue (PIN 05-2 -2 -13-0067) . Referred (not to Committee 6/1 /8 ) . Approved) . , . • r ` 16. Ordinance 89-113 : n ordinance amending Approved Ord. No. 17443 a op ed March 17, 1987 by adding parking m te zones on SIXTH STREET on the south sid f om Robert to Jackson Streets. (Referr d o Committee 6/22/89) . 17. Resolution 89-11 7: Authorizing the Approved Director of Publ c orks to issue to Macalester Colle e r to a licensed and bonded contracto a permit to reconstruct sidewalk adjacen t the College, subject to terms and con itions. (Referred to Committee 6/22/8 ) . 18. Final Order: Con tr ting a water main in Approved WHEELOCK PARKWAY fr Edgemont Street to 170 feet east of Ed mont Street. Also construct water er ice connections. Constructing a s ni ry sewer in WHEELOCK PARKWAY from Edg on Street to 170 feet east of Edgemont t et. Also, construct sanitary sewer s vi e connections. (Laid over indefinitel in Committee) . 19. Resolution 89-235: uthorizing approval Approved of Ramsey County la s to construct LARPENTEUR betwee 3 -E and Edgerton, bridge constructi n ver Soo Line RR and right-of-way acqu'si ion. (Laid over indefinitely in C mm ttee) . 20. RESOLUTION: Lot s li in conjunction with Approved the above 2 items' 21. Other Business. None ` Members: CITY O AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair � �� Janice Rettman �jji11°01 OFFICE O FIP� CITY COUN�3IL e�������!� Tom Dimond - ��"' Date: July S, 19 I 9 Co I m ttee Report To: Saint Paul City Coun il From :Public Works, Utili ie , and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, air ,1. Approval of minut s f June 21, 1989. Approved 3-0 Hearinq Date 2. 7/18/89 Ratification of A ar of Damages: Taking Approved a permanent easem nt n land described as part Southeasterl o SEVENTH STREET of Lot 1 , Block 12, ru on's Addition for _ the purpose of im ro ing and maintaining the SEV€NTH STREE B IDGE between Mounds Blvd. and Payne A en . 3. 7/18/89 Final Order: Acq iri g permanent easement Approved to construct, ope at and maintain street lighting on the N rt side of KELLOGG BLVD. , to be inst 'l1 in conjunction with the EAST KELLOGG T AY NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP PROG OJECT. . 4. 7/11/89 Final Order: Imp vi g MARKET STREET from Laid over in Fifth Street to Si th Street by removing committee 2 the existing pave nt and constructing a weeks. brick surface on ne bituminous or concrete base, co st cting tree planters and planting trees, c nstructing a decorative globe pe lighting system and doing all other w k ecessary and incidental to said i rovement. C1TY HALL SEVENTH F OU SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �e • � a . c 5. Final Orders: Sidewalk const uc ion and/or reconstruction at the follow ng locations: 7/11/89 S-8938 - Both si es E. ARLINGTON AVENUE Approved from Hazelwood S re t to Germain St. , S-8939 - Both si es BARCLAY STREET from E. Ivy Avenue to E. Arlington Avenue, S-8940 - Both si es E. COTTAGE AVENUE from N. White Bear Av nu to Flandrau Street, S-8941 - Both si es E. HAWTHORNE AVENUE from Edgerton St t Payne Avenue, S-8942 - Both si es E. HAWTHORNE AVENUE from N. White Be r venue to Van .Dyke Street, 7/11/89 S-8943 - Both si es E. IDAHO AVENUE from Approved East Shore Orive to Duluth Street, S-8944 - Both si es NEBRASKA AVENUE from Hazelwood Street to Germain Street, S-8945 - South s de E. ORANGE from Forest Street to Cypres S reet, S-8946 - Both si es REANEY AVENUE from N. White Bear Avenu t Van Dyke Street, S-8947 - Both si es LA CROSSE AVENUE from N. Ruth Street t N komis Avenue, 7/11/89 S-8948 - West si e OKOMIS AVENUE from E. Approved Magnolia Avenue o . Geranium Avenue, with Amendment S-8949 - East si e RCLAY STREET from Approved Conway to E. Thi d treet, with stipulation . S-8950 - Both si es N. HOWARD STREET from Approved E. Seventh Stree t Stillwater Avenue, 7/11/89 S-8951 - Both si es LAKE STREET from Bush Approved Avenue to E. Sev nt Street, S-8952 - North s de ANITOU AVENUE from Iroquois Avenue o uth Street, and West side N. RUTH STR ET from Manitou Avenue to Stillwater Avenu , S-8953 - North s de E. SEVENTH STREET from Railroad Bridge o orth Street S-8954 - South si�de E. THIRD STREET from Kennard Street t Flandrau Street. ' � ST'. PAUL ITY CC�UNCIL � � '� � �C, PUBLIC H RIN N T � �g- ��� G O IC E �' � SIDEWAL� �pNSTRUCTION File No. S-89-65 Dear Property Owner:� �u 3 01989 City Council District ��2 Plannin District Council �E17 PURPOSE To consider the co st uction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or part of the public si ewalk in front of your property. The limits AND of this project ar : Sidewalk constru t (new) on the North Side EAST KELLOGG BLVD. LOCATIO N from Broadway St ee to approximately 233 feet east of Broadway Street NOTG: Sidewalk re on truction may consist of replacing from one panel to all of t �e anels in front of your property. You may call the phone n mb rs listed below to find out how many panels are to be repla ed Thursday, July 20, 19 9, at 9: A.M. ' H EA R�N G City Council Chamb rs Third Floor City Hall - Court House ------------------ -- ------------------------------------------------ Please note that t e ublic Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item nd develop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please b in any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on We nesday, July 5, 1989, in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at 9:0 A M. If the Council app ov s the orders (or any part thereof, a portion o INFO R M ATIO N the costs will be ss ssed (after construction) against benefited properties. Y011 W 11 OiIIV hP_ AACPecP[� fnr ci`icm�1L ._...+-L �1...� ..t._�._ . � �� . . � y�-� r � �� -- - ---- _.. .., . .. �.:.a �.�.c.-� �d��... ,irL-: � .� . .. . . . _ . , �r..,:. -,� :..r; • a��r�r;�{t s, :.�'r:.-, . . �..� .'.� - 't'. ..�� <.I . � . . . T^{ . -. � � �.. . ��`�A�1�E.�O �-� ,Y • , .#,� - } "�t'tt�t�'1��'�` "` +vnt�iel�i'�atwte��'� '..`�31vd. v °�ar'd�2:����� � � � ��t�o��l�kioai�iq�+.�. it�Yotis� I ��R�Cli43..RA'L'E�:(�411 rks ot�er tha�t��+esid�e�i�t1}Yt�1'!6 o��¢tr�tx�t�' esfimAted to be apgm�im�at+el ;4� �er iw�are:foe�t ot sv�ca�tm�ed: = The Councii of khe ClLq of ' Pattl iiavi�g rexived��e 1^�p�ott�l�te Di4yror uQcm thie above ,isnprov b� �-hay�rlag.,s�sidered sai� r�porl. ber�bY. re�olves: . _ 1: �►hat the said the sarxie ia herebp apprAVed �th no siternatives� and ��e+��ed cest:thereoi is '►Siee �-for , commercial rates f' y:ass�cm�ta. , " 2. That a pnblic�earis:� ' �a se�tii�ritgaROVes�u�t-a�#��1ukF:!�� � -1#BS;,a�P:�fO o'clock�• r t�a�ot�l: a��#�' , _L'ourt I3o�@��u�il�i,t►g . .�ty 4t,�n#���. 3. �at uotice=of said p 1�C :l�e3Sf�►an.�s����3�► �; ' �p�vvfdee��xy ; _ .sttt�tbe�aaAos��1�e�It��ailt'�q*, t�tp aature of_the' �t�re t�i���l��; `. ' Fiie 1�Io;'.�5- � ., � p �.�t � �.� , � � � , �o�fited by.the° ..��- ' ,, � ApAmved dune i4, 1S)89. � . .:a� : ta �, �sea�