89-1281 �WMITE -- CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF A I NT PAU L / CANARV - DEOARTMENT File NO. ���� �/ BLUE - MAVOR C unci esolution ; ����� ��� �� �' Presented By -'' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERAS, Chapter 162.05 of the Legislative o authorizes the Council by Resolution, towing and storage ch g for vehicles impounded by the City; and WHERAS, The Department of Police has reco e ded dropping the first day's $8.00 storage fee and incre si g the Administrative Fee from $8.00 to $20.00 per vehicle to ed; and WHERAS, There has existed from January 17 1 85, until now an $8.00 dailp storage fee and a $8.00 Adm ni trative fee; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that effec iv upon publication, the proper citp oficials may charge s or ge at the rate of $8.00 per day, starting the second day a ve ic e is impounded and charge $20.00 per vehicle Administrativ f . � : COUNCIL MEMBERS Requ sted by Department of: Yeas Nays n;�o�a / o1r��� Long In F vor Goswitz M� , , ^ Rettman � A ai s t By +�✓/ �'�^-t�yL��+'�1.`� Scheibel g r-6eenea —i�5�sen Adopted by Council: Date JUL ? 0198 Form by City A orn �c Certified Pa:- d y Counc.il re B Bl, � Approv 1�lavor: Date _ � Appro d y Mayor for Sub 'ss' n to C�uncil B — BY co626s9a PU8l1� J U L 2 9 �19 . ' c',�- S'9� 1 �i �l DEPpRTMENTIOFFICEfCOUNqI DATE INITIATED noi�� GREEN SHEET No. 4�N�5 4 CONTACT PER80N Q PHONE ARTMENT DIRECiOR CfTY COUNqI LL1Cl M1tCh2�.1 292-3584 �� AITORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON CW1NqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTNrG Df3ET DIRECTOR L �FIN.&MOT.BERVICE3 DIR. AYOR(OR ASSISTAN �� TOTAL�Y OF SIGNATURE PAGES ! (CUP AlL L A NS FOR SIQNATURE� ncnoN Reoues�a Process attach+ed Council Resolution to rai s at the St. Paul Folice Impound Lot � RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw(IU a Re�sct(F� COUNqL ESEARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� PHONE NO.J/�� � v _CIB COMMITTEE _ � _STAFF _ COMMENT3: � . y _DISTRICT OOURT _ " � ��} ��tr �.��; �1 I'.J�:�� '� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqI OBJECTIVE? I 1 �� INITIATINO PR08LEM,ISBUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.What,When.Where,Why): ,';(�;.';�J V; " The St. Paul Police Img�ound Lot charg�es or �� fees on impounded vehicles at the rate of $8.00 per day as of 2400 l�urs each da.y. Ve 'cles bx�ought to the lot at 2300 hpurs and released tw�o hours later at 0100 hpurs wo ld ha.ve two days storag+e charged to the awner. This is a cazase of ba,d public relations n the police and vehicle o�mers. I rec,orm�end the first days stora,ge fee be dropped an t administration fee be raised from $8 to $20. This change woould result in a net incre ' revenue of $4 per vehicle. ADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED: Change the annua.l cash position of the I d Lot from a negative of $14,000 to a plus of $6,000; improve public relations between po ice and public; better align us with neighboring c.o�munities; e.g. , Minneapolis has a $50 'nistration charge and $6 per cia,y stora,ge. as�wvnNrnoes iF n�ROVen: None DI8ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: see "ac�vanta�es if approvedT�. �lj�. �t �9gg BUDGE� OFFiCl�ouncil Research Center JUL 1�1989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANS�TION N�A COST/REVENUE BUD�TED(GRCI.E ON� YES NO FUNqNG gpURCE ACTIVITY NUM�R FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII�